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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)


"I am glad it is to your liking," Trefl smiled a little bit. He was always glad to share his little treasures. "Those are my favourites."

Trefl smiled, and then his face became softer. "I suggest you go to your room now and sleep for a bit. You look very tired, and responsible people should not deal with serious problems, when their eyes are closing themselves."

Sea Jay Sea Jay (I want to finish it cause I am going to sleep xP)
Aran WInter-Eve
Aran smiled and stood, making his way to the door "It was nice meeting you." He said before ducking and exiting the room.

((go to sleep, ya dork, lol))
"Well then, looks like I arrived at the right place." The man laughed as he ran his hand through his thick black hair "Took me a while to find this place and that's sayin somethin." He stepped through the front doors of the hotel and looked around "Nice nice, not the best, but nice." he said to himself as he admired the lobby. Ness took a few steps in and stopped in front of the front desk, not really paying attention to who was behind it. "Yo, babe how's it hangin." He greeted aimlessly "Name's Ness. Any room is fine." The Receptionist didn't say anything as she slid the key across the counter. Ness slapped the key and slid it into his pocket "Thanks hun. See ya round." Ness headed off into the building without looking back.

Indigo Midna
What was HE doing here?!
Six and Michael headed to the lobby, Michael complaining about something all the way there, Six stopped at the front desk. "Excuse me, we will be checking out."
Michael kept complaining until he realized they'd stopped, chuckling awkwardly.
Indigo Midna
Indigo turned her gaze on the two of them "Of course sirs. If you could please just return your room key." She asked in her usual Icy voice, holding out her hand. This was the first of the new guests to be checking out. Perhaps things would start getting quieter around here soon Indigo wondered Sea Jay Sea Jay
Michael reached into his pocket and slid the room key across the desk, flipping through his notebook and scribbling something down as he wandered away.
Six moved to catch up with him.

Monsieur Mim

"Woa!!", Nat had exclaimed and turned to Mim, the lights of the stage reflecting in her green-emerald gaze, making it appear as if the starry night sky had lost its way in them, "I've never seen anything like this before!!! It's awesome, she's awesome~!!!!!" The purple haired male nodded in agreement and was extremely glad she found his favorite artist as fascinating as he did.

"Do you think we can we get even closer?!"

Mim was just about to reply with 'Oui, mademoiselle,' but her pull towards the front stage left him flabbergasted. He watched her with a surprised expression until the crowd surrounding them got so tight, he could barely see Natalie's arm as she squeezed through. it came to a point where he couldn't see her at all, then nor he feel her hand anymore. "Nat? Mademoiselle Nat?!" he was tall for a human, but nothing compared to the monstrous beings that populated the crowd. He found furry ears like her's and as he approached them, it was some other petite cat-woman, who dressed mighty provocatively. His eyes couldn't help to oogle her body for a bit, then his face was followed by a BAP! He rubbed his aching cheek and apologized in French. "Nat? Mademoiselle Nat?!" Mim called out again, his voice barely surpassing the crowd's enthusiasm. Every now and then, he'd get distracted by Amiellia's intoxicating vocal melodies. He, also, couldn't help to dance while searching for his femme.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

A loud buzzing, whirling sound boomed through the lobby, throwing furniture and objects against walls with the force of the portal ripping through. Two men in suits with strange, dangerous looking guns came in, one's eyes immediately locking onto Michael and Six. They aimed their guns when suddenly Michael pulled out a strange device, flipping through a series of numbers and pressing a big red button, which opened yet another portal, cracking a nearby wall.
Michael smirked, saying a sarcastic, "Bye-bye~" and grabbing Six's hand, pulling them both through, the portal snapping shut. One of the men pulled out a more sophisticated version of the device Michael held and shot a portal in the same direction and both rushed through, this portal closing with similar speed, leaving destruction in it's wake.
Simon's smile slipped slightly as the performance grew a little old. He turned to Kier and smiled politely. "I'm gonna duck into the lobby. It was nice meeting you, and who knows, maybe I'll see you again." He winked playfully and made his way through the crowd towards the front counter. A small woman stood with a cold expression as two men checked out. Once they had moved out of the way, Simon stepped forward leaning on the counter. A large grin hung on his face. Of course this woman wasn't going to be the type smile, but that almost made the possible interaction more entertaining. "Hi," He said with enough enthusiasm to kill a small elephant.
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Indigo Midna
"Why do I always get the weird ones?" Indigo though to herself as she looked at the man "Hello sir, how can i help you?" She asked, her tone of voice barely changing to indicate a question. Her cold grey gaze locked with his. She was small, yes. But that glare had made other guests pass out before. She was getting the feeling that perhaps going to the concert with 507 may have been a better option if not just to avoid this pending conversation Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness



Fawna was only minutes into her room after her emotional reaction to Aran, her fairly new centaurian customer. Her legs sprawled carelessly on the floor as her back was supported by the wall. Tears flowed endlessly down her cheeks while frustrated thoughts filled her head. Why does she let a centaur like him affect her like this? What did he do to truly agitate her? Had he really said something insulting or infuriating to her? He wasn't lying when he called her a half-breed. She was one. Her thoughts went on and on until she heard two concise knocks. Dun. Dun.

Princess? Is everything alright?” the tone of her voice was fairly delicate, but also a little pushy - Amestris didn’t know what was happening, but she was hellbent to find out and help. “And I swear, if you say ‘yes’ I am kicking out the doors.

Amestris just knew how to say things because her last comment cause the little sobbing deer to smirk. Slowly, she got up. Before opening the door, she wiped her eyes and looked at the time. It was a little past 12 in the morning. Goodness it was late, but the show must go on. "Hey," she greeted quietly. "I... I just over-reacted," she brushed her hair back mindlessly. She was certain that wasn't going to be a good enough explanation with Miss Dudan. "Mamaley, where I come from, I was treated poorly by my kind," she then abruptly said with her ears flattened backwardly, "NOT LIKE HE DID ANYTHING UNKIND!!" After slightly rubbing her arm in an insecure manner, she added, "I just... he just.. reminds me of them..."

Her ears rose to their normal posture and flickered a bit. "Let's go listen to some music," she said with a smile and with her arm linked around Miss Dudan's, she led them onto the pool deck.

Sea Jay Sea Jay
Vyseryx Vyseryx


<< Assigned Task: Watch a concert? [On hold] || Mood: L-let's do this!! || Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants and SachiGrl SachiGrl >>
<< Location: Pool Deck, near the Concert Area >>

"No worries! I'm sure we can help ya!"

Natalie had been taken aback by the woman's flashy movements, hopping away from her once she had made that landing. The sight of the robotic creature she had been mounting, that surprisingly enough the waitress hadn't noticed thus far, had also made her feel slightly uncomfortable by their height differences. It just made her felt even smaller and fragile than she already was...
Still, having help in her search sounded good. The cat-girl doubted that she would ever find Mim by herself at this point:

"Just tell us who yer lookin' for and that'll help a ton!", the red-haired lady had pressed again

"O-okay!", Nat had replied, the other's confidence pushing her to believe that they would be successful, "He's about this tall, dresses really fancy and... oh! Has purple hair, in a really pretty shade of purple... Also likes to ramble in some weird language at times... Oh, uhhh that's not really useful, is it?", the cat-girl had laughed awkwardly.
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Her glare only made his smile stretch wider. She was certainly a scary one. He couldn't hold back the chuckle that bubbled up from within his chest. "Damn, that stare of yours. I bet that's how you get all the boys." He leaned his elbow on the counter and stared at her. Her eyes were like ice, and he could feel them chilling his core, but the threat only made it more exciting. "You seem like such a ray of sunshine. How do you fight them all off?"
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Aran Winter-Eve
After spending that time learning a few things about this world he'd found himself in, Aran felt far more open to experiencing what it had to offer, as it may not be nearly as bad as he kept making it out to be. The one thing he'd pushed off most was that concert, or whatever that was. Sure, it was loud, it wasn't like the music back home, but maybe it could be fun. He'd convinced himself, and found himself skirting the edge of the crowd and, at his height, easily getting a full view of the action save for a feel tall beings further up.
Celica and Mercury
Celica put a hand on her chin "Hmmm, Purple hair, dresses fancy and talks in a weird way..." She thought for a moment "Mercury, Can you see anyone that matches that description?"
Mercury looked through the crowd, her towering 7 foot figure casting a shadow over both Celica and the girl.
"There are 37 entities in this room that fit that description." She turned back and looked at the girl "Did you happen to touch this person at all? anywhere?"
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

Indigo Midna
Indigo kept her composure. She had been here for 90 years. There had been other jokers like this guy before "Simple. They never reach me." She replied, letting her hand pass effortlessly through the front desk as if her hand had never touched it at all. "Now, is there anything I can help you with, sir?" She asked again. Inside, Indigo was mildly annoyed by this man needlessly disturbing her but not a trace of that showed on her face Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness



He won't be here... she told herself. He's like me back then... This is way too loud for comfort.. the mental rambling went on and on until she was finally outside. A sigh of relief escaped her lips. He's not here... Her hooves found their way to the nearest seat and she relaxed for a bit. And for literally A BIT, she relaxed. There he was. White fur, silver eyes, four hooves. Yup. That's him. Her hands clutched tightly onto the arms of the chair, but then she realized she looked very suspicious and the woman tried to loosen up. He's just a guest... she reminded herself. He's just a guest... she repeated. I should probably apologize for my unsightly behavior earlier... she tried to ignore that thought. She didn't want to do anything, but run. Their interactions have been nothing but awkward. She turned to face away from him, in hopes he doesn't notice. This is only for today... she justified. I must certainly apologize tomorrow... when I feel more.. calm..
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Vyseryx Vyseryx
Aran Winter-Eve
He found himself enjoying the different colors and sounds that flooded the area, leaning forward with his hands rested on a high railing, he looked out over the crowd. So many different creatures of varying shapes, sizes, even colors! He'd never seen a peaceful gathering of so many different races, but even with all the noise, the cheering, the music, he could feel the bubbling positive energy, he could smell the joy on the wind... Along with some other things, but the joy!
He thought back on his homeland and the things they did for entertainment... It was nothing this loud or this spectacular, and nothing he could play sounded nearly as unique as the sounds he heard here! He almost forgot about the events that had happened before when he saw her, turning his head to try and get distracted by the changing lights, but all the while being haunted by that look on her face. His throat and lips suddenly felt dry, the kind of dry that no amount of water could satisfy.
Aran found himself looking over his shoulder to look at her, she looked uncomfortable but... He couldn't tell if it was because he was here... Though it probably was. She looked like she had gotten all dressed up for a fun time and here he was ruining it... And staring.
His cheeks burned and his throat ached, but he couldn't bring himself to move.
SachiGrl SachiGrl


<< Assigned Task: Watch a concert? [On hold] || Mood: >////< || Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants and SachiGrl SachiGrl >>
<< Location: Pool Deck, near the Concert Area >>

Natalie watched the pair do their thing with both curiosity and hope. Her tail twitched impatiently behind her as the red-haired woman had issued a command to the giant robot. The cat-girl had honestly expected the response to take a while, back home if she had given a similar task to a computer Nat would have had to wait at least ten minutes as the machine worked, making a plethora of calculations she did not understand...
BUT! It couldn't have been farther from the truth! The request had been made and the reply had been nearly instantaneous!!

"37 PEOPLE?! How are we expected to check them all???"

The answer to her question had soon been given, though it was also a reminder of how confusing and embarrassing the whole Mim situation had been:

"Uhhh...", the cat-girl had averted her gaze from the two, her ears going slightly down as Nat blushed, "W-well... She, he... Wouldn't stop holding my hand..."

Aaaaaaaah, it felt like she had just admitted the weirdest thing ever!! The waitress wanted to run and hide, though if she did so they'd never find the missing guest... Ahh, what a dilemma!
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He watched, intrigued as her hand passed through the desk. "That's pretty cool, wish I had a party trick." A frown formed on his face as she repeated her initial question. "Well I suppose I need a room key, but I don't plan on leaving once you given it to me. I mean," He leaned on both elbows now as he looked around the lobby. "Unless you have other tasks that I'm keeping you from, does it make any difference if I stay?" He rested his chin in his palm. "So do you actually have friends or are you just cold to everyone?"
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Celica and Mercury
Mercury nodded "That makes things much easier." Mercury's eyes began to glow green as she looked out into the crowd once more "Scanning the room for entities containing or recently in contact with Tao DNA."
Celica smiled widely, incredibly proud of her creation, that being Mercury "We'll for sure find them now. Mercury is just gonna do a quick scan for people who might have Tao DNA on them." She explained "Obviously, you'll come up as a result so we can say that whatever result we get, we can just subtract 1 from and that'll be our guy!"
"There are 0 entities containing or have recently been in contact with Tao DNA."
Celica exploded. "Not even her?!" She said, pointing at the cat girl.
Mercury shook her head
"But-but-but!" She stammered "How could there be 0 results when there's obviously a Tao in the room!" Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

Indigo Midna
Indigo's brow furled into a tight scowl. Who the hell was this jerk? "You're lucky I can't touch you in this body." She thought to herself in annoyance. She reached below the desk and removed the guest book. She placed the large book down on the counter at the of the man's elbows. With a quick push, she jammed the book forward and pushed his elbows off the counter. She flipped it open to the most current page and took out a pen. Then she simply said "Name?" Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
He smiled lightly as she scowled. Suddenly she pulled out a big book and slammed it on the counter, pushing his elbow off. His head bounced down, but he quickly caught himself and sat up. "Simon Hart, I'd say you can call me Simon, but I think you have other things you'd rather call me." He watched her begin writing before piping up again. "Do you have a name, or do simply go by small and feisty?" He grinned and looked up, expecting another scowl.
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Indigo Midna
She quickly wrote the name Simon Hart into the next open space in the guest book. Once she had, Indigo returned the book to it's place beneath the counter. "Yes, I do indeed have a name." She slid a room key out from the key holder and placed it down on the desk. "Enjoy your stay, sir." She replied, not even bothering to answer his question. Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
He nodded, slipping the key from the counter into his pocket. "And I don't suppose I'm privy to that information?" He stated ignoring what seemed to be an attempt to end the conversation. Things seemed to quiet down around the lobby, most seeming to either go to bed or stay out watching the concert. It was a nice hotel, that was certain, and the staff seemed to be a fun bunch. "You know, this is a really nice place. Who know's how long I'll stay here." His eyes shot back to hers, waiting to see if she would let out the comments she was clearly holding back.
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants


<< Assigned Task: Watch a concert? [On hold] || Mood: Confusion || Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants and SachiGrl SachiGrl >>
<< Location: Pool Deck, near the Concert Area >>

Embarrassed, Natalie had remained silent, barely paying attention to what the pair had been ping-pong discussing between them... Her mind had been shot completely blank and she had simply stared without reaction back towards the crowd, not exactly knowing why. The very notion of time seemed lost, the red-haired lady's explanation had fallen on deaf ears...

"WHAT?!?", the woman's shout had instantly kicked Nat out of her mindless state, "Not even her?!"

The cat-girl had watched the commotion with curiosity, though also slightly worried. She had been pointed at and the robot had shaken its head at its companion lady, which then, had said something that the waitress did not quite understand... Approaching the two slowly, Nat had raised her head again ready to make a question:

"Uhh, excuse me but... What is a Tao?", she had tilted her head in confusion.

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