The World of Tomorrow

[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

Captain Frios smiled at the hunters words. "Your enemy is strong from the way you describe them, and they use horrible tactics to. However our military has the capability to destroy an entire city after firing a few salvos from the sky. The reason why ask then should be clear, if all goes well we can aid you in taking out these demons of yours." He stopped for a second then began to go on. "Also what do you mean your emperor is 'out'? Is he missing or something, and if the empress is temporarily in charge then she is the one i would like to speak with. I mean no offense to you, but if she is current head of government then it would make most sense if she were the one i speak with."

"Very well then, You can speak with her by the radio by switching it to channel 7. It starts making Morozov's radio go AWOL until he decides to do something about it. Though at this current time i doubt she'd be happy, but you can try it."
Kazami42 said:
"Very well then, You can speak with her by the radio by switching it to channel 7. It starts making Morozov's radio go AWOL until he decides to do something about it. Though at this current time i doubt she'd be happy, but you can try it."
The Silo

"Before i do, may i ask what happened to your emperor? You say he is 'out', but the way you say it makes it sound like something happened to him. I am a tad curious, but if you can not say then that will be the end of it."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

"Before i do, may i ask what happened to your emperor? You say he is 'out', but the way you say it makes it sound like something happened to him. I am a tad curious, but if you can not say then that will be the end of it."

Kazami42 said:
The Silo

"I see....." Captain Frios did trust that word, especially given the environment around them, unless there was a Siberian paradise. "Well i guess i shall contact your empress." He switch the radios frequencies and then began to speak. "Hello? This is Captain Frios of the Eclipse Empire, if the empress is there may you please respond."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

"I see....." Captain Frios did trust that word, especially given the environment around them, unless there was a Siberian paradise. "Well i guess i shall contact your empress." He switch the radios frequencies and then began to speak. "Hello? This is Captain Frios of the Eclipse Empire, if the empress is there may you please respond."


Morozov picks up his radio after it beeps five times. "Who the hell is this?"
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Kazami42 said:
Morozov picks up his radio after it beeps five times. "Who the hell is this?"
The Silo

"As i said before, I am Captain Frios of the Eclipse Empire. Me and my company were sent as a envoy from our country on diplomatic means. I would like to meet with your empress, if not then over this radio is fine."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

"As i said before, I am Captain Frios of the Eclipse Empire. Me and my company were sent as a envoy from our country on diplomatic means. I would like to meet with your empress, if not then over this radio is fine."


"I am goin-"

Hunter took the radio for a second and held the button down.

"Get the empress, Captain."

Morozov replied.

"Oh err, Yes sir." He had forgotten to let go of the button so him running around the station for about 5 minutes was heard over the radio.

"Empress Victorovna! There is someone wanting you. Some envoy boy! A- Oh shit." He realized he kept the button held down and let go.


Natasha was sitting down on her throne in the council room until morozov broke in again to get her attention.

"Alright fine."

She took the radio and held the button down.

"Who are you, And what do you want? Your call is also being recorded."
Singaporean Federation

Conference Room, Capitol Building, Oxford, SRB

"Thank you. We have also accepted the Eclipsian alliance. I believe that their empire is now part of the New World Alliance." 2nd Gov Lim paused for a moment. "I brought gifts from Singapore. Mostly spices and exotic fruits for your people." Aides brought out a small selection of these gifts.


Maldives Naval Base, Singaporean Federation

The invasion of Madagascar is complete. Assets were moved forward to Madagascar. The Sentosa Class Battleship arrived. The navy began their move to Capetown.

@Loyal Guardian

Capetown, Oroguay

3rd Gov Chang's ship left port. They're headed to the Maldives Naval Base.

New Delhi, Eclipse Empire

The railroad between Bangkok and New Delhi was completed. a request was made to expand the railroad to every major city within the Empire.

@Loyal Guardian

Cape Verde

The First Trade Fleet reaches Cape Verde and begins fortifying the Island. They move towards the Canary Islands.

Hawaii, Kingdom of the Rockies

The second trade fleet reached Hawaii. Several vessels head back toward Singapore, the fleet continues to the Rockies.

- Project Nymph 15% researched.
The Silo

"Thank you for replying miss. My name is Captain Frios of the Eclipse Empire and i come here as a diplomatic envoy. I wish to speak to you personally if that is acceptable to you."


Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The communication center received word from the Singaporean Federation to expand the railways to major cities. They sent them a list of all major cities across the empire (basically use current major cities) including Eclipsim.



The newly built ships of the Eclipse Empire arrived on schedule along with the two Jovian Sky Platforms being cabled to the first two aircraft carriers to conserve fuel. "Admiral Belcher we have assembled a modest invasion force." He said as both of them were standing on a sky platform. "Do you like the view?"

Loyal Guardian] The Silo "Thank you for replying miss. My name is Captain Frios of the Eclipse Empire and i come here as a diplomatic envoy. I wish to speak to you personally if that is acceptable to you." [URL=" said:

Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The communication center received word from the Singaporean Federation to expand the railways to major cities. They sent them a list of all major cities across the empire (basically use current major cities) including Eclipsim.



The newly built ships of the Eclipse Empire arrived on schedule along with the two Jovian Sky Platforms being cabled to the first two aircraft carriers to conserve fuel. "Admiral Belcher we have assembled a modest invasion force." He said as both of them were standing on a sky platform. "Do you like the view?"

GHS Council room.

"How about you wait there..... Since i'm legitimately curious as to where this is going, I'll arrive there myself."

She sighed and went to her wardrobe. She put morozov in charge of looking after the children.
Kazami42 said:
GHS Council room.
"How about you wait there..... Since i'm legitimately curious as to where this is going, I'll arrive there myself."

She sighed and went to her wardrobe. She put morozov in charge of looking after the children.
The Silo

"Well she's agreed to come here herself. How long will that take, and will she be able to get here safely considering the environment?"
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

"Well she's agreed to come here herself. How long will that take, and will she be able to get here safely considering the environment?"

Hunter kept his arms crossed.

"Yeah, she a tough bitch. It took us a hour to meet up and wait for eachother, and then around 20 minutes to get here. So a hour and a half."
Kazami42 said:
Hunter kept his arms crossed.
"Yeah, she a tough bitch. It took us a hour to meet up and wait for eachother, and then around 20 minutes to get here. So a hour and a half."
The Silo

"Hehe, i respect a woman who can fight. I wish i could say the same for our emperor."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

"Hehe, i respect a woman who can fight. I wish i could say the same for our emperor."


A personal handcart with a motor is given to the empress to reach her destination somewhat quicker.



Hunter was curious.

"Your leaders don't fight personally?"
Kazami42 said:
A personal handcart with a motor is given to the empress to reach her destination somewhat quicker.



Hunter was curious.

"Your leaders don't fight personally?"
The Silo

"Well our environment is completely different from yours. For you the surface is a inhospitable place while for us its our home." Captain Frios pulled out his pad and showed him a picture of the skyline of Eclipsim.


"And it's not that our leader can't fight, is more than capable of doing so. He in fact has been given the same abilities as me and a few of my men." Frios then summons a sword out of thin air, and after twirling it around a bit, dispersed it. "However due to his personal past he chooses not to fight."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

"Well our environment is completely different from yours. For you the surface is a inhospitable place while for us its our home." Captain Frios pulled out his pad and showed him a picture of the skyline of Eclipsim.


"And it's not that our leader can't fight, is more than capable of doing so. He in fact has been given the same abilities as me and a few of my men." Frios then summons a sword out of thin air, and after twirling it around a bit, dispersed it. "However due to his personal past he chooses not to fight."

"interesting... You kept all of those structures intact from the nuclear war?"
Kazami42 said:
"interesting... You kept all of those structures intact from the nuclear war?"
The Silo

"Oh no we built them. Put our economy in a bend for a while under the first emperor, but we did it." Captain Frios then laughed a bit. "Hehe and to think that this whole Implanted thing is supposed to be 'the next generation of soldiers', yet there is only a thousand of us. Sorry for that random blurt, it was just a random thought."
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[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

"Oh no we built them. Put our economy in a bend for a while under the first emperor, but we did it." Captain Frios then laughed a bit. "Hehe and to think that this whole Implanted thing is supposed to be 'the next generation of soldiers', yet there is only a thousand of us."

"sounds like a nice nation. You probably have it better than most of the stations here."

He was interrupted by hearing a soldier fall from a 20+ story height. Hunter pulled out his VSV/VSV-94 and looked around above.
Kazami42 said:
"sounds like a nice nation. You probably have it better than most of the stations here."
He was interrupted by hearing a soldier fall from a 20+ story height. Hunter pulled out his VSV/VSV-94 and looked around above.
The Silo

"Everyone activate NV/TH Vision (Night/Thermal Vision). Shoot anything that does not look human." The order was raised and their rifles were raised above them, some crouched down and made covered their corners.
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

"Everyone activate NV/TH Vision (Night/Thermal Vision). Shoot anything that does not look human." The order was raised and their rifles were raised above them, some crouched down and made covered their corners.

Another soldier attempting to run out is picked up in thin air and repeatedly slammed against the wall and floor.

It is suddenly quiet and hunter attempts to listen carefully.

Whispering from what sounds like a dozen voices can faintly be heard coming from the only corridor. He turned around and activated his night vision and aimed down the corridor. A dark red light suddenly appears at the other end of the corridor, but yet there was no figure there. The light quickly moved down the hall as the voices came closer. The closer the light gets, The more pieces of metal and pipe broken and strewn over the floors begin rattling. The draws ever closer and the pipes and loose metal in the light begin to be violently thrown at them. A tall dark figure appears walking past a wall, and then despite walking. Appears to be moving very quickly. Hunter quickly aimed down the sights of his weapon and started firing at it.

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Singaporean Federation

New Delhi, Eclipse Empire

Construction material is moved forward, lines are being made parallel to the Bangkok - New Delhi line. A station is built and lines are planned to go toward Eclipsim, Kabul, Tehran, Ankara, and Sarajevo. Separate lines are also being made for bullet trains found in Taiwan and Kyushu.

@Loyal Guardian


Admiral Belcher smiled. "It an impressive force by our standards. Definitely stronger than anything Singapore alone can muster. Yes, it is a wonderful view, a view that both of our nations will be able to enjoy in the future." He turned to face Admiral Umberion and extended his hand. "Shall we let slip the dogs of war?"

@Loyal Guardian
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The Silo

Captain Frios saw the creature to, but its outline and figure were much clearer. "Open Fire!" Every single rifle the men had fired at the creature. "Everyone activate your bayonets and switch to AP/HE rounds!" The men stopped firing, pressed a button on their guns that activated released a large bayonet, capped out their magazines before switching them out to different ones. They opened fire at the creature again, this time the sots were louder and more powerful. The creature began to dodge and turn at the bullets, but after being hit by a few it rushed towards Frios. As the creature went towards him, he could hear the multiple voices and could also feel the creature trying to take his mind. "Your more than welcome to try!" Frios yelled as he summoned a sword out of thin air and began to hack at the creature, who attempted to avoid the bullets and Frios's attacks.



"I'd say its time we let slip the gods of war." Umberion said as he turned to a console next to him. "Attention all soldiers of the Eclipse Empire! Its time to go to war! Head to your designated stations and prepare for orders, we head out on my and Admiral Belchers command!" They didn't hear it, but on the ground every Eclipsian soldier gave a roaring hoorah as they headed towards their stations. "Would you like to broadcast a message to your troops?"



Eclipsian soldiers then quickly rushed into the city along with T-99 Hover Tanks. Within hours the entire army had flooded the city and reached the Vatican. From there they breached the gates and immediately improvised explosives and gun fire went towards their direction. They quickly deployed cover and ducked behind it. "Damn it! How many did we lose!" The officer on duty said. "I have no accurate estimate, but from the looks of things we lost at least a dozen sir!" The private said trying to yell over the explosions and gun fire. "Shit....." The officer said looking at one of his motionless soldiers. "Everybody open fire, and bring at least two T-99's in here!" When the order was raised all men opened fire at the direction of the resistance and within a minute or two two T-99's came in and fired their coilguns at the building around them, leaving a huge hole int them. With added machine gun, coilgun, and infantry fire, the enemy firing soon died down. "Everyone push forward!" All the soldier stormed the buildings and and saw a few dead bodies in there. When one squad opened the doors the were shocked to see little kids cowering before them, bracing for the worst. "Sir we've found a room with children in it, what are your orders?" After a few seconds he got the order. "Alright men...... Give them food, water, and medical aid."

@Agent141 @Domini Regum


"I'd say its time we let slip the gods of war." Umberion said as he turned to a console next to him. "Attention all soldiers of the Eclipse Empire! Its time to go to war! Head to your designated stations and prepare for orders, we head out on my and Admiral Belchers command!" They didn't hear it, but on the ground every Eclipsian soldier gave a roaring hoorah as they headed towards their stations. "Would you like to broadcast a message to your troops?"



Eclipsian soldiers then quickly rushed into the city along with T-99 Hover Tanks. Within hours the entire army had flooded the city and reached the Vatican. From there they breached the gates and immediately improvised explosives and gun fire went towards their direction. They quickly deployed cover and ducked behind it. "Damn it! How many did we lose!" The officer on duty said. "I have no accurate estimate, but from the looks of things we lost at least a dozen sir!" The private said trying to yell over the explosions and gun fire. "Shit....." The officer said looking at one of his motionless soldiers. "Everybody open fire, and bring at least two T-99's in here!" When the order was raised all men opened fire at the direction of the resistance and within a minute or two two T-99's came in and fired their coilguns at the building around them, leaving a huge hole int them. With added machine gun, coilgun, and infantry fire, the enemy firing soon died down. "Everyone push forward!" All the soldier stormed the buildings and and saw a few dead bodies in there. When one squad opened the doors the were shocked to see little kids cowering before them, bracing for the worst. "Sir we've found a room with children in it, what are your orders?" After a few seconds he got the order. "Alright men...... Give them food, water, and medical aid."

@Agent141 @Domini Regum
It quickly backed away before 'charging' Again, Bleeding a various differing color of red.

Instead this time it uses the environment to attempt to impale them with pipes from the walls. It then attempted to throw the bullets back at them. It tries getting closer to get people into its light to effectively get into their minds, however Hunter pulled out a combat knife and charged at it. Stabbing at its neck 3 times before being thrown across the room into the wall. It begins to bleed alot as a artery was struck somewhere in its body. It begins to gather all the piping and loose metal near it towards it with the intent on killing everyone. However Hunter took a piece of metal and a pipebomb before he tied them off onto his knife before throwing it at the creature. The knife effectively stabbing it in the neck again. The knife exploding severely injuring it. Before it could use any more powers or even impale anyone with pipes, it got its neck snapped and beheaded. Natasha walked into the silo. "Hello gentlemen. You called?"
Kazami42 said:
It quickly backed away before 'charging' Again, Bleeding a various differing color of red.
Instead this time it uses the environment to attempt to impale them with pipes from the walls. It then attempted to throw the bullets back at them. It tries getting closer to get people into its light to effectively get into their minds, however Hunter pulled out a combat knife and charged at it. Stabbing at its neck 3 times before being thrown across the room into the wall. It begins to bleed alot as a artery was struck somewhere in its body. It begins to gather all the piping and loose metal near it towards it with the intent on killing everyone. However Hunter took a piece of metal and a pipebomb before he tied them off onto his knife before throwing it at the creature. The knife effectively stabbing it in the neck again. The knife exploding severely injuring it. Before it could use any more powers or even impale anyone with pipes, it got its neck snapped and beheaded. Natasha walked into the silo. "Hello gentlemen. You called?"
The Silo

Captain Frios was breathing heavily. He had the creature's blood on his helmet and his was wielding his sword, which also had blood on it. He looked up at the women and composed himself. He grabbed his rifle off the floor and put it on his back. He then dispersed the sword into thin air, making all the blood on it drop on the floor, and he wiped his helmet to clear of the blood. "Greetings miss. To think i had to fight one of your demons face to face, its actually quite thrilling."
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[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

Captain Frios was breathing heavily. He had the creature's blood on his helmet and his was wielding his sword, which also had blood on it. He looked up at the women and composed himself. He grabbed his rifle off the floor and put it on his back. He then dispersed the sword into thin air, making all the blood on it drop on the floor, and he wiped his helmet to clear of the blood. "Greetings miss. To think i had to fight one of your demons face to face, its actually quite thrilling."

"Oh, That one was simply a child. Nowhere close to being powerful though. Who are you?"

She crossed her arms while hunter dragged the wounded away.

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