The World of Tomorrow

(I have an Idea: Can Poland (Since she's neutral) can negotiate the peace treaty between VV, S.B.R and Eclipse Empire?)
British Airspace

The pilots had gotten a response from the unidentified crafts. "We hail from the Socialist Republic of Britain. Our territories range across Europe from the British Isle to Italy. You have entered our airspace. State your business here."

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Delta Squadron

"I Am Admiral Clovis From The Rising Empire, We Are Sorry To Intrude." Said Clovis "These Aircraft Were Sent To Locate Other Countries And Find Some Territory That Has Not Yet Been Claimed For The Rising Empire, The Planes Will Return To Home". Admiral Clovis Ordered The Squadron To Head Back To Home Base. "We Plan To Send A Representative There And Talk With Your Leaders" Said Clovis.


Project NextGen-59%

Project Space-67%
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Near Perugia

"Hello Mister Alfie it is nice to meet you in person. As for your troops and pamphlets do not fear as we already gave them a warning. They also did not respond so i sent my troops in and captured Rome, with significant resistance only in the Vatican." Centauri was interrupted by the message on screen as the leader of the VV spoke and presented the treaty. "Well Alfie i believe we should modify the terms a little. I believe that we should get their entire colony, split the land, allow free passage of any refugees if needed, and return any POW's if both sides have any. What do you think, its a generous treaty no?"

@Agent141 @Domini Regum

Eclipsian Skies

The Cascadian transport craft took off with along with three Eclipsian fighter escorts, heading straight towards the capitol of Eclipsim.



Umberion gave the order to the combined navy to focus on the ships that were huddled in the bay. The navy did so and tremendous damage was done and when the next round of bombers were sent they were ordered to have some divert off and hit the enemy navy, this once again did great damage. In one swoop much of the enemy navy was destroyed or immobilized. The troops on the ground began pushing towards Capetown, securing more beachheads and establishing a makeshift runway for transport planes to drop by. "Sir, heavy resistance has been detected at Capetown. We request fire support!" Umberion gave no reply the order, worrying the combined troops. Then without warning large explosions hit the city, leaving the Singaporean troops confused. "Hell yeah! He issued orbital bombardment on their asses!" The Singaporean troops were surprised that they had the power to launch a kinetic bombardment, with some of the troops praising the gods for blessing them such a formidable ally.

Singaporean Federation


"Pay attention men! The battle isn't over until we've crushed their resistance!" shouted Belcher. Most of the enemy navy's ships were destroyed, lying on top of each other in the bay. The remaining ships attempted to raise white flags, but some were caught in the fire before soldiers could notice. "Enemy navy has surrendered. All that remains is the army." Belcher smiled, "Get our people in those ships and start moving them out of the way. Have the infiltrator teams blow up the tunnels. I'm sure the enemy is on the retreat now. And secure the capitol building." The orders were relayed and around Capetown in the underground, the ground exploded and collapsed, trapping enemy troops underground and in Capetown.

@Loyal Guardian

Canary Islands

The first trade fleet has reached the Canary Islands and is creating a naval base, again. The fleet departs for Britain, and will arrive in 1 month or so.

Paris, SRB

The two jeep scouting party arrived at Paris, bought some snacks, took some pictures, and headed to Berlin.


Project Nymph at 55%
Alteras said:
Singaporean Federation

Paris, SRB

The two jeep scouting party arrived at Paris, bought some snacks, took some pictures, and headed to Berlin.


Project Nymph at 55%

While making a routine flight around Berlin, which was in Polish bourders, something caught Major's Krzysztof's eye, as he lowered his flight

"Undentified units, you just entered Polish Boundaries, state your alliegence and intentions."
JJKab said:
While making a routine flight around Berlin, which was in Polish bourders, something caught Major's Krzysztof's eye, as he lowered his flight

"Undentified units, you just entered Polish Boundaries, state your alliegence and intentions."
The two jeeps slowed to a stop. One of the guys brought out a speakerphone. "This is the Singaporean Federation European Party. We are... for lack of a better word, touring Europe. We request a meeting with the Polish government." Another person in the jeep radioed back to 2nd Gov Khey Lim. "We have entered Polish territory. We request you join us."

Oxford, SRB

2nd Gov Khey Lim received the message and rushed to catch the next boat to Poland.
Alteras said:
The two jeeps slowed to a stop. One of the guys brought out a speakerphone. "This is the Singaporean Federation European Party. We are... for lack of a better word, touring Europe. We request a meeting with the Polish government." Another person in the jeep radioed back to 2nd Gov Khey Lim. "We have entered Polish territory. We request you join us."
Oxford, SRB

2nd Gov Khey Lim received the message and rushed to catch the next boat to Poland.
"Alright, then follow us." The pilot flew in the direction of the Lublin

"I need the president informed that Singaporean Federation European Party requests meeting with President Jacob, over" He stated, leading them towards the capital.

"Also, make sure Danzig is well and prepared, cause we've got guests there"
JJKab said:
"Alright, then follow us." The pilot flew in the direction of the Lublin
"I need the president informed that Singaporean Federation European Party requests meeting with President Jacob, over" He stated, leading them towards the capital.

"Also, make sure Danzig is well and prepared, cause we've got guests there"
The two jeeps followed the plane. The 2nd governor was able to get a boat and made it to the continent. The jeeps received word and took a quick detour and picked up the Governor. The party continued to follow the plane to Lublin.
Alteras said:
The two jeeps followed the plane. The 2nd governor was able to get a boat and made it to the continent. The jeeps received word and took a quick detour and picked up the Governor. The party continued to follow the plane to Lublin.
"Singaporean, huh? So China probably is no more..." President of Poland exclaimed, looking out of the window of his mansion, as he looked at the intercom

"Alright. I can meet with them. Schedule the meeting ASAP. Also, we're done expanding for now." He exclaimed

Project "Orzeł"- 95%, ready in the next post.

Allied troops moved into Capetown from the air, land, and sea. Resistance was strong, but thanks to the orbital bombardment much of the enemy was scattered. Friendly forces moved into the city central where much of the enemy had congregated to make a final stand. However after intense infantry fire, bombing runs, naval support, and T-99 Tank reinforcement the enemy force surrendered. The critically wounded, from both sides, were sent to Eclipsian hospital ships. The rest were taken as POW's with some escaping further into Oroguay territory. The Battle of Capetown concludes in a Singaporean/Eclipsian Decisive Victory.


(I think one of should make a little summary thing of this battle, i think it would be cool)
Capital of Poland

The two jeep party arrived at the capital. They followed some people to meet with President



The troops jointly occupied the city. The operations base was moved forward and occupied the Capitol building. Squad leaders and captains were continually radioing in to the operators doing damage reports. After 3 hours, a meeting was called. In the conference room, Admiral Belcher and Admiral Umberion sat before a screen with other captains and colonels. 3rd Governor Chang sat at the end of the table. The head operator walked up front, saluted and began the report.

"Now begins the debriefing of the Battle of Capetown, first battle in the Oroguay War. The attackers were the Singaporean Federation and Empire of Eclipse. The defenders were the nation of Oroguay. The victors are the Singaporean Federation and the Empire of Eclipse. This battle began with naval engagements, followed by aerial attacks on the city. Infiltrators of the Singaporean Federation disabled AA guns. The joint fleet landed soldiers on land and began forming a beachhead. The Oroguay fleet crowded the bay in an effort to prevent more landings. The joint fleet continued their attack on the navy, destroying most ships. The remaining ships surrendered. At the same time, orbital bombardment was used by the Eclipse Empire, wiping out Oroguay forces. Oroguay began retreating but was cut off by infiltrator bombs. The combined forces continued their invasion on land. A last stand was made at the city central, with many surrendering. Several Oroguay soldiers were able to escape. That is the end of the Battle of Capetown.

Total allied naval units destroyed or severely damaged: 1 corvette of Eclipsian designation. Total enemy naval units destroyed or severely damaged: 10 submarines, 8 Battleships, 1 Aircraft and submarine carrier. Total captured naval units: 13 submarines, 2 battleships.

Total allied aerial units destroyed or severely damaged: none. Total enemy aerial units: none. Total captured aerial units: none.

Total allied army units casualties: 1,000 Singaporean soldiers, 600 Eclipsian soldiers, 70 Singaporean armored vehicles, 50 Eclipsian armored vehicles, 0 tanks. Total enemy army casualties: around 69,000 soldiers, 2800 armored vehicles, 375 tanks. Total captured units and prisoners of war: around 10,000 soldiers, 150 armored vehicles, 25 tanks.

While victory is clearly the combined forces', this victory must be considered Pyrrhic in nature. Orbital bombardment, underground rail bombs, and bomb drops devastated the city and harmed or killed roughly 80% of all civilian. Therefore, this is-"

The operator was cut off by 3rd Gov Chang. "Do not worry about the city. It can easily be restored with Singaporean wealth." "Very well. With the destruction and occupation of the Oroguay capital and the nation of Oroguay, the Battle of Capetown is a decisive victory to Singaporean/Eclipsian Forces. Since no known formal government of Oroguay exists any more, any future battles in this war would be considered suppression of rebellion. This debriefing is complete. Congratulations Admiral Belcher and Admiral Umberion on your resounding success. If you'll excuse me, I must return to station."

The operator left the room. The officers stood up and congratulated each other. Admiral Belcher and Admiral Umberion shook hands. A large dinner was served, celebrating the success of the invasion.

@Loyal Guardian

Territory gained


(I think we should save the cool part of the dinner party speech.)
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"It has been a pleasure working with you Mister Belcher. I believe with the combined forces of Singapore, Britain, and the Eclipse, we are a very powerful force." Umberion then took a bit out of his Crab. "By the way i am ordering my troops to use our version of the blitzkrieg tomorrow. Your more than welcome to join our advance but your men will have to get debriefed on our movement patterns, as they do vary depending on what environment we deploy to."

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Capetown, Singaporean/Eclipsian Occupation

"Likewise, Mister Umberion. I hope we'll be able work together in future. I think our men have had their fair share of Eclipsian might. We'll follow behind your army rebuilding all that you capture." Admiral Belcher replied. After a moment he stood up, tapped his glass a couple times and brought everyone's attention. "To our victory today and to our victory in the days to come! Majulah Singapura! Majulah Eclipsum!" Everyone shouted the toast as well.

@Loyal Guardian
Near Glazov

General Io arrived with 400,000 Active and 600,000 Reserve troops. He brought Mobile Base Luna and numerous bombers, tanks, fighters, helicopters, and a sky platform. With this his force was ready. He brought General Revus and Colonel Frios, who got a personal promotion from the emperor (i forgot to put that in), as his sub commanders. As soon as the redline troops were ready, he was ready to launch the Mutant Crusade.

Alteras said:
Capital of Poland

The two jeep party arrived at the capital. They followed some people to meet with President

Polish President soon came out of his office, and smiled lightly, as he noticed the travellers.

"Well well well, who do we have here. Welcome to the Republic of Poland. How can I help you" He asked, extending his hand to one of the man present there
GHS, Dawn.

It has been a considerable amount of time later. Time was not kept track alot, it is speculated to be july 4th. There are soldiers stationed throughout the empire at entrances such as escalators to the surface - Or just sewers and other. Some soldiers have been ordered to stay underground to protect the citizens, while a large number of soldiers amass at golden heart for a speech. General/Commissar janet taking the east and helping with the central invasion, Commissar hunter taking the west, And the other generals besides crystal taking the south. Pavle gives a speech letter they both made to alexander and the speech begins.

And instead of being Nazis they're russian.
[some of this is original, because why not. Throwing in extra effort makes EVERYTHING better.]

"Soldiers, you are broken and ill-fed! The government owes you much and sadly can give you nothing. The patience and courage you have shown in the midst of these rocks are admirable; but they gain you no renown; no glory results to you from your endurance. It is my design to lead you into the most fertile plains of the world. Rich provinces and great cities will be in your power; there you will find honor, glory, and wealth. Justified all that I looked for from your fearlessness. You have adorned your metals with an everlasting glory...

The eyes of the empire are upon you. The hopes and prayers of loving people everywhere march with you. You will bring about the destruction of the mutants, the elimination of evil over the oppressed peoples of the metro, and security for ourselves in a free world.

Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is ugly, And battle hardened, they will fight savagely.

But this is the year 3251!

An army of 900,000 men, under the command of the Emperors and Queens of Russia. Soldiers of the red-line! will you be wanting in courage or perseverance? Yes comrades, We have no real ammunition and we don't have that many weapons. But i guarantee you we shall retake what is rightfully ours. You are the very future of mother russia! We will take back what was once ours, and we will become stronger than ever before. No longer shall we hide in the shadows to be picked off one by one. Tomorrow we'll rise so let's fight today. For the glorious red line, We shall retake the motherland!"

The soldiers went to the armory and cleared it out, They then went to the station. There was two modded battering rams/destroyer trains with a additional subway car, and another one with large cargo containers. Signs were on the trains along with their commanders. The subway train [The one with only a additional subway car.] Was entitled: "Victory" and alexander would control the soldiers there. While another one was titled: "New age" and could fill 400 soldiers and was supervised by pavle. Other soldiers used transportation hand carts or held onto the side of the trains as best as they could. [Lol i realize that this is some ghetto shit right here.] The russian queen being taken temporarily under command by commissar heather/janet.

The trains start up and speed through the tunnels. Eventually entering a silo heavily modified for multiple use including evacuation purpose. The trains stop ontop of the revolving platforms and begins to rise to the surface.


In the west, 50,000 Soldiers and hunter wait at the escalator at the west of the imperial lands, Most crouched down at the top looking at the skies. They check their weapons and consist primarily of officers and conscripts.


In the south, infantry battalions led by the empress begin marching upon the surface flag in hand.


In the east, Janet is in the command hub stationed on the russian battleship-train. With battalions of 300,000 soldiers hiding in the ruins.

Mutants begin amassing throughout the surface in the thousands+.

Janet put her hand on the headphones and was writing down coordinates, and speaking on a radio on a public frequency. Mainly to her own soldiers and the train operators. "003985, Aim." The cannon begins aiming upwards and is being loaded. "I will not accept retreat or failure as a option comrades, You will destroy the enemy at every single goddamned cost!" The gun has finished loading and aiming. The gunner responds over radio, "Weapon loaded, Coordinates locked!" There was silence for a few minutes, after the machinegunners had massacred retreating infantry units.

Janet entered morse code throughout the infantry lines. 'Fire flares! 4th of july, Fireworks show. Red October 17.' Flares from the train fire up into the sky and then explode, most being legitimate fire works. "FIRE!" The massive cannon being used for artillery begins firing upon the thousands of mutants.

Pay attention to the charge scene, This is basically what happens. It may be used again in the future as a legit battle scene.[media]
[/media] What the soldiers retreating and the commissars said is what also Is said in the scene i am making, I just didn't quote them because i have no-one to quote directly.
Most of the soldiers are only armed with pistols, rifles, or legitimate sharpened sticks.


Hunter stands up and fires a flare into the sky.

"Well conscripts, Today is your day to shine!" the soldiers sprint onto the surface and then begin firing at mutants.


To the south, most parts of central russia in view of the flares, and various other soldiers that were hiding out in ruined buildings in the cities, outposts, or just on the surface appear and begin fighting against thousands of lurkers.


The empress and her soldiers are on a cliff over looking the south, She pulls out a katana she had made years ago out and pointed towards the city. "Here soldiers, Retake these lands for our glorious empire! Survivors get free drinks on me!"


The trains that got on the surface begun to drive through a small distance of the state/country north. until seeing the flares 10 minutes later and eventually stop near glazov. Pavle opens the cargo containers door and looks at the soldiers. "Now men! Fight valiantly and for every man they kill, You kill 2 of them!"

[/media] [Was said prior to the train stopping.] He jumped out of the cargo car and shot at some small pack of 12 lurkers with a makarov pistol. Alexander and her soldiers kept the train moving further north.

@Loyal Guardian
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Republic of Cascadia


Eclipsian Skies

The Cascadian aircraft flew at a rather modest pace, in no rush to get to the capital city. Within an hour or two the escorts and the Cascadian aircraft had arrived in Eclipsim, the pilots leaving their aircraft and stepping out onto the tarmac of the airfield in Eclipsim. Looking around as they awaited the people they were to talk to.

@Loyal Guardian

Irish Airspace

"Copy, escort aircraft. Following your direction." The pilot of the Cascadian aircraft responded with, the Cascadian aircraft following the two British aircraft in direction of Oxford as the Cascadian GPS told the pilots.


Polish Territory

"The American territories have recovered rather well. We know of three other nations in the area with a possible fourth. We've rebuilt 3 major American cities and are planning to rebuild a 4th. Things are going well, how about Europe? How are you lot doing?" The Cascadian ships then arrived at port, docking and the crew arriving onto the port itself.


Port of Singapore, Singapore

"Thank you for allowing us to come here, Mr. Kevinson. I'm Captain. Andrew Williams and this is my crew." The crew were intrigued by the idea of a Singaporean nation in the post-war world. Following Mr. Kevinson to the limosine where they took off in direction of the hotel.


Los Angeles, Cascadia

The reconstruction and improvement of Los Angeles has already gotten well underway, with plans to move Cascadian citizens in mass to the city in the following months. The city's dock and industrial areas are to rebuilt first, allowing for it to become valuable. Then the downtown area, followed by the residential areas. Transportation lines such as highways and trainlines from LA are being rebuilt to connect the city to the rest of Cascadia and the CDF are in the middle of setting up the new LAPD to maintain order in the city.

Seattle Docks, Cascadia

The CNDF was more than pleased to announce the launch of the newly built ships. 45 Arleigh Burke destroyers, 2 Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carriers, 25 attack submarines and 60 Tinconderoga class cruisers. Each of these new ships will carry the new AEGIS II system, a Cascadian naval defense system designed for shooting down anti-ship missiles and enemy aircraft before they can even hit or attack the Cascadian ship. The AEGIS II system will use the AN/SEQ-4 Laser Weapon System, an upgraded variant of the laser defense system the US Navy was developing at the time of the war. The LaWS weapon will ensure that no enemy missile or aircraft can escape it's range, due to nothing being able to escape something that is faster than the speed of light, IE a laser. This new defense fleet will be stationed in an unknown sector of Cascadian waters for security purposes and will begin exercises to keep their training up to date. Meanwhile the 11,400 new Abrams tanks that were ordered sometime ago have finished construction and are being rolled out onto military bases all over Cascadia.​
RIPSaidCone said:

Republic of Cascadia


Polish Territory

"The American territories have recovered rather well. We know of three other nations in the area with a possible fourth. We've rebuilt 3 major American cities and are planning to rebuild a 4th. Things are going well, how about Europe? How are you lot doing?" The Cascadian ships then arrived at port, docking and the crew arriving onto the port itself.

"Well, nothing much. We just peacefully made our way back onto the map, had a small war between Eclipsian Empire, but we're okay now." The pilot exclaimed, looking at the docking of the ships
The Surface

General Io got the word that redline forces had begun their advance, he then gave the order to push forward. Eclipsian troops moved forward, along with the mobile base and sky platform, as they pushed through the surface. Toxic levels were off the charts so the troops activated their filters in their suits while the three commanders were taken inside the base to be given power suits of their own. As the army pushed forward they saw what seemed like an endless mutant army. As soon as the first one was seen shots were fired and a large fight ensued. The mutants charged at the army, but thanks to bombing runs they were quickly demolished as their approach was slowed. However very large flying mutants came in and destroyed a few of the bombers. At that point the fighter jets were launched and the sky station began firing its defense mechanisms at the approaching mutants. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, very large and hulking mutants quickly approached the line and ran into some of the men, but were quickly stopped by an elite team of Implanted. They fought the beasts in hand to hand combat, and after what seemed like an hour long brawl, the beasts were killed. However one of the Implanted was killed in the fight, the first time an Implanted was ever killed in combat, and instead of losing morale, the troops gained more to avenge their fallen comrade. After a few hours of fighting all of the mutants were dead with very few escaping, even the some of the ones that could 'mind rape' you were killed thanks to bombing runs and the Implanted. The army as a whole only took around 900 KIA and 2,000 WIA with only 4 bombers destroyed. Under the order of General Io he pushed the army forward, killing every mutant horde that approached him, as they closed in on the interior of the redline empire.


Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

Emperor Byron and the High Minister approached the two Cascadian pilots, with Byron sticking out his hand. "Welcome gentlemen to the Eclipsim. I have been told of the governor's rudeness and i apologize in his behalf. Now would you care to come with me towards the palace?"


(Eclipsim skyline, in case you didn't see)


Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

Emperor Byron and the High Minister approached the two Cascadian pilots, with Byron sticking out his hand. "Welcome gentlemen to the Eclipsim. I have been told of the governor's rudeness and i apologize in his behalf. Now would you care to come with me towards the palace?"


(Eclipsim skyline, in case you didn't see)

The soldiers begin to nearly conclude exiting the train, While five devastators with miniguns mow down a horde of 30 lurkers. However a tiger-esk roar can be heard from the skies. "SHIT!" Pavle begins shooting at the demon, But it acts like it is entirely unaffected. It swoops downwards and slams into the train tipping it over. "THEY GOT THE TRAIN!" It picked up a devastator unit before flying back into the sky and then throwing her down to the ground. All 372 survivors or ordered to try and fire at it, maybe it'd kill it or injure it enough to leave or bleedout.


Janet kept firing upon the mutants and or obliterating most buildings in the way. Some soldiers stopped and even tried hiding due to everyone else dying. A soldier was annoyed. "Come on you bastards! The way we are going to make this if we work together to stay alive!" He continued firing at the mutants. A demon in the area was obliterated by a artillery shell. The soldiers kept charging through.


In the West, the conscripts take cover in houses and towers to combat demons, only for most to be beaten and or clawed to death due to invading librarian territories. Which otherwise would of been friendly...


Alexanders train stopped 42 miles away from glazov's outskirts, they disembarked and then begun firing upon more mutants. They so far have little resistance due to all the units mainly being devastators.


The units in the south had little resistance due to the area not having alot of food that the mutants could survive upon. A demon attempted to swoop down and kill Natasha, however she swung her katana left and cut it's head off. They continued south capturing izhevsky.
Kazami42 said:
The soldiers begin to nearly conclude exiting the train, While five devastators with miniguns mow down a horde of 30 lurkers. However a tiger-esk roar can be heard from the skies. "SHIT!" Pavle begins shooting at the demon, But it acts like it is entirely unaffected. It swoops downwards and slams into the train tipping it over. "THEY GOT THE TRAIN!" It picked up a devastator unit before flying back into the sky and then throwing her down to the ground. All 372 survivors or ordered to try and fire at it, maybe it'd kill it or injure it enough to leave or bleedout.

Janet kept firing upon the mutants and or obliterating most buildings in the way. Some soldiers stopped and even tried hiding due to everyone else dying. A soldier was annoyed. "Come on you bastards! The way we are going to make this if we work together to stay alive!" He continued firing at the mutants. A demon in the area was obliterated by a artillery shell. The soldiers kept charging through.


In the West, the conscripts take cover in houses and towers to combat demons, only for most to be beaten and or clawed to death due to invading librarian territories. Which otherwise would of been friendly...


Alexanders train stopped 42 miles away from glazov's outskirts, they disembarked and then begun firing upon more mutants. They so far have little resistance due to all the units mainly being devastators.


The units in the south had little resistance due to the area not having alot of food that the mutants could survive upon. A demon attempted to swoop down and kill Natasha, however she swung her katana left and cut it's head off. They continued south capturing izhevsky.
Redline Territory

General Io's army pushed forward and were repeatedly attacked by mutant hordes, which were quickly repelled off and eliminated. The only ones that he thought would give them trouble was the ones that were bulky and powerful (the librarians). However his army came across a very large mutant horde and they bogged down. However it was a repeat of the first large engagement except bigger, more casualties, and more bombers being destroyed. General Io recognized soon after that they would have not gotten this far with out the aid of the air force. His forces had captured much of the southern territory of the Redline and as the army approached Izhevsk they noticed a large mutant horde. "I'm am done with these demons, tell the sky platform to launch almost all of the fighter jets and give the order to quicktime the army." His orders were relayed and all fighter jets were launched with bomber and VTOL support. The air force began to mow down any mutants they saw and thanks to the fighter jets, the flying demons were only able to destroy a few bombers. The planes also saw a another force striking at the mutants, the sighting was relayed to Io, who's army had begun to enter the city.
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Redline Territory

General Io's army pushed forward and were repeatedly attacked by mutant hordes, which were quickly repelled off and eliminated. The only ones that he thought would give them trouble was the ones that were bulky and powerful (the librarians). However his army came across a very large mutant horde and they bogged down. However it was a repeat of the first large engagement except bigger, more casualties, and more bombers being destroyed. General Io recognized soon after that they would have not gotten this far with out the aid of the air force. His forces had captured much of the southern territory of the Redline and as the army approached Izhevsk they noticed a large mutant horde. "I'm am done with these demons, tell the sky platform to launch almost all of the fighter jets and give the order to quicktime the army." His orders were relayed and all fighter jets were launched with bomber and VTOL support. The air force began to mow down any mutants they saw and thanks to the fighter jets, the flying demons were only able to destroy a few bombers. The planes also saw a another force striking at the mutants, the sighting was relayed to Io, who's army had begun to enter the city.

The western division continued their assault, however they were met with heavy resistance of 700 lurkers, 5 demons, and 12 'rasks' The army held out for not even a minute before the majority of them were wiped out and then dragged away. A soldier looked at a fellow soldier that had a heavy machine gun, cowering behind the wall of dirt. "OPEN FIRE YA FUCKING COWARD!" The soldier got up and mounted the gun, he only fired five shots before his head exploded. "Jesus Christ, what the fuck?!?!?" The soldier got on a radio. "The border is destroyed! We need some heavy reinforcements NOW. They-" the naturally built trench the troops were stationed in was blown up by a unknown force.


The Russian queen continued firing heavy artillery shells into glazov. The forces captured more central territory, and would eventually campaign east. The artillery shell killing some bear cubs, enraging them.


The south was won.


The demon left and was seemingly unharmed.

They went to continue taking glazov and head east from there, but a bear appeared which survived the bombing. It charged them and begun to bite, ram, and claw everyone near it, and surviving the minigun crew. Killing one of them before pavle shot at its spine when it stood up very quickly with a duplet shotgun killing it after wasting all 10 shells on it. It fell over and pavle continued on with the survivors.
Kazami42 said:
The western division continued their assault, however they were met with heavy resistance of 700 lurkers, 5 demons, and 12 'rasks' The army held out for not even a minute before the majority of them were wiped out and then dragged away. A soldier looked at a fellow soldier that had a heavy machine gun, cowering behind the wall of dirt. "OPEN FIRE YA FUCKING COWARD!" The soldier got up and mounted the gun, he only fired five shots before his head exploded. "Jesus Christ, what the fuck?!?!?" The soldier got on a radio. "The border is destroyed! We need some heavy reinforcements NOW. They-" the naturally built trench the troops were stationed in was blown up by a unknown force.

The Russian queen continued firing heavy artillery shells into glazov. The forces captured more central territory, and would eventually campaign east. The artillery shell killing some bear cubs, enraging them.


The south was won.


The demon left and was seemingly unharmed.

They went to continue taking glazov and head east from there, but a bear appeared which survived the bombing. It charged them and begun to bite, ram, and claw everyone near it, and surviving the minigun crew. Killing one of them before pavle shot at its spine when it stood up very quickly with a duplet shotgun killing it after wasting all 10 shells on it. It fell over and pavle continued on with the survivors.
Redline Territory

General Io positioned Mobile Base Luna just outside of Izhevsk while the Jovian Sky Platform floated above the city, dropping down troops. They did an effective sweep of the city, clearing out any mutant they saw. However the biggest problem were the large hulking ones that seemed like they could only be taken down by Implanted or a heavy machine gunner. They quickly took over the city, thanks to the Eclipsian Blitzkrieg, and the mutant were rounded up in the center of the city. The bombers then rained hell on the center and killed most of the mutants, the rest were killed by infantry. Izhevsk has been liberated. The army then split to move northward to further push in, taking Mobile Base Phobos with them.

(file is how far i have pushed, marked by the black line)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cac58f57d_hergadergindergin.png.efe33ec856f2b1447e4f62be9ef277f5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133953" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cac58f57d_hergadergindergin.png.efe33ec856f2b1447e4f62be9ef277f5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Tripoli - Acting Capital for the Enlightened

The day had begun with the bright shine of the sun, one that had not been seen in centuries. Charles climbed out of his large, square bed, and looked towards it. He was in an office tower Tripoli, the acting capital of the nation. The day had begun with a mixture of good and bad news. Dust and debris were already cleared from the streets, and the majority of the population had moved to the surface. But they were starving. Food and water were in short supply, and living conditions were horrendous. The arid environment and nuclear fallout had starved the farms and poisoned the water. A portion of the military was have reclaimed Tunis, the original capital, and was returning with some food from the stores. However, most of the technologies that was the glory of the past Kingdoms was lost. Only a few scraps of military and domestic technology could be reclaimed for the scientists and engineers to figure out.

There a knock on the door.

"Your majesty, the bunkers at Egypt and Sudan have responded. They have agreed to join the Kingdom once more."

"Good. Well done. Go to Byris for your reward. You may take your leave."

He, Charles, had moved at a quick speed to contact previous counties of the Hamuis Kingdom. Now, with the acceptance of Egypt and Sudan, the original empire was fully reunited. He would begin colonizing central Africa with Hamuis, to finish his ancestor's work of uniting Africa under a common culture and banner.

And then the thought came to him. It's been hundreds of years, and I have not seen a foreign face. Where are they? The radiation had died off, and was not likely to be a concern. If he had taken the initiative to exit his bunker, than other leaders of great nations would have as well. He would send two corvettes to test his theory - he would not risk his fleet for some risky venture. One would circle the borders of the Mediterranean and proceed to the Black Sea. The other would make its way through the Suez Canal to Australia, passing by India and the Philippines. The corvettes, if they met with foreign forces, would bargain for a non-aggression pact, as well as a trade treaty to supplement the basic bartering in the Kingdom.

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141 @Alteras @JJKab @Fishman Lord @Domini Regum

Improvements would be needed to sustain the population, and the coming years would be hard-fought, difficult, and tiring. However, as the sun rose, Charles could feel the excitement and hope well up within him. He had already sent his scientists to examine the materials from the capital. The Enlightened Kingdom was on its way to reclaiming its spot as the capital of knowledge.

Begin Capital Cleanup

Begin Searching for Foreign Contact

Begin Operations Annona, Highlight, and Sunrise

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