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Futuristic The Zelrian War


Fairy Queen
Roleplay Type(s)
Crew Members

@theManCalledSting: Elena Ambrose (Starcutter Copilot)

@Anaxial: Alurak Nazalit (Tactics Officer)

@Daisie: Eclipsi Mairane (Chief Scientist)

@AlphaDraco: Trr'Nkit/Trinket (Combat Medic/Shuttle Pilot)

@SdrawcabDaer: MIO_112 (System Engineer)

@The Endergod: Ryder Willoughby (Starcutter Engineer)

@Coriandr: Larkinson Desforate (Starcutter Engineer)

@Facethelight: Asane Naki (Weapons Officer)

@Advent Azure: Milia Starhock (Starfighter Pilot, Reconnaissance), Azure Zelo (Engineer)

@TeaMMatE11: Taylor (Squad Leader/Starfighter Pilot)

@LocoBlock: Aron Nelson (Scout)

@Arty: John Abraus (Kinetic Tank Pilot), Drake Evergreen (Kinetic Tank Gunner)

@HimeragiSeiker: Ishgria Seiker (Security Drone)

@CalamariHero: Cavalier (Starcutter AI)

Here's the stuff I'll need to know for your character sheet:



Race & Racial Traits, if applicable






Preferred Equipment
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Name: Jared Conrad

Age: 34

Race: Human



Tends to be very cold and blunt, though he does care about the welfare of his crew. He will do everything in his power to keep them safe, and does not tolerate insubordination.

Backstory: Jared used to live on a relatively new colony on Tema 2-38, which was mostly known for its agricultural developments. The Zelrians attacked his colony, leaving it in ruins. He and his brother Jacob were among the few people that survived. After that point he applied to the military and worked his way up the ladder to become the captain he is now, while his brother pursued his own interests in a spaceship that acts as his home.

Position: Captain

Skills: Commanding troops, and is a very capable soldier both on land and in space. He relies on the abilities of his crew to keep the Starcutter intact, as he is not an engineer.

Preferred Equipment: His personalized T-139 Laser Rifle, a sniper rifle that his brother modified for him. It can pierce most types of armor in a single shot, but has a long recharge period. He also carries a standard-issue plasma assault rifle with him as well.
Name: Elena Ambrose

Age: 24

Race & Racial Traits, if applicable: Human



Elena Ambrose is a girl that is often considered a bit of a lunatic due to her devil may care attitude, she would go rush in heated situations guns a blazing, thankfully she also has a habit of surviving.

Backstory: A Former Space Pirate, she then found herself on the run after a botched Heist she went into hiding, some how landing a position with the crew of the Starcutter, a new crew and a new life... "I wonder if I can convince these blokes to lend me a hand for another heist..."

Position: Navigator

Skills: Navigation Skills from her time as a Space Pirate.

A Sharpshooter with a Pistol.


Preferred Equipment: Dirty Deeds: Her Trusty Laser Pistol
Name: Trr'Nkit (Often called Trinket as it is easier to pronounce for other species)

Age: 21

Race: Krr'Lyyks (Mantoids by Humans)

Racial Traits: Mantoids are known for both their increased speed and nimbleness. They are quite deft with their appendages, and very adept when it comes to machinery. Their chitin allows them to take more punishment than most species, though they must live within high humidity and high heat.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.c0841782bf8e4370eb5fda26667a7c97.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113796" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.c0841782bf8e4370eb5fda26667a7c97.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Trr'Nkit seems to be very calm and collected, yet he is pretty eccentric for his species. Most Krr'Lyyks would never participate on ships with other species, or even enjoy working in combat positions, yet Trr'Nkit does. He is fascinated by the other races that inhabit the stars, and is the primary reason he joined the military.

Trr'Nkit was hatched on the hot and humid colony world of Zss'Rkk. Growing up, he was always seen as a bit eccentric by his peers, often ostracized for having his head to far out of the burrow. He, to the chagrin of his hive mates, was always interested in alien races and how his species should form an alliance with one of the spacefaring races. The insular Krr'Lyyks would never do this of course, though the situation changed with the arrival of the Zelrians.

The Krr'Lyyks, believing that the Zelrians War was just between the humans and Zelrians, were complely taken by surprise by the Zelrian war fleet. Facing a threat even more technologically advanced than the humans, consensus was quickly made to employ a joint military venture with the humans, and any other alien race that would join together in the defense. Trr'Nkit would join a crew, using his knowledge of alien species to become the unit's combat medic.

Combat Medic / Shuttle Pilot

Knowledge of alien biology and psychology allows treatement of up to 34 alien species. Understanding of gravitational and three dimensional space, along with incredible deft hands, make him a great ground to space shuttle pilot. He is a good shot with his Paralyzer Rifle.

Preferred Equipment:
His Combat Medic Pack contains all the materials needed to heal 34 species for all but the most grievous of wounds. His lower combat harness provides the heat and humidity he needs to survive outside of his species' preferred environment. His Mark 17 Paralyzer Rifle is used to great effect, temporarily stopping the flow of electrons and chemicals in a target, resulting in near instantaneous paralysis of the target for several moments. Multiple hits with the weapon will cause death. Ineffective against body armor, though can disrupt electronics when hit with enough shots.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.b2d9197b95fe937f6ac62c6116a9fff0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113797" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.b2d9197b95fe937f6ac62c6116a9fff0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.8527b208318cc3d93e97283f71b59a8e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113798" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.8527b208318cc3d93e97283f71b59a8e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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24 years old

When she was ten years old, she was in a serious flight accident. So serious that if not for the technology

and skill of the doctors she would have died. Even with them, everyone said it was a miracle she survived.

It wasn't by accident.

On the flight with her were Drakkarians, a species known to very few individuals in the galaxy.

Hunted near to extinction, these Drakkarian were just trying to survive. Azira Asteharq didn't die,

but she didn't exactly survive either. To save her daughter,

one of the Drakkarians fused her daughter's soul with Azira's shattered one.

She was then killed, and it was the fused soul that kept her alive.

However, eight years passed. She had to learn to walk, talk, eat and basically do anything again.

When she was eighteen, the human soul began to break down as the Drakkarian soul rebelled

against being in a foreign body. Basically it acted as an incapatible heart in a body.

She was saved by a group of thieves and their Drakkarian friend.

Eventually, they were able to give her a necklace that stabilized her,

but if she ever took it off... Well, bad things would happen.

Azira has always been quiet, and because of her constant and often paralyzing nightmares

before she had the necklace, she was labeled as the crazy one, stupid and completely useless in society.

She lived with her aunt and uncle, who shut her away from society.

Despite this, she found one release: the pilot's chair. She became a prodigal pilot, easily one of the best in the galaxy.

Her personality is quiet, shy and submissive. She has learned to stand up for herself, but she still has gotten through a lot of things by leaning on her friends. She's dependant on them, and fiercely loyal to them. She's incredibly smart, but won't say anything or help unless someone asks her. Not that she's mean, just that she's too shy to speak up herself. Occasionally, when words fail (and they often do, a lasting impact from her accident) she will just act without explanation, and quickly solve the problem. Then she'll go back to being shy and submissive like she did nothing.

She'll take the Pilot's position, please.

She can feel the presence of any living thing, a Drakkarian ability, even when it's invisible.

She is a prodigal pilot, and can fly any craft with only a few minutes' training.

She has no defense capabilities, no hand-to-hand combat, nothing. She can't fight at all.

She prefers a piloting console, her necklace, and quiet. She doesn't do well in crowds, or loud situations.

@AlphaDraco Your character is okay for the most part, but I have a couple of issues with it.

First, there's a problem with his backstory. If you check the overview, the Zelrian war has been going on for over 100 years. The situation wouldn't have changed in his lifetime for his species to change their minds.

Second, isn't that weapon a bit too powerful for a combat medic?
Name: Alurak Nazalit

Age: 57 (human years, though he is considered a young adult by his people)

Race & Racial Traits, if applicable: Taz'khalit


Hardy- Taz'khalit are natural born survivors thanks to their desert homeworld. They can take barrages of punches without so much as flinching and their skin is callous to the touch.

Large-Eaters- Taz'khalit size is supported by their ravanous diet, requiring to eat at least half their weight each day in order to maintain proper nutrition.

Tribal- Even though they have ascended into the age of spaceflight, Taz'khalit are very tribal in their customs and mannerisms.

Strength- Their large size and bulking muscle mass enables the Taz'khalit to be almost four times stronger than the average human.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/c74275c3a36ea84d25fd670575c0bf44.jpg.a7b3d3e36cab6d4625de2a0967c2251e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113822" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/c74275c3a36ea84d25fd670575c0bf44.jpg.a7b3d3e36cab6d4625de2a0967c2251e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance: Standing at 7'9'', Alurak is somewhat short for a Taz'khalit but still towers over many of his allies. His skin is a light purple and is very well defined in muscle-mass. For clothing: Alurak wears little more than a decorative loin cloth to cover his nether-regions, a wide belt that covers up the bottom of his abdominal area, and a shoulder pad on his left arm.

Personality: Stoic and observative, Alurak is a quiet creature as most Taz'khalit are. He interjects only when he has a point to get across and ALWAYS gets his point across. He never interrupts however, interruption is seen as a personal attack in Taz'khalit culture and therefore waits for everyone to say their piece before he says his. Interrupting him can result in a few broken bones.

Backstory: Born on his homeworld Taz'khalit, Alurak joined a homeworld scout team that searched out possible colony worlds from the comfort of small scout ships capable of instantaneous jumps in space. He was quite content with this life of searching before a Zelrian colony was spotted through their long-range scopes, curious about meeting new aliens, the Taz'khalit government gathered a group of individuals to go and introduce themselves while discussing possible co-existence.

Naturally the team was killed on sight and a war started with the Zelrian's. The war went sour very quickly due to the lack of high-tech weaponry available to the Taz'khalit and it wasn't long before the Zelrian's were attacking Alurak's homeworld. Alurak himself got sucked into a rebel fighting force and fought the Zelrian forces on his homeworld for three years before the Government finally fell and the Taz'khalit were all but destroyed.

Escaping on the only ship to escape the Homeworld, Alurak is only one of twelve remaining Taz'khalit in the galaxy.

Position: Tactical Advisor/ Ground Team Leader


He is able to quickly adapt to new worlds and can navigate almost any territory on any world after a few days of acclimation.

He is capable of flying spacecraft, both large and small.

Despite his non-violent career, his time spent fighting the Zelrian on his homeworld have made him a terrifying combatant.

Preferred Equipment:

Battle Axe- A large melee weapon that is lined with a small vibrating pieces of metal that allow the axe to hack through metal. This weapon, while still a melee weapon is a formidable one even against armored foes.

Repeater Crossbow- A primitive plasma weapon of Taz'khalit design, this weapon resembles a crossbow with various tubes and wires and a large barrel on the bottom. It fires plasma bolts but needs to be loaded after each firing.



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LegoLad659 said:
@AlphaDraco Your character is okay for the most part, but I have a couple of issues with it.
First, there's a problem with his backstory. If you check the overview, the Zelrian war has been going on for over 100 years. The situation wouldn't have changed in his lifetime for his species to change their minds.

Second, isn't that weapon a bit too powerful for a combat medic?
Well, it could be that the Krr'Lyyks had only recently been getting into contact with other species, and only took the Zelrians as an actual threat when they started to be attacked.

As for the second, the nature of the weapon is pretty much useless against anything with any significant amounts of armor. It is really only effective against fleshy targets or ones with incredibly light armor.
AlphaDraco said:
Well, it could be that the Krr'Lyyks had only recently been getting into contact with other species, and only took the Zelrians as an actual threat when they started to be attacked.
Alright, I'll take that.

AlphaDraco said:
As for the second, the nature of the weapon is pretty much useless against anything with any significant amounts of armor. It is really only effective against fleshy targets or ones with incredibly light armor.
Nobody else has a weapon capable of completely frying a person in a single shot, though. Ineffective against armor or not, I'd prefer it to be changed, please.
@Anaxial Mind if I change your character's position to tactics? With navigation skills in both land and space, and with us already having a navigation officer, I feel like he would fit better there.
LegoLad659 said:
@Anaxial Mind if I change your character's position to tactics? With navigation skills in both land and space, and with us already having a navigation officer, I feel like he would fit better there.
Hey that's cool with me. Probably would fit better actually.
theManCalledSting said:
@Vespertide hope you're cool with a flirty space pirate hanging out with you
I have a couple more characters to throw in, too. At least one of them is going to be female ( :P )

I'm just letting other people get sheets in first before I toss 'em in.
Name: Eclipsi Mairane

Age: 25

Race: Sylen, a race from another side of the galaxy. Their head wavers absorb nutrients from the air to survive. If this were somehow lost, they wouldn't last long. They lack mouths, and use their telepathic abilities to communicate. Politely, of course.

Appearance: (Here's a crude sketch xD )


Personality: A very kind-hearted creature. Very curious, and can sometimes get themself in trouble for that. Very interested in science, technology, culture, and anything to do with other races. Typically innocent. Maybe a bit forgetful.

Backstory: Eclipsi lived with their own people once - a very knowledge-oriented, curious species. On a mission to discover different species and phoenominon, a spontaneous worm hole appeared, and sucked their personal spacecraft into a completely different side of the galaxy, where the Federation took them in for studying. They trained in the scientific area, and know basic combat skills. Though they prefer not to kill, if threatened, they will.

Skills: Learns very VERY quickly. They have studied other species so much, that they can sometimes analyze other species' appearances to figure out how some parts of their body work. They are also trained well in medicine.

Preferred equipment: A basic analasys pack; A basic scanner, containers for samples, various chemicals and tools. They also prefer to carry a small laser weapon, as they have been given a few strange looks.

If there's anything else you need to know, I'd be happy to explain.
Daisie said:
Name: Eclipsi Mairane
Age: 25

Race: Sylen, a race from another side of the galaxy. Their head wavers absorb nutrients from the air to survive. If this were somehow lost, they wouldn't last long. They lack mouths, and use their telepathic abilities to communicate. Politely, of course.

Appearance: (Here's a crude sketch xD )


Personality: A very kind-hearted creature. Very curious, and can sometimes get themself in trouble for that. Very interested in science, technology, culture, and anything to do with other races. Typically innocent. Maybe a bit forgetful.

Backstory: Eclipsi lived with their own people once - a very knowledge-oriented, curious species. On a mission to discover different species and phoenominon, a spontaneous worm hole appeared, and sucked their personal spacecraft into a completely different side of the galaxy, where the Federation took them in for studying. They trained in the scientific area, and know basic combat skills. Though they prefer not to kill, if threatened, they will.

Skills: Learns very VERY quickly. They have studied other species so much, that they can sometimes analyze other species' appearances to figure out how some parts of their body work. They are also trained well in medicine.

Preferred equipment: A basic analasys pack; A basic scanner, containers for samples, various chemicals and tools. They also prefer to carry a small laser weapon, as they have been given a few strange looks.

If there's anything else you need to know, I'd be happy to explain.
What position are they in on the Starcutter?

Something else about it rubs me the wrong way as well, though I'm not quite sure what it is :/ Maybe the emphasis on how quickly they learn? Someone give me a second opinion on this, I'm not 100% sure.
LegoLad659 said:
What position are they in on the Starcutter?
Something else about it rubs me the wrong way as well, though I'm not quite sure what it is :/ Maybe the emphasis on how quickly they learn? Someone give me a second opinion on this, I'm not 100% sure.
Do we have a scientist on this ship? I feel like we need one... Especially since I'm getting Mass Effect vibes... for some reason
theManCalledSting said:
Do we have a scientist on this ship? I feel like we need one... Especially since I'm getting Mass Effect vibes... for some reason
That sounds about right, yeah.
LegoLad659 said:
What position are they in on the Starcutter?
Something else about it rubs me the wrong way as well, though I'm not quite sure what it is :/ Maybe the emphasis on how quickly they learn? Someone give me a second opinion on this, I'm not 100% sure.
I'd prefer them to be a scientist or medical officer. An assistant, if you already have one.

If you would like, I won't emphasize on that as much.
Daisie said:
I'd prefer them to be a scientist or medical officer. An assistant, if you already have one.
If you would like, I won't emphasize on that as much.

The thing is, I don't know what it is I don't like about it. That was just a guess, but I just don't know. That's why I'm asking for other opinions.

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