To Save a Kingdom [REMAKE]

Yay! I'd say it's a complete improvement from the older version! Now all we need is some people flocking in.... Do you guys have an Rp recruitment up?
Well, the only ones left unless they decide against joining up are Musician (Just noticed the blue, congratulations! You deserved the promotion :D ), and Kojote.

After they join in, then we will start.
Make sure to watch the Updates tab while you're at it, folks. I will be adding daily (role play wise) updates on quests, skirmishes, tension, markets, and all the sort in the future.

Basically, after every "in-game" day, the list will be updated with some changes here and there. Sometimes, though, nothing will change. Other times, everything you saw one day, will be COMPLETELY replaced from the list. Our party must try to take advantage of this list, if we ever wish to better ourselves with Neosia, while acquiring high ranking gear to defeat Sethos.

I will start updating the Maps tab soon as well.

Hello everyone, I've an announcement to make!

Our latest addition to the role play, @Sabrina, will kindly be taking over Carrick, while @Delta takes the helm for Catalista!

If you have no idea as to which characters I am talking about, please check Delta's character sheet of the twins on the sign-ups tab. :)

I am just letting you all know in case of any sort of confusion that might have shown up in the future if I had not announced this.
Darksoul90 said:
Make sure to watch the Updates tab while you're at it, folks. I will be adding daily (role play wise) updates on quests, skirmishes, tension, markets, and all the sort in the future.
Basically, after every "in-game" day, the list will be updated with some changes here and there. Sometimes, though, nothing will change. Other times, everything you saw one day, will be COMPLETELY replaced from the list. Our party must try to take advantage of this list, if we ever wish to better ourselves with Neosia, while acquiring high ranking gear to defeat Sethos.

I will start updating the Maps tab soon as well.

Hello everyone, I've an announcement to make!

Our latest addition to the role play, @Sabrina, will kindly be taking over Carrick, while @Delta takes the helm for Catalista!

If you have no idea as to which characters I am talking about, please check Delta's character sheet of the twins on the sign-ups tab. :)

I am just letting you all know in case of any sort of confusion that might have shown up in the future if I had not announced this.
Yes, thank you. Thank you.

I will humbly be the sister playing the brother to my brother playing the sister. It's an honor to be amongst such a gathering of the minds... Y'know, for those of you that I've befriended and initiated into my Sab-Pack. The rest of you, to whom evade my acquaintance, I hope we get along most fluently, and I look forward to bringing my effort and culminating it with this melting pot of creativity.

In other words, thanks DS for taking me in on such short notice.
She's asleep, but Sab is a quick one, and will more than likely appreciate being towards the bottom of the list.

Consider us knowledged, man! o vo-b

Btw, 10/10 on the whole rotation order. Genius move. :^)
I would think that Ren is the perfect guy to talking with nobles since he was one of them.

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