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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)




The man turned abruptly with sigh escaping his lips. Fawna thought it strange that he wouldn't at least say goodbye, but then over his shoulder, he said, "Don't worry, I'm leaving." Almost like she was struck by lightening, her ears went up in shock then slowly went frail and wilted. Her hand naturally went to her chest to alleviate the strange sudden, pressure inside. The music now was merely a disoriented tune. She wanted to go to her room and the night be over with already. The concert was going to end in a few hours. She trusted her staff; she didn't need to be supervising the event, especially now that Miss Dudan returned from her vacation.

But, there was one problem. Her room was by the front desk and Aran might still be there. No, no he wouldn't... she said to herself. He said he's leaving... as reassuring as the thought was, it wasn't a thought that gave her any sense of relief. If anything, she felt more anguish. With her last thought in mind, she decided it was safe to return to her room. Upon entering the building again, her hooves went clackity clack down the hallway. It wasn't long til she spotted Aran again, just standing there. He hasn't left yet...? her hand went over her heart almost in a protective manner as she set one hoof back. What are you doing? it's too late now to turn back. Just go to your room... she closed her eyes and placed her hands behind her back again. For 20 years, she's worked at TRH. With her eyes closed within the building, she can always find her way around the facility. Her hooves clacked noisily as she approached her room blindly until one hand stretched out to touch the door knob.

The female resembling bot watched as the centaur was near to exiting the building, but seemingly went a halt. "May I be of assistance," she asked. Not too long after her automated message when customers approached it, the maid recited another automated message upon seeing the owner of the hotel. "Have a good rest, Miss Mae," said Maid0605. The robotic head shifted back to Aran quickly after.
Sea Jay Sea Jay
507 looked at indigo curiously before nodding reluctantly, snapping his fingers to put every bit of armor on except that for his right arm “Sure...could you explain what this, “keystone” is along the way?” Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Aran Winter-Eve
His ear twitched at the mention of her name, shoulders sagging slightly, he knew he was overreacting, this all meant nothing. Even if he left now, he shouldn't feel guilty, right? If that was the case, why did he feel more guilty now than he had when he'd first seen her in the lobby. "Good night, Ms. Mae." The words pried his lips open like a caged animal spotting a chance to escape, he cringed, but never made an attempt to look at her.
SachiGrl SachiGrl



Fawna was not expecting Aran to say anything to her. She thought she would just enter her room and rest at peace. In return, her thoughts were that he would leave back to his homeland in his perfect centaurian body and never deal with a half-breed like herself again. Does he not want to leave...? she thought as she turned slightly to look at him. Her breathing slowed as she watched him from her peripheral. No... such a silly thought... she opened the door to her room. Why would he want to stay away from his home....? one last time, she looked back at him and responded, "Thank you. Please grab a card if you ever wish to return."

On the card, it only had Latin words written on them: Cubiculum. Cubiculum. Providebit. When read, a message will be sent directly to the Owner's email, so she can schedule a portal opening for the guest.
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Aran Winter-Eve
He looked over at her at the last second, "Don't worry, once I leave, you won't have to worry about me anymore." He made his way to the elevator, seeing as he really couldn't use the stairs, it was late, he'd just stay until morning and take his things, that was reasonable right? Surely he didn't intend to stay.
His slender finger pushed a button as he stepped inside, though honestlt he didnt know which one to press, he just knew it would get him closer to where he was staying. As the doors closed, he looked up at the artificial light in the ceiling, mentally cursing himself for putting this off and not leaving right then. At least he could get some time to think this way.
SachiGrl SachiGrl
Weather Forecast

Current Event: The concert event has ended. The crowd now is dispersing and returning home or to their rooms. For those whose participated, thank you. Also, Amiella, the lead singer, signed posters for all the guests of the hotel. Please find it lying on your bed with an incinerated signature that glows a feint orange-gold.
Key Note: If you missed the event, flashbacks are not permitted in the role play. If you wish to experience the concert, despite it being over, you may via PMs or some other RPing location that isn't mine.

Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants Sea Jay Sea Jay Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Moomba Moomba NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49 TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor Acethekidd Acethekidd R i v e r R i v e r zachie mel zachie mel Sir Fungus Sir Fungus PlanetGarbo PlanetGarbo Computing Magus Computing Magus Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness Vyseryx Vyseryx Venomous_Tia Venomous_Tia J Jules8008
indigoheaderfinal.png"I will explain soon. Now hurry along." Indigo continued down the hall and called the elevator "I will be waiting for you at the bottom." There as a small ding as the elevator arrived at the floor. As the doors began to slide open, Indigo vanished, leaving not a trace behind Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
Simon's eyes snapped open suddenly. Looking around the room, he realized he had fallen asleep. It had been a good amount of time because the cigarette that balanced delicately between his fingers had burnt down to a simple pile of ash. Carefully he scooped it up and dumped it into the nearest rubbish bin. Dusting his hands off on his pants, Simon considered what to do. It was incredibly early in the morning, but he didn't really care about that. He could explore whatever was still open. He wasn't too sure how similar this inter-dimensional hotel was to hotels back on earth, but normally most things would be closed by this time. Nonetheless, he traversed to the elevator, pressing the ground level button.
(Sorry for being super flaky, things are getting crazy irl, but hopefully everything will settle down)
Current Receptionist

TRH stands for The Random Hotel. Which is here where you are. The building, not the room. *The maid writes down the guest's information in a notebook* Bellatrix De'Fleur... Room 568... Understood. Here is your room key. Enjoy your stay and don't forget to sign our guestbook as well. *The maid turns away to address other matters, only turning back after the woman's next lines* *There is nothing but silence for a while, then it finally speaks again in the same monotone voice as before* Is there anything else I can help you with?

x Bellatrix De'Fleur x
Currently: Disappointed
Location: Walking towards room 568
With: No one
Tags: Nope
"The Random Hotel. An odd name for such a place like this. Luckily, I enjoy the odd." She gave a quick grin, before thanking the maid for her keys. Waiting for an answer to her question of humanity, she stood as much in silence as the robot did. When the answer was not something she wanted, she mumbled a quick, "Nevermind, it's nothing," and headed onwards, towards her room.
She was disappointed, having hoped to gain a quick contract before she had to learn more about the place.
507 quickly rushed toward the elevator, pressing the button to the lobby floor, examining his arm a bit before the ding of the elevator sounded and he stepped out Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
-Ocular noticed a strange door appear in-front of his cave he was resting at. He got up and inspected it. He could detect many lifeforms behind the door. He slowly pushed it opened and squeezed his way through. He stood in amazement at the glow of the main front room. He slowly walked to the front desk and tapped the small bell on the desk with his claw. He then sat and waited for someone to greet him- AWAITING CONFORMATION TO ACQUIRE ROOM -his voice was a very flat, robotic voice. It was quiet but loud enough for someone to hear-
Indigo was waiting at the front desk. She stared at the small rock beneath the counter as she waited for 507 to arrive. It had been a very long time since anyone had moved it from this spot. Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
Current Receptionist

...Processing guest's request... An unknown command has been detected. Apologies, there seems to be no information regarding 'room conformation' in the system. Request denied. If you believe this to be an error, please consult someone in the staff about it.

...Booting up recorded greeting message instead...

Hello and welcome to TRH, I am the current receptionist. All our guest rooms are in the second floor and above. The room numbers range from 200-999. The first digit dictates the floor the room is on. Please select a room you're interested in and if you require any accommodations, such as a coffin in place of a bed, please feel free to notify me. The owner is currently out. If you were interested in a job position, please fill out the form below and provide all necessary documents before turning it in. Master Fawna should return shortly. Feel free to wait in the lobby or interact with our guests while you wait for your interview. Thank you for staying at TRH.
Hiring Application

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Sigzil Dawnstalker/Dwig Jigdens
Sigzil yawned and stretched before standing up. He walked into the bathroom to shave his head and face. After freshening up, he strapped his swords to his back and went down to the lobby. "Ah wonderful, the necromancer and the ghost are arguing, and another dragon is checking in. Just another strange morning here at The Random hotel." Sigzil walked over to where Dwig was standing, 200 feet up. "Hey buddy, come on down why don't you" Sigzil yelled up. "Nah," Dwig yelled back "I'm waiting for someone. Be down soon" "Whatever you say" Sigzil shouted and pulled a chair over to where Dwig was sitting.
507 looked at indigo again, walking off towards his room to see if she would follow. His purple glowing eyes letting off a more curious glow, a smile crept across his face slightly. Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Indigo fell in line silently behind 507, allowing her hands to come to rest on her lap as she walked. Her eye's were focused straight ahead, not really looking at anything or anyone specific. Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
When 507 arrived to his room, he sat on his bed, still curious as to why indigo chose him, looking at her as if she was a guest in his home. “Huh...Well, I guess you can just..rest anywhere you’d like”
"Is there nothing you would have me do?" She inquired as she stood in the doorway. Knowing how 507 was, she anticipated that he would hesitate before saying anything. Before he could reply she continued "While it is true that I am here for your care now, there are responsibilities you now possess as the one I am bound to." Her voice was commanding, but not harsh as she explained this "Your orders will be fulfilled no matter the request, without failure. But I will not accept hesitation. You must speak your orders clearly and confidently. Understood?"​
“Yes, but I dont need anything right now..” he replied, taking a deep breath and calming down, making sure the whispers in his brain did not overtake him from his cluster of emotions.

Indigo bowed "Very well. I will take my leave then. Please take care of my Heart." The moment she straightened up from her bow, her body became foggy. The features of her face and clothing all melded together into a think white mist. Soon, the mist no longer held the shape of Indigo's body at all and was simply a cloud. The Stone began to rattle as a small light came from the crack in it's center. The fog was quickly sucked up into the Stone and the light died out, leaving the room in silence​
“What a woman...” he mumbled to himself before laying in his bed, looking up at the ceiling “I think i’m Going to ask her next time...”
Simon stood in the lounge, hands deep in his pockets. He whistled a light tune while trying to find something to occupy his time. Casually he strolled into the bar, taking a seat at the counter. Everything was rather dead as to be expected. He let out a light sigh, spinning on the stool like a child.

With the ending of the concert the pool area had been deserted. Aurelia looked around anxiously, worried someone would stop her. Certain no one was within her direct vicinity, she dived into the cool water. The familiar feeling of peace and silence encompassed her as she remained under the surface.


<< Assigned Task: Watch a concert? [Half-Success] || Mood: Determined to find her lost friend || Tags: SachiGrl SachiGrl and Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants >>
<< Location: Somewhere in the Stage Area, on top of Mercury >>

Natalie held onto the big robot's shoulder to not risk falling as the being approached the crowd. It was hard to not marvel at her newfound vantage point, closer to the sky, almost lined up with the horizon. Part of the girl wanted this to never end!

"I have determined that who we are looking for is somewhere in this section of the crowd.", the robotic voice had said, reminding Nat of her mission, "Unfortunately, I am currently unable to locate their specific location. Can you see anyone you recognize from here?"

With an air of determination, the cat-girl followed the direction the other had motioned with her gaze, it was somewhere by the left of the stage. Nat then noticed that the crowd had begun to split and pass beside them, making her worry that by fixating on a single corner of the stage, Mim could accidentally pass by her on his way out and they would never meet again until morning. There were still a lot of people with colorful hairs around and unlike the robot she was currently mounting the waitress had no fancy radar at her disposal... And at least she had realized something else, people were leaving because the show was over!
Which meant that she could get up, put her hands around her face, do this:

"Mad-mwah-zel Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim!!!!"

...And definitely, be heard this time.

Ness yawned. Initially, he had enjoyed the atmosphere of this hotel for his get away vacation. It was calm, nice to look at, plenty to do. Buuuut "I haven't seen another person this entire time!" He threw his arms up into the air in frustration. In the last two days, Ness had wandered from one end of the hotel to the other, poking his head through every open and unlocked door he could find.. but the only other things here were just those weird robot maids. Glancing to his left, he noticed one of them carrying a pile of towels from the pool. He didn't know why, but those things gave Ness all sorts of bad vibes. He shivered a little bit and tried not to think about it. "Maybe I should pop off? It isn't too late to make it to that Dragon Festival in Wesraplingia. Ahh, but it was so hard to track this place down. It'd be a shame to leave so soon." Ness sighed. This place was supposed to be famous right? Then why was no one here?​

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