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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

Indigo Midna
Indigo felt something. That was not normal. She hadn't physically felt anything in over 100 years. But at this moment she felt something familiar inside her. A familiar cold that stretched throughout her entire being. Her scowl less faded away slightly, her face returning to it's usual cold stare. So she hadn't lost everything after all. The air in the entire room chilled instantly. Frost covered the windows and the glass vases around the room. There was no way to tell that it was her causing it. She simply answered in her usual monotone voice "The Random Hotel prides itself on a currency free, luxury experience for all it's guests for as long as they wish." She replied, her voice still unchanging. The temperature continued to drop as she talked, but still, she gave no indication that she was the one causing it "Oh my, it seems our temperature regulation systems have had a malfunction." She said, glancing at the frost that coated the windows Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Celica and Mercury
"Heh?" Celica blinked. "You mean you're not a Tao?"
"That would explain why there were no results from the scan."
Celica's head drooped "But she looks so much like one. I thought for sure..." She pouted
Mercury sighed and looked back to the girl "I'm sorry about her. Tao are a catlike race from the world we come from." She said. Once again, the green light flickered on in Mercury's eye's only, they were just aimed at the girl. "You said that he was holding your hand?" She asked as the light passed over the girls hands. "
Foreign DNA" she registered internally. She looked back towards the crowd "Scanning for biometric match." a few moments passed "There is 1 biometric match in this room. Identifying." A few seconds later, Mercury turned back to the girl "Excuse me, would you mind sitting in my shoulders? It will give you a better view and it will help identify the person we're looking for." Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
He let out a sigh as he watched her expression return to a neutral, disinterested one. He felt colder, but thought it was simply her look getting to him. He then realized it was rather the room getting colder when she mentioned it, staring over at the frosted window. His own smile had disappeared by this point as he sat up fully, stretching his long arms above his head. The fun had ended. "Look, if you want me out of your hair, all you have to do is say so. I may be annoying, but the only thing more annoying than me is someone who doesn't speak their mind. Don't just take people's crap, there's no point." He slipped his hands deep in his pockets, running his finger tips of the cool metal key. "I guess I'll catch you around, mystery woman." His voice sounded rather careless as he strode off towards the elevator. Removing the key from his pocket, he noted the number etched into it. Once the elevator arrived he stepped in and pressed the corresponding floor number. Now facing her, he smiled once more before the door closed.
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Indigo Midna
Indigo watched as the man walked away, though she could no longer care where he was or what he was doing. She looked down at her hand and felt the painful tingle in her finger tips as the cold nipped at her. She crushed her hand into a fist "Yes." she thought to herself "YES!" She looked up as the man entered the elevator. He had said something to her but she hadn't been paying attention. There was no need to listen to the words of a child she stared at the man as he turned around, a smile on his face. Indigo felt the cold welling up inside her. Her head was pounding, her soul was quivering, beneath the counter even the Keystone was shaking. As the doors of the elevator closed, Indigo made sure the last thing that man saw, was her face, contorted into a terrible, wild eyed smile. Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness


<< Assigned Task: Watch a concert? [On hold] || Mood: Utter awe || Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants >>
<< Location: Pool Deck, near the Concert Area >>

"Ehhh?! So your place has people like me too??", Nat's ears and tail had both instantly sprung up in response to the shock such a revelation brought, and then it was back to her usual curious tail waving, "What are they like?!!"

Her urge to know more would have derailed the search for the missing guest even further, if it wasn't for the big robot bringing up the hand-holding again, reminding the cat-girl of her embarrassment and subsequently, her task. The robotic being seemed to scan her hand and them start a bunch of processes that Natalie understood nothing about. Really, what did 'biometric' stand for?? She hoped it meant that the one match was Mim and that they wouldn't take long to get to him:

"Excuse me, would you mind sitting in my shoulders?

The cat-waitress had stopped for a while. She wasn't entirely sure if this machine was trustworthy yet. Yes, it had been nothing but helpful but stiiiill, being near it was just uncomfortable and slightly threatening... Nat took a deep breath and then decided to just go for it.

After a nod of her head, the girl had crouched slightly, gaze sharply focused on one of the robot's arm. Her ears flattened and her tail extended full length from her back, proving her the stability and flawless balance one needed to make this leap. There was a wiggle of her hips and suddenly Nat was airborne. Her body had completely elongated as she had put her hands forward ready to nail the landing. In a heartbeat, the cat-girl had gone from the floor to the top of one of the robot's appendages, proudly perched up there on all fours.

From there on, Nat kept climbing until she had reached the shoulder, finally standing back on her feet and gasping at new view of the environment:

"W-woa! The area looks so cool from up here! I can see everything~!!"
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Allie Sable
Allie whinnied with glee, holding an axe between his teeth and galloping through an open field of wheat-gold grass and autumn leaves, his mane and tail picking up the amber hues of the world around him. He glanced back through mischievous eyes at the snorting, panting wolf behind him, speeding up with ease. He dipped his head and tore reality apart and opening a passage to a place the two knew well ((da hotel)), stopping and letting his form morph into that of a human, waving the tool and tossing it away at the last second as the wolf approached.

Raymond Archiss
Roy was finally catching up, it seemed. His four legs morphed into two on the final stretch, and he leapt at the pale god with both fury and amusement on his brow, tackling him through the rift he'd opened and pinning him to the floor on the other side. "It's no fun when you give up." he chuckled, his rough voice tinged with a youthful joy, though all the while sounding something like a growl. He dodged a playful swing at his face and caught Allie's hand, the god wasn't even trying to put up a fight.
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Nikky Yurievna

It didn't even take a minute until someone appeared in Nikkys room. Or, at least, on her balcony. Who it was? Dwig, the head security manager. or worker. Whatever. He's the boss of the secuurity workers. Man, Nikky wished she'd be the boss of someone. "Yo Dwig! I'll come out later, I need to dress myself up. I'll hit up the bar first though, need to see what my working place looks like after I was forced to half-ass employ someone for the time I was gone. Will probably look like a bomb exploded." Well, she didn't really employ anyone. Her boss posted an advertisement, some were interested. And from those, Nikky was able to choose.

Moomba Moomba

The Ace of Diamonds card, up to this time dormant, suddenly felt a familiar presence in the lobby. As a man-made portal appeared in the reception a white haired man came out out it, and was instantly pinned down to the floor by another. The sight bucked Karo up very much, as he recognised the two of the hotel's patrons. A playing card soared through the air, and with a flash of red static formed body of an Homunculus.

"Ha! Gayyyyy," Karo shouted amused, approaching the two men lying at each other.

Sea Jay Sea Jay (I had to make this joke xP)
Allie Sable
The god slung an arm over the werewolf's neck, pulling himself up slightly, using Roy as leverage and tipping his head back just far enough to see who was speaking and catching a glimpse of a familiar face. "Oh, hey, Karooooooooooo~" He said lazily, sticking his tongue out with a slack grin. He moved in what would be a disturbing manner if he had been anything other than a god, limbs twisting and morphing as he slipped out from under the other man and intertwined his fingers behind his back, a friendly expression on his face.

Raymond Archiss
Roy rose to his feet, brushing off the knees of his jeans, ripped up from his work and the taxing transformations he took on daily. He walked up to stand beside Allie, resting his elbow on the shorter man's shoulder and looking over through half-lidded eyes, "Long time... Honestly probably seen you, I just don't remember." He chuckled, leaning forward, "Did you only come here to call us gay or are you gonna say hi, ye prick~?" His tongue peeked out for a moment, catching beneath one of his sharp, white fangs before sliding back.

Vyseryx Vyseryx (of course you did lmao)

"Did you only come here to call us gay or are you gonna say hi, ye prick~?" Raymond asked.

"Why not both?" Karo smiled widely, and bowed to the two men. "Welcome back to the Random Hotel, gentlemen. Two rooms as always?"

Sea Jay Sea Jay
Allie Sable
Allie grinned a bit wider, "Yep, just like usual, no real reason to change things up." He shrugged Roy's arm off of his shoulder and shot him a look before looking back at Karo.

Raymond Archiss
He smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head with his long nails.

Vyseryx Vyseryx

"I seeeee," the Homunuclus made a decent attempt at breaking the world record for the most amount of innuendo in two word sentence, before turning to the robotic maid behind the counter. "Two keys for those two gentelmen, sweetheart, pretty please."


"Jebus Christ, what is this gay shit?" the robot maid answered, with a voice of a person tired with her life.

"What?" Karo looked at the robot utterly confused. It was about the first time any of them had to say anything even resembling opinion.

"Blip, bloop, nothing." The maid was back to the emotionless voice of a robot. "Right away, Sir."

She gave Karo the keys and disappeared in the room behind the reception, leaving homunculus giggling at this sudden outburst of personality. Karo turned to his guests, presenting them with the keys.

"Here you go, Sires," He said with a smile. "If you are not tired after your travel here, you may yet still watch some of the concert, that is taking place right now. And, of course, our bars are opened 24/7, so that's always an option too!"

Sea Jay Sea Jay
SachiGrl SachiGrl (I know you told me explicitly not to give maids personality, but trust me, I have a plan)
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Raymond Archiss
He looked over at Allie with a sly smirk, obviously very amused with the situation... that was until the god gave him a swift hit in the stomach, knocking the air right out of him and making him hunch over coughing, wincing a bit as he took one of the keys.

Allie Sable
Allie's face was rosy, but his expression wasn't all that fitting, "I'll be in my room, thank you very much!" He turned his nose up and briskly walked to the elevator, hitting the button with a force that dented the panel beneath it and stepping into the elevator, not turning around once he was inside.

Roy straightened up, a bit of blood trickling from his nose, "Well, I could definitely use a drink."

Vyseryx Vyseryx

"Ah, good to see that some things don't change," Homunculus said with an amused tone, before he reached his hand to Raymond and materialised a tissue on it. "Here you go. If you want a drink, I believe our barista has just came back to work, so why not bother her a little bit? Were you to require healing, I can also help a little."

While not exactly fitting what he said, Karo waved his fingers and a little bit of red static jumped between his palm and elevator's panel, repairing it in an instant.

'This god. I have a feeling this time his visit will be so much fun.' Karo thought amused.

Sea Jay Sea Jay
J Jules8008 (mentioned Nikky)
Raymond Archiss
The werewolf took the tissue and held it up to his nose, sighing, the slight pained look only showing in the furrowing of his eyebrows, and only then for a split second. "I'll be fine, this isn't really anything." He chuckled, groaning as he slouched over slightly. "Yeah... I definitely will..."

Allie Sable
The elevator was just symbolic, Allie actually arrived at his room before the elevator made it half way. He opened the door and stepped inside, slamming it closed and walking over to the bed to flop down on it, making a loud, frustrated noise before pulling a pillow over his face.

Vyseryx Vyseryx

"Yeah, I can see that, for sure," Karo came closer to the werewolf and reached to him putting his open palm on his belly. "But a little bit of a first aid couldn't hurt, could it? It's going to tickle a little bit..."

Red static of alchemy covered Raymond's torso and reached deeper into his organs. What homunculus was about to do was more akin to surgical operation than 'first aid'. Displaced blood came back to veins, damaged blood vessels were restored back to their full functionality, and a bruise that was starting to form on Raymond's belly quickly disappeared.

"Here we go." Karo moved away from the werewolf.

Sea Jay Sea Jay
Raymond Archiss
Roy shivered at the tingling, feeling himself heal from the inside. He sighed, "Yeah... Thanks..." He turned to wander off in search of a place he could drink, really feeling like he could use something to dull his mind.

Allie Sable
He looked around the room, noticing the updated décor. He snapped his fingers and the light turned on, and again to summon himself a hot cup of coffee.

Vyseryx Vyseryx
x Bellatrix De'Fleur x
Mood: Intrigued
Location: Entrance Lobby, near the front desk
With: Herself and no one else
Tags: No one... Yet
Bellatrix was a simple woman. When she was hungry, she ate food. When she was tired, she slept. When she was bored, she would find someone to make a contract with. Bellatrix was a simple woman.

But, lately, it's been hard finding a contract. People have been avoiding as if they knew who she is. So, instead of gathering contracts in her usual locations, she's been traveling. What she didn't expect, was traveling to a hotel when absently stepping out through her door. It wasn't an unpleasant surprise, but certainly not what she had been expecting.

"My, oh my. What an unusual turn of events," she spoke to herself as she wandered around the lobby, inspecting and touching just about everything in there. "This place is nice, fancy at that. I might just stay here for a while." She looked around the room, looking for any receptionist or other kinds of employees who could help her find a room.
Amestris Dudan

The Head of Entertainment didn't mind, when Fawna asked to go on concert. It was probably a good idea for her boss to get some fresh air and get out of the room. During the short walk Amestris reached to minds of her homunuli and synchronised their knowledge about the hotel's state. While Pik had very little to report, since he was stalking ("I am not stalking, mom!!") Natalie, Karo and Kier took upon themselves to greet two new guests and Trefl found the other loose end of the argument between owner and guest, and calmed the other centaur down.

'Reliable as always,' She praised her Ace of Clubs.

'Thank you, creator,' the homunculus answered politely. 'I assume you will take care of the rest?'

'Yes, I'm on it.'

As they walked among people on concert, Amestris quickly spotted the centaur. For few seconds she considered ducking into the crowd to prevent Fawna from seeing him, but before she had made any decision, they both had spotted each other.

'Oh well,' Amestris thoguht and in a dance like move, she grabbed Fawna's hand and spun her, while also pulling her closer, and trapping owner in a hug before her, in such a way, that half-centaur had to look in Aran's direction. Delicately swinging in the rhythm of music, Dudu whispered in Fawna's ear from behind.

"His name is Aren, and he is about as flustered about this situation as it gets. He is our guest and you made him really uncomfortable." The alchemy enhanced voice was perfectly audible even in the noise of the concert. "So, Princess, I believe it's time for a little bit of adulting on your side. Otherwise, this beautiful suit I bought for you on Paris-2 will go to the trash can..."

Amestris released her hug, and pushed Fawna delicately in the direction of Aran.

SachiGrl SachiGrl
Sea Jay Sea Jay (Aran mentioned)
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507 looked outside his window to make sure no one saw him, closing it quickly and locking the door to his room before pulling out his necromancy book, studying one spell very carefully for a few hours before using it once again, he looked at a nearby rat killing it almost instantaneously. His eyes glowed a bright blue as he began chanting [insert some kind of resurrection chant here], the rat coming back to life almost immediately, but such spells always demanded something in return, as a smile spread across 507s face, it quickly faded as he saw his right arm encased in both dragon bone and the black metal known as ebony “the hell?” He thought to himself.
Raymond Archiss
Roy was among his best friends. A glass full of the strongest alcohol he could find, a nice cold bar stool, and a wall of a seemingly endless array of liquors. He swished the contents of his cup a little before tipping it back and swallowing it all at once, smacking it back down on the bar, held tightly in his fist. He mumbled something and someone had filled his glass again, he was losing himself in the bottom of the glass, it had something embellished on it but right now he couldn't care any less about what it said.
The quiet sounds of a few other patrons echoed through the room, the whirring hum of the robotic maids as they polished the tables clean with their rags, the quiet clinking of glasses and the drunken murmurings of a few old folk trading stories. He span around on the stool, leaning back on his elbows as he nursed another glass, eyes glazed over, no matter how many times his eyes moved he wasn't even trying to look at anything, lost in a cesspool of muddied thoughts and past arguments.
He wondered if Karo could feel everything he healed... If that was the case, he couldn't imagine what he was thinking now... Eh, probably nothing, who cares...
Roy's glass stopped at his lips as he glanced over at his arm. If he was able to feel it... Would he have noticed all the... No, it's nothing, just take another drink and forget about it.
He tipped his head back and felt the drink pour down his throat with every small, desperate swallow he took to assure his drunken state. He didn't want to think about it, he didn't want to remember anything, but what happened then had dredged up a whole mess of worries and concerns that had plagued him each and every time he thought of the fickle god for the past hundred or so years.
He tilted his head back and lost himself in the music lulling over the room, the snippets of conversation going straight through him as if they'd never occurred... They might as well have been another bit of the music in the background, he'd probably mistake some of the words for lyrics at some point, not that it mattered. He let his heel settle on the bar near the bottom of the stool and lifted his other leg to rest his foot on a portion of the seat that had become vacant when he'd leaned back, closing his eyes and sighing a breath, he reeked of intoxication, but right now that's all he could ever want for himself.
Current Receptionist

Hello and welcome to TRH, I am the current receptionist. All our guest rooms are in the second floor and above. The room numbers range from 200-999. The first digit dictates the floor the room is on. Please select a room you're interested in and if you require any accommodations, such as a coffin in place of a bed, please feel free to notify me. The owner is currently out. If you were interested in a job position, please fill out the form below and provide all necessary documents before turning it in. Master Fawna should return shortly. Feel free to wait in the lobby or interact with our guests while you wait for your interview. Thank you for staying at TRH.
Hiring Application

507 looked at his new armored arm, poking it before it started burning its way into his skin. He tried to hold back his screams but only let out a loud yelp and falling to his knees. Making a loud sort of held back screaming loud enough to be heard to the lobby below him Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
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Indigo Midna
Everything had gone back to normal since the incident earlier. The cold had once again left indigo and she felt nothing again. She longed for that feeling to return again. She had missed it so much and now to have it dangled in front of her like a lure, she had no choice but to chase after it. Her thoughts were interrupted however by the sound of someone yelling on the floor above the lobby. It wasn't unusual to hear strange sounds in a place like this though so she didn't pay it much mind Sir Fungus Sir Fungus

"I firmly believe, that a high pitched vibration emitted by humanoid's larynx, may suggest a strong need for an intervention of qualified, non-robotic personell," The maid said to Indigo, with a tone of voice suggesting she cared about as much (if not less) about the screaming guest as receptionist.

Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
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