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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

Mercury was slightly confused "Are you not capable of running a self system scan?" She asked. It was strange to her for an A.I to be following it's base instructions so closely. That seemed to be common among older A.I. they started out with such little information and learned at a slow rate. They were practically human Sea Jay Sea Jay
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Dwig wandered back to the oak grill and sat down at the bar. He pulled out his 2-way radio and swiched it to Fawna's channel "Eh Fawna, can you come down to the poolside. We have a murdering thug down here"
SIx didn't look back, stopping for a moment to think, "I am... Unsure." He looked at the back of his hand again, mechanisms creaking once more, "Michael has been doing his best to look after me." His voice was accompanied by a momentary burst of static sound, and Six brought his closed fist up and banged on a specific point on his chest, which seemed to clear up the sound for the time being. "I am fine." Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Theon looked at the dragon holding him down “Worthless vermin, always thinking your superior...”
Mercury's face changed to that of concern "With all do respect, you sound anything but 'all right'. If you would just allow Celica and I to perform the needed repairs i'm sure we could help." Mercury crossed her arms over herself. Her movements we perfectly fluid, not constricted by large bulky joints. "If only your friend wasn't so damn stubborn." Sea Jay Sea Jay

Indigo Midna
Indigo passed through the door to the meeting room, not bothering to open it. Her goal was to get in and out as fast as possible, she had work to attend to. But first, she had to meet with Ms.Blood. It was, unfortunately, needed if the rest of her plans were to proceed. She pressed the small red "EMERGENCY" Switch on the wall, sat down at the large wooden table, and waited SachiGrl SachiGrl
“Did that anger you? Typical..” he laughed while staring down the dragon with his glowing icy blue eyes.
"I will speak my mind. Anything less would be shameful."
She replied. Mercury slid her arms back into their larger casing. They locked in with a quiet 'Click' followed by a high pitched whir as they came online Sea Jay Sea Jay
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Six's eyes dimmed and he looked away from her, moving to walk past her, "Fine." He spoke, looking down and running the tip of his finger over the dent in his chest for a moment as he walked, not wanting to be involved in any sort of conflict. Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
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Phyonna Blood

Clashing sounds could be heard in the background as well as roars of fires shooting through the sky. A dark silhouette was projected until it visibly became the anticipated red demon. "Yes?! You summoned me?" Admiral Blood was how she was referred to in her dimension. It was her skills in battle that caused her to retire early as TRH's owner and draft into the war. Today, she wore an armor plated in an antique gold with a dark hooded cloak. The demon knew she was summoned, but knew not who was creating this emergency summoning; the red woman was too occupied in battle to look in the direction of those who called upon her in the alternate dimension. She could be seen with her arms before her in a mage's position, manifesting energy and converging it to large fiery balls then firing at the unknown enemy.

With: Indigo Midna Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

Mercury reached out and placed a giant hand in Six's shoulder before he could move out of arms reach. She looked at him, her face not one of anger or resentment but concern "Six, I just want you to be aware of your condition. Micheal takes care of you the best he can manage. But maybe the best he can manage isn't everything you need." She tried to explain. "Or perhaps it is. But if you find you need more help, you don't have to force yourself to operate in a damaged state, we can take care of you. I promise you that." Sea Jay Sea Jay

Indigo Midna
"Ms.Blood, A pleasure as always." Indigo replied, maybe a bit too sarcastically. "I was requested to contact you on behalf of Ms.Mae to inform you of her...condition." She continued on as if she was just having a conversation with someone in the room. Not a demon in the midst of battle. Indigo never feared Phyonna Blood or the Blood Demon clan. She was simply unable to fight back in her current body. In a few minutes, Indigo had briefed Ms.Blood on everything from the last few days, including Fawna currently being out of commission SachiGrl SachiGrl
Ajax Qast
Ajax got a menu from one of the waiters and began to pursue it, the reptilian ordering a plate of varied insects, a cow. cheeseburger with bacon, sauteed onion and mushrooms on it, and a thick slab of venison, loaf of bread and a mix of peach and apple slices. The Zalbanian also ordered some bottled sparkling water to drink. He sipped at his sparkling water, tasting the air and the various scents around him as he waited for his food to be prepared and cooked.

Balthazar Alexander Cahun
Balthazar made his way to the front desk, his room key in his pocket. The teenager looked around him, multiple scents of other living creatures, some he didn't even know or existed on earth filling his nostrils. Where the heck was he and what had he gotten himself into when fleeing from hunters? There didn't seem to be anybody at the front desk either so he just stood there and waited for someone to help.

When Zero finally woke up from her slumber, she yawned and called down to the Oak Grill to order some room service. She didn't feel like interacting with anybody this evening at all. She ordered herself four spicy chicken sandwiches with two orders of chili cheese fries and a tall bottle of fresh human blood, the girl used to the drink given it was something her kind were given in hell.

Hotaru Takenaka
Hotaru opened their eyes to silence. Silence due to being on the eight floor, the only thing they could hear would be people walking above them on the room on the 9th floor. Their hair had fallen to the middle of their back, a dark brown coloration while their eyes were like chocolate, being dark brown with yellowish tan skin and a slim figure. Hotaru's kitsune ball rested beneath their shirt against their chest. Their fox shadow was sitting up as well and when they lifted a hand, their shadow lifted a paw. It was somewhat amusing. It would be more amusing if they could play another prank on someone like when they'd drowned half of Rome in 1763. Their lips pulled back to reveal pristine white teeth as they laughed.
Several points on Six's face twitched as if making an attempt at facial expression, reaching over to grab his right arm as if expecting it to lock up or worse, "Okay... I suppose you are right..." He didn't make an attempt to turn around, but simply stared ahead as he calculated the possible consequences to this situation, idly flexing the fingers on his right arm to be sure it was still functioning properly. "My condition seems to have worsened since our arrival at the hotel, and I do not believe on his capability to understand the scope of the damage that was done upon travelling here." He spoke, still looking straight ahead. Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

Phyonna Blood

"Huh..." she responded every now and then as she was spoken too, indicating that she was listening despite her busy-state. Once the pale maiden finished her message, Phyonna replied after tossing an enemy aside, "This explains why Mae has failed to contact me..." she stabbed the being that was tossed onto the floor, "...once the storm has passed." The demon didn't need to look at Indigo to know who she was speaking to. She has known her voice for far too many years. Though she was curious of how severe the state was of the hotel, the red demon was certain that slowly, but surely it was recovering to its original state. "I'll be sending one of my own to retrieve the broken bots and bring them back repaired," she added. Her head dropped sharply as she dodged a spear. In response, she positioned her hands uniquely towards her own body, then fiery spikes surrounded her body, stabbing her enemy in several places. "Your funds will be transferred once I give word. Begin the hefty repairs at once, expect the currency in less than an hour," with that said, the demon shut off the communication between them.

With: Indigo Midna Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

Current Receptionist

Hello and welcome to TRH, I am the current receptionist. All our guest rooms are in the second floor and above. The room numbers range from 200-999. The first digit dictates the floor the room is on. Please select a room you're interested in and if you require any accommodations, such as a coffin in place of a bed, please feel free to notify me. The owner is currently out. If you were interested in a job position, please fill out the form below and provide all necessary documents before turning it in. Master Fawna should return shortly. Feel free to wait in the lobby or interact with our guests while you wait for your interview. Thank you for staying at TRH.
Hiring Application
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
After hearing his words, Mercury returned his smile though hers came to her a little easier. She released her grip on the synthetic's shoulder and released the coupling from her larger arms, allowing the smaller ones to slide out "I believe we may be able to help with that." The large, plug-like appendage that swung around by Mercury's feet lifted itself up. Well, more accurately, Mercury lifted it as it was part of her body. "This is a Deep Seed Interface Device or DSID for short. I can link directly with your mainframe to check your internal diagnostics. Celica would be more than happy to preform the needed repairs." She reassured Six. Sea Jay Sea Jay

Indigo Mercury
"Yes Ma'am." was all Indigo said though the transmission had already stopped. An evil grin crept it's way on to Indigo's usually emotionless face. Finally. A way to exact a little revenge on the people who had been keeping her here for almost 100 years. It wouldn't be much. But it would get it's job done. For now however, she needed to attend to the repairs. "Soon, Ms.Mae." She whispered to herself as she left the room "Soon." SachiGrl SachiGrl
Six turned around to face her, then glanced past her as if expecting someone to be there before looking back at her, "Okay..." He glanced past her once more just to be sure before letting his shoulders slump slightly with a short squeal of machinery, almost as if his body were sighing in relief. Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Balthazar Alexander Cahun
Balthazar jumped as someone suddenly spoke to him that hadn't been there before and he turned his head to see a robot standing by the desk that began speaking and greeting him to The Random Hotel. The teenager sniffed the air, but the robot showed no signs of life and no scent but for metal. It was nothing but a human made contraption of junk. "Where am I and what is this place?" questioned Balthazar to the robot. SachiGrl SachiGrl
507 used his remaining magic for the day to fix the mess in and around his room while mumbling to himself “Note to self...never use necromancy again..” his words trailed off as his thoughts lingered to indigo, sighing lightly before returning to cleaning up his mess.
"I have already notified Celica
of the situation. She will meet us at our room." Mercury walked past Six towards the lift "Come on. Time to get you fixed up." She called after him in a cheery voice Sea Jay Sea Jay
Current Receptionist

You are at TRH, The Random Hotel. It is an inter-dimentional hotel. The door you came through is a portal to different dimensions. This hotel's location is not adjacent to your dimension, so it is irrelevant. Can I be of further service?
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Six nodded, following closely behind her, "Celica is a very energetic person, if I am being honest, I was surprised when I discovered she had a talent for machines." He boarded the elevator behind her. Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

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