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Realistic or Modern Through the Looking Glass

Should there be a War between the two sides?


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  • Let there be peace.

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  • On the fence.

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My mom said no.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c94537fa8_giphy(3).gif.69ae9dd41554897d3ff2ab2b0bdbab44.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119578" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c94537fa8_giphy(3).gif.69ae9dd41554897d3ff2ab2b0bdbab44.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

In the city of Yonder a new drug has appeared, donned the name 'Mad Hatter' due to the experience the user has. No one know where it came from but there have been rumors of the 'Queen of Hearts', the head of the organized crime, had started the production of the drug.Her muscle nicknamed 'Tweedle Dee' and 'Tweedle Dum' help over see the 'White Rabbits' have begun to deal the drug in Yonder's underground trade to the poor helpless 'Alices', the name given to those who have lost themselves in the new drug.

Now like in every city there are the knights in shining armor, the police if you so be. People of Yonder call the head of the police force the 'White Queen' seeing her as a beacon of hope for the city's future. Under the 'White Queen' is her group who the people of Yonder call her 'Court'. A group of highly train police officers tasked to bring down the 'Queen of Hearts' and her 'White Rabbits' .

Will you be a 'White Rabbit' or perhaps you sway towards the 'Court'. Either way in the town of Yonder, they're all going utterly mad. Leaving Yonder in shambles.

(Description of all Character in Overview.)



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Mira Dale

Her clenched fist jabbed into the punching bag, followed by a kick. Today had been a tough day. A lot of reporters had stopped by the headquarters, and asked so many questions. The worst part was that she could hardly blame them for pushing on. The city was out of hand, and they could only do so much cleanup work. Not that they didn’t work hard, but from the city’s point of view there was almost no change. Mad Hatter drugs were distributed too widely already. The red queen had really done her homework and it was frustrating.

She hit the bag harder and harder, and faster. She would have to think of something, if they could just get their hands on one of the distributors or… white rabbits. They were ironically quick though. She punched again and again.

She kept punching until she was exhausted and leaned her head up against the bag, closing her eyes for a second.

Tyler Dale

Tyler was sitting in an alleyway and counted his money. There was enough to buy a pretty cool meal of food, and he hadn’t been eating a while. Yet, there was only enough to buy one round of the ‘mad hatter’ drug, and he didn’t know what he wanted to prioritize. It almost always ended up being the drug though. He put the money back in his pocket and glanced over at the local food court. “Food or MH… food or MH,” he mumbled, rubbing his neck.

“Man! Who am I kidding?” he said to himself with a chuckle and started heading toward the place where the white rabbits normally hung out.

Tyler Dale
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What defines imagination?

Is a person creative only because they managed to bend the laws of 'normality'?If that was the case, then saying that the 'Mad Hatter' was creative would be an understimation.

"Unbelievable." Ivan murmured under his breath in russian, having heard that an Alice under effect had started drinking detergent, believing that it would have had a magic effect of some sort.

The twenty one year old shook his head, tightly gripping his bottle of Vodka.

Alchemist knew, and had also tried, a lot of drugs: be it hashish, cocaine, opium, heroine, MD, methamphetamine or marijuana, no one was out of his league. But since the first time he had followed the Queen of Hearts' instructions and started making the Mad Hatter, Ivan simply couldn't bring himself to try it.

Addicting like kokodrile and as devastating as ketamine, Mad Hatter was a powerful cocktail of psychedelics, which all mixed together practically created a parallel universe for those under it's use.

Ivan cringed, taking a sip from the glass bottle. He didn't want the Mad Hatter anywhere in his body, may it be running through his veins or in his lungs, but the money it produced was acceptable.

So placing the alcohol on the table and wearing his gear, which only consisted in a graffiti mask and a pair of plastic gloves, he started expressing his "creativity".


Reina De Corazones

Reina sat in her office, checking the new on her phone making sure the 'Mad Hatter' had not disappeared. Happy with the news she moved onto her emails to make sure her operation was running smoothly. Sitting on the plush red couch, switching the way her legs were crossed every now and then. She was all smiles till she came across an email from one of her rabbits, her smile turning into a frown as she read through the email.

"Gunny!" She yelled, tapping her foot on the ground impatiently as she waited for her other half to appear. "Make it stronger...Kids theses days can't appreciate a good drug when its placed in front of them." She mumbled angrily. Reina was quite the hypocrite when it came to drugs. Never dabbling in trying them, knowing exactly the side effects that came with it. Though she did have a rather sadistic side when it came to the drug. Even though she knew the harm that came with the drug she didn't stop production, she invested too much of herself in this operation to back out now.

She had complete control over Yonder and she knew the White Queen and her Court knew this. Though the Queen and her Court got under her skin at time she was grateful to have them or else she would have cut off the supply years ago. She found this little cat and mouse game quite enjoyable.

Alistair Little

Alistair woke up as he felt something scurry across his hand. He was quickly coming down from his high and was finally gaining back his senses. "Where...Crap!" He groaned touching where his eye was feeling it was swollen shut but instead of being angry about that he angrier about his stash being stolen. All he could piece together was that he may or may not have gotten into a fight but with who? He was unsure.

He checked his wallet and smiled when he saw some money poking out. Having money meant more MH and more MH meant he could escape the hell he was in for a few hours. Alistair put his hood over his head and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he made his way down to where he knew a few White Rabbits hung out during the day. He could already feel the withdrawal symptoms start to take effect, feeling himself grow more agitated by the second.


Finished, his clothes now strongly smelling of chemicals, Ivan carefully divided the MH, letting it slide into apposite 'containers'.

Now free from the gloves and the mask he excited the laboratory, searching for some White Rabbits. Yet everyone seemed already occupied, so Alchemist refused to leave the base and instead approached Reina's office.


He first knocked, then gently opened the door to reveal his tall frame. Holding the large container in one hand, he spoke, the earlier joint still affecting his words.

"I have five hectograms but no dealers, isn't there someone free? These are the best quality yet."

The accent in his voice was strong, thanks to THC, but he still were able to reason clearly.

The price for MH is raising, higher price equals higher income.

The russian smirked to himself, stealing a glance at Reina's body. She was simply stunning, but taken, and he held high respect for both herself and Gunhilda.


Gunhilda had been sitting on a stack of crates in the backroom of the large industrial building that housed one of many Reina's offices. If there was only one thing that Gunny could respect about the crime boss it was definitely the fact that she had a hands on approach to many aspects of her operation. A lot of people in her position would have shied away from what they considered to be dirty work, far below them, and not something they should worry about but Reina wanted to make sure things got done right, even if that meant doing some of it herself. Gunny had been looking over a small group of white rabbits that were getting paid. She had a shotgun between her legs and a stern look on her face. She'd gained quite a reputation not just with the White Rabbits but Yonder's underworld as a whole and most of it revolved around not fucking with the Queen of Hearts. The house took their cut and the dealers took theirs, no one complained unless they liked the idea of some twelve gauge buckshot to the chest. Not that any of them had reason to complain, the MH always sold and it sold well so they always made plenty of money. Like Reina, Gunny had never been one for drugs even during her partying rich girl days but sure as hell had no issue selling it to people who were stupid enough to take it, to say that the stuff was potent as it was an understatement.

At the sound of Reina's voice Gunny jumped up to her feet with shotgun in hand and dropped from the stack of crates to the floor and hurried into her better half's office within seconds. If she had a reputation for her dangerous and unpredictable nature she even had more of a reputation for being attached to her better half like a puppy. A psychopath one moment and a school girl the next. She stepped into the office and set her shotgun against her desk before stepping to Reina's side and putting a hand around her shoulder. "Yes love?" She asked, not having heard what it is that she mumbled after she'd called her name. It didn't matter, Reina could have asked her to walk into the White Queen's house and turn herself in and Gunny would have done it without hesitation.

Manny sighed with relief as he entered the gym with his hands already wrapped and his gloves already on. He had been looking forward to this all day. Ever since he got home from the Marines this was the only thing he had to look forward to all day. He didn't have anyone waiting for him at home because he didn't date, he always focused too much on his work or the thought of him dying one day always made them leave so hitting something was usually his only solace after his shift was over. It never made him feel completely better of course because at the end of the day Yonder still belonged to the Queen of Hearts and both the citizens and the police department knew it. It infuriated him to see his hometown reduced to this and it infuriated him more to see that there was only so much they could do. The police force could do all the work but when the rest of the force outside of the White Queen and the Court lost hope it didn't do much.

As he looked around he saw another one of his fellow members of the Court, Mira, going to own on a punching bag. He smirked and walked over to her, taking a hold of the punching back so that it didn't flow away as she punched at it. "Are you sure I shouldn't be arresting the punching bag for selling MH with the way you're beating it up?" Manny asked with a chuckle. Manny was a big guy and he could hit, hard, but he still got the feeling that he didn't want to be this bag at the moment.


Reina De Corazones

Reina smiled as Ivan entered through the door, though she was expecting Gunhilda she was more than happy to see him. She was going to ask Gunhilda to round up the Cheshires but now that one of them was here she no longer needed to see the others. Truth be told she held Ivan a bit higher than the rest of the Cheshires seeing he was most dedicated to his work and always seemed to be striving to do better which with Reina never went unnoticed.

When Gunhilda arrived Reina kept her eyes on her. Leaning into her as she felt Gunhilda place an arm around her. Reina was always the one who simply loved love. While she most certainly knew Gunhilda loved her Reina kept her emotions a bit more in check, mostly because of the business she ran. Seeing having someone you loved was a very dangerous game when you were in Reina's line of work. She waited for a moment as she looked at the two before speaking.
"Sorry Dear I was going to ask you to round up the Cheshires but seeing Ivan is here I have no need for the others though thank you for coming so quickly." Reina kissed Gunhilda's hand that was wrapped around her before looking over at Ivan and walking towards him.

"It's lovely to have new MH but kids these days seemed to be growing bored of the original MH. Do you think you can make it a bit stronger?" She took his hand in hers as she looked up at him. "I know it's hard but I feel like you're the man who can do it. Please don't prove me wrong." Reina rubbed his hand with her thumb softly before returning it to his side and walking over to her desk as she started to go through papers. "Ivan just give what you have to Gunny and I'm sure she can find someone if not then these I don't know why I hired them." Finding the paper she wanted she folded it up nicely and walked back over to Ivan, sticking it in his pocket before speaking. " Here some addresses where I think you can find what you need for the new MH. If anyone gives you trouble just call me and I'll deal with them. Also, you can just give a list of what you need to one of the Rabbits and they should take care of it."

@Narcissy @Couldyoustfu


Ivan nodded to the Heart King in greeting, his cold eyes sliding to Reina as she spoke.

"Stronger?" He scoffed, scratching his chin "They can barely take this without overdosing! But alright, I'll be on it."

Letting his warm hand fall back on his side he glanced down at his pocket, where now the piece of paper laid.

At her statement the Russian shook his head.

"Oh, then tell me who's the most valuable of them, I don't want them to bring trash back. I have a reputation, after all." He grinned, holding the container for Gunhilda.

Tapping his pale finger on said item, he added "There's that new club, Yonder Sun or something, I'm sure some kids would be willing to try it."

Alchemist wasn't exactly empathic, he didn't care for the Alice's like he had never cared for the methamphetamine addicts back in Russia. The twenty one year old held some affection for his leaders, but for the White Rabbits? The other Chesires? He barely knew them.

Adverting his focuses from his internal discussion, he quickly inquired another thing.

"Should I tell the other Chesires?"

Ivan was competitive, and when it came to preparing MH he was usually the winner, but he'd understand if Reina wouldn't want him to prepare a new recipe all by himself.

Though I'd be able to do it.

@Aio @Narcissy

Ooc: By the way I suppose Reina and Gunhilda being the bosses would know Ivan's name, but all the others just his nick ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°

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Mira Dale

She was too deep in her own thoughts about drugs and dealers, and blinked a few times in surprise when Manuel stepped up and took a hold of the punching-bag that she had just imagined to have rabbit ears. Even if he was joking he pretty much hit the hammer on the nail with that comment. She let out a longer breath from exhaustion, and wiped her forehead with her wrist. “I can think better while hitting that,” she admitted.

Then she straightened her back a little and threw another punch for the bag while he held it. “I just got news that the drug is getting stronger. The last sample of it that we tested was crazy,” she told him. She hoped the white queen would send them out soon for some kind of sweep.


Tyler Dale

He was standing by the usual meet up place, but there didn’t seem to be any white rabbits here yet to take his money. He always got slightly paranoid when he was in such an obvious place of dealing. It was probably side-effects of the drugs though. He tapped his foot lightly, until he saw a person approach the same place, and he perked up a bit.

“Are you a rabbit?” he asked, but when the other got closer and he saw the dark circles under his eyes, he sighed and leaned his side back against the wall. “No. What a shame,” he answered his own question. This guy was definitely a user like himself.


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Ainsley Reid

xxxxxx Ainsley pushed open the door to the MH lab with a sigh. The collar around his neck itched and he longed to take it off, but he told himself that it was important for his image. He needed to look tough if he was going to work for the Queen of Hearts. Ignoring his discomfort, he picked up a dirty lab coat and threw it on. He frowned as he noticed that something had burned a hole in the sleeve. With a sigh, he made a mental note to buy a new one.

xxxxxx Looking around, he didn't see any of the other Cheshire Cats, not even Ivan who took pride in his work like Ainsley. It was strange to find the lab so empty. Ainsley considered walking around and trying to see if his coworkers were elsewhere, but he hadn't been told of any meeting. Slapping his goggles onto his face, he walked over to the cabinet to assess the stocks. Some of them were running dangerously low and he knew that before the week was up, he would need to order some more.

xxxxxx The problem with MH as a drug was that while it was heavily addictive, it also had high rates of overdosing. It wasn't good for business if the customer dropped dead after only three weeks of use. That was a customer lost and another source of business that they would need to replace. While most drugs were melted down eventually and then taken, usually intravenously, MH was already in its liquid form. He'd heard rumors that some had tried to solidify the drug to use other methods of administration, but there was always mixed results. Ainsley himself had never taken it. He wasn't much for drugs in general. While he had done some experimentation in college with pot and cocaine, he had left them behind at graduation. Now, other than the occasional government-approved drink, he didn't dare consume anything. He knew far too much about what these chemicals did inside the body to ever consider trying anything ever again. Mad Hatter was the worst of them all, targeting most of the major neurotransmitter receptors in the body to result in one of the greatest highs imaginable. But the chemical dependence that resulted because of it wasn't worth it, at least not to Ainsley. He was fully content watching from the sidelines.


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The man, known on the street as a ‘white rabbit’, glanced down at his wristwatch and made a face. “I’m late,” he mumbled and picked up his pace a little bit. He had taken too long cleaning his apartment this morning and now he was late.

He ran a red light in his rush, and ignore the honk of an angry car, and the shaking head of an elderly lady who had nicely waited for it to change to green. Matthew had to swing by a lab that produced the most addicting drug on the marked, and pick up some supplies, before heading down to his assigned spot and make business with some regulars. The woman didn’t even know that she was shaking her head at a minor one of his crimes.

For business, his tardiness wasn’t much of a problem, the Alice’s would wait, but he would dislike it if the woman they called “the red queen” would get too much notice of his slip-ups with time. He really needed the money. So he still rushed as he arrived at the lab’s location and opened the door with his gloved hand. Not before he had actually opened it wide open did he knock lightly on the wood.

“I’m here for a pick-up,” he announced. He could only spot Ainsley in there, so it seemed that the others were off elsewhere.

Janis stood on a street corner, a satchel full of MH in patch (i think that's what it's called) form slung over her shoulder. Buisness was thriving as usual, and she was waiting for clients. But, nobody had arrived.

"Jesus." She muttered.


The weather was almost agreeable, he had a few good books in his bag, and he had picked up a cup of coffee from his favorite brewery just an hour ago. The coffee was long gone, of course, and he could feel the beginning of listless energy begin to creep through him. He really ought to hurry up and start his job for the day, instead of wandering bookstores he'd already combed over the day before for the rare and elusive "21 Recipes For the Unskilled In The Culinary Arts" by Henry Mcdonnahugh. Preferably first edition, but at this point, he'd accept any run of the mill print of it. He still couldn't master the art of cooking salmon and he was tired of every failure, burnt to a crisp, resulting in Clover's small beady green eyes looking at him with unmasked, undiluted shame. He simply couldn't let that cat down again and he was sure Henry Mcdonnahugh would lead him to victory with detailed, precise directioning.

The man was rapidly approaching a place one would consider a good spot to find rabbits, after he had disentangled himself from his last bookstore stop's shopkeeper and her endless talk of expected shipments. Well, where one could find rabbits, they could also find buyers. Orion always found it a little comical how easy it seemed to be to spot users, when normal people always acted surprised when realizing their loved ones were addicts and had sold their great grand-mother's priceless heirlooms to buy a quick hit. He almost felt sorry. Rounding the corner, the small white ivory rabbit motif that hung from his neck jingled quietly against his chest, and Orion was reminded once more of his full time job. Which he hadn't even started for the day. 'Well, I'm in the right place for it, aren't I,' he thought, reaching up to tug loosely at his necklace, eyes beginning to scan for potential buyers.


"Of course dear." Gunny said with a smile and a nod when Reina mentioned that she no longer needed her to round up the other cheshires. She didn't mind of course, it didn't matter what Reina wanted she'd be there. She also didn't mind that she didn't openly display affection like she did. Gunny was tough as nails had taken more than her fair share of punches but she just couldn't help herself around Reina so eventually she just stopped trying to. She was still just as surprised as Ivan when she mentioned making the MH stronger but in a way it made sense. Eventually people would get used to it and they'd move onto something else so might as well just skip that possibility and up the strength now but on the other hand they also didn't want to start killing off their customers, that was just bad business. She nodded at Ivan, one of the white rabbits, one of their best and continued to listen to her better half talk. So confident and so powerful, it was what drew Gunny to her initially and she never ceased to surprise.

She nodded at Ivan again and took the vial of MH he had with him before sticking it in her own coat pocket. They'd have to circulate fast, wouldn't want people trying to sell the weaker MH they had for a profit but they were pretty good about not letting anyone who wasn't a white rabbit sell their stuff. "Most rich kids will try anything." Gunny said with a scoff and roll of her eyes. She wasn't fond of her partying days and usually got angry when it was brought up but she had a point. She herself never tried anything but her friends would down whatever anyone set down in front of them.

@Aio @Couldyoustfu

"Yeah I can understand that feeling." Manny replied with another chuckle and held the bag for another punch. He sighed when he let go and cracked his neck before stepping to the bag that was next to her and started throwing his own punches. Working out was usually the only thing that could calm his mind anymore. If he was stressed at work and he was stressed at home about work and even though he wouldn't trade it in for anything in the world he did need some time where he could just empty his mind. Of course it always helped him hit harder when he pictured a criminal's face on the bag, especially a white rabbit.

He groaned when he heard her mentioned that the Red Queen was making the MH stronger and threw a kick against the bag that threatened to take it off of the chain that was holding it up. "Can't we ever just have a little bit of good news? Is that too much to ask? Just some good news on out end." He had to admit that it could be discouraging when the odds were against them like that but he wasn't raised a quitter.



Reina De Corazones

Reina listened to Ivan nodding at his question before she spoke.
"Honestly, they're all a little twisted but if I can count on any of them... I go with good ole Orion. He seems to have his head on straight...or as straight as drug dealers can get." Reina smiled before growing serious at his mentioning of Yonder Sun. "We could sell there. Though I have to send my more experienced rabbits..." She went off into deep thought going over to her desk as she bit the end of her pen. "I'll think about it." Looking over at Gunhilda she nodded in agreement. "They do try anything but, unlike most Alices they can never seem to shut their mouths. That'll be our biggest problem if we start selling to them."

Reina like to think she was a very practical person when it came to running her business though others could say otherwise. Right now she was solely focused on keeping ahead of the White Queen and her court knowing that one slip up and she could find herself in the jail house. Tapping her finger on the desk she sighed and looked up at Ivan.
"You may if you wish or share it but I want you to be the head of this little experiment if you don't mind." She waited for his answer though she already knew it unless he felt like going home with a hole in his head. Though Reina held a special place in her heart for Ivan she would just as quickly off him if he proved to be unloyal.


"Yeah." She smirked. "In this form, it's stronger. You just take it like LSD." She scoffed, handing over some of the patches. "That'll be $45."


The man almost jumped when the girl addressed him, haven't not spotted her at her post. Then again, he had only been there for a grand total of a minute. "Slow," He said after a moment of collecting his scattered thoughts. "I'm a bit late on the ball today, so I honestly haven't noticed." His gaze shifted to the youth that approached, a familiar face, and his knuckles tightened around his bag, in case this was another time he'd have to fend yet another Alice that couldn't pay off. Yesterday morning had been a nightmare and was part of the reason he'd showed up so late today. Orion wasn't so eager to have another rip in one of his shirts where he'd been grabbed by a greedy addict out of their mind.

Janis seemed to have the sale under control, but the form she had was different than his. His brows furrowed and he cast the girl a side glance. "Did you get that this morning? When I restocked, I got the regular." The man asked, voice low as his line of sight flickered between people

@killerqueenie46 @Aio

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Alistair Little

Alistar looked at the girl wide-eyed as he shook his head. "Whoa wait. Last week it was twenty-five. What about the regular? Is it the same as last week?" He was growing more agitated by the second as he jiggled the money in his pocket. Looking between the girl and the man as he waited for a response. Although he wanted to he knew getting into a fight with the Red Queen's people meant trouble so he tried to keep his anger at bay.




Upon sensing the other's agitation, Orion's expression smoothed over, a reassuring smile gracing his face as he turned to the other male. His knuckles had gone stark white in his grip on the handle of his bag and he released it. "I believe this form is more potent than the regular. Speaking of the regular, it hasn't gone up or down in price- the same as ever!" He said, all business and in a cheery tone he knew usually placated Alices. Or occasionally irritated. It was a toss up. Almost shyly, he tucked a lock of fair hair behind his ear, a bit of play acting to sooth the irritated. "I'd be happy to give you the regular if you don't agree with my colleague's pricing."

@killerqueenie46 @Aio

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"Hey, this shit's stronger. You want the powerful stuff, right?" She began getting agitated, rolling her eyes. "Or do you want mediocre, watered down stuff."

Mira Dale

She could agree with him that good news were sparse these days. “We will make good news,” she told him simply and hit another hard punch. “I will ask the white queen to go out in the field again today. I think I can get knowledge of where some white rabbits hang out,” she said. It was a long shot though, and her face had been on TV too much for her to be able to go undercover, but she was starting to get frustrated with the set-backs. Hopefully the white queen would have some ideas for the next move they should make.

“The Alice’s are starting to get easier to spot after all,” she added with a bitter undertone. She had always had especial empathy for the Alices.

@Xasper @killerqueenie46 @Aio

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Ivan nodded, licking his bottom lick.

"Perfect then, I'll make the recipe and then I'll have the others copy it. Misses..." He trailed off as he left the room.

After his meeting with the Queen and King of Hearts, Alchemist nonchalantly went back to the laboratory.

As soon as he stepped in said room the scent of MH invaded his nostrils, causing the male to frown. "This place should be cleaned once in a while."

He stole a glance in Ainsley's direction while taking a sip from his bottle of vodka.

Alchemist had always seen the differences between himself and the other Cheshire as clear as a day. Sure, they shared an interest for chemistry and their job was the same but except for that he'd always found the twenty four year old a little out of place in the gang, and also a little ridiculous.​

"Ains!" He called while sitting down in his personal spot, taking his notebook and pen, "Lower the codeine by one decigram and raise our secret ingredient by two."

The Russian would have taken a while to create this new quality, so for that time he could only strengthen the current MH, without the others having to know why.

He started to scribble down in cyrillic on his notes, whispering to himself in his original language.

"Should the addiction level come up too? No, that would only raise the risk of overdosing and we'd end up with less Alice's..."

He wrote down the ingredients needed, the exact quantities and a few notes, such as: 'same addiction level'.

[@amoleofmonsters Mentioned: @Aio @Narcissy]​
Elizabeth Délauge

Her azure orbs flickered from one place to another, her castle was mainly white stone and marble and was nothing conpared to The Queen of Heart's grand palace which was vibrant and colourful. Elizabeth had no idea why, but she loved her castle just the way it was, it was white. So simple, so pure and empty. The blonde beauty raised up one of her spotless, colourless gowns which were her usual attire and tutted. She would mentally note not to wear this particular dress outside as she spotted a few tears in the material.

Elizabeth made her way to her bedroom balcony, striding with each step and dragging her dress with her. She might as well occupy herself with something until any important news came to the castle. Raising up a small needle and thin thread, The White Queen attempted to patch it up. Suddenly, she felt a poke, it did not quite sting but it did hurt someone so fragile, like herself. Revealing her petite hands from under the cloth, Elizabeth spotted a small, red dot, almost invisible.

"I just feel so curious." She muttered to herself as she reached for one of the white, thornless roses. Raising her 'injured' finger up, she waiting a minute or two until more of the blood was visible and soon observed as the tiny droplets of red gathered up in one area and caused on drop to fall down, crashing onto the white rose and destroying its purity. She blinked and sighed, quite heavily. "No, I do not like it." She finally said, thrusting the white, stained flower from her balcony and not really caring where it ended up.

I think that is the most hateful thing I have ever done. But chopping a head off and taking lives, that was the extreme.
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