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Things aren't always as they seem Ananfal & xx0mittens0xx


Bumblebee Therapist
Adrian makes his way out of his small cabin in a clearing surrounded by forest. He lived out in the middle of nowhere but preferred it that way. He worked in town during the day and was barely close enough to town for electricity. He had off today and decided to take advantage of the warm fall weather to go hunting. A nice size deer would last him all winter in the freezer. He adjusts his gun as he makes his way down the small path to the woods. The sun hadn't been up very long so he knew things were just starting to stir. He makes his way along the river staying downwind as he keeps an eye out for any deer, knowing life eventually would need water. He crouches down in a bush as he sees once cautiously make her way to the water. He sighs quietly waiting for the deer to position herself where he could get a clear shot but the deer kept moving through the thickets keeping vital spots hidden.
The deer bounded away with great speed as a loud crashing sound resonated through the forest. The sounds only grew louder as a large black furred wolf burst through the trees. Its flanks were heaving as it gasped for air. It was coated in blood, most of it coming from the various bite and claw wounds all over its body. Its green eyes flickered with fear as it glanced around wildly, desperately seeking an escape route. But the wolf could run no more as it's eyes rolled back into it's head and it collapsed to the ground, unconscious.
Adrian was taken by surprise at seeing a wolf enter the area and slowly gets to his feet at seeing it just collapse. He starts his trip around the river, finding a safe spot to cross before making his way over to the wolf. A wolf pelt would catch a nice penny in town but at seeing the wolf was still shallowly breathing he lets out a sigh. He kneels down to it examining it's wounds, they were bad but not unfixable. He picks up the wolf with a grunt awkwardly carrying it back to his cabin, thankful he didn't decide to hunt far from it today as the wolf was rather heavy. He sets her down on an old comforter in front of a fireplace that was currently unlit. He goes to his bathroom to grab his first aid kit and bandage material. He kneels down next to the wolf, praying it didn't wake up and attack. He had to be an idiot to bring a wolf in his home but he just couldn't leave it out there to die. He begins his work, cleaning the wounds, stitching a few, and bandaging what needed to be. He placed a bowl of water and a bowl of left over spaghetti as it was the only thing he had at the moment in front of the wolf and leaves the door open, having no intention of being stuck inside with a wolf. He makes his way into the kitchen and keeps himself preoccupied with making fly fishing lures, a hobby of his. He hums along softly to the radio, occasionally glancing over at the wolf to see if it was making any improvement, at least it's breathing seemed to grow more even.
Slowly her eyes blinked open. What... What happened? Focusing upon her surroundings, she jumped to her feet when she realized that she wasn't in her home. Well, she tried at least. Instead she sank back to the ground, whimpering in pain. Her ears flat against her head, she whined in fear and struggled to get up, unintentionally hurting herself more in her desperate attempt to get away.
"Hey wolfy just settle down" Adrian says in his best soothing voice as he slowly walks over to her. "You're safe." He points to the open door. "You're free to go when you healed but you need to rest" He knew the wolf couldn't understand what he said but hoped a soothing voice would calm the animal. He kneels down at a distance not wanting to get bit and not wanting to stand and seem imposing. "There's food and water there for you too when you can handle it"
Her struggles ceased the moment she heard the man's voice. He was speaking to her... Did he know what she was? But no, he showed no signs of fear or disgust. Deciding to trust the man, she laid back down and let out another pained whimper. Her struggles had reopened some of her wounds and they were bleeding again. Panting from her exertion, she watched him warily but did her best to no longer seem threatening.
Adrian sighs at the reopened wounds before grabbing his first aid kit and slowly moves next to her. He takes his thread and needle and quickly closes the wounds back up, knowing it was probably pinching he was ready to roll out of the way at any minute, this was definitely much safer when she was unconscious. Once he finished he sighs and runs his fingers through his hair realizing he probably made a stupid mistake at bringing a wolf inside. He glances over to her face, she didn't seem to be snarling or showing teeth and her body didn't seem tense at the moment so at least she was somewhat docile. "Look just get some sleep, eat a free meal, and you're more than welcome to go in the morning but please don't reopen your wounds. They won't heal as quickly" He shakes his head at himself for talking to it again.
A low bark of agreement. She didn't understand why this human was caring for her... Why did he sew up her wounds and take care of her? Offer her food and water and place to stay the night? Why had he not just left her there to die? Unable to answer her own questions, she simply shook her head and reaches towards the water, lapping up some of it while taking care to not drip on the floor. She had already caused him enough trouble, no need to add more. She did the same with the food, trying her best to not spill anything.
He raises his eyebrow curiously. She was probably the most polite wolf he'd ever met. He slowly gets to his feet and shakes his head before putting some distance inbetween him and the wolf. "'I'm heading to bed, hopefully you feel better. Try not to do.... well whatever got you in that mess to begin with. And if you see any racoons attempting to raid my pantry tell them to vamoose" He jokes as he watches her for a moment, not sure if he should pat her on the head or not. He decides against it and turns down the lights before heading to his bedroom to get some rest, deciding he wanted to get some early fishing in.
Another low bark of agreement before she curled up tightly, keeping one watchful green eye on the door. She had to warn off the raccoons, after all. She didn't sleep the entire night, always vigilant and alert. When she decided to do something, she would do it properly. So when dawn came, she arose from her laying position, her wounds now fully healed. Glancing towards the door, she made a motion as though to leave but she couldn't. Not without repaying her debt. Huffing slightly, she made her way up the stairs and nudged open the door to the man's room. Walking up to him, she have him a big lick to his cheek.
Adrian groans a bit as he's woken up moving his hand to swat at what woken up before waking up with a start, jumping to the complete opposite side of his bed at feeling his hand come in contact with fur. He looks over at her staring at him from the side of the bed. "Jeezus...." He mutters with his hand over his heart. He realizes she just gave him a lick to the cheek and rubs his hand over it. "What are you part house dog or something?" He asks calming down and slips out of bed. "I guess you're looking for another free meal" He looks over her at noticing her wounds were pretty much healed. "That's strange.... they looked a lot worse yesterday..." He didn't think of anymore of it and heads downstairs. "Well if you're going to stick around I suppose I can introduce you to the wonders of bacon"
A bark of excitement and a wag of her tail at the sound of bacon, eagerly following after the man as he headed downstairs. She would have followed him anywhere for the taste of bacon. It had been so long... Shaking those thoughts out of her head, she barked once more and ran ahead of him to the kitchen, turning to look at him with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Another bark, signifying her hunger, before she sat down, ready to wait patiently.
Adrian moves around the kitchen getting out the bacon and eggs, cooking up enough for the both of them. He looks down at her and just shakes his head at her acting like a regular dog rather than a wolf. "If you're going to stick around I suppose you need a name.... what about Sasha?" He asks as he flips the bacon and puts the eggs on a plate once they were done.
Sasha... Yes, she could be Sasha. That was as good a name for her as any. Nodding in agreement, she watched with eager eyes as he put bacon on a plate, along with some eggs. A low whine came out of her throat and her tail beat against the ground as she almost drooled at the smell of the bacon. She couldn't wait to eat it after so long! Barely managing to resteain herself from leaping at the man and grabbing the plate, she forced herself to remain still and wait from him to give her the food.
"Sasha it is then" He states with a laugh at her nod. "Now manners, I won't have begging, it's unbecoming of a lady" He takes the plate and sets it down in front of her cautiously, still unsure about this hanging out with a wolf business. He takes his plate over to the table to eat his own breakfast, picking through the lures strewn across the table to decide which ones he was going to use for fishing today. Fish definitely sounded like a good idea for dinner, especially a couple trout.
The moment the plate was on the floor she attacked it, still taking care not to be messy but eating with as much speed as she could manage. She was hungry! When she was done she glanced down at her plate sadly. That was barely enough food for her as a human, but nothing as a wolf. Well, perhaps she could hunt on her own a bit later. She didn't want to trouble the man any more. Speaking of which... Barking once more at the man, she made an inquisitive sound and tilted her head to the side, doing her best to seem as though she was asking a question. Perhaps he would get her meaning. What is your name?
Adrian looks back over at her seeing she ate the food lightning quick. He didn't quite get what she was asking and gets up to his feet. "Are you still hungry?" He makes his way to his fridge and looks at her for a moment as if debating something. "You best be damn grateful for this" He reaches in the fridge and tosses her a steak he'd been saving. "I'm Adrian by the way" he blinks at himself wondering why he just introduced himself to a wolf and shook his head. He takes his plate and her's and puts them in the sink to clean later. He grabs his fishing poles and after packing his lures in a tackle box. "I'm going fishing for a bit. You're welcome to hang around as long as you don't destroy the place or I suppose you could come along" He shakes his head at himself, taking talking to the wolf as an effect of living on his own for so long. He soon made his way out the door to head to the nearby river.
Her question was forgotten as she stared hungrily at the steak. He was giving it to her? Grabbing it out of the air, she snarfed it down quickly and was just in time to catch his introduction. Adrian... A strong name. It would do. Barking, she kept pace with him as they walked down to the river, sometimes running ahead or trailing behind, but coming back to him in the end. Her debt wasn't paid yet, and so she couldn't leave. She would help him hunt and fish, she would guard his home, and when she repayed the life debt she owed him, then she would go.
Adrian takes a seat on a rock in front of the river, setting his tackle box down. He grabs the hook off of his pole, unhooking it from one of the loops on the pole before grabbing the lure he wanted. After baiting the pole he sends it flying into the water with the flick of his wrist and waits for a nibble. He shifts his weight a bit to get as comfortable as you could on a rock, enjoying the warm fall day. He glances over at Sasha, just shaking his head at the idea of wolf following him around. "You're one strange animal..."
She let out a bark that definitely was laughter as she jumped into the stream, swimming around his hook and trying to sprinkle him with water. Finally she got a great idea. Slinking out of the water quietly, she snuck up behind Adrian. Then she proceded to shake the water off of her fur. Right next to him. Making that laughter-like bark again, she quickly ran away from him, all the while watching his reaction.
Adrian shakes his head as she jumps into the water. "You're going to scare all my fish away! You're not a very good fishing companion" he teases her and watches as she slinks out the water before turning his attention back to the water. "That's bet-" He stiffens up as the water hits him when she shakes before looking back at her to see she was running in the opposite direction. "You think you're funny don't ya? I help you out and I see how you repay me" He states, though no anger was in his voice and he was giving a crooked smile in her direction. "Like I said you're a strange animal. Just you wait. I'll get you back for that one" he points at her playfully
She gave him another laughing bark but sat down on the shore, watching the water intently. Even though Adrian hadn't meant the words in anger, he did say that she wasn't repaying her debt to him. So she would show him how she planned on repaying her debt. She just had to wait for the right moment.... There! A flash of silver was all she needed as she darted out her paw, slamming it into the water and scooping the fish out onto the shore. It wriggled and flopped, almost sending itself back into the water but she stopped it, picking it up in her mouth and carrying it to Adrian proudly. She could fish if she wanted to.
Adrian looks over at her as she brings him the fish. "You're just full of surprises aren't you" He reaches over and pats her on the head, finally figuring out she had no intention on hurting him. He picks the fish up and puts it in the cooler before spending a few more hours there, getting enough fish for a decent meal for the both of them. He packs his fishing gear up and makes the trek back to his cabin. "Come on Sasha" he calls before soon reaching home, using a station he had set up outside to filet the fish, getting the scales and what not off of them. Once he had finished with that he takes them inside to fry them up. "I hope you like fried fish. I'm sure you like them raw but I cook things around here so you might have to adjust"
She just barked in response, her tail wagging happily. Despite her secret, despite the danger, this was the happiest she's been in a while. Companionship and steady meals were both things she had missed, and Adrian provided both for her. She discovered that she liked staying here with him. It was liberating. She didn't have to constantly look over her shoulder, she didn't have to worry about danger finding her. Not to mention the free belly rubs. Barking once more, she sat down next to Adrain and shamelessly begged for food.
"No begging now. It's unbecoming of a lady" He states before setting the fish on a plate to cool down once they were finished. He had cooked some mashed potatoes and peas along with it and grabs a plate for Sasha, giving her some of each before placing it down in front of her and then takes his plate to the table. "I suppose I'll have to go into town and get you an official bowl if you're going to be sticking around" he states before digging into his own dinner.

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