[There Will Be No End] Lets talk!

much thanks :D ... will post in the riverboat thing once more people have gotten on and it is set in stone that the boats have left :P since Fang is gonna see them leaving and have to swim out to them
@Circus well my character sort of misses the boat while it's in the dock... I just wanted to get a post up since it's been a few days since the new part has started... i'll just wait for Ricia to post again and confirm the boat leaving before i post again... sorry if it confuses anyone, was just trying to play into the whole fact that Fang basically just demanded he be woken up and left... the king has no reason to do him favors, sooooo Fang has to learn that :P
I've waited long enough. Those who've not posted, you are automaticly on the boat. 
Alright guys. We have two options...

  1. Time skip to the port city....
  2. or play out a couple days of the week on the ship for some to speak with other characters.

@Circus your character will be granted a few hours outside of your cell every few days, that way you do have a chance to interact with other people's characters.
I vote option 2

also, I like the not so subtle distaste for Fang that Rikki has xD ... oh and quick note, The color of Rikki's speech is a color that is hard to see for me... idk if anyone else thinks so, but I was just letting you know... I was able to read it, but it was sorta hard
I'm fine with option two.

What active characters are on the ship? Seems some people might have dropped or haven't posted in a while.
Give me a moment to get to my lappy again. I have one joininh whom I'm going to assume made it to the ship. I'll get a list of current active players.

I need to promote the RP as I think more are dropping the joining. The school year is taking the players!
OMG! I'M SO SORRY! I HAVEN'T RECEIVED ANY NOTIFICATIONS FOR THE RP! I'M SO SORRY! I just checked the roleplay and it seems that you have gone pretty far, would you mind telling me what has happened, or shall I just read it? I'M SO SORRY AGAIN!
I think by Tomorrow I'll get up a Current Story Board.... and an Update and Announcements thread.
Thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!
Apologies for dropping off the face of the earth for this roleplay. Went on vacation(which was a cruise so no free wifi) and then I'm still busy with school which eats up my free time ;_;
Just tell me if you are in or not Jon x3

I don't mind, really I don't... buttttt don't leave me guessing xD

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