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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

Aran Winter-Eve
The man quickly pulled his hands from his bag and stood, towering over her and the lounge at his full height, "Miss, please... let me explain myself..." He looked at her, his silver eyes wide, but pleading, he found that he had blocked her way away from the chair and swallowed roughly, backing up in a few long strides. He cracked his knuckles anxiously, looking down at the floor, his antlers nearly tapping a light on the ceiling at the angle he held his head in. His ears sagged, pointing outwards just slightly enough, and one of his cloven hooves tapped nervously on the floor.
It had been a while, but he still felt naked in this position, putting himself out to speak for any reason, he subconsciously considered reaching for his bow and making an escape, but if he did now, why had he stayed in the first place?
For now he stood in silence, fidgeting awkwardly in the presence of a being he knew he hadn't wronged, but truly felt he had.

SachiGrl SachiGrl



Her ears yet again flatten as Aran rose, seemingly, to block her path. The deer's face now did reflect intimidation as he stood tall before her, barely giving her room to rise from her seat. She held her breath at the sight of him. Memories of being trampled replaying in her mind. As he stepped away, she took the opportunity given and nearly ran from him. Instincts. It was her instincts causing her to run so naturally from the sight of him. Her heart rate was at its peak. Her breathing heightened. She ran into her room and slammed the door behind her. Clawing at her own chest in attempt to calm her own breathing. Her back slid down against the wall as she suddenly broke down in tears. She's never felt this vulnerable in years. She was no longer in Mamaley. She is the owner of a wonderful establishment. What does she have to fear? Apparently, tormenting memories of her past regarding centaurs. They played so vividly in her mind, she nearly lost her sanity with the guest. If he leaves, it is most certainly her fault. Why did that thought leave her so offset?
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Aran Winter-Eve
He sighed, checking in with the strange shiny creature up front. Aran's mind was stuck on the image of the frightened woman, but not for too long, as he soon recieved something they called a "room key" and was led to his room, focusing on the things he saw as he passed.
Forests trapped in slick, clear lining, the floors grew fur here, and the walls held tiny stars upon them like guardians, lining the passage way. His hooves thumped along until he reached the door, and he fiddled with the key for a few moments before the door clicked. Pressing his fingertips against it, the door pushed open, and he ducked inside.
Glancing around in the dark, he found the quiet, a place where the sounds did not wander and the light did not creep, sighing again.
Part of him wanted to leave, but the rest of him wanted another chance to explain...
The next time he felt this way, he thought, it may be for the best if he left.
Simon looked up at the large building that towered over him. He was tall, no doubt, but this building looked as though it pierced the heavens. A wide smile splayed across his face. A few minutes ago he had been wandering through the familiar woods of Mindanao, but now he was in a completely foreign area. He wasn't frightened though, quite the contrary. He was excited; he had been presented a new area, a sort of playground. And he planned on enjoying what the gods had bestowed upon him.
He strode into the building, watching the assortment of creatures move around the lobby. The light sound of music could be heard, and he wasted no time following it. The source of the enchanting sound was a fiery woman on a stage, a mob of people below cheering. Simon slickly slid between people as he made his way towards the front of the crowd. With the wide variety of species, he didn't stick out as much as he initially thought. A light smirk rested on his lips as he scanned the crowd.


<< Assigned Task: Watch a concert!! || Mood: THIS.IS.AWESOME!!! || Tags: SachiGrl SachiGrl >>
<< Location: Lost inside the crowd, somewhere in the Concert Area >>
((And this is my way of taking both characters out of scene tonight, I might go back to bed now~))​

When Mim had pulled her closer to him, Natalie's response had been nothing more than a tiny surprised 'yelp!'. That had been so straight-forward and sudden! And wasn't making the situation any less awkward to the cat-girl. Having their faces this close to each other had just made the waitress the color of a tomato, as a nervously twitchy tail sealed the deal in displaying just how embarrassed the girl really was...

Luckily for her, the stalemate between the two hadn't lasted that long, with the cat-girl suddenly being pulled away, led into the concert area. Slightly surprised by being dragged off, Nat hat been taken out of her embarrassment and thrown into the new, exciting world of the event. The illumination had been a bit too much at first, but soon, with her pupils slightly slit to take in less light from the environment, she had quickly found herself absolutely marvelling over the performance.
The strong yet calming, perfectly tuned voice of the singer echoing inside her feline ears, providing her with a unique grasp of the majesty of the music being played that others in the crowd would have not. It just made the whole experience even more magical to her:

"Woa!!", Nat had exclaimed and turned to Mim, the lights of the stage reflecting in her green-emerald gaze, making it appear as if the starry night sky had lost its way in them, "I've never seen anything like this before!!! It's awesome, she's awesome~!!!!!"

"Do you think we can we get even closer?!"

But before her companion could reply, the cat-girl's overflowing excitement had already prompted her to go. Dragging Mim with herself this time, the two had blended into the crowd, steadily moving towards the stage and soon disappearing from sight completely, as if the infinitude of spectators was this great, expansive sea and the pair had just swan into it, staying below the surface level.
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Amestris Dudan
For the time she talked with Natalie, Ames had observed an awkward conversation between Fawna and a centaur guest. But before alchemist realised just how bad did it go, the owner, with tears in her eyes, fled to her room leaving the confused guest to do the same.

‘Oh deer,’ Ames thought distraught and concerned about Fawna. ‘This is not exactly a way to make a good first impression.’

The alchemist was slightly confused as to what to do next. On one hand, she wanted to see to the concert, to check if everything in, well, her department was going smoothly. On the other - her boss definitely needed somebody to talk to and that was a matter Head of Entertainment decided to address first.

Soon, Amestris found herself before Fawna’s room. She raised her hand and knocked twice.

“Princess? Is everything alright?” the tone of her voice was fairly delicate, but also a little pushy - Amestris didn’t know what was happening, but she was hellbent to find out and help. “And I swear, if you say ‘yes’ I am kicking out the doors.”

SachiGrl SachiGrl
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Name: Kier
Race: Homunculi (artificial man created by alchemist)
Age: N/A (exists only when summoned)
Card: Ace of Hearts
Occupation: Amestris Duban's assistant; Head of Art and Craft

As the concert was in it's full glamour, little had noticed a plying card flying between the guests enjoying themselves. It quickly zigzagged between groups of friends and total strangers having fun together and headed in direction of Simon. When it was few meters him, the card suddenly covered in red static and with a flash of light Kier appeared.

"I am terribly sorry for the wait, kind sir," she bowed courtly before Simon. "Do you wish for us to provide you with a room, or are you only visiting?"

Her voice was quiet, but thanks to her creator's magic, easily discernable even druing the concert.

Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
507 woke up, covering his eyes as he groaned “Dumb concert...” he got up, knowing sleep was futile at this point, putting on a purple tuxedo with a galaxy sort of tie and made his way downward, fixing his hair back into its long spikes along the way
A small object caught his eyes as it whizzed by. Suddenly, with a flash a light, a woman stood beside him. A light smirk found its way onto his face as he raised an eyebrow. He watched as she bowed and asked about a room. "Well with such a cute, little thing like you asking, how could I possibly leave? A room would be lovely." He returned the bow, but held eye contact with the quiet woman. "You have quite a voice, to be heard over such screams and noise. I bet that's how you draw all the guests in." He let out a soft chuckle, simply poking fun.
Vyseryx Vyseryx


<< Assigned Task: Watch a concert? [On hold] || Mood: Frantically looking for someone || Tags: SachiGrl SachiGrl and Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants >>
<< Location: Pool Deck, near the Concert Area >>

Natalie had soon found herself at the foot of the stage. Amazed by everything, to the lights, to the music to the singer herself, the cat-girl had perched over the podium, her hands on top of the elevation, peeking in from below with her tail up-high, just momentarily twitching this and that way in response to the performance she had been watching.

She had been in so much awe that the whole environment had blended into the background completely as if Nat had suddenly been transported to her own pocket-dimension, with its own passage of time and notion of space. It was only in the gap between the end of the current song and the start of the next that the waitress had noticed something was missing, or more accurately, someone. Oh no! It seemed that she and Mim had stranded from each other earlier!!

Panicking, the cat-girl had called for her missing friend, but the noises of both the crowd and the concert had drowned out her voice entirely. Nat tried locating the guest's signature purple hair as well, but to her dismay discovered that the hotel's dwellers weren't short of unique hair and fur colorations, including very similar shades of purple...
She had been at a loss for what to do, tears starting to pool in the corner of her eyes, the magic of the concert utterly forgotten. Should she just wait here until Mim caught up to her? Would he even manage to find her in such a full place?! A lot of these people towered over her! There was no way she'd be seen, especially sticking in the front like she currently was!!

Nat had been very close to giving in to desperation when a new idea crossed her mind. Maybe she could wait for Mim, but outside of this commotion, in a more open and clean location where she could, in fact, be seen... Carefully treading through the multitude, the cat-waitress had eventually managed to exit the sea of people, reaching a less packed area near a white table.
Standing there, the cat-waitress kept on glancing towards the crowd in exasperation, hoping to get a glimpse of Mim soon so that she could wave in the other's direction. It was weird and slightly scary to be alone during such a big event...
Kier smiled a little and the compliment.

"I cheat a little bit with magic," she said with a perfect poker face and amusement shining in her eyes. "But don't tell the others."

The Homunculus looked behind her in the direction of the reception. With a quick move, she threw a card from her sleeve in that direction, before turning back to Simon.

"Can I help you with something else, sir?"


Meanwhile the card Kier threw flew into the reception and landed on Indigo's desk. It was a clear sign for receptions that somebody from Entertainment department needed a key for a new guest.

Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants [Indigo knows, that if she puts key on the card, it will fly back to Kier with it]
Dwig sipped his coffee and sat back at his table in the oak grill. "Ah, this is the life. Though I wonder where that fish anthro went, I forgot to find her after the commotion in the lobby" Dwig looked back to his journal, obvious of the concert.
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
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Aran Winter-Eve
Within the span of a single second he went from sleeping to wide awake, his pupils were pinpricks, darting through the darkness as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing. He scrambled to his hooves, his shoulder bumping something, which fell with a loud crashing sound he couldn't quite place. He tensed up, backing slowly away, reaching an arm out to feel for a wall, not wanting to run into it. He felt his fingertips run over something slick, which moved with one rigid motion, and suddenly the room was filled with bright light. Aran launched himself back with his front hooves and felt his rear bump against the door and whipped around, his antler chipping as it tore at the low ceiling. He fought for the room key and unlocked the door, ducking and stumbling out into the hallway, running into the wall outside the room.
He stared at the door as it closed, huffing in panicked breaths, trying to remember why he was here.
Indigo Midna
Indigo winced internally as she recognized the voice that was calling to her. She looked up from the desk to see the void elf 507 approaching her. Her initial interest in this peculiar guest had been steadily declining as his persistent attempts to interact with her had been slowly changing from a decent distraction from the every day flow of work, to a mild annoyance that kept coming back. Still, she kept her composer "Hello sir. Are you enjoying the concert?" She asked, her voice still dismissive and cold, though that was hardly 507's fault. Sir Fungus Sir Fungus

Celica and Mercury
"Mercury Ane, Diajyoubu?" Celica leaned over to look Mercury in the face, her hair dangling down lazily as she sat up on the Mecha's shoulders at the edge of the crowd. Around them, Excited onlookers bumped and bashed into them as they jumped to the beat of the songs, completely unaware of their surroundings.
"I am perfectly all right Celica. You have no reason to worry." She replied. They had attempted to push their way into the crowd but Mercury had decided it was best to not, in order to not injure any of the concert goers. Celica glanced behind them a moment and noticed a girl looking around as if she were lost. The girl had ears like a cat and a tail like one too
"She looks like a Tao from back home." Celica thought to herself "Hey Mercury, Look over there. That Tao looks lost." She said, pointing to the girl.
"It's rude to point Celica." Mercury turned and started walking towards the girl
"Heeeey!" Celica called as they got closer "Are you alright?" Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

507 cleared his throat before replying to indigo “Actually, I was on my way there. And...well...” a small dark purple blush spread across his face as his voice cracked nervously “I was wondering if you’d like to go with, Unless you’re busy of course..” Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
His smiled stretched as she entertained him with a response. Though her face was rather emotionless, there was something in her eyes that he couldn't place, but it only added to his excitement for the interaction. Gently he moved his thumb and index across his lips. "My lips are sealed."
"Can I help you with something else, sir?"
He let out a soft laugh. "Such formality. You can start off by calling me Simon. It's a party, no need to be so formal." He looked back towards the stage and pulsing crowd. "Speaking of, what's the occasion? Are we celebrating something in particular or simply having fun?"
Vyseryx Vyseryx
Aurelia was thoroughly confused on what was happening around her. Her village had never been so lively. Though the only thing she could compare it to was the celebration of fertility; that lasted a week, but was more so the gathering of the village to watch the children reach the age of maturity. During that week there was dancing and food and music, but it was much more calm and certainly less crammed. Soon Aurelia was lost in thought, fondly remembering those time, and the day she had reached fertility.
Moomba Moomba
Aran Winter-Eve
He ran his shaky hands through his hair, trying to calm his breathing and think of something else, running his fingers over his antlers to find that he'd chipped his right antler in his panic. His shoulders heaved with a shuddering sigh, and he closed his eyes to clear his mind, muttering strange words under his breath.
"Of course, Simon," the ace dropped the formalities quickly. Though she was used to guest who wanted to get more casual with her, she would still prefer to stay formal. But, well, guest's were always right, weren't they. "And I believe it's only a celebration? Not quite sure myself, I came back from leave literally 10 minutes ago."

Kier sent man a smile, before looking around at the people having.

"I am honestly surprised nothing is on fire," the homunculi tapped her chin. "Last year, I returned only to see, that somebody had dragged in a band of demons that sucked souls out of our guests ."

Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Dwig looked over to see the anthro standing next to him "Ah I was just thinking of you," Dwig waved to the seat "Sit down, please. It's great to finally talk to you" Dwig looked for a waitress, but saw that they were all at the concert. Dwig frowned. "Damn, what happened to the waitresses"
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Aran Winter-Eve
Aran managed to calm the pulsing sensation in his head, taking a deep breath and pulling himself to his hooves. He needed to find something to keep his mind occupied while he figured things out. He walked into the lobby area to find a map of the hotel, or whatever it was they used to get around here.


<< Assigned Task: Watch a concert? [On hold] || Mood: >~< || Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants >>
<< Location: Pool Deck, near the Concert Area >>

"Heeeey!", Natalie's ear had moved slightly to pick up the income of a new sound, "Are you alright?"

The cat-girl looked back in the direction of the voice, part of her strongly wishing that if it wasn't Mim at least her friend would be somewhere nearby. Having neither of these expectations become the truth had solely made Nat feel like crying again, ears going down even more than they had already been at this point:

"I uh, I lost someone in the crowd...", her voice was faint and shook with emotion, barely able to be heard due to the concert nearby, "I was hoping he had located me by now... Is just- There's so much happening at the same time, I'm scared..."
As soon as Ace of Clubs took his physical form, he started a quick perimeter sweep. Shortly before his master left, a new Head of Security was chosen, and Trefl wanted to make sure that everything was alright in the Hotel. Not that he doubted Dwig's competences, but a rookie was bound to make some simple mistakes, that could be easily ironed out before they turn into security breaches.

Suddenly, he heard a muffled sound, as if something heavy fell on the floor above him and then few other bumps, as if something was hitting a wall. Not thinking too much, Trefl jumped into the ceiling, using his alchemy to phase harmlessly through it. As soon as he emerged from the floor homunculus had spotted, what looked like a very distraught centaur. He held a key to room, so he must have been a guest. A guest in a state absolutely unacceptable.

"Sir, is everything alright?" Trefl asked, with a voice that was soft, but somehow filled the entire hallway and enveloped centaur as a most delicate velvet.

Sea Jay Sea Jay

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