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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)


?Current Action: Pondering over what's going on ii Mood: Uhh, okay then! ii Tags: ---?
?Location: The front desk?

Aaaah he was late!!
A brown haired teenager hurried through the campus carrying a stash of books, barely slowing down on the turns, crossing the streets without looking and almost getting run over in his endeavors. Why, oh why had he gone to the library after lunch?? Sitting down under the pleasant breeze of the AC after a satisfying was a certain recipe for falling asleep... And missing the afternoon period in the process!!

He passed-by the bank district and realized that he'd never get into the building on time. Conflicted, Sage's movement came to a halt as he ran the pros and cons of what he was about to do in his mind. It was risky buuuuut, he had missed this class so many times already... He didn't want to repeat Botanics by absences!! That would the lamest way of repeating a class!!
Decided, the teen pulled out the golden bracelet on his upper arm quickly pocketing the relic. He takes a deep breath, concentrates and from seemingly nowhere huge flaming wings manifest from his back a couple of inches away from his body. Sage grins to himself, his brown eyes now taking a similar fiery-red tint than the wings. He had 5 minutes to arrive at the opposite side of the facility. Welp, no time to lose!!

He picks his backpack up and wooooosh~ With a single flap, Sage is taking off!


The teen had landed in front of the Biology building and read the clock in front of the entrance. There was one minute before class time, but the teacher would probably not be there for 5 more so woohoo! He wasn't going to be late now!! Or, so he had thought before a bush decided to spontaneously combust:

"Oh shit, not again!"

Sage took a step towards the bush before stopping himself. Last time he had tried putting off the fire with his hands he had only made it worse... Welp, need a new plan. He frantically surveyed the area looking for something to use and his gaze fell on a big plant pot. He grabbed the pot, brought it near the bush and dumped the pot's contents over it, apologizing to both the plant he had set on fire and this one his actions were definitely killing as well. Burying the flaming bush under so much dirt had put out the fire before it had spread but... Aaaaaah he was late again!!

Putting the bracelet back on, so that nothing else got set on fire today, Sage grabbed his backpack, made his way through the light yellow corridor, opened the door stepped in and- WAIT.

"This doesn't look like a classroom...", the teen was thoroughly confused, yet extremely curious, "What is this, a magical spiritual guidance temple? I, guess I AM sorta needing that..."

"Hello!! Anybody home?!"
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"Hello!! Anybody home?!"
Ness swung around "Someone else is here?!" He thought, looking over his shoulder in the direction the noise had come from. "Yo!" he called back. The sound echoed down the hallway, "Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo!" he waited for a response. "Am I just hearin things?" He wondered. it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to think that he might have picked up some sort of weird virus. New things like that were always popping with Path Travelers. Ness turned around. He still didn't see anyone down the hall "Yo!" He called again, secretly hoping someone was there. Maybe his trip here wasn't a wasted vacation after all? Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

?Current Action: Investigating ii Mood: Mysterious voice? Check. This is very trope-ish thus far ii Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants ?
?Location: The front desk, peeking into a corridor?

The teen had walked around the room, inspecting the strange yet oddly familiar decoration. Familiar because he had definitely seen something like this before, yet odd because it didn't look a temple... Maybe the whole spiritual portion of the place was supposed to be a secret? If that was the case then whoever is in charge did a great job at that. It looks just like one of those fancy hotels! Could have fooled anyone!

Sage eyed one of the benches wondering if he should sit and wait for the master to show up, or a hand reader or something like that. He didn't know what to expect and had only seen this in movies before, the whole 'hero undergoes self-discovery retreat/journey/training' thing... Oh, he hoped it wasn't a martial arts training academy, that'd hurt and completely suuuuck!

"Yo!", a male's voice echoed, seemingly coming from the corridor across the room

"Hello?", the teenager called again approaching the corridor's entrance and peeking from the corner, "Is someone in this corridor? Am I supposed to simply follow the mysterious voice??"
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Nope. Definitely heard it that time. From the end of the hallway, Ness spotted someone stick their head around the corner.
"Is someone in this corridor? Am I suppossed to follow the mysterious voice??" It asked.

Ness laughed a little bit to himself "A Phoenix eh? Guess this place really does draw in all kinda visitors."
he cupped his hands around his mouth and in a low wavy voice he replied "Yeeessss, Follow the voice and you will discover your destinyyyy." It was obviously just a kid. What was the harm in having a little fun? Ness moved and pressed himself against the wall of the corridor. As soon as his skin touched the wall, he vanished. Physically, he was still standing there. But to anyone looking at him, he appeared invisible. "Followw meeee!" He called again Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

Monsieur Chicken?

The concert was over, and poor Mister Mim never found his companion. Towards the end of the concert, he was barely able to enjoy himself. He was overly concerned. When he first lost her, he yelled, calling out her name, but after thirty minutes it was tiring. His shifty-green eyes scanned for Miss Natalie, but it was of no use. Well, now that he thought about it. Couldn't he just *POOF* into a dragon and find his friend? Well then? *POOF* He flew up and searched for his friend as the crowd dispersed, but as he flew he found his body a tad too heavy for his wings to handle. Buck? Buck? BUCKAAAA?!

The purple chicken was barely able to make it over the crowds' heads, so it decided to hop off of them. It jumped from head to head and used it's wings to go further distances if needed. Buck! Buck! Buck! It would say as it hopped off each head. There was still no sign of Natalie. Where could the female cat possibly be? The chicken was nearing the back entrance of the hotel. Perhaps, it should wait by the door and see if she passes by. Buck. said the purple creature as it plopped on to the floor. It bucked to itself patiently as it waited for Miss Natalie.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun


?Current Action: Following a mysterious voice, because why not? ii Mood: Wary and confused ii Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants ?
?Location: Half-way into a corridor?

Sage furrowed his eyebrows for a moment. Okay, this was exactly what he was looking for but, at the same time, it seemed too convenient... He glanced back towards the lobby, then at the corridor again. After a second of pondering he decided to go for it anyway. Didn't seem like anyone else was going to show up after all:

"Okay, following the voice!", he announced before stepping through the entrance-way, a bit wary of his surroundings, "So, uhh mysterious voice? Is there anything you can tell me about this place? Or you know, why I'm here? I mean. I get that magical places such as these tend to reveal themselves to troubled people and such but uhh... Forgive me for my skepticism in this probably holy and pure building but, I'm not sure this is what I want even..."

He looked downcast for a while, before speaking up again, still walking up the corridor:

"Oh wow. I guess this means I truly need guidance, huh?"
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Amelia yawned, stretching her arm up into the air as she exited her room. She couldn't believe how long it took to actually find it but finally her quest had been completed and she had a good long rest. Even so, Amelia was showing signs of her tiredness by rubbing her eyes while she made her way into the elevator. She pressed the button that would take her to the ground floor in hopes of finding something to keep her awake. She wondered if she could make any friends while she was here. Smiling to herself, she thought about how nice it would be if she could find someone to talk to. After the event with the thunderstorms and maids, Amelia was sure that this was an interesting place.

Ness listened as the kid got closer. He was rambling about some spiritual nonsense. He stayed quiet until the kid passed him. A little bit shorter than Ness, the kid walked right past him without noticing. Before he got too far away, Ness slipped his hand off the wall and fell into a silent stride behind the young Phoenix boy as he continued to ramble to himself
"Oh wow. I guess this means I truly need guidance, huh?"
Ness grinned at this "Well, I don't know about that." He draped an arm over the kids shoulders and smiled "Sounds like you just need a vacation." Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

?Current Action: Panicking over tomorrow's exam ii Mood: Total Failure ii Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants ?
?Location: Half-way into the corridor?

"A vacation?!", Sage had turned around almost instantaneously and protested, "But Master! I can't take a vacation... I'm pretty sure there's an exam in the morning period tomorrow and I am yet to memorize my Classes and Orders and Suborders! I'm so going to bomb iiiiiiit and it's not even going to be funny!"

He had burst at the other in a mix of disbelief and panic, before he had really stopped to look at the man in from of him. He, didn't look that old, was he even this temple's Master or just another disciple? Maybe this was a test too... Wait, did his mean he was already failing?? Ahhhh, so many questions and no answers, all this secrecy suuuucked!

"Uh, regardless of my results or whatever... Can I at least have your name? Unless you want me to keep calling you mystery voice...", the teen thought to himself for a while and then raised his finger to make a correction, "Or I guess it's mystery man now."
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Thomas||Tags: None
Thomas had a strange feeling about this place and he wasn't sure if it was good or bad. He didn't know it, but he was going to have an interesting time in this place." Random hotel..what kind of name is that? Geez..thats the last time i'll take a suggestion from a random person...a sketchy person at that. Oh well, it seem to be alright so far. He sleep rather peaceful and the employees seems to be nice. Anyway, he didn't know what to do now..maybe something fun? maybe he could ask someone at the front desk so he did." U-Um excuse me..what are your form of entertainment here?"​
507 woke up, removing the stone from the shield, examining it before saying it aloud “So how does this thing activate?” He furrowed his brows a bit, awaiting for some sort of result Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants


<< Assigned Task: --- || Mood: Tired, in pain and with her hopes completely crushed || Tags: SachiGrl SachiGrl and Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants >>
<< Location: Moving slowly across the front desk, trying to reach her room >>

Natalie kept on calling for Mim, over and over and over again until most of her energy had been drained and her throat had started aching with the effort. At this point, the stage area was nearly deserted and it was clear that the cat-waitress' fears had cemented themselves: the guest had left already and she had missed him entirely...

With a half-hearted leap, Nat got down from the robot, and though every ounce of cheer had dissipated in the air, smiled softly at it:

"Hey uhhh, we didn't find him but, thanks for the help anyway. I appreciate it. Tell the pretty red-haired lady that I said thank you as well, okay?"

She bowed that the big robotic creature and then turned around. A couple steps away, the emulated bright mood faded leaving only Nat with her ears down and tail so low the tip slid on the floor's surface, slowly making her way back to the lobby. The cat-girl passed without an 'ah' or a wave towards anyone, opened and walked the hotel doors, having decided to go make her way back to her room and call it a night, still moving in the same gloomy, emotionless snail pace.
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"U-Um excuse me..what are your form of entertainment here?" Thomas asked and the robot receptionist was quick to answer.

"Our Random Hotel is an establishment in which everybody may find something to their liking. You may participate in one of countless scheduled pool activities, fitness courses or many of our art workshops. Personally, however, I would recommend..." robotic maid looked at Thomas's antlers, ears and small tail with her emotionless eyes. "...deer hunting."

Acethekidd Acethekidd
Aran Winter-Eve
He paced back and forth, his eyes were dark with exhaustion and full of conflict. His four hooves clicked over the floor, and he muttered something to himself over and over in a strange tongue. He knew he should leave, he said he would leave, but if he left, this lost opportunity would haunt him for years. He held a hand to his chin, lost in thought, wondering what it was he should do. Maybe he should go busy his mind with something, yeah... That sounded good. He bent over and slid his hand over the table until he hit the key, picking it up and heading over to the door, quickly unlocking it and stepping into the hallway.

Allie Sable
The crashing, thumping, booming sounds coming from room 999 echoed up and down the halls, a mix of yelling and laughing mixed into the cacophony. He unlocked the door and trotted out, his mane flowing as he galloped down the hall.

Raymond Archiss
The wolf was close behind the equine god, quickly morphing from a battered human form to that of his werewolf counterpart, chasing him down the hall.

Arthur Shade
A puff of black, resembling smoke, filtered into the lobby through the front door and assimilated into the form of a hooded figure, white eyes shone brightly from the shadow cast by the hood. "Seems nice enough..." He muttered, approaching the front desk.
Ness sighed and put a hand on his forehead "Kid, ya gotta learn to loosen up sometimes. Ya know? If I did all my learnin from books-" As he was talking, something about Ness seemed to start changing. His face began to slide to the left until it had come right off his head! This process repeated itself throughout his body until a second Ness stood next to the original. This continued until the were eight different Ness' standing in a line "-I never would have learned much." they all finished in unison. Once he had finish, all the copies slid back to being just one man "And uh, cut it with tha Masta stuff yeah? The name's Ness." Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

At once, the stone began to shake in 507's hands and after a moment, the same grey fog came pouring out of it like a fountain. It spilled onto the floor and covered the luxurious carpet, giving it the look of a lake at sunrise. Soon though, the mist coalesced into the shape of a large, hulking figure with horns and four arms each the size of a tree branch. Then it changed to the shape of a figure with the upper body of a woman but the lower half being that of a snake. Finally, the mist condensed and formed the shape of a humanoid woman in maid's garb with hair tied into two pigtails. Details began to form from the mist, giving the girl's clothes color. Her skin was pale and faded, her eye's however, stayed the same grey as the fog "You summoned me, Master?" spoke Indigo Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
“Uhm..yes, I uh..have a favor to....ask.” He blushed as he cleared his throat, confidence finally building up inside of him. Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Aran Winter-Eve
His hoofsteps echoes down the halls as he made his way off the elevator, key in hand. His ears moved to catch any oncoming sounds as he walked, eventually ducking through the doorway to the pool area, looking around. He hadn't seen it outside of the event setting until now, and it seemed a lot different... Certainly quieter, at the very least. He walked along the edge of the pool, stopping to drag a hoof through the clear water. It was cold, as he'd expected, but that was fine. He looked out over the water, noting that this was actually similar to something they had back in his homeland and grinning a bit. He sat at the edge and let his forelegs dangle, the chill of the water coating his joints. He sighed, letting his shoulders fall slack and holding his hands behind his back, his head dipping as he concentrated on the rhythmic patterns of his heart, the flow of his breaths, and the feeling of the cold water.

Head of Entertainment was thrilled to see Aran on the edge of the swimming pool. Even tough they did solve their misunderstanding with miss Mae, the alchemist was still a little worried about the cervitaur leaving the hotel anyway.

Dressed in her new bikini and with a towel hanged over her shoulder, Amestris approached Aran, making sure to circle around him so that her presence would be noticed before she closed the distance.

"Enjoying the calm water, are we?" She asked cheerfully, throwing towel at the closest sunbed, before she moved closer to the pool and started stretching energetically . "I am afraid I will ruin it, though. Early morning is my absolute favourite time to swim. And, well, the only time I actually have time to swim."

Sea Jay Sea Jay
Aran Winter-Eve
His ears pricked as he heard her enter, swiveling to follow her as she moved, "It's alright. As a healer, I must be able to block out distractions to make my connection with my ancestors." He exhaled a calm breath before opening his eyes, gazing out over the water. "Besides, I wouldn't want to deny you your early morning swim!" He spoke with a bit of humor in his tone, kicking his hooves a bit and splashing drops of water further into the pool.
Vyseryx Vyseryx

?Current Action: Making a tactical retreat ii Mood: Uhh yeah, no. No thanks! ii Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants ?
?Location: Half-way into the corridor, slowly moving towards the other end of it?

"Hey! I do loosen up! Just not on finals week..."

The teen had complained, ending the sentence with almost a pout. How dare this strange man say he didn't know how to relax when they didn't even know each other for that long! Sage took great offense to that! Mostly because it wasn't the first time someone had said those exact same words to him... But they weren't the ones that could start fires out of nowhere so everyone should just shut up!!!! ... Oh woa, where had all of that come from?

There had been a lot more the young man wanted to say to the other, but before he could even elaborate the sentences in his mind the weird display of ability that had transpired in front of his eyes left him without words or a proper reaction. Sage could merely accompany what seemed like a live version of a kid playing with an image editing program. Duplicating pieces of the picture and assembling a new one right beside it. Whatever the message had been, he hadn't paid attention and once it all was over the teen was nothing but thoroughly crept out:

"Uhhh okaaaay. So, Nessie. Pal. Uhh, nice talking to ya, but I think I'm going to go now... Because I seem to have...", his gaze darted here and there as he looked for an excuse, "for...gotten my backpack back in the lobby!! Y-yeah! So I gotta go get that, like, right now. Before someone else picks it up.", a pause and a nervous laugh, "That would be pretty bad~!"

As he spoke, Sage had started to slowly, discreetly distance himself from Ness, unaware that if he kept doing this he'd be going the complete opposite way from the entrance...
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Monsieur Chicken?

Buck. Buck. Buck. said the little Mim as it watched each guest enter the building. In the chicken's mind, it was really saying... Nope. Nope. Nope. Dragons, aquatic beings, centaurs, you name it and it probably passed by the little guy. Mim received many peculiar stares varying from each race and face, but they all seemingly expressed confusion. I imagine most of them don't even know what a chicken is... Mim thought and it naturally just buck buck bucked some more.

Finally, Natalie passed by, but with a very disappointment expression. Buck! BUCKAAAA!!!! The purple chicken shouted. It bucked very noisily behind the cat-lady as it wailed its wings all around. It was very hard not to notice the little purple chicken that was bucking and bouncing, practically causing a commotion.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

Weather Forecast



Left. Right. Left. Right. Her body shifted from side to side as she tried to rest. She had a long night, so it would be nice if she were to get some shut-eye. Her thoughts were filled with rambling. Aran this. Aran that. Miss Blood this. Miss Blood that. Maid0605 this. Maid0605 that. It took some time, but her mind did manage to get some rest and she was awake in the next five hours. For humans, that may not seem enough, however being half-centaur has allowed her to endure long work hours and short rest periods; not that she minds of course.

Fawna went through her usual morning routines: brushed her hair, teeth, and hooves. She then bathed and dressed for her regular workday. Click. Clack. Click went her hooves as she stepped to the front desk. "You're dismissed," said Fawna to Maid0605. She waved warmly at a young male deer who seemingly was attended by her Maid then looked down at the guest book to update herself on the roster.

Before the feminine deer became an owner, she was a front desk receptionist. She was exceptionally good with catering to guests and assisting with any issues had in their rooms. As she stood there waiting to attend to guests, she thought of her early days. They weren't too different to her current days. The only difference is that she makes major decisions for the hotel and has many meetings with the Blood Demon Clan.Even before she was an owner, she covered nearly every possible position minus security. She was never good in combat. Most disasters within the hotel were truly out of her 'physical' control. Though, she has always persevered to aid in these circumstances despite her odds of safety.

Her dark little fingers pulled out her laptop and she tappity tapped away. She ordered goodies for her establishment and planned for future events. Well, now that Miss Dudan was here, she would have to have her revise her decisions once she was finished. Then they can proceed to investing in these events. Her hazel eyes reflected the light from the screen she worked on.

Acethekidd Acethekidd

Ness shrugged his shoulders in a 'what're ya gonna do?' kinda way as the kid started to leave "Sure sure whatever ya say kid." He turned his back and started to leave himself in the opposite direction "Oh, but one more piece of advice for ya. If yer gonna try and get outta talkin to me wit an excuse like dat, at least know where ya goin first yeah? The lobby is datta way." he pointed down the hall in the direction he was headed "Well, seeya round Kid." He tossed a wave over his shoulder and instantly, he was gone without a trace. As if he had never been there to begin with Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

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