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Futuristic The Zelrian War

PinguTheOtterfucker said:
Well, ok then, i am new in here, can you suggest me a RP that is not dead? (I won't be a penguin i promise)
Sure. Does Fantasy (like gods, God eaters, vampires, demons, angels, supernatural beings) fit in with you? also a high school? and combat? while also slice of life?
HimeragiSeiker said:
Sure. Does Fantasy (like gods, God eaters, vampires, demons, angels, supernatural beings) fit in with you? also a high school? and combat? while also slice of life?
of course i would like to play something like that, it seems cool, i didn't understand the slice of life part but i think i can do it, i wonder what is the combat like ?
PinguTheOtterfucker said:
how can i change my name, i opened the account because my friend wanted me to play this but i didn't thought i would actually play
Haha...I would explain but I'm too busy to explain. I need to do Teacher Assistant work and shit..
PinguTheOtterfucker said:
how can i change my name, i opened the account because my friend wanted me to play this but i didn't thought i would actually play
In account settings, all the way at the bottom of the page (Just above the "Log out" option) there's a User Name Change button. Click that, and it'll take you to the page to change your name. It'll ask you for your current password, show you your current username, ask you for the name you want to change it to, and any notes you want to send to the moderators with it. Once you submit the new name it has to be approved by a moderator before it will take effect, and I believe you can only change your username once every 12 months, though I heard that a while ago and I don't know if it's still true.
LegoLad659 said:
In account settings, all the way at the bottom of the page (Just above the "Log out" option) there's a User Name Change button. Click that, and it'll take you to the page to change your name. It'll ask you for your current password, show you your current username, ask you for the name you want to change it to, and any notes you want to send to the moderators with it. Once you submit the new name it has to be approved by a moderator before it will take effect, and I believe you can only change your username once every 12 months, though I heard that a while ago and I don't know if it's still true.
thanks, but i don't think i will change my name, i saw that i opened my account almost a year ago and somehow noone said something so i am good with this :D
PinguTheOtterfucker said:
thanks, but i don't think i will change my name, i saw that i opened my account almost a year ago and somehow noone said something so i am good with this :D
Alright then xD

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