To Save a Kingdom [REMAKE]

Archdemon said:
I would think that Ren is the perfect guy to talking with nobles since he was one of them.
When would we be talking to nobles? I signed up for loot-grabbing and raid-bossing, not posh dialogue, lol.
Hey man you can't go anywhere without friends in high places. They give us soldiers, cash, equipment, mounts, and many more.
No, but you can go places when the king personally selects you. And using your logic, there isn't really a friend in a higher place than the king.
The king though, can care less if he is a noble or not. XP

I mean yes, I suppose he does from a political standpoint, but you guys are mere soldiers, not politicians. Your characters are being selected by how they do in combat, and for their loyalty for the king, not by who they once were. If that was the case, about half of the people in the group would have never been selected in the first place! xD

Take my character for example; he was practically raised in lord Orwalds castle, which would consider him to be waaaaaay up there, higher than Ren, even. But the king won't care for who Jiro grew up with and how he grew up, so long as he stays true to serving his country.
I was talking about how Ren would be perfect for gaining the support of different nobles to help aid the cause. And I was talking about nobles in general, not the king specifically.
Anyways, yeah, private soldiers is a thing, Arch, so that may come in handy.

Delly, please, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, tell me that you're not saying Lamborghini because of my last name.

If you are I swur I'm gonna kill ya
Ah, the first one to post. I guess that would work...IF I WEREN'T TIRED AS SHIT. Unless someone wants to take my place (I would think that arriving first would be perfect for Rozemarijin. She's very punctual after all) then I shall post either in the morning or the afternoon. My apologies...
Yeah Pai, you need to stop doing stuff IRL and dedicate yourself to paragraphs. Like responsibilities... seriously? C'mon.
Sorry for the wait. I'll get started on a post and get one up asap. It'll be horrible and rushed since it seems that I'm short on time but it'll be up.
It'll be lovely, darling.

I, for one, both respect and appreciate your commitment, despite potentially unfavorable circumstances.

*hands the cape of her brother a medal for honorable service*
You flatter me, Sabrina. *wears the medal proudly* owo

I spent over 10 minutes worrying about the colour of the speech....
Chill Arch O.o You can go ahead and post now since it is your turn.

Of course, please watch the role play if you're so eager to figure out who's next. It would be vital that you do so.

Very good post by the way, @Darth Pai :)

Okay Arch, I have some problems with your post. Whether you would like to fix your mistakes is completely up to you, but not doing so won't make things all too well for you as far as this role play is concerned.

First of all, minimal posting length is 3 paragraphs. Two if there is a GOOD excuse.

Second, how in the WORLD can a dragon fit into a throne room? Let alone, who would even let one in, no matter the fact that he's in the Inquisition? O.o The king may be picking the best of the best from various squadrons within the Inquisition, but he has nothing to say to/about Ren's dragon.

Third, this over all looks lazy. Considering you were pressuring Pai so that you can post something of this quality is unacceptable, and I would like for you to try your best again.
Just curious, how big is the dragon? A wyvern is pretty damn huge or is this dragon horse sized?

Also, I'm guessing I'm not allowed to reply until all of the others have made their intros? Perhaps if I were to have a conversation with Ren, we would have to do it in the PMs and then post it? Then when the next in line to post is about to post, s/he inform us and we will stop, waiting for the intro post? Just ideas and such.
Darksoul90 said:
Chill Arch O.o You can go ahead and post now since it is your turn.
Of course, please watch the role play if you're so eager to figure out who's next. It would be vital that you do so.

Very good post by the way, @Darth Pai :)

Okay Arch, I have some problems with your post. Whether you would like to fix your mistakes is completely up to you, but not doing so won't make things all too well for you as far as this role play is concerned.

First of all, minimal posting length is 3 paragraphs. Two if there is a GOOD excuse.

Second, how in the WORLD can a dragon fit into a throne room? Let alone, who would even let one in, no matter the fact that he's in the Inquisition? O.o The king may be picking the best of the best from various squadrons within the Inquisition, but he has nothing to say to/about Ren's dragon.

Third, this over all looks lazy. Considering you were pressuring Pai so that you can post something of this quality is unacceptable, and I would like for you to try your best again.
Sorry I was rushed to go do something. So I just made a random post. I'll edit it out. Also I love your a Idea Pai! @Darth Pai
[QUOTE="Darth Pai]Just curious, how big is the dragon? A wyvern is pretty damn huge or is this dragon horse sized?
Also, I'm guessing I'm not allowed to reply until all of the others have made their intros? Perhaps if I were to have a conversation with Ren, we would have to do it in the PMs and then post it? Then when the next in line to post is about to post, s/he inform us and we will stop, waiting for the intro post? Just ideas and such.

Archdemon is big. Also I like your idea of talking through Pms until the others arrive!
I like the idea, Pai. You two can go ahead and do that :)

Back to Arch, seriously, I understand that, but please try to not let that happen again. The same goes for rushing people to post. Clear?
Darksoul90 said:
I like the idea, Pai. You two can go ahead and do that :)
Back to Arch, seriously, I understand that, but please try to not let that happen again. The same goes for rushing people to post. Clear?
Got it

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