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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

Aran Winter-Eve
The deer-like creature sniffed the fresh air of the forest, feeling the breeze ruffle through his short white coat, shivering in delight at the crisp cold of morning. His delicate hooves crunched over leaves, thumped over grass, and clacked over stone as he lept and ran, weaving through tall trees, towering to the skies and shading from the rain with their thick branches and fresh, green leaves.
He had a woven grass basket strapped down upon his back, fur flooding over the ropes as they'd settled into it. In the baskets were a wide variety of herbs he had been sent to collect by the current tribe healer. An electric wave of cold shot up his leg and bristled his coat as his hoof passed through a small spot of water, he could smell the watering hole approaching in the clearing.
To his right, however, his ears flicked at a strange buzzing, pulsing sound, and as he turned his head he found something he couldn't explain. Stopping his rush back to his home, he approached it, peering at it from all angles. His tail waggled as he examined it thoroughly, trying to determine if it was safe.
Risking a touch, he reached a tentative hand towards it and panicked as he found that it engulfed his fingertips, though upon pulling back, he was unharmed. He reached his arm further, a tingling sensation passing over his bare skin, he quickly pulled his arm back and examined it, finding that it was unchanged.
He took a chance, closing his eyes and stepping inside, bracing himself for danger and clutching at the bow strapped over his shoulder, opening his eyes again to find himself in a strange place.
Strange creatures were just inside, and he took a nervous step back, ears swiveling about as he decided whether he should stay or run, his grip on his bow tightening ever slightly as he looked around the room.
Current Receptionist

Hello and welcome to TRH, I am the current receptionist. All our guest rooms are in the second floor and above. The room numbers range from 200-999. The first digit dictates the floor the room is on. Please select a room you're interested in and if you require any accommodations, such as a coffin in place of a bed, please feel free to notify me. The owner is currently aiding other guests. If you were interested in a job position, please fill out the form below and provide all necessary documents before turning it in. Master Fawna should return shortly. Feel free to wait in the lobby or interact with our guests while you wait for your interview. Thank you for staying at TRH.
Hiring Application

Aran Winter-Eve
He tensed up, in one quick motion he had his bow in his hands and an arrow ready to be shot, pointed at the strange shiny creature. He didn't know what it was talking about, but he intended to make it clear than he percieved it as a threat, backing up and feeling his rear bump against the wall, he glanced back and changed his rout of escape. Circling around the side, ready to fight if need be.



The walk to Miss Aurelia's room was pretty silent. Only Fawna's noisy hooves were heard as they approached the designated location. The owner was appeased by her guest's expression upon seeing the room. The woman didn't look excited, but at least she had a curious gaze. Her translated comment, again, brought a smile to Fawna's face, "I am the owner of the hotel, but I am no more important that all my guests. Everyone is of equal footing." Maid0989 made a bell-like sound, notifying Miss Mae of a new arrival. "I will take my leave now," she bowed dismissively, "Maid0989 will aid you to communicate with other guests. Feel free to request her for other needs as well."

The female deer found herself back at the lobby area with a clickity clack of her hooves. Her movement came to complete halt upon seeing a centaur. Her eyes were wide as if she were caught in headlights; he had his bow ready for combat. "Wait! Wait! Please!" Though it was against her instincts, she stood before the armed man with her ears slanted backwards in a fearful manner, "Please, no one is here to harm you." Her hazel eyes shot at the Maid who mindlessly welcomed the stranger. Oh gawd... I need to re-program them to say something else when a guest is armed... she mentally face-palmed in the midst of danger.
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Aran Winter-Eve
He didn't move for a bit longer, listening to the voice approaching before turning to look at her, lowering his weapon, rolling his right shoulder uncomfortably. "Pardon my intrusion, half-breed." He was clearly still tense, his voice twisted in a tone of authority that didn't belong to him. He exhaled sharply, the air here was strange and the smells were unnatural, his tail flicked as his hooves settled to the ground.
She found the woman's response interesting, but instead of questioning any further she simply nodded. Aurelia's eyes widened once more as she looked at the room presented to her. It was larger than any abode back in her village, even for the leader of the village. For the first time in what felt like a long while, a smile pulled at her lips. She left the door to the room open as she explored all that was inside of it. Some of the items in the room were easily recognizable, while others she couldn't even fathom a guess. She looked to the maid who stood silently in the doorway. With the AI at her disposal, she decided to ask as many questions as she could.



Fawna’s Heartbeat heightened as she placed herself in a dangerous position. At last, the centaur lowered his guard and the young woman’s heart was slightly put at ease; that is until he made a comment regarding her as a half-breed. The man might as well shot an arrow to her heart. Painful memories flooded her mind as she recalled Mamaley, her homeland.

Her ears still hung backwardly, but despite her intimidated appearance, she spoke back in retort to his comment, “This half-breed has a name, and it is Miss Mae for you.” She didn’t bother with this guest. As the owner of TRH, she did her part in protecting her fellow patrons. Maid0605 can handle the rest from here. She turned abruptly and headed to the pool deck to ensure all preparations for the event have been finalized.
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Aran Winter-Eve
He blinked, putting his bow away, suddenly curious about this... "Miss Mae". The authority she spoke with left him in a bit of shock, not having expected such a response. His mind raced as he tried to recount any other experiences he'd had with her kind, the only he could recall being the moment his father announced the banishment of all half-breed children to the tribe, but that was so long ago...
A wave of guilt flooded over him as he replayed that moment in his mind, zoning out momentarily, and, for a short time, forgetting his predicament.
Aran Winter-Eve
Despite the shiny creature making an attempt at a question, his mind was elsewhere, Aran found himself trotting off in the direction she'd headed off in. Glaning around the area as he passed different things he'd never encountered before, "M-Miss!" He stopped, keeping a safe distance.



According to Maid1001, all the decor was in place. Now, it was to turn on all the festive lights and set the scene. Fawna clasped her hands together excitedly almost forgetting about the centaur who nearly tormented her with flashbacks. "It is time," she gave Maid1001 a reassuring nod to proceed with the event. "M-Miss?" the maiden turned around with a smile not realizing who was calling her. "Y-ye...yes..." her smile nearly fell flat at the sight of him, but she tried to keep her grin despite his irritable presence, "H-how can I help you?" It was dark outside; suddenly, lights of all sorts turned on and all the robotic maids on sight threw lanterns up into the air. It was time for the concert. Fawna couldn't help, but to turn around and stare at the scenery in awe. The night was perfect. The temperature was just right. She can feel the wind blow past her caressingly as her white dress flowed in it's rhythm. If only he... wasn't here... she thought with her smile slightly fading.
Sea Jay Sea Jay


The night is still, the moon looks kind, the stars glitter like diamonds in light. Up above flew lanterns; they glow a dim light. A festive decor for a magical night. There was not a sight without small lights; there were in the tree, the huts, and by the pool's side. Even up on the stage where Amiellia will shine; lights were adorned everywhere tonight.


Suddenly, like magic, all the lights dimmed. It seemed like the show was to begin. Rhythmic beeping sounds could be heard. Fiery figures took the stage. Their bodies moved to the rhythm. Then came Amiellia with her soothing voice. Her body was glowing brighter than the others. Her hair flickered like a firework. Her alluring voice captured everyone's ears, but her body stole everyone's eyes. She was quite a sight.​

Amiellia's Voice

Aran Winter-Eve
His face gave way to a weak smile as he ducked through the doorway, still keeping his distance. He looked up and took a breath, "I'm only here to apologize... I won't say I wasn't aware of the implications that term brings, but it was nonetheless..." He chuckled quietly, "I can sense your discomfort..." His once authoritative voice was gentle, and he looked out into the sky before his eyes feel upon her again.
His ears flicked as strange sounds filled the air.
SachiGrl SachiGrl
Aurelia spent much time with the robot- as they seemed to be more commonly called. She didn't fully understand a good deal of what the maid was talking about, but she felt like she wasn't so unaware anymore. Everything was incredibly new, but seemed to be based in either easing tasks or simply for pleasure. She had also started picking up some of the common phrases used by the other creatures here; most were questions of course. A gentle sound floated in the air, a melody of sorts. Questioning the AI of this, she was informed of the festivities being held. "⟟⌇ ⏁⊑⟒ ⟒⎐⟒⋏⏁ ⍜⌿⟒⋏ ⏁⍜ ⏃⋏⊬⍜⋏⟒?" The maid promptly responded with the basic information about the event. "⟟ ⍙⟟⌇⊑ ⏁⍜ ⏚⟒ ⌇⊑⍜⍙⋏ ⏁⍜ ⏁⊑⟒ ⟒⎐⟒⋏⏁." With this the robot escorted Aurelia to the pool.
(I'm gonna start using the alien text as she'll start also be attempting to speak in English)



Fawna returned her eyes to the centaur; she wore a surprised expression. The young maiden didn’t expect any apologies, especially from a centaur. She cleared her throat before speaking again, “Th-Thank you... for that.” She brushed her hair back, a feeble effort for it fell right back in its original place. His ears flickered just as her's did and it reminded her that he was probably not familiar with TRH's culture. "Yeah, we have an event today," a change of subject seemed like a good course of action, "I try to keep my guests entertained.... Oh! Sorry, I forgot to say... or fully introduce myself... I'm the owner of the hotel you're currently in." In the background, Fawna saw Aurelia and she waved casually to greet her.
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Aran Winter-Eve
He bowed his head slightly before raising it back up to listen to what she had to say about this... what? "Oh... I..." He looked around, remembering where he was, finding it strange that he didn't feel as uneasy as he should. "A ... h... ho..." He sat there with his nose scrunched slightly, trying to remember how she'd said it, "Eeeeve... Event... Ha! I can say that one!" He clapped enthusiastically before clearing his throat and straightening his posture, taking on that professional tone again, or at least making an attempt at it, "An eevent? What is that?" His ears fidgeted as he took in the surrounding area, holding back his desire to fire off questions one after the other.
Her eyes lit up like the night sky as they reached the location. Her voice was soft as he mumbled to the AI "⟟'⎐⟒ ⋏⟒⎐⟒⍀ ⌇⟒⟒⋏ ⌇⎍☊⊑ ⌰⏃⍀☌⟒ ⌇⏁⏃⍀⌇." Without a moment of hesitation the maid corrected her. "They aren't stars. They're lanterns: objects made of thin, brightly colored paper. Paper lanterns come in various shapes and sizes, as well as various methods of construction." She gave a small nod before noticing Fawna. Her face was adorned with a smile as her hand moved in a strange way. Uncertain of what it meant, she simply mimicked it, smiling and waving back. Casually she moved closer, until she noticed the other creature communicating with Fawna. In high alert her eyes darted between Fawna and the maid. "Safe?" She initially questioned the maid, but it simply gave her a standard response on safety implements within the facility.
SachiGrl SachiGrl Sea Jay Sea Jay

Monsieur Mim

Miriam's ears perked up as she heard a commotion going on outside. The tiger's sense of hearing is the most acute all its senses and is mainly used for hunting, but obviously, this tiger wasn't the usual kind. ... Oh no! The concert! Just as the panicky thought appeared in the wild cat's mind, her body *POOFED* She looked down to see that she's a man now. He still hasn't managed controlling his shape-shifting powers. "Mademoiselle Natalie," he kissed her hand and ventured off with his luggage and satchel. He needed to put his things away and hurry to the concert at once!

Mim returned to the pool deck with the widest possible grin. He loved Amiellia. She was such a fantastic singer. He dressed to the 'T' to possibly impress the fiery being. He had on a light pink, short sleeve, button-down shirt with white, crisp shorts. His emerald eyes could help, but to oogle Miss Amielia and the crowd that stood before her. Beings of all sorts were here: dragons, centaurs, aquatic beings. His mouth dropped in disbelief. This was an experience he would never forget. The lights all over the place was a lovely touch.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun




Fawna was glad Aurelia was making use of the maid she assigned to her. She seemed quite happy. Her kind must be quick to adapting... the young maiden thought. She then returned her attention to the now seemingly awkward man before her.

The owner couldn't help to arch a brow as he acted peculiarly due to her choice of words. It seemed he was not familiar with the terminology she was using. "Umm.. an event is like..." she tried to think of a simple yet relate-able way to describe an event, "... it is an excuse to bring smiles to others. Almost like a meaningless celebration." She placed her hand over her chin pensively as she reconsidered a better way to describe the commotion. She tapped on her chin a few times more, but still couldn't think of a better explanation. As the centaur took in the surrounding, Fawna took found her eyes lingering on his body. In all honesty, she hasn't seen a centaur in years. Her cheeks grew red when she realized how much she admired his body, "Wh-what's your name?" She asked as she looked the other way.
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

You have become so weak Ovesh -Zack had Ovesh pined against the ground, both of them had wounds all over. Ovesh snarled and kicked Zack into the ground- YOU DARE QUESTION MY STRENGHT?! -Zack roared in pain and anger. Ovesh then slashed Zack off one of his heads. Countering his attack, Zack slashed his chest. Ovesh grabbed one of Zack's heads and threw him backward. Zack smashed into a massive tree and went unconscious- Thats what i thought... -ovesh then went up to the front door, switched into a human, grabbed his cane and with anger in his eyes, he walked slowly inside-
Aran Winter-Eve
His ears pricked and he turned his head, a tad startled by the sudden sound. His surprised look quickly changed to form a gentle smile, "I am Aran Winter-Eve" he bowed for a moment before rising again to his full height, "I am the second son of the chief reigning over my people" He ran his hand over his fluffy white hair and chuckled, looking up and stretching his arms, taking in a breath of fresh air. He grinned absent-mindedly, considering whether or not he should say something else, physically shaking off the uneasy feeling he'd had the entire time he'd been in this strange place.
SachiGrl SachiGrl
She watched the two curiously; both seemed so awkward. As to why, she couldn't fully grasp, but an underlying sound coming from the entrance tore her attention away from the two. Cautiously she walked back in to see another bipedal creature enter, though this one was clearly injured. The fins at her hips flared as she grew wary of the threat the situation posed. She stared the creature down. Though injured, he clearly wasn't weak. Whatever he had just come from, he had clearly won.
Zackrilmon Zackrilmon
What are you looking at -He glared at her and contiued to walk to the pool. He was on edge and really needed some relief from the pain i his legs and chest. walking in human form really hurt his legs-
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
She tilted her head, clearly not understanding him. Instead, she pointed a long, thin finger at the man. "You ok?" She said in a rather monotone voice. She watched as he continued to move past her. She was uncertain of their culture, but, to her people, denying medical assistance was taboo. Maybe he didn't understand she was offering help. She followed him, but kept a safe distance. "⎅⍜ ⊬⍜⎍ ⌇⟒⟒☍ ⊑⟒⌰⌿?" The maid, still following by, quickly fed a translation.
"She wishes to know if you need any help."
Zackrilmon Zackrilmon



Every word and act from Aran was strange. As she watched him smile suddenly, she wondered if it was artificial. Normally, Fawna would say 'Nice to meet you,' but she genuinely did not feel it was nice to meet him. She truly felt he was a disturbance. In the distance, she spotted a human; a wounded human. "Oh dear!" she thought aloud as she rushed to his aid. "Are you alright," she noticed Aurelia was trying to help him too. She brought him a chair, "Why don't you sit down? Let me get my med-kit." She rushed off to get an emergency aid kit.
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Zackrilmon Zackrilmon
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

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