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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Jake smiles warmly and tusn on the Pegasus so he was looking at her "what me to put it on you??" He smiles and holds it up, at the frozen statues behind them slowly falls to the water. "and um there's a secret that I shouldn't tell you but Im going to any ways, but I cant here ill tell you back at our guild if you want too know?

" you sure you want to tell me you secret?" She looked at the necklace and decides to wear it " thanks for the necklace" she smiled at him. ' I wonder if he'll accept me if he finds out I am the the reaper...'

@Tj Pomroy

Ajax smashed against the wall with an intense force as he heard his spine crack. Ajax stood up a bit, and thought of what a God Slayer was. He's never met one, or even heard of one before. Then a thought shot into his head light lightning, along with some residual lightning, Ouch! Ajax stood up and tried to shake off the last hit, he was in a lot of pain and was still twitching from some residual electricity going through his body. He finally stood straight up and yelled, "Unfortunately for y-*twitch*you that I know yo- *twitch* -your weakness! Any drunk's wea- *twitch* weakness!" Ajax slammed his hands together and screamed, "Ice-maker magic! *twitch* Bell and staff!" A beam of ice shot to the ceiling and when it came back down, a large bell was attached to it, about half a foot from the ground, and the bell itself was the height of the average person, but was much wider than one at its base. Then he created a baseball bat of pure ice and then screamed, eyes wide like a madman, "The drunks don't like loud noises now do they!?" Ajax then screamed at the top of his lungs and crashed into the bell that making extremely loud and beautiful music with it. He spiraled in a circle as fast as he could and each time around smashed the bell with all of his might, still screaming at the top of his lungs. He could feel his ears begin to bleed as the noise of the rod striking the bell and his screaming bounced around the walls of the small bar. Jeeze, if the Pyro and I make it out of this, he's going to be completely pissed at me.



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Jake takes the necklace and moves her hair leaning in to reach around her clipping it on her. he nods and smiles "its pretty on you" than he pats Pegasus as it shoots back towards the guild " I want to tell you when we get there if you don't mind" 
Lara looked at the necklace and smiled " sure...and ill also tell you something about myself after you tell mw your secret....deal?" It was fair to her that he was only one telling her a secret.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles and Pegasus swoops by the same old lady's window knocking over a basket of her close rainy old lady undies all over the streets below, the wing swirling around me pushing my hair back off my face the moon getting high in the air

Lara smiled back and felt the wind brush through her hair as she enjoyed the view of the city. She started humming a song her mom use to sing.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles as they land in front of raven tail "what song is that?" He dismounts the Pegasus and helps her down walking over to open the guild hall not hearing anything, no movement at all just the empty night and the cool wind.


That was all Ryos could mutter. It was truly a wonderful display of magic power that was being displayed before his eyes. He had never before heard of a God-Slayer, but there was no doubt their powers were mighty. Ryos began twitching with anxiety. He wanted a part of this. Very badly. However, he knew he couldn't. His master had just sent him to ease tensions, he would go against her wishes if he were to fight with another legal guild of Fiore. In fact, both parties were making a big mistake at the time. This fight would have great repercussions. Not to mention the bar was already trembling. Then, at that moment, Ajax used his magic to create loud noises. Ryos covered his ears in pain. This madness hd to end

"Alright, thats enough," Ryos stated, getting in between the Fairy Tail mages and the Raven Tail one, all the while making sure he didn't get hit by Ajax's bell, "This fight will not go on any further. The feelings between guilds are bad enough right now, we don't need to start an all-out guild war." Ryos said, not sure if anyone was able to hear him anyway.
Lara get of the horse with the help of jake. " it's a lullaby my mom use to me..." she smiled at the memory and then saddened when she remembered that they were killed by a dark guild.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake froms and lays his hand on her arm reassuringly "im here if you need to talk, shall we enter the guild now?" he asks as a crytal stair case appearing step by step up to a side window on the front of the hall, a cold breeze swinging through


Ashton Vandervier


Ashton grabbed another whiskey with his scarf as he listened to Shiro's question and paused for a moment. He may be drunk, but that question has its own answer,"
A God aganist a Fairy...?! What kind of question!?". He ignores that and watches as Shiro released his blue flames with intense power. He chuckled as he charged his lightning in his hand until he can hear the intense ringing from Ajax's ice bells and the sound was pulsating in his brain with intense pain. He tired to foucs as he charged a ball of yellowish-black energy and then he clapped with each in his hands,"Lightning God Slayer Magic: Lighning God Shock Wave!". He released the sudden shock wave as it collided with the blue flames and at the same time crashed into the Ice Bell made by Ajax. He tried to avoid hitting Ryos because he just had to jump in the middle to stop an intense fight,"AHHHH!!! My Ears!".

@igneel @David Van Aken @BLUR

Jake smiles and shakes his head "No im gonna pay for renavations, here let me help" He takes here hand and helps her into the window walking over to the far wall near the door to leave my bedroom, touching the wall as it gets covered in ice and door appears opening it up. "follow me, its my personal library"

Lara entered the library and looked at the books " maybe I should come by and borrow a few book to read..." she said as she looked at the different books, sitting on the shelves in the library.

@Tj Pomroy


Shiro Shinsetsu

"The Frozen Pyromaniac"

Shiro winced, his blue flames disappearing as he grabbed his ears. "YOU DAMN RETARD I'M NOT COMPLETELY SOBER HERE." Shiro couldn't help but as he began to regain his senses. That was right, he wasn't complete drunk. Nor completely sober. He was going to beat the crap out of the Raven Tail member. "Ryos! Get out of the way! This isn't your fight!" He shouted at the other male, stepping back as he set his hands with fire again. As he did so, he was sent colliding with the back wall of the bar once more, this time the hit being more intense. He knew that this time the throw was going to leave a bruise.

@David Van Aken



Jake smiles and talks absently walking around looking for something "ya theres plenty here most are on magic but theres one here that I need to show you, it says its a myth and all the powerful wizards I asked says its a myth and that I should leave it alone. but I cant and I want to try it with you" Jake walks back holding one book, very old written on dried cow skin in a leather casing "youre the only person here that knows and has seen this book"

Lara looked around and smiled when he said that dhe was the only person that knows about the library" hmm....is it safe to try this magic?" She asked as she looked at the book he was holding wonder what kibd of MN agic he wants to try with her.

@Tj Pomroy
The people were gathering around the fighters. Nobody bothered to intervene. The man to whom he gave the precious coin ran closer to the fight and started to organize bets. Michael slipped his hand behind the counter and started to look for the coin. Feeling the cold metal, he grabbed it and placed it inside his pocket. A drunk man on the floor behind the counter saw everything. Before he was even able to think anything, Michael shot a small bolt of lightning on his face. Even Michael was surprised with what he had just done. It was an involuntary movement. Better get hell out of here before anyone notices. Some drunkheads around looked at him briefly, but only to return to watch the fight. He thought it was better for him to just deliver the coin to the guild's master and then get back to Sabertooth. "Kick their butts Ashton!", one of the men yelled. Michael laughed a little bit. Respectable mages, right. In that whole mess, he kept searching for the guild's master. Where the hell was him anyway?

After a little over a minute straight of doing this, Ajax could barely take the pain that he inflicted on himself. He wiped the thin streak of blood coming from his left ear and then took a bit of a knee. Damn, I'm pooped... I've gotta fight on. Ajax rose from the floor and swiped at Ashton's stomach with the ice bat that he made earlier, making sure to get as close as possible to the spot where he kneed him earlier. He spun full circle again and then crashed into Ashton's stomach with all of his might. After completing the strike he went over to a nearby chair and sat down, dropping his bat and holding his head in his hands. It finally hit him how dizzy he was from what he did at the bell. This is genuinely worse than any hangover I've ever had, Christ alive, why is the room spinning so much!?



"God dammit, I just had to play hero!" Ryos yelled as he braced himself for the hit. Obviously, as could be told by Shiro's comment, not a single person had cared about what Ryos had just said. This fight would go on. Ryos, not liking being ignored, was a little ticked off. To make matter worse, he was knocked back by the god-slayer's magic. He hit hard into the wall.

"What the hell, that actually hurt!"

Ryos stood up, brushing himself off. "This is why I never get involved in other people's conflicts." With the bar being wrecked, and people surrounding the group, it was getting more and more dangerous to continue the fight. But at this point, Ryos didn't care anymore. He sat down on the ground and crossed his legs.

"Let them fight," he sighed
Jake smiles at her and opens another secret door at the back off the room gesturing her to follow me "She copys magic she has seen before. this magic is much weaker so its not possible for combat but you said you wanted to be able to control ice and water so with this you can to make little small statues and stuff I hope that's good enough" HE walks up to the door "ive gathered everything that's needed to do it soo if you want too"

Lara smiles " thank for letting me use that kind of magic....but I am happy with what I have...I can just learn to control those elements later on....I can already use 4 elements learn water and ice shouldn't be that hard"

@Tj Pomroy

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