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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

Indigo Midna
Indigo wondered for a moment, why everyone felt the need to interrupt her with pointless questions "I am quite all right." She answered without turning around. She kept her gaze fixed on 507, not letting it stray for even a moment. It turned out, a fool was exactly what she needed. "Now, would you care to explain to me what you are doing here Trefl? Surely, if you were concerned for my safety or the safety of the guests, you wouldn't have come here on your own yet, I know there is no one with you." Sir Fungus Sir Fungus Vyseryx Vyseryx
Without hesitation, 507’s arm extended itself out to try and assault trefl, but 507 kept the thing in line by merely squeezing his own arm tightly, retracting it back and now being able to control it on his own will, turning back to indigo to meet her gaze, his heart pumping rapidly.
Roy Archiss
The werewolf had started singing, not that he'd gotten up, but now the room was plagued by the slurring, mumbling song of a drunken immortal. Most of the other patrons had left, but they were denying him drink and he needed something to distract himself or to convince them to find a way to shut him up.

Allie Sable
He had gotten far too bored sulking in the room waiting for an apology, he left his room and stepped out into the hallway, considering what he should do with his time.

"It is indeed a mistake on my side, Receptionist." Reprimanded homunculus lowered his head, not for a second letting his eyes go off the demonic arm. "But one man too early may sometimes do more than five too late, and I was the only one in the vicinity."

Indigo was right, and Trefl knew that, feeling ashamed of himself. Were he to be destroyed right here, after his reckless charge on this floor, not only would that force his creator to use her precious soul to remake him, but it could also endanger guests in rest of the building. Not wanting silence to follow his words, Trefl turned to 507.

"I presume my assumption of your hostility was baseless. Please accept my apology." He bowed before the man. "I, however, must inquire, what is the thing, that had consumed your arm?"

Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
“I’m..not sure honestly, its my first time receiving side effects from necromancy magic..” he said as he formed many different types of weapons and tools with his hand before returning it back to normal, feeling every bit of control he had over it now that its consciousness died off. Vyseryx Vyseryx
Aurelia turned back to hear what sounded like a prepubescent war cry. Silently she followed the slurred sounds to find a man sitting at a table back in the room she had been examining the coin in. "Are you alright?" She asked curiously. He didn't seem injured, but the man also seemed to be delirious as swayed on his stool. She had seen similar when certain herbs were ingested back in her village, but those were strictly used in medicine and rituals.
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Raymond Archiss
The werewolf stopped singing and leaned back against the bar, actively trying to focus on whomever it was that had spoken. When he finally focused he laughed a little, "I'm fine." He mumbled, his words just barely clear enough to understand. It would also be good to note that he was drunk, and seeing as it was very, very hard to get an immortal drunk, he was most definitely not fine, but he drunk to forget, not to share his feelings like some sort of therapy. His fangs peeked over his lower lip as he grinned stupidly at nothing.

"Necromancy?" Trefl's brows rose, despite his nearly perfect control of emotions. This was the only kind of magic, that his creator considered 'not-ok', and Amestris have up on ethics centuries ago. "Sire, this type of sorcery is incredibly hazardous. We must immediately contact appropriate authorities, before the corruption reaches vital organs."

Sir Fungus Sir Fungus Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

"It is approximately 230% harder for werewolf to get drunk, compared to a regular humanoid." A new voice sounded next to Raymond. "But you also digest alcohol quicker, and have approximately 76% shorter, but nightmarish hangovers."

A seemingly young boy was sitting at the bar, stirring orange juice in glass before him with a straw. After 3,14 circles, he took it away and pointed at the werewolf. "And you, sire, are approximately 100% drunk as hecc."

Pik was very irritated, that Amestris told him to stop following Natalie around the pool and get back to work, but he had no choice. He could not argue with his mother's will, but he sure as hell wasn't going to act as if he was glad, that he now had to deal with drunk man, who was approximately bilion times less cute, than a Cat-girl of his life.

Sea Jay Sea Jay
"His vital signs are normal. There is no need for alarm." Indigo replied, the edge now returning to her voice. She still hadn't turned around to look at Trefl. "It is nothing I cannot handle." she was suddenly no longer standing in front of 507 but was now behind Trefl "If you'd like to make yourself useful, inform Miss Mae that the Keystone will be moved to room 507. Do I make myself clear?" She knew that Trefl had no idea what the Keystone was or what it was for, but Fawna would. Vyseryx Vyseryx Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
Raymond Archiss
He waved his hand dismissively, "No one asked you, ye human-lookin pixy stick." He slurred, considering trying to convince someone to get him more to drink, but not moving more than a fraction of an inch before returning his tired eyes to their rounds about the room. He could feel the coarse fur prickling against his shirt, but he ignored it, he could handle himself, he wasn't that drunk, right? He hopped off the bar stool and the world swam around him in bobbing waves, he could feel his knees aching to give way, and he found himself leaning against the bar again, but this time he was trying to keep himself upright.
Vyseryx Vyseryx

Allie Sable
The god meandered up the hall to a window, where he stood and stared out at nothing.

The homunculus was impressed with the speed of receptionist. She would easily be capable of outpacing the other three Aces.

"It shall be done, Receptionist." Trefl turned to her and bowed quickly. He didn't care what Keystone was - an order was an order. With a crackling of alchemical static, homunculus phased through the floor and disappeared.

Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants Sir Fungus Sir Fungus

'Why me?' Pik cried internally as he saw werewolf's miserable attempt at walking away. 'Kier would do so much better.'

"You want to get to your room or what... Sire?" The homunculus almost forgot about adding the honorific to the sentence. He honestly didn't have too much respect for people, who were getting drunk to such a degree, and then were becoming problems for other.

Sea Jay Sea Jay

Indigo let her gaze bore into Trefl until he had completely disappeared through the floor. Once he had, she returned her gaze to 507. She let the aggression in her eyes fade away and her face returned to only being mildly frightening. "Mr.507, if you would please come with me a moment." She said, turning to leave the room. It was less of a question and more of a direction. Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
Raymond Archiss
He slammed his fist down on the bar, "God..." He winced at the word and pulled himself to his feet, stumbling towards the door, "Just leave me alone." He growled, nearly tripping as he passed through the doorway and rounded the corner, claws gripping into the wall and busting holes in it's surface, not that he cared, he was unreasonable and irritated. He barely remembered why, but he was, and thats completely rational, right? Yeah, so rational. Drunk people are the worlds most rational people.

Allie Sable
He sighed and turned, making his way down the hall to the elevator and pressing the button to go down before stepping inside. He considered that maybe he should be the bigger man and apologize, though he probably wouldn't, he'd probably just try and find something to keep him entertained until he cooled down and this all blew over.
Kier & Pik

As elevator doors opened before Allie, he was greeted with a sight of a stunning woman standing before him. He could recognise her as Kier, another of Entertainment staff.

"Good evening, Sire,' she greeted him politely, curtsying courtly, as it was fit for mortal to behave before the face of god (and guest). "I am terribly sorry to bother you, but your werewolf friend has assimilated a near-lethal dose of alcohol, and in is in truly terrible condition. Would it be a problem for you, to lead him back to his room?"

'Preferably before he eats me.' Pik spoke to Kier through their mental connection.

'Shut up and do your part, midget.' the Ace of Hearts answered.

'Haaaai.' Pik rolled his eyes at his coworker-sister-something, before looking at werewolf's back. He raised his hand and with a little bit of alchemical static crackling between his fingers, he delicately pushed Raymond with telekinesis in the general direction of elevators.

Sea Jay Sea Jay
Allie Sable
Allie pinched the bridge of his nose, not even looking at the wolf, letting out a breath of pure disappointment. "You're disgusting." He hissed, kicking Roy in the side, and glaring down at him, the eyes of a wrathful god boring into him with a tangible heat. His blue eyes were dark, and his face was unreadable, but his tone was hateful, "Get up." He pushed him with his foot, knocking the wolf back as he made a feeble attempt to stand. "I said get up." He heaved a breath, still staring down.

Raymond Archiss
He turned over on his hands and knees, coughing and spraying crimson drops across the floor, feeling the god push down on his back with his heel, "You're pathetic." He was pushed forward, his forehead audibly thumping against the floor. "I'm getting up, asshole." He grumbled, slowly moving to get to his feet.
The god didn't respond, moving his hand towards himself, he lifted the werewolf from the floor by his neck "What did you say to me?" He spoke calmly, but his eyes were burning with rage. Roy kicked and choked in response before being dropped to his feet, left gasping for air. "That's what I thought."
Kier & Pik

"Allow me," Kier dashed to Raymond and helped him wake up. With her unnatural strength, she effortlessly dragged semiconscious man into the elevator.

'I hate dealing with gods,' Kier growled internally.

'Hmm, 'shut up and do your part', eggs-dee?' Pik asked sarcastically, very amused with his own joke.

Without a single move of her muscles, Kier desynthesised cat-boy's brain, killing him on the spot.

"Please, follow me," she said to both Allie and Raymond, pushing a correct button on the elevator. "Unless you intend to see the end of the concert, I would like to suggest taking a bit of rest, Sires. Tomorrow is also a day, and you must be tired after your travel."
Allie Sable
He didn't follow, he simply stood there, "I'm a god, I don't get tired." He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, "Besides, I'm not going anywhere with... him the way he is right now."

Raymond Archiss
He pulled away from Kier and approached the god aggressively, ignoring the pain in his body and pointing a finger in his face, "Just because you're fucking insecure about the future doesn't mean you get to treat me like shit!" He snarled, though clearly making sure not to touch the bitter god.
Allie grabbed Roy's chin and pulled him forward with the gentle grace of a herd of angry buffalo, nose to nose with the wolf, he stared him in the eye, not flinching even as he strugged against the god's firm hold. "No one's going to stop me, wolf, or did you forget who I am?" His expression never changed, his gaze cold and calculating as he stared into the other's eyes, searching for a hint of fear.
"It doesn't matter, you'll never do anything to kill me, you're so lonely and pathetic the only one who stuck around to keep you company was someone a fraction as hated as you." He spat, his eyes glowing with a fierce, wild rage, fur creeping up over the collar of his shirt. "You're just afraid of being alone, I pity you."
The god flung him against the far wall, the werewolf gasping at the impact, blood trickling from his mouth. "You don't talk to me that way, weakling. You couldn't even keep your family alive, at least I am responsible enough to keep your sorry excuse for a life going long enough for you to resent me." He spoke with the same calm tone, lowering his hand to his side.

'Well, fuck, that was not a good idea to bring god into that,' Kier admitted in her mind, as she dashed between the two.

"Sires please," She stood with her arms spread, in a position that signalled men to stop fighting. "Let us stay civil. Sir Allie, obviously, feel free to spend your night however you please. I believe our bar is open, and Mrs. Duban is bound to showcase her fabled fireworks at the end of the concert. I will personally take care of your companion here. I wish you a pleasant time."

Kier finished talking, keeping her voice calm and with a professional level of optimism. After she was done, she quickly grabbed Raymond and, carrying him like a child, entered the elevator. Soon, she found herself before Archiss's room and opened it with her master key, before putting werewolf into the bed.

"You've got it fucking rough, idiot." She hissed at him, but she was more angry at the god downstairs than werewolf. "You should reconsider your life choices, if this is the company you end up with."

Kier moved her left hand over werewolf's chest very delicately, barely touching him with the tips of her fingers. Her mind reached deep into his body, seeking for damage left by god's punch. Broken ribs, crushed blood vessels, damaged lung. Her right hand clenched into fist, as red static of alchemy flashed in the room, forcing werewolf body back to health. As his breathing came back to normal, Ace rose from her seat and leaned over the man's body and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. Once again reaching for her alchemy, she cleansed Raymond's body of alcohol and put him into a deep, calm sleep.

"Good night, moron," she said softly before leaving the room and closing the door on key behind her.

Sea Jay Sea Jay



The young deer was simply focusing on not focusing on the centaur that was only a few feet away. Out of nowhere, Fawna felt a strong pull resulting in a strange swaying dance with Miss Dudan. Her ears flickered awkwardly as they danced, coincidentally, causing her to face Aran. He was looking directly at her, frozen in place by her mere presence. She smiled strangely at him, trying to cover up how distraught she was by his presence. With this in mind, her fellow employee whispered into her twitching ears:

"His name is Aran, and he is about as flustered about this situation as it gets. He is our guest and you made him really uncomfortable."

Her tail wiggled irritably as she winced at the mention of him being really uncomfortable...

Miss Dudan's voice rose to a surprising clarity with her following statement: "So, Princess, I believe it's time for a little bit of adulting on your side. Otherwise, this beautiful suit I bought for you on Paris-2 will go to the trash can..."

Amestris released her hug, and pushed Fawna delicately in the direction of Aran. She rubbed her arm awkwardly and looked back at her, apparently, pushy employee. She was planning to talk to him tomorrow. Couldn't the girl relax a bit beforehand? Suppose now, she has no other choice, but to confront the deer-man.

Each hoove moved slowly as she approached Aran. Her hands, bashfully, were behind her back and her hazel eyes darted between him and the floor. Once she was in an audible distance, she said, "Hey.. umm.." she played with her hair nervously then returned her hands behind her back, "... I.. I'm truly sorry about earlier.." Arguments with herself stifled her from continuing the conversation. One moment, her instincts told her to explain more about her history while her protective side believes it is none of his business. "The way I acted... it was not your fault.. I... I.. overreacted.." as much as she hated to admit it, she did indeed overreact. She genuinely tried to cater to him and make him feel welcomed despite her feelings, but she truly made things worse by just being around him.
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Vyseryx Vyseryx
Aran Winter-Eve
He breathed shakily, not looking at her for a moment, hoping maybe she was talking to someone else. She wasn't, he knew it, just wishful thinking. His hooves clicked over the deck, drowned out by the sounds of the concert, and he turned to face her, trying to rub the blush out of his cheeks. "P-Please don't apologize..." He looked down at her, his eyes wandering back and forth and occasionally meeting her gaze, "Your responses to me are completely justified... Considering I doubt our experiences are much different..." Aran looked back over the crowd and then looked back over to her, "Y-you... Look nice... by the way..." He sighed a gentle breath, "Not that I think you believe me." He chuckled.
SachiGrl SachiGrl
"Now this is the life." Ness let out a sigh of relief as he relaxed at the bar. He held a glass of a drink called whiskey that he had tasted once on a planet called earth. He took a sip. The almost smokey taste of the liquid filled him mouth instantly, followed by the distinct taste of alcohol. He placed the glass back down on the counter "You really can get anything here. It's pretty impressive. I guess this was a worthwhile place to come after all, even if it's just for vacation." He watched the ice cube in his glass bob idly as the glass rested on the counter "Although," He looked around at the empty bar "It would be better with a little company."​



She didn't realize it, but she was holding her breath when he was replying. Her body was completely still except for her nervous ears and tail. As he pleaded for her to not apologize, she reddened of embarrassment and shame. Finally, letting out a long shaky breath, she laughed nervously as he mentioned his familiarity with both their likely experiences. Does he really know what's it was like for a half-breed like me? she thought to herself. She was the only one from her herd, but he seemed to have recognized her half-ly state upon immediately seeing her. He must have come across a few beings like herself. As seemingly sweet as most deer-folk seem to be, they're far from it when it comes to different races or even half-breeds. A very close-minded community. In fact, she recalled her chief thinking of using the newly half-breed, herself, as a key to merge the herd with the human population, but Fawna's existence only drove her herd to discriminate against humans even more.

"Y-you... Look nice... by the way..." He sighed a gentle breath, "Not that I think you believe me." He chuckled. Her ears perked up at his statement as her cheeks reddened even more. Wh-what does he mean by 'not that I believe him'...? she thought irritably. She wasn't sure how to respond, but only looked down at her dress to remember what she had on. "I... I was once like you," she replied, "Mamaleyans never adorned themselves in clothing. I've grown to like clothing." After a brief pause and just shyly playing with the ends of her dress, she added, "Th-thank you." She wasn't sure what else there was to do. There was this strange feeling that she wanted to remain talking to him mindlessly, but at the same time, she wanted to leave. I wonder if he's planning to stay... she thought to herself. Despite her wanting to ask, she felt it would be rude if she asked if he was staying. It might even imply that she wanted him to leave. "I.. I wish you.. a wonderful stay, Sir Aran," she gave a polite bow before decidedly walking away.
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Aran Winter-Eve
He sighed again and started to walk past her, glancing over his shoulder, "Don't worry, I'm leaving." He upped his speed to a trot and ducked out through the doorway before she could consider saying anything, stepping out into the lobby. He inhaled, everything in his mind screaming at him to go grab his things and go... Or... He looked at the door, maybe he'd just leave already. Aran could feel that he was just causing problems, his fists clenched tightly. If he wanted to fix anything, it might just have to start with his disappearance, it was a mistake to have stayed in the first place, after all. He was no diplomat, to masquerade as one to alleviate his own guilt was a disgrace.
So why was he still standing there, arguing with himself over something so... Meaningless.
SachiGrl SachiGrl

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