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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)




She cocked her head to the side when he laughed, her smile twisted a bit. "You don't have to talk nice to me." At his response, she blinked surprisingly. Wh-what?! she thought to herself, her twisted smile dissipated as he continued on. "You know, you look at me like I'm going to trample you." Her heart began to race frighteningly at the mention of him trampling her. She didn't think he would trample her. It was just his figure and her memories that make her react in irrational ways. Right now, she was looking at him just as he described, full of fear. Her ears hung back, eyes wide, and her body stiff with one leg stepping backwards as he trotted forward. Her, now, large hazel eyes shifted between his silver eyes as they began to gloss over with emotion. She was at a loss for words. He wanted her to admit her fear of him, but she did not fear him. She feared her memories. Reliving her memories would be a true nightmare. Was she worried that he might become her nightmare? Something needed to be said. Something needed to be done. Again, she was at a loss for words. Too many thoughts traveled through her mind to decidedly say what she wanted to say. Instead, she went against her fearful instincts and stepped towards him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek against his body. "Please... stop..." tears flowed down her cheeks as she asked.

Sea Jay Sea Jay

Understood, Master Fawna.
*the maid bows at the owner before turning around towards the guest to fulfill the task it had been ordered to*

The currently available room numbers are: 201 to 223, 226 to 233, 235 to 250, 252 to 264, 266 to 320, 322 to 332, 334 to 384, 386 to 393, 395 to 397, 399 to 419, 421 to 499, 501 to 506, 508 to 512, 514 to 554, 556 to 567, 569 to 653, 655 to 656, 658 to 710, 712 to 776, 778 to 788, 790 to 844, 846 to 899 and 901 to 997. All of the other rooms have already been claimed, unless you would like to claim either the roof or the storage area for yourself. Which room would you like to choose?

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Aran Winter-Eve
He felt weak, not physically, not emotionally, but he'd let himself fall apart. She'd had that look in her eyes again, the one that made him feel obligated to stay, that blind fear. It took him a moment to register the light pressure on his body, one of his hands coming to rest gently upon her shoulder, his gaze never breaking from it's place on the far wall. His heart was racing, but his exterior was overcome with a look of calm, he was sure she could hear it.
Aran steadied his breath, "Can... Can we start over?" It was now that he looked down at her, his ears turned forward, ready to listen to whatever she decided to say.
SachiGrl SachiGrl



At his words, she looked up at him and gave a nod along with a smile. She stepped away from him, wiping at her own tears, then struck out her hand, "I'm Fawna. Fawna Mae." The petite deer-woman wore a silly grin as she offered the gesture. She, also, added, "I'm a bit.." a sniffle interrupted her words, ".. hungry. I was planning to change then head over to the Oak Grill. Want to join me?"
Sea Jay Sea Jay
“I...understand.” Said 507 almost as seriously, he didn’t have much of a need for his holy magic anyways so it wasn’t really bothersome “So...what is necromancy? It’s the first time i’ve Ever used it, and when I’ve seen others use it, they’re already dead..” Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Aran Winter-Eve
Aran heaved a breath of relief, "That sounds great." He blushed faintly, "I've been lost since I got here." He laughed a bit, embarrassed to admit his horrible directional skills. "And its nice to meet you... a-again." He laughed with a happy snort, at which point he cleared his throat and fell silent.
SachiGrl SachiGrl
Mackenzie-Alzhara Holland

The robotic lifeform was fairly interesting for Kinzie. She does know of a lot of lifeforms in her solar system - with the lamest name imaginable, who calls a solar system "Solar System?" step your game up earthlings! - , but she has never seen a robot in person. So, for a whole minute, she was just staring at the robotic maid, before saying "Um, I'd like room 707." There is no real reason why she chose that number and not a different one. Honestly, she likes like the number.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun


Nikky Yurievna

After - what felt like a decade -, Nikky rushed down the stairs, sporting a light pink crop top, white booty shorts and heelies. Don't ask her how she can dash down stairs wearing heelies. Lots of hard training. Was it worth it? Many say no, Nikky says yes. And since Nikky doesn't care about different people, she ignores it. Now on the last floor, Nikky rushed - more like rolled, heelies are a blessing - towards the bar. If the apprentice fucked up any of her organization on the bar she is gonna hunt him through all circles of hell!​

Room 707...
*the maid repeats, moving to stand behind the counter to fill in the receptionist role properly from now on*

Here is your key. If you require any accommodations, such as a coffin in place of a bed, please feel free to notify me. Don't forget to sign our guestbook as well. Welcome to TRH. Enjoy your stay.

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"Okay," she laughed along with him, "Just wait here, I'll lead you there once I've changed." Her dark little fingers waved at him as she retreated to her room. Quickly, she took off her clothes then thought to herself... Maybe I can... Nope. It has been way too long since she's walked out of her room bare skinned. It is really hard to break her habit of wearing clothing now. Instead, she wore a loose garb, a black strapless dress that was frilly on it's edges. Click. Clack. Click She stepped out of her room with her new attire which was more casual than the previous she had on. This time, she added an ornament in her hair, a metallic flower with black gems. "Okay, let's go," she trotted past Aran, so he could follow.
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Amelia laughed slightly. "Sorry, force of habit... Ness." It was strange for her to address someone in such a way.

At Ness's next statement, she grinned and clapped her hands together out of excitement. "Yes! Thank you for asking. I was looking for something fun to do. Is there any place you would be able to recommend?"
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

"Necromancy is a very ancient school of magic though it is hardly unknown. It is not widely practiced however due to the severe effects it can have on the caster though the power if offers is immense." She explained "Necromancy is the magic used to return the dead to life." Indigo paused for a moment "You are lucky you aren't dead. i had assumed you had merely been trying to cast a spell and it had gone wrong but if you were trying to practice Necromancy without even knowing the scale of it's power well, you should be dead." Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
Aran Winter-Eve
The amount of clickety clacking in the hotel at this point was at an all time high. Aran followed Fawna at a comfortable distance, watching the way her body moved curiously. Even being next in line for the role of the tribe healer, he'd never gotten the chance to study many outside his kind. His fascination with the structure of different beings stemmed from his tribe's obsession with 'proper anatomy', this many of these, that many of those, that was interesting enough, but the curious cervitaur couldn't help himself when it came to opportunity.
His silver eyes drifted, him lost in his daydream, only snapping out of his trance when he veered into the wall. He quickly regained his composure in an attempt to save his dignity, his cheeks once again rosy.
SachiGrl SachiGrl

Homunculus looked as Aran and Fawna were talking to each other and a faint smile appeared on his face. He was glad the two of them had resolved (at least mostly) their misunderstanding, with some overly enthusiastic help from his creator. The half-cerviatur even changed her attire to something more casual, which was probably a sign of her getting better. However, he had an information to relay to Miss Mae , and Trefl couldn't delay it any longer.

He flicked his long hair behind ears, adjusted his suit and started closing distance between him and the two. At this moment though, they started trotting away.

'Oh,' Trefl was slightly taken aback by it - the two seemed to be too involved with each other for his interruption to be smooth. The other way had to be taken. Homunculus took out an Ace of Clubs and with a little bit of alchemy wrote on it: 'As reported by honourable Receptionist, the Keystone has been moved to room number 507'. He then flicked his palm, and the card soared through air catching up Fawna and sticking to her arm.

SachiGrl SachiGrl
"Music to my ears doll!" Ness laughed "C'mon, let's go for a walk and i'll show ya around dis place. Ya see something ya like along the way and we'll give it a shot, yeah?" Ness smiled. He was bored too after all! It would be nice to get out around this place with someone else for a change NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49
“Lady indigo, I, a void elf, master of all magics, wouldn’t simply die by a small amount of necromancy..” 507 boasted but then quickly shut up, knowing that he was now bragging. He slapped himself in the forehead “I uh...didn’t mean to boast..” he blushed lightly in embarrassment. Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Mackenzie-Alzhara Holland

Well, the signup was quick. Quicker than she thought. Upon retrieving the key, Kinzie gave the robot a happy smile, before saying "Well, as of now, I don't need anything. But thank you!", before turning around and going to the elevator. She ain't going to walk up into the 7th floor, thats what people who are afraid of elevators do! So, with a fast pace, Kinzie walked towards the elevator, deciding that she will move into her room now, before going to the pool later.

"Do not underestimate yourself. Your kind have long been some of the most powerful and skilled magic users, at least among your universe." She replied, seeming to support his claims "However, you are unaware of the immense power you almost had in your hands. The power to deny time itself is not something to be taken so lightly. Heed my warning: you must never underestimate the power of Necromancy. Greater wizards than you have perished as a result of doing this." Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
507 nodded before replying “Understood, if there is nothing else, than you are free to go...i-if you wish that is...” he stuttered as he loosened his shirt to relieve some hot air from himself.

Indigo bowed "Very well, Master." As Indigo straightened up, her features became foggy again, until she was nothing more than a misty cloud. The crack in the stone began to glow again and quickly recollected the fog until nothing was left. The light went out. and all was quiet Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
507 heard the tiniest noise with his big ears on the other side of his room door, looking at the maid angrily as he teleported in front of it “Now...what are you eavesdropping for?”
"Music to my ears doll!" Ness laughed "C'mon, let's go for a walk and i'll show ya around dis place. Ya see something ya like along the way and we'll give it a shot, yeah?" Ness smiled. He was bored too after all! It would be nice to get out around this place with someone else for a change NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49
"That sounds great, Mis... I mean, Ness. Please lead the way," Amelia said. Hopefully he knew the hotel better than she did. But then even he didn't, getting lost with a friend was better than getting lost by herself.
Somebody, somewhere

"I have detected a conversation inside the room, Sir," the maid answered emotionlessly. "It goes against my programming to interrupt guests of Random Hotel in their activities. It is, however, in the scope of my duties to inquire, if you wish for a change of sheets."

Robot pointed at the hamper in her hands.

Sir Fungus Sir Fungus

Monsieur Mim

The little purple creature Mim has become found itself in Natalie's room. It chirped happily as it looked all around. Wobbling from either side of the bed as it took in all the sights. Pictures here. Pictures there. Stuffed things here. Stuffed things there. The chicken tried to take everything in, but it seemed that Miss Natalie needed to sleep. As she did so, the purple fluff of feathers wobbled next to the cat-girl and snuggled against her. With that the chicken rested until it woke up and found her gone.

BUCKA?! The creature flew across the room, gliding into the bathroom looking for her. Buck. She wasn't there. Next it checked the bathroom. Buck. She wasn't there. Where did the girl go? Mim was bucking all around the room as it mindless snooped through her things.

The chicken stared at her family portraits. Analyzing each face accompanied by adorably fluffy ears. It seems being adorable runs in her family. It bucked bucked bucked and flew up to the shelf, but it couldn't reach, and it flapped it's wings wildly as it fell down. By the end of the day, the chicken practically made a mess with its purple feathers being all over the place. Believe it or not, the little felt guilty of the mess it made. It tried picking up its own feathers and throwing it in the trash.

By the end of the day, the poor thing was exhausted and it collapsed onto Natalie's bed. With a very lazy ~Poof~, Monsieur Mim was found sleeping in place of the chicken. A few purple feathers could be found scattered throughout the room.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

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_Outside the Random Hotel_

After finishing with yet another one of his onerous expeditions through one of the worlds oldest and most dangerous jungles of Gruutharen; Gyrus began making his way home, back to civilization. It had been almost a week of flying on a cargo seaplane that he hired right at the last minute back at the city docks of Gilgadesh and after landing near the docks of some no named port city he found himself leaving the docks In search for a place with a bed and a shower. Staring off In the distance, he arched a brow toward a strange towering hotel looming In the distance; Its odd and peculiar name ensnared his full attention.

"Now that's a strange name." he puzzled, holding his chin as he cast a quizzical countenance." Hmm.. I guess this place will do.", Gyrus concluded, though he was still unsure of It at first glance at the queer establishment... but at this time any place with four walls, a roof, and clean bed would suffice. Trekking through the harsh lands of uncharted territories taught him a lot of things; like when your tired enough, your body will sleep anywhere; given enough time.

For a second though.... he could've sworn nothing was there just a moment ago; It was almost as If this strange hotel appeared from thin air. Gyrus lazily rubbed the nape of his neck and surmised It must have been his Imagination playing tricks on him, and thus he began sauntering his way toward the brightly lit entrance.
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