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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

Ya im fine, Im a hydra so im not used to walking in this form -He winced as he sat in one of the pool chairs. He set his cane down and changed into some shorts. He stood slowly, wobbled abit then jumped into the pool. Swimming helped ease the pain-

Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Aurelia quickly looked to the AI for a translation. "⊑⊬⎅⍀⏃?" She looked to the creature as he jumped in the pool as the AI gave off an answer "Hydra: a many-headed serpent with when one head is cut off two take its place." Aurelia looked back at the bipedal creature with an unamused look of disbelief. "⊑⟒ ⟟⌇ ⋏⍜ ⌇⟒⍀⌿⟒⋏⏁, ⍙⊑⊬ ⏁⟒⌰⌰ ⌇⎍☊⊑ ⌰⟟⟒⌇?"
"Translation: He isn't a serpent, why tell such lies?"
Zackrilmon Zackrilmon SachiGrl SachiGrl
grrr -in a flash of light he returned to original form. His eyes shown bright as he was becoming irritated- See this what i truly look like -he fell and layed on the ground. Shifting back and forth took alot of energy-

Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness



On a typically night, her hooves would be quite easy to hear, but with the music it was like she was running on clouds. Her ears slicked back with the wind as she ran. Once she retrieved the kit, she quickly came back only to find Ovesh in the pool. "Ovesh?! What did you do to the human?!" she looked around with her eyes wide. There was just a wounded human in this chair not too long ago, "What happened?" The owner was severely confused.
Zackrilmon Zackrilmon
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Her expression remained the same. "Why?" Her voice was smooth and void of emotion. The male's eyes gleamed, but this didn't frighten her. She walked closer to the male, her large, black eyes focused on his. "⍙⊑⊬ ⊑⟟⎅⟒ ⏚⟒⊑⟟⋏⎅ ⌇⎍☊⊑ ⏃ ⋔⏃⌇☍?" The maid whirred as it followed. "She asks why you hide behind a mask." It thoroughly confused her that someone would choose to appear as what they aren't other than for camouflage, but, as far as she could tell, this was a safe place. Aurelia watched as Fawna quickly ran back with a box in hand. She seemed incredibly confused. "What did you do to the human?" Aurelia wasn't fully certain on what was happening, but she interjected; "Hydra, not hue-mun."
Zackrilmon Zackrilmon SachiGrl SachiGrl
Aran Winter-Eve
Aran blinked, the massive lizard thing had appeared nearly in the blink of an eye, leaving the cervitaur staring at it with both fear and curiosity. His eyes were wide and his hand once more rested on his bow, keeping his distance and hoping this was normal for this place.
-Ovesh looked over at Ms.Mae- oh hello Ms.Mae. The human was me. -he had regained enough energy to transform back into his human form. Again, in a flash of light Ovesh turned into his human form once again. He then stubbled but grabbed his cane before he fell but the pain had worsen. He fell over and screamed in pain as he grabbed his right leg- GAAAAAAAHHH
Aran Winter-Eve
His hand flew from it's place on his bow as he moved to check on the fallen hydra-man, looking over his injuries before glancing over at Miss Mae. "Is this a dangerous place?" He looked back to Ovesh, and tasked himself with helping him into a sitting position
Aran Winter-Eve
He dipped his head in acknowledgement, this one looked far more fit to do any kind of moving than he was. He was no warrior, no gatherer meant for heavy labor, he was a simple healer, and he knew when to stand back. Aran's hooves clicked as he stepped back, looking over at Aurelia curiously.
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Aurelia remained back and watched as the male with four legs moved to help the hydra. Healing had never been her trade. Instead she focused on strengthening her body for the strenuous labor of hunting, evident by her muscular legs and arms. She watched as the pronograde male tried to help sit the other up. "Help move?" She hoped her few words would help convey her meaning. It was common in her village that when others were injured while hunting they would be carried on another's back. Though with the injury in the hydra's leg, as indicated, she assumed it would be much better to carry him in her arms.
(I saw you respond to it suggesting it's still there, but for some reason my response is gone T.T so I typed it again)
m-my leg -he slowly stood up with his cane- It only seems to hurt when im in human form. but when i go back to my normal form my legs feel just fine -he slowly walked to the main doors and went outside. He looked for Zack but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. He might of gone back up to their cave on the roof. Then he relized something that Zack wanted to have him tell Ms.Mae- Also Ms.Mae -he looked over his shoulder at her- Zack wanted to speak to you about something

SachiGrl SachiGrl
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Aran Winter-Eve
Aran blinked, watching the hydra-man just get up, looking at Aurelia with a questioning look.



Fawna felt a sense of relief when Ovesh told her he was the human, "Oh good." She looked back at Aran as he asked if her hotel was a safe place. Most of the time... she thought to herself. "Y-yeah," she responded hesitantly. She touched Ovesh's leg softly, "Hold still. I have some medication that will dampen the pain." She injected some morphine into his leg. One of her maids came in with an emergency message, "Miss Mae, Miss Blood requests to see you in the meeting room." Her eyes looked onto Ovesh as he mentioned his brother, "I'm a tad busy tonight. Perhaps tomorrow I could speak with him." Before she walked away, she smiled at everyone, "Enjoy the show. See you guys around!" The female deer then proceeded back into the hotel to attend to her boss, Miss Blood.
Zackrilmon Zackrilmon
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Aurelia's eyes widened as the hydra stood up again. She exchanged glances with the pronograde before quickly catching up with him. Carefully she wrapped an arm under his own. The hydra reminded her of younger antiquorum: brash, thoughtless, and prideful. She had half a mind to simply pick up the hydra and carry him to place where he could rest, but he wasn't a young antiquorum and he posed as a serious danger if she wasn't careful.
Sea Jay Sea Jay Zackrilmon Zackrilmon SachiGrl SachiGrl
-Exhausted and out of energy, he looked at Aurelia- I understand that you fear me but there is no need. You only need to fear me if you have angered, injured, attacked me or my brother, and Aran..the same goes for you. Now as you can see i am currently not in the state to go back to my original form so, may I ask you. Can you bring me up to the roof please. -he looked at her and hope there was a maid who could help translate what he said to her. The morphine that Ms.Mae had given him helped with the pain but all he wanted to do was go to his cave on the roof and rest in his bed-

She didn't need any translating, only needing the "you bring me" portion, she lifted him up in her arms. She turned back to the other male with a small smile, feeling somewhat accomplished. "Lead?" Aurelia asked as she assumed that some of the gibberish the hydra had been saying was probably directions to a location. In an almost rushed mannered she also added. "I Aurelia." She offered a kind smile like she had seen Fawna do with the other people she talked to.
Sea Jay Sea Jay Zackrilmon Zackrilmon SachiGrl SachiGrl
-he smiled and finally passed out from being exhausted and in pain- T-thank yo... -he snored light as he held onto Aurelia like a baby to its mother. He didnt care what he did he was tired and didnt know what he was doing-
Dwig jerked out of the studying fever he had been in for the last few days. He then wrote something into the book and closed it. Dwig stood and burst out of the door. As he rushed down to the bottom floor, he saw Ovesh. He was wounded, sitting in a chair. "Hey buddy, what happened?" He asked the hydra. As he looked around for possible aggressors, he saw two strange figures standing next to Ovesh "hmm, and who might you be?"
Aurelia looked up from the hydra curled up in her arms to the male who had just approached them. She caught the words "who" and "you" and assumed he was asking her identity. She offered a small smile. "Aurelia, who you?" Though the male didn't seem to be anything overly threatening, she wondered what his intentions were, especially considering he seemed to know the hydra. "Friend?" She questioned, tilting her head slightly.
Moomba Moomba
"Of whom? You or Ovesh" Dwig looked at the women. She was of a strange build, looking like an anthro but more fishlike than any other one he had seen. "Ovesh is my friend, yes. Maybe you can be as well." Dwig smiled and turned back to Ovesh "Did Zack attack you? I can get Sig if you want"
Amestris Dudan – Main Entrance

With a flash of bright light the doors the main doors of the Random Hotel opened and a woman entered the hall. She was wearing a red Hawaii shirt, short torn jeans and straw hat, holding a small suitcase in her right hand.

“Ahhh,” Amestris took off her sunglasses and with her eyes closed she took a deep, long and very satisfied breath. “No place like home.”

Suddenly she felt something in the air. Something sweet. Dudu’s head turned so quickly her neck almost snapped, as with the corner of her eyes she noticed…

“Naaataaalieeee,” Amestris charged forward, propelling herself a little bit magic and literally sliding on the floor. She grabbed petite Felidae and trapped her in a hug, spinning on one foot like some overactive ballerina. “I’ve been missing you so much!”

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Vincent's Wanderings
Name: Mr. Vincent Hemmingwell
Status: Sleepy; otherwise fine

Back from a vacation in Nerveer, Vincent arrived in the front entrance via a portal. He rushes to his room, ignoring any ongoing commotion he might have passed, like the maid woman and a young girl. Several intricate oddities try to stick out of his already ready-to-burst luggage, such as a golf club that seems to have an optical device attached and a shirt just drooping out of the zipper with words in Nerveer's language. Despite the looks of it, the bag isn't that heavy and can pretty much be held in one hand, and even another object in the other, such as his other bag of luggage. Now that is what makes his luggage somewhat heavy. Nevertheless, he tries to not feel encumbered.

His many heads spot many peculiar people. He doesn't remember seeing their faces just a week ago. Must be newcomers while he was away. Once the other heads stopped spying, the supposed leading head arrived at any of the free elevators, moving up to the floor with the the room 265, deciding to crash in his room for a bit before doing anything else.
Vincent's Profile
Name: Vincent Hemmingwell

Gender: Male

Age: ?

Biography: ?

Personality: ?

Appearance: Tall because of his long neck. Has many heads, although only one seems to lead. Has black scales and a horned tail.

Is relatively free to interaction

...and this particular slide is for information of what other characters know about him. Even then, other small details are in the CS.
The antiquorum looked around anxiously for her translator, uncertain of what the male was saying. "⟟ ⎅⍜⋏'⏁ ⎍⋏⎅⟒⍀⌇⏁⏃⋏⎅ ⊬⍜⎍⍀ ⌰⏃⋏☌⎍⏃☌⟒." She looked to him, knowing very well he wouldn't understand. "⋔⏃⟟⎅!" She called out, and after a few moments the familiar AI rolled over. "How may I be of assistance?" Aurelia repeated her previous statement and waited for the robot to translate. "Miss Aurelia does not understand our language, if you would like to communicate with her I can help in translation." Aurelia watched the male's expression, waiting for a response that she would be able to understand.
Moomba Moomba
-Zack landed where Ovesh was passed out in a creatures arms. He could sense that something was wrong- What happened here?! -there was a tone of fear in his voice. He franticly ran to Ovesh and took him from the creatures arms. He began to panic as he felt guilt poor over him-

Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Moomba Moomba

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