The World of Tomorrow

Oxford, S.R.B

"Well i do hope you defeat this enemy of yours. If you like the Eclipse Empire may join in to make them fight a two front war, but i do think we'll be keeping any land from Italy." Minister Sedna stepped out of the limo and saw the S.R.B's capitol building. He then walked towards the building with PM Kord to initiate the talks.


Singapore, Singaporean Federation

Emperor Byron's tour of the city is now beginning to end. "Excuse me, i do not mean to be rude, but i would like to speak with the Prime Minister soon." He said to his guide. He mainly said this so he could initiate the talks and because he could tell his two guards were getting a little irritated.


Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • General Io still waits for his meeting with the Manchurian emperor
  • Emperor Byron is ready to meet with the Prime Minister
  • Minister Sedna arrives at the S.R.B capitol building
  • Eastern Campaign: Colonel Revus further expands the border with the Eclipse Empire and the Singaporean Federation, claims more land, and becomes a general for his actions
  • Western Campaign: General Centuari begins to take Greece while his other army begins to take Arabia

@Emperor Ploppa @Agent141<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Eclipse4.png.4a4a6535a76ac6d35a6172882ac77464.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129802" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Eclipse4.png.4a4a6535a76ac6d35a6172882ac77464.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Eclipse4.png
    89.2 KB · Views: 3
Location-Great Lakes

People fled in terror. What few towns and communities in the area of the Great Lakes, once living quiet lives in the wastelands, were suddenly assaulted by the sight of a invasion fleet. Hundreds of Firehawks, carrying soldiers and other war machines, flew into their home, followed by a handful of Thor assault platforms. The invasion force had orders to secure the FOB at any cost, and the moment resistance was met from any populated area, it was destroyed by overwhelming force. In the course of three days, hundreds died at the guns of Texas soldiers, while others were relocated.

As more units began to filter into the area, Texas flags and banners began going up, as well as long range radar posts and temporary airfields. As of this moment, all the territory around the great lakes south of the Canadian border belonged to the Empire of Texas.

Territorial Gains

All of the states around the Great Lakes.
Singaporean Federation

Singapore, Singaporean Federation

The guide looked at Admiral Hummel. Hummel made a quick call and replied, "It looks like Prime Minister Jeanes is about to finish soon. He should be ready for talks or close to ready if we return to Raffles Hotel from here." He motioned to the guide to wrap up the tour and begin heading back to the hotel.

@Loyal Guardian

Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Upon landing, the Japanese pilots received word that their nation was dissolved. They look to the Singaporeans and said, "We got nothing left. We're willing to serve your nation if you'll give us a place to stay." The commanding officer smiled, "The Federation will aid those who come." The pilots let a sigh of relief. "We have a whole landing crew at the north of Taiwan. They'll probably be also willing to do the same, though some will want to bring their families." "That will be fine."

Headquarters Signals and Command System, Singapore

"Umm... I got word that we just got some equipment and the island of Taiwan from... the Japanese?" said an operator. Everyone in the room looked towards the General in charge. He just kinda shrugged, "OK." After a few moments another operator spoke up, "Umm... since Taiwan is under our control and we own a fair amount of southeast Asia, should we go ahead and take the Philippines?" Everyone looked at the General again. "Sure." He then leans back on his chair and drinks some Thai Ice Tea. After several minutes, every operator suddenly turned on their channels and started moving units to take the Philippines. The general spoke up and everyone froze. "Oh and tell the Peace fleet to head towards Korea first. Send some units to the Island of Kyushu at Japan to see what's happening." The operators continued their work.

@Emperor Ploppa

Territorial Gains



7 fighter jets

10 transport planes (will just add to my collection of unlisted commercial cargo planes)

15 helicopter

(I know I've been putting this off, but I'll definitely have a military post up by Tuesday while I'm waiting at the airport.)

@Fishman Lord This is just a friendly reminder to respond. Zeph Jeanes can't attend to other stuff until the talks with the Rockies are over.)
Thomas Graham POV. Lieutenant-Colonel, signal hall, Nexus.

I listened intently, ear pressed tight to the earpiece, a small group of six people hovering around me, listening to the conversation on two pairs of earphones, heads pressed tightly together. It was a rather amusing sight but that was forgotten as the radio crackled again and I wrote down on a pad, this.

Agent141 said:
"Europe, The 4th Republic of Poland, our trade partner, the Union of Hallelujah, Italy which is occupied by a South American nation known as the Varmandr Vestan, and of course, us. Asia, The Empire of Manchuria, a Japanese nation of whose name we not know yet, the Singaporean Federation, our ally, and the Eclipse Empire. North America, The Empire of Texas, The Kingdom of the Rockies, our colony stationed in Rhode Island and Connecticut, and yourself. South America, the Free Lands of Varmandr Vestan. As said before, they invaded Italy and now have control of all of Italy and some territories from other prewar nations. So far the situation is not looking good, it looks like everything is pointing to war. No assistance is probably needed, as our military force of 1,339,000 men, 3,200 tanks, and 2,100 aircraft will greatly out number their current military force stationed in Italy, which is around 150,000 men to our knowledge. Protests in Ireland are occurring but we sent some soldiers to quell the protests. We currently have control of the British Isle, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, West Germany, Mainland Denmark, Switzerland, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. This message will repeat on loop for 4 hours until told to stop message." This message will be sent to the other party (NRC) on repeat for 4 hours until told to stop.
I keyed the microphone. “Solid copy on all UK. Transmission may now stop. Be aware, CAN situation unstable. Total population unknown. Supplies in excess. Water in excess. Do you need supply?”


Watching the bullets flying near their designated landing zone, Captain Harding sent word down to the weapon deck to ready all guns. Turning back to the viewport, he waved for the comm to be opened once more.

"This is Captain Harding to unknown hostile forces, any hostile action against this vessel will be met with by hostile response, respond immediately or your lives will be considered void."


Location-Great Lake Command Compound

As the last of the transports began deploying their cargo and troops to the airfield, Supreme General Titus began directing supplies and columns of units about the newly taken region. With massive gains like this, came massive issues. They had to deal with rebels on multiple fronts, and already several squads had reported heavy combat in their territories. Passing the most recent report to a clerk next to him, Titus turned back to the large map of the entire land known as Canada. Shaded in two different colors, the two known nations of the cold north stood as imposing forces, yet Titus knew he had his orders...
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Conference room, Singapore

"We will be more than happy to allow your companies mining rights in our lands, as well as access to our major ports of Auckland, Honolulu, Anchorage, and the Vancouver Island Shipyard. We would also like to negotiate migration access between our nations, so our citizens may move freely between our lands. If this goes well, we would be open to an alliance."


Off the coast of Texas

"We shall leave your waters, as we have received orders to search the coast of Quebec. Do not ever threaten us again."


Vancouver Island Shipyard

Another three ships were complete. These three had been instructed to seize the Panama Canal and stop Texan ships from passing through.

Melbourne, Australia

The invasion of the two city-states had begun. They were putting up a fair resistance, but their technology simply could not compete with the Rockian's. It was expected that they would fall within a few days.
POV Logan Frost NRC, outside of bunker one-five

Just after the gunfire had stopped, one of the younger radiomen from the second command, was right beside me. Then I heard this come out of his massive radio.

ArisenMoon said:
"This is Captain Harding to unknown hostile forces, any hostile action against this vessel will be met with by hostile response, respond immediately or your lives will be considered void."
"Radioman!" I yelled


"Come here!"

He cover the ten feet in milliseconds. I honestly don't think that I've ever seen anyone move that fast. Then I clipped the headset off his front webbing and pushed it to my ear, clicking the talk button.

"Empire of Texas craft, the situation is under control, lock your weapons in the upward position and have your crew de-man them. If you fire, you will be fired upon. Please land on the prefab runway in the area larked by red flairs."

I then let the button go and screamed to the engineers setting up the big red sticks that poked out of tiny holes dug into the ground, all hooked up with a detonation clacker. "Light the flairs!"

The engineer that held the clacker slammed it down and into his hand. The cords popped and, only milliseconds later, the flairs popped their tops off and began spitting a glowing red fire and a light white smoke out the top.

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Grunting, Captain Harding waved for the crew to stand down, before ordering the airship to begin final landing procedures. Arcing towards the flares, the airship slowly began to descend, before finally coming to a rest on the landing zone. The moment the airship touched down, a long ramp lowered from its central area, and twenty Texas soldiers marched in quick order down the ramp, their new armor gleaming in the sunlight. Following the soldiers down the ramp, Captain Harding made sure to have his cap pulled down far enough over his head, partially obscuring his upper facial features. At either side of him, two Rangers stood silent, their heads looking left and right for threats.

Singaporean Federation

Conference Room, Garden by the Bay, Singapore

"Thank you very much. Immigration between the two nations should be fine, going through the proper customs and channels. We're also open for an alliance if it goes well." Zeph finished his cup of tea. "I believe our talks are over. I invite you to tour the city of Singapore. There is one more thing I would like to bring to your attention afterwards." Zeph got up, said farewells, walked out the door, and began sprinting towards the dock. A messenger from HQ SIG ran up along side him, "Sir! Message from SIG HQ. Japan has fallen. Taiwan is under our domain. Philippines is under our domain. Peace Fleet headed to Korea. Small team taking Kyushu." "OK! Prepare a second trade fleet to the Rockies." "Yes sir!" The messenger ran off. Zeph got onto his boat and crossed the bay to the Raffles Hotel.

@Fishman Lord @Emperor Ploppa

Conference Room, Raffles Hotel, Singapore

Zeph walked in. Emperor Byron is already seated. The TV screen has a map of the Singaporean Federation and parts of the Eclipse Empire outlined. "Please forgive me for being so discourteous." Zeph sat down. Servants brought out snacks and beverages. "Let the talks begin!"

@Loyal Guardian

Sulawesi Island

One battleship was deemed usable. The other will undergo conversion into a Sentosa Class Battleship.
Singapore, Singaporean Federation

"Do not trouble yourself, i enjoyed the tour. I can't say the same for my two guards however." Byron said smiling, pointing towards the back. "Now for the talks. As the head of the Eclipse Empire and its representative i would like to propose two separate deals." Byron said with a sudden serious tone. "Obviously we would like to open commercial trade with your country as that founds the building blocks of an alliance. Which leads me to my second point, an alliance. I understand if you do not want to start this right away but for the safety for each other i would like to propose one just in case." Byron then stopped to take a sip of his water, and then continued. "I would like our two nations to be as cooperative as possible and be great friends in the near future."

Conference Room, Raffles Hotel, Singapore

"We can definitely agree to a trade agreement. We've been rebuilding the railroad in the federation. We would like to extend a few railroad lines into and across your empire. As for the alliance, we'll have to hold off on that. It is definitely a welcomed outcome, but the federation is undergoing several changes and would like to wait until we reach a steady pace. I would like to address our territory claims. We are aware that your empire has pushed their borders to ours. No need for concern, we welcome a closer neighbor for a better trade route. What I would like to address is future expansion. I intended to expand along the coast of China to take Shanghai. However I realize that doing so will make your empire landlocked in China. As such. I'm willing to secede the land between Fuzhou and Shanghai to the Eclipse Empire. The Singaporean Federation will govern the city of Shanghai, but both Eclipsian and Singaporean businesses can exist in it. There will also be a railroad and freedom of passage to and from Shanghai for the both of us. It should also be noted that we are reclaiming islands in the Indian and Atlantic Ocean."

@Loyal Guardian
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Empire of Manchuria

Harbin, Imperial Heartland Region, Imperial Manchuria

[Emperor's POV]

Emperor Cixi and the other generals had a meeting about further expansion of Imperial Manchuria, after Manchuria had conquered the Korean Peninsula, the discussion is about to start.

"So, after we defeated the Republic of Korea. We will have a discuss about Manchuria's future. Any thoughts?" the Emperor ask. "We need to expand our territories to China, the Far East, or we can colonize some parts in America. We had confirmed that there are civilizations out there such as the Kingdom of the Rockies, the Socialist Republic of Britain, the Singaporean Federation, or the Eclipse Empire, your grace." General Kim Song-su continued, "Your grace, I suggest that China will be one of our hotspot invasions, my armies will land at city of Shanghai and with that the eastern China will be part of the Empire." The Emperor was convicted and agreed to General Kim's suggestions.

"How's the Rebuilding Project?" the Emperor asked his generals. "Your grace, the project is well successful. Southern part of the Sakhalin Island is rebuild and the southern Korean Peninsula is still on going." General Qwen replied. "What is the situation to our surroundings?" the Emperor ask. "Your grace, rumor has it that the Singaporeans had conquered southern China, mainly the parts of Hainan Island, this includes Taiwan and the Eclipse Empire had expanded East taking western Mongolia and western parts of China..your grace and one of our scout pilots said that this Japanese nation called Yamatai was succumbed to anarchy." General Jong replied. "I guess it's too late to unite the China Proper." the Emperor continued, "With the Japanese islands was succumbed to anarchy. General Jong, I want you to led the Japanese Campaign. General Kim, I want you to led the Eastern China Campaign and also conscript the Korean POWs to the army. General Qwen, I want you to led the Northern Campaign and General Tang which he is in Sakhalin Island right now will led the Far East Campaign and also we will establish outposts in the other parts of the wor-.." and then the royalsguard opened the door, General Io and his five men would notice the 25-year old Emperor and his generals looking and pointing at the map. The Emperor and the generals turned to the royalsguard and General Io. The Emperor asked, "Who the hell are they?" he said looking at General Io and his men, the royalsguard replied, "It's the envoy from the Eclipse Empire, your grace." the Emperor look at his generals and he said, "Start the campaign." the Generals bowed to the Emperor and left the room. General Kim; a Korean general would
accidentally bump General Io in a arrogant way. General Kim looked at General Io with a anger face and then he smiled sarcastically, General Kim would enter the armored car and left the Imperial Residence.

[Royalsguard w/ General Io POV]

While walking towards the door, the royalsguard were escorting General Io and his men, holding their modified AK-47 calmly. The Lord Commander of the Royalsguard look at General Io and he said, "Remember, bow to the Emperor, it is a respect to the Manchurian culture." and then one of the royalsguard opened the door and they'll see that Emperor Cixi and his generals were talking about the expansion plan. The royalsguard would interrupt the Emperor in the Manchu language. After that,
General Kim; a Korean general would accidentally bump General Io in a arrogant way. General Kim looked at General Io with a anger face and then he smiled sarcastically, General Kim would enter the armored car and left the Imperial Residence. Emperor Dowan Cixi would look at General Io from toe to head and the Emperor would wait for him to bow, if not, it would be a disrespect to the Manchu culture and the Emperor would be frustrated to Eclipse Empire it's because they have no respect but either way they'll start talking if General Io wouldn't bow.

[Royalsguard in Harbin Airstrip w/ British squadrons]

The second batch of the royalsguard saw the British squadrons landing in the Harbin Airstrip. They waited the Brits to exit their planes.

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141


On the western coast of the Korean Peninsula, Imperial Manchuria

It was nighttime. The Singaporean Peace Fleet would see the 8 Manchurian coast guard ships fully-armed with weapons and missiles, due to this that they are hunting the Korean remnants down. As the coast-guard saw the fleet. The lights were turned to the Peace Fleet and the imperial Manchurian flag was raised in the coast guards. "Unidentified fleet. You are entering the Manchurian waters, I repeat you are entering the Manchurian waters, turn back where you belong, if not you will be shot down, I repeat you will be shot down, over. There will be no second chances."




  • Emperor Cixi and his generals were discussing about the nation's future, surroundings, and expansion; General Jong will led the Japanese Campaign. General Kim will led the Eastern China campaign. General Tang will led the Far East Campaign. General Qwen will led the Northern Campaign.
  • General Io and his men had seen Emperor Cixi's face personally.
  • Another batch of royalsguard intercepted the arrival of the Brits in Harbin airstrip.
  • Eight armed Manchurian coastguards intercepted the Singaporean Peace Fleet.
The Socialist Republic of Britain

Communications Center, The S.R.B.

wulfle said:
“Solid copy on all UK. Transmission may now stop. Be aware, CAN situation unstable. Total population unknown. Supplies in excess. Water in excess. Do you need supply?”
DM Alastair spoke into the main communicator. "Read you loud and clear CAN." he said. He then motioned to an operator to stop the message. "No supplies are needed as of now. Do you need any supplies and/or support?" Alastair said. "Sir, incoming message." an operator said. Alastair walked over the operator's station. It was from the Varmandr Vestan. "Hmm, forward that to the conference room and call all other ministers to a conference."


Conference Room, Capitol Building, The S.R.B.

PM Kord walked into the conference room of the capitol building alongside the Eclipsian Diplomat. "Alright, shall we begin. First of a-" Kord said before being interrupted by the other ministers walking into the room. "Oh, Prime Minister, well, I see you are busy right now. Don't mind us, well just be discussing some... issues." DM Alastair said as he walked to the far end of the room. Following him were the rest of the ministers. "Ahem, now where was I? Oh yes, First of all, what brings you here?" Kord asked the Eclipsian Diplomat.

@Loyal Guardian

Meanwhile, on the other end of the room...

The Ministers gathered around a circle. "Why did you call this conference Alastair, I was overseeing the Projects." IM Arran said. "This is why." Alastair said as he played the message on a small screen the ministers were grouped around. "Pfft, the old world UN did nothing anyway, how is this one better." MM Torrad commented. "Yea, and those images at the end." added IM Arran. "How much you want to bet those are just natives of South America, they surely shown no love to European Natives." Torrad said jokingly. "Peaceful trading my arse, no peaceful trading mission requires that much soldiers." Torrad said. "Alright gentlemen, you can go now." DM Alastair said. The ministers went back to their stations.

Military Complex, The S.R.B.

MM Torrad had just gotten back from the conference. He was looking over some plans for expansion. Hmm, Europe seems to be full, Asia seems optional, as does Africa. American colonies seem to be small. South America is out of the question, unless we are willing to invade. Torrad thought it overwith himself for a few momments before he gave the order to the American colonies to expand into nearby unclaimed states.

RnD Labs, The S.R.B.

IM Arran had just gotten back from the conference. He got on the intercom and said, "Status report on Project: Panzer." he said. "We have found an adequate material for the armor. It seems steel will have to do, but the armor would have to be thick, as it would not the be penetrated. But, thicker armor means slower movement, so we need to find a power source that is enough to accelerate the machine at the speed of a car. Fission power seems optimal." a voice responded. "And Project: Kepler?" "After long hours of reading though prewar books, we have finally figured out the process and structure and should be ready in around 6 hours."

Oxford Airport, The S.R.B.

The Singaporean diplomat's plane and escorts had just touched down in Oxford Airport.


Harbin Airstip, Manchuria

The squadron had just touched down on the airstrip. They got out of their planes.

@Emperor Ploppa


Project: Panzer is around 75% complete

Project: Kepler is almost complete

Territory Gain: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine
Imperial Palace, Harbin, Imperial Manchuria

General Io bowed his head to the foreign emperor, something he has done in the past with his. "Greetings, I am General Io. I am the Eclipse Empire's envoy to your nation for peaceful diplomatic talks." He said in his most polite tone. "If you don't mind i would like to initiate the talks as soon as possible. I apologize if i appear to be to pushy."

Capitol Building, Oxford, S.R.B

"My emperor has requested me to be the representative for the Eclipse Empire. I come here to establish friendly diplomatic relations." Sedna answered Kord's question with swiftness.

Jakub Ślązki was checking the old Europe map, when it struck him: If he were to regain Polish lost territiories, he had to make sure that their biggest threat was down: Russia. And he got informed that the two pilots sent out there were murdered by the so called Union of Hallelujah. He grinned angrily

"I want my General in my office right now" He said into the intercom.

Soon, Jacob Dolecky came into the room and saluted the president

"Słuchaj no. Chce, żeby twój dywizjon ZTARŁ z powierzchni Ziemi tą Unię Hallelujach czy coś tam. Jasne?"

"Tak Jest. 300.000 wojska, 1000 samolotów i 150 czołgów wyruszy niedługo do Moskwy i zetrzemy ich z powierzchni ziemi"

(This won't be translated purposely. Summary: @Pat , be ware)

After a while, a speech was transfered to all main Polish cities, including Płock, Gdańsk, Gdynia and Lwów.

"Polish Citizens! I, President Jakub Ślązki, am announcing that our army is preparing an invasion on the Moscow. Soon, our biggest threat in history, Russia, will be erased from the existance, and their old capital along with the so-called Union of Hallelujah.....

won't survive very long"
Singaporean Federation

Off of the West Korean Coast

The Governor of the Second District of the Singaporean Federation Kasey Samson was asked onto the bridge of the Ocean Liner. "Madam, We received a message."

@Emperor Ploppa[/URL]

Oxford Airport, SRB

The Governor of the 4th Khey Lim got off the cargo plane. The second cargo plane began unloading the gifts and 2 jeep scouting party. With a stretch he said to some aides, "So this is Britain. Seems like a nice place to live." Several men could be seen walking up to them.


Territorial Gains

land between guangzhou and xiamen.

(btw, posted earlier about the talks.
@Loyal Guardian post #236)
@Emperor Ploppa[/URL]
The batch of the royalsguard looked at the Brits as they got out of their planes. One of the royalsguard approached them and he said, "Welcome to Harbin, the imperial heartland of Manchuria. Come with me, I'll escort you to the Imperial Residence."

Alteras said:
Singaporean Federation

Off of the West Korean Coast

The Governor of the Second District of the Singaporean Federation Kasey Samson was asked onto the bridge of the Ocean Liner. "Madam, We received a message."

"Orders?" Samson thought for a moment. "Turn the fleet to face south and begin moving towards Kyushu. Make preparations to counterattack pursuing ships. Give me the mic." Samson was given the mic. She drank some coffee and began to speak. "This is Singaporean Federation Peace Fleet. We have no ill intentions. We request an audience with your emperor to discuss trade and peace agreements." She put down the mic. Operators contacted the three small warships to begin loading missiles and prepare a counter attack.

@Emperor Ploppa
The admirals and sailors paused for a second, the armed sailors would lower their arms and then one of the admiral said, "Singaporean Federation Peace Fleet. Go to Lushunkou (Port Arthur), I repeat, go to Lushunkou, it is a straightway to the imperial heartland via sea, going towards the Korean Peninsula will be useless and there is nothing over here, over."
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JJKab said:
Jakub Ślązki was checking the old Europe map, when it struck him: If he were to regain Polish lost territiories, he had to make sure that their biggest threat was down: Russia. And he got informed that the two pilots sent out there were murdered by the so called Union of Hallelujah. He grinned angrily

"I want my General in my office right now" He said into the intercom.

Soon, Jacob Dolecky came into the room and saluted the president

"Słuchaj no. Chce, żeby twój dywizjon ZTARŁ z powierzchni Ziemi tą Unię Hallelujach czy coś tam. Jasne?"

"Tak Jest. 300.000 wojska, 1000 samolotów i 150 czołgów wyruszy niedługo do Moskwy i zetrzemy ich z powierzchni ziemi"

(This won't be translated purposely. Summary: @Pat , be ware)

After a while, a speech was transfered to all main Polish cities, including Płock, Gdańsk, Gdynia and Lwów.

"Polish Citizens! I, President Jakub Ślązki, am announcing that our army is preparing an invasion on the Moscow. Soon, our biggest threat in history, Russia, will be erased from the existance, and their old capital along with the so-called Union of Hallelujah.....

won't survive very long"
Dieztio smiled, the expected Polish response was slower of course, possibly because of far larger problems, but it had gave them even more time to prepare. AA emplacements were recovered, put into service, as were as many vehicles as the Union could muster. Riots were put down below, and a vast majority of the Union army brought up, near two million boys, men, and elders with not much more to their use than a rifle and a cloth uniform.

Thankfully, the Lazarus Project had purified the central surface positions that were so critical to the defense of Moscow, but still, the outskirts and the majority of the city were left barren of breathable air, not only to prevent a Reich counterattack but any optimistic mutants Dietzio knew, despite all efforts to eradicate them, still roamed the wasteland with the bandits- which he himself personally promised a portion of the Metro, sealed off from the others in the system, but still accessible from the surface... If they fought a guerrilla war with the Polish army, doing lightning raids on their diminishing supplies as they traversed harsher and harsher ground with the full aid of the Spartans and Spetsnaz elite units. The latter two of which would return to Moscow, equipped with proper gear, to hide in the unbreathable outer edge and kill Polish advance troops in the savage, twisted land they were trained in.

A wall of putrid air will defend Moscow from the ground, and if not that, walls crowded with hundreds of thousands of riflemen. If the AA emplacements, even the armored cars, machine guns and tanks fail, concentrated rifle fire has proved to down planes in the Great Patriotic War...

Dieztio turns from the Tower, glancing at the Stalker Core of a thousand men on the rooftops below, who were to surround the enemy from high above and then swarm in with their 3DMG gear, too quick for any reaction, blades drawn, to slice apart whatever remnants made it to the final lines, sending the Invaders back with a chorus of vengeful Hallelujan Angels at their heels, to be more specific, a Gerbil-riding force of 10,000 soldiers.


The Polish army's camps, as they advance, are repeatedly raided by Bandit and Union Special Forces coalitions, deprived of the food and water which is practically non-existent in Russia as it is, remaining sources being poisoned or burned by the troops, now leaving the occasional landmine in the landscape, more so on the better paths to surprise an ill-fated enemy vehicle or soldier on the advance guard.

Many skirmishes occur at Dusk or night, Spartans taking command of the operations, killing those on watch and small patrols around the camps.

The Union defense couldn't be better prepared, outnumbering the enemy by a ratio of roughly twenty to one, dug deep into the ruins they knew well, unsuitable for Polish vehicles with the hundreds of years of neglect after the nuclear devastation.
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Pat said:
Dieztio smiled, the expected Polish response was slower of course, possibly because of far larger problems, but it had gave them even more time to prepare. AA emplacements were recovered, put into service, as were as many vehicles as the Union could muster. Riots were put down below, and a vast majority of the Union army brought up, near two million boys, men, and elders with not much more to their use than a rifle and a cloth uniform.
Thankfully, the Lazarus Project had purified the central surface positions that were so critical to the defense of Moscow, but still, the outskirts and the majority of the city were left barren of breathable air, not only to prevent a Reich counterattack but any optimistic mutants Dietzio knew, despite all efforts to eradicate them, still roamed the wasteland with the bandits- which he himself personally promised a portion of the Metro, sealed off from the others in the system, but still accessible from the surface... If they fought a guerrilla war with the Polish army, doing lightning raids on their diminishing supplies as they traversed harsher and harsher ground with the full aid of the Spartans and Spetsnaz elite units. The latter two of which would return to Moscow, equipped with proper gear, to hide in the unbreathable outer edge and kill Polish advance troops in the savage, twisted land they were trained in.

A wall of putrid air will defend Moscow from the ground, and if not that, walls crowded with hundreds of thousands of riflemen. If the AA emplacements, even the armored cars, machine guns and tanks fail, concentrated rifle fire has proved to down planes in the Great Patriotic War...

Dieztio turns from the Tower, glancing at the Stalker Core of a thousand men on the rooftops below, who were to surround the enemy from high above and then swarm in with their 3DMG gear, too quick for any reaction, blades drawn, to slice apart whatever remnants made it to the final lines, sending the Invaders back with a chorus of vengeful Hallelujan Angels at their heels, to be more specific, a Gerbil-riding force of 10,000 soldiers.


The Polish army's camps, as they advance, are repeatedly raided by Bandit and Union Special Forces coalitions, deprived of the food and water which is practically non-existent in Russia as it is, remaining sources being poisoned or burned by the troops, now leaving the occasional landmine in the landscape, more so on the better paths to surprise an ill-fated enemy vehicle or soldier on the advance guard.

Many skirmishes occur at Dusk or night, Spartans taking command of the operations, killing those on watch and small patrols around the camps.

The Union defense couldn't be better prepared, outnumbering the enemy by a ratio of roughly twenty to one, dug deep into the ruins they knew well, unsuitable for Polish vehicles with the hundreds of years of neglect after the nuclear devastation.
Republic Of Poland

"Sir. We're being outnumbered somehow by Ruskies. This is not possible" General D exclaimed, looking over the map as he spoke to the President

"Alright then.... call for ceasefire and retreat to our borders"


{Alright boys, we're retreating, RETREAAAAT}

Polish forces were skirting away from the battle, as Polish East bourder was being mobilized

They left a note in their camp, calling out for a ceasefire
JJKab said:
Republic Of Poland
"Sir. We're being outnumbered somehow by Ruskies. This is not possible" General D exclaimed, looking over the map as he spoke to the President

"Alright then.... call for ceasefire and retreat to our borders"


{Alright boys, we're retreating, RETREAAAAT}

Polish forces were skirting away from the battle, as Polish East bourder was being mobilized

They left a note in their camp, calling out for a ceasefire
Dieztio arrives with Anya after the camp is sweeped, a young Spetznaz captain with a mess of black hair and blue, wolfish eyes shouting happily at them from an open tent, a piece of paper fluttering in his hand, "Poland say, Ой, прости!"
Singapore, Singaporean Federation

"I agree with your proposal Prime Minister. Since that is the case i believe the talks should end here, no point in trying to push further." The Emperor said getting up. "I shall take my leave. May you, your country, and your people prosper in the future my friend." He said as he shook the PM's hand. After he said that he and his guards walked outside where a Eclipsian convoy was ready for him.

He got in and his adviser told him of the Polish-Moscow situation. "Open up communication channels." He said as the convoy started to head towards the airport. "President Jakub of Poland,I am Emperor Byron of the Eclipse Empire. I wish we could have meet in person but sadly given my situation i can't. Either way i want to repay the debt General Deimos did to your country. I am offering aerial assistance to aid you in your fight." Byron said. Byron then leaned towards his adviser. "Tell the High Minister to initiate PROJECT: Gemini." Whispered the emperor.

@Alteras @JJKab

Imperial Palace, Harbin, Imperial Manchuria

"First off i would like to thank you for allowing me to enter your country." Io said bowing his head a little. "My emperor has given instructions to offer you a trade partnership, mainly resources, and a alliance between our nations so no hostilities may be present in the future."

@Emperor Ploppa

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • PROJECT: Gemini is authorized. Involves heavy mechanization.
  • Emperor Byron leave Singapore en route to Eclipsim
  • General Io makes his proposals
  • Eastern Campaign: General Revus stops his advance after pushing a little further. Eastern Campaign ends
  • Western Campaign: General Centauri takes Greece and Arabia, begins to station the army in the area around Izmir. Western Campaign ends
@Alteras[/URL] @JJKab

Imperial Palace, Harbin, Imperial Manchuria

"First off i would like to thank you for allowing me to enter your country." Io said bowing his head a little. "My emperor has given instructions to offer you a trade partnership, mainly resources, and a alliance between our nations so no hostilities may be present in the future."

@Emperor Ploppa

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • PROJECT: Gemini is authorized. Involves heavy mechanization.
  • Emperor Byron leave Singapore en route to Eclipsim
  • General Io makes his proposals
  • Eastern Campaign: General Revus stops his advance after pushing a little further. Eastern Campaign ends
  • Western Campaign: General Centauri takes Greece and Arabia, begins to station the army in the area around Izmir. Western Campaign ends

"Sir, a communication centre is opened by the Emperor of the Eclipse Empire"

"Open ours."

"Yes.... No, we're not strong enough, not by a thing. They pushed us back hard, but we didn't lose any territory. Also, regarding your person, Emperor, I got told that some of your forces invaded our territory. You apologized, and proposed a meeting between us. How about we meet in Lublin?"
JJKab said:
"Sir, a communication centre is opened by the Emperor of the Eclipse Empire"

"Open ours."

"Yes.... No, we're not strong enough, not by a thing. They pushed us back hard, but we didn't lose any territory. Also, regarding your person, Emperor, I got told that some of your forces invaded our territory. You apologized, and proposed a meeting between us. How about we meet in Lublin?"
Singapore Airport, Singapore

The emperor began to board his plane as he got the transmission. "Yes a rouge army of our invaded to take claimed territory and i apologize greatly for that, we have since revoked our claims. As for the meeting i do not mind a short one. I would love a tour but sadly i can not since i have been to far away from my empire for to long." The emperor said as he sat down. "Also do i have a confirmation on aerial assistance for your forces?" He said as he turned to his pilots. "Make a redirect course to Lublin."
Panama Canal

The ships had arrived and were blockading the Canal. They had been instructed to only allow Rockian and Singaporean ships through. One of the ships had scouted the Panamanian coast and found that Panama City was alive with half a million people.

Melbourne, Australia

The invasion had captured the two cities of Australia. Few soldiers had been lost due to their inferior technology, and the annexation of Australia was official. Operations to conquer Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth were underway, as well as scouting the area of Alice Springs and the Outback.

Secret testing base, Alaska

"As you can see, the satellites are quite large," the Scientist told the king. "They are equipped with massive rods that seem useless here, but when dropped from space can be devastating. These can level entire cities and kill many thousands." The king was frowning. "We shall only use these when absolutely necessary, is this understood?" "Whatever you say, my liege. These satellites shall be launched in Australia as soon as possible."


The Duke had to admit, he was enjoying himself here. He had never seen a city so massive, with it's gleaming towers and bustling activity. The Duke couldn't go have fun yet, however. Since the Kingdom of the Rockies was a monarchy based on old Feudalism, most Royal marriages were arranged. This used to be with other duke's families or very distant relatives within the kingdom, but now that other realms had been discovered, Albert had been instructed to find two brides, one for himself and one for the king, preferably leader's daughters from Manchuria and Singapore, to solidify relations. A request to both was being sent.

@Alteras @Emperor Ploppa


Panama Canal locked down.

Australia claimed and conquered.

Weaponized satellites production underway.

Royal marriage proposition to Singapore and Manchuria.

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