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Realistic or Modern Time of Brothers(War RP)

Cherno Lux

Welcome to war, You and others will be fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. You will fight among a group that will go through any situation such as escorts, search and rescues, assassinations, ect. Welcome to Operation Tundra-KingFish.


Keep Thread clear until we start.
It is 6:50 AM Grinch calls all 14 of his men he only really knows two of them. He says "Every one to the black hawk in a qauter of an hour! Be prepared!"

Grinch Got his AR15 and put it into safety and yelled "Princess, come here now!" He told the pilots to take a break as it might be a while until they leave. Then he picked up his fallen brother's m14 and put it behind his back. He knew what he was getting into.
"Sorry I'm late" doc said as he walked up to the rest if the team," won't happen again." He said as he checked over all his gear one last time.
Alright you may be a few ranks up but I'm in charge of our here by group and when I say we go, we go. Get in the black hawk the pilots and the troops are ready to go we go when princess gets here no man left behind." Grinch said as he put his Military grade scope for a sniper and put it on his m14.
" yes I know, so what exactly are we doing today?" Doc asked as he got in the black hawk and secured his sniper
He saw Princess but she was silent when entering the black hawk. He yelled "Let's roll! We are going into a city full of anarchy. We meet up with Charlie Group if shit hits the fan. Doc take that m16 just in case we are in the streets against over fifty." He took the m16 and gave it to doc.
"Alright, I'm going to go over the maps one last time and mark any points that could have Snippers hiding" doc said as he pulled out some maps
Alright let's move Princess on me the rest of you move on to echo group. Doc you and Pvt.Ryan go get Charlie Group to center point.....Princess don't let me die now." He said as he dropped the zip line.
Princess nodded solemnly to Grinch as he released his zip line. She had no intention of letting any harm come to him. Slowly and routinely, she scanned the streets and buildings as Grinch prepared to depart.
((Sorry deleted post It was about all the resistance in the city and it was when Grinch and Princess went down and moments later in other part of the city doc went down))
"You too grinch you too" as doc prepared to repell down he loaded the M-16 and then dropped down and started moving along the roof tops
As they landed Grinch yelled "Princess on me the whole country of Afghanistan. We find Alpha Company and knock the jihad out of their skulls! Move into

the apartment they will give us hell if we don't move!"
As grinch was about to move it to one of the buildings a body dropped from above him " I told you I would have your backs" doc said over the radio
Princess looked at the body that had fallen and a shiver went down her spine. As many missions as she'd seen, she didn't think she'd ever get used to it. Shaking off her uneasiness, she approached the door, getting ready the breach. "Let's see what's behind door number one." She mumbled as she kicked it in.
Doc and pvt Ryan continued along the roofs when all of a sudden bullets started flying by just barely missing them "shit" doc yelled "get down" he quickly switched to the M-16 grinch had given him earlier and started to return fire.
"McKnight has fallen keep moving!" Then enemies came in with machetes and Grinch yelled "Go to the dinner down the road I got your back!" Then the side of the building that she was on came falling down then Grinch said "Move!" As he pushed her out the building. He may have looked to have died but he survived.
Mean while doc was still engaged on the roof tops above them, as he ducked down to reload he realized that he only had three clips left, so he grabbed his pistol and slowly started to make his way further up slowly taking out the hostile forces ahead of him
Though Grinch's shove made her stumble a bit, she had no troubles righting her footing to start running toward the diner he had pointed out. Looking back, she didn't see him anywhere. Mentally cursing his foolishness, she ran back and began digging for him in the rubble. When she finally saw an nondescript body part, she began tugging to try and free him.
As doc fired his last pistol round and moved forward cautiously thinking there might still be hostels up ahead he over heard princes struggling over the radio but he was not entirely sure why " princes are you ok?" Doc asked " I can't get a clear view of you from up here is every thing all right?" Asked doc well still trying to get a better view threw his snipper scoop.
Hearing Doc over the radio, Princess responded, breathing heavy with effort. "Grinch is trapped. Wall fell. Trying to pull him out." She paused for a moment, panting heavily, before resuming her work. "Try and cover us, Doc."
"You got it princes" doc replied finally getting a good vantage point that he could see what was happening, "over watch back" he said to pvt Ryan.

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