[There Will Be No End] Lets talk!

to anyone who read my most recent post, you should go re-read it... had to make a few edits since I completely blanked about the city not being a port city, and then I rather disliked the idea of Fang going the weeklong trip downriver all by his lonesome... since he will be on his own ship during the quest, I'd like him to get in a bit more character interaction beforehand :P ... this is the final edit :P promise xD
It has been brought to my attention that it may seem as if I feel Fang is going to get special treatment with the whole him requesting the King tell him when they are leaving, this is not the case... Fang believes it because he can be an arrogant prick at times, but I, myself, know the King and everyone else in the room owes him nothing :P ... just to clear things up so no one thinks I'm trying to make myself all high and mighty :D
Instead of doing a one-on-one with the king, it would be easier if he just relays all the questions to Rikki. That way we can move to the ship and keep the plot rolling.
Circus said:
Instead of doing a one-on-one with the king, it would be easier if he just relays all the questions to Rikki. That way we can move to the ship and keep the plot rolling.
That is what I was hoping you guys would do, hence I asked who had questions. xD
If you don't mind, could you say that Baron is now being handed over to Rikki's care or something along those lines? Baron is mainly clueless on what is going on and if he were forced into service with the promise he doesn't kill any crew, it would make it so I don't have to post a whole back-and-forth. It makes sense since his is a prisoner, too.

EDIT: I don't mind if you take control of my character for this bit.
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Circus said:
If you don't mind, could you say that Baron is now being handed over to Rikki's care or something along those lines? Baron is mainly clueless on what is going on and if he were forced into service with the promise he doesn't kill any crew, it would make it so I don't have to post a whole back-and-forth. It makes sense since his is a prisoner, too.
EDIT: I don't mind if you take control of my character for this bit.
Sounds good Circus. I will most likely wrap up after this. I need to make an announcement for the RP before I continue. Should be finished tomorrow.
Ricia said:

No God/Mother Earth/Heritic

Jinzo as Barbo -3

Eagle as Erika

Circus as Baron

Lupus as Fang

Harlan as Aht

High Gods- Aura and Artamus

Kiotaro as Raiko

Soda as Moriadus

Dekiru-God of Courage, Honesty and Hope

Ricia as Rikki -1

TheFallOfitAll as Catalina

The J as Tekkan

Enally- Goddess of Wisdom, knowledge, and Patience

TheFallOfitAll as Catalina

Soda as Moriadus

Jirua- Goddess of Peace, Love, and Life

Paranoia as Lerilot

Soda as Moriadus

Kilanos- God of Chaos, Hate and Death

jukeboxingirl90 as Vorgak -2

Paranoia as Lerilot

Paddling as Felix

Lupus as Fang

Sedtia-Goddess of Deception, Fear and Suffering

divyansh as Zalon -2

Harlan as Aht

Vel'ath-God of Strength, Vitality, and Dexterity

Ixidor92 as Leceel -1

Jon as Alexander​
What are the numbers mean?
A feature I would like many of you to be aware of:

@LupusDeUmbra is starting one since his character left in the middle of the king's speech. So their side quest will be happening while the rest of us listen to the king babble on and such. x3
The main story will (And should always be) progressing. There are a lot of players and sometimes things will happen that will bring the story to a halt. Such as duels and one on one dialogue. Perhaps there is someone who wants to go off and steal money while the rest of the group actually doing story line stuff. That is fine.

The reason I do this is so the main story line is not clogged up by individuals actions. A bit later into the story there will be a time where you guys will be making the choices in what to do. I will just be telling you what is happening because of those choices.
Good ending to the opening scene. Wanted to let you know I'm still active.

I will have a post ready when the next scene starts.
Alright. It will be starting monday.

I've been out with family so I can't say to expect anything from me. Won't be near a computer for a while.
This thread is ONLY to be posted in by someone telling me they are going to be gone for a bit and unable to post. This is so that we can keep track of everyone and thing!

People currently on leave:


People who can't post often:





With that being said:

Just a heads up, I've had a random minor potential medical emergency and might be poofing in and out of the site till I get my crap put together. I'll still be around a lot, but at the same time I'm not 100% sure. Like... I'm not sure of a lot right now.

So I'm sorry if I do something and then you can't get a hold of me or if you need me and I'm not around the site or TS.

I'll try to give you bigger heads up if i'll be unable to truly be around or not or how severe (or not severe) things really are.

But I will still be (trying) to run the RP for you guys to the best of my ability.

Thanks for your understanding!
is it possible for you to change the name of my Monologue thread to Adventures of Captain Fang... I'm going to be using it for all my Monologue purposes so as not to clog the Forum with too many threads

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