The World of Tomorrow

[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Redline Territory

"When i thought you said a surprise guest would come, i didn't think it would be you and this man." Io said standing up. "May i ask on this man's identity?"

"His name is Victor Maximilian." Randomly out of nowhere, a few redline soldiers randomly play musical instruments.

[/media] Natasha continued to stare at lo.
Kazami42 said:

Natasha continued to stare at lo.
Redline Territory

"What's wrong empress? Do i have something on my face or are you that captivated by me?" Io said playfully, a side he rarely shows except to his family. "Pilot begin take off to Eclipsim.
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Redline Territory

"What's wrong empress? Do i have something on my face or are you that captivated by me?" Io said playfully, a side he rarely shows except to his family. "Pilot begin take off to Eclipsim.

"Don't mind her general, she is only trying to express herself by dramatic staring."
Kazami42 said:
"Don't mind her general, she is only trying to express herself by dramatic staring."
Redline Territory

"Haha well if that's the case she reminds me of a person i know back at the capitol, but he rarely does it so i never expect it." Io said as he sat down and directed the two to sit down as well. The plane then began to take off and head straight for Eclipsim.
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Redline Territory

"Haha well if that's the case she reminds me of a person i know back at the capitol, but he rarely does it so i never expect it." Io said as he sat down and directed the two to sit down as well. The plane then began to take off and head straight for Eclipsim.

They remained ridiculously quiet. Only looking around. Victor pulled out a map and was thinking.

. Natasha just stared at lo, occasionally having her gaze taken away by looking around. Victor noticed her bored, and took out a bag of chips from his chest plate to her. She took the bag and continued staring at lo. She took a chip, and ate it.
Kazami42 said:

Natasha just stared at lo, occasionally having her gaze taken away by looking around. Victor noticed her bored, and took out a bag of chips from his chest plate to her. She took the bag and continued staring at lo. She took a chip, and ate it.
Eclipsian Skies

Io chuckled off her constant starring and looked out the window of the craft. The ship remained silent, with the occasional small talk attempt by Io, which didn't get very far. After an hour or two the pilots notified them they had reached Eclipsim airspace. "Take a look outside the window you two, this is our capitol. A city we made from scratch." Natasha and Victor looked outside the window to see the skyline of Eclipsim (you should know what it looks like).
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsian Skies

Io chuckled off her constant starring and looked out the window of the craft. The ship remained silent, with the occasional small talk attempt by Io, which didn't get very far. After an hour or two the pilots notified them they had reached Eclipsim airspace. "Take a look outside the window you two, this is our capitol. A city we made from scratch." Natasha and Victor looked outside the window to see the skyline of Eclipsim (you should know what it looks like).

Natasha went back to awkwardly staring at lo. "Can you tell us about the government?"
Kazami42 said:
Natasha went back to awkwardly staring at lo. "Can you tell us about the government?"
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

As the ship landed Io answered her question. "We like to call ourselves a Liberal Democratic Socialist Empire. This means we are willing to change for the greater good, all of our officials are elected. This includes generals, which is still a promotion, and even the emperor. We are socialist as we have implemented some ideals related to that. And the empire part is self evident." The doors to the plane then opened, allowing the three to step out into the city.
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

As the ship landed Io answered her question. "We like to call ourselves a Liberal Democratic Socialist Empire. This means we are willing to change for the greater good, all of our officials are elected. This includes generals, which is still a promotion, and even the emperor. We are socialist as we have implemented some ideals related to that. And the empire part is self evident." The doors to the plane then opened, allowing the three to step out into the city.

Victor put away the map, and Natasha stayed close to victor. Despite looking unamused, victor responded: "What did you use to make this city? It looks more advanced than regular steel."
Kazami42 said:
Victor put away the map, and Natasha stayed close to victor. Despite looking unamused, victor responded: "What did you use to make this city? It looks more advanced than regular steel."
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"A very rare material that our scientists made. It is something of a secret as almost everything we build from infrastructure to military equipment is made of this material, which is stronger than the strongest materials this world currently has to offer." Io stepped off the plane and was greeted by some soldiers who directed them to a advanced looked car. "Welp, now it is time to meet Emperor Byron himself."
Kazami42 said:
[Ohhh boy. And when I say that, I believe someone here will know why. @Alteras probably knows what I'm talking about lol.].
Victor looked at the 'car' and walked up to the car and opened the door. "Ladies first." Natasha entered the vehicle and then so did victor. Natasha continued eating the bag of chips from earlier.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The three were in the car not to long, as the palace was not that far away. After about ten or so minutes they pulled up at the palace and the three stepped out. The went towards the chambers and when Io opened the door he saw the Byron playing the piano is the room,

"My emperor you haven't played that in many months." Io said with a little chuckle. "Well i have to play this thing every now and then don't I?" He said not taking his attention of the piano. "That is very true, but you have guests." Byron turned around a bit and saw a girl with white hair and a man with blonde. "Am i correct to presume that they are from the nation we aided with their 'demon' problem?" He asked still playing. "Yes my emperor." Byron then stopped his playing and walked up to the two. "Well it is a pleasure to meet you in person, my name is Emperor Byron."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The three were in the car not to long, as the palace was not that far away. After about ten or so minutes they pulled up at the palace and the three stepped out. The went towards the chambers and when Io opened the door he saw the Byron playing the piano is the room,

"My emperor you haven't played that in many months." Io said with a little chuckle. "Well i have to play this thing every now and then don't I?" He said not taking his attention of the piano. "That is very true, but you have guests." Byron turned around a bit and saw a girl with white hair and a man with blonde. "Am i correct to presume that they are from the nation we aided with their 'demon' problem?" He asked still playing. "Yes my emperor." Byron then stopped his playing and walked up to the two. "Well it is a pleasure to meet you in person, my name is Emperor Byron."

Natasha then stared at him. [This is basically what she does tho lol. I find it humorous.] "I am empress Natasha Victorovna." Victor then replied to byron: "We are the rulers of eastern Europa." Natasha then replied: "you appear to have a wonderful community here."

Yakutsk, MOB Golden Ring, Airbase


Side doors open up to a blinding light. Artyom covered his eyes to prevent total blindness. Two pairs of hands reached out grabbing governmental officials out of the Ka-60. As they disappear beyond the light, Artyom was the last one to leave. Both hands grabbed tightly on both sides and carefully guided him off the aircraft. When Artyom's vision came to normal, we was greeted by two lines of armed forces all saluting from either side. The soldiers acted in sync and wore formal military suits. Artyom looked to his left to see his minister of innovation, science and economic development Sizova Yurievna, and the minister of finance Vassi Andreiko. Artyom briefly looked at the two and gave them a warm smile. They both looked and smiled back. As Artyom looked in the center of the pathway, he saw Koychev waving his hands.

"Right then. Shall we move on?" asked Artyom.

All of the officials nodded in agreement and preceded to walk down the pathway leading out of the airbase.

Yakutsk, MOB Golden Ring, Outside training grounds

After meeting up with Koychev they came across a training exercise that was being done by thousands of soon to be soldiers. Artyom took a moment to observe the exercise.

"Koychev, how goes the recruitment so far?" inquired Artyom.

"So far we are drafting citizens from nearby towns and cities who have already done penalty years of military service. While it is a start we already have a few thousand under going conditional training." proudly said Koychev.

"Although, it will take some time to recruit that 200,000 you asked for. Luckily enough most of the population are already trained in BCT (Basic Combat Training) courses. It will save us a lot of time and effort and will allow us to focus on specific's for each solider depending on where their going."

"Sizova, Vassi whats happening with the rest?" requested Artyom without taking his eye off the exercise.

Sizova spoke first.

"We already begun major production across most factories within the empire for the planes and vehicles you requested. But due to lack of certain materials it may take longer than anticipated."

Vassi then came next as soon as Sizova was finished.

"The shortage of materials won't be that big of a problem since we recently set up a trade treaty with the Kingdom of the Hamuis. However, it may be more attractive to search the wastelands for the materials unlikely as it may be. I consider both options open."

Artyom nodded his head.

"Then I'll leave the rest to you all."

Artyom spent the rest of the day exploring the base and visiting the people in the grand city of Yakutsk making it a worth while trip from the capital.

Military production increases up to 10% progression.



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Pendragon, Speakers Office

"We Must Know More Of Our Neighbours, Send 3 Diplomats In A Modified Sabre" Said Oddysseus. "One Towards Poland Another Towards Siberia And Eastern Russia And 1 To Northern Africa, If You Get Hailed, Introduce Yourself Properly And State Our Intentions, We Want A Trade Agreement And Alliance Or NAP". "As You Wish Brother" Said Clovis

3 Modifies Sabres Were Deployed 1 To Poland, 1 Towards Siberia, And 1 To North Africa.

@Charlie12520 @RedLine @JJKab

(OOC: If You Hail The Aircrafts You May Have Permission To Make Them State Our Intentions And Do The Instructions You Order, Land In An Airport Or Go Back To The Base)

Project NextGen Phase 2- 50%
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Kazami42 said:
Natasha then stared at him. [This is basically what she does tho lol. I find it humorous.] "I am empress Natasha Victorovna." Victor then replied to byron: "We are the rulers of eastern Europa." Natasha then replied: "you appear to have a wonderful community here."
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Ah yes, Eclipsim was built from the ground up and was the empire's beginnings. Now we have a vast empire." Byron said looking out into the city. "I have been told of what you have to live with, you have my condolences. However i do hope that my forces aided you greatly."
Pendragon, Communication Room

Speaker Oddysseus Entered The Room. "I Heard That There Is A Great Empire In The South-East, Contact Them, The Eclipse Empire" He Said. "Yes Sir!" Responded An Officer. They Contacted The Empire.

@Loyal Guardian
Wickedkent said:
...Were Deployed 1 To Poland, 1 Towards Siberia, And 1 To North Africa.
@Charlie12520 @RedLine @JJKab

(OOC: If You Hail The Aircrafts You May Have Permission To Make Them State Our Intentions And Do The Instructions You Order, Land In An Airport Or Go Back To The Base)

Project NextGen Phase 2- 50%
Polish AA guns began tracking the planes, as they flew into the Polish boundaries

"Undentified aircraft, state your intentions. You're entering Polish Republic's territories."
JJKab said:
Polish AA guns began tracking the planes, as they flew into the Polish boundaries
"Undentified aircraft, state your intentions. You're entering Polish Republic's territories."
"We Have A Diplomat Sent To Your Empire From The Rising Enpire To Negotiate And Make Agreements With Your Leaders" Said The Pilot. "Requesting To Land At Some Airfield Near The Capitol" He Added

Wickedkent said:
"We Have A Diplomat Sent To Your Empire From The Rising Enpire To Negotiate And Make Agreements With Your Leaders" Said The Pilot. "Requesting To Land At Some Airfield Near The Capitol" He Added
"Alright. Head over to Swidnik Airport, it's pretty close to our Capital"

"And don't try any tricks. We have you on our radars"

Polish project entitled "Można? Można" (Can? Can) Began, with a target of launching Polish Space Station over the Earth's atmosphere, due to Poland gaining a lot of resources and petroleum recently.

Project "MM"- 5%
JJKab said:
"Alright. Head over to Swidnik Airport, it's pretty close to our Capital"
"And don't try any tricks. We have you on our radars"

Polish project entitled "Można? Można" (Can? Can) Began, with a target of launching Polish Space Station over the Earth's atmosphere, due to Poland gaining a lot of resources and petroleum recently.

Project "MM"- 5%
"Roger That, and there will be no tricks since this aircraft has been modified and all weapons have been removed, only countermeasures like flares remain" Said The Pilot. He Landed At Swidnik Airport, The Diplomat Exited The Aircraft.

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Wickedkent said:
"Roger That, and there will be no tricks since this aircraft has been modified and all weapons have been removed, only countermeasures like flares remain" Said The Pilot. He Landed At Swidnik Airport, The Diplomat Exited The Aircraft.

Soon, a pretty luxurious car drove over to the diplomat. A man exited it, and gestured for him to enter the car.
JJKab said:
Soon, a pretty luxurious car drove over to the diplomat. A man exited it, and gestured for him to enter the car.
The Diplomat Entered The Car And Waited Until They Arrive At The Capitol Building.
Wickedkent said:
The Diplomat Entered The Car And Waited Until They Arrive At The Capitol Building.
The car soon stopped by the main bulding of the Sejm,and after they both got out, they went into the building, towards the president's office. Halfway there, they got stopped by Polish Foreign Relations minister. Michał Wojewódzki

"Przepraszam, ale Jakub jest aktualnie w delegacji w Gdańsku. Proszę za mną." He said to the man escorting the diplomat, as he lead him to his office
JJKab said:
The car soon stopped by the main bulding of the Sejm,and after they both got out, they went into the building, towards the president's office. Halfway there, they got stopped by Polish Foreign Relations minister. Michał Wojewódzki
"Przepraszam, ale Jakub jest aktualnie w delegacji w Gdańsku. Proszę za mną." He said to the man escorting the diplomat, as he lead him to his office
The Diplomat Followed The Polish Man To An Office


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