The World of Tomorrow

Aboard the 2nd Regiment - Black Sea

Another transmission was received as soon as the Corvette had finished responded to the Singaporeans. This one came from the so-called "Eclipsians". It was more hostile than the others, but the captain responded anyways.

"This is a ship from the Hamuis Kingdom in North Africa. We would like to formally establish communications with your empire. Is there a place in which we can open a formal diplomatic channel?"

The day had gotten quite busy for the captain. The world was indeed crawling with species of life once more, and the captain was eager to find them.

@Loyal Guardian
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Jerusalem, Israeli Province

"Understood. A representative can be sent towards our capitol of Eclipsim. It is located between the Caspian and Aral Seas, here are the specific coordinates."

Tripoli - Acting Government for the Kingdom

Charles sat there, waiting for the news from his ships. His breakfast had been quite well - bananas and apples from the capital, preserved by centuries of irradiation. The scientists had deemed them safe to eat, and, although the taste was off and disturbing, he trusted them.

The expected message came onto his monitor.

"Majesty, we have encountered what we expected - foreign ships with living hosts. We will be burdened with diplomacy for some time, and will be unable to scout our entire Area of Operations in a timely manner. We suggest additional corvettes be dedicated to this task if you decide to do so."

He took a gulp of coffee. Momentarily, he wondered what those nations will hold and how they would act. But, he remembered that the shipman was waiting for him.

"Very well, I shall do so. I will send the order immediately."

He shouted, and a man came. "Byris, send a ship to scout the west African coast. Send another to the British Isles and the Scandinavians. Command a warship to sail to the Americas with 5 Sapientia on board. We don't want to miss any contacts."

@Fishman Lord @Domini Regum @ArisenMoon @wulfle @RIPSaidCone @Wickedkent

Begin Exploration of the Americas

A Few Minutes Later - Tripoli

It had been a month since the men had begun colonizing Africa, and news finally arrived of two Sapientias' fate. The first one was had much good news - the men had began to settle into the lands and clean the buildings filled with dust. However, the arid climate proved unusually difficult for them, and much time was spent trying to resupply the dirt with groundwater. Others would not be so eager to join them in Mauritania.

The second Sapientia found itself in Ethiopia and Somalia. There were already survivors there - Ethiopia, and, in effect therefore, Somalia, had been one of the last countries to be bombed, and they were ready. However, their numbers were also small and few, even less then the Sapientia's 500. Much of the land in Somalia was desert, but Ethiopian lands were fertile and covered with savanna. They would settle in the Ethiopian capital, as well as the Somalian capital of Mogadishu.

Reclaiming the capital had also seen some significant progress. New discoveries hinted at a new type of military unit to improve the military, as the current military makeup was vulnerable to shock attacks (a break in the shield line often spelled doom for the Hamuis commanders). In addition was the discovery of a pamphlet describing basic satellite construction technology. He would have scientists and engineers unburdened by work to look into these.

Begin Project Pillar, Operation Eclipse

Territory Gained: Modern-Day Mauritania, Ethiopia, and Somalia

Eclipsim - Capital of the Eclipse Empire

The transmission arrived and the captain nodded. Each regiment carried a diplomat, so that the brazenness and emboldened commanders would not harm diplomatic relationships. And so the man's job arrived. The ship sailed towards the Eclipsian capital, and he got out.

He was a chubby man, tall and fat. Just like most bottom-rank diplomats, he wore a black suit and blue tie. He laughed a hearty laugh as he got out of the ship, and waved goodbye to his crew. He turned, and greeted the official nearby.

"Greetings. I am a diplomat representing the Enlightened Kingdom of the Hamuis. Please direct me to your head of state so that I may meet him in a timely manner."

@Loyal Guardian

Leaving them, the ship sailed back to continue communications with the Singaporeans.
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Admiral Umberion decided to stay in the city a little while longer, as a sort of self imposed mini-vacation. He and his two guards were walking by the city streets and construction workers who saw them cheered at them and said "Majulah Singapura! Majulah Eclipsum!" and Umberion smiled at them saying, "I we were merely called upon as an ally, we only aided with the securing of Capetown." They began to walk towards the provisional governmental office building. "Sir are you sure you want to make an unscheduled appointment with the governor?" One of his guard asked. "Surprised come and go in every life Sergeant, so i think this little one will not be look down upon." Umberion replied in a cooled manner. They entered the building and saw a man holding a pad and he became squeamish, more than he already was, and briskly walked past them. Umberion became a tad bit suspicious, but moved on anyways asking where he could find the governor. He walked towards the governors office, told his two guard to wait outside, and walked in. "Hello Miss Chang, i hope the construction is going well." He said cheerfully, sticking his hand out.


Near Perugia

"Yes i think these terms will be acceptable. Personally i wasn't aiming for gaining Sicily, but i will accept it since you offered." Centauri pulled out his pad and began to tap away on it. "I have just ordered my army to begin their departure of Italy and give you the lands we occupied." Centauri put away the pad and turned to Alfie. "It has been a pleasure, oh and tell VV that i agreed on the terms." Centauri said as he walked out the room.


Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • Both the Vestan and Oroguay wars end in Eclipsian success with relative minimal casualties.
  • Expansion one completes
  • PROJECT: Gemini Phase Two is completed. The first Miranda Light Unit is sent to the production lines. Phase three begins.
[Well actually despite being a underground 'race' they do look for history. So they'd know what a aircraft is. Just most likely not how to make one. That and it'd be useless in the metro lol.].

The Russian queen continued rolling through the east until the tracks ended, they bombed perm to hell and recaptured it. Camps being made to live there for a few days to get rid of survivors. The train left to the west.


Pavle had a medic tend to hunter ontop of the tower, both were still alive 'enough'. However neither of them responded, Alexander had a stab wound in the right side of her chest and pavle had attempted healing it enough himself. Despite doing so, he had to go to 'phase two' of CPR. She woke up coughing violently. "Ugh god what the fuck? Am I in hell?!?" Pavle sat down on the ground. "Well at least you're alive." He then said under his breath. "You foul-mouthed bitch." The medic called for two stretchers which eventually was sent up to the building.


The empress had invaded the far northeast with a combination of glazov, and her own troops by this time. She expanded the borders by going to severodvinsk above the empires territory, and then went east.


The surviving mutants either fled west in amassed numbers towards the east, or hid underground. It was easy to capture the northeast due to nobody living there at the time of the greatest apocalypse. Thus mutants wouldn't have much food there besides themselves. The east was drawn on the map, and eventually somebody will be sent there to populate it besides groups of soldiers in small camps they made by simply making a fire, and gathering plants and fruits there.

Captured the surface in the blue.

Captured the north east.
Redline Territory

General Io had pushed into the northern portion of the redline territory. They encountered very little mutants across the way. His scouts reported that an army was detected not much further ahead. They pushed forward and they encountered Redline scouts, who had never seen the armor such as the Eclipsian ones. When they looked in the sky they could see the sky platform, which further shocked them. The scouts lead Io and his army to meet with the empress's. Revus however had aided the Redline troops regain control of the city (the one that hunter, Alexander, and Pavle are in) and they pushed forward to meet with the Redline troops.


Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

A lower ranked minister guided the ambassador to the palace, while informing the emperor on what is going on. They reached the palace and the ambassador went into the chamber to find Byron reading an old world book. "Welcome to Eclipsim, i hope enjoyed the view (See earlier posts so you know)." Byron put his book down and walked up to the ambassador. "I do apologize for our hostile threat, but we just finished two wars and we are slightly on edge. I can assure you that if get on our empire's good side the relationship will be a friendly one." Byron said as he smiled.


Volga Basin

Eclipsian military has taken the land of the Volga Basin even further to connect the land gap between the empires borders.

@Agent141<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Eclipse6.png.d531cc2afba929dd65db9d64cac0f221.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134177" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Eclipse6.png.d531cc2afba929dd65db9d64cac0f221.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Eclipse6.png
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Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

A lower ranked minister guided the ambassador to the palace, while informing the emperor on what is going on. They reached the palace and the ambassador went into the chamber to find Byron reading an old world book. "Welcome to Eclipsim, i hope enjoyed the view (See earlier posts so you know)." Byron put his book down and walked up to the ambassador. "I do apologize for our hostile threat, but we just finished two wars and we are slightly on edge. I can assure you that if get on our empire's good side the relationship will be a friendly one." Byron said as he smiled.


Volga Basin

Eclipsian military has taken the land of the Volga Basin even further to connect the land gap between the empires borders.

Soldiers walk past the ruins and the streets, fires and camps are made by this time, and the empress just wanders around the ruins. The medics eventually pull the soldiers out, and pavle celebrated with the survivors of his assault.
Myrkuta, Capital palace, The Prince's Office

Artyom exhales while looking up straight up. 'Finally everything is in place' he thought to himself.

The door opens to reveal the minster of defense. He wore a tall black suit covered in medals and fancy buttons. It looked just as expensive as it looks. He looked to be in his late 30's and had a small shaved beard forming. He had green colored eyes and stood at a height of 5'4". Artyom looked back straight to see his old friend again.

"Koychev Aleskeevich! My good old friend. How does your new position feel for you?" asked Artyom while giving a smile.

"It certainly is different than being in the rebellion." laughed Koychev. His laughter boomed the entire room.

"Although it saves me the trouble of being shot on the battlefield, unlike the old days."

Artyom chuckles. He stands up to walk.

"Have you prepared our plans for expansion into the west?"

"As a matter of fact, I just came here to tell you that. We are ready to deploy at any second." responded Koychev

Artyom crosses his arms.

"Good, move right away if you can. Secure any deposit mines and search for valuable resources. They will be crucial for further developments. Report to me if any new developments occur."

"Very well my Prince. I'll send out a Battalion as soon as I leave." said Koychev.

Koychev salutes and turns to leave the door. As he passes through the door, another figure appears. Though this man is different than Koychev. He wore a black business suit with shiny black shoes. He had a clean blonde hair cut with baby blue eyes. He was fairly built and only stood at 5'2" compared to Koychev.

"Minister of foreign affairs Tosya Loboda, how nice of you to drop by."

"Here have a seat."
said Artyom as he gestured to a empty chair.

"Now what can I do for you?"

"I wanted to ask if you would be considering sending diplomats to the other nations." uttered Tosya.

"This would allow trading and sort of have everyone know that we exist."

"As well as knowing who is hostile and friendly."

Artyom thought for a minute.

"I do believe you have a point." said Artyom as he rubbed his forehead.

"I'll allow it. However, we are only going to have brief contact. I do not want to overstay our welcome."

"Send their leaders a contact sheet if they wish to contact me directly. Also tell them that we have established an airspace within the region."

"I will carry out the task then, sir." said Tosya.

He rushed out of the room screaming and yelling at different names before fading in the distance.

Artyom turned his chair around and stared out the window. In the distance, howls and screams are faintly heard. Artyom had a bad feeling that something else was coming to them.
Awhile after the surface liberation in such a short period of time, the wounded were sent back to the metro along with unneeded infantry units. Devastators with flamethrowers entered the ruins throughout their territory to clear out unwanted residents. The empress stumbled across lo.

@Loyal Guardian


The mutants which fled east, continued their trek. Some staying in neutral - none empire territory. While a large majority across Russia and some from the trek proceeded migration east.


The emperor has fully recovered, and returned to his throne in the council room. He sat down, and drank some vodka and thinking. The room was empty, and silent. However he had thought up a plan but only had a single general capable of performing the task. He stood up and walked to the medical ward. After entering it, he saw Alexander being healed and bandages across her body and eye. She looked up from a stretcher and looked up at victor. "Hi emperor..." She smiled. Victor then helped her sit up. She responded. "Don't worry, I can still walk." Victor then explained a specific task for her. "After you recover, and have crystalina in your company. Take a few soldiers west to Moscow, check up on it and the old redline. We need to know if it survived the apocalypse, and if we can colonize it. Tell me personally of your findings." He left the ward. Alexander lied down on the table while a doctor continued to post-treat her.
Kazami42 said:
Awhile after the surface liberation in such a short period of time, the wounded were sent back to the metro along with unneeded infantry units. Devastators with flamethrowers entered the ruins throughout their territory to clear out unwanted residents. The empress stumbled across lo.
@Loyal Guardian


The mutants which fled east, continued their trek. Some staying in neutral - none empire territory. While a large majority across Russia and some from the trek proceeded migration east.


The emperor has fully recovered, and returned to his throne in the council room. He sat down, and drank some vodka and thinking. The room was empty, and silent. However he had thought up a plan but only had a single general capable of performing the task. He stood up and walked to the medical ward. After entering it, he saw Alexander being healed and bandages across her body and eye. She looked up from a stretcher and looked up at victor. "Hi emperor..." She smiled. Victor then helped her sit up. She responded. "Don't worry, I can still walk." Victor then explained a specific task for her. "After you recover, and have crystalina in your company. Take a few soldiers west to Moscow, check up on it and the old redline. We need to know if it survived the apocalypse, and if we can colonize it. Tell me personally of your findings." He left the ward. Alexander lied down on the table while a doctor continued to post-treat her.
Redline Territory

"Greetings miss. I am General Io and i am the commanding officer of the Eclipsian forces. Frios has told me about his encounter with you, it is a pleasure." Io said respectively. Revus ordered the troops to return back to Io, the crusade is over.
Eclipsian Capital - Between the Caspian and Aral Seas

The diplomat quickly responded with a smooth and careful tongue.

"Ah, increased security after wartime is perfectly reasonable. It is alright. The Hamuis greet you cordially, and wish to begin a formal relationship. We would like to start with a non-aggression pact with your nation, as well as a trade treaty. Does that sound okay?"

@Loyal Guardian

Tripoli - Acting Capital of the Hamuis

A message had arrived for him. It was a contact sheet from the Russians. It was good that they have resurfaced among the nations that did - they had a wonderful relationship together. Sandwiching the Europeans and the Middle East, the mutual threat provided by both was much to deal with.

He would send a personal written letter back, but before he could, he noticed the transmission arriving from Eastern Russia. Charles wondered what happened to the prosperous western cities, and everything in between. Perhaps another nation had claimed territory there?

He wrote.

"Greetings, I am Charles the Scholar, King of the Hamuis. I have read your transmission, and I appreciate the outreach. I would to first establish a non-aggression pact between our two glorious nations, as well as a trade treaty, so that we may begin to, once again, foster a great relationship."

He sent the letter out, and briefly considered that the Eclipsian Empire was in between theirs.

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Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"A trade deal would be great, as long as you have the resources to boot. And as for that Non-Aggression Treaty, i wouldn't mind signing that."

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[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Redline Territory

"Greetings miss. I am General Io and i am the commanding officer of the Eclipsian forces. Frios has told me about his encounter with you, it is a pleasure." Io said respectively. Revus ordered the troops to return back to Io, the crusade is over.

She looked at him in the eyes. "Hello Mr lo. I am empress Victorovna. How can the royalty help you today?"
Eclipsian Capital

"Of course," the diplomat responded tacitly. "We still have resources from our Hamuis mines, oil and gas. What about the Eclipsian Empire? In addition, the Non-Aggression Pact would guarantee peace for at least 3 months, during which we could foster our relationship. Is that alright?"

@Loyal Guardian
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Pendragon, Office Of The Speaker

"Operation NextGen Has Finished And Some Has Been Deployed" Said Oddysseus "Begin Phase 2, Mass Production Of Those" He Added. "As You Wish Brother" Said Cornelia

Projext NextGen-100%
Redline Territory

"I would like to say a job well done by your forces, you were able to defeat these mutants before we even got here. That is an incredible feat." Io said staring right back at her. "I would like to invite you to Eclipsim, however i am sure that your people need you."


Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Well as you can see, the skyline is evident enough of our resource abundance. We are currently trading with a few nations, but you can expect an increased supply of minerals and oil to your nation. We do after all span from the Balkans to the Chinese interior." Byron said looking out into the skyline. "And yes, when i meet your leader we can establish a full relationship between our nations. For now are nations are on friendly terms."


World News/Events; The Empire of Texas Collapses


"Good Evening, Ladies and Gentle men, my name is unimportant. I am your host broadcasting from a disclosed location. On this day, a nation known as the Empire of Texas collapsed. Reasons are unknown but some speculate that the empire had collapsed from instability due to rising tensions in the region. Others believe that the empire collapsed due to a disease of an unknown origin. What ever the reason is one thing is for certain, the world will be different to those who lived under the rule of the empire and those nations who had contact with them."

Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Well as you can see, the skyline is evident enough of our resource abundance. We are currently trading with a few nations, but you can expect an increased supply of minerals and oil to your nation. We do after all span from the Balkans to the Chinese interior." Byron said looking out into the skyline. "And yes, when i meet your leader we can establish a full relationship between our nations. For now are nations are on friendly terms."

"If you have a transport of some sort, just send it central glazov. There is somebody that may like to meet you in about five hours.". She put away the katana.
Kazami42 said:
"If you have a transport of some sort, just send it central glazov. There is somebody that may like to meet you in about five hours.". She put away the katana.
Redline Territory

"Very well then. A transport ship will be sent to that location, it has been a pleasure." Io began to turn around, but stopped himself. "If you don't mind me by asking, who is this person?"
1,500 km from the outskirts of the Siberian Principality border.

A battalion of 800 travels through the vast unclaimed land searching/scanning for strategic sites and resources. The group enters a forgotten ruined city. The city is covered in large amounts of vegetation and is filled with trash on the local roads.

Cpt. Roman Svyatoslavovich brings up one of his hands in the air signalling to halt battalion movement. He picks up the radio resting on his left chest and makes a call.

"Bravo 2 to Coyote." says the Captain while waiting for a response.

A few seconds past.

"Send it." Replied from the radio.

"Bravo 2 just entered one of the abandoned nearby cities and is on stand-by for further orders. Over."

"Acknowledged, continue mission objective. Proceed with caution. Out."

Roman turns to his forces.

"Alright, listen up men!" shouted the captain.

"I want a clean sweep of the entire city. Nothing is to be left behind. If we come into contact with hostiles, call it in and open fire."


The men begun to move and spread out as they walked the slow path across the city ruins.

Battalion consists of 600 infantry and 200 transports w/ machine guns on top.


Myrkuta, Capital palace, The Prince's Office

Artyom was sitting, reading a book that his father use to read to him. The book always reminded him of home. A small boost of happiness overwhelmed him.

Suddenly a incoming transmission was coming through, a letter. It appeared to have come from Enlightened Kingdom of the Hamuis. Intrigued by this news
Artyom quickly read the message. A non-aggression pact and a trade treaty? Wonderful news. Artyom returned the favour in a form of a letter in a similar fashion.

"I must first thank you and your people for giving us the chance to connect one another. I shall say that a non-aggression pact and trade treaty will do wonderful for the betterment of our people and future. You're kind words will further this relationship. In due time I would also ask to establish a embassy within your capital.

-Sincerely Prince Artyom Yurchenko"

After sending the letter, Artyom thought what other nations are out there and how would they respond to his calls. But before worrying about the outside world. His people needed a better standpoint.

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[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Redline Territory

"Very well then. A transport ship will be sent to that location, it has been a pleasure." Io began to turn around, but stopped himself. "If you don't mind me by asking, who is this person?"

"You'll know when the time comes general." She left behind a building to a sewer entrance and left when no on was looking.
Tripoli - Acting Capital for the Hamuis

The man had responded quickly and decisively. Charles wrote back...

"Of course. In doing so, we would like an embassy at your capital as well."


He turned back to his desk, and looked out the window. The sky was dim, but there was a faint tint of blue. The air smelled fresher, and he could almost see the moon in the dark sky. Below, large amounts of trash had been moved towards a garbage dump, to reuse what they can, and salvage what they can't. They would have alloys to work with. And there was commotion below, too. Families, their mothers and fathers and children, exited their homes, into a clean, clear environment. They were still hungry, but one can only gaze with wonder at how quickly the city had rebuilt.

They would book the travel arrangements to Tunis immediately.

Cleaning Capital and Other Cities: Finished!
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Kazami42 said:
"You'll know when the time comes general." She left behind a building to a sewer entrance and left when no on was looking.
Redline Territory

General Io took a small transport craft to the designated location. When he arrived he could see that Eclipsian troops were giving aid to needed redline soldiers. He went to city central, where the transport craft had already arrived with a few guards, and he went inside the craft to wait for this person he would meet with.
Singaporean Federation

Lublin, IV Republic of Poland

Khey Lim spoke up, "Indeed. We currently have a trade fleet about to arrive in Britain. After that, they will head straight to Poland. We are also establishing a railway through Eclipse, so in the future, trade can be more direct." The men stood up. "On behalf of the Singaporean Federation, We thank you for accepting this trade offer. While this must also be confirmed with our own government, Poland can go ahead and consider it approved." The men were escorted out and back to their cars. They made their way back to British territory and boarded a ship back to Britain. The draft was sent back to Singapore and was quickly approved by the Federation Parliament.


Capetown, Singaporean Africa

After Umberion left the office, Gov Chang slammed her hand on her table.
oh the irony. After this, Gov Chang would no longer attempt to undermine Singapore or Eclipse.

@Loyal Guardian

Maldives Naval Base

"Request has been granted. Please redirect course to Singapore. We will alert the Port Authority." The patrol boats and Battleship returned back to base.


Trade officially begins with Poland.

Project Nymph at 90%
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Redline Territory

General Io took a small transport craft to the designated location. When he arrived he could see that Eclipsian troops were giving aid to needed redline soldiers. He went to city central, where the transport craft had already arrived with a few guards, and he went inside the craft to wait for this person he would meet with.

Natasha appeared randomly next to general lo. She was accompanied by a tall man with blonde hair, a suit of armor, and a fancy cape. Natasha then poked lo on the back of the neck. 'Hello general."
Kazami42 said:
Natasha appeared randomly next to general lo. She was accompanied by a tall man with blonde hair, a suit of armor, and a fancy cape. Natasha then poked lo on the back of the neck. 'Hello general."
Redline Territory

"When i thought you said a surprise guest would come, i didn't think it would be you and this man." Io said standing up. "May i ask on this man's identity?"

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