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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

Aran Winter-Eve
He ducked as he went through the doorway into the lobby, his hooves tapping audibly across the floor. His ears swiveled around at the various sounds occurring in the room, the sound echoing ever so slightly with the tapping of his hooves cutting through the noise.


<< Self-Assigned Task: ???? || Mood: Aaaaaahhhh @.@ || Tags: Vyseryx Vyseryx >>
<< Location: The front desk >>

Natalie had listened to Tiger Mim's meows, constantly trying to pinpoint what they had been for. The first ones seemed confused and thoughtful, then there had been a clear hint of approval, the last one had sounded like a reply, though sadly Nat couldn't actually speak meow to understand what the reply to her question had been. The petting session had been equally as pleasant to the purple feline than it had been to cat girl. Both had lost track of time as the guest had stretched on the floor by the waitress' feet and the other had sat down beside her to gently keep running her hand through that luscious, soft purple fur, over and over and over again...

It was only when the music started from outside that the charm was broken. Tiger Mim had gotten up with its tail lashing in a panicky mode and suddenly there a man in its place! Natalie was utterly shocked, her fur standing on end, as she had watched the purple haired mister kiss her hand, grab some luggage and venture outside of the front desk. It had taken the cat-girl about 2 minutes to properly process what had happened, and by the time she had finally realized that had been Mim as well, she had already lost her chance to both go after her new friend and watch the concert...

Instead, Natalie has just remained in the lobby, unaware of all of the interactions and fun times she most certainly was and could be missing... That is until a flash of lights started out of nowhere, catching her feline-like pupils by surprise. Though she had not been completely blinded by the showy display she had certainly been disoriented by it...

“Naaataaalieeee,”, a strangely familiar voice had said her name rather cheerfully, “I’ve been missing you so much!”

With nothing but her instincts to rely on while confused, utter panic had filled the cat-girl's mind as the floor seemed to escape from her now dangling feet. A run away alert flashed like crazy and Nat's response was to shake her body, trying to get herself free from the grasp of whatever had her in the air right now, but her captor was too strong and her efforts fruitless. Primitive instincts having failed there was only one thing left to do:

"Waaaahhhh!!! Put me down, put me down!! I miss the ground, please put me down!"
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She blinked in surprise as another male came and took the resting hydra from her arms. Did this male know the hydra as well? She assumed he must otherwise what right did he have to deny her aiding him? Aurelia looked to her maid who was quick to translate. "⟟'⋔ ⎍⋏⏃⍙⏃⍀⟒ ⍜⎎ ⊑⍜⍙ ⊑⟒ ⟒⋏⎅⟒⎅ ⎍⌿ ⟟⋏ ⌇⎍☊⊑ ⏃ ⌇⏁⏃⏁⟒, ⏚⎍⏁ ⟟ ⍙⏃⌇ ⋔⟒⍀⟒⌰⊬ ⏁⍀⊬⟟⋏☌ ⏁⍜ ⋔⍜⎐⟒ ⊑⟟⋔ ⏚⏃☊☍ ⟟⋏⏁⍜ ⊑⟟⌇ ⏃⍀⟒⏃ ⍜⎎ ⍀⟒⌇⟟⎅⟒⋏☊⟒ ⏃⌇ ⟟⋏⌇⏁⍀⎍☊⏁⟒⎅." As soon as Aurelia had finished speaking the maid fed off the translation. "I'm unaware of how he ended up in such a state, but I was merely trying to move him back into his area of residence as instructed." The sudden events occurring made her head spin as she tried to comprehend what was happening. The language barrier was of no help as she looked to the people, whose names she didn't even know.
Moomba Moomba Zackrilmon Zackrilmon
"Ah, I see," Dwig rolled up his arm and found a tattoo there "This should help, I use it all the time" Dwig traced the symbol and it glowed "Can you understand me now?" He asked. "My name is Dwig, and this is Ovesh"
Amestris Dudan – Main Entrance

"Waaaahhhh!!! Put me down, put me down!! I miss the ground, please put me down!" the scared voice of a girl, made Amestris laugh out loud as she put Natalie down on the ground and looked her in the eyes.

“Don’t shout silly!” The alchemist winked at Felidae with a large grin. “It’s only me!”


<< Self-Assigned Task: ???? || Mood: Ah don't hurt me! -> WHAT???!!! NO WAY! || Tags: Vyseryx Vyseryx >>
<< Location: The front desk >>

Frightened, Nat had closed her eyes, ears not only down but with their tips arched backwards and tail swishing in panic behind her. She felt the other lower her, relief washing over the girl as her feet were once again on the floor, back to a previously known state of safety. Yet, the laugh she had heard echoing through the room around her seemed awfully miss-put, making her heart skip a beat in terror, as the cat-girl instantly curled into her back, covering her face and fearing for what could be coming next...

But then that same voice from before, evoking not only a feeling of familiarity but also that she could trust them:

"D-du-du?", Nat had slowly taken her hand out of her face, finally seeing who the other was and instantly perking up, "You're back?!!"
Amestris Dudan – Main Entrance

“I am!” Amestris confirmed with absolutely no need for to do so. She jumped a step back, so that Natalie could see her whole frame. “I don’t look like myself in this frivolous outfit ? All right then! It’s time for a change!”

The alchemist moved her fingers over her clothes and red electric discharges covered her figure, eating away the Hawaii shirt and jeans. In a blink of an eye, Amestris was standing before Natalie in her favourite suit.

“Much better!” She turned around to look if everything about the outfit was perfect.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun


<< Self-Assigned Task: !!!! || Mood: Akin to being reunited with one's best friend || Tags: Vyseryx Vyseryx >>
<< Location: The front desk >>

Upon the entertainer's confirmation, Natalie's green eyes lit up with a childlike wonder. She loved dudu! She was fun and energetic like her. Honestly TRH had been truly missing this spark of positive attitute the other had:

“I don’t look like myself in this frivolous outfit then?”

The cat-girl had shaken her head in response. The woman had been the last co-worker she would have guessed to ever see in an hawaaian shirt. The colors and the pattern... It didn't fit the other's personality at all!!!

Watching the magical change of clothes had left Nat in complete awe. At this point every ounce of apprehension or fear had been put aside, replaced by the cat-girl's usual cheerfulness.

“Much better!”

"Aaahhhh Dudu, I missed you so much!!!", Nat had tackle-hugged the other, unable to hold the urge in for much longer, "This place isn't the same without yooooouuuu~!!"
Amestris Dudan – Main Entrance

“Oh, thank you,” the alchemist returned the hug and stayed like that for a while, before once again moving Natalie at a hand distance to look her in the eyes. “But…” Amestris raised her finger. “Now this place is going to get even better!”

The woman waltzed away few steps before making another pirouette and turning to Natalie with a smile.

“Because I bought souvenirs. A ton of souvenirs!” She put her hand to her chin, as if she was thinking about something intensely, but her eyes were shining with amusement. “Actually, a metric ton of them. But they didn’t let me through portal with a four meter bag, so I had to send them by post. One kilogram at a time." Amestris sent Natalie a wide smile. "I am pretty sure every post office in Tadamon dimension has me blacklisted by now!”

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Dwig heard the screaming from the lobby and cocked his head. "Obviously, someone of particular note has arrived or returned to this hotel," He looked at the woman "I need to go. We can talk later" Dwig ran into the lobby and saw a woman standing next to Natale "Ah, it appears that someone who is some import has returned to this place. So, who are you anyway?"



Embarrassment was written all over Fawna's face when she spoke with Miss Blood. It has been a week since her recovery and she didn't even notify her poor boss of her current state. Though the demon didn't express it, she genuinely seemed worried about her. She, also, questioned as to why Miss Midna was left with authority while she was incapacitated. The female deer had to remind her boss that Miss Dudan was on vacation, so Indigo was the next best option, in terms of seniority. It was not like Miss Mae had a say in her drugged state. Finally, the 15 minute meeting, that felt like an hour, finished and she was on her way out, heading towards the concert to ensure all was well.

"Miss Dudan! What a pleasant surprise!" the owner greeted her returning employee with the warmest of smiles, "Mister Jigdens, this is Miss Dudan our manager in entertainment." As she watched all her employees gather about, she wondered... Why is no one at the concert? With her smile twisted in disappointment, she proceeded to push them out the door. "There's a concert going on and you're all missing out on it," she said as they were all escorted out, "... there. See? I didn't work my tail off, so you could remain indoors!"

She trotted back inside to where Aran was. "Not a big fan of lights and music?" she asked, but when she thought about it. If she came straight from Mamaley, she wouldn't have liked the whole commotion either. She sat in the lounge area and gestured for him to join her. Even though she wasn't a fan of this particular centaur, he was still a guest.
Vyseryx Vyseryx
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Moomba Moomba
Sea Jay Sea Jay


<< Self-Assigned Task: !!!! || Mood: Akin to being reunited with one's best friend || Tags: Vyseryx Vyseryx >>
<< Location: The front desk >>

“Oh, thank you, But… Now this place is going to get even better!”

"Yaaaaay", Natalie had thrown her arms in the air and cheered

Something about interacting with Dudu just made her feel like a child again. The entertainer was like this bigger sister that the waitress had never had or knew that she wanted until they had met. It had been such an instantaneous connection, one must even believe it had been magic pulling some strings from the way these two had bonded:

"Ohhhh, souvenirs??", Nat had repeated, tail waving with curiosity behind her, until she gasped realizing something, "Did you bring anything for me???!"

The other rambled on and on about how the souvenirs were getting to the hotel, but the cat-girl's focus in the conversation had long been lost as she wondered what kind of things Dudu could have brought her from her travels. The only further piece of dialogue was a tiny 'oh no!' at the mention of being blacklisted by the postal service.
Dwig raised an eyebrow "I was out here before, I just wanted to see what was happening in the lobby" Dwig looked over to the director of entertainment "So, I heard you're a Realmantic, eh. Which places have you been too" Dwig grinned "Sorry, I'm an arcanist, I ask questions like this all the time"
Vyseryx Vyseryx
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Aran Winter-Eve
Aran looked over at Miss Mae and sighed, moving over and planting his rump on the floor nearby. "Its just... very odd to walk into, is all... I don't want to seem rude, but, coming from somewhere as quiet as my home its... A little much." He leaned on his elbow, which was balanced precariously on the back of a bench, "I'm really only here out of curiosity anyways, so it shouldn't matter much." He shrugged and fell quiet, untangling a twig in his coat.
SachiGrl SachiGrl

Monsieur Mim

Though Mim's ears weren't as acute as when he was in his tiger form, he somehow overheard the opening of doors in the midst of the concert's music. It was possible that the male missed his companion that he happened to leave behind. In fact, after minutes into the concert, his hand felt cold without her's within it. The purple haired man turned casually to see who just at the doors beyond the pool deck, and lo and behold, it was Miss Natalie among her, presumably, group of friends.

He approached her without a second thought. "Mademoiselle Natalie," he took her hand instinctively and kissed it once more, "Pardonnez-moi, ma dame. I act before I think and I was so selfish to leave you behind." His emerald eyes looked into her equally dashing-colored-gem for eyes. "Please, forgive me," he repeated himself, but with a translated plea. When transformed into a man, Mim stood a decent height from the petite cat-woman. The man, still to this moment, still hadn't let go of the feline's hand.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

Aurelia blinked in surprise as the male's gibberish began forming words in her mind. "Y-Yes, I can understand you. How did you do that-" But before any sort of answer could come to her, the male ran off, following the commotion as if in the midst of a hunt. "Ovesh and Dwig?" She mumbled the odd names, letting them sit on her tongue. As she mulled over the thought of the strangers, another thought pushed to the front of her mind. Could she understand everyone and were they able to understand her?
Moomba Moomba Zackrilmon Zackrilmon



The young woman nodded her head understandably as the male centaur commented on how quiet his home was comparatively to the hotel. Especially now... she thought to herself. Normally, about 80% of the time, the estate was calm and quiet, more quiet that the wilderness. That was, of course, on non-busy days. Not even a bird's chirp could be heard on those days. Honestly, it was a discomforting thought. Imagining how lifeless the estate could be at times.

Fawna watched Aran mindlessly as he fiddled with his fur. His very essence reminded her of home, which was more dark memories than joyous. She felt compelled to share her story, but her lack of trust in him caused her to remain quiet. Instead, she adjust her dress so that it covered more of her body, even by a centimeter. All that could be heard was the muffled singing of Amiellia in the background. She found herself with her fingers intertwined and her hooves crossed as she sat by her guest. If he choose to leave, she wasn't sure how'd she feel.
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Amestris Dudan
"Of course I have something for you," the woman send Natalie a very wide smile, with an impishness in her eyes. "Buuuuuut, not now. I'll let curiosity kill my favourite cat juuust a little bit before I give you your catnip."

With a move of her hand the alchemist pulled her bag back to her hand and kneeled next to Natalie.

"Up,up?" She asked happily, showing the girl to jump on her shoulders. Whether that happened or not, alchemist turned to to Dwig.

"Don't worry," she waved at him relaxed. "My mother used to say that there are no bad questions. Well, aside from, 'how are the children made' but from the perpective of time, I can see why did she refuse to explain that to 11 years old me." Alchemist giggled a little bit at memory, before answering a proper question.
"I'm currently going through the tourist route aptly named Seventy Five Thousands Beaches of Multiverse. I am visiting one a year, so I'm picky, but I must say Tadamon lives up to its reputation."

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Moomba Moomba
Aran Winter-Eve
His tongue stuck out of his mouth slightly as he managed to get the small stick out with a small, triumphant puff of air. Looking over it and glancing over at the half-breed woman, quickly looking back as if he was commiting a crime by looking at her, which in his home, it was. He ran over the moment in his mind again and again, twirling the stick mindlessly in his hand before snapping out of his trance.
He turned his head to look at her, "So... what's your role here, h-" He nearly choked on his own words, stumbling over syllables for a moment before managing to say "M-Ms Mae" He mentally facepalmed, muttering some strange word under his breath, the twig in his hand snapped audibly in his tightening grip. He looked at it with a surprised expression, running his fingers through his hair nervously.
SachiGrl SachiGrl


<< Assigned Task: Watch a concert? || Mood: Uhhhhh... || Tags: Vyseryx Vyseryx and SachiGrl SachiGrl >>
<< Location: Somewhere between the Front Desk and the Pool >>

"Eeeeeeh??", had protested Natalie when the woman had told her that she'd be making whatever had been brought to the girl into a surprise for longer, "Dudu, that's so meeeeeeaan~"

Taken by curiosity, the cat-waitress had tried to get a glimpse of the other's bag, making grabby hand motions towards the object but being too late to effectively get to it since the entertainer had managed to get it first. Defeated, Nat's mood had deflated slightly, when Ms. Mae came across the lobby addressing everyone, reminding them of the concert that was happening outside and then proceeding to push everyone out of the front desk.

Oh right. Nat had completely forgotten about the event, though now that It had begun already she just felt awkward by joining it so late... Perhaps if there had been more people to go with her, but definitely not all alone.

As if having her wish granted, Mim had shown up, though she was still a man which caused Natalie to be confused at first again, though slightly less:

"I-It's okay...", she had ears bent down, still taken aback by the fact that the girl she had met was this fellow before her, magic was mind-boggling at times, "You were more excited to the concert than I was, it was only fair~"

"We can go together now!!", Natalie had declared before realizing that Mim still had her hand, then her own suggestion caused her to blush a little...
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Just as the male centaur laid his eyes on her, she glanced at him as well, but then he suddenly looked away. In a baffled manner, she brushed her hair to the side as she looked away as well. Why did he look at me that way... her thought was then interrupted by a snapping sound. Her ears flung back frighteningly, but her expression showed no sign of fear. She only looked at him once more, but with a puzzled expression. "So... what's your role here, h-" He nearly choked on his own words, stumbling over syllables for a moment before managing to say "M-Ms Mae." Her expression didn't waiver. Only more thoughts piled into her mind... Didn't I tell him already? It didn't occur to her that he nearly called her a half-breed again. Then she thought a little deeper... Hmmm. There was only a brief pause before she spoke, "I am the head of this place. It is my home and the place I allow other's to take refuge in." She hoped she was more clear this time in her explanation. He probably thinks her mention of refuge was strange since he merely came of curiosity not to be saved. "Most who remain are those who need a home like myself," she didn't mean to admit that last portion. She winced slightly as she thought that he didn't need to hear her sob story. Her hands naturally found their place intertwined on her lap as her hooves remained politely crossed.
Sea Jay Sea Jay
Aran Winter-Eve
Aran found himself wincing as he remembered her telling him earlier, feeling stupid in an instance. He sat and listened as she spoke, trying to focus on her words instead of dwelling on his own shortcomings. He was starting to feel a bit reassured of himself until that very last sentence, "Most who remain are those who need a home like myself"
He inhaled sharply, the broken twig dropping from his hands as he intertwined his fingers and rested his forehead on his hands, breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth, trying to maintain his composure.
In a snap he was sitting up again, a soft smile on his face, "It's nice to know that there's... A place to go when you can't stay home... I mean..." he looked to the side, trying not to look at her as guilt seeped into his voice, "It's like a sanctuary for those who couldn't fit in... that's... th-that's... nice..." He cleared his throat and made a show of looking into the bags strapped on his lower back with a quiet rustling, crinkling sound.
SachiGrl SachiGrl

Monsieur Mim

"I-It's okay...", she had ears bent down, still taken aback by the fact that the girl she had met was this fellow before her, magic was mind-boggling at times, "You were more excited to the concert than I was, it was only fair~"

"Non! Non! It is never juste to leave a dame alone!"

"We can go together now!!", Natalie had declared before realizing that Mim still had her hand, then her own suggestion caused her to blush a little...

Mim pulled Natalie closer to him in a confident manner and responded, "Oui... let nous go together." Their noses were nearly inches apart, but with what he said, he led the feline away from her friends and deep into the crowd, closer to Amiellia, the lead singer. His fingers laced around her's mid-walking towards the festively lit stage. Once they were close enough, Mim was lip singing with Amiellia and bobbing his head enthusiastically while still maintaining Natalie's hand. He truly found it comforting to have her by his side. He wondered why his mother didn't think to bring his sisters, but being with this petite beauty was enough. Occasionally, he would glance at her to see if she was enjoying herself as well.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun




There was much tension between the two deer-like beings. When he responded with a guilt ridden face, she herself reddened in shame. "I'm so sorry!" she said as she covered her flustered face, "You are just as welcomed here as any other!" Her eyes were wide when she watched him warily. He suddenly shifted his attention to his satchel. Fawna took in a deep breath to help calm herself down. Can she not act normal around this man? No... she thought. No man of his stature ever saw her as... normal. How could she be normal when centaurs have deemed her a disgrace. She took another deep breath. Being around Aran was difficult. She needs to stop caring for each and every single guest. Her well being is important too. "I... I think I should go," her hooves uncrossed as she got ready to stand and her hand were now flat against the seat, ready to help her off the lounge-chair.
Sea Jay Sea Jay
-Zezga slowly walked through the doors of the hotel. he admired the design and feel the hotel gave off. He walked right past the front desk because he had other things to deal with. He walked to the stairs and climbed his way up. It was a longer trip than he thought it was going to be. When he finally reached the top floor, he stopped to catch his breath. He looked up and saw the hatch that lead to the roof. He climbed the latter and up onto the roof- Found you.. -He smiled as he looked at the massive cave that Zackrilmon had built. In a flash, Zezga returned to his original form, He too being a hydra-

-Zack was busy inside tending to Ovesh. He had Ovesh's leg in a brace, but it was a good one. Zack struggled with the human body. He wished that Ovesh could just go back to original form so he wouldnt have to deal with mess. He spoke a reverse spell so that Ovesh could be himself again. And poof, Ovesh lay asleep in his regular form- Goodness, now thats over i wonder who could be at the front.

-Zezga smiled as his brother walked out of the cave. The two hydra gave each other a big hug and walked inside the cave, both in conversation on how each other where doing and what adventures they had been on. Zack was pleased to see Zezga again. It had not been to long ago since he had talked with Zezga but it was pleasant-

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