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Things aren't always as they seem Ananfal & xx0mittens0xx

Adrian chuckles at the woof before rolling over, curling under his blankets and soon drifting off to sleep as well. He groans a bit as the morning sun shone in through his windows waking him. He pulls the blanket over his head not sure if he was ready to get up just yet. After a few minutes of that he gives up and slips out of bed with a stretch and a yawn. He flattens his hair down a bit as he made his way to the bathroom and brush his teeth and what not before heading downstairs to open the door for her to let her do whatever she needed to before making his way to the coffee pot to get some coffee brewing.
Sasha stretched out and yawned again before padding down the stairs and outside, enjoying the luxurious fresh air and sunlight warmth. Then she padded back inside and went straight to the kitchen, plopping down at Adrian's side Aland shamelessly begging for food as she always did.

(Sorry it's short, head hurting right now.)
"Today you'll get to experience the marvel that is the pancake. If I don't burn them. It's been a while since I've cooked them since it's hard to cook pancakes for just one." He states at seeing her make her way into the kitchen, no doubt as hungry as he was for breakfast. He moves around the kitchen to get all the ingredients to make pancakes, turning on the radio as he did so. After burning the first two he finally got the hang of it and started putting out edible ones.
Sasha did her best to help, barking when she sniffed the first signs of burning and knew that the pancakes had to be flipped. She also closed the refrigerator door for Adrian when his hands were full of ingredients and just generally tried to make herself useful. If she was in human form... No! She wouldn't change, not in front of Adrian. She didn't want to see the look of fear or disgust on his face... She enjoyed his company too much to endanger it.
"I know I know! I'm doing my best" He says with a chuckle at her barking eventually putting them on plates for her and himself. "At least you're making yourself useful" he says with a laugh, only teasing her about it. He didn't care if she laid all day in the sun, he just liked the company. He puts a bit of syrup on her pancakes, not too much since he wasn't sure if wolves should even have syrup before setting the plate down for her. He takes his to the table and sits down, digging in after putting syrup on his own.
She ate quickly, as always, but even thought Sasha tried to be as polite as always, the syrup dripped everywhere and basically made a huge mess. Her fur was sticky with the stuff and there was drops of it all over the floor. With a whine, Sasha looked up at Adrian apologetically. She didn't mean to make a mess... And this was one mess she couldn't clean up by herself, at least not in this form... She whined again, hanging her head. What a fine way to repay Adrian for all he had done for her, make more trouble for him.
Adrian looks over at Sasha at seeing clumps of fur on her chin stuck together due to syrup. "I suppose syrup wasn't the best idea, even if a little..." He sets their plates in the sink before turning back to Sasha putting his hands on his hips. "I suppose a bath is in order. Come on, the upstairs one has a hose" He states as he made his was upstairs before looking back at her to see if she was following. He blinked a bit and shook his head since he knew she couldn't possibly understand what he was saying but the way she followed him around, he hoped she wouldn't be far behind. He had never given a wolf a bath and hoped it would it up with his hands still intact.
Sasha followed along behind him, her tail wagging slightly. It had been a long time since she had gotten a bath that wasn't from a stream, and it would be nice to have hot water for a change... Or rather, she hoped that he would give her a hot bath. When she saw him look back at her, she gave him a reassuring bark, showing that she was right behind him. It was interesting how he just seemed to accept the way she understood what he was saying... Sasha wondered how he justified that in his head.
He just shakes his head at the bark before making his way into the bathroom, closing the door behind her once she was inside. He remembered giving his last dog a bath and to put it lightly, it was a battle. He grabs a few towels to put in reach before setting the water temperature to what he himself would find comfortable but something that wasn't overly hot. He looks over at her and sighs before patting the inside of the tub praying she would jump in and make this easy. He supposed he could cut out the sticky parts but would hate to do that unless it was necessary.
Carefully Sasha dipped a paw into the water... And yipped happily when she realized that it was the perfect temperature, not too hot and not too cold. Carefully sliding into the bath tub to avoid any splashing, she paddled around in the water, letting her entire fur get soaked. Dipping her head under the water to make sure every part of her got washed, Sasha gave Adrian a grateful look, reaching her head out to give him a lick on the cheek. Of course she managed to drop some water onto him as well and she gave him a laughing bark, not looking innocent at all.
Adrian was amazed Sasha was so compliant to a bath and pushes her head gently away as he licked him, dripping water on the floor. "Stop that!" He states with a laugh before working the shampoo in her fur, giving her a full bath since she never had one in her life, at least he assumed. He spends a bit more time where the syrup was, it taking him a bit to work out while trying to be gentle and not pull her fur. He hoses her down and drains the water once he was finished, grabbing a towel and rubbing her dry with it.
Sasha refrained from shaking out her fur until after Adrian had to towel her dry, although despite that she still managed to get some more water on him with an innocent bark. Hopping out of the tub, she shook her fur once more before barking happily and almost skipping out of the bathroom - if wolves could skip, that is. Her fur was so light and fluffy! And she smelled nice and clean, like that shampoo Adrian washed her with, instead of dirt and sweat!

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