The World of Tomorrow

[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Singapore Airport, Singapore

The emperor began to board his plane as he got the transmission. "Yes a rouge army of our invaded to take claimed territory and i apologize greatly for that, we have since revoked our claims. As for the meeting i do not mind a short one. I would love a tour but sadly i can not since i have been to far away from my empire for to long." The emperor said as he sat down. "Also do i have a confirmation on aerial assistance for your forces?" He said as he turned to his pilots. "Make a redirect course to Lublin."


"As for the aerial assistance, yes, in the future it will be helpful.. But for the meeting, we do have a airport in Swidnik, make your way there, I'll be right there to meet you."
Anya smiles for a moment, soldiers below the Tower helping themselves to stores of drink brought up from the armories, soldiers passing bottles of Vodka around surface campfires. They begin singing in chorus with a great many drunken others across the ruins of Moscow. Thankfully, simple radars were set up around the parameter to ensure safety, a handful of Spartans on watch in rotating shifts.

"Оу Вея!"

"Оу Вея!"

"Оу Вея!"

"-SALVA, до свидания!

"Оу Вея!"

"Оу Вея!"

"Оу Вея!"

"-SALVA, до свидания!

"Оу Вея!"

"Оу Вея!"

"Оу Вея!"

"-SALVA, до свидания!

She turns from the festivities, focusing her attention on the 'Patriotic Treaty.'
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JJKab said:
"As for the aerial assistance, yes, in the future it will be helpful.. But for the meeting, we do have a airport in Swidnik, make your way there, I'll be right there to meet you."
Skies over the Eclipse Empire

"Got it, i am nearly there. I will now send my forces over their city." Emperor Byron said as his plane and its escorts make their way to Swidnik. Emperor Byron sends the Jovian Sky Stations and points the Dione Satellites over Moscow.

Skies over Moscow

"To the people and rulers of the nation Union of Hallelujah, I am Admiral Umbriel of the Eclipse Empire. In the name of our empire and for our allies the Poles, we request you stand down your forces or we will be forced to open fire. Expect no mercy and no ground forced from our troops as you are not worth our armies time and energy."

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JJKab said:
The Polish President was waiting at the airport, as the area around the Swidnik was surrounded by military for protection, and just little outside were standing the press, ready to report on anything Empire Eclipse-related
Swidnik, Poland

After their planes rushed their way to the airport, they landed on the airstrip with just enough fuel. When the fighters and the transport ship landed the Polish citizens, press, and some military men were in awe of how semi-futuristic they looked. Emperor Byron stepped outside his ship and walked towards the president of Poland and shook his hand, the press took many pictures of the moment. "Greeting Mr. President. I am glad to meet you in person."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Swidnik, Poland

After their planes rushed their way to the airport, they landed on the airstrip with just enough fuel. When the fighters and the transport ship landed the Polish citizens, press, and some military men were in awe of how semi-futuristic they looked. Emperor Byron stepped outside his ship and walked towards the president of Poland and shook his hand, the press took many pictures of the moment. "Greeting Mr. President. I am glad to meet you in person."

"Witam...." President welcomed the Emperor in Polish, and soon walked him down towards the terminal, and towards the limo already ready

"Alright.... We're practically the first Slavic nation to be recreated... A pity it is that Hungary is still buried, we're keeping her territories intact untill further notice"

(I wish someone'd take on Hungary xD )
JJKab said:
"Witam...." President welcomed the Emperor in Polish, and soon walked him down towards the terminal, and towards the limo already ready
"Alright.... We're practically the first Slavic nation to be recreated... A pity it is that Hungary is still buried, we're keeping her territories intact untill further notice"

(I wish someone'd take on Hungary xD )
Lublin, Poland

"It is a pleasure being here. I wish i could tour the city but i would like to get to business. Before we begin our talks i would like to say that our aerial forces are now stationed above Moscow. We have received no reply. If they do not respond soon we will open fire."

Anya stands to a microphone. "We haven't truly risen Admiral, it would be wise of you not to tempt another age of eternal damnation on your people." She raises her voice, remaining strong and defiant in the face of certain death. "WE HAVE SIMPLY DEFENDED WHAT THE IMPERALISTIC POLISH WOULD HAVE TAKEN HAD WE OTHERWISE NOT SHOWN OUR STRENGTH. WITHOUT REASON, WITHOUT CAUSE, THEY HAVE MARCHED ON OUR SOVEREIGN LANDS WITH THE INTENT OF CONQUERERS WITH CLAIMS OF WRONGDOING, RUNNING HOME WITH THEIR TAILS BEHIND THEIR BACKS LIKE DOGS WHEN WHIPPED."

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A smirk appeared under Jacob's nose, as he looked at the Emperor

"That's good to hear... I'm afraid we won't probably kill them off as easily.... I doubt they station above, they must have some sort of metro connection"

"Also, I might offer a alliance between our nations...."
JJKab said:
A smirk appeared under Jacob's nose, as he looked at the Emperor
"That's good to hear... I'm afraid we won't probably kill them off as easily.... I doubt they station above, they must have some sort of metro connection"

"Also, I might offer a alliance between our nations...."
Lublin, Poland

"If they are in the metros that is no problem. See we have sky stations and weaponized satellites. As for the alliance offer i could not agree more as that is what i was going to offer you, as well as an increased trade deal."

Pat said:
Anya stands to a microphone. "We haven't truly risen Admiral, it would be wise of you not to tempt another age of eternal damnation on your people." She raises her voice, remaining strong and defiant in the face of certain death. "WE HAVE SIMPLY DEFENDED WHAT THE IMPERALISTIC POLISH WOULD HAVE TAKEN HAD WE OTHERWISE NOT SHOWN OUR STRENGTH. WITHOUT REASON, WITHOUT CAUSE, THEY HAVE MARCHED ON OUR SOVEREIGN LANDS WITH THE INTENT OF CONQUERERS WITH CLAIMS OF WRONGDOING, RUNNING HOME WITH THEIR TAILS BEHIND THEIR BACKS LIKE DOGS WHEN WHIPPED."
Skies over Moscow

Admiral Umbriel stood there, not in shock, but in respect. He heard a truly patriotic voice reaching out to him, if it was his choice he might have stopped, but it wasn't. "The Polish are our allies. We have a debt to repay to them after what one of our traitorous generals did, this is a chance to repay it. Now look up into the sky at our floating fortresses to see your demise. As for our damnation.... we have quelled many rebellions, we have executed spies and defectors, and we have the hearts of the people."

JJKab said:
"Alright. I Agree with that one. We actually discovered pretty dense amounts of Petroleum on our main lands..."
"And I heard about those stations, I think... I'm not actually sure"
Lublin, Poland

"Let's just say that a large scale rebellion in our Persian providence was quickly quelled with the firing of just the sky stations and a quick ground sweep from my ground forces. Speaking of which all of my ground forces wear power armor to compensate for our special forces."
The president whistled in respect

"Wow... Welp, our Ukrainan rebels were taking over, but we swept and cleaned them out"

"That's what buggles me... how did those Ruskies have so much advantage over us?!"
"Then let those hearts rest. Moscow is our city, our people, and we will never stand down, never rise beyond what our ancestors have fought for millennia, a home. The only aggressor in this conflict is now marching back their own, but if you wish to take the chance for redemption with the payment of millions of lives, I can oblige you with an answer the likes of which is unimaginable in horror."

A year runs down Anya's cheek, but it does not show in her voice. Many will die. But even if it kills me I will see our own repayment. Blood for blood.
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Pat said:
"Then let those hearts rest. Moscow is our city, our people, and we will never stand down, never rise beyond what our ancestors have fought for millennia, a home. The only aggressor in this conflict is now marching back home, but if you wish to take the chance for redemption with the payment of millions of lives, I can oblige you with an answer the likes of which is unimaginable in horror."
A year runs down Anya's cheek, but it does not show in her voice. Many will die. But even if it kills me I will see our own repayment. Blood for blood.
Skies over Moscow

"To whom is speaking to me i respect your courage and patriotism. Your words are ones i may never forget. However as of this moment you are our enemy and i will not show mercy,"

JJKab said:
The president whistled in respect
"Wow... Welp, our Ukrainan rebels were taking over, but we swept and cleaned them out"

"That's what buggles me... how did those Ruskies have so much advantage over us?!"
Lublin, Poland

"They most likely outnumbered you and had soldiers already planted in those ruins." Byron looked down at his pad, it was a message from Admiral Umbriel. "It also appears that my stations have told them to lay down their arms, they have not surrendered, and now they want my permission to open fire. Seeing as how your forces are leading the war i will let you decide, note that if you say yes the city will be completely leveled. That includes the underground."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Skies over Moscow

"To whom is speaking to me i respect your courage and patriotism. Your words are ones i may never forget. However as of this moment you are our enemy and i will not show mercy,"

Lublin, Poland

"They most likely outnumbered you and had soldiers already planted in those ruins." Byron looked down at his pad, it was a message from Admiral Umbriel. "It also appears that my stations have told them to lay down their arms, they have not surrendered, and now they want my permission to open fire. Seeing as how your forces are leading the war i will let you decide, note that if you say yes the city will be completely leveled. That includes the underground."

"They caused too many troubles... I accept.... not without a bit of regret, but I do..."

The President knew that the Russians were a big threat, and that the Putin caused all this havoc and destruction. He was told so by legends that once, Poland was strong, and could easily conquer a lot of territories, that including now-Russian-Territories.
JJKab said:
"They caused too many troubles... I accept.... not without a bit of regret, but I do..."
The President knew that the Russians were a big threat, and that the Putin caused all this havoc and destruction. He was told so by legends that once, Poland was strong, and could easily conquer a lot of territories, that including now-Russian-Territories.
Skies over Moscow

Umbriel looked at his pad and saw the order. He then nodded his head and turned to his officer. "Have all stations and satellites to open fire on the city." The stations and satellites then pointed their guns at the city and without warning they fired salvos at the city. The sky stations fired their missiles and kinetic cannons while the satellites fired their advanced kinetic cannons (which can hit near the strength of the strongest bomb, just with out the whole nuclear stuff). They smashed into the ground destroying every thing they hit. The salvos fired for a few more minutes until they stopped, leaving a small crater with almost zero structures left standing. The underground was exposed, and the ones that weren't were caved completely in. What remained of Moscow was just a few small structures, some pieces of debris, the trains and lines of the tunnels of the metro were all that showed existence. "My emperor, Moscow has been destroyed."


Lublin, Poland

"The order was given." The emperor said swiping on his pad. "If you would like, here is the aftermath." Byron then showed the multiple of Moscow before and after the salvos commenced.

The outer ring of Hansa stations and their branches remained, the top secret installation of D6 concealed once more by the Russians, doors and exits shut, hidden, as they had during the First Scathing. Only now, they prepared, instead of keeping the secrets away from human hands, soldiers searched every room unsearched, for vengeance.
The Socialist Republic of Britain

Capitol Building, Oxford, The S.R.B.

"Well, shall we begin then. Shall we talk about trade and a possible alliance between our nations?" Kord said to the Eclipsian Diplomat.

@Loyal Guardian

Oxford Airport, Oxford, The S.R.B.

As the Singaporean ambassador's plane and escorts landed, a few soldiers approached them. "You're the Singaporean ambassador I assume." one of them said. "Follow us to the capitol building."


Harbin Airstrip, Manchuria

After the pilots got out of their planes, they were greeted by a couple of soldiers, well, they looked like soldiers. One of them greeted the pilots and told them to follow them to the Imperial Residence. The pilots proceeded to follow them.

@Emperor Ploppa

Rnd Labs, The S.R.B.

A scientist walked up to IM Arran. "Sir, Project: Kepler is ready. Waiting on your command." the scientist said while motioning for Arran to follow. They walked into a building that looks similar to the Communications Center, operators working at stations and one big screen at the front. The scientist stopped at the main desk. There was a red button there, covered by a glass casing. "Ready when you are, sir." Arran lifted the case covering the button. He pressed the button. The screen showed a rocket blasting off from the ground. The entire room cheered. Some threw their headphones up in celebration. On-board the rocket was a surveillance satellite, possibly the first one ever launched after the nuclear armageddon. "One more thing sir, Project: Panzer is also complete. The new tank model is armed with a powerful laser cannon, enough to take out an entire building. It has thick steel armor and is as fast as an average car. It is mainly powered by fission energy." the scientist said. "Excellent work, have all tanks remodeled to this model and start mass production." "Yes sir."


Project Kepler is Complete; The New British Space Program is established, along with a missile defense system (Still in progress). A surveillance satellite is launched into orbit.

Project Panzer is Complete; The G-72 tank is complete. It has tick steel armor, which essentially makes it bullet proof and is very durable, it is as fast as an average car and is powered by fission energy. It is armed with a powerful laser cannon which can easily reduce a building to rubble with one shot. All tanks are being upgraded to this model and mass production is on the way.
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JJKab said:
"Oż... kurwa" President of Poland exclaimed, in true shock
Lublin, Poland

"Can you repeat? I don't understand Polish. Either way your troops are free to move in, however our thermal scanners still detect them so be careful."

Capitol Building, Oxford, S.R.B

"Of course Mr. Kord. As for trade we offer our empires resources in return for yours, to make thing fair." Sedna continued. "As for an alliance i can safely say that is something we want as well. If you want we could also aid you in invading Italy, but we'll hand over Italy of course."
JJKab said:
"I meant.... Yeah.... Just make sure to cover fire us if you could." The President exclaimed, as he gave a nod towards the adjutant, and he made his way to the general
"Cała Naprzód! Precz z rosyjską szmirą!" The general exclaimed loudly, as his 250.000 army made it's way towards the Moscow yet again, making sure to turn into dust every single ruin they see, killing multiple citizients. Now, knowing what they were capable off, they were keeping the warriors off from a distance, and shooting every civilian they saw, claiming the land for Polish Republic


Small amount of territory is gained in Eastern Poland, and It's currently bordering the Union of Halleluiah, not erasing it from map YET

Lubin, Poland

"I'll do you one better Mr. President. I will send a detachment of my army, accompanied by some Implanted, to aid you." He turned around to his adviser. "Send a detachment and put General Revus in charge." The adviser nodded as he pulled out his pad.
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Lubin, Poland

"I'll do you one better Mr. President. I will send a detachment of my army, accompanied by some Implanted, to aid you." He turned around to his adviser. "Send a detachment and put General Revus in charge." The adviser nodded as he pulled out his pad.

The Polish flags were rised on the ruins of Kreml, as the Polish Army cheered in victory.


Polish-Eclipse Alliance is officially established.

Poland claimes the land up to Moscov, completely eliminating the Union of Halleluiah from the map, but not from the existance. Also Polish troops succesfully take over Norway and Sweden
Site of Moscow

Eclipsian Troops rain down from the sky stations in drop pods. They land and begin to sweep the city ruins. They find some survivors who open fire on them, but they quickly kill them thanks to their suits and the Implanted. As they sweep through they unite with Polish forces, some of who fought against Deimos's invasion, were in awe in seeing the Eclipsian's power armor. They then encountered an entire building covered in dust, sealed. The Eclipsian scanners indicated that their were people inside. The soldiers then put breach charges on the doors but when detonated they did not break open the doors. Then three T-99 Hover Tanks came in, further awing the Polish, and fired at the doors. The doors finally blew open and the soldiers went in killing everything that was not them or Polish. After killing all of the enemy soldiers and even some civilians they encountered another set of doors. A T-99 Hover Tank barely fit in and, along with breach charges, fired at the doors and blew them back. They entered and destroyed the turrets and killed the soldiers. They then cheered in victory as the area was clear, but some of the enemy still prowled throughout the ruins.

@Pat @JJKab


  • Most of Former Moscow is cleared
  • Eclipsian Troops only suffer approx. 300 KIA during the sweep with no Implanted killed or harmed
  • Eclipsian and Polish Troops jointly occupy the area, but is under Polish administration

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