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Fantasy Thesta Penitentiary for the Wicked [Rebooted]



Sworn To A Great Divide

If you landed yourself here, you must truly be a threat to life as we know it. Criminals from across the world who can't be housed in traditional prisons in their home nations are sent to the bitter-cold northern tundra/modern society known as Thesta, where a prison was established solely to contain those who thought they could never be chained. Those who thought that no prison could hold them. Not in this town...

In theory, that is...

Established in 2008 by Warden Edward Brookes (controlled by KasperXIII KasperXIII ), Thesta Penitentiary boasts a foolproof security system tailored to the specific capabilities of each individual prisoner to ensure that escape is impossible, which, so far, after 10 years since its establishment, seems to hold as a theory, with no successful escape attempts in its time. Not only is the fort held up by the security measures around the prison and the stone-cold guards keeping the inmates in check, but the attention to each inmate's individual skill set is what keeps any successful escape from happening. Measures are taken to ensure that the powers or abilities these criminals possess are significantly dampened without doing harm to the inmates themselves, therefore, hindering what made them uncontainable elsewhere.

Externally, it looks like any other prison: (Looks something like this all around, and is as cold as it looks)​

Towers are stationed at every corner of the facility to keep watch over the yards and electric fences, all as a precaution for, just in case, a prisoner manages to make it to the fence and is immune to the electricity, they can be picked off by an armed guard at the top of the towers. For newbies, the first stop is to the medic bay for two reasons: to get your power-dampening treatment, whatever it may be, and to be fitted in a bracelet to be worn on your right wrist at all times. This silver bracelet is fit tightly against the wrist and inconspicuously pokes into the skin in a way that can't be felt by the inmate. This bracelet detects vital signs like pulse, stress levels, and nervous sensitivity, to ensure the health of the inmate at all times. It is also a way to know if a patient is murdered on-scene, which isn't uncommon in prison. The other function it has is as a GPS to ensure that all inmates are within the prison at all times. If an inmate is not in the prison, it is grounds for lockdown. (see later)​

You will also be given your uniform while in this facility: (While this one fits for humans, if your character is not human, imagine it however it fits)​

After this, for most inmates, gen-pop will become their new home for several years to come:​

...with each individual cell...​

Meal time? This is your cafeteria:​

This room is also functionally the room for visitation hours due to budget cuts.​

And when it comes time for yard hours, here's a look at what you're in for. [Not included in the pictures but will be there in-RP: a basketball court, a caged fighting ring (will be discussed later) and a full loop for a track to walk along, as well as the rec room/locker room for the guards, which is strictly off-limits to the inmates unless it is part of their job and they are under the supervision of a guard] The yard is kept under strict surveillance by guards and security to ensure no foul play, and inmates are to be cleared to ensure their powers are dampened before stepping outside.​

Here's your formal day-to-day schedule. We will be abiding by the "close" column for now.​

Important to know that during 'lights out' hours, security is still actively watching the cameras, infrared beams throughout the halls that are motion-triggered and set off a blaring alarm across the entire prison and places it on lockdown.

-A guard or security officer can voluntarily call a lockdown if an escape or riot is in progress through their pagers assigned to them by the warden that they carry at all times.
-If an inmate triggers sensors on the electric fence. -If an inmate triggers the infrared lasers throughout the halls during lights out hours.
-If an inmate's vital signs are seen to diminish according to their given bracelet.
-If an inmate is logged by GPS to be outside the prison according to their given bracelet. (In such a case, the inmate is also given a slow-acting sedative through their bloodstream to put their run to a halt)
-If security overlooks any sort of suspicious activity, the prison kitchen, yard, gen-pop, medic bay, the SHU/solitary confinement, the psych ward, the warden's office, and the guards' rec room are fitted with microphones not monitored by a human, but equipped with an algorithm to detect suspicious noises like screaming, gunshots, etc... if a noise is classified as suspicious, lockdown commences.
-If a keypad to enter restricted areas for staff only (the medic bay, the rec room, the warden's office, etc...) is damaged, or an incorrect passcode is entered three consecutive times.

These are some examples, but certainly not the only ones; as stated before, if a guard deems a lockdown appropriate, it will happen.

ON LOCKDOWN: Once declared, an alarm goes off, and all prisoners are to get down on the ground in their place, stomachs against the ground, hands behind their heads, and not move a muscle. All the doors in the prison are immediately locked (can be unlocked by the guards with their key cards), windows receive a blast shield to block them off, and guards are to neutralize the threat. The protocol lasts until the Warden formally calls it off. Thestian authorities arrive on the scene within minutes of receiving the lockdown alert and a search is conducted in the areas surrounding the prison. If it is dark, spotlights on the surrounding towers shine across the surrounding areas to investigate for a potential escapee and neutralize the threat. With new inmates coming in, and as a security precaution, the current residents of Thesta Penitentiary have cleaned out their former cells and await their new assignment to a cellmate, as opposed to before, when each inmate had a cell to themselves (cellmates will be decided by a randomizer). Overcrowding in a nutshell, right? Jobs are also going to be re-assigned with the change in head count.

PISHA is an uncontracted void demon that lurks the prison walls, controlled by Sybil Sybil , who preserves order when the chaos becomes out of the hands of mortal guards. She is only called upon to take security measures during an extended lockdown, the murder of a member of prison personnel, or an escape attempt, and given her lazy nature, it fits her in that right. (see more about Pisha in the CS thread)


(Common human form)

SOLITARY CONFINEMENT/ISOLATION: If you did manage to land yourself in a load of trouble, you will be taken to the isolation hall. It is very similar in looks to the halls of gen-pop, only narrower, darker, and only one floor of cells instead of two. The punishment for serious offenders in solitary is sensory deprivation, performed by placing a dark blindfold over the eyes and heavy noise-canceling headphones over the ears. If needed, a muzzle is placed over the mouth, and the arms and legs are chained to the wall to prevent them from pacing back and forth. It is truly a way to drive someone insane.
Long-term or permanent residents of solitary don't endure the same degree of sensory deprivation, but they do remain in near pitch darkness in their cells. Such punishment is for the worst of the worst whose powers are uncontrollable/can't be dampened easily to the point that they are a threat to everyone around them. Very few are in this category...
Best you don’t get yourself into too much trouble…

WARDEN BROOKES’ OFFICE: If this is where you land as a guard, it could be for a meeting, it could be for him to praise your efforts, or you could just get fired. Or he could be inviting you here for coffee. All depends… If you’re an inmate, however… well, let’s just say no inmate has ever set foot here and went back to gen-pop. Some say they go to permanent isolation. Other say they’re murdered. Neither have been confirmed.
Don’t let the wooden appearances fool you; it is the most secure location in the prison, and one of the least noisy during a lockdown. Even the guards’ key cards don’t work on this door, but only the Warden’s specially-made one, or simply from the inside. A wicked measure, all for the safety of the founder. No inmate has ever been able to break in to this day.

(A portrait of a younger Warden Brookes in his war attire can be found to the right, along with a casual wooden table)

THE CHAPEL can be found as a standalone building to the west of the yard, open during times of prayer and religious observation (see below), with services lead by Chaplain Jacob Stewart, controlled by St. Boethius St. Boethius . Confessions will also be held in this time, as well as throughout the evening until 'lights out'.


[The only difference in this picture that's in-RP is that, to the left next to the piano, there was a door that lead to private quarters for the Chaplain, which also contains a classic barrier designed for confession.]


Chaplain Stewart's appearance. He is the only member of Thesta Penitentiary personnel without powers.

THERAPY is also held during the same hours as service and confession, conducted by Doctor David Gordon, controlled by Zenpai Zenpai . He is a shapeshifter who can morph into figures of the inmate's past to help make peace with burdening loose ends. Some meetings with the therapist are obligatory at Doctor Gordon's request, while others are completely optional.


Doctor Gordon's normal form​

AVAILABLE JOBS are to be done during working hours, for the most part, and everyone gets to pick what job they hop in to. (The more dangerous jobs are supervised, obviously) First come first serve, and the number in brackets is the limit to how many people can take it. We don't need 12 people on kitchen duty.

INMATE WORK MANIFEST: (positions don't have to be filled entirely, and if we get too many players, more room in some positions can be made)
Woodwork/Carpentry/Heavy Machinery (making utilities from wood like tables, chairs, some furniture, etc... + plus anything mechanical like car repair) [0/7]
Janitorial duty (cleaning facilities from the halls outside gen-pop to bathrooms to sweeping the field to even watering the grass) [0/3]
Construction (actively building a new rec room for the guards) [0/5]
Assistant in the medic bay (whatever help the doctors/nurses may need there) [0/4]
Kitchen duty (the only job that sort of breaks the usual schedule and, in addition to usual hours, are pulled away an hour or two before a meal time to prepare food. Whoever gets this gets to pick what we eat, soooo yeah. [0/4]

CELL ASSIGNMENT: After orientation, the tour, and job assignment, you will be brought to your new cells, partnered up with a randomly-selected other inmate. Remember to keep peace. At this point, I believe you know the consequences for not abiding by this rule…

Lower Level (Denoted 1-X)
1-16: Alasdair & Faust
1-10: Kala & Will
1-4: Lany & Silver
Upper Level (Denoted 2-X)
2-15: Alice & Dyani
2-12: Severinus & Sith
2-7: Jasper & Nix

NEW TO THESTA PENN – FIGHT CLUB: Now available to the inmates of Thesta Penitentiary is a prisoner fight club! All are welcome to participate! Rules are laid out according to the Warden's wishes:​

  1. Anyone can participate in either 1v1 battles or 2v2 battles, tag-team or fighting all together.
  2. Fights will take place during the 6-7PM period designated for religious rituals or AA meetings.
  3. Fighting is to remain contained in the reinforced steel cage and fighting ring and cannot leave it. It is also only allowed during the previously mentioned hour-long time period. Matches going on for longer than five minutes are brought to a halt by prison personnel.
  4. Powers are allowed to be used under the controlled situation for the actual fight ONLY, but abuse of power to damage the prison or attempt to escape can result in a lockdown, submission, and even a trip to solitary for the violator. Guards are allowed to take any appropriate measures in the case of a violation.
  5. Killing is strictly prohibited; violators will go to solitary/have their sentence extended/receive more strict inhibition.
  6. Regular winners will receive meal privileges and/or a chance to negotiate a sentence reduction.
  7. Participation is not compulsory. You are allowed to simply watch, and nobody can force you into the ring.
Do note that these rules may be here, but what the guards do supervising can easily be manipulated. Proceed with caution when you step into the ring.

(Only it is outdoors and surrounded by pressurized water hoses typically used by SWAT)​

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Enjoy your stay.


|:| A friendly message from your lovely GM Kas |:|

Phew, that was a lot to say. With those formalities, rules, and lists out of the way, we're just about ready to get started on the RP. Here’s some links to frequently-requested references in case you ever need them:

Character Sheets: Fantasy - Thesta Penitentiary for the Wicked [Reboot: Currently Accepting] [Character Sheets]
Interest Check: Thesta Penitentiary for the Wicked: A Fantasy Prison Breakout RP [Rebooted]
**There will be no OOC thread on RPN. We had one in the previous rendition, but the Discord server absorbed it entirely. With the old server still intact and set up, it will live on to serve as the official OOC chat for this RP, and private links will be sent in DM's to accepted members. Besides, Discord is a hell of a lot more convenient in more ways than one (especially for direct contact if needed). We can have fun and chat there if you even feel like it; nothing wrong with making friends, right? I just ask that you check Discord frequently enough so that, if any member needs you, you aren’t completely out of reach. The IC thread will remain on RPN at all times, so no need to worry about that getting absorbed by Discord. RPing with the 2000 character limit does not work for a guy like me...

I'd also like to give a special thanks to co-GM firebright24 firebright24 for helping me set up the outline for this concept five or six months ago for this long lasting idea, as well as the lasting/returning members of the roleplay from the past version: Sybil Sybil , WillfulWren WillfulWren , Zenpai Zenpai , Athanas Athanas , and Dana Zane Dana Zane . And of course, thank you to all newcomers for expressing interest and helping this project live on. Let's make this a good one!

That about does it! I'll be working on the starter soon so be on the lookout for that. Any questions, feel free to ask away, either to me or the co-GMs: firebright24 firebright24 and Zenpai Zenpai . Have fun! :)
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|:| Location: Thesta Penitentiary, Hallway Leading to Gen-Pop |:|
|:| Date & Time: January 15th, 2018, at 9:30 PM |:|
|:| Valerie Masterson, Head of Prison Security |:|

With each new arrival of inmates came yet another hour of orientation, a tour of the prison that fitted the newcomers into their new uniforms, brought them through the medic bay to be fitted with thir appropriate inhibitors, and familiarized them with the prison and its security measures. Being the second in command, Officer Masterson found one rather unspoken purpose of the tour the most entertaining to perform: inflicting fear upon the fresh meat. She prided herself in ensuring respect through this mechanism and showing that this facility was no laughing matter, that she and the other guards were in charge, not the so-called "gifted" murderers and thieves that ended up on the wrong side of the bars.

So, another week, another joy ride to give these miscreants the chills, she told herself before it all began.

Indeed, Val did get a kick out of bossing inmates around and being in charge. Part of her couldn't help it; it might just be the insatiable craving manifesting this way. But it might also just be her way of keeping her head above water, letting out her power-hungry urges in a way that wasn't lust. It wouldn't stop the lust from ultimately killing her, but at least it eased the misery, even ever so slightly.

Accompanied by another member of the staff, Officer Samantha Fratellis, Valerie lead the way. The tour went over the basic guidelines and security protocols in Thesta Penitentiary. Lockdown criteria, rules of conduct, work and job descriptions, gen-pop etiquette and role-call, and a whole slew of warnings for the inmates to behave themselves, including a solitary confinement inmate dragged along right passed the few-dozen newbies. One that thrashed about, screaming to be free, only to be tazed twice and hauled off against his will. Val could only chuckle in response. Fortunately, she had enough good will with the Warden to be able to get away with exhibiting such vulgar displays of power.

Soon came the end of the tour, the entrance just before the inmates' new home: gen-pop. After having shown them security measures such as a solitary inmate getting tazed, a few of the more menacing guards on-sight, a test for the electric fence, and even a mock lockdown, you'd think the inmates would be in place. Not to Val. There was still plenty to show, maybe not in the course of the tour, but in time, because she knew all too well that new kids on the block tend to test the rules, and quickly after get their just desserts for it.

"We're coming up on the end of our little introduction, young degenerates," she announced, hiding her own disappointment that her little fun fest was coming to a close. "Before you enter gen-pop, a quick reminder..." A sinister smile came over her face as she approached the sealed double-doors leading into the main cell hall. She glanced behind her to make sure that there was ample space between her and the inmates, which was one rule she made clear from the get-go: distance. Almost without thinking, she reached over and placed her hand over the handle of one of the doorknobs. Immediately, between the gap between the lot of inmates and the guard, a wall of several red horizontal lasers with about 5 inches between each one appeared, forming a sort of wall between the two classes of inmates. Some in the front immediately flinched and fell back out of fear that they might accidentally be pushed into the hazard before them. Even in the state of panic, they were still able to get a good look at Val turning around, her satisfied grin on display for all to see. Those looks of fear, the ones in front scampering to the back to shield themselves. Priceless.

"Relax, you pussies. It's just a warning," she snickered, shaking her head, proud of her thorough knowledge of the security system and how to (and not to) get hurt by it. "A warning not to touch the doors to gen-pop and try to wander out without a guard's permission and key card swipe, or else... well, I don't suppose you want to walk through the earthly equivalent of hell and trigger a lockdown, hm?" As she spoke, the redhead reached into her back pocket to reveal a black-and-white card that she slid across the scanner beneath the handle, which caused the lasers to stop emitting and a clicking noise to come from the door itself. "More of these can be found in most hallways and entries, so don't even try to get wise and wander around. It's high security prison for a reason, fellas."

With that sort of 'false alarm' out of the way, Val safely wrapped her slim fingers around the door handle once again and pulled it open. "Keep your distance, because when the door closes, the system arms again. Stay put while I get the layout for your cell block. No funny business, or I'm sure CO Fratellis will have a field day with your asses."

Valerie had trust in her co-workers to enforce the same kind of order that she prided herself in, and she was sure the Warden wouldn't mind her leaving Sam in charge for a brief moment. Sadly, with the end of the tour nigh, she wondered how she could possibly use her spell of suggestion to further instill that very fear in her that she probably already did a good job at pulling off. Perhaps that's something she can set up while she's in gen-pop on her own. Another setup in order to show her capabilities beyond the physical, but also the mental.

|:| Jasper Bent, Newly-Admitted Inmate |:|

Nothing stung more for a young man like Jasper Bent than being set up for a crime he never committed and having to serve half a century for it in what could be regarded as a slice of hell on earth. He could still vividly remember the arrest and court sessions... being in the safety of his chambers, confused as to how his boss was suddenly dropped dead in a similar manner that he might've done. Then came the footsteps of security charging in, guns blazing and held in his face, warning him not to try anything stupid as he freaked out. No matter how many times he tried to make his case that he'd done nothing, no one believed him, and instead threw him to the wolves. A man who came from nothing, served as a hero, then went down a villain. The worst part was that Jasper knew damn well who was truly guilty, and she left him for dead. As if she knew he'd be perched up in the upper floor trying to read her mind, and when he failed to, she left his employer in a melted-brain mess. Perhaps someday she'll get what's coming for her. Or maybe she will continue to walk a free woman...

Jasper sure wouldn't be a free man anytime soon. Nobody would touch his case after he was pronounced guilty. And now, Thesta was to become his new home.

New clothing - at least he didn't mind blue all that much.

And a new feeling thanks to the drugs in his system. This would become a daily thing, and it didn't help that Jasper was hemophobic and not fond of needles to begin with. As the needle entered his forearm, he made sure he clenched his teeth to avoid reacting too much and getting a few glares from nearby inmates also being fitted with inhibiting braces and drugs. He didn't need to be known as the pussy from day one. But was what most unsettling was the now lack of ability to read the minds of the world as he once did before. It was as if a part of him was just taken away from him and the rest felt hollow. As if nothing else mattered to who he was besides his ability to read what people were thinking and sent messages as he pleased. Now, all that was left was hazy mumbles.

But what came after the drugs was an analysis test: one to check if he could still perform basic deductive reasoning. Jasper was confused at first as to why he was being tested about elementary transitivity and cause-effect relationships, so he had the nerve to ask the doctor working with him:

"It's not like you stopped my ability to think for myself," he complained, now growing impatient. "What's the point of these questions?"

"It's simply a precaution," she replied. "We run these tests on all telepaths who go through the inhibition process."

"Hmph... precaution."
That alone was worrisome, but he didn't show it any way apart from an arched eyebrow. "You're saying someone before me ended up a vegetable?"

"No, Inmate, this is simply protocol. Now let us do our jobs."

Jasper knew all too well that those words were BS publicist speak for 'Yes, but we can't be held liable for it, so shut up and answer the questions.' He did shut up, but he wouldn't forget this. Would he get out of jail barely able to breathe for himself?

He tried not to think of it as the brace was applied. Just as painless as advertised, but it still bugged Jasper that it was keeping track of his vitals and tracking his every movement. Not like he'd be leaving prison anytime soon.

Then came the tour, headed by two female guards, one of them doing most of the talking and coming off as too cocky for her own good, and it pissed off the telepath. She was treating this like it were some amusement park horror ride when it came to what security measures there were, even down to demonstrations. Throwing a sandbag at the electric fence only to get fried, making everyone watch a solitary confinement inmate get tazed into submission, triggering a mock lockdown and forcing everyone to the ground, going as far as throwing one of the inmates closer in the pack face first into the dirt as a demonstration, and more recently, the laser barrier. Fortunately, Jasper was further in the back and nowhere near, but the effects were clear enough: this CO Masterson was really getting off to making the inmates shit themselves, both by scaring and berating them. Not to mention that she proved her physical strength when she swung at a new inmate in the mock lockdown. Oddly enough, Jasper didn't see any sort of inhibition device on her. Maybe she takes a drug like he did? Maybe she doesn't have powers at all? Or was it free game for the guards, able to abuse the inmates as they please with their powers?

Beats him.

Overall, Jasper found the entire tour excessive, disgusting, and borderline cruel, but perhaps that was the point. He subdued his feelings of distaste every time Valerie asked, "Anyone got a problem with that?" The young man just stayed quiet and composed with nothing more than nods, hoping that he would never have to make direct eye contact with her. She sure did her job at making sure they feared her. Worst of all, who could blame her? You don't control the world's most dangerous criminals without putting them in place.

With the more talkative CO now out of the corridor to get the cell manifest, it was a moment for the inmates to rest and take a breath of relief that the hellish tour was coming to a close. There weren't too many inmates in the tour - Jasper counted about 20 or so - but even then, with another officer standing by, he feared even taking a breath at this point. Instead, he tried to see if he could even slightly read minds by looking back and forth at inmates. But all he could pick up was nothing more than muffled noises. The drug sure did it's job, and quickly too. He sighed in disappointment as he examined who'd be on the same block as him. Of all of these freaks around him who've probably done horrible deeds like mass murder... who could he, a framed man, possibly fit in with?

Officer Masterson was right when she began the tour with 'Welcome to hell'. This... just sucks, he hissed to himself as he leaned against the nearby wall, now aware that it was safe, and looking left and right at what would soon be his day-to-day peers.

|:| Edward Brookes, Warden/Founder of the Prison |:|

Behind every great idea is a genius who concocted it, who set a plan and put it in motion, who envisioned a better world as the outcome. In the case of this facility, that great mind was Edward Brookes, a man who'd served his country in more ways than one who kept on that righteous path by housing the world's most dangerous while nobody else dared to. Ten years strong, and crime never really ending, the prison remains a dominant force in the field of rehabilitation and continues to bring in new crooks in busloads each week. Space was becoming an issue, and expansion was definitely an option he'd have to tak into consideration. For now, the Warden's best bet was to hold off until a proper deal could be brokered to build on to the facility while also maintaining security and infrastructure. In time...

The aging war veteran rarely ever set foot beyond the safety of his state-of-the-art office and the neighboring corridors, but this precaution didn't mean that he couldn't have eyes on the entire prison from his comfort zone. He had a direct link on his wide-screen LCD to every single camera in the facility, as well as full control over which camera he views at whatever time. And even though it was quite a risk to make a public appearance in front of a crowd of new, dangerous, and potentially unruly inmates, that didn't mean he didn't want to see the events of the opening tour and keep an eye on things.

Sure, much of what his second-in-command was allowing to happen was rather extreme, but how could the Warden argue with it when he knows just as well that some of these inmates wouldn't understand by a few gentle words alone. They needed to see an example of sorts. He'd talk to her about toning it down later, but for now, as Valerie stepped away to retrieve the manifest, he kept his eye on the nearly two dozen inmates in the hallway, all on camera and also within eyesight of one of his most trained CO's. Many new faces to get the hang of. The Warden knew each inmate by name and face, and now was the time to get the hang of this new crew from the comfort of his office.

Quite a new batch we've got here, he thought to himself. But also... maybe a tad rowdy. I wonder how long it'll take one of them to break with this... new approach they're being exposed to.

He let out a few chilly breaths, each visible in the air before him even if the office was cold enough as is. It served as a brief distraction from the screen as he was reminded of his next checkup with the private doctor to examine his vitals. So strange how a man could live while his core body temperature was so low. Quite a miracle, but also a curse from the Ice Princess of Thesta. Oh, how he cursed her very name and desperately wanted a way to be cured before his ability becomes more noticeable to the public. It was a secret for now... but for how much longer?


Mentions: firebright24 firebright24 Sybil Sybil Zenpai Zenpai Athanas Athanas WillfulWren WillfulWren Dana Zane Dana Zane SmithingForCopper SmithingForCopper Daimao Daimao
Scarlett Felis / Silver Ferae, newly admitted Inmate
The albino girl tilted her head to the side, looking vaguely confused as everyone else scrambled away from what she viewed as merely pretty lights. She hadn't been expecting a lightshow, especially after what she had seen so far today. She thought this place was supposed to be scary, terrible even. And yet...

With a shrug, she reached out to the lights, exactly like a cat going for the red beam of light from a laser pointer... Only to have them shut off unexpectedly, Just in time, too, or she would have been fried.

She hadn't been listening to a word that had been said for most of the tour, mainly mooching around at the back, tugging at her uniform, already tearing it slightly in spots. The only sound she had made was a few murmured repetitions of the name she had chosen for herself in the many hours spent crammed together with the others in that rattling, stinking, freezing piece of metal the others called a bus (And a slight whimper as the electrum bracelet touched her skin, but that had been involuntary) . She had had her teeth gritted for the entirety of the journey, baring her fangs and snarling at whoever got close. It had not been enjoyable, but at least she wouldn't have t hear that stupid name anymore.

Just hearing it made her stomach roll around like the one time she ate a mushroom she shouldn't have, and made tears spring to her ruby eyes... And she didn't even know why. Her chosen name was much better. Even if the guy in the infirmary hadn't used it when she proudly told him her name, just clamping the bracelets on - the standard inmate bracelet everyone had on her right wrist, and the electrum one to stop her shapeshifting on the left. At least it matched, even if the electrum constantly burned her skin.

She turned to look at the rest of the group, cringing back like cowards. "What, are you all scared or something? Idiots, light can't hurt you! Oh, except sunlight, that can be owchie to your eyes... And I guess it burns your skin...Woops....." Okay, maybe her argument wasn't very well thought out. But, still, she had a point! Maybe!

Or maybe it was time to try a different approach. Ignoring the glares nd muttered comments sent her way she slunk to the back, looking for someone to quiz about why everyone had turned tail and ran. Settling on a likely (not scary looking) target she casually leaned against him, with absolutely no regard for personal space/

"Hey, uh..." What word was she supposed to use again? Oh, interacting with people was hard. "Sir?" That was right...Wasn't it?
"Why's everyone so scared of a little light? Are they allergic to it or something?"

Interacts with: Jasper
KasperXIII KasperXIII
Ashleigh Dunn - New Inmate

Ashleigh’s mood had already been in the gutter for weeks since her brother had returned to Dublin, and she’d assumed it couldn’t get worse. She had been wrong. It wasn’t the more obviously mystical prisoners riding in the bus alongside her, the kind that would usually set her hairs on end. It wasn’t the matching uniforms, that identified her as an equal to mass murderers and vicious criminals. It wasn’t even the brief period after her inhibitor injection that left her hands almost entirely numb. It was the woman giving the tour, Masterson.

Ash had met a lot of officers first in her childhood, then in her job, like Masterson. The kind who took the work not because they wanted to enact positive change, not because they believed in helping reform criminals and protect the innocent. The kind who enjoyed the power granted to them, the superiority over society’s lower elements. Ash spent her childhood being looked down and mistreated by people in higher social classes, she didn’t need the same from someone who held absolute power over her. From someone who would taze inmates as an example and randomly assault new arrivals.

But Ash kept quiet, composed, and collected. The last thing she needed was to make herself a target of either the guards or fellow inmates on her first day, like the poor idiots who had openly cowered from (or reached for) the laser grid. So she simply nodded and minded her own, reminding herself that she had chose this. She chose to be a criminal. And she chose to disrespect the badge and office she’d worked so hard towards. It was worth it to save her brother though, right? It had to be. It was.

Once Masterson slithered out her sight, Ash took a moment to flex her hand, grip her palm. Make sure the inhibitor’s side effect in the bay had been temporary. The doctor, despite their best efforts, had let a flash of concern and surprise show on their face when she’d informed them of the side effect. If it was cumulative, with two injections a day, she’d be in real trouble.

She eyed the other inmates, noted the ones who had shown their weakness during Masterson’s dick measuring. They would likely get the brunt of Masterson’s shit in the future, if she knew she could get a rise. Best for Ash to keep her distance from them, less she wanted her temper to get her in trouble. Not that only callous guards would be the issue in that regard. Ash believed in reformation for inmates, but this facility was for the worst of the worst. And she was a cop. What kind of inmates could she ally with as a police offi- a former police officer, without feeling even more ashamed than she currently did? Without getting into fights and making herself the most hated newcomer?

She’d just have to keep out of sight, and out of mind, for . . . her life sentence, most likely. The rest of her days, alone. Quiet. In this cramped, concrete coffin.

She took a deep breath.
[ MASLANY MILOSZCHENKO, Newly Admitted Inmate ]

"So." A heavily armed guard called at Maslany as she stepped off the bus. "You're the one that's going to screw a ton of hardworking citizens out of their taxes aren't you?"

Lany said nothing and gave a wan smile for his sense of humor, but considered whether she should spit on his face or headbutt it.

The guard grabbed her by her good arm though her hands were shackled behind her, and pulled her forwards in line with the other inmates that had their own guards to drag them around; they were moving towards what looked like an administration building.

Inside, inmate registration began.

"Smile for the camera, sweetheart."

Lany didn't. But she wasn't a nuisance like some, who fought or flipped off their guard, slowing down the general process, still in denial that they still had their freedom. Lany progressed without difficulty through the process; she knew she deserved to be here, but not before her business was finished. She was not at peace yet, but she was tired from seeking it for now.

Her guard removed her gloves and nearly retched when he saw what fingers she had. She was missing two of them, her right middle and pinkie finger, but they were replaced with a metal prosthetic counterpart; the rest were mangled and marred. Still, he pressed her fingertips into a sleek glass monitor; it flashed red on contact and blared.

The guard looked into the monitor, brow furrowing quizzically, reaching for his communications device and muttering something into the mic, the response hurried and garbled.

A female staff member in a long white lab coat hurried to their side and saw the monitor for herself, her expression bewildered in horror.

"Those...those aren't yours." She breathed. The guard was working the monitor frantically.

"You mean these?" Lany replied in a sigh, holding up her left hand, curling her fingers so that only the left index and pinkie remained uncurled, in an inadvertent 'rock-on' gesture.

The guard answered for her. "The index belonged to Kashin Rivyak. Found dead in his home, missing his index finger. The pinky is from Zorya Ilanovich, beaten and paralyzed; her pinky was snapped off."

"Those were admissible evidence." The white coat said, looking at her with utter disgust.

"I'm here already, aren't I?" was all Lany replied in her low, exhausted and chain-rugged voice.

Lany was lead by both the doctor and the guard through a metal detector and into the med bay along with the rest of the group of inmates, where she was shoved behind a curtain that was pulled taut as soon as she stepped into it.

"Strip." The doctor commanded. After a deep glare, Lany unclothed down to her underwear, revealing the augmented replacements for her missing appendages.

The metal fingers she had in place of real ones branched back into her entire left forearm, wires above her knuckles embedded into the tendons of the metacarpal strings in her palm and pulled into an electro-mechanical forearm. Her prosthetic leg operated as a hydraulic spring system underneath is fram, with the same wire pulley system in her forearm as new tendons and ligaments.

Lany was pushed down into a chair as the doctor tried to remove her prosthetics, muttering under her breath until she gave up in frustration, taking a scalpel to pluck through the wires. Lany winced with every pluck, cursing under her breath as each wire that had been injected into her skin and bones was snapped. Pulling off her prosthetic arm and leg, the doctor gave her new ones, though they were more like crutches that had been scrapped into a simple mannequin leg and arm with a ball socket joint. The two fingers that weren’t hers were taken, and replaced with the same kind of simple prosthetic, as well as all the ones she was missing.

Fitting them onto her, the doctor flipped a switch to a machine that began to hum and whir. Taking a stylus connected to the machine, the doctor began soldering the prosthetics into Lany’s skin; it seared her flesh as she bit hard into her lip, suppressing a cry. When she thought it was over, the doctor traced the stylus over all her old scars where she sewed the parts of her body back on that she had reclaimed.

Lany felt as though all her nerves had been fried and all her muscles kept spasming on their own; the doctor was administering something she couldn’t quite see into the leg prosthetic, sliding some sort of injection into a port on the leg. She could barely feel the needle prick into her thigh, but as it did, her nerves sort of calmed down. It was like some sort of morphine drip.

Lany sat up, slowly regaining control over her own body again.

“Hold out your right wrist.”

She did, and the doctor slapped on a sort of bracelet and locked it onto her wrist. I lit up and seemed to active the rest of Lany’s prosthetics. She was able to operate her arm and leg with greater and finer motor skills, though with some amount of pain.

“How do you feel?”

“Like every cell in my body is on fire, but then burning out.”

The doctor looked at a monitor.

“You’re not lying.” She turned back to Lany. “It’ll feel less like the fire after your burns heal, but the burning out part is what it’s gonna be like for the rest of the time you’re here.”

“Good to know.”

Lany limped her way out of the med bay in a new uniform and into line, though she wasn’t able to focus on anything else but the pain. Unfortunately the pain began to subside as their tour guide began to get more and more sadistic.

Lany knew at the end of it all, it was only going to be trial after trial in this place. She just needed to get used to the pain quicker.

[ Elizabeth Cruentus - Newly Admitted Inmate ]
"Well... this sucks." Elizabeth muttered under her breath, traipsing after a tour guide that she would undoubtedly give a one star on Trip Advisor. The whole place was built like something out of a Saw movie, and with every corner they turned, yet another escape idea Elizabeth had been considering would be utterly foiled when it was revealed in turn that each escape route ended more or less with thing that causes painful death. The treatment of prisoners she'd witnessed so far had been somewhat questionable, and Elizabeth began wondering with an edge of nervousness whether human rights still applied to vampires.
Every male guard they passed utterly ignored the doe eyes she blinked their way, until eventually Elizabeth just gave up entirely. They all had such muscular, voluptuous necks - and the fact that she wouldn't be able to drag her teeth across any of them was driving her insane. Tenderly, she placed a hand against the titanium contraption clamped around her jaw, grimacing as she thought back to the medic bay.

The silver bracelet had come first, then they had to hold her down to draw the blood sample. Then came the mask.

It had whirred as it fasted itself around her mouth like a vice, its inner compartment tightened hard on her canines. Its function had been explained to her, that the discomfort would bring about no permanent damage, and that it was capable of filtering external blood packs through to her gums. When Elizabeth spoke, her seductive, hypnotic voice left the mask as a low, muffled echo. Every breath came and went like Darth Vader, and every time she caught sight of an inviting neck, her canines ached from their restraints.

An iron maiden would've been preferable.

Elizabeth looked up as it seemed their sadistic tour guide went to run an errand, and took the chance to scan her fellow inmates. Looking over, she spotted a relatively human-looking ginge standing slightly more distant from the group than anyone else, who also seemed to be glancing around. With her suppressed scent of smell, it was rather difficult to tell if the girl was indeed human, but Elizabeth shuffled over anyway.

After the distance was closed, Elizabeth proceeded to stare at the girl for an uncomfortable duration of time, before finally greeting her with "That's a nice neck you got there."
The otherwise playful tone came out a little more horrifying through the mask than Elizabeth had intended, but she was adamant that the interaction was going perfectly anyway.

SmithingForCopper SmithingForCopper

Alasdair refused to start a conversation or interact with any of the other inmates. He simply glared ahead of him, not caring who or what he was looking at. He was still wearing the collar that stifled his powers. The damn thing nearly drove him insane. Despite being incredibly uncomfortable and horrifyingly ugly, it had a tendency to even make the act moving his limbs more difficult than it had any right to be. He was annoyed with his awful excuse for a tour guide, and he kept thinking about how satisfying it would be to make her own stupid door slam her in the face. This place was likely going to be even more boring than the last prison he was in, considering the high level of security. He wouldn't be surprised if they controlled how he used the damn restroom. He knew his stay here would feel like a long one.

Sith stayed quiet throughout the whole tour. She didn't belong here, surrounded by monsters of all kinds. She did what she had to, she didn't kill those people for fun. Now she was here, murderers on all sides. So she just kept her eyes glued to the floor. She would just have live through it. This was her life now.
[ Faust - Newly Admitted Inmate | Height: 1'1" ]

Cut down to size. Cut down beyond size, even before being transported to the facility, presumably. It must've been for the convenience of everyone—everyone but himself. Faust hadn't been conscious during it, and was left to cope in such an unfamiliar and unwelcoming environment known by the name of "Thesta Penitentiary". Admittedly, his grasp on language had slipped quite a bit, or so it felt. The word "Penitentiary" in particular didn't digest properly, but he quickly picked up the gist. It was a pen, more so the containing kind and not so much the writing one. That was right, he may have slightly broke the law. Seemed like his memory had slipped a bit as well. Regardless, his mind was wandering from the important part: He was short, and absurdly so. Was it really necessary to go to such lengths? Or perhaps this much had deteriorated during his moments of absence; an equally possible explanation. All things considered, he felt... good. His mind felt the clearest it ever had, his body didn't feel unnecessarily cumbersome, and for once hope seemed to resonate within him. Only it wasn't hope, but a long needle piercing the side of his neck.

Naturally Faust winced, jolted rather. Even being on the smaller side the instrument was still considerable large in comparison to himself. He hadn't even properly taken in his environment. This was, to his own surprise, an atmosphere he was familiar with: a medical ward. There were quite the number of people here of varying traits, and he couldn't help but be curious. Each person was undergoing different tests, and procedures tailored to the individual, sometimes even being taken to private rooms. It was an impressive display, and equally intimating. To think a process like this could reach such autonomy. If anything, it ironed out the fact that this place knew what is was doing, for better or worse. Most terrifying of all was the fact that they had clothing in his size. It was nigh incomprehensible.

A few comments from the doctor he didn't pay attention to, and a couple unfavorable bracers later, Faust found himself dawdling in the back. It was awkward being anywhere else at his size. Unfortunately it didn't provide good coverage of what was actually being shown on the tour, and much of it was lost on him. What little he did pickup on was that the woman leading it was a horrible individual that sought little more than attaining what unpleasant responses she could muster from the inmates. It was almost astounding how she wasn't just another petty criminal standing beside him. Maybe that was a bit harsh. Supposedly some of the worst end up here, so this sort of behavior might be justified. Justified? No, maybe more so "required". It didn't really matter to him, so long as he didn't wind up involved in any of it. The real problem right now wasn't going to be the facility, but rather his fellow inmates, and it all came back to his size. He was pathetic. How was he supposed to clarify that he wasn't on the lowest rung of the food-chain? He wasn't exactly in a position for any displays of intimidation, and if something like that were to spiral out of control things would get unnecessarily messy.

In order to confirm his suspicion, Faust tested the contractions in his hand. Either the restraints, the shot, or a combination of both had rendered him useless. In fact, any attempts made him unusually nauseous and dizzy, so he ceased immediately.

With a small spin and uneasy sigh, he fell onto his back, "Simply dreadful."
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She had surprised herself with how quiet she had been on the bus. She knew trying to escape to early would be a failure. The news would quickly spread, and her ex gang would scram knowing she was coming. But that didn’t mean Nix didn’t want to start shit. Her mind flashing images over and over of her humming the people on the bus to sleep, sonic screaming through the tough metallic doors on the bus and making a run for the water, wherever that was.

It was too bad they had immediately put on choke collar as soon as she tried to make a scene after she was convicted guilty. But besides her thoughts, she remained motionless on the bus ride and motionless in the medic bay. The doctor was refitting her with a new collar, clearly better than the first. The cold metal stuck against her skin, her neck restricted and her vocals painful to use. Nix failed to care till they brought out a much scarier inhibitor, her pupils dilating as the doc tinkered with the metal mouth mask.

“Using your scream to break this will be useless. And we know about your eating habits so don’t try that one.” Nix shut her trap. Sirens were very much equivalent to sharks when it came to meals. One or two good meals could last for days, therefore she guessed they weren’t too worried with her prevention of eating while she had this on. He lifted the metal mask and secured it round her face, clicking it shut round her neck. “All good.”

Nix slid off the bed, less bothered by the bracelet round her arm, and more aware of the metallic band strapped tightly below her nose. She was to be mute, completely. The thought rubbed itself in deep, mashing itself in with the rest of the discomforting thoughts she had about being here, and eventually fueling the fire for why she wanted to get out. God help those men and women outside those walls when she did…

Nix’s eyes seemed to wonder about as they followed the guard, ever so often snapping her attention back with another surprise round the corner. If it was fear and order Miss Valerie wanted, then it was what she getting. From most of the inmates any, a few simply finding her tactics irritating. Nix appeared on the borderline of that thought process, her brows set downwards obviously, as her unseen scowl deepened.
Ashleigh Dunn - Inmate
15 seconds. 15 uncomfortable, long, silent seconds of this random inmate staring directly at her. From less than a couple of feet away. Did the mask attached to her jaw make her mute? Ash looked closer at the inhibitor. What would necessitate it? If she really had been made mute, maybe she had some kind of voice-based ability. Mind control? Killer screams? It didn't matter, if Ash just ignored her, she'd eventually lea-

"That's a nice neck you got there". Excuse me? Of course, it should've been obvious. Some kind of cannibal. She'd encountered a couple during her brief tenure, and had heard horror stories about a hundred more. Vampires, lycans, ghouls, undead, certain species of faerie, there were more than a few magical entities reliant on preying on humans. The focus on the neck though . . ..

She really should've expected this, given where she was, of course some weirdos would be looking at others as prey. Good grief. Regardless, it'd no good to aggravate other inmates on her first day. "Thanks, my parents gave it to me," she quipped, rubbing her neck as if to brush away the girl's gaze. Although, now that she was looking closer, her new friend didn't look like she had hunger in her eye - it was a joke. She was joking. I'm a bloody idiot. "They also gave me a pretty good name, Ashleigh. Ash for short. Yours?"

Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak
Isaac Gibson - Guard

A hundred fingers brushing over his skin at every hour. Nails being dragged on a chalkboard that was always around the next corner. So it felt to Isaac, surrounded as ever by the various security systems in place at Thesta. Granted, his discomfort was actually less than it had been in the bustling streets of London, surrounded by a million smartphones, TV's and whatever else. But without the hedonistic pleasures of a rich kid, it seemed all the harsher. Working all day. On-call all night. This was no way for a person to live. Except for the prisoners, of course. Isaac was many things, many of them bad to a discerning type, he was sure. But he was no murderer, no cannibal, no thie . . . reading other people's emails without their permission wasn't technically theft, right? Regardless, even a man as admittedly slimy as he recognised the necessity of Thesta Penitentiary.

Necessity didn't quite mean he was glad to be there, mind you. Some of the other guards, most of them in fact, had a swing in their stride, heads held high. So proud and dutiful. He imitated them of course, all integrity and duty. A social chameleon in his element. But no, despite his charming smiles and unwavering salutes, despite his earnestness and seeming dutifulness, he was in fact, rather resentful. Of his father, mostly. Of his mother, a little. Of the daily schedule and effort required in his new life more than anything. Hope as much as his father may, a tiger may not change its stripes. And a hedonist may not become a truly dedicated worker.

With reluctance then, he performed his duty for today's new admissions. He checked the inmates prior to inhibition for any hidden devices or spyware. The Warden would no doubt have a heart attack if their security measures were leaked to the outside. He then visited the path of the tour ahead of time, checking all security measures set to be displayed were functioning correctly. He smiled broadly for other guards he passed, made small talk, remembered details about their personal lives they all likely thought he'd forgotten. Complimented small efforts they'd put into their appearance within regulation, things they likely didn't expect their coworkers to notice. Then passed on before Masterson and the new arrivals caught up. She liked putting on a harsh front for the inmates. If she'd seen him smiling with other guards during the tour, she would not have been amused. It was in his interest to keep her amused, he thought, so he headed to the cell block when done, to make sure everything was in order inside gen-pop.

His discomfort lightened a little when he thought about the people who were going to occupy this area soon. The one thing that set Thesta apart by a rather wide mile from his previous station, was the inmates. The grisly stories behind their incarceration, the crazy anatomical anomalies, the absurd powers, the weird culture behind how they interacted with each other and the guards. But he knew most of the other inmates by now, and the majority of them had settled into the monotonous day-to-day of their jailed life. Fresh blood ought to brighten up that day-to-day. For him at least.
Kala Domsen

It all happened too fast. Lightning could learn a thing or two, for she still couldn’t believe any of it. The blackout. The dead. The blood. The breaching charge. The SWAT. The screams. The judge. The jury. The cheers of justice.
The sentence.

Sixty years. Sixty years she was committed to this place she was now being forced into. Sixty years went through her mind as her eight eyes watched the registry mark her name down. Sixty years for Kala Domsen. Sixty years plagued her shocked brain as she was examined, the medical staff finding a wrist-mounted heart monitor would not find a pulse on her exoskeleton forearms. Sixty long years were only reinforced when they covered her hands and spider legs in big padded cloth sovereigns and strapped them on tight, not to mention the heavy duty shock collar that was clamped onto her neck, the cold metal of the restraint causing a small whimper to leave the otherwise dead silent Drider. Sixty years.... and lastly the muzzle was strapped on.

She stayed in the back of the group of prisoners, not wanting to attract the ire or pleasure from the sadistic guard. Her presence seemed all too familiar to the people she stayed with previously, only further cementing her worry and then relief when the guard left them alone. In the end, her displays on intimidation were unnecessary on the spider, the woman being broken down much earlier in life.

Once everyone was allowed to talk amongst themselves, the spider woman simply lets her legs relax and her large spider body hit the ground softly, just trying to process it all. The woman’s torso was human, albeit large and from the hips up. Her skin was pale, two human eyes followed by six beady red eyes on her forehead which stayed covered by the bangs of her long black hair. Her tongue ran against her fangs, the metal muzzle touching her lips as her tongue pushed them out. Her most noticeable feature, of course, was her eight legs and two mandibles on her lower half, all sleek black and hairless as well as her hands and forearms also being covered in the same exoskeleton.

The tall spider stood there, thinking back on their rather short seeming life so far, and imagining of things could actually have been any different in the end. Her depression might be contagious with how gloomy her entire body language was, so most inmates were rather adverse to approaching her. Even more-so due to the arachnid parts.

Samantha Fratellis: New Prison Guard. Day Six of employment.

The tour was... something. Sure she had gotten a tour herself much earlier, seeing the ins and outs of the facility, but this was a much different experience than some employee tour. Intimidation was necessary, but Sam couldn't shake the eerie resemblance that her coworker showed that mirrored Pisha. THAT was worrisome, but she would keep it to herself.

A prison requires all sorts to make it work I assume. As long as she keeps herself in line I don't mind... unfortunate though. She is rather cute...

The completely covered gas-mask-using individual shrugged to themselves, their soft breathing through air filters continuing. If there was one thing being in the field taught her, it was she could never be overly prepared. Now, being surrounded by things and people with powers ranging from parlor tricks to superhuman, an airtight suit with a rune blocking mind-altering influences built into the helmet was nothing but cautious in her mind. Plague mages were a problem in certain terrorist cells, so a good dose of caution is the reason she survived to be there today. That, and firepower.

With her glass eyeholes tinted and not showing any of her body, the look was humanoid yet inhuman as she simply watched the crowd of criminals, examining the collection of paranormals to her delight. One seemed almost cobbled together, one was half spider, one had horns and strange claws and teeth, and even some sort of small fairy type of person. This was certainly not a place to fawn over them, but under her mask, she could silently admire them all as she played the role of the stoic guard.
"Thanks, my parents gave it to me, they also gave me a pretty good name, Ashleigh. Ash for short. Yours?"

[ Elizabeth Cruentus - Inmate ]

Elizabeth grinned (a rather pointless gesture considering the mask covering the lower half of her face, but a grin nonetheless) and braced a hand on her hip as she replied, "Elizabeth." She stuck out her other hand. "Elizabeth for short." Her hatred for pet names seemingly stuck with her into incarceration. "So, what are you here for? Something tells me it wasn't for jaywalking." An echo-y breath stopped short. "...Or was it? I hear some countries are harsh about that sort of thing."

Her eyes frequently caught on her fellow inmates as she spoke. Normally, humans were quite good at making her seem like a freak, but Elizabeth felt she was hardly the star of the show packed in with this lot. She supposed that they all at least looked marginally human, but she had to wonder how some would manage to blend into society at all. Then again, they all managed to get caught - including her - so it seemed that none of them were masters of disguise anyway.

Then there were the guards, all rocking various amounts of gear. Elizabeth spotted one sporting so much armor that she couldn't even tell the gender of who was underneath it. Only by the breathing could Elizabeth tell they were human in the first place, though why anyone would willingly wear a gas mask was beyond her. Elizabeth's had been on her face for less than an hour and she already despised it.

SmithingForCopper SmithingForCopper Sybil Sybil

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Samantha Fratellis

It wasn’t hard to tell who was watching her and who wasn’t. Stares were common when you were as prepared as she was, but maybe it was also the sidearm and shotgun that warranted inmate intrigue. Whatever it was, there was always a category they could be sorted in. There was the ones sizing her up, and they stared her up and down with a certain confident gaze. Then there was the curious ones, their eyes traveling slower and more methodical, even occasionally looking away when they felt the gaze be returned to them.

Regardless, there was the common rabble, and then there was a certain woman eyeing her. With the restraints she maintained, the complexion, as well as her general standing, Sam could identify which one the red head was according to the paperwork she read up on.

Vampire. Almost forgot there was one here now... my job just keeps getting more interesting by the moment.

She returned any gaze by the vampire, her eyes still not visible but her head turning ever so slightly to acknowledge their presence. Best not to make any inmates think she cannot notice them. As she did so she also glanced at her watch, checking the time and when she would have to separate the criminals, wanting to be punctual for their first day to start.

Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak
|:| Jasper Bent & Valerie Masterson |:|

The variety of so-called "gifted" individuals among them partly intrigued a knowledge-thirsty mind like Jasper. A rarity for a prison like this was a civil, educated individual willing to read and learn more. Many of the others around him seemed like they'd been changed by some sort of circumstance that entirely desensitized them from any concept of civilization. Then there was the bunch that simply never lead a civilized life, probably living in remote areas of the planet as practically feral creatures, or at least a society with vastly different norms than those of his own. And once he saw a young girl approach the laser barrier and attempt to touch them... Yeah... doesnt seem like I'll be getting along with many people around here. Here's hoping my cellmate has somewhat of a brain.

When the other guard's name was mentioned, Jasper turned his attention to her to get a feel for what he would face. Maybe another cruel mistress with sadistic tendencies? Or perhaps someone with a more human touch... hard to tell physically because she was in full body armor, even the face covered by a helmet - he couldn't even tell that 'CO Fratellis' was a woman if it weren't for the muffles that he managed to hear, clearly too feminine to be that of a man. Jasper had seen many members of security details armed to the teeth like this in Filincia, so Sam's choice of dress didnt intimidate him, so to say. Oddly enough, the cocky attitude from the other guard, accompanied by her less defensible choice of uniform with a white button-up, black pants, and knee-high combat boots, gave the impression that "nothing can stop me, I don't need no damn armor suit." Sam didn't say much either, simply doing her job and keeping order when it needed to be done. The mind reader didn't need his powers to pick up the fact that Valerie had been here for a while, sitting on her own cloud 9 able to do as she pleases, even if it were unorthodox and bent the rules, and Sam was relatively new and getting used to things, more likely to cling to rules and order. Perhaps he could earn some of her favor through simple acts of good behavior to make the next half-century pass smoothly. He didn't stare in a manner that was too suspicious - it was by looks that he supposedly 'killed' someone after all - but rather simply... observing.

Jasper soon let his eyes wander about at the crowd he'd be around in gen-pop. Vampires, amputees, shapeshifters, sirens, and even a spider-human hybrid among them and other strange beings he couldn't really name, all bound by something to keep them from using their powers. So many collars and bands to keep them from acting on their special abilities, some in masks and muzzles on top of it all. It was a matter of what poison he'd be given when he and his cellmate are called forward.

It didn't stop Jasper's fascination at the creatures around him. If only even half of them tried to use their powers to change the world for the better, like he did. Or were there others that were a product of injustice?

Then came that kid that tried to reach for the laser wall... and opening what might be a long engaging conversation, starting off with why everyone backed away from the lasers...

Oh for fuck's sake... why did I have to get this unlucky? Do I really look like the most responsible person here to have boneheaded questions thrown at me like this? He took a breath, trying not to allow his thoughts to externalize and start a fight with someone who clearly has no concept of modern technology, who might just mangle him with her bear hands. Or worse, because little did Jasper know that Silver was also a cannibal.

So he found a way to seem respectful...ish, and get her to stay away. At this point, he'd prefer one of the masked inmates here to speak to, simply so he could avoid mothering someone. "I'm... not sure," he uttered with a shrug, trying to sound unsure, and hoping she'd go away convinced and not sense the sarcasm, though he assumed she would be oblivious to that, too. "Say, why don't you go touch the door to bring the lasers back up and you can figure out for yourself?"

One thing's for sure; if this baffoon actually touches the door, Jasper would look away to avoid the worst. He assumed it would just trigger a lockdown, but what if it kills her? He subdued his concerns and agreed to just... look away. Just in case.

Though she'd be saved by the bell, because it didn't take the head of security all that long to return, this time, with a clipboard in hand. The loud clicking noise of the door unlocking followed by it being pushed open revealed the return of the redheaded guard that had successfully garnered the hatred and fear of many in the course of half an hour. Jasper just looked over at her, now eager to go in his cell and just shut out the world.

"Quiet, quiet, inmates," Valerie announced over the conversations of the inmates amongst one another, banging her hand on the door she'd just closed, thereby activating the lasers again. Hopefully either her banging noises or the buzzing of the lasers caught their attention. Fortunatley, nobody was in range of the laser wall, so no worries about a lockdown. Now with all eyes on her, she quickly swiped her card on the door panel to retract the lasers and have the door ready for everyone to enter their new home, which she'd rule over with an iron fist. "Thank you... least you still remember when to shut up. Your cells are ready, and the manifest is on the side of the stairs to the second floor, but I'm going to read off who's in what cell so that for the less literate among you, you can sorta find your way better. When I call your names, you come and walk through the door in an orderly fashion and go directly to your cell with your new bunk buddy. Your blankets, pillows, toothbrushes, and whatever other hygiene products you need are there too. Just a reminder to keep your cell clean, or you will be reprimanded. Got it? ... I doubt, but you will sooner or later..."

With those formalities out of the way, Valerie pressed the unlocked door behind her open and held out the clipboard in front of her as she began to read off the names, some with uncertainty, some with more insults than others just by pronunciation alone, without a care for respecting names of different cultures or species.

"Second floor, cell 1, Elizabeth Cruentus and Dyani Hurit."
"Second floor, cell 7, Jasper Bent and Nix.... huh, no last name here. Weirdo."
"Second floor, cell 12, Ashleigh Dunn and Sithembile... Thamdiwe? Hell do I know."
"Second floor, cell 15, Zevon Draistr...? And Alice Norell. Who the fuck named you freaks?"
"First floor, cell 4, Maslany Milosz...chenko? And Scarlet Felis. Jesus Christ, I wish we could just give you numbers or nicknames."
"First floor, cell 9, Sever...inus? Boethius? And Alexander Redarick? ... Oh, a goddamn spider. Great."
"First floor, cell 10, William Finch and Kala Domsen... More spiders? But at least some names I could fucking READ!"
"First floor, cell 16, Alasdair Linwood and Faust.... another no-last-namer... great."
"Just get in your cells and behave. Lights out is around the corner."

With each cell, she took a brief pause to allow for the inmates to enter gen-pop. In that moment that the inmates passed by, she would give each one either a slap on the head or a shove forward from the back of the shoulder, even if they weren't dragging behind. It was a way to let out her own frustration and aggression in a time when she was approaching her sixth day without her lustful fix. Comtrolling people and bossing around with that edge of being rude helped, but it wouldn't stop the side effects from a lack of sex kicking in soon enough. She'd have to stop by a club soon and fix that...

Or she could get her fix from the prison, right here on the job. Risky business, but what the Warden doesn't know won't kill him. She'd never slept with a guard or inmate before though, so this'd be a first.

As Jasper passed by quickly and promptly, now relieved to get away from an overly curious Silver, the rather rough slap to the back of his head was extremely uncalled for. Part of him hoped some ballsy inmate tries to swing back, because she was hitting pretty hard for a crowd that hadn't done anything yet. But who would believe him over the head of security, who could just say he was stalling at the door? Beneath the door was a dead zone for the Warden, so it'd be futile to try and argue for some human rights cause.

"Bitch..." he hissed under his breath once he was a safe distance away.

So... this girl in the mask, Nix, would be his cellmate. Thank goodness, someone who would be quiet and not bother him all that much apart from some confused stares whenever he indulges in whatever reading Thesta had to offer. Given her sources of inhibition, he could take the guess that she's a siren. At least she wouldn't be able to scream or put him under her spell, while he equally couldn't read her mind apart from the measly muffles the drugs couldnt entirely block out.

As they approached the door to cell 2-7, Jasper gently pushed the door open and stood out of the way. "Ladies first, I suppose." Perhaps he could be a little less sarcastic and more polite to someone who he assumed wouldn't be allowed to speak. Unless she preferred he keep quiet or interprets his gesture as offensive and makes an enemy from day 1....

Meanwhile, once all of the inmates crossed into gen-pop, it left Valerie alone in the hallway with Sam, the new guard. She hadn't been here for a week yet, and was doing a great job for such a short time, always onguard and had quite the potential. She hadn't seen much of her without the armor, only a glimpse of her face with the helmet off in the run-down rec room that the inmate comstruction crew would soon take down and build anew. Admittedly, Valerie found Sam cute, but was she willing to crave her fiery lust with someone so innocent? And a guard being her first? It'd be safer than with an inmate, but it would be beyond inappropriate to pull this off so quickly. Maybe you can try to be her friend and then ease her into it? Probably not ease her into every detail about her condition... but who knows.

Valerie slowly shut the door to the hallway of cells, keeping it a crack open with the back of her right boot safely against the door, sighing in relief. "Hahh, that takes care of another orientation tour. Not the worst I've seen, though. Good for you to tag along, Fratellis. Maybe one day, you'll be the one giving these tours. I started pretty young, shadowing the big boys. Baby steps. Just wanted to let you know if you ever need backup or someone to... say, trust around here? I've been around for 10 years. I've got a good feel for what goes on around here, and I'm happy to help you out."

Valerie's entire demeanor changed now that it was just the two guards in the room. More... friendly. Less aggressive and sassy, and more caring, which was an emotion she never really genuinely showed. Was it genuine towards Sam? Maybe mixed, partly hoping a pretty face doesn't get torn apart in prison, partly just to get her way down that pretty face's pants. She hoped the former was the more dominant force.

Direct interactions: WillfulWren WillfulWren Sybil Sybil xDawn2463x xDawn2463x
Other mentions (for everyone else to enter gen-pop): firebright24 firebright24 Athanas Athanas Dana Zane Dana Zane Zenpai Zenpai SmithingForCopper SmithingForCopper Daimao Daimao nonametobefound nonametobefound BluEndings BluEndings Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak
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Samantha Fratellis

The orientation continued without a hitch, regardless of any attempts at tricking gullible people, and she proceeded to follow the inmates one by one to their cells. Under the mask she wore an exasperated sigh, even rolling her eyes behind the tinted glass as her superior took it upon herself to hit each inmate regardless of their actions. Some almost made her flinch, seeing some of the inmates already being beaten down mentally long before physically..... but she had to admit when she tried pushing the large drider it brought a smile to her face as she struggled. By the end of it, Sam was just ready to be done and do her rounds, getting back in the routine she had just started to get down. Something expectable and predictable.

What she didn’t expect was anything more than a side comment from Valerie, so when she began to converse it caught the attention of the masked guard. Her voice would be muffled slightly, but it was clear enough to discern her voice.
Hm? Me? Maybe. It was certainly an experience, but a lengthy and unnecessary one. As for trusting in someone specific, I can give you a chance to earn it. We may work together, but I learned a long time ago that doesn’t mean your allies with someone. No offense, just believe blind trust is how people end up missing.

She shrugged, not sure what to do for her except give the woman an honest answer about allowing her to have a clean slate to start building trust. If something ever went wrong, she knew who would be willing to stretch their necks out, so she will hold her opinion until that surfaced.

Directly Interacts: KasperXIII KasperXIII

Kala Domsen
The restraints pulled on her body as she got back to her feet, sighing heavily as her shock addled mind came back to reality enough to be directed. When her cell came about, she looked up from the floor to witness the small cramped room she would share for the next six decades.

Stuffy... not enough room to stretch... little sunlight... nothing but cement... no privacy... not much different than how I lived before.

Due to her delay, the guards would likely usher her in a bit forcefully, which she squeezed her body into the narrow room before her roommate, who would now see the drider sink to the floor with her legs smashed against her body in an effort to not suffer claustrophobia. Kala probably looked more like a caged rabid animal rather than a demi-human, the muzzle and coverings with the large collar definitely were not for any fashion show.

Despite her addled brain, as soon as the door shut she spoke up to her cellmate. She needed something to take her mind off the cell and prison lest she loses her sanity.

...Hello. Who are you?” The tone was reflecting her inner struggle, unable to sound like anything but pushy and awkward not to mention she clearly didn’t list to the names being listed just a few moments prior.

Directly Interacts: Athanas Athanas
Indirectly Interacts: KasperXIII KasperXIII
William Finch, newly admitted inmate

There had been extremely few cases in William Finch's life that he did not have a wide smile, or at least a small grin, stuck on his face. He had been shot, stabbed, bullied, tortured, driven mad by voices in his head... And yet the smile never went away. While most prisoners were quaking in their boots or brooding over some horrible inhibitor, Will managed to keep much of his aloof personality intact. That, of course, by no means meant that he wasn't worried. While he at least wasn't inhibited in any way(Hah! The morons honestly thought they could stifle something so powerful with naught but a few syringes? Amateurs!, That telepath guard they had brought in had truly terrified him. Someone being able to enter your mind is bad enough. Someone being able to literally cause you ungodly amounts of pain and make all your higher functions problematic? He had to admit, they weren't fucking around when they called this place hell on Earth.

Trying to ease his mind, he summoned a small token and began fidgeting with it,twirling it between his fingers, before tossing it in the air and catching it with his other hand. His anxiety slowly subsiding, he began taking in his surroundings.

For a starter, while most of the Inmates looked like normal people(Although, he suspected, they too had special powers), There were a few exceptions. There was a little green fellow that seemed straight out of a children's tale, although Will suspected his actions probably didn't match his appearance. There was this Redhead that wore a rather nice mask-No wait, that wasn't a mask, that functioned more like a muzzle gag! And then there was this... What the fuck even was this? The lower half seemed to resemble a giant spider, whilst the upper half resembled a human female. He was truly astonished by what he saw-How were these beings able to conceal themselves from the public? If these things existed, then could it be possible that the other legends and myths were true as well? Will decided not to push this thought process any further. Perhaps when he escaped this hole, he could investigate the matter further. If he managed to, that is...

Redirecting his attention to the Guard that appeared to be giving them the tour of this place, he soon found himself infuriated. People with Attitude never failed to annoy him, and for someone in his mental condition,Annoyed often meant "Willing to brutally pummel the source of this annoyance to Death". He quickly scanned his surrounding, trying to divert his attention towards something else, as landing himself in Isolation for killing one of the guards wouldn't help either. His gaze fell upon a blonde, Or rather, upon a prosthetic leg that the blonde appeared to have. While it was certainly okay in terms of quality, a much better job could've been performed. He crouched, leaning forward. It lacked a microprocessor, which certainly would make it stiffer and harder to use, and also the calibrations in weight seemed slightly off. Why, it even...

Will realized a tad too late that he had let his mind wander off for too long when he caught the Woman's puzzled stare. He quickly got up, fumbling his token throw in the process."Oh, uhh... Sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, it's just.." He paused abruptly, his underdeveloped social skills betraying him.
Fuckfuckfuckfuck think of something you idiot
With considerable effort, he managed to continue:"It's just that I've been examining your prosthetic here. Definitely some corner-cutting was had, so, hopefully, you didn't waste too much money on it." Taking a deep breath, he continued:"The name's Will, by the way. Not that you have to call me that or anything, but..
He stopped again. It had been more than half a year since he had talked to someone other than himself, and it was definitely not easy before. However, just as he felt ready to continue, he heard The lead Guard-The one that had been bossing them around this entire time call out his time. He let out a deep sigh, earnestly wishing he could rip her head from her spine."I'll just.. explain what I wanted to say later,I.. I guess.". As he walked past Valerie, he just couldn't resist taking out at least a small part of his frustration on her:This really is the wrong place for this kind of attitude, darling. Most of these people could rip your head from your spine as easily as they'd tie their shoelaces."
He approached Valerie, until he was less than a meter away from her, emphasizing the difference in size. He grinned wide, A psychopathic grin that would cause most sane people to turn tail and runAnd I happen to believe that a few of them would be very glad to do just that. Satisfied with himself, he walked to his cell, praying that his cellmate was at least someone that wouldn't attempt to shank him first chance they got.

Of course, hope was a faulty concept here in Thersta. And as he saw the Drider towering in front of him, he just couldn't help but suspect that this was in fact the government getting back at him for trying to bring them down. Hell, the creature took up most of the space, and Will despised cramped spaces with a passion. Still, he felt the need to at least be polite, since the creature was also making efforts.
Why hello. The name's Will. And you must be Kala, right?
Feeling like this conversation was mostly going to rely on his ability for speech, he added:"I...I uhh.. don't mean to pry, but.. How can you be so...Unique, and yet not even a single photo of you exists out there? Were you some sort of experiment?"
Hardly the best way to start a conversation, but Will was already hard-pressed with not freaking out at the Thing's appearance.

Mentions: KasperXIII KasperXIII nonametobefound nonametobefound Sybil Sybil

[ Elizabeth Cruentus - Inmate ]

Elizabeth rolled her eyes as the head of security absolutely butchered the pronunciation of her last name, and didn't bother trying to hide the disappointed look on her face that her cellmate wouldn't be a succulent young man. With a huff, she sauntered off to her cell, hissing when Valerie slapped the back of her neck as she passed.
"Soon as I figure out how to get this mask off, I'm going to sip on that woman like fine wine." Elizabeth muttered through her teeth - after there was a considerable amount distance between them, of course.

As soon as Elizabeth ascended the stairs to level two, cell one was right next to her, which she unenthusiastically shuffled into. The beds inside weren't quite as lavish as the queen sized ones in Burachest hotel suites, though Elizbeth forfeited that they might at least be slightly more comfortable than the floor.
It was about then that the room grew noticeably colder, and Elizabeth nocked her head over her shoulder to behold her cellmate. The girl looked about Elizabeth's age, but with quite a few physical differences. For one, this girl had antlers. And a tail. And a larger chest, which Elizabeth decided she was going to pretend she wasn't jealous of.
"Well hello there, Roomie." Her otherwise sickly sweet tone left the mask as a rather eerie leer. "They must've put you in here just to save on air-conditioning bills." Elizabeth's eyes lingered on the girl's cloak, then the collar. That looks a lot more comfortable than a mask... She thought bitterly.

KasperXIII KasperXIII Dana Zane Dana Zane

Annabelle Sangsue, Guard
Okay, this time, things had gone way too far. She enjoyed her job, loved it even, especially getting to interact with all these new and interesting supernatural creatures (and occasionally sample their blood). But this?

This was too much, even for someone like her, with the patience of a saint. Ever since the new batch of inmates had arrived, the hairs on the back of her neck had been standing up, coherent thoughts being drowned out by the insidious whispers. Mine. They said, making her shudder and tightly grip her own wrist, the pain somewhat clearing her mind.
This is my territory. What is that thing doing here? Get it aWaY from what is MiNe, OnLy MiNe.
'I don't think she wants to be here.' The dark haired girl thought to herself, gritting her teeth. Eventually, she had been forced to drag a coworker in to cover for her and storm of to the Warden's office. When she got there, she considered trying to rip the door off of its hinges, but then went for the next best thing: kicking it. Hard. With her combat boots on.

"Hi, Sir!" She called out, tone like acid despite the friendly words. Surely, he had to have known this was a bad idea. The other vampire should have just been put down, like the animal it was (not that she was any better, but at least she accepted that). oh well, at least he had a nice new dent in his door to remind him of what happened when one of the most trusted guards in the facility met another vampire.

"What the fuck were you thinking, bringing another vamp in here?" She snarled, waiting impatiently to be let in to the office.
KasperXIII KasperXIII

Silver Ferae
"Oh..." Well, he certainly looked smart, so she should take his advice. "Right! I'll do that!" Silver said with a sweet smile, much like a child anticipating a new toy or treat. But luckily, no one had to see her gruesome death as the cat girl was effectively distracted by Valerie's return, dropping to the floor to watch the proceedings from the ground. Sitting there,.paying very little attention to the proceedings (and thus not hearing her new roomies name) only for her head to snap up so fast it hurt when her old name was called. Oh dear.

She was one of the last inmates to shuffle through the door, as she had refused to get up for a little while, grumbling about the usage of the wrong name.

"It's Silver." She muttered as she slunk past the redhead, then abruptly stopped as she was harshly hit over the head. Feline ears flattened against her skull, and she bared ivory fangs, her hands balling up into fists -

And then, for once, she managed to exercise some self control and head towards her cell.

Once she figured out which was hers, she scrambled up to the top bunk - barely sparing her new cellmate a glance - and hugged her pillow before grumbling a few words in a dull, bored tone.

"Never call me Scarlett, okay? It's Silver. And if you call me Scarlett I'll... I'll... What are those stringy things in your tummy called? Guts? I think that's it...." Coming up with a gruesome threat perked her up, and she sat up again, grinning at her companion like this was a perfectly normal interaction. "Yeah, guts! I'll turn them into a scarf!!"

KasperXIII KasperXIII nonametobefound nonametobefound
Samantha Fratellis

As for any use of intimidation used against her fellow guard would receive her attention. As for William, she would just unclick the sidearm holster, placing her hand on the handle ready to pull it out and fire. Any other attempts to inimidate a guard would be met with the same taunt unless provoked to cause actual damage.

Direct interaction: Athanas Athanas KasperXIII KasperXIII
@(anyone else who attempts to inimidate guards with anything like a confrontation)

Kala Domsen

Pictures? Experiment?

Uh Yeah... and I am the only one of my kind as far as I know.....I just was found near the jungles of South America when I was young... probably no pictures because.... well I guess I’m nothing significant? I’m sure there are, but the world sounds like such a shitty place right now I don’t think something like me makes much news... especially when sentenced to prison.” The spider’s abnormality in body may have been unique, but aside from those keeping their ear to the ground in South America then there would not be much more than a single new story on her discovery years ago, and online pictures were scarce since she spent an incredible and unsettling amount of time indoors, whether it had been willing or not.

....do you need to... get to something?... sorry... I would climb out of the way but they covered my legs... I can still try to shuffle...” As Kala stood up from her ‘sitting’ position she stood towering over him, ten feet tall and seemingly balanced somewhat in her cramped cell. If William was perceptive, he might notice the large woman was sweating, almost sickly looking since there was no excess of heat in the room.

Direct Interaction: Athanas Athanas
Alasdair huffed out a breath once he was assigned to a cell. He began to walk towards Cell 1-16 and stepped inside. It was bland and small and he knew he would be bored out of his mind in this place. Maybe the cause of him truly going insane would be the pure lack of mental stimulation and he'd just begin hallucinating to entertain himself. Oh, joy.

Sith shifted uncomfortably on her feet when she heard her name called, even if it was just to assign her a cell. She walked into her cell on the second floor and looked around. It looked absolutely miserable. She let out a defeated sigh and sat down on the lower bunk, putting her head in her hands. She had no hope. She had taken a bullet and though she would rather this than the other outcome, that didn't mean she would enjoy this.
Ashleigh Dunn - Inmate

Before Ashleigh had a chance to continue her conversation with Elizabeth, Masterson had returned with their cell list. Unsurprisingly, she used this routine as an opportunity to mock and belittle her charges. Bitch. At least her shittiness will give me an agreeable topic of conversation with my new peers. Ash very briefly dragged her feet, so she could get a view of her new roommate and was somewhat relieved to see a relatively normal looking young woman, and even better, one that hadn't made an enemy of the guards or others by acting like an idiot during the tour. Her logic quickly quashed that relief however, when she remembered where she was, and who the people around her likely were.

She kept her back straight and head held high as she left the room, her step barely off-beat from Masterson's shove. Just because she didn't want to make an enemy of the guards, did not mean she would make herself a door mat. She headed up to the first floor, her brief pride quickly shattered when she arrived at her cell. Just another prisoner now. Another criminal.

Evidently her cell mate's mood wasn't much greater, head buried in her hands. So not some callous, crazed psychopath, then? Thank god. I can maybe try a friendlier approach with her? Ash quietly checked the belongings provided and brushed her teeth, providing some time for them both to collect themselves, before turning back towards the woman. "Hope that guard didn't get to you. Your name's Sithembile Thamdiwe, right?", she said quietly, rolling out the name effortlessly, purposefully contrasting herself to the guard. She continued, pulling herself to the top bunk, "I'm Ash. I'll try not to cause trouble for you."

She laid her head back on her pillow, to make sure she wasn't pressuring Sithembile into a conversation she might not be eager to have in her current mood.

Zenpai Zenpai
Sith looked up at her new roomie. "It's this place that's getting to me. Most people just call me Sith," She says. rubbing her temples. She was a rather beatutidul woman who looked out of place in prison, especially one as high-security and dangerous as this one. "Ash? That's an interesting name. And I appreciate it." She stands up to properly shake her new cellmate's hand.

SmithingForCopper SmithingForCopper
[ Faust - Inmate | Height: 1'1" ]

It quickly dawned on Faust that laying on the ground was a horrible idea, and promptly snapped back onto his feet. He considered introducing himself to some of the more moderate looking individuals, but decided against it. If he could manage, he would try to create some compelling rumors to boost his reputation. It would be far more convenient than allowing people to draw their own conclusions about him, but before he had the chance to think about how to spread such rumors, the tour guide of nightmares returned.

Bunk buddies? He supposed that was pretty typical of these sort of facilities, but that didn't make it any more optimal. At the very least they were on the first floor; Faust didn't want to deal with any stairs if he didn't have to. The mere thought of them brought an unsavory expression to his face. Apparently, he was going to be sharing a room with "Alasdair Linwood". There wasn't many assumptions he could make off the name alone, but he would have to make the most of the situation. He just needed a few moments to put together a plan that would allow him to assert dominance.

...Wait, what was the woman going on about his name? His name was just fine! He had to admit, the remark stung a bit, and he couldn't take his mind off it.

In no time at all they had arrived at Cell 1-16. With a light boot from behind, Faust stumbled forward with a raspy tsk escaping his mouth. Have some courtesy would you? This was going to be anything but the peaceful life he had anticipated. A facility where a bunch of people are locked up with strict rules had sounded much more appealing as just words... He sighed. His roommate was already inside, and the door frame Faust was standing under did nothing but accent the clear fact that he was small. He needed a better vantage point before he could attempt contact, and there weren't many good options. The best one appeared to be the lower bunk.

Faust turned to his mummy of a roommate, no seriously the dude needed some sun or something, and held up a finger. "Just give me a second."

Even being the lower bunk it was still somewhat of a struggle for Faust to shuffle on top of, but once he had, he stood tall—as much as someone his size could.

"Alright, listen here..." He stopped and sat down, "Actually let me catch my breath first. We've been walking for a while now... I'm sure you can relate."

A few moments later and Faust stood up once again thrusting his hand forward, "I propose a truce! An agreement between two hardened criminals to watch each other's back! In a place like this, everyone is out to get you! This sort of alliance is just what someone like you needs! ...Though, I'll be watching the back of your leg more so than anything, but we can work around that!"

Faust clasped his hands together, "So? What do you say? An opportunity like this only comes around as many times as it takes for you accept!"

"...Also I'm claiming the lower bunk. That's nonnegotiable."

Zenpai Zenpai (Alasdair)
Alice Norell:

For one thing Alice hated the color blue. Despised it, is more the word for it. She wanted her clothes back. Her black clothes, collars, big chunky boots and make up was her security blanket. She felt almost naked wearing a basic shirt and pants. She wanted cute dresses with ripped tights.

However, her clothing was only one inconvenience. She was surrounded by an assortment of people most of which barely seemed human. Correction, some were most definitely not human.

She hated this gaurd who was leading the orientation. She needed to be taught a lesson. Alice’s life had been one big lesson. Growing up learning how to make a living by stealing and fighting others. Her brother the only one to protect her and he often was gone trying to make a living for the two of them. She didn’t know most of the jobs he went on. It was safer that way. Just thinking about Kai made her heart ache. What was he doing now? Did he even know she had been arrested? The thought of her arrest made her scoff. She had nearly gotten away. But her get away had been her slip up. She hadn’t realized they had boarded up the back exit door of the bank. Anyways what’s done was done and now she was here.

Her eyes landed on a tall young man leaning on a wall. He looked like he would rather be somewhere else. More than that, he looked calculating. Like he was assessing everyone and everything. He was the kind of person her brother would warn her about she could practically hear his voice ‘if you don’t befriend him he will become your worst nightmare’.

She made a mental note to approach him later. She herself was leaning on a wall for stability. The drugs they had given Alice were weird. They made her hands shake and her eyes feel heavy. The guard in front of the group was now calling off cell mates. Her roommate was some one named Zevon. Well all she hoped was that maybe he wasn’t a murderer and perhaps she could gain his friendship. She headed to her cell following the others. She still didn’t see her cell mate but she knew that they would come soon enough. She made herself at home on the top bunk. She lay back humming softly while twisting a lock of her pink hair on her fingers.

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