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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

Dwig looked over to the pool, where a man was crawling on the ground. Dwig stood and walked over to him. "Ovesh, really. Let's get you some clothes" Dwig traced one of his symbols in the air and, jeans, a T-shirt and leather coat formed out of mist. "put those on, and come with me"
Thanks -he put the shirt and jeans on then the leather coat. Both the jeans and T-shirt felt itchy but he got used to it. He saw a cane and grabbed it. He slowly pushed himself up and wobbled like a baby taking its first steps- I c-could use a hand here -as he slowly took a step he tripped and fell face first into the ground, then cane came down and hit him in the back of the head-

Moomba Moomba
-Zack had felt his brother change into his human form but Zack didn't prefer to use his form alot. He only used it when needing to go inside. Zack had made a full cave on the roof. It had a medium opening large enough for him to fit through. Once inside it opened up. On either side of the cave were two large beds made of cattle skin and was padded with hay and feathers. In the back were three couches, a massive fire place that was burning with Zack's purple fire. Zack had gone home and collected most of Ovesh's and his things. Their where heads of all kinds of animals, and a large dragon skull that rested above the fire place. Then on either side of the fire place where two bedrooms. Each had a twin sized bed, a dresser, a nightstand, and some paintings Zack had collected in his years. Then lining the sides of the cave where massive shelfs of books. Their where over a million books on anything you could imagine. And for the final touch he added engravings of all the adventures and battles he and Ovesh had, then the magical protection seal that covered the whole entire hotel and the cave. Zack smiled as he admired his work. He finally stretched out his wings, got comfortable in his bed and took a book from the shelf and began to read-
Time-Skip/Weather Forecast



APRILIS 13, 101 @ 10 PM
The universe's favorite Operatic Pop singer, Amiellia, is live in concert. She is bringing a live orchestra as well as fireworks to entertain all of TRH's guests. This event is free thanks to the hotel's management, The Blood Demon Clan. Please enjoy this spectacular event exclusively for all patrons reserving rooms from Aprilis 13, 101 to Aprilis 14, 101.

ATTENTION LOYAL PATRONS: We are bringing you this message because an important guest is coming to perform just FOR YOU! The event will take place on the pool deck, so you can jam out in your bathing suit or get a 'front row' view of our spectacular performer, Amiellia. Thanks to the Blood Demon Clan, this performance is free for all customers. Thank you and enjoy your stay at the TRH!

TAG: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants Sir Fungus Sir Fungus zachie mel zachie mel Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun scorpiodragon scorpiodragon TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor Sea Jay Sea Jay NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49 Moomba Moomba @
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Mademoiselle Mim

"Est-ce que c'est ce que je pense?!" the lavender-haired woman leaped with joy when her mother handed her the guest reservations for TRH. "This is a cadeau for your graduation, Mademoiselle Mim," her mother replied. Miriam never thought she would see her favorite band live; mostly because they don't reside in the same dimensions as herself. But apparently, her mother found a loophole and that was in The Random Hotel, an inter-dimensional hotel for all beings and races, including witches like herself. "I am so excité!" she skipped over to her room happily deciding what to wear. Her mother followed behind with a warm smile, "Fais attention." Miriam nodded at her mother as her emerald eyes were filled with joy. "J'ai prévu the hotel to come soon. It should be in front of the house... dans une heure," her mother added.

Moments later, Miriam was finally ready. With her old brown satchel in one hand, swung over her shoulder, and her large pink luggage in her other, she walked with her chest high exuding confidence in her walk despite the clattering of her potions within her satchel against the back of her shoulder. Her low heels clicked, her clothing fluttered, and her luggage-wheels whirred as she walked up to The Random Hotel that magically appeared right before her house. Excitement was clearly visible with her wide smile stretching from ear to ear. The noises all around was nothing but a mere whisper to Miriam. She wore her best attire, a loose white shirt tucked into a long polka-dot skirt. Never has she been outside of Valtimor. She packed clothing varying from Winter heavy gear to light airy clothing. Being unprepared is not her motto.

"Hello!" she greeted the front desk receptionist, "I am here as a guest!" Her accent was very strong when she spoke in English.

Indigo Midna
The lobby was empty at the moment. It seemed the excitement from the past couple days had finally settled down and the guests were able to enjoy themselves without worry again. The repairs to the building had already been finished for the most part, with only a few places remaining in which construction was needed. The hotel doors opened and an exuberant young woman stepped through, declaring in a loud voice that she was a guest. From behind the front desk there came a quiet rattling noise as Indigo began waking up. She was often already on duty by this time, but something had been on her mind recently and since the hotel had been quiet for a while, she had been taking a little time to reflect on her thoughts. Now though, the eerie grey fog began pouring from the crack in the Keystone as it always did, but it seemed to be rushing out faster now than it usually did, like water spraying from a hose. The cloud of fog filled the space behind the desk. It stayed there for a lot longer than it should have before condensing down straight to the shape of the Indigo, not allowing any other forms to take shape. Though her cold demeanor was unchanged, something seemed off about her. Her body seemed tense, as if she were straining herself. She also seemed faded, revealing more of what was behind her. "Welcome Miss." She greeted the young woman in her usual icy tone SachiGrl SachiGrl

Mademoiselle Mim

Miriam couldn't help, but to display her disappointment; the receptionist was boring. Her face lacked emotion; her hair and clothing was bland. The lavender-haired woman's perky smile fell flat as she watched somewhat past the ghostly being. "Euu... here's my reservations," she handed the ghoul the paperwork her mother originally handed to her. She wasn't entirely sure if the being can touch objects, so she placed the papers before her instead of waiting for the woman. She then proceeded to tap her feet in an annoyed, impatient manner. She was extremely excited to see Amiellia and she wasn't going to let this boring ghoul stop her. Her arms were crossed as she looked in the direction of the pool deck.

Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

Indigo Midna
Indigo picked up the papers and began to look them over. Any document or object related to TRH was slightly magical in one way or another. This was made the case around 89 years ago in order for Indigo to be able to properly do her job. Even a slight magical charge was enough. She flipped through the papers, inspecting each one for any sign of falsified information. Finding none, Indigo slid the guest book out from beneath the counter and opened it up to the newest page. "I...will just be requ__ng a verbal confirmation of your name if you don't mind." She said. Indigo stopped for a moment "what was that?" She cleared her throat "Excuse me, what I mean to say is I will just be requiring verbal confirmation of your name." SachiGrl SachiGrl

Mademoiselle Mim

From her peripheral, she saw the receptionist was able to pick up the paper. Cool... she thought to herself. Miriam has never seen a ghost before, but her mother always warned about the usage of black magic. In fact, now that she thinks about, this place reeks of magic. As beautifully kept as this place was, there was something off about it. Could it be black magic? "Yes," she cleared her throat as she gave her attention again to the pale maiden, "I am Miriam Isabelle Marin. I came mostly for the concert!" She didn't need to add that tidbit, but oh well. It is not like her excitement would kill anyone.

Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

507 awoke in his room, tired and annoyed with the announcement disrupting his sleep, but he got up regardless, slipping into his simple black clothing and making his way down to the lobby to see indigo


<< Assigned Task: --- || Mood: Excitement!!!!! || Tags: SachiGrl SachiGrl Sir Fungus Sir Fungus and Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants (Yep! Everyone!!) >>
<< Location: The front desk >>

After bringing the last of the used dishes from the table to the kitchen so that they would be washed and put away for the night, Natalie's shift had prematurely ended. At first, she had tilted her head at the kitchen staff, slightly confused when her co-workers had declared she was all done and that when she realized... With a gasp, the cat-girl remembered that there was a very important even tonight! A concert by the pool deck!!!!!!!!

Excitement levels at their max, Nat bowed down thinking the memory refresher and rushed like a bolt to her room. Since she had been allowed to get out of work earlier to effectively participate in the activity, this meant that she could change into something other than her waitress uniform! Not that she didn't think it was pretty, it was very pretty~ But still, hype!!
The girl had opened her closet, cheerfully slid the uniforms to the side and then...! Just stared at it... For a really long time. There were so many cute clothes!! How was she supposed to just choose one?! Ah-ah, she had gotten so used to just putting on the uniform that now she couldn't decide at all! There were too many options!!!

Taking a deep breath, Natalie calmed herself. With a new found determination, she picked up one of the hangers, pulling a dress from the closet. She stared at it and decided to put it on. Well, she just had to do this until something look alright... How hard could that be?

Roughly one hour later, the cat waitress was finally satisfied.
Man, that had been extremely hard! Every time she'd put something on, look at it in the mirror and then either find something on it that didn't quite look right or see something else that could look better... Was this how she had lived before meeting the hotel?! How could she have done this process again and again for yeaaars, it was crazy! Not to mention that half of her closet was on top of the bed now. Welp, If she saw a robot maid on the way she'd definitely ask it to come and organize this mess...

The winning outfit was a red, rather flowy shirt, paired with a pair of light blue shorts that had a stripe pattern, like a tiger's, everything was topped with a light pink blouse that had some pon-pons in it that were sometimes just, so enticing............Oh! And for shoes, some light yellow sandals, they went nice with the shirt's cat pattern~

Once ready, Natalie exited her room and skipped cheerfully through the corridors all the way to the lobby, greeting everyone with her usual mood:

"Hello everyone!!! Who else is excited about the concert??!! I know I am!!!! ...Even though I kinda forgot about it at some point", she laughed softly, "I don't think I've been to a concert before, actually..."
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Mademoiselle Mim

Tadum. Tadum. Tadum. A light thumping was heard coming in her direction. Oh! an 'o' formed on her lips as she spotted a cat-like human skipping happily. Miriam has been wanting to master transforming into a half-cat half-human. Sadly, she has only managed to turn into a full fledged tiger. Maybe with the cat-girl as inspiration should could emulate her appearance.

"Hello everyone!!! Who else is excited about the concert??!! I know I am!!!! ...Even though I kinda forgot about it at some point", she laughed softly, "I don't think I've been to a concert before, actually..."

Miriam's emerald eyes lit up at the sound of the word 'concert.' She responded immediately with a "Moi! Moi! Moi!" After a few blinks, she realized she was speaking in french and corrected herself, "... euuhh... I mean.. Me!" She left the cold, boring receptionist and decided to introduce herself to the cat-girl, "Hi! I'm Miriam, but you can call me Mim." She then added softly, "I really like it when people call me Mademoiselle Mim..."

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun



<< Assigned Task: --- || Mood: Excitement!!!!! and Oh, a new guest! || Tags: SachiGrl SachiGrl >>
<< Location: The front desk >>

Upon hearing an unknown voice speak to her, Natalie's movement had come to a complete halt. She stared at the new lady in awe as part of her tried to guess who that person was... A new guest perhaps?! At first, the cat-girl had looked at her confused by the strange language the other had spoken, but soon Mim, as she had introduced herself, had replied saying that she was excited for the concert as well... Ohhhh! She seemed like a really nice person!

"Nice to meet you, Mim!", the girl had bowed down, stuck in the habit, "I'm Natalie and I work here, as a waitress~~ Welcome to THR!!"

As the guest had said her next line, Nat's ears had perked up and her tail flicked softly left and right as the cat-girl watched the other very attentively, her green eyes filled with curiosity:

"Oh? Mademoiselle Mim, huh? That's a bit of a mouth full...", she had paused, going into thought for a moment before chiming in again, "I'll try my best to remember it though~!!"

The white cat's tail continued to wave until Nat tilted her head slightly, bringing it to a halt. The girl stood silent for a little while longer, blinking a couple of times before at last opening her mouth once more:

"That is such a pretty shade of purple... Oh-Oh! Were you born with it? It's just sooooo cooool~~!"

Mademoiselle Tigre

Miriam was surprised to find Natalie as a cheery employee. So far, most of the employees were robots or a pale, boring ghost person. It was nice to see they didn't hire only boring things. "Merci.. thank you for your kind welcome," she said with a rather large smile, then she laughed at her comment regarding her nickname. "It is pronounced MAD-MWAH-ZEL Mim. It is not too hard of a surnom," she found herself giggling even after the girl said she will try to remember her nickname.

"That is such a pretty shade of purple... Oh-Oh! Were you born with it? It's just sooooo cooool~~!"

"Oui! Oui! My hair is naturel. It is because one of my ancêtres used black magic on soi-même, then the générations after had magic-genetics. Oui, that's why my hair is like this. I love it too!" Miriam decided to compliment her newfound acquaintance as well, "I love your ears! I know how to changement forms, but I haven't maîtrisé... look!" The witch also decided to show off her powers, so with a *POOF*, she became a purple tiger. She purred and rubbed her side against Natalie's leg.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun



<< Assigned Task: --- || Mood: Complete awe~ || Tags: SachiGrl SachiGrl >>
<< Location: The front desk >>

"Mad...mwahzel? Is it, mad as in open mad or closed like mad, as in, Rarwl...!", Natalie made her best impression of a roar, she sounded as if a kitten had just tried to imitate a lion, which, was not that far from the truth, "...The word mad? And what about the zel part? Did I do it right? Is it really supposed to be all open like that??"

Wanting to say the name as right as possible, the cat waitress had showered her new friend with questions upon questions. Questions those that would apparently not cease anytime soon since the lady often let some strange words slip during her speech:

"Also, what's a surnom?"

The excited girl listened in to each and every word the other had been saying, but honestly, she was rather lost... In addition to the few that were in a language she did not speak, Mim had started to talk about magic and genetics, which just entangled everything even further! Could magic dye someone's hair?? Nat thought about what she knew about magic, mostly things from books and the TV, trying to remember if there had ever been a hair-dyeing scene on them but she couldn't think of anything.
Wait. Wasn't genetics a science thing? Was magic related to science somehow? ...Is magic actually science?!

Lost in her inner ramblings, Nat hadn't really said anything after that part of the conversation. To be honest, she was slightly concerned about saying something really dumb and accidentally offend her new friend, thus deciding to not ask any of those questions... At least not yet. It just seemed to soon for that.
When Mim changed the subject to her ears, Nat couldn't help but blush a little. Said ears had gone slightly down in response and her tail tip had started flickering in embarrassment:

"T-thanks...", it was all that she had managed to say before the other performed a magic feat, right before her eyes!

Suddenly, the purple haired lady was gone and in her place was a tiger. Taken by surprise, the cat-girl had instinctively lowered her ears in an fearful and territorial manner before the other feline started to rub against her leg and purr, much like a kitten. That's when Nat noticed the familiar shade of purple, causing her to relax once again. Ohhhh! She got it now!

"Ahhhh, you're like a witch from the story books! Except that you're a lot nicer!!!!", Nat had announced, crouching down to pet her tiger friend, "This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen~"
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Mademoiselle Tigre

"Mad...mwahzel? Is it, mad as in open mad or closed like mad, as in, Rarwl...!"

Mad as in... angry? Maybe... rawr...? the tiger responded in meows, forgetting it was not in it's human form.

"...The word mad? And what about the zel part? Did I do it right? Is it really supposed to be all open like that??"

The tiger nodded it's head proudly and purred, Yes, oui! Purrrrfect....

"Also, what's a surnom?"

A surnom.... Well, it is a nickname! Oui, a nickname...! the purple furball purred again happily as it meowed in response, still unaware that she's not speaking in human tongue.

"Ahhhh, you're like a witch from the story books! Except that you're a lot nicer!!!!", Nat had announced, crouching down to pet her tiger friend, "This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen~"

Miriam's tail whipped about happily as she was petted. She was very fond of being petted. In fact, she got so excited, she laid down and stretched on Natalie's feet practically forgetting that she was excited for Amiellia's concert. Her luggage and things still waited to be placed in her room. She had a lot to do before the show began. Hopefully, she's not late.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

The days had been quiet in the small village. Residents were content with the rather simple life style; hunting and gather during the light hours and returning to feed their young before the large star merged with the land. Aurelia moved inland with her small pod as they did what they had always done. With her spear lightly in hand, she wandered a distance from the other two, searching for new resources. As she gained distance from the others a strange object appeared in the distance. It was made of wood but had a glossy look to it. Details were carved into it, but Aurelia could see no real meaning to them. The last notable thing was the handle on it; it was made of a metal and rounded out in a peculiar way. Cautiously, Aurelia set down her spear and moved closer to the tall object. She reached an elongated hand out towards it and took hold of the handle. It gave slightly, suggesting it was meant to be turned. As she did so a soft clicking emanated from it. It startled her at first, but as no harm seemed to follow she only grew more curious. She turned the handle a few more times, a click following each time. With the final twist, the wood object pivoted back, revealing an area that was not what was supposed to be there. Her eyes widened at this discovery. Quickly she circled around the object. Was it simply an immaculate painting done by one of the people? She stepped towards the mysterious image again and reached out to touch it, but instead found her hand went into it. Overcome with curiosity and a thousand questions, she stepped further in.
The door then shut behind her.
Her dark eyes looked around the new area quickly. There were other creatures around her now, conversing she assumed, as they made strange noises.
Current Receptionist

Hello and welcome to TRH, I am the current receptionist. All our guest rooms are in the second floor and above. The room numbers range from 200-999. The first digit dictates the floor the room is on. Please select a room you're interested in and if you require any accommodations, such as a coffin in place of a bed, please feel free to notify me. The owner is currently out. If you were interested in a job position, please fill out the form below and provide all necessary documents before turning it in. Master Fawna should return shortly. Feel free to wait in the lobby or interact with our guests while you wait for your interview. Thank you for staying at TRH.
Hiring Application

Please remember: Before posting, you must provide an image/description of your character and his/her name in the CS thread.
Unknown visitors will be killed/blocked/banned on sight.​

Aurelia blinked in surprise as a strange creature made of metal seemed to be talking to her. She tilted her head as if it would help her understand any better, but in the end she gave up on trying to interpret the strange beings words. She stepped forward and gently tapped on the glowing display panel located on its face. Was this armor and something hid within it? Or possibly a prison meant to contain something? She had seen similar techniques used in her village, so it seemed to be the only reasonable explanation.
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun



It had been a week since Fawna has been slightly incapacitated. The deer-maiden was never a fan of being such a weak creature. Back in Mamaley, her homeland, all the centaurians, including the females, had incredible power. Fawna, on the other hand, had only 50% of this horse power and possibly less. So, in lame-terms, this half-breed was stronger than a human (specifically female humans, select males and children), but weaker than a centaur (all centaurs to be exact). Despite this knowledge, Fawna never cared to grow stronger to impress her kind. If anything, she sought to escape and she did.

Robot maids were whirring about as the owner of the hotel shot out orders in preparations for the concert tonight. She had on a delicate white dress that exposed more skin than her usual professional attire. Well, the deer-maiden was not always clothed. In fact, Mamaleyans never clothed themselves unless it was Winter. She learned of clothing when she ventured into the human world. Once she was captured as a slave, they adorned her in strangely tight clothing, but the clothing, at that time, was nothing close to professional. It was the previous owner of TRH that taught her of professionalism. Fawna took every word from Miss Blood to heart.

Clack. Clackity. Clack. The deer-maiden's hooves noisily padded over to the front desk as she spotted a new client tapping curiously at the robotic maid's screen. With her dark little fingers, she covered her mouth to cover her smile. "Thank you for assisting, Maid0605. I'll take over from here," Fawna took the place of the metallic maid as she scurried away, "Hello! Welcome to the Random Hotel! I'm sure you have many questions from the expression on your face."
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
The metallic being suddenly moved as a loud clicking echoed through the enclosure. She turned to see another strange creature walk over, taking the place of the original person. She looked at her with the same look of confusion. "Random hotel..?" She echoed. Both creatures had mentioned this, was that where she was? She focused back on the woman before placing a hand on her own chest. "Aurelia." She stated simply. She had seen leaders within the village resort to body language when trying to communicate with primitive species, and although these creatures didn't seem primitive, it was all she could think of doing.
SachiGrl SachiGrl



It was clear, the new arrival did not speak the universal language of trade. Of course, this was only common in certain dimensions. She nodded in response to the woman's stated name and emulated her movement, as well as, state her own name, "Fawna." She proceeded to pull out her laptop and manually entered her new guest into a room. Once she finished typing away, she stretched out her hand to give Aurelia her room key. "Maid0605, take over the desk for me while I escort, Aurelia to her room," she gestured for her maid to return who was casually sweeping the adjacent hallway. "Yes, Miss Mae," replied the metallic being. "Maid0989, please stand by, so you can detect and translate Aurelia's native language," the maid followed her orders as expected and responded, "Yes, Miss Mae."
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Aurelia smiled and nodded. The woman clearly understood and was willing to mimic back what she had done. She watched as the woman, Fawna, then began using a strange device before holding out a small metal object. Carefully, Aurelia took it, looking it over. "A peace offering?" She mumbled. Two identical metal beings returned to Fawna's side. The two metallic creatures lacked faces and natural movements, something she had never seen before, even in the most bizarre of animals. "What are they?" She said allowed, though expected no answer. If anything she figured it made no difference whether she talked or remained silent.
SachiGrl SachiGrl



Maid0989 announced to Miss Mae, "Detecting native language..." Fawna looked over to her robot employee as she continued to analyze Aurelia's speaking pattern. "Language detected. Antiquorum-Species-Derived. Translating... A peace offering?" The deer-maiden's ears flickered mindlessly as she faced Aurelia again. She couldn't help, but to smile again. Her hand covered her mouth to disguise the humor she finds in her new guest's actions. "Tell her that device is a key to her room here. I'll show her where it is," the A.I. proceeded to translate her message to the Antiquorum. She signaled Maid0989 to follow her. "Language detected. Translating... What are they?" Aurelia's eyes was locked onto her maid's when she asked. "Oh, tell her you are an artificial intelligence. You were created by demons to assist guests at this hotel," the maid, again, proceeded to translate her master's statement.

"Come, let's use the elevator. Maid0989, you are to follow Aurelia and be her designated translator until she returns to her homeland."
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
She listened to what Fawna called the Artificial Intelligence translate the foreign language into her own. She looked down at the key curiously. A place of dwelling? Was this her new home? Her people were known to leave, but was this where they came? She mentally shrugged the thoughts away. It didn't matter to her. Her village lived on the idea that things happened to guide people where they belonged, and there was no point in fighting it. Aurelia calmly followed Fawna to the room she had been assigned. The structure was larger than any she had previously seen. Her large dark eyes scanned it over curiously. She then noticed a small detail she had been over looking. "Is everyone here of high status or importance?" In her village cloths were worn to signify leadership positions, but every person she saw seemed to be wearing a different kind of cloth, varying in size and color.
SachiGrl SachiGrl

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