The World of Tomorrow

Random Events

Eclipse Empire

Members of the Sons of the Achaemenid confronting the Eclipsian patrol troops.

An underground movement calling themselves the Sons of the Achaemenid had staged an underground rebellion against the Eclipsian rule of what is once to be called as "Iran". They formed to overthrow the Eclipsian rule in Iran and make the Persian people independent, the amount of members are unknown but it is stated that they are many. Their members are comprised with Persian nationalists and Persian noblemen. They use masks to hide their identity from the Eclipsian government. The Eclipsian imperial governorate in Iran had claim that the Persian nobles are secretly funding the Sons of the Achaemenid although the Persian nobles denies this act.

Today, the members of the Sons of the Achaemenid had raided police stations and military bases of the Eclipse Empire in Iran, mainly Tehran and western part of Iran. Even the members had confronted the patrol troops and killed them without warning. Over 259 Eclipsian troops and police forces had died from the series of surprise attacks from the underground rebels and the Persian people under the Eclipsian rule had started to like the Sons of the Achaemenid and pretty much that the Eclipsian rule in Iran is getting vulnerable because of the popularity of the Sons of the Achaemenid.

Effect: Underground rebellion in western Iran.

@Loyal Guardian

Socialist Republic of Britain

Irish people in Ireland protest for independent against the Socialist Republic of Britain in Dublin.

A month ago after the British Invasion to Ireland. City-settlements like Dublin started to dislike the British rule and the new government of Britain which is socialism. Ever since the Cold War occured which happened thousands of years ago, Ireland had negative views about socialism and communism.

Today, 90,000 people marched in the streets of Dublin, protesting for an Irish independence from Britain and must restore the Irish national unity. Rumor has it that an Irish rebel group calling themselves the "Neo-Irish Republican Army" also known as NIRA was formed and the total amount of members are unknown however this faction considered it as a myth to the British government and to the Irish people.

Effects: Protest for Irish independence.


Fourth Republic of Poland

Neo-Nazis in Ukraine marching in the streets of Kiev, demanding for independence from Poland.
Hundred of thousands of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine are marching in the streets of Kiev, demanding for independence from Poland or they'll stage a widespread violent rebellion against the Polish rule and will invade the Polish heartland just like what the Poles did to the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians are tired from foreign rule, from Russia, from Germany, now to Poland.

A Ukrainian far-right paramilitary organization calling themselves as the "Ukrainian National Army" had seized government buildings in southern Ukraine, thousands of Ukrainians had participated and they had began their full-scale occupation in southern Ukraine. They also have killed Polish employees who had worked for the Polish government situated in southern Ukraine. This is the voice of the Ukrainian people to the Fourth Republic of Poland.

Effect: Poland had lost the territory of southernmost part of Ukraine up to Crimea from the Ukrainian National Army.


Free Lands of New Varmadr Vestan

Italian partisans ambushed the Varmadr Vesdan troops in northern Italy.

After the failed Italian rebellion from the recent colonization of Varmadr Vesdan of the Italian peninsula. The remnants of the rebellion formed a movement calling themselves "Free Italy" which situated in northern Italy.

Today, the Italian rebels did a series ambush to the colonial troops in northern Italy near the former British-French border and 164 colonial troops have died in the hands of the Italian rebels in just three days. The Italian rebels will not stop until Varmadr Vesdan will leave the Italian Peninsula.

Effects: Series of ambush against colonial troops by the Italian rebels in northern Italy.

@Domini Regum
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Location-Cuba FOB

The bodies burned. In dozens of piles, hundreds of human corpses burned in the morning haze, as Texas soldiers watched silently. Since the initial landing on the island, the Texas forces had faced a adversary they were not prepared for, plague. Nuclear radiation had affected the island nations few remaining inhabitants years ago, and mutation and rot had quickly spread. When the Texas troops landed, they faced waves of mutated humans, and a hostile virus that killed almost anything it touched. With increasing casualties, Texas troops were withdrawn from the island, and Texas warships began a bombardment action along the coast.

The tide turned, however, when new combat gear arrived from Colorado. Immediately distributed to the men, the armor allowed the Texas forces to resist the virus, and with this immunity, began a new campaign, rapidly taking the island. Before colonization could begin, however, they need to burn the virus out. Admiral Travis had thought of that one himself, brutal and efficient. With the new armor, the entire island was conquered in less than a week.


(Experimental Texas Combat Assault Armor)

Location-Border of the Canadian Nation'

Captain Nathaniel Harding stood silently with his hands clasped behind his back, watching out the view port of the air ship as they drew closer to the great lakes. Nodding to the comm officer, Captain Harding cleared his throat before speaking.

"This is Captain Nathaniel Harding of the Empire of Texas. We have received reports of civilization in this area, please respond to the this transmission if able. We will repeat this transmission every hour for two days, before departing. That is all." Sighing, Nathaniel leaned back against the railing behind him, running his hand through his head. Now, the waiting began.


Territorial Gains

All of Cuba and surrounding islands.

Scientific Gains

Development of the Texas assault armor.

Further research into the sky platform projects.
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Persian Province, Eclipse Empire

The recent uprising in the Persian Province was admittedly well timed. The most capable leaders are currently out on either envoys or expansion campaigns, not to mention that the emperor is out as well. However during his tour of Singapore, Emperor Byron gave the order to deploy main military forces all across the providence. T-99 Hover Tanks, Jovian Sky Stations, and the newly developed aircraft are deployed all across the Providence. The Sons of the Achaemenid were deemed terrorists and all suspected Persian nobles who were funding them were stripped of power and arrested until they could prove that they were innocent.

Now that the common soldier is equipped with the Ganymede Power Suit, the commanders of the operation authorized the complete sweep of every major center of these "terrorists". Intense underground clashes were heard with many sinkholes cause by such actions were created, with most of them in Tehran. However with the massive movement much of the Persian resistance is captured or killed in combat, with the remainder fleeing to small towns and cities.

After a second wave of sweeping the providence the remaining Sons of the Achaemenid congregated into a very large city that was left untouched in the sweeps. With the aid of the Enceladus System, the Jovian Stations and the Dione Satellites fired at the city and obliterated it one volley. Afterwards any survivors were rounded up by Eclipsian Troops and most were executed. The ones who blamed the Eclipse Empire for all of there losses were offered a autonomous providence to live in, located across the red sea. Every civilian that was effected by the uprising was then given refuge and were aided by volunteers. This event would become known as the "Achaemenid Rebellion" and showed the Eclipsian government that people still cling onto their old values.

Achaemenid Rebellion

  • Sons of the Achaemenid: Most, if not all, members are either captured or killed in the swift offensive.
  • Eclipse Empire: 162 Eclipsian Soldiers KIA, 1,234 Eclpsian Policemen KIA.
  • Result: Rebellion squashed and all convicted nobles are jailed with new pro-government ones being elected.
  • The Persian Providence is separated into two new Providences: The Persian Province and the Autonomous Persian Governorate

@Emperor Ploppa
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POV Logan Frost. NRC.

While waiting for the reply the man with a coke-bottle glasses tapped me on the shoulder and said. “Sir, there is another transmission. The southern stations picked it up and are relying it to us. They are saying something about Texas, from the old world, sir.”

I nodded and said back. “Alright, transfer the UK channel to a separate station. Inform them that contact has been made and the challenge is cleared. Transfer the new signal here.”

He nodded and quickly jogged away, clicking buttons and swapping wires like a madman. Then static blazed in my ears, followed by a click, then another click before half of a message played thought.

ArisenMoon said:
"---Area, please respond to the this transmission if able. We will repeat this transmission every hour for two days, before departing. That is all."
I keyed the microphone. “Unidentified broadcaster, please identify yourself.” I clicked off the microphone and leaned back, saying to another runner that had appeared behind me. “Get me a radar image looking south and put the 4th on secondary alert and await my orders. Oh, and get these to bunker six. Tell them to begin project Baskerville and to write a report.”

He finished scribbling and whisked the file away and out the door while I returned to my position and awaited further communication.



Project Baskerviller initiated.

Contact with the EOT has been initiated.
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@Loyal Guardian[/URL]

Socialist Republic of Britain

Irish people in Ireland protest for independent against the Socialist Republic of Britain in Dublin.

A month ago after the British Invasion to Ireland. City-settlements like Dublin started to dislike the British rule and the new government of Britain which is socialism. Ever since the Cold War occured which happened thousands of years ago, Ireland had negative views about socialism and communism.

Today, 90,000 people marched in the streets of Dublin, protesting for an Irish independence from Britain and must restore the Irish national unity. Rumor has it that an Irish rebel group calling themselves the "Neo-Irish Republican Army" also known as NIRA was formed and the total amount of members are unknown however this faction considered it as a myth to the British government and to the Irish people.

Effects: Protest for Irish independence.


Fourth Republic of Poland

Neo-Nazis in Ukraine marching in the streets of Kiev, demanding for independence from Poland.
Hundred of thousands of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine are marching in the streets of Kiev, demanding for independence from Poland or they'll stage a widespread violent rebellion against the Polish rule and will invade the Polish heartland just like what the Poles did to the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians are tired from foreign rule, from Russia, from Germany, now to Poland.

A Ukrainian far-right paramilitary organization calling themselves as the "Ukrainian National Army" had seized government buildings in southern Ukraine, thousands of Ukrainians had participated and they had began their full-scale occupation in southern Ukraine. They also have killed Polish employees who had worked for the Polish government situated in southern Ukraine. This is the voice of the Ukrainian people to the Fourth Republic of Poland.

Effect: Poland had lost the territory of southernmost part of Ukraine up to Crimea from the Ukrainian National Army.


Free Lands of New Varmadr Vestan

Italian partisans ambushed the Varmadr Vesdan troops in northern Italy.

After the failed Italian rebellion from the recent colonization of Varmadr Vesdan of the Italian peninsula. The remnants of the rebellion formed a movement calling themselves "Free Italy" which situated in northern Italy.

Today, the Italian rebels did a series ambush to the colonial troops in northern Italy near the former British-French border and 164 colonial troops have died in the hands of the Italian rebels in just three days. The Italian rebels will not stop until Varmadr Vesdan will leave the Italian Peninsula.

Effects: Series of ambush against colonial troops by the Italian rebels in northern Italy.

@Domini Regum

"CO?! Jakim prawem ci pieprzoni naźiści rządają Ukrainy?! Wysłać połowę naszych wojsk i zniszczyć... Zaraz, my mamy przecież wojska w Ukrainie! Zniszczyć Fuhrerków!" The Polish president was enraged that some random Nazi-Ukraians were going to establish a new country, which didn't happen.


Polish forces stationed in Ukraine begin taking out the rebels who murdered, and those who didn't end up inprisoned.

(Also, if there wasn't any new country being created, why would you-amongst all tell someone that you loat some land to ,, rebels '' )
Singaporean Federation

Garden by the Bay, Singapore

Prince/Duke Albert enters. An aide guides him towards the group. "Selamat Datang! Welcome to Singapore, the moon among the five stars. I am Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes. I trust that you had a pleasant ride here?" said Zeph. I'll complete the talks with the Rockies first, have them go on a tour, talk with Emperor Byron, and bring them all together to facilitate more international talks.

@Fishman Lord

Sentosa Park, Singapore

Emperor Byron is brought to Sentosa Resort

@Loyal Guardian (you don't need to do anything.)

Sri Lanka

The navy has taken the entire island and has begun building a series of fortifications along the coast. They are doing the same at the Maldives.


The First Trade fleet has begun departure. The navy is staying behind to fortify the islands. They have requested cargo planes arrive to support construction. The First Trade Fleet heads for Mauritius.

Hanoi, Singaporean Federation

The North Reclamation Force is preparing to depart once again, this time to reclaim the lands between Hanoi, Hainan Island, and Hong Kong.

Polish Airspace

The Singaporean Representative to Britain is approaching Britain.

@JJKab @Agent141

Territorial Gains

Sri Lanka


(I'll post a military status sheet on the overview tab tomorrow. Sorry these are pretty short, I'm exhausted from hiking up Mt Fuji.)
Alteras said:
Singaporean Federation

Garden by the Bay, Singapore

Prince/Duke Albert enters. An aide guides him towards the group. "Selamat Datang! Welcome to Singapore, the moon among the five stars. I am Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes. I trust that you had a pleasant ride here?" said Zeph. I'll complete the talks with the Rockies first, have them go on a tour, talk with Emperor Byron, and bring them all together to facilitate more international talks.

@Fishman Lord

Sentosa Park, Singapore

Emperor Byron is brought to Sentosa Resort

@Loyal Guardian (you don't need to do anything.)

Sri Lanka

The navy has taken the entire island and has begun building a series of fortifications along the coast. They are doing the same at the Maldives.


The First Trade fleet has begun departure. The navy is staying behind to fortify the islands. They have requested cargo planes arrive to support construction. The First Trade Fleet heads for Mauritius.

Hanoi, Singaporean Federation

The North Reclamation Force is preparing to depart once again, this time to reclaim the lands between Hanoi, Hainan Island, and Hong Kong.

Polish Airspace

The Singaporean Representative to Britain is approaching Britain.

@JJKab @Agent141

Territorial Gains

Sri Lanka


(I'll post a military status sheet on the overview tab tomorrow. Sorry these are pretty short, I'm exhausted from hiking up Mt Fuji.)
Small Military Airport near Kiev detected small movement of a plane entering Polish airspace

"Undentidies Airplane, you've entered Polish Military Airspace, state your allegiance, or face consenquences" The AA guns near the airport face the plane, ready to fire.
JJKab said:
Small Military Airport near Kiev detected small movement of a plane entering Polish airspace
"Undentidies Airplane, you've entered Polish Military Airspace, state your allegiance, or face consenquences" The AA guns near the airport face the plane, ready to fire.
The pilot of the 4th Governor's Plane responded, "This is the plane of Governor of the 4th District of the Singaporean Federation, Khey Lim, acting representative of the Singaporean Federation to the Socialist Republic of Britain. Escorting us is the gifts of the Singaporean Federation to the Socialist Republic of Britain and the planes of the Socialist Republic of Britain. We request safe passage to Britain." The pilot radioed their escorts, "I have already responded to their hail, we should be under diplomatic immunity."
Alteras said:
The pilot of the 4th Governor's Plane responded, "This is the plane of Governor of the 4th District of the Singaporean Federation, Khey Lim, acting representative of the Singaporean Federation to the Socialist Republic of Britain. Escorting us is the gifts of the Singaporean Federation to the Socialist Republic of Britain and the planes of the Socialist Republic of Britain. We request safe passage to Britain." The pilot radioed their escorts, "I have already responded to their hail, we should be under diplomatic immunity."
"Aight. Go on. You've got permission to fly through" The controller exclaimed, shutting every but one AA gun down.
Location-Great Lakes

Smiling, Captain Harding leaned forward, listening to the unknown person speaking. 'That was faster then we thought...' Turning, he waved his hand to the comms officer, opening up a similar channel to the others.

"This is Captain Nathaniel Harding of the Empire of Texas, we are here on a diplomatic mission to open negotiations with any other nation we find in North America. Please respond using this frequency."

As the signal cut, Nathaniel turned and grabbed his cloak from the peg on the wall nearby, pulling it on. If they were going to meet these people, he needed to be presentable.


Location-Cuban Province

Arriving at dawn, several Firehawk gunships flew over the Cuban FOB, before slowly descending, the doors opening alongn each side to deploy more armored soldiers. Since the striking success of the assault armor during hr Cuban campaign, the armor was being mass produced to become standard issue, it would be several months before each regiment had them, but that was the plan.

Stepping off with the soldiers, a man in a long flowing pruple robe stepped off as well, looking left and right while holding his cap on his head, grunting as the Firehawks lifted off.

The new Lord of the Cuban Province had arrived.

Territorial Gains

The entire island of Cuba and nearby islands consolidated and secured.

Technological Gains

Mass production of the Mach-1 Assault armor has begun.

Advancement on the floating platform project proceeding on schedule.
Garden by the Bay, Singapore

"Greetings! I am Duke Albert, Duke of Alaska and Prince of the Rockies. This has been a pleasure so far, and Singapore is an amazing and lovely city." The 23-year-old prince sat down and greeted the pilots from his home country. "However, we should probably get down to business. We have some claims fairly close to yours, and we should establish borders before tension and war breaks out.


Vancouver Island Shipyard

Another three ships had been completed. These three had now passed through the Panama Canal and were patrolling the coat of Texas, as the Rockians were worried about their expansion and military power.

Location-Cuban Defense Fleet

Word had been received of unknown warships patrolling near Texas controlled waters, in response, 2 Texas Class Battleships are dispatched from the invasion fleet to mirror the ships actions, and report in their movements.


(Texas Class Battleship-Imagine it all Steel grey)

@Fishman Lord
Singapore, Singaporean Federation

Emperor Byron was enjoying the tour of Singapore. From what he remembered, before the nuclear apocalypse Singapore was a city state that was large and beautiful. "Even after all of these years the people of this new nation made this city grand once again." He though while smiling. He also had to point out that the city was huge. However his ultimate goal is to establish strong relations with these people.


Izmir, Western Anatolia

General Centauri stood upon a old building looking out into the bay. His army had done it, they had taken over Anatolia and more importantly, Istanbul. The Emperor had given an order to rename the city Constantinople and so it was done. This was the point where the campaign should end, they reached their goal and have claimed important land for the empire. Centauri wanted more land for the empire however so he split his army in two, one to take Greece and one to take Arabia. As he smiled upon his decision he turned around to find one of his soldiers standing there. "Do you have a report?" He asked. "Yes sir. We have picked up signals coming from Cyprus, Crete, and Italy." The soldier said as he saluted. "It's most likely the S.R.B, they do have a very heavy presence in Europe." Centauri said trying to rationalize it. "No sir, this comes from a different nation that appears to have colonized the land. We have deciphered that this nation is called Varmadr Vestan." The soldier explained. "Well this changes everything. We do want Cyprus and Crete after all." Centauri said beginning to walk out of the building. "Sir are you going to go what Deimos did?" The soldier said worriedly. "Of course not. For one we lake the naval power to launch a island invasion and i am a proper general." He said beating his chest with one fist. "For now we expand." "Yes sir."

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • Emperor Byron is still touring Singapore
  • Eastern Campaign: Colonel Revus makes border connection with Singaporean Federation
  • Western Campaign: General Centauri takes over Anatolia and begins to take over Greece and Arabia, lays claims on Crete and Cyprus.

(File is new territory size)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Eclipse3.png.d245fe040e78013838ad04f7f11ce3fd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129565" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Eclipse3.png.d245fe040e78013838ad04f7f11ce3fd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Eclipse3.png
    80.1 KB · Views: 1

Firehawks flew overhead in their dozens, while hundreds of newly suited soldiers marched across the staging grounds of the Austin airfield. Squads quickly entered into Firehawks the moment the ships touched down, and the Firehawks then immediately lifted off, flying north. For reasons known only to the High Lord, a mass mobilization order had been sent to the home guard, the most veteran soldiers of the Texas military. With modified Firehawk units built for carrying vehicles now entering the area, the tank units began to roll forward as well, being clipped to the bottom of the Firehawks, before joining the mass exodus.

Flying closely behind the massive movements of Firehawks, several Thor platforms followed after, not as fast as the Firehawks, but still moving in their dozens towards the north. A forward operating base had been established in Colorado for the army, and each unit made their way there.
Singaporean Federation

Garden by the Bay, Singapore

"Very well, if you'll please follow me to the conference room." Zeph said as he pointed towards the exit. After several minutes, the entire group entered the room and was seated. Servants brought out snacks and beverages. The TV screen displayed an image of Oceania and nearby land masses. "The colored in masses is the current territory of Singapore." The map zoomed out a bit to include parts of Southern China. "We intend to take places near Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and possibly the Philippines. Our parliament is still debating the value of the Philippines, but we would like to have it under our control due to its proximity to Singapore herself. We also have a fleet taking small islands across the Indian and Atlantic Ocean." The map zoomed back to focus on Australia. "We have considered Australia, but our understanding is that it was nuked out. We are certainly interested in the resources there but we find the maintenance of that large of a land mass too costly for our government." Zeph paused for a moment. "Now, if you'll please point out your territories and claims, we can bring it on to screen."

@Fishman Lord

Hainan Island

The North Reclamation Force has reached Hainan Island. Two battleships have been found. They are being repaired and sent to Sulawesi Island.


The First Trade Fleet arrives at Mauritius. The Navy is setting up base in the old fort.

Bangkok, Singaporean Federation

Factories have produced 200 Patrol Boats and 2 small warships. Production of tanks is also beginning.

Territorial Gains

Hainan Island and all between the island and Hanoi


200 Patrol Boats

2 Small Warships

2 Battleships.
Conference room, Singapore

The Duke stood up and began pointing out areas of interest. "Well, we have control of the islands of Polynesia and New Zealand, including Hawaii, Samoa, and Tahiti. There are also small colonies on New Caledonia, and while the rest of Melanesia excluding New Guinea has no official settlers or outposts, it is still under the Viceroyalty of Polynesia and officially claimed. We have also shown interest in Australia, which we have found to have at least two surviving cities. This is not officially claimed, however, with the permission of the king the New Zealand Counts have been assembling an army and will be invading Sydney and Melbourne shortly. Across the Pacific, we also have interest in the Galapagos, however radar scans show the possibility of a nation already existing in that area."


Off the coast of Texas

"We are from the Kingdom of the Rockies. We came to monitor this area under peaceful terms."


Radium Hot Springs, Kingdom of the Rockies

"My king, our radar shows some sort of massive aircraft being deployed in Texas. We are unsure of its purpose, but it is most likely militaristic." The king sat up. "This is... unsettling. Bring out the plans for the Starling and prepare development. We must not let the Texans halt our ambitions."


Communication continues.

Begin development of armed satellites.
Location-Coast of Texas

"This is Captain Alan of the Glory, while im sure you mean your words and means as peaceful, you are nonetheless within Texas waters. You shall depart quickly or else we will negotiate your withdraw. You have one day to accept."

@Fishman Lord
Singaporean Federation

Conference Room, Garden by the Bay, Singapore

Zeph smiled. "I do not believe we have any conflicting claims. We will allow for an Australian invasion. We would like to hold shared mining rights in Australia, if possible. As these are waters close to Singapore, we would also like to retain some Naval dominance in the region. Of course we will adhere to international law outlined a millennia ago, granting free passage of military ships with official purpose. However there are still some dormant underwater mines that we're still trying to locate, so your ships will have to follow our guidance when entering Singaporean Federation waters." The screen changed to outline areas of Rockies claim. "Now that that's settled, I would like to talk about trade agreements. As you know, Singapore use to be a trading nation. While many companies have went bankrupt with the war, we still retain our lust for wealth. It would be very much appreciated if we can open trading not only with New Zealand, but also with the Rockies herself."

@Fishman Lord
ArisenMoon said:
"This is Captain Nathaniel Harding of the Empire of Texas, we are here on a diplomatic mission to open negotiations with any other nation we find in North America. Please respond using this frequency."
Suddenly the signal cut out. "Get them back!" I shouted in the normally quiet room.

There were a flurry of people around my console (IRL connectivity issues so yeah, sorry bout that.) reconnecting things like their lives depended upon it. Finally, after nearly an hour, the signal came back, as well as a runner that thrust at me, a large sheet of paper with lots of little dots all over. This was ground-clutter and I disregarded it immediately but what caught my attention was a very large blob of something at six thousand feet, facing three hundred degrees.

Thomas, the man with the coke-bottle glasses name, came up behind me and said, again softly. “Mr. Prime Minister, the signal has be reestablished. A fuse blew along the transmission line.”

I nodded and clicked the microphone back on. “Empire of Texas vessel, turn heading zero-zero-zero, direct north. Once you pass into Canadian airspace, you will be radioed for further instructions. How copy?”

Location-Great Lakes

Nodding at the words from the Canadians, Captain Harding turned and began issuing orders to helm. "Helm, adjust heading to Zero-Zero-Zero. Comm, send affirmative to the Canadians we have received, and are awaiting further instruction."

The Socialist Republic of Britain

Military Complex, The S.R.B.

@Loyal Guardian[/URL]

Socialist Republic of Britain

Irish people in Ireland protest for independent against the Socialist Republic of Britain in Dublin.

A month ago after the British Invasion to Ireland. City-settlements like Dublin started to dislike the British rule and the new government of Britain which is socialism. Ever since the Cold War occured which happened thousands of years ago, Ireland had negative views about socialism and communism.

Today, 90,000 people marched in the streets of Dublin, protesting for an Irish independence from Britain and must restore the Irish national unity. Rumor has it that an Irish rebel group calling themselves the "Neo-Irish Republican Army" also known as NIRA was formed and the total amount of members are unknown however this faction considered it as a myth to the British government and to the Irish people.

Effects: Protest for Irish independence.


Fourth Republic of Poland

Neo-Nazis in Ukraine marching in the streets of Kiev, demanding for independence from Poland.

Hundred of thousands of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine are marching in the streets of Kiev, demanding for independence from Poland or they'll stage a widespread violent rebellion against the Polish rule and will invade the Polish heartland just like what the Poles did to the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians are tired from foreign rule, from Russia, from Germany, now to Poland.

A Ukrainian far-right paramilitary organization calling themselves as the "Ukrainian National Army" had seized government buildings in southern Ukraine, thousands of Ukrainians had participated and they had began their full-scale occupation in southern Ukraine. They also have killed Polish employees who had worked for the Polish government situated in southern Ukraine. This is the voice of the Ukrainian people to the Fourth Republic of Poland.

Effect: Poland had lost the territory of southernmost part of Ukraine up to Crimea from the Ukrainian National Army.


Free Lands of New Varmadr Vestan

Italian partisans ambushed the Varmadr Vesdan troops in northern Italy.

After the failed Italian rebellion from the recent colonization of Varmadr Vesdan of the Italian peninsula. The remnants of the rebellion formed a movement calling themselves "Free Italy" which situated in northern Italy.

Today, the Italian rebels did a series ambush to the colonial troops in northern Italy near the former British-French border and 164 colonial troops have died in the hands of the Italian rebels in just three days. The Italian rebels will not stop until Varmadr Vesdan will leave the Italian Peninsula.

Effects: Series of ambush against colonial troops by the Italian rebels in northern Italy.

@Domini Regum
MM Torrad was sitting in his office, drinking a cup of tea, when a commander burst into his room. Torrad almost chocked on his tea because of this. "Sir, Ireland demands independence! People are flooding the streets in protest." he said. "Send 150,000 troops to Ireland to quell the protests. Also, initiate a draft of 5% the population. War with the Varmandr Vestan may be imminent." Torrad replied. "Yes sir." With that the commander left the room. Torrad then fell to the ground from a large vibration from the ground. The announcement speaker went off. IM Arran spoke. "Apologies everyone, just running some things here in the RnD labs."

Prime Minister's Limo, The S.R.B.

"Oh that. Just some issues with a nation that occupied Italy who call themselves 'The Free Lands of Varmandr Vestan'. Pfft, Free my arse." Kord responded. The limo suddenly swerved. The announcement system went off and IM Arran spoke the same announcement. "Well that was, unexpected, ah, it seems we are here." The limo stopped in front of the capitol building.

@Loyal Guardian

Rnd Labs, The S.R.B.

IM Arran put down the announcement radio. He then walked up to a scientist. "Status on Project: Panzer?" he asked. "I have good news and bad news. Good news is that the cannon performed way above expectation. Bad news is that we need a new firing range." the scientist said. "We also have yet to find a suitable material to make the armor out of. It has to be durable and plentiful." "And Project: Kepler?" Arran asked. "Due to shipments from Poland, we have a substantial amounts of fuel. We have the materials, but we have yet to figure out how our ancestors built those machines."

Communications Center, The S.R.B.

wulfle said:
“CAN to UK, challenge and read-back confirmed. It's good to hear another voice. Please relay situation. CAN able to assist with medical care and reclamation.”
"UK to CAN, we are not alone in this world. Do you wish for us to relay all known nations to us to you? We also have a colony in North America not too far from Canada." DM Alastair said into the main communicator.


S.R.B. Airspace.

The squad escorting the Singaporean diplomat had just entered British airspace. They neared Oxford airport and prepared to land.



150,000 troops are sent to Ireland in response to the protests.

5% of the population is drafted (600,000)

Project: Panzer is making significant progress and is around a quarter way done.

Project: Kepler is making progress and is around halfway done.
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POV Logan Frost. NRC.

I heard a confirmation of the order, relayed some more to Thomas and then, finally stood up. Damn, that hurts. I should really look into some more comfortable seats for these guys. Anyway, I left the signals hall and made my way to the armory. I had a little agreement with the men in the armory. They would refrain from telling people where I was or what I was doing and in return, let them make their own protocol for maintenance. It was efficient and useful for both of us, as they could work without people over their shoulders and I got to do what I loved. Play the soldier. Anyway I nodded to the quartermaster on my way into the “closet”, as they called it. It contained most of the exoskeletons that weren't in use and being repaired. I snagged one that was ready and slipped into it. Then I grabbed the standard 1st infantry kit, weapons, ruck and all, and slipped out into the blissful air. Even though it was hotter then hell and the sun had stripped away most of the atmosphere, it was just nice to be outside.

Hours passed and most of the land vehicles, jeeps, tanks and APCs, were all nestled around each other, a few meters apart to allow the 5th and civilian workers to begin repairing them. There was also a “landing pad” area of just some scavenged click-together pieces of prefab runway. Some trucks were already rebuilt and were carting men, scrap, tires, parts and shells around the area. On the outer-most line of activity, about ten or twelve meters past, there were soldiers from the 3rd and 4th that had set up sand-bags and crude bunkers. They had also brought out some old equipment out of storage from some of the other bunkers. They had M2HB machine gun nests, mortar pits and anti-tank rifles that the had staked into the bags. All-in-all it was an effective perimeter, providing three-sixty security. Then I saw the airship. It was a huge lumbering machine, all steel armor and gas envelope, bristling with weapons of all kinds. No doubt that they had received the coordinates to our outpost, I became rather pensive. What if these people were hostile? What if they went and told other where we were and what our capabilities are? They were drawing closer now.

Then a gunshot. It as over to the treeline to the east, small flashes of gunfire, maybe a hundred in all, winking though the dead logs. The entire section of soldiers on the side that the gunfire was coming from, all at once, turned, raised their guns and opened fire. There was a literal blanket of tracer fire and shells, so thick that you could no see the ground. It only lasted seconds but there was a hundred meter swath, twenty meters deep, of wood chips, smoke and bodies. A cleanup crew was quickly clearing the cases that the heavier guns used. There was no doubt that the ship had seen that, as it was drawing closer and closer.



Thomas Graham POV. Lieutenant-Colonel, signal hall, Nexus.

I leaned in close to the earpiece, hearing the stuttering static of a bad signal. I rotated the nobs and flicked some switches when, suddenly, the voice came back full-force.

Agent141 said:

"UK to CAN, we are not alone in this world. Do you wish for us to relay all known nations to us to you? We also have a colony in North America not too far from Canada."

“CAN to UK, I read you UK, five-by-five. Be advised, we're having trouble with our relay and signal systems. Affirmative, UK, exchange of information is accepted. Visitation is accepted. Be aware, our air force have not been able to procure any long-range aircraft capable of trans-Atlantic flight. Request picture of current situation. Political, social, infrastructure and, if possible, resource counts. Willing to provide water, food, munition and manufacturing facilities. How copy?"

wulfle said:
“CAN to UK, I read you UK, five-by-five. Be advised, we're having trouble with our relay and signal systems. Affirmative, UK, exchange of information is accepted. Visitation is accepted. Be aware, our air force have not been able to procure any long-range aircraft capable of trans-Atlantic flight. Request picture of current situation. Political, social, infrastructure and, if possible, resource counts. Willing to provide water, food, munition and manufacturing facilities. How copy?"
Communications Center, S.R.B.

"UK to CAN, five-by-five, will transmit situation." DM Alastair went to the messaging station.

"Europe, The 4th Republic of Poland, our trade partner, the Union of
Hallelujah, Italy which is occupied by a South American nation known as the Varmandr Vestan, and of course, us. Asia, The Empire of Manchuria, a Japanese nation of whose name we not know yet, the Singaporean Federation, our ally, and the Eclipse Empire. North America, The Empire of Texas, The Kingdom of the Rockies, our colony stationed in Rhode Island and Connecticut, and yourself. South America, the Free Lands of Varmandr Vestan. As said before, they invaded Italy and now have control of all of Italy and some territories from other prewar nations. So far the situation is not looking good, it looks like everything is pointing to war. No assistance is probably needed, as our military force of 1,339,000 men, 3,200 tanks, and 2,100 aircraft will greatly out number their current military force stationed in Italy, which is around 150,000 men to our knowledge. Protests in Ireland are occurring but we sent some soldiers to quell the protests. We currently have control of the British Isle, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, West Germany, Mainland Denmark, Switzerland, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. This message will repeat on loop for 4 hours until told to stop message." This message will be sent to the other party (NRC) on repeat for 4 hours until told to stop.

Global Event

Great Realm of Yamatai Disbands

On this day, the nation known as the Great Realm of Yamatai Disbands (User beakershell is leaving the RP). The Great Realm of Yamatai, stationed in Japan, had succumb to famine, a series of riots, and general disorder. The lands of this once great nation falls into anarchy once more. The pilots hailing from Manchuria and Britain would return to their respective countries. But, while the story of the Great Realm of Yamatai died in a fire, their legacy lives on. Another nation may come to take the lands of this once great nation, or a new nation may form from the ashes, who knows. Only time will tell.

@JJKab @Fishman Lord @Pat @Alteras @Emperor Ploppa @Domini Regum @ArisenMoon @Loyal Guardian @wulfle
North Italy

the Italian council had been debating for three hours, on the the rebels and the economy and such, until a representative from Katrina Corporation walked into the court.

"I am the spokesman for Katrina Corporation... and we wish to speak about the rebels. We want to help fight against them. "

After a second, the representative from the Holy See stood up.

"Why do you want to help? " he objected.

The spokesman smiled

"The rebels hurt our profits, so we wish to stop them. The only thing we need is funds. 300 million, to be exact. With that, we have 50,000 Tactical employees to spare, with the benefits of our tactical expertise... Also, we have many of the rebel's exact location... The new cell-phones are very popular. "

The Council stayed silent for a minute, before debating again.

After thirty minutes, they came to a decision.

"We accept your offer. You are allowed to attack and kill any rebel presence, but if anything goes bad, Katrina Corporation is traitorous and will be confiscated by the government. Deal? "

The spokesman thought for a few seconds.


Later, all around the nation, massive sting operations were being done on Free Italy hideouts, and many more being tracked on cell phones.

Rome Communication Center

After receiving orders from the Council of Thousand, the Organizers prepared a speech.

A young woman's voice comes on, proud and happy, while the Varmandr Vestan Anthem plays.

"Hail, Socialist Republic of Britain, we wish to make offers:

We will offer a non-aggression pact. We do not wish for war with you, only peaceful trading.

That being said, we also wish for a trading agreement to which our many companies could help your economy threefold what it is. Katrina Corporation has also offered to bring in the new Khaos 1.0 smartphone at a reduced price to your people.

Our last offer, is for an embassy in our new United Nations centre. We are trying to help the world peacefully with negotiators instead of soldiers.

We will await your reply.

Long live the People of Earth! "

As the video ends, a short three second video flashes of a Varmandr Vestan soldier giving a water bottle to a poor looking woman, while Liberators VTOL systems fly by and Tanks roll by, carrying refugees.



Katrina Corporation is fighting the rebels in Italy, as the VV troops focus on North Africa.

Many new stores open up in both Italy and South America, as the economy starts increasing rapidly.

Territory Gains.

a small piece of North Africa below Italy.

All coasts of South America, 10 miles in.

Western Greek Penensula.



Advanced Rocketry

Mass Martial Arts training for military (Krav Mga)

Long range ballistic missile systems (highly experimental)

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