[There Will Be No End] Lets talk!

Probably gonna drop for now until I get another stable schedule going. Sorry for not telling you a bit sooner.
I'm experiencing a metaphoric death. No more RPing for me for a long, long while.



??-August 21.​
roll call usually means we must say we are present... so just in case it's needed... I'm here :D ... feel free to interact with Fang to anyone that is on le shippy ship
also, to a sidenote to MrMopp... I absolutely HATE the whole "werewolves" being weak to silver thing... also Fang is not a werewolf... Lycans and werewolves are two different things in my eyes, thus, this will carry into my character as well... silver isn't going to cripple him just because he has wolf blood... never honestly understood that one... I mean it doesn't matter what the bullet is made of, if it's well placed it'll kill just abut anything xD


If you go into the lore of such creatures, the werewolf IS known as a lycanthrope, as well as about five other names. But this is Ricia's role-play, so it's ultimately her decision. As it stands, would it be possible that MrMopp's character isn't aware of the "half-wolf" lycan, so she assumes he's the same as her?
Well I did sort of state that Fang came from an island in which every single member of his race resided, none ventured to the mainlands until he did after the Dusk attacked... therefore there is no way his Lycan race can be linked to werewolves... I did make him think he was the last of his race, but it's merely his own belief seeing as I don't want to close the option of being a Lycan for anyone who might join the RP later on and want to... his race would be more linked to those half-animal races such as centaurs, minotaurs, and the like... his would just be of the wolf variety rather than the horse/bull variety... idk I see Lycans as a proud race and werewolves as people with a disease... mutts... Fang also has this view and is quite "racist" against werewolves
Ixidor is right. I rather go by lore. But lupus character we've come to agreement he is not a werewolf, but some kind of brother to them. Etc etc. If it really comes down to a fight, then I'll make you both remake characters.

There are 100s of breeds of dog, I'm sure there can be different lycanthrope. Hey! If you want to fight in character about who is better and how wolves are supose to be.... that is fine.

Out of character. Don't do it. I will rage.
alright Ric :) ... maybe Lycans could be where the whole werewolf thing started?.... maybe a werewolf is the result of a Lycan and a human, which is why Fang views them as mutts?... which would then bust the whole "no Lycans left the island" thing but im fine with that

how about I PM you and we can come up with and agree on the Lycan/Werewolf lore for this RP... i have an idea that I think you'll like, and Ricia seems to say most anything is fine as long as you agree :P
(In regard to the last post) yeah that's what I figured

I don't disrespect your ideas but while, to tell the truth, I did make Trina's sheet before I looked at Fangs, when I did, I didn't see anything that conflicted with my ideas.

I know that Fang isn't a werewolf, but Trina doesn't. And she might be diseased but she doesn't see it that way. She was born this way. To her, it's just a part of her being. She LIKES what she is. In fact, she's it irks her to see another, ahem, "werewolf" NOT being restrained while she IS, even though logically she knows that that would not go over well.

Frankly, My first thought about that aversion to silver was "silly" but I was adding in a familiar monster so I had to stick to what everyone would expect. So, silver doesn't kill her, but it HURTS like HECK
I just sent a PM of ideas, lemme know if all those are okay, and then maybe Ricia could be nice and add my little Wolfkin Lore section to the Main Races section? :D ... if not, it's cool... I'll just post something here so people can get their Lycan/Werewolf ideals straight haha :D

I'm confused. Does there have to be a connection?

Ah, I think I see what's going on here. Could I hear your original ideas about werewolves?
Btw : you might be interested to know that the aversion to silver comes from Christian mythology. Gold and silver represent the Father and the Son so naturally it stands to reason that you could kill a devil with them.
What ever you guys come up with. Just know I won't change God lore. Any god anyone has made up does not exist. They are just rumors and or peoples imagination. Nor will I include in the main races because the importance of the werewolf community is low in the all out story of my rp. 
Players who've joined the RP but not made characters:

@ChanpuruDragon , @Harbinger

You have a week to do so before I kick you.
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Food for thought

The civilized werepeople have varying story's for their kinds origin, but more often than not, they go like this:

The origin myth that Trina is familiar with involves a character called the Great Wolf, who is king of the wolf people (normal wolves). As a demigod, he can take a human form, and one day takes a human mate/wife. Of course, as an animal and a god he was bound to leave her for the wild. But his son was given the ability to walk between the worlds so that father and mother could share him.

As for the biting thing, well, you get the occasional psycho who tries to expand his pack or convert the humans or "spread the Great Ones blessing" by putting some of their own blood on their teeth and biting someone, leaving a new werewolf who dosent know how to controls himself, is bound by the moon, and has suddenly become a social pariah. There are other ways to do this but biting is the most direct way to inflict it on an unwilling victim

It's not just wolves that do this. Lions do it too. Any other social animal, but usually predators.

Anyway, back to the Great one. Could there be a connection there?
Why can't you both just be two different races? One is a "Lycan" the other a "Werewolf". Maybe they're familial cousins.

Feels like there's more talk about lore and background than story progression.

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