The World of Tomorrow

Radio Station, Anchorage

The station was picking up a message from an "Eclipse Empire". A response was sent. "Hello, this is the Kingdom of the Rockies attempting contact with the Eclipse Empire."

@Loyal Guardian

Sacramento Observation Post

"We will be studying the effects and aftermath of the kinetic bombardment, then we will leave the city. I do hope there were no inhabitants within Sacramento, was this the case?"



More communication.
Singaporean Federation

Outside the Capitol Building, Oxford, SRB

"Hmm, that's a good name. If Britain accepts the Eclipse Empire, so shall Singapore."


Headquarters Signals and Commands, Singaporean Federation

"This is Singaporean Federation to Eclipse Empire. Shanghai Reclamation is no longer feasible. Please take caution as unknown forces hold the Shandong province. We have also begun building the railroad from Bangkok to New Delhi. We want to send a representative to stay in your nation. We shall accept your alliance if Britain accepts."

@Loyal Guardian

Orchard Road, Singapore

"Yes, their emperor was here. I intended to introduce him to you, but he had to attend to affairs concerning his nation," Zeph replied. "Singapore is a very racially diverse nation. We base our success on our unity as one. Take care to address every citizen." A new reporter and camera came up to the two of them. Zeph chuckled, "Duke Albert, would you like to address the Singaporean Federation?"

@Fishman Lord

Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

Admiral Hummel walked up to Caitlyn Roscoe. She is a 19 year old, blond haired lady. Having been born into the Roscoe house, she has always had a successful career in influencing politics, even from a young age. Her nickname is "Lady Mediator," having ended many disputes with simple solutions, one of which is the recent revision of a Prime Minister's term length. She is known to use her beauty and presence to move the people to agree to a solution. "Lady Roscoe, thank you for meeting me on such short notice." "No worries, Riley. You helped me on many occasions. The least I can do is listen to your request." "Very well, I'll be blunt. Duke Albert of the Kingdom of the Rockies request a suitable wife. I believe you are a good candidate." She went silent for a while. Her body movements suggested unease but her eyes said that she knew having her in a foreign nation's court could influence relations. Hummel spoke up, "Sorry if I suggested a gross offer, I can find another candidate." She instantly sat up and with a smile said, "No worries Hummel. I understand the position you are in. I'm willing to play the bride and the spy, but under one condition. The Federation must agree to protect me and all actions I take, including promises and suggestions I make." Admiral Hummel bit his lip then released a sigh of resignation. "You really put me in a tight spot this time. I agree. Thank you." Caitlyn stood up and with a smile said, "Well then, take me to my future husband."

@Fishman Lord

Port of Singapore

The Second Trade fleet is preparing to leave to New Zealand, Hawaii, then to the Kingdom of the Rockies. This fleet matches the first in size. One Yamato class battleship is being devoted to defending the fleet.

Territorial Gains

The First Trade fleet heads to São Tomé and Príncipe

Mining Firms are established and begin moving to take Australian Mines.
He looked over my troops after they had ended the salute and stood at attention.

Walking up to me, his voice smooth as silk, said to me. “Captain Harding, pleased to meet you...”

I shook his hand, letting him feel my grip. “Logan Frost, Prime Minister, General of the Army. It's a pleasure to meet you Captain Harding.” I then turned around and yelled to a runner that was milling around. “Runner!”

She sprinted up to me, ushering a quick salute. “Sir!”

“Order the 10th to stock as much food and water as this airship can hold.”

She scribbled on a notepad then nodded and sprinted off, directly away from me, into the sprawl of tanks, APCs and helicopters that were being repaired. Then a whistling hush noise sounded through the sky. I looked up and saw a CF-118 in level flight directly over us.

I smiled and said, absentmindedly. “So they finally got them working.” I turned to Harding. “They've been trying to get those jets going for weeks now.”

Capitol Building, Oxford, S.R.B

"I shall give the notice to our army stationed in Greece." Sedna pulled out his pad and typed a message to General Centauri to begin mobilization. "Now Mister Kord i would like to finalize our agreement with a handshake. I do believe that a trade deal and a alliance offer was established."


Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"This is the Eclipse Empire making contact with the Kingdom of the Rockies. We have been given orders to ask to send representatives to your country on a diplomatic mission." The officer then turned around to reply to the Singaporean message. "Understood Singapore. And in name of Emperor Byron we accept the railroad offer, as well as your representative. We will treat him or her with up-most care.

@Fishman Lord @Alteras

The Balkans

As soon as General Centauri received the go from Minister Sedna he quickly moved his army to take VV lands. Intense aerial bombings struck down onto VV reinforcements as they approached Eclipsian troops. Using modified Blitzkrieg tactics, the Eclipsian army took over most of the west coast of the Balkans giving the rest to the S.R.B. Using landing crafts, Eclipsian troops stormed the islands of Cyprus and Crete. Unlike land however, Eclipsian troops took a large amounts of casualties. It wasn't until aerial bombardment and a destroyer coming to assist them that they were able to make a steady beachhead. During the invasions of VV lands, pilots were sent to bomb mainland Italy to destroy supply lines that could halt British advance.

@Domini Regum

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • Official Contact is made with North America
  • Deals with the S.R.B begin completion
  • General Centauri launches a very swift invasion of bordering VV lands
  • All lands outside of Italy are captured by the Eclipse Empire, with some being given to the S.R.B
  • Invasions of Crete and Cyprus secure beachheads across the islands, taking high amounts of casualties

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Republic of Cascadia


CDF Listening Post, Astoria

A CDF listening post and radar station located in the coastal town of Astoria in the Oregon Province had detected the Eclipse Empire's message, having sent it to the government in Portland to hear for themselves, however under direct ruling from the President and the Joint Commanders of the CDF, the 5 highest ranking members within the Cascadian armed forces, the message was not responded to. As Cascadia does not want to make it's presence well known to nations outside of North America and for good reason. Reconaissance aircraft have continued to fly over surrounding territories to look for further signs of civilization down south, as no official response has come from a form of government down by Texas. Meanwhile CDF presence has increased on the northern Washington border as a precaution.

Portland, Cascadia

The Cascadian Senate has granted additional funding to the CDF to begin increasing the overall size of the Navy, 15 additional SSN Submarines have been ordered alongside 30 Arleigh Burke class destroyers, 25 Ticonderoga class cruisers have also been ordered. Meanwhile the Cascadian Defense Force Research & Innovation Lab, or CDFRIL for short has begun development of Project: Interior, this is an unknown project in development designed to give Cascadia the ultimate, and unconventional weapon in use against any possible or future enemies. To preserve the nation's peace and soverignity. It is expected to cost a great deal of money and will take quite some time to finish due to it's complexity, alongside this the CDGF has begun development on the SmartTech project for it's infantry, designed to provide them with cutting edge technology, the exact details of this technology remains highly classified. The CADF has ordered 120 F-15E Strike Eagles, 90 A-10 Thunderbolt II's and 145 F-16 Fighting Falcons. All of this approved by President Jefferson due to the knowledge of other, civilized nations. Stirring the government to bolster it's defenses for a worst case scenario.

Meanwhile CDF colonization forces have arrived in the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska The current resources of these 4 new Cascadian provinces are now being put to good use by Cascadian companies, making good profit already.

Vertex HQ, Seattle

The Vertex Corporation announced today that it would be opening two new departments for it's products. A defense department for military equipment and a healthcare department for civilian and government medical facilities and equipment to be used in hospitals and to be bought for the home. The Vertex Corporation has long since been renowned for it's astounding advances in technology, such as holographic videos, cybernetic implants for commercial use and it's latest venture where it has put WiFi cables underneath every street in both Seattle, Portland and San Francisco. Making it so that every citizen can connect to free WiFi no matter where they are in the city, all paid for by advertisers. Vertex has been contracted by the CDF for a undisclosed project involving military equipment. Along with this Vertex has announced it's new contract with the Cascadian Department of Wellbeing to begin joint development of new cancer treatments and exoskeletons to be used for crippled people.

Sacramento Ruins, California

The CDF stated that they would maintain a security ring around the testing area to make sure nothing else was being done by the Rockies' scientists and to ensure that no stray wanderers accidentally walked into the testing ground. The Cascadian government requested politely that the Rockies' scientists leave as soon as their testing was over.

@Fishman Lord

Territorial Gains:

North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska

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Singaporean Federation

Capetown, Oroguay

The first trade fleet continued to São Tomé and Príncipe. Several vessels and activity were spotted in the area, but it was decided that the navy would investigate later. One ship docked at port, carrying the Governor of the third District of the Singaporean Federation, Chang Yu Hong. She is 23 year old woman of the Chang House. She is capable of fighting but prefers quieter solutions to problems. She is known for always getting what she wants, going as far as to ordering assassinations. She came on to land and was greeted by Oroguay guards and officials. She and several aides followed them to the nation's capitol and met the Dual presidency. "I am Chang Yu Hong, Governor of the third district of the Singaporean Federation. I am honored to be able to meet this nation's leaders." The twins responded in like, and they proceeded to opening negotiations. A trade treaty was established but no alliance. She went back to the ship and called SIG HQ.

Headquarters Signals and Command System, Singaporean Federation

"This is the third governor Chang Yu Hong requesting a direct call to MWE Chen." Operators routed her call to Chen's office.

MWE Chen's Office, Parliamentary Building, Singaporean Federation

"Hi Jimmy~~." "You never call me so nicely without a request." "Haha! I hate your memory." "I hate you too. What do you want?" "So in South Africa, I found this huge nation with a stronger force than we do. The problem is that they're sitting a large amounts of rare ores. They have an economy that can rival ours because of it. I want it for the federation!" "No you don't, what do you really want?" "Aww, you're no fun. What I want is to create a new district out of this land, one that I control. It would really help if we started an invasion against this nation. Plus there are many good reasons to do this! A new economy, a stronger naval presence, a increase in production, a ton of stuff." Chen leaned back on his chair. "I'll propose it to Parliament. I'll go ahead and start doing stuff on my end." The call ended.

Parliament Building, Singapore

Chen proposed an invasion of Oroguay and was quickly shot down. However the parliament was open to a currency wars, knowing that Singapore's economy would be able to bounce back. Orders were made to send investors to Oroguay to hyperinflate their economy and find as many secrets as possible.

Capetown, Oroguay

After the call ended, 3rd Gov Chang met with the twins again and proposed that they join the Federation. One of the brothers went into a rage at the suggestion and the meeting quickly ended.

Headquarters Signals and Command System, Singaporean Federation

Operators began moving 100,000 men, 2 amphibious transport ships, 50 corvettes, one yamato class battleship and one sentosa class battleship to the Maldives Naval base to prepare an invasion. The Lion squadron, with the newly added fighter jets were also sent to the base. A call was made to the Eclipse Empire. "This is Singaporean Federation to Eclipse Empire. We are requesting the assistance of your best infantry division to partake in the invasion of the South African nation of Oroguay. The all previous shanghai arrangements will be upheld for the new territory gained."

@Loyal Guardian @Macflare

Kagoshima, Kyushu, Japan

The Kyushu Reclamation Fleet arrived in Kagoshima, Kyushu. The people were in anarchy, however upon seeing the fleet, they stopped and surrendered. The larger faction, which controlled everything south of Kobayashi quickly seceded control to Singapore. They were granted residence in Singapore. In the port, several naval ships were also taken and moved back to Singapore. Engineers quickly examined the local rail system and infrastructure. An expedition was prepared to take the railways to explore the rest of the Kyushu.

@Emperor Ploppa

-Gained 2 destroyers and 1 aircraft carrier.

-Currency war against Oroguay started.

-Shanghai Reclamation has returned to Guangzhou.

@Fishman Lord @Agent141 (This is the list of people I'm waiting for replies.)
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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:rgb(0,0,255);"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:24px;">The Socialist Republic of Britain</span></span></strong></span></p></div>




<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Italy</span></strong></p>


<span style="font-size:14px;">The British army continued pushed through Italy, taking over lands along the way. British bombers continued to bomb their targets, such as VV army camps, military housing, and military supply depots.</span></p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="" data-mentionid="32417">@Domini Regum</a></p>


<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Capitol Building Conference Room, Oxford, The S.R.B.</span></strong></p>


"Your help would be much appreciated. We would be glad to accept an alliance with you and we'll send some goods over immediately." Kord said as he shook the Eclipsian Diplomat's hand. "Now, I believe I have a meeting with a Singaporean Ambassador." Kord paged a radio. "Send them in."</p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="" data-mentionid="35598">@Loyal Guardian</a></p>


<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Outside the Capitol Building, Oxford, The S.R.B.</span></strong></p>


<span style="font-size:14px;">DM Alastair got the message from his radio. "I believe Prime Minister Kord has finished talks with the Eclipsian Diplomat, follow me to the conference room." Alastair said.</span></p>

<p><span style="font-size:14px;">

</span><a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="" data-mentionid="34809"><span style="font-size:14px;">@Alteras</span></a><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p>

<p><span style="font-size:14px;">



<span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>RnD Labs, The S.R.B.</strong></span></p>


The labs were busy, as usual with these projects going on. One of the scientists bumped into another scientist carrying a few pieces of metal. The metal went crashing to the floor. "Pardon me, I have to get these to the testing stations." the scientist carrying the metal said. After he picked up all the metal, he went over to the testing stations.</p>


<span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Results:</strong></span></p>


<span style="font-size:14px;">The British army continues the invasion of Italy.</span></p>

<p><span style="font-size:14px;">

Project: Eclipse 10%</span></p>


Project: Aries 25%</p>


The S.R.B. has formed an alliance with the Eclipse Empire, and is about to let the Eclipsians into the New World Alliance.</p>


Territory Gain: Northern Italy</p>
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Helios Communication Station

"This is the Eclipse Empire to the Singaporean Federation we hear your request. Currently our forces are participating in the Occupation of Moscow and the Vestan War." The officer replied. "We will send available naval forces, available Implanted, and some of our Special Forces divisions. We will also send two freshly rearmed Jovian Sky Stations."


Capitol Building, Oxford, S.R.B

"Thank you for your time. I hope that a new triple entente will be formed with our three nations." Minister Sedna shook PM Kord's hand and walked out the building with his guard. As he stepped out he looked at the Singaporean ambassador and waved to him before walking away back to his transport.


Southern Italy

Eclipsian bombers were heavily bombarding vital VV supply lines and army camps. General Centauri then authorized the naval invasion of Southern Italy and Sicily. Eclipsian transport ships, naval and aerial, entered Southern Italy soon after and quickly took the beachheads thanks to the destruction of enemy supply lines. The Battle of Sicily only lasted a few hours after increased heavy bombing, constant pushes of the front lines, and the numerical/technological advantage the Eclipsian troops had were all factors in the swift victory. Approximately two days after that the southern portion of Italy had been secured.

@Domini Regum @Agent141

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • The Eclipse Empire secures stable and friendly relations with the Singaporean Federation and the Socialist Republic of Britain. The empire is now ready to join the New World Alliance.
  • Eclipsian forces are being sent to the Maldives to aid the Singaporean forces for their war in Africa.
  • Eclipsian forces quickly take over Southern Italy and Sicily and begin to march onto Rome. General Centauri is prepared to give occupied land to the S.R.B after the war is officially over.

The President got notified that the Eclipsian-British-VV war is ongoing. He orders his forces NOT to intervene, as Poland is still regaining it's strenght after the Polish-Eclipsian war and the Ukraine Rebellions

Meanwhile, the Project "Orzeł" (Eagle) is 20% complete


Poland is neutral during the Eclipsian-VV-Britain War, despite our allies are fighting each other.

Project "Eagle" is 20% complete. It's a construction of 20 fast bombers, that are able to go through the radars, avoiding detection, but once they dropped their cargo, their camouflage wears off. Scientists still haven't found a way to fix that issue
D6, Secret Metro

Colonel Theatre helps the final installation of the jury-rigged long range radio wave, sonar, and echo-location jammers across the Metro 2 Lines; an unrecognizable network that shifts positions every fifteen minutes. A courier jogs up to him after the final turn of the wrench, out of breath, he hands a barely legible note to his commander.

Surface has reached the state of pre-colonization. Main metro pollutants increasingly toxic. Food supply at an all-time low for remaining citizens.


The Lazarus Project's positive change to the Surface have finally worn off, the air becoming toxic.

Local water and food supplies are now non-existent.

A sink hole begins. Every second, every minute, more and more land, buildings, and even the occasional person, are sucked into the void that once was the Moscow Metro.

Countless Russian refugees make their way North, to Siberia, where the Russian president was rumored to have evacuated to from his facility in the Urals.

All forms of resistance cease in the city, those remaining often too weak to make the journey with the others.
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Pat said:
D6, Secret Metro

Colonel Theatre helps the final installation of the jury-rigged long range radio wave, sonar, and echo-location jammers across the Metro 2 Lines; an unrecognizable network that shifts positions every fifteen minutes. A courier jogs up to him after the final turn of the wrench, out of breath, he hands a barely legible note to his commander.

Surface has reached the state of pre-colonization. Main metro pollutants increasingly toxic. Food supply at an all-time low for remaining citizens.


The Lazarus Project's positive change to the Surface have finally worn off, the air becoming toxic.

Local water and food supplies are now non-existent.

A sink hole begins. Every second, every minute, more and more land, buildings, and even the occasional person, are sucked into the void that once was the Moscow Metro.

Countless Russian refugees make their way North, to Siberia, where the Russian president was rumored to have evacuated to his facility in the Urals.

All forms of resistance cease in the city, those remaining often too weak to make the journey with the others.

Polish troops notice that the Moscov's old Metro is beginning to crumple. All forces are ordered to evacuate away from the area of death, yet 1.000 men die to the void. Poland also lost 2 light tanks.

Polish President got notified of this situation.

He ordered the communication with thr Eclipsian Emperor to be established.

(Also: President evacuated? Wasn't she like in the middle of this hellfire?)
Pat said:
D6, Secret Metro

Colonel Theatre helps the final installation of the jury-rigged long range radio wave, sonar, and echo-location jammers across the Metro 2 Lines; an unrecognizable network that shifts positions every fifteen minutes. A courier jogs up to him after the final turn of the wrench, out of breath, he hands a barely legible note to his commander.

Surface has reached the state of pre-colonization. Main metro pollutants increasingly toxic. Food supply at an all-time low for remaining citizens.


The Lazarus Project's positive change to the Surface have finally worn off, the air becoming toxic.

Local water and food supplies are now non-existent.

A sink hole begins. Every second, every minute, more and more land, buildings, and even the occasional person, are sucked into the void that once was the Moscow Metro.

Countless Russian refugees make their way North, to Siberia, where the Russian president was rumored to have evacuated to from his facility in the Urals.

All forms of resistance cease in the city, those remaining often too weak to make the journey with the others.

The air situation was not a huge problem for Eclipsian troops, their suits had built in filters in case they entered toxic environments. However the sinkhole was enough for them to leave. The mobile camps quickly left the area, as soon as they detected seismic activity, and the troops followed. The evacuation was a success, but around 132 men did not make it. All remaining men were sent home or deployed to the Maldives


Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The Emperor received a notification on his tablet that the Polish president was contacting him. He pressed his tab and took the call. "Good evening Mr. President, is there something you need help in?"

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username=""Loyal Guardian" data-cite=""Loyal Guardian" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="213472" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Moscow</span><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">



The air situation was not a huge problem for Eclipsian troops, their suits had built in filters in case they entered toxic environments. However the sinkhole was enough for them to leave. The mobile camps quickly left the area, as soon as they detected seismic activity, and the troops followed. The evacuation was a success, but around 132 men did not make it. All remaining men were sent home or deployed to the Maldives</p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="" data-mentionid="34274">@Pat</a></p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire</span></p>

<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">



The Emperor received a notification on his tablet that the Polish president was contacting him. He pressed his tab and took the call. "Good evening Mr. President, is there something you need help in?"</p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="" data-mentionid="29799">@JJKab</a></p>



"Did you see that? I just got notified that there was a massive earthquake in Moscov. I think we need torrenounce our claims to this city, it's bloody useless to our business. Most of Russians fled anyways"</p>
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="JJKab" data-cite="JJKab" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="213472" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>"Did you see that? I just got notified that there was a massive earthquake in Moscov. I think we need torrenounce our claims to this city, it's bloody useless to our business. Most of Russians fled anyways"</div></blockquote>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire</span></p>

<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">



"I understand your concern Mr. President, but if we do that then the Russians will retake the area and pose a threat once again."</p>
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"I understand your concern Mr. President, but if we do that then the Russians will retake the area and pose a threat once again."

"Hmmm... What do you propose. I am puzzled as to what to do next"

Literally I am confused"
JJKab said:
"Hmmm... What do you propose. I am puzzled as to what to do next"
Literally I am confused"
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"The answer is simple. After the sinkhole stops its expansion i am going to have my forces surround the territory and do a full sweep of the area. The source was transmitted elsewhere, an event like this is unnatural even in today's world."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"The answer is simple. After the sinkhole stops its expansion i am going to have my forces surround the territory and do a full sweep of the area. The source was transmitted elsewhere, an event like this is unnatural even in today's world."

"Alright. If you'll excuse me, my forces are goint to stay fairly out of this area, and recover. We lost two light tanks, as well as... Let me...... About a thousand soldiers. And we might start claiming Russian lands soon"
JJKab said:
"Alright. If you'll excuse me, my forces are goint to stay fairly out of this area, and recover. We lost two light tanks, as well as... Let me...... About a thousand soldiers. And we might start claiming Russian lands soon"
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"My forces shall attempt to find the source of the sinkhole. I am sure we will find the cause."
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Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

Emperor Byron was looking over the reports from the combat operations in the Vestan War. He noticed that the Battles of Cyprus and Crete took up heavy casualties due to lack of naval power. He had never thought of the importance of the navy and set it aside as a later goal, but now he saw how important it was to control the seas. He sent a message to shoreline factories to initiate Expansion One so naval power could be increased.

Near Rome, Italy

Due to the constant push of Eclipsian troops and heavy bombardment. The push allowed troops to begin the Siege of Rome, and the city was heavily shelled and bombed. General Centauri gave the order to not push Eclipsian troops towards Rome until the British army arrived to assist them. He also authorized the quick invasion of VV's small colony in Africa. The resistance was heavier than expected, resulting in the deaths of nearly three hundred soldiers, but they established a beachhead and pushed forward. The reached the colonial capitol and within a few hours of fighting, the defense force surrendered and the colony was sacked. "To the commander of British forces in Italy." General Centauri said from his post in Albania. "My forces have reached Rome and have sacked their African colony. Italy shall be yours once you make the final push towards Rome!"

@Agent141 @Domini Regum

Current Goals, Projects, Accomplishments

  • PROJECT: Gemini begins to enter Phase two. The first Mimas Automated Unit is put on the production lines
  • Eclipsian forces destroy the VV African colony and reach Rome. The war in Italy is all but assured unless VV sends major reinforcements.

Polish army slowly began moving towards the rest of the Cech Republic, claiming it for the Poland. As soon as that was done, they began going down towards the Balkans, claiming the land of Romania and other states, yet LEAVING OUT Hungary's lands. They remembered the massive support and friendship Poles had with Hungarians, and wanted them to feel safe.

Project "Eagle" is forming it's shape, becoming 41% finished.


Balkans are beginning to be claimed by Poland Army, respecting their neighbour's bourders. HUNGARY IS NOT- I REPEAT- NOT CLAIMED!

Project "Eagle"- 41%
Holy See, Rome

The Pope stood on the Speaking platform, next to the Italian President. Thousands had gathered to hear, and the video was being broadcastthroughout the nation, even in the homeland.

First, the presumptive nominee for Italian President stood up and started speaking.

"Italy... Not long ago, we were ungoverned, in a land where son killed father, and you couldn't walk down the street without getting shot... Now, we are given freedom and security, with the ability to vote for ourselves! And are we going to let the freedom of Italy die to the Brits, who wish to colonize this land like they did before the War of the Flash? (Nuclear war)"

The crowd stood up. "NO!"

"Are we going to sit down and let the stupid Eclipsans take us?!"


"So... Brothers and sisters of Italy, we will soon be free! And we must fight!"

The crowd started holding up fists and cheering, but soon were somewhat silent again.

"For Women and Children... there are many ships waiting at the shore and rivers... But for us who wish to fight, We Will Fight!"

The crowd erupted to cheers once more.

"Quickly now! Grab your weapons and get ready for Guerrilla War! FOR ITALY!"

eight thousand of civilians chanted that while they went to their homes, grabbing kitchen knives, machetes, baseball bats, and most whatever they could find to attack, and started getting ready for the Guerrilla war that would ensue in the following days... Only 250 had guns.

On all Italian borders, the Varmadr Vestan troops, numbering only 50,000 had set up primitive traps of all sorts in front of the dirt walls, and defenses were being made. AA guns were being set up, and hilltops were given priority for defensive positions.

The VV was not attacking, but conserving every last resource for the Last Stand.

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141

S.R.B Naval Blockade, open waters

The first ships appeared over the horizon from Italy as the S.R.B ships sat... Soon, many more started popping up. It eventually settled at 150 vessels, carrying 300,000 people to Homeland. (Most being VV immigrants in the early days of owning Italy who came there... Only 20,000 are Italians... The Roman fleet has not arrived.)

None were military vessels, except for a few small MG riverboats being pulled to save fuel. Some were actual passenger ships from Katrina Corporation, but most were cargo ships, made to be somewhat comfortable.

The ships kept going, straight towards the blockade... On the radio, a old raspy voice came over.

"This is the Homeland Convoy... Grant us passage back, we are not wishing to be in Italy..."


Baja Bay Radio Centre

It was only a few hours before the people got reports of it... many movements over the Northern border.

Head Radio Commandre Jorvik was reading 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu, a popular newly released book by Katrina Books Inc., when a courier walked into the door.

Later, they sent a radio message North.

"This is the Varmandr Vestan Communications Centre, State yourselves..."



Land Gain:

Further north, almost into Mexico's lands

the last of the South American lands are claimed.


EndGame: 15%
Singaporean Federation

Oxford, SRB

2nd Governor Khey Lim followed DM Alastair into the building.


Maldives Naval Base

Eclipsian ships could be seen headed to port. Further in the distance, two airships could be seen floating towards the island. Singaporeans were preparing the port for docking and resupply. A man walks down the pier toward the ships. When the ships finished docking procedure, He met with the Eclipsian commanding officer. "I am Admiral Oscar Diggory Belcher, commanding officer of the Maldives Naval Base. We weren't expecting you so soon, but this can help with combat coordination. The enemy forces are much stronger than we are, so we shall wait. We currently have operatives trying to weaken the Oroguay nation internally. Our goal is not to create an extensive campaign, but a quick and decisive one."

@Loyal Guardian

Capetown, Oroguay

Investors were able to buy out many companies and have begun to convince many boards to move their companies to Singapore. They were also able to find blueprints of an extensive underground railroad system throughout the nation. Market bubbles have begun to form in many industries, especially defense. The local Federal Reserve has not made any moves to readjust the market. Information was relayed back to SIG HQ.

Headquarters Signals and Command System, Singapore

Operators were receiving the new information and began compiling it on a master war table. Generals and Admirals were moving about looking at the map that begun to form. A lieutenant spoke up. "With a due respect sir, but since most of Oroguay's infrastructure is underground, should we move our surveillance satellite to aid Britain?" The general thought for a moment, then said to open a line to Britain. "This is Singapore to Oxford. We can provide aerial surveillance to Britain if you wish." The rest of the officers went back to planning the invasion.


Capetown, Oroguay

3rd Governor Chang was getting bored of waiting. She decided to get up and move operatives across the entire nation. She then ordered the poisoning of the calmer of the twin presidents.

São Tomé and Príncipe

The First trade fleet arrives here. The navy begins fortifying the island into a naval base. The first trade fleet continues to Cape Verde.
The Socialist Republic of Britain

British Military Camp, Italy

A British commander responded to the transmission from the Eclipsians. "Our forces are camped up in Northern Italy, our forward scouts report fortifications being set up by the Varmandr Vestan. We were getting ready to move out now."

@Loyal Guardian

About an Hour Later...

British Forces had packed up camp and are on the move again. They are marching across Italy and VV forces can be seen in the distance.

@Domini Regum

British Naval Blockade

"Incoming ships, sir." a naval officer said to the captain of the fleet. The transmission then came in. "State your allegiance, purpose, personnel, and cargo or risk being blown out of the water."

@Domini Regum

Capitol Building, Oxford, The S.R.B.

DM Alastair led the Singaporean to the Conference Room and entered. "Ah, you must be the Singaporean Ambassador. Welcome to Britain." DM Alastair went back to the Com Center.


Communications Center, The S.R.B

"Incoming transmission from Singapore, sir." a communication operator said to DM Alastair. "Put them through." Alastair said. They listened to the transmission. "That would not be necessary. We already have a surveillance satellite observing Europe." Alastair responded.


Military Complex, The S.R.B.

MM Torrad was overlooking the Vestan War with the feed from the surveillance satellite. A commander then entered the room. "Sir, factories are running out of materials and fuel to put into more cruise missile production." the commander said. "Why bring this to me?" Torrad asked. "All the other ministers are busy, sir. Also, you are the only one who could authorize operations and command expansion, other than the Prime Minister, but he is currently at a meeting." "Hmm, well I've been reading books from before the war that Africa had an abundance of minerals and the Middle East had an abundance of oil. Send some troops over to both of them to see if the materials are still there. Name it Operation: Earthquake"


Project: Eclipse 20%; This Project is about developing a stealth fighter/bomber with a few extra improvements/features. Think of them like Junkers Ju 87s with stealth technology.

Project: Aries 50%; This Project involves developing body armor for infantry.

Operation: Earthquake is initiated. It is an operation that is about mining minerals and oil from the Middle East and Africa, if any.

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