The World of Tomorrow

Oxford Airport, S.R.B

Minister Sedna's plan landed and stepped off to take in the fresh air. Accompanying the minister was two elite Implanted and three soldiers. They all stepped off the plane and waited for a S.R.B representative to come and greet them.
Singaporean Federation

Raffles Hotel, Singapore

Admiral Hummel returned. "OK Zeph, I prepared a boat for you to get to the Garden by the Bay." Zeph begins running down the hall with Riley Jacobus Hummel. "You gave him the presidential suite, right Riley?" "What else would I get him?" A messenger runs up alongside them. "From SIG HQ, Brit is in agreement with trading. They're holding off the alliance. Also VV is preparing for war or something. Escort planes are over Bangkok right now" "Tell them that we'll do the same and that they may have a strong military. Have the 4th Gov ready for departure." Zeph climbs onto the boat to go toward the Gardens by the Bay

@Agent141 @Loyal Guardian

Garden by the Bay

The Rockies pilots have arrived at the Garden by the Bay, an elaborate dinner has been set out. Businessmen and Politicians have gathered to socialize with the pilots.

@Fishman Lord
@Loyal Guardian[/URL]
Harbin, Imperial Manchuria

General Io shook his head and looked at his men, brandishing new S-2 Rifles, and nodded his head. The two regualr soliders were wearing black armor with a visor covering their faces. They the relaxed a bit as the five royalsguard escorted them to the imperial residence. He looked around and notice that this Imperial Manchuria used many old world technologies but heavily modified. "Despite our weaponry and armor looking more advanced than there's, i have no doubt that they are a military power. It would be wise to ally them."

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • PROJECT: Jovian and Orion are still in their respective test phases
  • General Io makes contact with men from the Manchurian Empire


Only mere hours had passed since I announced us to the world but within that time, the engineers had been gallivanting thought country, ripping data on everything out of systems, hard drives, cellphones, every little tiny shred of document that wasn't glued down was taken and brought to the nexus. There, hundred of people were compiling the data, writing reports, building models, computing numbers, running simulations and relearning everything that the old world had known. I had returned to my desk, inside the Hub ( the name of the parliament in the nexus) after the rest of the government threatened to declare me legally dead after I had not responded to their requests to return. Just mere hours and already there was another crises. Now, we had taken the land to the east, with the raiders that we let go, rallying more to our cause, causing more and more people to offer help in rebuilding. All of this was eagerly accepted but what worried me was that the farther west these people came from, the more and more I was hearing about this “Kingdom Of The Rockies”, the more I wanted to meet this man. There was no name on file but he had declared himself a king.

Then rapid knocks boomed thought the metal door of my office. Honestly, this didn't surprise me much as I had been expecting something like this to happen. Whenever something is going to plan, expect to have it derailed within hours.

Come in!” I yelled through the door.

A scout from the 6th walked in and stood at attention, saluted smartly and waited for me.

I smiled briefly. “Sit down soldier.”

Sir.” He clipped as he sat heavily, his training that he be at attention but his tiredness overwhelming him.

I drew a packet of cigarettes from my desk and handed him one. He gladly took it, lighting it quickly with an arc lighter and took a deep drag.

Thank you, sir.” He said.

You're welcome. Now, why don't you tell me what you came to tell me?”

Yes sir. My squad went out west just after the battle of the fort. We saw a lot of civvies and bombed out cities but when we got close to the west, we saw...” He trailed off.

What? What did you see?” Eager to hear anything about this “Kingdom Of The Rockies”.

There was a concentrated military force guarding some sort of border. We observed from a distance but they somehow caught wind of us. Maybe they thought we were raider or some other combatant but next thing I know, there's dirt flying all over the place and the ground was shaking. Then we saw the artillery guns in the distance. They shelled the shit out of us, sir. Only me and three others made it back.”

I cupped my eyes and asked. “Out of how many?”

...Twelve, sir.”


I managed to get a good look at the men, thought, sir and my recorder was rolling.”

Well then, maybe at least some good can come out of this. Deliver your tape to the archives.”

I've done so, sir.”

Good. Then get your squad and stand relieved for a week. Go see the doctors as well.”

He stood up and saluted, the cigarette hanging from his mouth. “Yes sir.” He was just about to exit the room when he turned and said. “Sir?”

I looked up from my papers, once again. “Yes lieutenant?”

Thank you sir. For giving us back our home.”

I stood and snapped to full attention. “No soldier. Thank you for fighting for it.” And saluted back.

He finally exited the room while I was left with the conundrum of how to sort out what to do with this mess.

I was still in my office, enjoying a can of water. It's amazing what water can do for you after you've been in the raw sun. I signed the papers that would initiate a research project code-named “Project Street Sweeper” that would incorporate new helmets with a dedicated air supply and filters to operate in hazardous environments. Closing that folder, I opened another, labeled “Project Lightning Strike” Reading thought it, I got tingles on the back of my neck. This is exactly what we needed. I signed the paper immediately then called out. “I NEED A RUNNER!”

A man in a runners outfit, orange jacket with high-vis strips around the collar, arms and chest, burst into my office. “Mr. Prime Minister, you called for a runner?”

Yes, I have two packages and a message. The packages are not to be opened and delivered to research bunker fourteen. The message is to Lieutenant-General Huksley. “Muster a contingent, find a repaired vehicle and prepare to ride west.””

He was scribbling furiously into a notepad and when he was done, stuffed it into his breast-pocket and reached forward to take the folders but I snatched them away.

You need to understand how important these packages are. If they were to fall into enemy hands, it could be the death of us all.”

I understand Mr. Prime Minister. I will not fail you.”

I nodded and handed over the folders. Then he left, just as quickly as he arrived. There's a reason they're called runners.

Effect: West belligerent artillery guns attacked and destroyed approx twelve troops in cover, killing nine. Suspect KOR for attack. Diplomatic channels attempting to be opened. Prime minister will arrive at the border in approximately five days.

Recsarch: "Project Street Sweeper" and "Project Lightning Strike" underway

Project Street Sweeper: 0%

Project Lightning Strike: 0%

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Deep within D6, the Hallelujan Stalker Core of the Moscow Metro, on one of their routine training runs, discover a great many containers of prewar 'military exoskeletons' which are to be studied post hence, although insufficient battery packs and a top-heavy frame threaten the legitimacy of the research and it's staff to come up with any usable result.
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The Socialist Republic of Britain

Communications Center, The S.R.B.

The communications staff was just monitoring the radio waves for anything off or unusual. Then, one of the communications operator spoke. "Sir, you might want to take a look at this." he said to DM Alastair. DM Alastair came over to his console. "The North American colonies had picked up a signal from what used to be Canada." "Lets hear what it has to say." "Yes sir." The com operator played the message.

wulfle said:
Hello. My name is Logan Frost, Prime Minister of the New Republic Of Canada. Just recently, we have come from the underground and into the light. If there is anyone else out there, please respond at frequency one-five-zero-zero decimal two-five UHF. We have technology and supplies to trade. We have clean water and fresh food. We have shelter to give. Our fore-bearers destroyed the world. I want to help rebuild it. Transmission ends.”
DM Alastair tuned the main communicator to that frequency. "Ello, Diplomatic Minister Alastair of the Socialist Republic of Britain here, can anybody read me?"


Pyongyang Airstrip, Korea

The pilots bid their farewells and got into their planes. They prepared takeoff and in no time they were back in the sky. They headed toward Harbin, the heartland of Manchuria to meet their emperor.

@Emperor Ploppa

Oxford Airport, The S.R.B.

PM Kord had just arrived at the airport. 4 of his bodyguards stood at his sides. They wore slightly modified Kevlar vests and pre-war military helmets and goggles. They were armed with the standard D-15 laser rifles handed out to the army. They approached the plane that had just landed. "Welcome to the Socialist Republic of Britain, I am Prime Minster Kord. If you would follow me to my limo, we shall be transported to the capitol building and we can talk more there." Kord said.

@Loyal Guardian

Singaporean Airspace

The escort neared Singapore. "British Escort requesting to land." one of the pilots said


Again, in my office. The rest of parliament was intent on harassing me every half-hour to ensure that I was doing my given duties and running the country, or what was left of it at least. So when a runner bust into my office, unannounced, I was at my breaking point.

When the boor burst open and the man stumbled thought, I began to shout. “Do you know how rule it is to intrude on the Prime Minister?! You could be court-marshaled and stripped to the greenhouses-” I was cut off by him, over shouting me.


I was stunned for a few moments before I could speak again. “What did you say?”

There's a broadcast from someone claiming to be from Britten on channel fifteen hundred.”

I stood immediately. “Inform the lieutenant general and the rest of parliament.” Then nearly ran out of the room, toward the signals hall.

There I was greeted by a thin wiry man with gold coke-bottle glasses and a mop of black hair. “Hello Mr. Prime Minister, here we have it. It's a new signal and it's not using any encryption so we aren't sure that it's even from the UK or anywhere else.” He explained, sitting me down at one of the banks of consoles, wires and headsets.

Thank you.” I said quietly when he handed one of the headsets to me.

I quickly put it over my head and waited for him to give me the signal to begin speaking. He rushed around the large room, quietly giving orders to the many people that inhabited the space. He then rummaged thought a desk in the corner for a moment before jogging back to me and placing a laminated sheet of card in front of me that read NATO signals challenge/response. I read down the page until I got to UK/CAN section and checked down the years. There was none this late so I resorted to the ones used in the ninety's then to nineteen fifty-one. The man was looking at me with trepidation and hesitation but when I nodded the go-ahead to him, it evaporated. He pushed several buttons, disconnected an then reconnected several wires and cables then finally gave me a thumbs up.

I keyed the PTT and spoke. “CAN to UK, challenge is, Lima-Charlie-two-five-seven-two, respond challenge.

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@Loyal Guardian[/URL]

Agent141 said:
The Socialist Republic of Britain

Pyongyang Airstrip, Korea

The pilots bid their farewells and got into their planes. They prepared takeoff and in no time they were back in the sky. They headed toward Harbin, the heartland of Manchuria to meet their emperor.

@Emperor Ploppa
Harbin Airstrip, Harbin, Imperial Heartland Region, Imperial Manchuria

Another batch of Emperor's royalsguard are going to the Harbin Airstrip which will fetch the British squadrons is the airstrip. They stood in the airstrip and wait for the British squadrons to arrive the destinated area.

Oort Research Station, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The head scientist at the station is over looking both the ZX-99 and Titan-AA System. "Sir the ZX has completed testing along with the Titan System. Phase 3 is now complete." The researcher said. "This is great news. Now what about PROJECT: Orion?" The head scientist asked. "The order was given to increase the active to one million and the reserves to around the same amount. As for the power suit the prototype stage is now over and testing should begin shortly." "Thank you for the report. Now launch Phase 4 of PROJECT: Jovian." The head scientist then walked back to his office.

Harbin, Imperial Manchuria

After General Io noticed the ripped flags, that were clearly not of the Manchurians, he knew that a war of some kind was recently fought. Then after a few minutes he saw a large building and he instantly knew that had to be the Imperial Palace. It was there where he would make his proposals as the Eclipsian envoy.

@Emperor Ploppa

Oxford, S.R.B

Minister Sedna got into the limo with Prime Minister Kord while Sedna's guard got into their own vehicles to trail behind the limo. Much like the other envoy's he would propose a trade deal and work his way up to an alliance. He however was willing to compromise on a non aggression treaty at the very least, which the others were not told to specifically do that.


Singapore, Singaporean Federation

Emperor Byron woke up after a very resting sleep. "To think these people can have such luxury, they are all are very lucky." He thought while smiling. He put on his typical outfit and stepped out of his room. His two guards then followed him as they went the lobby to wait for the Prime Minister. "High Minister, i would like to initiate a westward expansion to claim the lands of Anatolia and Israel." He quickly shot a message to the High Minister to approve of a expansion to the west.


Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • All diplomatic envoys reach now have made actual contact with their respective nations
  • PROJECT: Jovian Phase 3 complete. The T-99 Hover Tank and Titan-AA System is now standard issue. The T-99 is a heavily armored hover tank that can glide across the battlefield with ease. The Titan System has tracking explosive rounds that can even be used against vehicles.
  • PROJECT: Orion reaches its testing phase
  • Eastern Campaign: Colonel Revus, who was put in charge of the east, has quickly claimed land for the Eclipse Empire and has encountered little natives.
  • Western Campaign: The campaign is given to General Centauri and the campaign begins.

(The file is the current size of the empire)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca403cc82_WorldMap(2)a.png.92afb6cb0d9d31c191d45e2e7ed871fc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128957" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca403cc82_WorldMap(2)a.png.92afb6cb0d9d31c191d45e2e7ed871fc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • World Map (2)a.png
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Harbin, Imperial Heartland Region, Imperial Manchuria

They had arrive in the Imperial Residence. The building is very large and it has a Chinese-esque traditional style building and they can see a big imperial Manchurian flag that was placed in the balcony down to the wall. "We had arrived." one of the royalsguard said. The royalsguard exited the envoy and they open the door to escort General Io and his men to the inner part of the Imperial Residence.

@Loyal Guardian
Garden by the Bay, Singapore

The pilots sit down and began eating the elaborate dinner in front of them, while socializing with the Singaporeans. "We are glad to find such another great nation in the world. We are not authorized to speak for the king, however, his brother Duke Albert, Duke of Alaska and Prince of the Rockies, will be arriving on the fastest plane possible within the hour to conduct diplomacy and see the city."


Old Vancouver Naval Yard

The Naval Yard had finally been reopened. It was working at max efficiency with all of the most advanced technology to push out ships as quickly as possible. Already two ships had been produced, and were currently patrolling the waters between New Zealand and Australia to solidify the Rockian claim. A third was almost complete.

Auckland, New Zealand

Auckland had survived remarkably well. Over 1.5 million people still lived here, formerly isolated from the rest of the world. However, their technology was far behind the Rockian's, so they had accepted an offer of annexation in exchange for protection and technology. The County of the North Island had been awarded to a navy captain, while the County of the South Island had been awarded to a distant member of the Royal Family. The new Counts had already set their sights towards Australia, where the cities of Sydney and Melbourne had been found to survive. They had not accepted annexation and an invasion was being planned.


Continuing communication with Singapore.

Two missile cruisers produced, with more on the way.

New Zealand claim solidified.

Preparation to invade Australia.
Location-Colorado Testing Field

Standing in a shelter bunker within the mountain range, Connor watched silently as the scientists next to him spoke in rushed sentences, clearly excited by their developments. Connor, however, payed them very little mind, instead focus all his attention on the object in the middle of the mountain.

Upon establishing the research facility in the mountains, Connor had also ordered that nearly the entirety of another mountain be hollowed out as well, so that experimentation could be conducted secretly. The only structure in the entire mountain was the small lookout bunker set into its side, so that those within could see into the empty space below. It was in this space that the weapon that would lead Texas to global power.

Hovering several meters above the ground, a platform, mounted with anti air weapons and long range assault cannons, floated silently. The platform was 50 meters by 50 meters, a solid square structure. With 3 separate floors within it, the relatively small warmachine was nevertheless built for war.

"So, professor, was is it...exactly? " at his side, one of the men in a long white robe, something he had heard scientists in the old days wore, nodded his head excitedly, walking towards the glass.

"This vehicle is classified as the All Terrain Siege Platform, my lord. With enough anti air guns to knock a small fleet of fighters and helicopters out of the sky, and enough assault cannons to level a small city, it is built to be used anywhere it is called upon. And of course, this is only the experimental model, my lord. We shall be building other variants, as well as a personal flagship version for you, my lord."

Nodding at the professors word, Connor watched as the platform rose several more meters in the air, the massive guns along its sides more evident.

"This unit and all others like it will be called Thor units. Raining death from the sky on the enemies of Texas..."

Turning to look at the group of scientists, Connor nods his head to them. "You have done a great service to the Empire, I will make sure you are properly awarded. Keep up the good work."

Turning, he nodded to the two Rangers standing near the door to the bunker, and they locked rank behind Connor escorting him outside.

Sitting on a small platform, a Firehawk sat at stand by, it's side open, revealing 4 more Rangers. Climbing in to the waiting ship, Connor steadied himself as it took off into the air.

"All shall know our power..."

Technological Gains

Thor Siege platform complete and entering mass production.

Other Platform units entering development phases.
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The tops of the exoskeletons are scrapped by Metro Scientists, leaving only the belt, legs, and propulsion system. Trials of possible application lead to subjects becoming red paste at the end of D6's many hallways. Some survive and work with the research team for solutions to the maneuverability problem.
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Oort Research Station, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

PROJECT: Jovian was nearing completion and with it, the control of the skies. The head scientist read the plans of Phase Four over and over and over again, being proud that he was leading such a project. "With these marvelous machines we may lose the ground but the sky will be in our hands...." He said quietly while smiling. Soon after a knock was heard on his office door and then granted permission to come in. "Sir i am here to give my report." Said one of the stations researchers. "Ah. Well if that's the case then tell me your report." He said leaning forward. "The advanced kinetic cannon has just been tested. It preformed with success on all marks." The scientist reported. "This is great news! Thank you for notifying me." The head scientist said as he began to go to his own work. "That is not all sir. The hover thursters that will be used to launch the Dione Satellite System and the Jovian Sky Platform also were tested and preformed perfectly." "Once again you bring me even more great news! If you have anymore i would love to hear it!" He said gleefully. "Well sir if i must. Currently our top programmers are perfecting and making the last adjustments to the Enceladus System that will combine the efforts of both the Jovian and the Dione. And regarding PROJECT: Orion the first test subject did well in testing but reported major stain on his body afterwards." The scientist continued to report. "Thank you for this news! The emperor will be most pleased to hear this. Now get back to your station please." He said as he waved him off. "Yes sir."

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • PROJECT: Jovian is nearing completion.
  • PROJECT: Orion is going well but still needs improvements.
  • Eastern Campaign: Colonel Revus has now taken over India and continues to push eastward.
  • Western Campaign: General Centauri makes it to the Black Sea in an astonishing pace while also conquering the Levant region, nearing old Israeli lands.
Singaporean Federation

Raffles Hotel, Singapore

Admiral Hummel walks up to Emperor Byron. "I am very sorry, Prime Minister Jeanes is currently unavailable. He will be with us later today. He requests that we offer you a tour of the city until then. Will you be fine this change of plans?"

@Loyal Guardian

The Garden by the Bay, Singapore

Zeph walks up to the pilots. "Selamat Datang! Welcome to Singapore, the moon among the 5 stars. I have just recieved word that Duke Albert has arrived and will be joining us shortly." He sat down and thought to himself, this is a logistical nightmare. However, if they're bringing a royalty, I could combine the two talks and possibly address the two at once.

@Fishman Lord

East China Seas

The Peace fleet is two nautical miles from the Korean Peninsula.


The First trade fleet has reach the Maldives. The navy is creating their second base.

Territorial Gains


Sri Lanka base complete

New Guinea

(OOC and I'm headed off again)

(OOC edit: look up the raffles hotel and Garden by the bay, it actually exists and is beautiful)
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Singapore, Singaporean Federation

"I am fine with this. After all.... change of plans has been my schedule lately." The emperor said giving off a slight chuckle. They then began the tour of Singapore.
Location-Cuban Perimeter

Admiral Tyler stood with his hands clasped behind his back, staring out the window. Currently, he was on the bridge of the Texas flagship Dallas, and the Dallas was currently leading Texas forces in a invasion of Cuba. Even now, Texas ground forces were being deployed by the use of Firehawks and troop transports along the shore line, and beachheads had been established. Within the day, he suspected much of the coast would be under their control, and within the week, the entire island.

Location-Mississippi River Fort

Standing on the shore, Colonel Travis watched silently as the landing craft came closer. Flexing his hands, he smiled briefly, as the ships landed. "Welcome to The Empire of Texas..."

Territorial gains

Northern most area of Cuba
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Nearly an hour passed, waiting for a reply from the UK channels. When none came, despair shattered my hopes. I was still waiting but my hope and patience were fading fast.

Then a runner tapped me on my shoulder, causing me tor turn in the seat.

Mr. Prime Minister.” She spoke quietly. “I bring word from the commander of the 5th.”

I took off the headset and spoke, in the same quiet voice. “Tell me.”

She pull a notepad out of a pocket. “To Prime Minister Logan Frost. 5th has recovered large stash of vehicles, wheeled and tracked. Fuel recovered, approximately four million liters total. Excess munitions recovered in storage bunker, charge usability, unknown, will determine. Also, schematics for new battle tanks, many repair manuals for all vehicles and maps to military airbases. Much scrap. Many spare parts. Iron and metalwork building discovered. Fabrication building discovered, also in same compound. Will transfer anything valuable to research bunker and munitions to storage. Will transfer all vehicles to within one kilometer of bunker one-five. Expect repair and refit there. Tracked units will be moved later. Fourteen sips discovered at six separate docks. All heavily damaged at approximately ten percent readiness. Also one package to be delivered, a folder containing schematics.” At this she whipped out a yellow, coffee-ring stained folder, thick with paper and thrust it at me.

I accepted the folder and spoke quickly. “Thank you. Relay back that all items have my authorization and to request civilian assistance for expedited delivery. Begin repair and refit on the ships and order a construction crew to begin building a fuel stockpile and have all of the worthwhile and usable scrap into a storage bunker. Better put out the word to traders too. Bring a copy of each manual to the archives for input. Also, bring some civilian volunteers to the surface with radiation cards and masks to assist with building reclamation and, if possible, assess the buildings for further use. You can relay this to other runners. That is all.”

Her frantic scribbling of my words and obvious panting was distressing to say the least but these messengers literally lived on sprinting back and forth. For a mail system, it was incredibly efficient. Her scribbling stopped and she nodded, stuffing the book back into her pocket, spinning on her heal and racing out of the room.

Opening the folder, I had no idea what to expect. I mean it was obvious it was important. Taking a cursory glance. There were references to fantastical things like “mass acceleration guns”, “personal reusable jump assisting jets” and other wonders that caused my mind to stutter thinking about them. The there was something that I noticed wasn't labeled with a project name and number. The only reference to it was a post-it stuck to a sealed envelope. It read “Project Baskerville: to be destroyed.”

I closed the folder and set it beside the challenge codes, put the headset back on and waited for a response from the Brits.

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The Socialist Republic of Britain

Prime Minister's Limo, Oxford, The S.R.B.

The diplomat got into the limo with Kord. Their got into their own vehicles behind the limo. Police motorcycles also traveled along with the convoy. "I trust your journey was a fine one." Kord said. The limo passed various buildings such as the military complex and the RnD Labs.

@Loyal Guardian

Military Complex, Oxford, The S.R.B.

MM Torrad was holding a conference with all of the available commanders and researchers. "Alright gentlemen, you may be asking yourself why you were brought here. Well this is why." Torrad said as he pulled out some plans for a project titled Project: Panzer. He went over the details of the project. "With those machines, we will dominate the land!" a commander said. "Indeed." said Torrad. "I'll Ring the RnD labs to tell them to get right on it. Dismissed." With that, all the commanders left the room. Torrad rang the RnD labs. IM Arran picked up. "Ello, IM Arran speaking." "Ello, this is MM Torrad, I need the labs to get to work on my latest project; Project: Panzer" Torrad gone over the details with him. "Brilliant, I have a project of my own to develop. It's called Project Kepler." Arran went over the details with Torrad. "Brilliant, any chance that could be used for military usage?" Torrad said. "If we have enough resources, yes." Arran said. "Well, I better go get those projects started." he said as he hung up.

Manchurian Airspace, Over Harbin, Manchuria

The pilots approached the city of Harbin. They were ordered to land at the Harbin Airstrip. They assumed landing position and speed and proceeded to land.

@Emperor Ploppa

Communications Center, The S.R.B.

"Incoming transmission, sir." a com operator said to DM Alastair. "Play it."

wulfle said:
“CAN to UK, challenge is, Lima-Charlie-two-five-seven-two, respond challenge.

"Hmm, must be the old NATO communications code." Alastair said. He then tuned into the main communicator and said. "UK to CAN, Charlie-Kilo-eight-five-zero-eight."


Projects Begun:

Project: Panzer

Project: Kepler
Agent141 said:
"UK to CAN, Charlie-Kilo-eight-five-zero-eight."

I quickly ran down the card of challenge read-backs and seeing that it was correct I nearly burst into tears. There
was someone out there after all. I pressed the PTT.

“CAN to UK, challenge and read-back confirmed. It's good to hear another voice. Please relay situation. CAN able to assist with medical care and reclamation.”

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Polish forces began advancing further into Old Swedland, claiming half of it's territories. Meanwhile, Polish scientists began working on establishing a new Anti-Missile barrier that was promised to Poland by USA, but never established.

"Dobra, wysyłamy wojska do Niemiec." {Alright, we're sending our troops to Germany}

The leader of the Senate established, as 100.000 men strong Polish army began to advance into Germany.


-Half of Southern Swedland is annexed by Poland, as well as Eastern half of Germany, excluding Denmark.

-Anti-Missile shield is being worked on.
Oort Research Station, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

It had been a grueling effort. All scientists and testers were around the clock, the stations resources are greatly diminished, and during the project some have even died. But all of the blood, sweat, and tears are now finally payed off. PROJECT: Jovian is now finally complete. The Dione Satellite System, a grid of satellites armed with advanced kinetic cannons that would strike down at the ground with force greater than the strongest bomb ever built. The Jovian Sky Stations, literally floating fortresses armed to the teeth that can strike miles upon miles of ground if put in a grid. The Enceladus System, a program designed to link the Dione Satellites and Jovian Stations so efforts could be maximized. PROJECT: Orion has also been completed through through testing. The Ganymede Power Suits are now being widely created and will soon become standard issue. The suits will feature an on board 'dumb' AI, active battlefield sensors, anti-infantry and anti-vehicle systems, enhances the user's speed, combat ability, and reaction speed. Thanks to all of their efforts, the scientists at the Oort Research Station have given the Eclipse Empire a decisive military edge over any future enemies.

Oxford, S.R.B

"Oh yes the German countryside was very beautiful. Although i couldn't help but notice a build up of troops near the alps." Sedna said with some curiosity. He really did not wish to know why such an event was occurring, after all this is a diplomatic mission, however he couldn't help but know why.


Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • PROJECTS: Jovian and Orion are completed. The Eclipse Empire gains a decisive military edge over any possible enemies, on land at least.
  • Eastern Campaign: Colonel Revus nears the Singaporean border. Continues to expand eastward.
  • Western Campaign: General Centauri reaches the Mediterranean and takes more of Anatolia. Current goal is to reach the former city of Istanbul/Constantinople

(New territory size in the attached file)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Eclipse2.png.fbca3d67b3eb48feee24752d88de7ffc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129241" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Eclipse2.png.fbca3d67b3eb48feee24752d88de7ffc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Eclipse2.png
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