To Save a Kingdom [REMAKE]

Thank you. Okay, the two of you can go ahead and do that. Meanwhile, @Akihito, you're next up :3 Let Pai know when you are about to post your intro, to stop any confusion in between your intro and their characters conversing.
I read le thingy thingy stated in the posty posty

I'll be working on my post tonight although just one thing confuses me.

Is Lord Oswald temporarily allowed to be bunnied like in Pai's post?
[QUOTE="Darth Pai]Tonight? Alright, Archdemon we have a few hours until Aki starts on his post. You ready?!

Yes I'm ready!
Yes, for the time being, you are allowed to bunny him like what Pai did in her post so long as you don't move him from his throne. He likes his chair :megusta:
Darksoul90 said:
Yes, for the time being, you are allowed to bunny him like what Pai did in her post so long as you don't move him from his throne. He likes his chair :megusta:
PLOT TWIST. The lord of Orwald is actually the chair. The old man is just the body that the chair posseses.

Aki, my sweet... You were supposed to tell us before you were going to post your intro so that I could put together the join post of the conversation Archdemon and I had in the PMs... QAQ Lovely post btw!
I cri so much. I can edit it if you want (Although tis past midnight here so I may not get to it till the morning)
Akihito said:
I cri so much. I can edit it if you want (Although tis past midnight here so I may not get to it till the morning)
Nein. Don't edit. It's a beautiful post and all I have to do is add a part at the end to include your character's entrance. c:
Gotcha, sorry for that. I'll be sure to keep track of this thread. Things were moving fast in here but I assumed it wasn't about me so I ignorantly decided to disregard it since I had other things I had to get done. I sry.
Akihito said:
Gotcha, sorry for that. I'll be sure to keep track of this thread. Things were moving fast in here but I assumed it wasn't about me so I ignorantly decided to disregard it since I had other things I had to get done. I sry.
Don't be sorry! We should have tagged you. (-u-)=b Anyway, I just need @Darksoul90 's approval and I'll add a little to the end of the post and then post it.
Your side-convos confuse me, admittedly, so should I wait to post until y'all are done?

Either way, I'm still on the road, so my post may be long-awaited no matter the situation.

Mercy on my inability to post at your previously-demonstrated preferred pace, Arch
Well, since I never got the chance to post it. Here's the joint post between Archdemon and I.

He...just got up, walked over to the chairs and sat down like it was nothing.

Rozemarijin raised an eyebrow at the young man's actions, her usual frown gracing her lips. Did this "Ren Sevik" not feel the undeniable pressure of the lord's presence? Was it not pressuring to the point of being able to make even the most dominant alpha dog submissive? Rozemarijin furrowed her eyebrows in frustration, crossing her arms over her chest before straightening her back and walking towards the row of seats set up for her and the rest of the warriors.

Clenching her jaw as she came to a stop in front of the chair, Rozemarijin felt a bead of sweat trail down her neck from the heavy stares that she could feel coming from the guards and the counselors that stood in the room. But, with a burst of courage and one swift motion, Rozemarijin sat down in the chair and crossed her legs elegantly. She let out a silent breath of relief and relaxed into the chair a bit more.

Turning her gaze over to her right, Rozemarijin realized that she had picked the chair farthest away from the white haired man. Would he take it as an insult? Had she already gotten off to a rough start with her teammates? Rozemarijin frowned in irritation as she defended herself against her herself. No, who cares what he thinks? They had a mission, a goal, that needed to be completed and if he got butt hurt over a simply chair then Rozemarijin would simply have to deal with it.

That's when Rozemarijin decided to do something completely out of her character and start a conversation. She had to show the lord of Orwald that she was sociable and capable of getting along and working together with her companions. Even if she was as friendly as a feral beast. "What are you?" Sure, the question may seem rude and condescending under normal circumstances but Rozemarijin knew that was a very suitable question when it came to classes.

Ren had pulled out a romance novel and was currently reading the first page when he heard "What are you?" From the distance. He paused and looked up from his book in confusion as he looked around for the source of the noise. He then finally set his gaze on Rozemarijin. He looked at her very confused since he figured she said those words.

He then sighed as he closed his book and then suddenly realized that was the most rudest thing ever said to him. "What am I!!!!!! Why you little! Have you no manners at all!" He yelled not too loudly but loud enough for her to hear. He didn't look all the happiest.

"A commoner knows how to be respectful to nobles and to never act or say anything rude! You just don't start off a conversation of with that! You introduce yourself and act polite before you say that! And even then you don't say it with THAT tone!" He started to breath a little before continuing "And if you really must know I'm a Dragon Rider!"

Rozemarijin's eyes narrowed in irritation. She didn't think she would get along with this man at all. But, the paladin held her tongue and only tsked in annoyance as she switched her crossed legs. He was loud, obnoxious and his very voice pierced her ears like the cry of a phoenix. Except more...petty. Rozemarijin didn't even have to look at the lord of Orwald to have an idea of what he was thinking about the scene between two of his chosen warriors.

Was if her fault for asking a question or was it Ren Sevik's fault for bursting out in such an inelegant fashion? Rozemarijin opted for the latter of the two and stared Ren right in the eyes. She pursed her lips, controlling her temper by telling herself that such a foolish man was nothing to get angry over. "I know very well how to act in the presence of a nobleman..." Rozemarijin muttered under her breath, recalling all the times she had curtsied, smiled, and played the lute like a princess.

Forcing one of the most strained smiles known to humanity, Rozemarijin grit her teeth and dug her nails in the armrests of the chair. "My apologies, sir. I thought that noblemen did not read cheesy romance novels." Unable to hold back the snappy insult, Rozemarijin concluded that the young man deserved it for making her seem like a fool in front of the lord. She cocked an eyebrow when he mentioned that he was a dragon rider.

She had heard a few things about dragon riders. No, Rozemarijin had studied them once to get as much information as possible for a mission. The rider has unusual defense but extremely weak offense, they are magic based and mainly rely on their dragon to fight and protect them. Pursing her lips, Rozemarijin leaned on one of the armrests and asked, "If you're a dragon rider then where's your dragon?" It was more of a rhetorical question since Rozemarijin guessed that it was common sense to keep a dragon out of the throne room.

Ren stared at her for a moment before saying "A commoner like you wouldn't know a good novel even if it hit you upside the head!" He sighed remembering all the hard work he'd done to impress his parents, reading all those books and what does he get? He gets kicked out by his own mother! All he ever wants is somebody who can understand him but he just throws his anger upon everyone else that he meets.

Ren shook his head at the rhetorical question "He would be here by my side if the guards had allowed him to enter. I just hope he's okay...." He said the last part as if he was genuinely worried about his dragon and a deep sadness could be seen within his eyes.

He then looked at her anger now replaced by a calm stare "He's right outside those doors probably wondering when I'll be back...." He relaxed in his chair, it seems like the subject of his dragon calmed him down. He already misses Archdemon and longs to be soaring in the air on top his saddle.

Rozemarijin raised an eyebrow. She knew that dragon riders were attached to their dragons but this Ren Sevik just described a dragon like it was a loving dog. The paladin had fought a few dragons and they were definitely not comparable to man's best friend. Dragons were ferocious and territorial creatures that often terrorized villages, assaulting them for gold and livestock. They were intelligent beyond belief and had a huge variety in their species making it hard to have one way to defeat them.

"I'm going to guess that you are very attached to this...dragon of your's." Rozemarijin pursed her lips at the thought of travelling with a dragon. Yes, dragon riders usually had good control over their tamed dragons but Rozemarijin had heard of those freak accidents when the dragon went berserk and killed its rider. She definitely didn't want to be in the situation of battling a dragon. Rozemarijin was no knight and there was no princess to save. She was a paladin, a skilled one, but a dragon was a powerful beast.

She wondered how to felt to be attached to an animal. As a child, Rozemarijin and her sisters had a beautiful blue canary that would sing the most gorgeous songs. It died a few years later, it's once vibrant blue feathers grew dull over the years of captivity. Rozemarijin found that the canary simply lost the will to live. After all, what was the point of living if you were just a slave? A cage is still a cage even if it is made of the finest gold and decorated with priceless gems.

So, Rozemarijin decided to ask a question out of curiosity. She was always looking to find out new information and she wanted an answer. For a moment, Rozemarijin's arrogant demeanor faded ever so slightly. "How does it feel to be so emotionally connected to something?" Leaning forward and expecting a good answer, Rozemarijin gave Ren Sevik her attention. Yes, she was still aware of her surroundings but she wanted an answer to her question.

Ren nodded "Yes, He's the world to me and I'm the world to him....." Ren started to remember everything from when Arch was little to now. Without Archdemon, Ren would've died a long time ago and likewise for Arch as well. At first this girl had ticked him off but now he's calmed down because of her questions about him and Archdemon.

Archdemon paced around outside growing more worried by the second. He saw a few humans walk around him in fear. One family with a youngling was trying to walk around Arch until the child ran up to Arch and started to pet his snout and Archdemon growled in pleasure as he moved his head so that the kid can pet his head. The parents grabbed the kid and ran away leaving Archdemon to pace around again.

Ren was about to read his book when Rozemarijin asked him yet another question. He looked at her and said "Aren't you full of questions......" He mumbled to himself before continuing "To be emotionally connected to something is not that easy to describe. It feels like that thing you're connected to is the world to you and probably likewise for it, but those words can't even describe it. If you want to know the answer to your question you might have to get connected to something or someone." He told her as best as he could.

Rozemarijin mentally scoffed at the answer she was given, finding it not very helpful at all. How was she to "connect" with someone or something if she was not a dragon rider? She didn't possess the mind linking capabilities of a dragon's tamer. The doors of the throne room opened once more to reveal a messily dressed rogue. Rozemarijin watched as the man bowed to the lord and then raised an eyebrow when she saw him frown at her. She narrowed her eyes and sent a sharp look right back at him. Why would the lord choose someone like this?

Immediately, Rozemarijin came up with her own answer and pursed her lips. Stealth. Thieves and rogues had stealth on their side. They did not wear flashy armor that made them stand out and could move in the crowds and the dark as if they did not exist.

Also, great post @Delta ! :D
It was rushed, admittedly. I didn't want to fail you guys. xD Thank you though, my beloved Sith Cape. c: @Darth Pai
Sorry guys, I knocked out last night and I woke up a few hours ago, strange how I didn't get an email from all the tagging :x

Thanks for that though xD

As for approval, Pai you're free to do so! And @Kharmin , for the moment, yes I am :)
Lol, Pai, you know that you are second in command, right? You didn't need my approval for that XDD

Also, I just read both @Akihito's post and @Delta's post for both him and Sabrina, and I am very, VERY pleased with them both! Now the next one to post is @Der Kojote!

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