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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Ashton Vanderveir & Aurora


Aurora looked at the man who was asleep when they came to the area and gave a small giggle,"For the Fairy Tail Guild I thought there would be more enthusiasm than sleeping". Ashton chuckled at the remark of his exceed, Aurora,"Come Now Aurora, be nice". He waved his hand out to call a waiter up and ask for six cups of whiskey to commemorate the occasion,"Don't Worry. I am buying!". He listened to the statement that this man said to him and it was as expected for him to think of Ashton as someone else since the won the Grand Magic Games, they would get a lot of praise and fans all around. Eventually that praise will end....Suddenly, Ashton and Aurora heard the strange greeting from a far. Aurora turned turned around to see who it was and to her surprise, it was Jake. She quickly whispered in Ashton's ear,"It is Jake". Ashton can feel that he is drunk due to how he approached his greeting with a long ending of the "s" in his sentence. He sighed as he can feel him lean upon his shoulder with some weight. Ashton decided to focus his attention to the man of Fairy Tail,"So...How does it feel to be able to crush your opponent's during the Grand Magic Games?". He gave a small smirk as the waiter came with the cups allowing Ashton to drink two of them,"Much Better...".


@David Van Aken

@Tj Pomroy

Kero and lara watched the group of people. Out of the 4 the two recognized jake and ashton. Kero smelled and exceed ashton " hmm...." she wanted to go and talk to her, but decided not. She went back to lara who was eating some food. " here's your" she said pointing to a plate of food. " thanks and she started eating.


@David Van Aken

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles and trys sitting down half falling off the chair, catching himself on ashtons leg hauling himself back up onto the chair eyeing the waiters cute smile downing another shot "I would hope theyre happy they whopped our asssssesss" he giggles a little hearing himself getting more weird looks from around the bar. and he whispers in ashtons ear "what are you doing here?"


@David Van Aken

Yumi decided she would make her way back to the guild hall Since she had nothing better to do and well her guild members would be there so she turned around and began to walk down the path towards Fairy tail's guild hall. When she got there she stopped "hmm now do i go in the guild hall where everyone is or the bar nearby" She said thinking aloud as she looked at both of the buildings.... The bar she thought to herself as she began to walk towards the bar door. When she reached the bar door she opened it and saw Ajax a member of her guild, an unknown man and Jake so she headed towards the group.
Ajax laughed loudly at Ashton's question, not sure if it was because he was wasted or some passive aggressive garbage, but he was pretty sure that Ashton meant to word his question differently. Ajax cleared his throat and crystallized a small amount of water in the air, making it seem like there were sparkles in the air. Nailed it. Ajax looked at Ashton and said, looking through the field of sparkles that he had created, "Oh to win, it makes me feel like the prettiest wizard in all of Fairy Tail." then he batted his eyelashes. He recalled how he smote the competition in the Magical Beauty portion of the games and then hoped that he didn't come off too cocky in his statement. Ajax then recognized the drunkard that had asked him the question, he knew that he was the Lightning God Slayer, Ajax couldn't recall his name though, he just remembered the boy's face from last week's competition.

He then looked over at Jake, he heard his slurred speech and that he hoped that Fairy Tail absolutely whooped their guild. Ajax got a bit uncomfortable at what Jake said and chose to ignore him and hoped that everyone would ignore at least one of the drunkards, for the sake of keeping the peace.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Yumi casually strolling towards Ajax and the group that had now seemed to have amassed around him and Shiro. She was looking so bored as always. Ajax could never tell if Yumi was sad or if she just didn't care about anything at all. Ajax over the last few years has made it a habbit to act especially cheery when she was around, always hoping to raise her spirits. Ajax waved at her with a wide grin and then said cheerfully,
"Welcome to the party, Yumi! Shiro and I were just having a chat with some of the Gents from last weeks competition." He patted a seat next to him then gestured with his hand for Yumi to sit down.

Ajax turned around to everyone else who wasn't sitting down and said,
"Heya fellas... You can sit down if you want to, all of your looming is kind of freaking me out. There's already another open seat at the table and there are plenty of empty ones that you can pull up if you want to."
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"I can see that i may as well join you in fact i was talking to one of them resonantly an't that right Jake." Yumi said as she headed towards the seat that Ajax pointed out. "So Jake hows the guild hall" Yumi said her face lit up with a smile for a couple of second before it face went back to its usual bored expression as she took the seat Ajex pointed out. This aught to be fun she was thinking as she sat down looking towards Jake remembering the events that happened at the raven tails guild hall.
Kero finished eating and said " I am gonna go and see what they are talking about" "alright but don't cause trouble" " I won't" kero then walked over to the table with ashton and others are at.
Jake sides over siting closer to ashton, straightening his back looking sober quickly, talking with a smirk "im quite happy with it, ill be personally paying for the renovations and they will be lovely thanks for asking, Ms.Yumi." Jake smiles and looks around at the assortment of fairy tail and raven tail guild members.


Shiro Shinsetsu

"The Frozen Pyromaniac"

[At a bar near the Fairy Tail guild]

Shiro grunted, his body rolling onto the chair and his head slamming onto the table as he grunt and whined and made all sorts of noises with his mouth in a hope of communication with the people surrounding him. Everything was still a blur, and he couldn't help that the noise levels around him were now raising from laughter to talking to shouts and his head was pounding. In a lame attempt to stand up, Shiro slithered his way up onto the table and shakily rose to his knees. He gave Ajax a shout and set his hand on fire, punching him in the face. "Who are ya callin' meathead, ice princess?!" The Pyro managed to slur out, his exceed giving him a low growl and forcing him back onto his chair. He slumped back down and leant back into his chair, his judgement clouded by the alcohol, leaving him to topple over his chair and crash onto the ground, in front of the other guild members.

"Who the heck are you?" Shiro shouted. Since he was on the ground lying down, everyone seemed to be upside down. It didn't help that his vision was blurred, half from hitting his head on the wooden floor and the other half from the drink that intoxicated him. He couldn't remember being this drunk. Actually, he hadn't a clear idea when he had started drinking. It could have been days. Maybe a week or so. Shiro scoffed at himself as his eyes were darting around the room. What was he doing there?

@David Van Aken
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Kero managed to slip under the table and sit down. She yawned and layed as she ahe quietly listened to everyone. ' for a bunch of mages that hate each other. They sure do get along...'

Ajax for a moment was slightly relieved that Shiro didn't slip into an alcohol induced coma. The next moment he was filled with rage from his hand being singed, and he yelled, hoping to disrupt Pyro's stuper, "Damn, Dude what was that for! You see, even when I try to act nice you're in a pissy mood with me! There's never any, 'Oh, why thank you Ajax for lifting me off the floor and putting me in this nice chair that I am in, I was in such a dreadful state.' " Then Ajax realized he had to make a comeback for 'Ice Princess', he's heard it before, and it was strangely beginning to grow on him, he yelled again, "Hey! You're jealous is all! Look at this hair of mine! Yours doesn't even match your bleeding element!" Ajax used insults of this nature against Shiro whenever he went attacked his appearance. Ajax took a moment to clear his throat to calm himself. He nervously looked around, at the others, hoping that they weren't caught too off guard by his sudden outburst. Ajax giggle a bit nervously and then leaned back in his chair. He then said with a stern tone to his voice, "Eh, we have company by the way Flames-For-Brains. make yourself useful for once and introduce yourself." Ajax watched Pyro fall out of his chair, Ajax just sighed as if he had just given up on the Shiro. But he didn't just then, he gave up on Shiro years ago.


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Jake looks at them both curiously, "youre like an old married couple. its weird." Jake moves to poke ashton "hey are we heading back to the guild soon???" he askes again not sounding completely sober. looks around seeing everyone a little weireded by Ajax's outbreak


Shiro Shinsetsu

"The Frozen Pyromaniac"

Shiro grunted, rolling over onto his stomach, using the table as support for standing up. "Screw you, popsicle stick," Shiro murmured, shooting Ajax a glare, "your looks don't compare to my magical power, you know that! You just won the beauty part of the Games. I, however, managed to pull the team through the fighting bits." He retorted, his exceed sitting down on the table which he was using support from. He looked around at all the mages, or seemed-to-be-like mages, considering their outfits, they weren't regular people. "Hey, I'm-" As Shiro was about to introduce himself, he heard a voice down below the table with his advanced-dragon hearing. He squatted a little, his movements slow and careful, as he was still intoxicated by the alcohol and he couldn't think straight. He blinked once, then twice, to find that a person was hiding under the table next to his own, "What are you-?"


@David Van Aken
Throughout the barren land, the only sound that could be heard was that of Ryos' panting. He had spent two hours training his physical abilities, through punching boulders and common exercises. Now that he was done, the only thing he had left to do was shower, and then maybe he would take a job. After all, he didn't get paid for the Grand Magic Games, and the prestigious event took quite the amount of time. After taking a drink out of another vial of poison, Ryos made a mental note to get more on the way home. He then proceeded to walk toward the direction of his house, a small shack very close to Lamia Scale.

After having taken a shower and having restocked on poison, Ryos found himself heading back to his guild once more. He opened the doors to the guild hall and headed upstairs straight toward the S-Class request board without hesitation. His bright purple eyes scanned the board intensely, looking for a job that would be both rewarding and challenging. Luckily, since everyone was at the Grand Magic Games recently, the request board had a plethora of different jobs. As he prepared to grab one, his arm was grabbed. Turning his head to face the culprit, Ryos locked eyes with none other than his guild master.

"Sorry Ryos but I have a job for you personally. And you'll have to do it for free."

Restraining himself from grunting, Ryos nodded his head. It was his duty as a member of Lamia Scale to do what is asked of him by the master.

"Yes, of course, master. What is it you need me to do?"

After finding out what it was he had to do, Ryos wasn't able to restrain himself from grunting this time. His job was, amid tensions between guilds, to go as the representative of Lamia Scale and personally congratulate Fairy Tail on their win in the Grand Magic Games. It was literally the last thing he wanted to do, and he was sure the master knew that. Maybe it was a lesson in humility or sportsmanship. Either way, Ryos didn't like it. He didn't even think it would help clear any tension because he would still harbor resentment for Fairy Tail for beating them in the games. But hey, the master personally told him to do it.

He decided to take the train to Magnolia to save time. It didn't take long for hime to arrive to the famous city, home to Twilight Ogre and, of course, Fiore's top guild, Fairy Tail. Walking quickly and avoiding stares from the citizens of Magnolia, who likely were familiar with him through either his reputation or just the Grand Magic Games, Ryos made his way to the Fairy Tail guild hall. It was an extravagant building. Ryos had never come so close to it before, he just recognized it through pictures. It truly was as beautiful as people had made it out to be. Ryos always had a specific interest in Fairy Tail, however, none of it stemmed from the guild itself. Rather, he was always interested by two of Fairy Tail's members. Brushing away his thoughts for the time being, Ryos went through the doors of Fairy Tail for the first time. Thankfully, the guild hall was mostly empty, likely because most members had not arrived home still. One of the Fairies that were in the guild hall quickly recognized him and called for their master. Fairy Tail's guild master came to greet Ryos, and Ryos proceeded to accomplish his task.

"I have come to maintain good relations between at least Fairy Tail and Lamia Scale, seeing as how our two guilds have been friends and allies in the past. I wanted to congratulate Fairy Tail for their win in the Gran Magic Games on behalf of all of Lamia Scale."

The guild master smiled and gave a quick thank you to Ryos, signaling Ryos' job being finished. He was invited to stay and have a drink, but Ryos respectfully declined. He didn't wish to be in another guild hall for too long a time, he felt he was betraying his own. He walked out of Fairy Tail, and began to walk back to the train station. However, he stopped walking abruptly. His attention was caught by a bar, not too far from Fairy Tail, where he smelled scents that had intrigued him back at the Games. "Its them, I know that smell."

Not wasting anymore time, he went straight to the bar, where, indeed, he found the two members of Fairy Tail that have long had his interest. Fairy Tail's two Dragon Slayers, The Frozen Pyromaniac Shiro Shinsetsu and arguably Fairy Tail's best wizard, The Frostbitten Prince Ajax Wellington. Wide-eyed, Ryos approached them, blinded to the fact that Shiro is wasted.

"Hello, my name is Ryos Delmora of Lamia Scale, and I have some questions for the both of you."
Kero looked at shiro " hi! I am kero noce to meet you. You must be shiro" she said with a smile and she jumped and sat on his lap. She looked at his exceed " hi what's your name?" She asked with a friendly smile.


Ajax held his chest above where his heart was for a moment with the tips of his fingers, clearly pretending to be hurt by Shiro's comeback. Ajax retorted once again, only this time much more calmly, "You know just as well as I do, that I could've absolutely competed in the fighty bit of the tournament and still wiped the floor with the competition! However, the master told me to compete in the beauty portion because of the eloquence of my magic. Also, I've yet to see the day that you could melt my permafrost magic in less than a few minutes." Ajax chuckled a bit at that, hoping that Pyro didn't have the brains to remember that he can't freeze any of Shiro's higher level magic spells without some time to prepare. At the end of his rant, his ears perked and he heard movement beneath the table. He saw Kero jump onto Shiro from beneath the table, would've heard her sooner if I wasn't talking, that showoff Shiro.

Then Ajax heard Ryos speak to him and the fiery one. Upon hearing, 'I have some questions for... you' Ajax overacted a bit and completely froze over the top of the table by accident. On the top of the table, there was now a one inch layer of sparkling ice, it is sparkling because of all of the individual air bubbles caught inside of the ice. Ajax spoke, perplexed at his accident, "Ah well, um... Sorry, that'll thaw out in a week or two, a month at the worst..." Then he looked over at Ryos and said calmly, as if he didn't just ice over a table, "Okay then , Mr. Delmora of Lamia Scale, what's on your mind?"

For a moment he turned back to Jake and said with a look of icy damnation in his eyes, "Never. Say. That. Again... Ya Hear?"


@Tj Pomroy

Jake smiles back daggers for eyes "awww old bittys getting her panties in a knot, and at least I can control my magic" he reaches onto the table and lays both hands the air bubbles filling with water as it quickly boils leaving only a weak structure left. He lightly flicks the table as the ice burst sending sparkles into the air the light reflecting off them beautifully sending rainbows all over the room

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Kero looked at the ice on the table " cooll" she looked at the sparkles " your magic is beautiful...." she said admiring the ice table. Lara looked in the direction and smiled a little remembering that magic isnt only ised for fighting. It can also bring a smile on someone's face as well. She watxhed as jake burst the ice in bubbles that where light reflect of and forms rainbows. ' that beautiful....' kero jumped up and tried to pop the bubbles. Lara chuckled a little happy to see she is having fun.


Shiro Shinsetsu

"The Frozen Pyromaniac"

Shiro exclaimed, not expecting the female to sit on his lap. He gave her a weak smile, and lifted her off his lap and onto the table, next to his exceed. "His name is Jojo." Jojo huffed at Kero and turned away, saunting towards Shiro and sitting on his shoulder. The male gave his exceed a stern look, swatting his little arm and pushing him back onto the table. "Be nice," Jojo grunted, rolling his eyes and hopping off the table, waddling out the door. "Sorry, Kero. He's a little moody." While he was slightly agitated by the mood of Jojo, it didn't help that specks of ice were starting to landon him. Shiro's spine tingled and the male instantly turned around to set the ice on fire, now agitated and angry as hell. He was still slightly intoxicated, and the sudden turn made his head spin, and he collapsed back onto the chair. "No ice," He breathed out, placing a hand onto his forehead, in a weak attempt to calm his dizzy head.


@Tj Pomroy

Kero giggled " dont worry about it" she popped a bubble and ran after jojo " hey can I hang out with you for a bit?" She asked him " it's not everyday I get to hang out with an exceed..." she looked at him.

It didn't hit Ryos until then that there were other mages in the room as well, Yumi of Fairy Tail, a couple of mages from Raven Tail, and another he didn't even recognize. Obviously now was a bad time for conversation. However, Ryos was determined to get his answers. The Raven Tail wizard, whom he recognized as one of their tops, Jake Battleborn started displaying his magic. Apparently he had disrespected Ajax when Ryos wasn't present., and now was trying to prove a point.

"Whats with all this Raven Tail and Fairy Tail interaction i've been seeing today..." Ryos mumbled to himself.

Ryos had to raise an eyebrow at the events that were unfolding in front of him. In front of him were many great wizards, a few even considered the aces of their guilds. Yet, here they were socializing. Now it was taking a turn. Did they not foresee this? It seemed obvious to Ryos that these two specific guilds would not get along this close to the end of the Games. Ryos had to remind himself that it wasn't any of his business. He was here for answers.

"Well, if you're not too busy," Ryos said looking around at the ruckus that was being made by this group of mages, "I wanted to know about how it is you became a Dragon Slayer. As in, if you're a first-gen and were taught by a dragon, and where your dragon is now. I would ask him too but he doesn't seem to be in the right mood," Ryos said nudging his head towards Shiro.

@David Van Aken
Jake growls and looks at the drunkard, the alcohol wore off him "tell your wife than Shi-Shi, im only cleaning up his mess" he smiles and moves to sit on his legs calmly looking around the ice slowly melting and disappearing out of the air. Jake looks at lara and smiles "It can be beautiful too, cant it? its hard to think that when its used for destroying and killing"
Lara smiled back " I agree...." she sighed a little. She mostly remembers using her magic to destroy dark guilds, but while she destroyed them she also remember seeing people smile and look of relief on their face when they know that the guild isn't going to hurt them anymore. She smiled again ' I am gonna stay here for a while...' she yawned a little.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles and looks around as people begin to calm down "would you like me to walk you to the inn? or do you plan on staying with a guild?" He stands up and offers her his hand "im heading out so if you want the company..." He looks back at shiro "im sorry for my comments I wasn't in my right mind please forgive me" he bows his head respectively


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