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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)


Indigo let the kiss hold for a bit. She kept 507 held tightly against her body. Finally, she broke away slowly, a slight trail of grey mist falling from her mouth as she did. Indigo let herself rest there for a moment, her arms still holding on to the back on 507's neck. It was strange, after such a passionate moment, Indigo's face still showed almost no emotion. She fulled her up onto her feet, letting her hands come to rest on her lap. "Was that satisfactory, Master?" She questioned Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
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“Uh...Yes, yes it was!” He said with joy, a smile across his face as he looked at indigo. His eyes glowing brightly as his pointed ears stood straight up Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
"Oh hello,"
Ness gave the girl a quick wave "Aye doll
," He slid his hands into his coat pockets as he approached her "Kinda looks familiar. Wonder if I've eva met 'er before." He thought to himself "Guess there are some otha people 'round 'ere afta all, huh?" Ness shot the girl a smile as he talked "Good t'know." He gave the woman a quick once over. She was pretty different from the jumpy Phoenix kid he had met the other day. She reminded him of a few noble families he had met before, though she had quite a few less...arms NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49

"I am pleased it was to your liking." Indigo bowed "However, you must learn not to hesitate. Rest assured that your commands will be carried out. Do not fear rejection and when you desire something, grab it with both hands and do not let go, I believe that is how the saying goes." She bowed again "Please forgive me for speaking out of turn." Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
“Oh, dont worry about it indigo, you’re forgiven!” He said with a nervous sweat dripping down his forehead, his new arm seeming to glow red again before returning back to its passive state. “Please, dont ever feel afraid to speak your mind to me if you need to” Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
The first thing Amelia thought was, 'That's a weird accent.' It wasn't something that she was used to hearing. Even so, she gave him a small smile. "I haven't met many people either. But then I spent most of my time here simply looking for my room," she said amusedly. "It's so easy to get lost here."
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

?Current Action: Accidentaly taking a nap ii Mood (?): Asleep ii Tags: ---?
The front desk, lying down on a bench?

Extremely wary of the man, Sage had watched attentively as Ness had started leaving as well:

"Oh, but one more piece of advice for ya. If yer gonna try and get outta talkin to me wit an excuse like dat, at least know where ya goin first yeah? The lobby is datta way.", the other had said pointing in the opposite direction the teenager had been going

"Oh. Well, I had no way of knowing that, I've barely gotten here!", Sage complained internally, not wanting to give the man more reason to stay, "Welp, guess this means I need a map too... Great!"

He turned around and Ness was gone. Not gone as in he had walked down the corridor, gone as in poof! vanished in thin air! Really, the teenager had sped back to the lobby but not crossed with the man at any point!! Spooooky!

"What a weird dude..."

Sage approached the bench he had been about to sit down at before his encounter with Ness, finding his backpack and a pile of Biology books right we had left them. It hadn't been just an excuse after all, though he had definitely made it overly dramatic at the time. The young man still didn't know what to make of the other. He had been no Master material for sure but, could someone with that attitude actually be a disciple? It just seemed completely out of place!

With more doubts than answers, the teenager sat down in the bench, placing his belongings under it and kept waiting for something else to happen. And waiting, and waiting... Eventually, Sage had slid into a lying down position and fallen asleep on the bench.

"Very well. Thank you." Indigo glanced at 507's arm. "How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?" She got down on her knees and examined the arm "Have you been experiencing any loss in magical capabilities?" Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
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“Uhm...it still stings slightly, and other than my holy magic not working, my shadow and arcane magic work just fine..” he responded, letting indigo examine his arm gently as it changed into a dragon arm. Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
"Dat's fo sure ain't it!" Ness laughed "I've been walkin 'round dis place fer three days now an' I still ain't sure I've seen everythin." He scratched the back of his head "Ain't even been t' mah room yet. Been to busy jus lookin around. I'm on vacation after all! Ye ain't s'pposed t' spend vacations cooped up in yer room!" NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49
Dwig Jigdens
Dwig vaulted over the balcony and into the air. On his way down, he tapped his leather bracelet and waited. About ten seconds later, he Pulled on the supports for the awning. and landed softly on the ground. Ignoring Sigzil, he walked into the lobby and looked around. "ah usual morning events, wonderful." Dwig reached into his pocket and pulled out a communicator "Commander Jigdens to MDI sector four command. I am requesting an investigator to look into possible Blood Demon Clan activity at my location. Do you read." The communicator squawked "We read you, Commander. We will send you an investigator"
Vyseryx Vyseryx
Mackenzie-Alzhara Holland

It didn't take long until a young woman, seemingly some sort of deer, greeted her. "Hello, my name's Pr- Mackenzie-Alzhara Holland." Oops, almost slipped! "Well, I have been traversing this continent and decided to take a break here. Do you have any free rooms?"

SachiGrl SachiGrl



Her ears flickered mindlessly as the woman spoke. She slurred when saying her name, but Fawna thought nothing of it. After the guest asked if there was free rooms, the owner nodded and gestured for her robotic maid to take over. The mechanical being whirred as it approached the counter. “Please kindly state the available rooms for Miss Holland,” her hand waved dismissively as she left the maid to aid the customer at the front desk.

As her hooves clicked clacked away, the attention she should have had ahead of her was still on the robot and the young girl’s interaction. The robot was just listing all the unoccupied rooms in a boring manner. Without even realizing the centaurian man just entering the facility, she ran into him accidentally. “Oh!” She turned her head to see who she ran into, “I.. I’m.. sorry.” If her face could get any redder, her head would probably explode. Part of her trousers gotten slightly moist by getting in contact with Aran’s front legs. To make matters worse, she slightly crumbled the map he held between them.
J Jules8008
Sea Jay Sea Jay

Indigo nodded "That is to be expected. I do not anticipate your holy magic returning to you. Not while your arm is still in this state." She thought for a moment "There are ways of undoing these kinds of side effects but it requires someone who is highly skilled in transfiguration magic and unfortunately, there are none on staff here who can currently use that school of magic." she explained Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
“Transfiguration? I never even heard of that school...” he said aloud as his arm shifted back to normal for the time being, he looked around his room, making suthat there wasn’t anyone or anything that snuck into his room. “I uh...I’m sorry if Making you kiss me made you uncomfortable..” Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Aran Winter-Eve
He had just figured out where he wanted to go when a rather small figure ran directly into him, immediately winning his attention as the paper crinkled between his hands, quickly forgotten about in his haste. "O-Oh excu-" His words stopped short when he realized who it was, though a little disheveled and... wet. "M-Miss Mae, oh I'm so sorry, are you ok?" He mentally cursed himself for not paying more attention. The cervitaur leaned forward just slightly to get a better look at her, rambling aimlessly, noting that she seemed alright, though she'd probably need to change. Different thoughts raced through his head, but not the one he should have put more thought into; Maybe it was time to stop staring? He stopped talking and stood up straight, looking away, his face taking on a deep rosy hue as the embarrassment sunk in, "I-I'm sorry." Was all he could think to say.
SachiGrl SachiGrl

The man laughed a little once again "Well, thing is, I don't really need sleep anymore. Used to! A long time ago. But I learned how to get around it with a little practice." He explained with a casual laugh "Name's Ness by th way. It's good ta meet ya doll." he reached out an arm to shake the girl's hand. NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49



It was almost like time froze and the two deer folk looked at each other as if they both ate extremely spicy food. Their faces were red and their expressions full of surprise and regret all at once. Naturally, they both apologized upon impact, but now they only stared in silence. Of course, it would make sense for the owner to end the awkward air between them with a clearing of her throat. “I.. I’m.. glad you chose to stay.. enjoyed the pool?” She mindlessly wiped at her moist pants as she awaited his answer.
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Aran Winter-Eve
'glad you chose to stay' she said, that made him laugh a little. "You don't have to talk nice to me." Aran was visibly surprised at the words as they left his mouth, but they just kept coming, "You know, you look at me like I'm going to trample you." He said, his voice gaining a bit more edge as he gathered his confidence, "You talk to me like you think I'm... Like you think I'm fake!" He took a step forward, "We both know I make you uncomfortable, so why don't you just say it already!" Tears crept into the corners of his eyes as he spoke, his ears turned back, body tense as stone. "Don't you realize I only stayed because I feel responsible?!" He inhaled shakily, "I may be a guest but I'm not here for a vacation, whatever that is!" His hands turned, gesturing to himself, "I-I-I-I have been trying to be civil with you, but I can't stand the way you look at me!" He stopped, his breath heaving in his chest. He paced and ran his hands through his hair, stress written all over his face, and visible in every rigid movement he made, eventually he just stopped and sat down, holding his face in his hands.
SachiGrl SachiGrl


<< Self-Assigned Task: Take the chicken to her room [Success!] || Mood: Tired, but working hard! || Tags: SachiGrl SachiGrl >>
<< Location: The Oak Grill restaurant >>

She had picked the chicken up, surprisingly without the bird protesting about the action, and held it gently against her chest, almost in a hug. Natalie then, after getting back up, couldn't help but melt at the sight of the adorable purple chicken looking up at her, for some reason it seemed slightly happier too:

"Awww, look at that~! You were just in need of a friend, weren't you?", the cat-girl had given a warm smile to her new winged companion, "Don't worry, I'll bring you somewhere safe."

With her recently found determination, Nat had continued her journey through the hotel's corridors, going up a set of stairs and finally stopping by her room's door. The girl had to change the position which she had been holding the chicken at to pick up the key from her pocket. Upon doing so, she unlocked the room, putting the chicken on top of her bed and quickly coming back to lock the door before it could think about escaping.

She had turned the lights of the room on so that her little guest could see the environment better.

The decor was just what one would expect of Natalie. An assortment of adorable picture frames, with photos of herself, friends and family from home, adorned the top of a white an gold dresser on the same wall a mirror resided. Near the picture frames were a couple of tiny statues of cute animals including felines and even a unicorn, presumably all gifts from others. Still on the same wall, on top of a shelf a lot higher than the girl could reach without jumping, were even more decorations, these ones made of fragile materials like crystals and gemstones, that had been put purposefully away from her to not risk being accidentally dropped and broken.
On the opposite wall was the bed, nothing of notice there except the floral covers, and beside it were a white closet on one side and a wooden nightstand on the other. On top of the nightstand was a digital clock that was also her alarm and covering the window was a lavender curtain. Everything inside had either a more flourished, fancy vibe to it or a rather childish one, there was no middle ground.

"See? This is my room, there's nothing dangerous in here so feel free to walk around and explore! The things that can shatter are already out of reach anyway since I'm really clumsy...", she had laughed softly before it had turned into a yawn, causing Nat to stretch herself slightly in response, "I really need to sleep so, goodnight little chicken... Gonna look for a place for you in the morning, don't get used to here, 'kay?"

Nat had patted the purple bird, gently set it aside and then finally hopped onto the bed. Hopefully, she'd get enough sleep before work hours...

About 12:30 PM
Standing at her usual post in the restaurant, Natalie let out a yawn, her tail momentarily straightening behind her in response. Turns out that 4 to 5 ish hours of sleep hadn't been enough and she felt a bit sluggish... Still! Work was important and so she had gotten up punctually this time, put on her uniform and made her way to the Oak Grill. Movement had been a bit slow in the morning, but at lunchtime, things had started to pick up. The cat-waitress had been thoroughly surprised and proud of herself for not dropping anything in the middle of the rush, especially with how tired she felt... Maybe she if got an opening she'd ask for a break and then nap somewhere? That was always an idea, but for now, she'd just have to wing it.

Speaking of wings, Nat had patted the chicken again as a good morning before she had left, locking the door with it inside. She had thought about asking someone what it was that chickens ate, but then also considered how suspicious that might sound. To be honest, the girl didn't even know if she was supposed to just, keep the bird without saying anything and was kinda worried that she might be breaking a rule that she didn't know of, yet. Thus, the existence of the chicken had been kept a complete secret as the cat-waitress thought of what do to with this matter...

Nat hadn't really come up with any ideas until now, but maybe it would eventually come to her.
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Mackenzie-Alzhara Holland

The young deer told Kinzie to sign up with the room number she wants, before saying that she will now leave and leave it up to the maid robot. When the robot approached, Kinzie looked at it quite interested. She has never seen a robot before, it's pretty interesting to see one up in person!

"Do not bother yourself with such thoughts. It is my obligation to fulfill you desires whatever they might be." Indigo replied, almost casually. She stood and looked down at 507 "It is also my job to ensure your recovery and because of that I must warn you." Indigo suddenly got very serious. The look in her eye's barely changed, but something about her did and it gave her a much more intimidating presence than there had been only moments before "I advice that you do not attempt to cast you're holy magic anymore. Since it cannot cast properly, there is the possibility that a magical misfire could lead to an internal reflex that may destroy your Arcane Core." She explained in an icy tone "If that were to happen, your magic would fuse with your body completely, causing arcane poisoning and you would be dead in sixteen hours." Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
"It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Ness. I'm Amelia."
"gah, don't bother bein so formal, yeah? Just call me Ness, doll." Saying Ness had been a lot of places and seen a lot of things would be an understatement. However, this girl was proving to be rather puzzling to him. He couldn't seem to figure out where exactly she was from, or even what she was for that matter. It was a common saying among Travelers of The Path that 'Never assume something that looks human is.' Because, well, a LOT of species looked human but had drastic differences. "Well, little Lady, when I noticed you walkin in you looked a bit lost, anythin I could do to help?" Ness asked, returning his hands to his pockets NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49

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