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Things aren't always as they seem Ananfal & xx0mittens0xx

She just gave him a laughing-bark before eating her own dinner. In response to his lady comment, she ate primly and properly, taking delicate bites before wiping her muzzle on a napkin that she had stolen from the table. After cleaning her plate she even managed to bring it to the sink herself, rising up on two paws to gently place it down so it wouldn't break. Barking happily, she gave Adrian what could only be classified as smug look before sitting down at his side once more.
Adrian looks down at Sasha and just shakes his head. "You're something else" He gets up once he had finished, washing the plates before making his way into the living room to plop down on the couch and switch on the TV, flipping through the channels trying to find something decent to watch. He finds White Fang was on and couldn't help but laugh at the irony. "I suppose we'll watch this, seems like something we might both enjoy" He gives another laugh, not even sure if a wolf would even watch TV.
She jumped up onto the couch, curling up by Adrian's side and snuggling close to him. At first she watched some of the movie, laughing at the dogs she saw, but slowly her eyes closed and she placed her tail over her nose before falling asleep. It would be the most peaceful sleep she had gotten in a long time, not to mention the first full night's sleep as well. Unconsciously she moved closer to Adrian, enjoying his companionship and warmth.
Adrian looks over at Sasha as she curls up against him and raises an eyebrow curiously. She was either a stray someone had raised as a puppy and got attacked because she didn't know how to survive on her own or she had domesticated dog in her. A wild wolf did not act like how she was and that was the only conclusions he could come up with. He gently places his hand on her head, scratching her ear absent mindedly as he watched the movie. Once it was over he slowly got up from the couch trying not to wake her as he quietly slips upstairs to his room. He strips down to his boxers and climbs into bed, wanting to get a good night's sleep since he was going to go deer hunting in the morning. Winter was coming and he wanted to make sure his freezer was well stocked since during heavy snow it was near impossible for him to get into town.
She gave out a little whimper as he stood up but didn't wake, instead just curling tighter on herself. She awoke at dawn, ears flicking back at some sort of sound. When nothing happened after a while, she huffed and got up, shaking out her fur. There was no more sleep in the plans for her and there was no point trying. Instead, she trotted up the stairs and nosed open the door to Adrian's room, lightly jumping up onto the bed. A sly grin on her muzzle, she gave him a big lick to the cheek like she had the morning before.
Adrian pushes her off with a sleepy groan. He cracks one eye open to look out the window seeing the sun was just starting to rise. He opens both eyes with a yawn and a stretch before looking over at her. "And a good morning to you" He says during a yawn and stretches before moving the blankets off of him. "Hopefully you slept well, it seemed like you were pretty comfortable on that couch" He states not knowing why he was talking out loud to her, maybe living on his own for so long was making him a little crazy. He makes his way to his closet to put on his hunting attire. "Hopefully you're quiet and sneaky if you plan on coming along with me on my hunt. I need at least a deer or two if we're going to have enough food for the winter, unless you like eating frozen vegetables for days on end"
She gave an affirmative bark, jumping off the bed and following after him as he got ready for the hunt. Once they got outside she played around a lot more, jumping into piles of leaves and scattering them. Shaking them off her fur she bounded forward, leaping up to snap playfully at the birds. However, the deeper they went into the forest, the quieter she got. Soon she was a silent wriath, drifting through the tears by his side. Suddenly she stopped, her nose quivering. She had the scent of prey and she was going hunting.
He laughs a little at watching her, she definitely had to be one of the two options he thought about last night. She was just so carefree in front of a human, it didn't seem natural. However, he saw her true side at seeing her go into serious mode once they got into the forest, grateful for that. He looks at her as she stops and does the same, waiting to see what she did, deciding to see what she skills she had.
Sometimes her nose was to the ground and sometimes her nose was in the air but either way, she was tracking her prey. Slinking through the trees, not even a leaf crinkled as she stalked the deer that was steadily growing closer. She started moving slower and slowr the closer she got, not wanting to scare off her prey. Finally spotting a herd of deer resting in a clearing, she settled down into a hunting crouch. And in the blink of an eye she was gone. The herd was suddenly in a frenzy, eyes rolling as they almost trampled each other in their eagerness to run. When the dust cleared, there she stood over the dead carcass of a deer.
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Adrian quickly raised his gun when the herd starting panicking and running off, he was however fearful he'd shoot Sasha in all the chaos and sighs frustratedly thinking their chance had been blown. He puts down his gun at seeing Sasha had gotten a deer on her own which was pretty impressive for a wolf on their own, it usually took a pack to take down something so large. She was either accurate with her bite or just damn lucky. He makes his way over to her and the deer, at least he saved bullets today and got a decent size deer to put in the freezer.
She once more laughed at him, her tail wagging as she thrust her head under his hand, eager for more ear scratching. Man, he had magical fingers when it came to ear scratching. Looking up, she gave him a smug look before looking back towards where the deer had rampaged. Should she go get another one? With her appetite, she wasn't sure if this would be enough for winter. Then again, she thought with a snort, she could harness herself to a sled and pull him through the snow if it came to that.
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Adrian gives her ears a good scratch before taking his bag off of his shoulder and pulls out the rope he had packed in it. He ties the rope around the deer to drag back to the cabin to gut and hang before he could butcher it to be stored in the freezer. "We'll try for another one tomorrow we still have time until winter and it's rut season so the bucks are going to be acting stupid. It shouldn't be too hard to get another one" He says reassuringly as he starts to drag the deer back, it was heavy but nothing he couldn't handle. After living out here on his own he had a bit of muscle behind him and was quite capable of doing most things on his own.
She nodded and followed after him, whining slightly as she saw him start to drag the deer behind him. She could do that for him, with her werewolf strength it would be much easier... Then she paused and shook her head, huffing slightly at her own stupidity. She couldn't reveal her strength to him, her ability to understand him was already pushing it. She had to act like a real wolf as much as possible... Well, she wasn't going to give up the ear scratches, no matter what. And there was no way her debt to Adrian was played back yet. After all, a life debt could only be repaid by saving the other's life.
He eventually gets the deer back home, dragging it over to the stand he had built specifically for deer. "I have to say that's a record time for hunting. Good job Sasha" He states before kneeling down to the deer, beginning the process of gutting and everything else before pulling the rope up over the stand to let the deer hang over night before butchering it. "How about some rabbit for dinner?" He asks as he made his way back inside, needing a shower before he thought too much about preparing dinner.
She couldn't help but preen underneath his praise, barking happily and following him into the house. Still basking in the glow, she followed upstairs and even into the bathroom before she realized where she was and gave an unladylike yelp. She did not want to see Adrian take a shower! Hastily closing her eyes, she retreated downstairs where she patiently waited for him to finish up and change so he could make dinner.
Adrian makes his way downstairs wearing just a pair of sweat pants as he gets to working on cooking up a rabbit for dinner, as well as some rice and peas to go along with it. "Hopefully this will be suitable for you. I'm not the best cook but I promise what I cook is edible" he says with a laugh before shaking his head at realizing he was definitely crazy for talking to a wolf like a person
She barked in amusement at his words. She ate raw meat, did he really think that he could make something inedible for her? Despite knowing what Adrian would say, she came and sat by his leg, starting to beg. She gave him puppy dog eyes and brought her front paws to her chest, sitting back on her hind kegs like domestic dogs do when they beg for something their owner had. She gave him a soft little whine, and a nudge with her head.
Adrian looks down at her begging and shakes his head. "No I'll have none of that. Go lay down" He states pointing away from him. He does however toss her a piece of the rabbit once she had moved away and stopped begging, not able to resist her puppy dog eyes. He soon had the entire thing cooked and makes a plate for himself and her, setting it down in front of her before taking a seat at the table. "I have to go to the store to pick up some things so you'll have the house to yourself. Just don't destroy anything and I'll be appreciative" He states before digging in to his dinner.
Despite being busy eating, Sasha was able to let out a little whine at the thought of being left alone in the house. She wouldn't destroy anything, of course, but not only would she not be able to protect Adrian if something happened, but... She didn't like being alone. It was a state forced upon her, her entire life. But that didn't mean she enjoyed it. Finishing up her meal, she nudged Adrian's leg with her head, whining again.
Adrian looks down at Sasha. "What is wrong with you? Didn't you get enough dinner?" He asks not quite figuring out why she was whining before wondering if she could understand him saying he was going to leave her alone tomorrow. "I'm only going to be gone a few hours, I'd take you with me but it'd be hard to explain a pet wolf and you'd be stuck in the truck all day. They don't allow pets into grocery stores"
She nudged him again, understanding his logic but not liking it one bit. She let out a little whimper and put her head on his leg, looking up at him with pleading eyes. She didn't want to be alone again... Not to mention that she wanted to be near him in case something happened. If Adrian got hurt under her watch, then she would never repay her debt. She had to watch over him, protect him. Even if that meant sitting in a truck for a few hours doing nothing. Now how could she tell Adrian that?
Adrian looks down at her and rolls his eyes but lets out a sigh. "Fine I'll think about it" He says simply before getting up to wash the dishes from dinner. He makes his way into the living room afterwards switching on the TV and taking a seat on the couch, propping his legs up on the coffee table as he turns to watch the news, switching the channel to something more entertaining after finding out the weather for the week. "I don't know what you're going to do when I have to work. I suppose you could hang around the lumber yard with me..."
A bit downhearted by Adrian's answer, she quietly followed him into the living room, jumping up onto the couch next to him and once more laying her head on his leg. Then as he spoke his thoughts out loud she gave a joyous bark, her tail wagging furiously. He was going to take her with him! Excited, she bounced to her feet and gave him a big lick to the cheek in thanks. Then she jumped down to the floor and turned in a circle, chasing her tail for a moment before stopping, glancing up at Adrian with eyes sparkling.
Adrian just shakes his head at her. "You're one of a kind aren't you?" He asks with an amused smile. He lets his mind unwind with TV for the next hour or so before deciding a good night's sleep was in order. He made his way upstairs to his room, giving a whistle for her to follow. If she was going to stick around he wasn't going to make her sleep on the hard floor if she didn't want to.
Letting out a large yawn, she glanced once at the door and the floor she would have to sleep on to guard it, and then happily turned and followed after Adrian. She was still happy from learning that she could go with him tomorrow, but after an hour of mind numbing TV, even she was ready to go to bed. Waiting for him to get into the bed, She jumped up after him And curled up at the foot of the bed, enjoying the softness of blankets against her fur. A low woof of good night and she was out like a light, only waking up in the morning when the light hit her.

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