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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

After a good amount of time Aurelia climbed out of the pool and headed for the door back into the lobby, unaware that the cloths sitting by were for drying off. He body glistened as she walked over to a familiar face. Fawna was standing at the front desk with a creature very similar to her. Curiously she walked over, puddles of water being left behind her. She waved, as it was the only way of greeting she had observed. "Hello Fawna, hello unknown person." She turned, speaking in regards to the male. The quick shift from loud and chaotic to absolute silence had left the antiquorum craving some interaction.
SachiGrl SachiGrl Acethekidd Acethekidd
“I’d like you to....” he thought for a moment before replying “Kiss me...just once...” his eyes trailed off along with his voice, his face covered in a dark purple blush

Indigo said nothing for a moment. She simply stared straight ahead at the far wall. When she finally spoke she said "You hesitated. If you wish for me to do something, you must have command over me. I will not do anything for someone who is weak willed." her gaze dropped down to where 507 was and locked with his eyes. "Try again." Sir Fungus Sir Fungus



Tap. Tappity. Tap went her fingers as she solely focused on her laptop. The sound of wet feet shot her furry ears up. "Hmmm?" she hummed curiously; her eyes lazily shifted over in Aurelia's direction. Without having to say a word, Maid0605 dried the floor as the wet being padded towards her casually. She waved her webbed hands at the petite owner and with a warm smile, she returned the gesture. "Wow," she said as she heard Aurelia perfectly clear, "I suppose you no longer need a translator. Superb!" She wore an amused expression as she patiently waited to hear of how Aurelia obtained such fluency in the language of trade. Her tail wagged slightly, expressing some excitement on her other end, for her fairly new guest.
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
She watched as the woman's expression demonstrated one of awe. "Oh right, a man, Dwig I believe, he performed some sort of spell. Now I'm capable of speaking as well as understanding your language. It's honestly relief, now there isn't any sort of miscommunication other then my lack of knowledge for your culture. Speaking of, I feel as though I stand out. I get occasional glances from my lack of.." she stopped trying to think of what they had been called. Instead she simply pointed to the woman's clothes.
SachiGrl SachiGrl



She nodded understandably as she mentioned Dwig. "Intriguing," she thought aloud, "I must remind myself to utilize this gift of his." Her dark fingers scratched at her chin pensively. She then looked onto Aurelia's 'naked' body when it was acknowledged. "Clothing? Hmm.. I was raised to bear no clothing in my homeland," she admitted then added, "went I ventured to the land of the humans, they found my bare skin...how could I put it... erotic? They stole my freedom and forced me into clothing." Though her past was painful, she did not express any remorseful emotion. She simply share a piece of her story, "I only conform to clothing for my position as the owner of the hotel. I've also grown to like it." She gestured towards the Market Place neighboring the front desk, "You can acquire any article of clothing you desire here. We've collected a clothing from several dimensions, so feel free to browse through our digital catalog." She, then, pointed at the large stand with a screen atop when she disclosed information regarding her digital catalog. "Let me know if you are in need of aid in utilizing the technology."
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
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Aurelia nodded as she talked about growing up in a society that didn't require clothes. She cocked her head to the side when she mentioned the word erotic. "That's odd. I mean I understand the attraction, but simply looking at it and becoming aroused? There are some truly odd species out there. Though I suppose the same could be said about you or me." She placed a finger on her lips, thinking about it. She snapped out of it as Fawna mentioned a database in which to search their collection. She gave a small nod. "Thank you, I'll go have a look." With that, she moved away from the desk and to the machine the owner had pointed out. Even though she had never seen such things before, there was something beautiful about them, arrays of bright colors and different styles. After finding one that appeared not only nice, but functional she turned to Fawna. "I wish to wear this one, please"
SachiGrl SachiGrl
aid6606201-v4-728px-Wear-Crop-Tops-Step-5-Version-2 (2).jpg

Thomas||Tags: Robot maid lady, Fawna,Aurelia
Thomas remembered the robot lady from when he first came. She seem ok,well until she mentioned something about dear hunting. His smile suddenly turn into a frown." I-im sure there's more then deer hunting." He noticed that the owner and another girl there. " A-anyway...i think I'll grab something eat..umm..wheres the cafe?"

SachiGrl SachiGrl Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness Vyseryx Vyseryx



Fawna smiled as she watched Aurelia browse through the menu from afar. Her gaze shifted towards the deer-boy when he spoke, "This is the map." She hands him a map. "Just go straight down from here and make a turn," her slender finger slid on the map's smooth laminated surface as she gave directions. "Let me know if you need anything else," she said to him before walking over towards the antiquorum; she finally decided on an outfit. "Nice and simple," she commented with a smile. She pressed enter on the screen and the clothing selected shipped through a tube in a plastic wrapping. "Here you go," handing the guest her items after unwrapping them, she clicked on the screen to see the item's description. "These are from Earth's human-exclusive dimension," she informed the client. "I live in a dimension where humans and centaurs walk on the same land," she added mindlessly, uncertain if her guest cared to hear her rambling.
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Acethekidd Acethekidd
She watched with fascination as the clothes were suddenly dispensed in some sort of packaging. A smile adorned her face as she accepted the clothes. It was curious hearing the woman mention what she imagined what was a different species. "What are humans like?" She questioned. "Are they a rival species on your planet or possibly allies?" She assumed there must have been some sort relationship between the two as they clearly had the ability to weave thread into intricate designs and patterns.
SachiGrl SachiGrl ( Acethekidd Acethekidd though your character isn't mentioned I didn't want to exclude him from the possible interaction)


<< Assigned Task: --- || Mood: Still tired and in a bit of pain, but in a lighter mood || Tags: SachiGrl SachiGrl >>
<< Location: The front desk >>

Natalie had merely given three steps inside in her tail-dragging unspirited manner and a continuous flapping sound had started from behind. The cat-girl had taken a while to notice it, then a little longer to realize that it was in fact, coming from behind her, prompting Nat to turn around in curiosity to see an energetic and rather panicked purple chicken hopping around. The sight had instantly brought a laugh to her lips, a mirthful, amused soft laugh that had eased her gloomy mood a little:

"Oh, hey there little guy~", she glanced around the room, "Are you lost?"

It was certainly an uncommon sight to have an animal be by itself in the hotel like that, they usually had owners with them:

"Hey! Did anyone lose a chicken?", the cat-waitress had asked no one in particular

Monsieur Chicken?

"Oh, hey there little guy~", the chicken bucked happily and watched Natalie turn her head about the room, "Are you lost?" Mim's cheery tone went to a sudden, BUCK?! The chicken then proceeded to buck noisily again, almost as though it was trying to tell the feline-woman something. Buck! B-buck! Buh! Buck! Little did poor Natalie know that Mim was trying to explain that he turned to an it. It flung its wings up in the air to explain it's height then wobbled around, trying to walk like a human. When playing charades, the chicken hasn't had much practice.

"Hey! Did anyone lose a chicken?"


Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun



<< Self-Assigned Task: Take the chicken to her room || Mood: Tired, still in pain but determined to not leave this chicken alone || Tags: SachiGrl SachiGrl >>
<< Location: The front desk >>

Natalie had tilted her head and blinked a couple of times as she tried to make sense of what the chicken was doing. For some reason trying to look for its owner had only further prompted it to panic, making all sorts of chicken noises then eventually getting up and flapping its wings about. The cat-waitress was at a loss for what to do. She didn't speak chicken, couldn't make sense of its body language and no one had called back to claim it.

Maybe... Maybe it had no owner? Perhaps this little animal had just wandered into the hotel by itself and was confused and all alone... That'd be truly sad.

Nat had stopped in deep thought for a while, her ears going slightly down as she considered her options... She didn't want to leave the chicken by itself in the lobby where it would definitely get lonely, it could get hurt or even just taken for an escaped meal and end up in the kitchen. Her ears perked up again as she had reached a decision...

Crouching down, the girl approached the chicken to pick it up. She had decided that she and the poor creatures best option was if she took it into her room or now, then look for a new place for it to stay afterwards. She'd normally just start right away, but after a night full of the concert and looking for missing friends, the cat-waitress really needed to sleep.
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"Thank you, O'lord." The alchemist bowed before Aran theatrically, failing to keep a straight face. She turned on her heel, to face away from the pool and then slowly leaned backwards, letting gravity pull her towards water. Halfway through her fall though, she sprung from the edge and dived into water, so cleanly she didn't make a slightest splash.

"Shoooow-ooooff!" Pik shouted from the other side of the pool, as he was carrying his new poker chip set to the bar.

Meanwhile, Amestris started gracefully swimming back and forth the pool with a tempo, that professional swimmer wouldn't be ashamed off, clearly following some training routine, as Aran could hear her muffled counting between breaths.

"...Two ... Three... Four... " Each time alchemist touched the bank of pool another number followed, and it didn't seem like it was going to end anytime soon.

Sea Jay Sea Jay
Aran Winter-Eve
The cervitaur snorted humorously, this woman was certainly a strange one. He didn't have much experience with other races, so he couldn't help but wonder if this kind of swimming was typical, or simply for excercise's sake. His silver eyes lazily followed her movements with thinly veiled interest, finding the motions and speed fascinating to say the least. Aran wasn't much of a swimmer, after all, his kind was built for swift movement on land.
He flopped onto his side, leaning on his elbow, his other hand trailing slender fingers through the water. The solid ground was nice and warm beneath him and contrasted greatly to the cold of the water, which sent a slight shiver up his spine, causing hair along his neck to bristle momentarily. As much as he knew his tribe was likely to be missing him, he couldn't say he wasn't enjoying his stay.

While swimming, she was also observing the cervitaur discretely with the corner of her eye. He seemed a little bit distracted by some thoughts - maybe about his family? Many of their guests thought that their appearance in hotel would bother their close ones, not fully understanding the nature of this place.

In a dolphin like manner, Amestris dived deep in to the water, only to push herself against the bottom of pool and jumping out of it in a single, fluent move.

"A penny for your thoughts?" She said to Aran as she was drying herself. "You look as if you were thinking about the life outside of this place, which is totally pointless, I tell you."

She raised her finger and with a smile she explained.

"You see, time in this hotel is disjointed from the rest of the world. You could stay here for many weeks and go back to your home only to find out, that not even an hour had passed back there. Soo..." Amestris moved her hand and, with crackling of red static, steam over the pool transformed into the herd of foggy birds, that sat on his arms and head of cerivatur. "...you can just relax and enjoy your stay Sire!"

The alchemist saluted him in military manner and walked away energetically in the direction of her office.

Sea Jay Sea Jay
507 took a deep breath and looked at indigo, his blush still remaining as he made his demand more clear, but not too forceful “I want you to kiss me, just this once..” Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Mackenzie-Alzhara Holland

Seemingly out of a portal in front of the hotel, a - not really young being, but young looking - person appeared. Upon stepping out, her tail curled around her left leg, the portal vanished into nothingness. Kinzie needed some time off, so she was looking for a hotel. Nothing too fancy, othing too "I am going to be murdered there and my corpse cut up into non distinguishable piecees"-like. So, without hesistating, she went into the hotel and moved towards the front desk.



Memories of Mamaley flood to her mind as Aurelia asked about humans. Most of them, from her experience, were horrible, but a key human in her life, her father, showed her a love that can replace any hate. The humans Miss Mae has come across in TRH have been, mostly, kind as well. With these thoughts, she opened her mouth to speak, "Humans are like any other race. They have good and bad. In my homeland, Mamaley, my kind belittled them. I am a living example that Humans can love Centaurs and vice versa, but Mamaleyans are very stubborn." She paused for a moment and looked to the new customer that approached the counter. She mouthed, 'One moment,' with her finger in the air. "Basically, in Mamaley, Centaurs and Humans live in segregation. My father was the first human to live among Centaurs with the permission of our chief... I got to go. Enjoy your stay!" The petite deer-woman wasn't sure if she answered Aurelia's question. At least, she may have given her some enlightenment. "Hi, welcome to The Random Hotel," she greeted a seemingly young girl with her tail wrapped about her leg, "Would you like a room?"
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
J Jules8008
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It hadn't been as direct as she would have liked, but that was an order. It was no matter. It would come to him in time, she would make sure of it. Using the magic in his body as a hold, Indigo gently pushed 507 back so he was sitting on the bed. She placed her down on the bed between his legs, wrapping her arms around the elf's neck as she did so. Her half open eyes stayed transfixed on his, her gaze never straying for a moment. Her pale lips parted ever so slightly as the spirit brought herself closer. "As you wish." She whispered ever so quietly, the moment before she closed her eyes and their lips touched. Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
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Amelia exited the elevator, walking forward towards the lobby once again considering that was the only place other than the random halls and her own room that she actually knew. Should she explore again? Well, other than staying in her room there didn't seem to be any other choice. Except maybe asking about things to do, Amelia supposed.

She glanced around with a sight hum, looking for someone to ask.
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
507’s eyes widened as his gaze never left indigo, his cold lips feeling warm from her gentle touch, his heart beating rapidly as their lips locked. His body unmoving as she waited for her to stop, but at the same time, he didn’t want her to, he wanted this moment to last for as long as it possibly could. Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

"Pool or drinks? Pool. No, drinks. No, pool first. Don't want another Galactic Cannonball situation." Ness had been pacing about the lobby for a little while now, trying to decide what he was going to do today. He'd walk a few feet, stop and turn, then walk a few feet that way. Eventually, he stopped "Yeah, sounds like a plan." He said to himself with a slight grin. So far, His vacation had been going pretty well, this hotel was living up to it's fame for sure. "Next time though, I'm bringin a friend." He said aloud "Seriously, I've seen graveyards with more life in em." Just as he said that, Ness noticed someone enter the lobby, A young woman with a slightly confused look on her face "Hello~ what do we have here?" He said quietly. NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49
Aran Winter-Eve
He slid his forelegs back and rose to his hooves, water dripping from the wet lengths of his front legs. He walked out, ducking under the doorway for what seemed like the thousandth time and made his way to look at the directory in the lobby. The cervitaur hummed idly to himself, suddenly wishing he'd planned to come, he could have brought his instruments! He let out a breath that buzzed his lips, a sound of disappointment, tracing over the map with his index finger to try and make sense of where everything was.
Amelia was glad to see another person in the lobby but then it shouldn't have came as a surprise. He looked to be pacing, pondering something. She didn't want to interrupt. That was, until he turned to face her and muttered something she couldn't quite catch. "Oh hello," Amelia greeted with a smile.
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

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