The World of Tomorrow


"Those fools, with our new naval build up, they don't stand a chance." Umberion turned to his officers. "Launch all aerial assets to begin bombardment of Capetown and their navy. Order all naval assets to fire at the enemy navy when they see their hulls. We'll take out their force in one swoop." Umberion's orders were sent to the air force deployed at the bases and they launched towards Capetown.

Western Expiditionary Force

A Fleet Was Sent To The Island Of Iceland, The Fleet Deployed Reconaissance Planes Towards The Iceland. After A Few Hours The Pilot Contacted Prince Admiral Clovis. "Sir, The Island Is Clear We May Begin Colonization." The Pilot Reported. "Good Job, I Will Contact The Pendragon And Wait For Their Green Light.

Southen Expiditionary Force

The Expeditionary Forces Has Covered A Small Part Of Iceland After Leaving The Border Of The Rising Empire, They Do Not Plan To Colonize Until They Know The Whole Island Is Cleared For Taking.

Pendragon, Operations Room

"Brother, I Just Got Reports From The Southern And Western Expeditionary Forces." Said Lelouch " The SEF is making progress, While The WEF has fully scouted the island and reported it as cleared, and is waiting for your approval" . "Very Well, Put Our Flag On That Island And Start The Construction Of The Navy HQ"

Territorial Gain: Iceland

"Aerial and naval units, from this point forward, Admiral Umberion's orders shall be treated as my orders until we create a beachhead. Status on our infiltrators!" "Teams 1 through 5 have begun lining the the major underground rails in capetown with bombs. Estimated time of completion will coincide with arrival of the combined fleet. Teams 6 and 7 are moving into position to disable AA guns, however enemy navy is expected to have AA guns onboard." Belcher smiled, "that will be fine, make sure that they don't get support from their homeland." "Expected naval engagement occurring in 5 minu-- mark that allied corvette has been hit by a submarine torpedo."

@Loyal Guardian
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The IEN Korbin was hit with an enemy torpedo, thankfully its armor took in most of the blast but it still left a hole in it. "Ship is taking on water! Send repair men to the hole and find out where that torpedo came from!" The last part was sent to a destroyer nearby, the IEN Aral, and its radar picked up multiple submarines. The ship fired its guided missiles and they hit the submarines, destroying them all. The Eclipsian and Singaporean navies fired salvos at the enemy ships and city. The combined air forces of bombed the ships and city relentlessly, destroying a few structures and a few ships. Umberion gave the order to have a detachment of allied troops land near Capetown and make their way there. Multiple troop transport ships were launched and headed towards the beaches near Capetown..... The opening battle of the Oroguay War, the Battle of Capetown, has begun.

Pavle was in his room drawing plans on the same large paper as he drew other things on in a dark room. The room originally was a room for painters/Drawing. He noticed he was being watched and upon looking to the side and upwards, He screamed outloud in surprise like any other normal person. Crystal was next to him and had been watching like a creep. "What are you doing?" She looked devious. Pavle tried hiding it. "NOTHING MADAM ALEXANDER!" She kept pushing him around trying to steal the drawing. "NO." pavle yelled. She then sighed. "Guess i'll leave then." she then walked off. Pavle waited awhile before placing it down. She then walked into the room and poked his left shoulder, when he went to look she then stole the drawing. "Whats this?" she continued being devious. Pavle was pissed but also begging. "Please don't tell her, She'll kill me! Probably literally!" Alexander smirked. "I don't know morozov... Planning a date on some lewd content of a general seems...... Illegal without consent." His eyes went wide. "WHAT? But i do hav- DON'T." She giggled a little as if she was entirely innocent. "Hmmmm.... Ho-" He whisper-yelled at her. "DON'T YOU DARE GIGGLE! YOU'RE NOT INNOC-" She slapped him, and then proceeded to beat the shit out of him, Her devious smile turned into disgust. "DON'T YOU SPEAK UP TO YOUR COMMANDER CAPTAIN." She kneed him in the face. He just stood up. "Don't tel-" he spit out blood into a empty painting cup. "Don't tell her, please..." Her face went back to being devious. "Get on your knees and beg then boy."

He did and even had his hands in a praying fashion. "PLEASE." She giggled and then responded yet again directly after. "Now sing it." He sighed. "PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE. I NEED TO LIVE PLEASE, I NEED MY HEART IN MY CHEST TO LIVE, AND I NEED A SPIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNEE. I'LL DOOOOO ANYTHING FOR LOVEEEEEEE" She laughed. "Alright, You're my bitch now." She smiled. At this moment, Pavle knew..... He fucked up. He realized she would shred his dignity in her free time. She however put the drawings back down on the table. "I'll see you at this weeks council meeting." She winked and left. Pavle heard his radio go off beeping and then raised it up and then eventually wrote down what the morse-code beeping meant and since his drawing room was near the center of the station, All he had to do was walk up the stairs to the radio room. He got the empress who was walking out of her room in a white dress just woke up, And entered the radio room.

Despite looking like shit, She still had her beautiful voice just fine.

"Hello Big EE, What do you want? today?" She looked at a clock and it was 8:12 AM.
Kazami42 said:
Pavle was in his room drawing plans on the same large paper as he drew other things on in a dark room. The room originally was a room for painters/Drawing. He noticed he was being watched and upon looking to the side and upwards, He screamed outloud in surprise like any other normal person. Crystal was next to him and had been watching like a creep. "What are you doing?" She looked devious. Pavle tried hiding it. "NOTHING MADAM ALEXANDER!" She kept pushing him around trying to steal the drawing. "NO." pavle yelled. She then sighed. "Guess i'll leave then." she then walked off. Pavle waited awhile before placing it down. She then walked into the room and poked his left shoulder, when he went to look she then stole the drawing. "Whats this?" she continued being devious. Pavle was pissed but also begging. "Please don't tell her, She'll kill me! Probably literally!" Alexander smirked. "I don't know morozov... Planning a date on some lewd content of a general seems...... Illegal without consent." His eyes went wide. "WHAT? But i do hav- DON'T." She giggled a little as if she was entirely innocent. "Hmmmm.... Ho-" He whisper-yelled at her. "DON'T YOU DARE GIGGLE! YOU'RE NOT INNOC-" She slapped him, and then proceeded to beat the shit out of him, Her devious smile turned into disgust. "DON'T YOU SPEAK UP TO YOUR COMMANDER CAPTAIN." She kneed him in the face. He just stood up. "Don't tel-" he spit out blood into a empty painting cup. "Don't tell her, please..." Her face went back to being devious. "Get on your knees and beg then boy."
He did and even had his hands in a praying fashion. "PLEASE." She giggled and then responded yet again directly after. "Now sing it." He sighed. "PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE. I NEED TO LIVE PLEASE, I NEED MY HEART IN MY CHEST TO LIVE, AND I NEED A SPIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNEE. I'LL DOOOOO ANYTHING FOR LOVEEEEEEE" She laughed. "Alright, You're my bitch now." She smiled. At this moment, Pavle knew..... He fucked up. He realized she would shred his dignity in her free time. She however put the drawings back down on the table. "I'll see you at this weeks council meeting." She winked and left. Pavle heard his radio go off beeping and then raised it up and then eventually wrote down what the morse-code beeping meant and since his drawing room was near the center of the station, All he had to do was walk up the stairs to the radio room. He got the empress who was walking out of her room in a white dress just woke up, And entered the radio room.

Despite looking like shit, She still had her beautiful voice just fine.

"Hello Big EE, What do you want? today?" She looked at a clock and it was 8:12 AM.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Hello, i presume your the empress with that beautiful voice of yours. Well i am Emperor Byron, it is a pleasure to be speaking with you no matter the conditions."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Hello, i presume your the empress with that beautiful voice of yours. Well i am Emperor Byron, it is a pleasure to be speaking with you no matter the conditions."

"Unless you wish to wait an hour, I am going to have to ask you to state your intention please. since i am more awake now, I realize my clothing decision is lacking." A radio operator brave enough actually stares at her, Only to be responded with being stared at. He could be faintly heard in the background praying in russian.
Kazami42 said:
"Unless you wish to wait an hour, I am going to have to ask you to state your intention please. since i am more awake now, I realize my clothing decision is lacking." A radio operator brave enough actually stares at her, Only to be responded with being stared at. He could be faintly heard in the background praying in russian.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Hehehe, that man of done something to you as he is praying hard. Intently might i add, he does not need to wish such a thing as 'forgiveness for staring upon womanly body' unless he was staring at you, then he may keep going."
British Naval Blockade

10 more ships appeared over the horizon, the Italian fleet.

The old captain was nervous, scared out of his mind... He thought for a minute before finally radioing back.

"We are the people that do not wish to live under socialism... We are heading back to South America. Cargo; Food, Water, a few weapons for piracy defense. three hundred thousand people, not counting the ships behind us... Please... just let us through..."

The on the ships were getting more anxious, the people below deck more so.


Rio Communication Centre

The President himself sent a message to the Eclipsan and British comms centres. The video started with the President sitting in the Office of Liberty, dark and bleak.

"Sun Tzu said prolonged war
benefits no nation... and we believe this... Too many people have died because of Italy, and I wish that no family had to have had their relative taken away from them.. This is why we would like to propose the Treaty of Italy. We are slightly flexible on the terms..."

The Treaty appeared on the screen.

Treaty of Italy

The Varmadr Vestan proposes peace between our warring nations, on the terms that Varmadr Vestan keeps control of the Vatican, as almost two hundred million of our citizens look towards the new Norse Pope for guidance, and that a agreement is met for a non-aggression pact... Some of this is negotiable.

We humbly hope you accept,

Jakob Henrik,

President of the VV

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141

Soon after...

Soon after, they recieved a new broadcast, oddly enough traced to the cold tundras of Greenland.

The head comms manager sent back a reply, after a convention of the Council of Thousand.

"Hello, we are the Varmadr Vestan, a nation centered in South America, population 250 million and rising... Please reply, stating your country name and government type..."

All the while, the VV Anthem, proud and bright, plays in the background.


Baja Bay

Seeing as there was no response, the Baja Bay General Jordan deployed 20,000 of the 55,000 troops in the Baja Bay Area to the North, with approval from the Council of Thousand.

Another radio signal was sent out, and a second, and more powerful, TV signal was sent out that had the same message, except with flag of the Varmadr Vestan in the background and a map of it's territories.

"Varmadr Vestan We do not want war, if that is what you're fearing. Our only wishes are for you to announce yourselves. We are a nation centered in South America, our citizens numbering 250 million... Whatever else you would need to know, contact us. We are anxious to see you."

A short rendition of the VV Anthem plays, and the transmission ends.


10,000 forces, backed by 100 tanks, are deployed to gain the other side of the Baja Bay, gaining Sinaloa and Sanora, with the only resistance being armed with shotguns and rifles. losses are 500 troops and one tank.


Territory gain

Sinoloa and Sanora (Google it)

A massive push into Mexico with 600 thousand soldiers, gaining land up to
Veracruz and Oaxaca.


Orders are set for a new fleet of 50 ships, a quarter of all shipyards are all
commissioned to work on them, as a result, Katrina Corporation makes more money, and needs more jobs. New Shipyards are built. (3% completion)

All new aircraft are equipped with the intelli-skin system, making them invisible to heat seeking systems and most other systems. This is at the cost of 20,000 Varranos (Dollars) more per unit. (was researched way before this, but not used much, so don't tell me "Researching too fast")

Another order is made for planes and tanks, 200 new planes (50 bombers, 100 Advanced fighters, and 50 Liberators VTOL) and 700 tanks (500 medium, 100 heavy, 50 super-heavy, and 50 light) All this is to be made by the new Forward Technology Company, FTC for short.

Another draft is taken, increasing the military to 2.7 million men and women, only 1 million trained

More Coders are hand selected, making it 1,000 of the world's best hacking

Massive training regimens are put into place, focusing on combating Eclipsan and British troops

Alert level grows higher, as the Border Guard stands watch over the shores and skies. AA guns are put into coastal towns and cities.


Rising demand for homegrown jobs increases as the Government commissions thousands of factories to be used for military purposes.

thousands of new companies spring up, and rising, as demand is getting higher.

Wage gaps increase

Middle class is the dominant class, making up 230 million of the 250 million citizens.

Three large corporations stand out, Katrina corporation, Forward Technology Company, and Batrar Incorporated

funding for technology is given a huge boost, after the defeat in the Italian War. Pictures and videos from "PersonoVideo" (Basically YouTube) of the Eclipsan tech are studied by the government.


As the elections take place, two candidates for President stand out, Christian Killian of the New World Party, and Ryker Scott of the Forward Party. The race is close.

Many of the Council of Thousand are replaced with new people in the election, tipping in the favor of the New World Party.

Technology, especially Computers, Coding, and are made required to take at least one year in Middle School and one year in High School. High scoring students that are willing are given government grants to college for Technology,


SABPA2: 25%

Endgame: 56%
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Hehehe, that man of done something to you as he is praying hard. Intently might i add, he does not need to wish such a thing as 'forgiveness for staring upon womanly body' unless he was staring at you, then he may keep going."

She just continues staring at him. "Personally, I don't give a fuck if someone looks at me. I don't care nor believe in such appearance issues." She looks behind her at another operator behind her. He went back to standing up as he was attempting to do more than look up her dress. She attempts to cover the speech-speaker [thing.] with her hand. "YOU FEELING LUCKY MOTHERFUCKER?" She then took her hand off and sounding innocent again. "Hello again emperor, so you want something yes?" She sounds only a bit agitated. "I have nothing against you, Not trying to offend or such, But can you get to the point?"
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Kazami42 said:
She just continues staring at him. "Personally, I don't give a fuck if someone looks at me. I don't care nor believe in such appearance issues." She looks behind her at another operator behind her. He went back to standing up as he was attempting to do more than look up her dress. She attempts to cover the speech-speaker [thing.] with her hand. "YOU FEELING LUCKY MOTHERFUCKER?" She then took her hand off and sounding innocent again. "Hello again emperor, so you want something yes?" She sounds only a bit agitated. "I have nothing against you, Not trying to offend or such, But can you get to the point?"
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"I apologize, but i found his praying to be quite humorous. Anyways i have been told by Captain Frios that he wishes to have our forces aid you in killing these mutants of yours. Now i have been told that if it does work, they will just come back, but i assure you if i keep a expeditionary force there you will have no such problems."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"I apologize, but i found his praying to be quite humorous. Anyways i have been told by Captain Frios that he wishes to have our forces aid you in killing these mutants of yours. Now i have been told that if it does work, they will just come back, but i assure you if i keep a expeditionary force there you will have no such problems."

"No. You can help still if you wish however, We have something happening in 2 or maybe 3 and a half days from now. As it can't happen faster... Someone will think of a reward for it. Sorry if i sound a bit disinterested, No ruler or even gangster wakes up prior to 11:00. Just have people at your border closest to abandoned city of glazov and wait there, Something will happy to tell you to attack if you do decide to help. S-." Pavle was curious as all people when they see a beautiful 'goddess'-esk woman. Though he did poke her in the side of her butt. He didn't mean to do so as he was trying to raise his hand up to scratch his head, but natasha fucked him up. He apologized. "It was a accident, I swear. Look! My arm doesn't even work. I-" Without even turning around to look at pavle, She just grabbed his perfect fine right arm and then pulled it out of its socket. "GAHEAUFFHEAUIHHHHHHHHHHHHHAGHEHHHHHHHHHHH" She continued on. "So yeah." She then covered it and looked back at him. "Sorry captain, But touching the empress like that isn't appropriate even if it is a accident. "Go to Crystalina, She'll help you." His eyes were wide as if he had a war flashback.

she went back to talking with the man. "We could probably of had a better conversation if it wasn't 8:00."
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Republic of Cascadia


Portland, Cascadia

In recent days the CDF has become aware of more and more nations and the conflicts that they may be facing. As a result the construction of large numbers of Naval ships have been ordered, these numbers remain unclear as CDNF officials have stayed silent on the expansion. Meanwhile the Navy has begun development of a classified new type of vessel, designed to give the CDNF unparrelled cutting edge technology in the seas, to ensure maximum defense capabilities at sea. Meanwhile the CADF has ordered the development of a new variant of fighter jet, designated as the F-38. Details have remained hidden for security purposes but it is rumored to level the playing field and even succeed in certain aspects to foreign aircraft. This military expansion and upgrading has all been paid for by the still booming Cascadian economy. An additional 145,000 troops have been enlisted into the Active Duty whilst 980,000 have been placed into the Reserves. These troops are to be fully trained and equipped soon enough. The CDF has begun development on a classified project designed as a primarily defense project to position in strategic locations across Cascadia in the event of a war or invasion. Nothing else has been said so far.

Irish Airspace

The Cascadian aircraft peacefully signalled in return to the two unknown foreign aircraft that were approaching them. Responding with, "We are an exploration and diplomatic aircraft of the Republic of Cascadia. We are here to establish communications and connections with the outside world."


Port of Singapore, Singapore

"Affirmative. We'll be awaiting your escort to the port." The crew responded with, and within minutes Singaporean vessels from the Port Authority were there to escort the ships to the dock. The crew getting off of their ships and meeting with foreigners for the first time.


New Delhi

The two pilots of the transport aircraft nodded to the governor. They raised their brows at each other. "Eclipse Empire? That's a pretty weird name." The two shrugged it off however and nodded at what the governor said. They didn't appreciate the almost patrionizing talk from the governor on their transport aircraft but didn't speak up, instead nodding politely once more as they had been instructed to and getting back on-board their aircraft. Awaiting for the fighters to escort them.

@Loyal Guardian

Polish Waters

"Thanks a lot. We'll follow your lead." And sure enough the ships begun following the two Polish aircraft towards their destination of Port Danzig. They were at Danzig soon enough and the ships were escorted to the dock, the crew unloading as they met with the Polish. "Thanks for allowing us to come here." The captain said.


Baja Bay Area

The CDF upon recieving the first intelligence reports of large scale military activity from south of the border, mobilized a response force of around 120,000 first wave defenders. Supported by 2,300 tanks and a small carrier strike group to the seas surrounding the area. Ready to deploy F-18's and cruise missiles to the surface. However the CDF as in it's nature responded peacefully to the VV's message. Replying with, "We are the Republic of Cascadia. We request politely that you cease military operations near our border to prevent bad relations. Our government is however open to peaceful and productive talks if you so wish. We are eager to hear your reply. In addition our military movement is merely a precaution for defense purposes."

@Domini Regum
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Kazami42 said:
"No. You can help still if you wish however, We have something happening in 2 or maybe 3 and a half days from now. As it can't happen faster... Someone will think of a reward for it. Sorry if i sound a bit disinterested, No ruler or even gangster wakes up prior to 11:00. Just have people at your border closest to abandoned city of glazov and wait there, Something will happy to tell you to attack if you do decide to help. S-." Pavle was curious as all people when they see a beautiful 'goddess'-esk woman. Though he did poke her in the side of her butt. He didn't mean to do so as he was trying to raise his hand up to scratch his head, but crystal fucked him up. He apologized. "It was a accident, I swear. Look! My arm doesn't even work. I-" Without even turning around to look at pavle, She just grabbed his perfect fine right arm and then pulled it out of its socket. "GAHEAUFFHEAUIHHHHHHHHHHHHHAGHEHHHHHHHHHHH" She continued on. "So yeah." She then covered it and looked back at him. "Sorry captain, But touching the empress like that isn't appropriate even if it is a accident. "Go to Crystalina, She'll help you." His eyes were wide as if he had a war flashback.

she went back to talking with the man. "We could probably of had a better conversation if it wasn't 8:00."
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Yes we most likely would have. Well i am sorry for disturbing you at such an early hour, but it was a pleasure to speak with you. May you and your people prosper in the future. I shall order my military to be deployed near the site of Moscow." He then turned off the radio, gave it back to Frios, and looked at High Minister. "Tell General Io to deploy with a very large army near Glazov."
She put the radio back to the operator she stared at earlier and kissed him on the forehead. She then stares unamused at pavle.

"What's your problem?" Pavle is knocked out of the trance. "PLEASE. I can't tell if she is listening in or some shit, But what i can say is." He gulps. "Madam alexander is fucking with me!" Natasha raised her eyebrow but pavle quickly responds. "NO, I'm not FUCKING her. If we were, She'd be FUCKING ME." Natasha stares at him. "You'll be fine." and she left. pavle walked out and saw janet pass and he waved at her the best he could. Then went to the barracks and into the medical ward past the beds and armory. The doctor is playing with some needles. "What is it captain?" in a strange tone. "Well someone fucked me up, and due to it i accidentally touched the empress inappropriately. She dislocated my arm and i need it fixed doc." The doctor responds. "Very well then." She turns around and it is crystal in a white doctors coat and pulling on gloves. "Lets have some fun!" Pavle screamed and tried to leave before she 'dexter'd him. And tied him up onto chair, and places his arm on a table. She opens the door and and walks out putting on her officer's cap. "Alright boys, Come in here and fuck this sonovabitch up! We don't snitch!"

Soldiers had walked into the room trying to fix his arm with medieval-esk ways while crystal watched. One had a book, One had a pipe, One had her fists, And another with a hammer. One soldier that was done beating the shit out of his arm, was told by crystal to have soldiers stationed under the entrances to the surface.


A day and a half later, most of the stations have followed their orders and were capable of stationing at least 20 soldiers at the entrances, And camping there after being told to do so by the empress. While a destroyer/battering ram has 1 more complete subway car attached to it, Allowing the people on board to grow from 15 to 89. Soldiers at stations with no entrances to the surface would be picked up to replace soldiers dropped off on other lines. and after a speech on the final day will prepare to populate the entrances. It will take a few days to complete this task without being rag tagged.


Pavle finds a large room, Where he plans to do his date with janet. He begins to have his soldiers help him move the tables out one by one, And a soldier to guard the door in the event someone tried sneaking in.
The Socialist Republic of Britain

British Naval Blockade

The Admiral of the fleet waited before answering. "Very well, your ships may past. Other ships must identify first before passing." He put down the radio and picked up another one. "Hold your fire boys, let them pass." he said over the other radio.

@Domini Regum

British Army Camp, Italian Peninsula

"And to you sir, I am Commander Alfie of the British Army here. The troops are ready to move into Rome. We dropped pamphlets to tell people to evacuate the city, but so far no one was spotted leaving, although our blockade at the Straight of Gibraltar have spotted a few VV ships, they claim to be refugees. They had already allowed them through, but a few more ships had been spotted over the horizon." Alfie said. A soldier approached them and saluted. "Sir, a transmission from the com center. It's a message from the Varmandr Vestan." the soldier said. "Play it." Alfie said.

@Loyal Guardian[/URL]

Irish Airspace

"Right then, follow us then." one of the pilots said back to the crafts. The British planes made a sharp turn in the direction of Oxford.


Conference Room, Capitol Building, Oxford, Britain

"Ah, thanks for those." Kord said. He once again checked the watch. "Well, your office should be ready now and I should be going now. I'll see you later." Kord said as he got up. just as he was about to head out the door, he turned around and said, "Oh, and your office should be just down the hall." After that he walked out the door.


Other Stuff:

Project: Aries 90%

Project: Eclipse 80%
Pendragon, Operations Room

"Sir, The Expeditionary Forces Are Progressing Smoothly." Reported Lelouch. A Map Of The Country Including Island Appeared In One Of The 5 Giant Monitors In The Operations Room. " As You Can See, We Already Have Claimed Iceland And Were Piece By Piece Claiming The Entirety Of The So Called Greenland" Said Lelouch. "Very Well, Contin-" Said Schneizel But Got Disturbed. "Sir! We Received A Response From The Broadcast We Have Sent" Said A Communication Officer. "Patch It Through" Said Schneizel, "Right Away" Responded The Officer. "Hello, we are the Varmadr Vestan, a nation centered in South America, population 250 million and rising... Please reply, stating your country name and government type..." The Voice In The Speaker Said. "Send Back A Response Stating" Said Schneizel " We Are The Rising Empire, A Monarchy Country". "Yes, Sir!" Said The Officer.

@Domini Regum

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"No problem. Refill, and you're good to go. Just one question. How is the good ol' USA doing? Did they survive? Or are there other nations there?" The pilot asked, slowly circling around the port, while the other flew away to refill

RIPSaidCone said:

Republic of Cascadia


Portland, Cascadia

In recent days the CDF has become aware of more and more nations and the conflicts that they may be facing. As a result the construction of large numbers of Naval ships have been ordered, these numbers remain unclear as CDNF officials have stayed silent on the expansion. Meanwhile the Navy has begun development of a classified new type of vessel, designed to give the CDNF unparrelled cutting edge technology in the seas, to ensure maximum defense capabilities at sea. Meanwhile the CADF has ordered the development of a new variant of fighter jet, designated as the F-38. Details have remained hidden for security purposes but it is rumored to level the playing field and even succeed in certain aspects to foreign aircraft. This military expansion and upgrading has all been paid for by the still booming Cascadian economy. An additional 145,000 troops have been enlisted into the Active Duty whilst 980,000 have been placed into the Reserves. These troops are to be fully trained and equipped soon enough. The CDF has begun development on a classified project designed as a primarily defense project to position in strategic locations across Cascadia in the event of a war or invasion. Nothing else has been said so far.

Irish Airspace

The Cascadian aircraft peacefully signalled in return to the two unknown foreign aircraft that were approaching them. Responding with, "We are an exploration and diplomatic aircraft of the Republic of Cascadia. We are here to establish communications and connections with the outside world."


Port of Singapore, Singapore

"Affirmative. We'll be awaiting your escort to the port." The crew responded with, and within minutes Singaporean vessels from the Port Authority were there to escort the ships to the dock. The crew getting off of their ships and meeting with foreigners for the first time.


New Delhi

The two pilots of the transport aircraft nodded to the governor. They raised their brows at each other. "Eclipse Empire? That's a pretty weird name." The two shrugged it off however and nodded at what the governor said. They didn't appreciate the almost patrionizing talk from the governor on their transport aircraft but didn't speak up, instead nodding politely once more as they had been instructed to and getting back on-board their aircraft. Awaiting for the fighters to escort them.

@Loyal Guardian

Polish Waters

"Thanks a lot. We'll follow your lead." And sure enough the ships begun following the two Polish aircraft towards their destination of Port Danzig. They were at Danzig soon enough and the ships were escorted to the dock, the crew unloading as they met with the Polish. "Thanks for allowing us to come here." The captain said.


Baja Bay Area

The CDF upon recieving the first intelligence reports of large scale military activity from south of the border, mobilized a response force of around 120,000 first wave defenders. Supported by 2,300 tanks and a small carrier strike group to the seas surrounding the area. Ready to deploy F-18's and cruise missiles to the surface. However the CDF as in it's nature responded peacefully to the VV's message. Replying with, "We are the Republic of Cascadia. We request politely that you cease military operations near our border to prevent bad relations. Our government is however open to peaceful and productive talks if you so wish. We are eager to hear your reply. In addition our military movement is merely a precaution for defense purposes."

@Domini Regum
Singaporean Federation


"Beachheads have been formed. Disabling of AA guns successful. Reports of enemy reinforcements entering the city." "Let them come in. We'll destroy them in this battle." The enemy navy made several attempts to destroy the landing crafts but were continually attacked by the combined navy. The air force continued to bomb the city. The enemy navy, in an attempt to prevent more ships from docking, crowded the bay. "Maintain fire. Have the landed troops secure a runway, a road, or something for our transport planes."

@Loyal Guardian

Conference Room, Capitol Building, Oxford, SRB

2nd Gov Khey Lim got up, with his aides, went to his new office. He sent orders to unpack and move to the new office. He also sent a request to the British Government for free passage of his party to explore Europe.


Port of Singapore, Singapore

A man walked up to the group. "Hello and welcome to Singapore. I am the Minister of Agriculture, Yahui Kevinson. Our prime minister is currently unavailable, so I'll be representing the Singaporean Federation on his behalf. Please follow me." They got into a limo and drove off to the Raffles Hotel.


(psst, @Fishman Lord , when you coming back?)
Pendragon, Conference Room

Emperor Schneizel And Chief Of Staff Lelouch Entered The Conference Room. "Both Of You Are Late" Said Admiral Clovis. "Forgive Us, We Received Some Transmission From Another Country" Said Schneizel. "We Already Know That, Why Did You Call Us?" Said Cornelia. "As You Can See Our Military Planes,Vehicles, And Gears Are From The Last Last Last Generation" Said Schneizel. "So? What Then?" Asked Clovis. "I Will Put Up A Project Called "NextGen" We Will Upgrade Our Vehicles And Aircrafts, And Install Next Generation System At Our Ships" Said Schneizel. "Here Are The Equipements" Said Lelouch And The Monitor Turned On. "Not Only That, But We Will Launch Surveillance And Military Satellites To The Space "Schneizel Said " Project Space". "Schneizel, This Just Came In, We Have Successfully Captured The Rest Of Green Land" Said Lelouch

Project NextGen

Research And Construction Of 100 Each Vehicles And The Equipments

The YSS-1000 or Sabre




















Project Space

Development And Launch Of 6 Military And Surveillance Satellites

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Alteras said:
2nd Gov Khey Lim got up, with his aides, went to his new office. He sent orders to unpack and move to the new office. He also sent a request to the British Government for free passage of his party to explore Europe.
Kord's Office, Oxford, Britain

Kord was working on some paperwork when a staff member walked in. "Yes? What is it." Kord said, not looking up. "The Singaporean Ambassador requests free passage of his party to explore Europe, sir." the staff member said. "Granted, but tell them to stay clear of Italy, still a warzone out there." Kord said as he went back to his paperwork. "At once, sir."

Agent141 said:
Kord's Office, Oxford, Britain
Kord was working on some paperwork when a staff member walked in. "Yes? What is it." Kord said, not looking up. "The Singaporean Ambassador requests free passage of his party to explore Europe, sir." the staff member said. "Granted, but tell them to stay clear of Italy, still a warzone out there." Kord said as he went back to his paperwork. "At once, sir."

Khey Lim listened to the staff member. Then sent a message to his two jeep party. "I still need to finish setting up office. Go ahead and explore Europe. Avoid Italy. Don't forget to take photos, the news will have a field day, being able to see Europe again." The scouting party set off to the English channel, hoping to reach Paris first.
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Pendragon, Conference Room

"Are There Any Other Reports?" Asked Schneizel. "I Have One, The New Havy HQ Has Been Finished I Will Relocate My Fleet There" Responded Clovin. "I Will Also Send Some F-35 To The British Area To Scout" Said Lelouch. "Very Well, If There Are No Other Reports Or Request, This Meeting Will Be Adjourned" Said Schneizel

Navy Headquarters, Iceland

Aircraft Carrier, R.E.S. Clovis

"Squadron Delta Of F-35, You Are Cleared For Takeoff" Said The Ship Officer. The Squadron Of 7 F-35 Took Off Heading To The British Area To Scout.



Project NextGen-15%

Project Space-28%
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Military Complex, Britain

A commander once again walked up to Torrad. "Sir, another few unidentified crafts have been spotted in our airspace." the commander said. "What day is this? 'Lets all head to Britain' Day?" Torrad said and sighed. "Send another squad to meet them." "At once, sir."

Delta Squadron

"Unidentified Aircraft's Has Been Spotted On The Radar" Said The Squad Leader "Send A Report Back To The Base". "Roger That" Said A Pilot.

Navy Headquarters, Iceland

"Sir, We Just Got A Report From The Delta Squad" Said A Navy Officer. "What Is It?" Asked Clovis. "Unidentified Aircraft's Has Been Spotted On The Radar" Reported The Officer. "Tell Them Not To Engage Unless Attacked, Patch Me Through The Aircraft Comms" Said Clovis "Hello, Captain Send A Transmission To Those Planes And Patch Me Through". "Roger That" Said The Squad Leader.

Delta Squadron

The Squad Leader Contacted The Aircrafts And Patched The Admiral. "Hello, We Are The Rising Empire From Northwest Of Britain, And Who Are You?" Asked Clovis


Project NextGen-36%

Project Space-56%
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