The World of Tomorrow

The train was still being prepared, had a severe hangover but by using a combination of milk and eggs, subsided most of the effects. Meanwhile Heather gave her saved currency of both barter and bullets to research project in secret, she then went to the GHS station where the train was. Alexander walked through the corridor to the barracks and even tumbling in, holding herself up on the door. "I don't give a fuck who your commander is, I need five men and women." Pavle was awake and laughed at her. "Hah! You got drunk!" Alexander didn't bother trying to beat him. "When i get back, your punishment will be far worse for that." After the soldiers she wanted gathered, she left to the station itself.

After an hour, she was fine and boarded the train with Heather. "Janet, go and tell the young woman to start the train." She held her head still recovering from a migraine.

Heather walked through the train to the engine compartment, she walked past the radio operator, climbed the ladder, and then opened the door into the control room as it is referenced as. "Everyone's here, let's go." The conductor nodded and starts pushing and pulling levers. Heather left back to the main compartment and besides the train, had made everything quiet to help Alexander recover quicker. It began speeding through the tunnels.

[since this is basically a continuation, I won't post a update for the project. I'm just waiting for loyal now.].


The haul of the new tank begins construction.
Myrkuta airbase

As the aircraft was landing on the airbase several black SUV's pulled up and awaited the incoming craft. Several governmental agents stepped out to greet the foreigner. When the aircraft finally touched down and came to a complete stop the doors opened up. Out came a single diplomat as promised. One of the agents walked up to give an official greeting to him.

"Welcome to the Siberian Principality. I will be escorting you to the palace as if right now. If you would please follow me to one of the SUV's." gestured the agent.

Both men walked over to the middle SUV where the agent opened the doors to allow the diplomat to be seated. After shutting the doors the agent got into the drivers seat and prepared to drop him off at the palace. 20 minutes go by and the convoy reached its destination. The same agent got out to open the doors for the diplomat.

Myrkuta, Capital palace

"Welcome to the royal palace. Let me show you where you will be seating."

They entered the palace and walked down a well decorated hallway. The walk was about three minutes long before reaching a set of well crafted doors. The doors opened revealing a large organized office. Sitting at the desk was the minister of foreign affairs, Tosya Loboda. He was reading some files and seemed quite busy at the moment. Tosya took his eyes off for a second to see the diplomat waiting in the open doors.

"Ah, yes. You must be the diplomat that just arrived. I'm sorry for the mess, I have been busy lately and many things to take care of. Here, come have a seat. Let us talk." offered Tosya.


Myrkuta, Capital palace, Situation room

"Sir! We just got a call from the 517th battalion want me to send it through?" yelled the communications operator.

"Yes of course, send it down right away." replied Koychev.

The operator saluted and turned to press some keys on the keyboard. Koychev then took one of phones.

"Minister of defense speaking here." spoke Koychev awaiting a reply.

"Sir, this is Cpt. Roman Svyatoslavovich reporting in."

"Ah, Captain. I have not heard you for awhile now since you and your men left. What do you have to report?"

"Understood sir. We have completely fulfilled our task to search the ruined city and are ready to expand our operations. We also have collected numerous materials from the streets as well as collecting pre-war ammunition from a factory of sorts. The transports should be arriving within the next 2 days."
reported Roman.

"Splendid news! I do hope it was no trouble at all." happily replied Koychev.

"Actually sir, not everything went smoothly. You see, as me and my squad were scanning one of the streets we came in contact with a pack of giant freak looking mutants that attacked us. The pack was eliminated and we took no casualties but one injury. Luckliy one of my other squads dropped in to save the day otherwise it would be another whole story. It only seemed one pack and we have no reports of any others nearby. I do believe there are a bunch of them farther into the west."

As Koychev listened to Roman's story he took a moment to process the information. The news of mutants worried Koychev dearly, if there are more of them in the packs of thousands it could mean big trouble. The Prince needed to be alerted as soon as possible, but he had to handle this for now.

"Alright, I want you and your battalion to set up defense perimeters around the city outskirts ASAP. Shoot any mutants within eye distance. I don't want them to overrun the city once we expand there. I will be sending in reinforcements and supplies to your location. Report any new developments. Understood?"

"Understood sir, Roman out."

Koychev put down the phone and looked to his nearby officers.

"Send in a army size of 12,000 containing troops, BTR's, Tanks, Transports, and Ka-52's. Have them carry supplies for the 800 at the city and get them to set up a FOB."

"Yes Sir!"
yelled the officers.

The officers saluted and rushed off to fulfill their duties.

The Siberian Principality obtains the cyan stripped location marked on the map.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cad95cb3b_WorldMap.png.c9506614739101e63696282b2c062e0d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134726" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cad95cb3b_WorldMap.png.c9506614739101e63696282b2c062e0d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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RedLine said:
Myrkuta airbase
As the aircraft was landing on the airbase several black SUV's pulled up and awaited the incoming craft. Several governmental agents stepped out to greet the foreigner. When the aircraft finally touched down and came to a complete stop the doors opened up. Out came a single diplomat as promised. One of the agents walked up to give an official greeting to him.

"Welcome to the Siberian Principality. I will be escorting you to the palace as if right now. If you would please follow me to one of the SUV's." gestured the agent.

Both men walked over to the middle SUV where the agent opened the doors to allow the diplomat to be seated. After shutting the doors the agent got into the drivers seat and prepared to drop him off at the palace. 20 minutes go by and the convoy reached its destination. The same agent got out to open the doors for the diplomat.

Myrkuta, Capital palace

"Welcome to the royal palace. Let me show you where you will be seating."

They entered the palace and walked down a well decorated hallway. The walk was about three minutes long before reaching a set of well crafted doors. The doors opened revealing a large organized office. Sitting at the desk was the minister of foreign affairs, Tosya Loboda. He was reading some files and seemed quite busy at the moment. Tosya took his eyes off for a second to see the diplomat waiting in the open doors.

"Ah, yes. You must be the diplomat that just arrived. I'm sorry for the mess, I have been busy lately and many things to take care of. Here, come have a seat. Let us talk." offered Tosya.


Myrkuta, Capital palace, Situation room

"Sir! We just got a call from the 517th battalion want me to send it through?" yelled the communications operator.

"Yes of course, send it down right away." replied Koychev.

The operator saluted and turned to press some keys on the keyboard. Koychev then took one of phones.

"Minister of defense speaking here." spoke Koychev awaiting a reply.

"Sir, this is Cpt. Roman Svyatoslavovich reporting in."

"Ah, Captain. I have not heard you for awhile now since you and your men left. What do you have to report?"

"Understood sir. We have completely fulfilled our task to search the ruined city and are ready to expand our operations. We also have collected numerous materials from the streets as well as collecting pre-war ammunition from a factory of sorts. The transports should be arriving within the next 2 days."
reported Roman.

"Splendid news! I do hope it was no trouble at all." happily replied Koychev.

"Actually sir, not everything went smoothly. You see, as me and my squad were scanning one of the streets we came in contact with a pack of giant freak looking mutants that attacked us. The pack was eliminated and we took no casualties but one injury. Luckliy one of my other squads dropped in to save the day otherwise it would be another whole story. It only seemed one pack and we have no reports of any others nearby. I do believe there are a bunch of them farther into the west."

As Koychev listened to Roman's story he took a moment to process the information. The news of mutants worried Koychev dearly, if there are more of them in the packs of thousands it could mean big trouble. The Prince needed to be alerted as soon as possible, but he had to handle this for now.

"Alright, I want you and your battalion to set up defense perimeters around the city outskirts ASAP. Shoot any mutants within eye distance. I don't want them to overrun the city once we expand there. I will be sending in reinforcements and supplies to your location. Report any new developments. Understood?"

"Understood sir, Roman out."

Koychev put down the phone and looked to his nearby officers.

"Send in a army size of 12,000 containing troops, BTR's, Tanks, Transports, and Ka-52's. Have them carry supplies for the 800 at the city and get them to set up a FOB."

"Yes Sir!"
yelled the officers.

The officers saluted and rushed off to fulfill their duties.

The Siberian Principality obtains the cyan stripped location marked on the map.


"Thank You, I Am Here On Behalf Of The Rising Empire" Said The Diplomat "We Would Like To Be Trade Partners With Your Country And If Possible Form An Alliance" He Added. "Our Country Is Located Here" He Explained While Pointing At The Map. "So, What Do You Say?"
Tunis - Capital of The Hamuis

The men led the diplomat to the capital, to meet Charles. His palace was decorated with some colorful cloths, as such, but not much - the Hamuis do not spend much time on decor. As the diplomat entered the room, through its large, wooden doors, Charles was there to meet him. The meeting room was large for two people, the table stretching for meters and meters on end, with only an old map to add to the atmosphere. The room was even larger, and covered with a blue paint. Charles sat, and smiled.

"Take a seat, my friend. You may speak."


Singaporean Capital

The captain was a thin man, tall and slender. He grew a full beard under his chin, and was very well dressed in fine cloths and colors. As he followed the Singaporean man, he stepped with a sense of caution. As the buildings rose around him, looking strangely similar to those in his capital, his steps became a large, quick, decisive stride. He followed the Singaporean man to his head of state.


The Americas - Coast of Virginia

The men arrived under Byris' command. The land was clear, and they had not encountered anything resembling a living human. There was the dead, of course, miles and miles of bones mixed with the debris from the bombings. They had arrived at the coast of Virginia, in the area of Chesapeake bay. In the warm and stuffy climate, they knew it was far from home. Byris immediately ordered two of the five Sapientia to settle the area, as he and the remaining three pushed further into the mainland...


Baltic Sea - 3rd Scout Regiment

The ship arrived at its destination. The 1st and 2nd Scout Regiments were busy, one dealing with the British, and one with the Singaporeans. The captain send some ground scouts into Swedish territory, while he sailed towards the Barents Sea, near Russia.


Tunis - Scientific Analysis Laboratories

The scientists had made swift moves in recovering weapons and farming technologies. They would continue in their research, utilizing some new materials that they had found in the city.

Completed Annona, Highlight

Begin Operations Phantom and Skylight

Colonization of Eastern Virginia
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Charlie12520 said:
Tunis -
Baltic Sea - 3rd Scout Regiment

The ship arrived at its destination. The 1st and 2nd Scout Regiments were busy, one dealing with the British, and one with the Singaporeans. The captain send some ground scouts into Swedish territory, while he sailed towards the Barents Sea, near Russia.

Polish Units stationing by Malmó detected a group of people venturing into their territory, as they reported that to the general, Jacob Dolecky

"Intruders? Sent warning to them, and if they attack first, then open fire. Try to make contact" He exclaimed, leaning over his map, looking at the Swedish territory.

As soon as they were approaching Halmstad, 2 military planes flew right past their heads, and after a while, few tanks seemed to approach in the distance.

"Specify who you are, and your reasoning as to why do you enter Polish Republic's territory?" One of the pilots communicated with the intruders
"I Am A Diplomat From The Rising Empire, Our Leaders Would Like To Request The Kingdom Of Hamuis To Be One Of Their Trade Partners, And If Possible, We Would Like To Form An Alliance" Said The Diplomat


The Royal Airbase, Near Pendragon

A C-130 Was Loaded With 10,000 Of The Newly Developed Weapons And Armor, It Is Going To Be Delivered To Poland As Part Of The Agreement.


British Capitol

The Limo Arrived At The British Capitol Building. "Finally! Now Let Us Get To Business" Schneizel Exlaimed. "We Need To Hurry, As Many Things Have Happened" Said Lelouch. "Very Well, Lead Us To The Office Of The Prime Minister Or Whoever Is In Charge" Said Schneizel To A Guard.

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Wickedkent said:
The Royal Airbase, Near Pendragon

A C-130 Was Loaded With 10,000 Of The Newly Developed Weapons And Armor, It Is Going To Be Delivered To Poland As Part Of The Agreement.

"Sir, a C-130 is soon going to land in our country. Where to direct him?" The soldier sitting by the computer exclaimed, looking at his officer.

"Direct him to Danzig's ones. He should fit in there" The officer exclaimed, nodding.
JJKab said:
"Sir, a C-130 is soon going to land in our country. Where to direct him?" The soldier sitting by the computer exclaimed, looking at his officer.
"Direct him to Danzig's ones. He should fit in there" The officer exclaimed, nodding.
The C-130 Landed And Unloaded All The New Next Generation Equipments Which Are In Large Crates. "Here Are The Equipments The Authorities Have Promised" The Pilot Told One Of The Officers Of Poland.
Wickedkent said:
The C-130 Landed And Unloaded All The New Next Generation Equipments Which Are In Large Crates. "Here Are The Equipments The Authorities Have Promised" The Pilot Told One Of The Officers Of Poland.
"Alright... Thank you. You can take off now, we'll handle the load now" The officer said, checking the cargo to make sure, as they were taken to the magazines in Danzig's port.
JJKab said:
"Alright... Thank you. You can take off now, we'll handle the load now" The officer said, checking the cargo to make sure, as they were taken to the magazines in Danzig's port.
The C-130 Took Off Towards The Navy Hq To Refill Then Back To The Royal Airbase.

Pendragon,Research Center

Research Has Begun On Blaze Luminous And The First Class Of Reapers.

Project Blaze

Project Reapers

Republic of Cascadia


Virginian Coast, Cascadia

With the expansion of Cascadian territory into Texas and all of it's former land. Came the need for increased border patrols, the CDF had solved this problem by purchasing 2,000 unmanned surveillance drones to patrol their borders. One of these drones had seen the strange, foreign landing party and the pilot remote flying the drone, all the way back in his CDF Base immediately alerted his superiors to the incident. The CDF responded by sending 3 Black Hawk helicopters armed with miniguns on the doors to the area, along with a small group of 78 soldiers, 19 humvees to carry them all, armed with M2 Brownings as the turret and 2 Abrams tanks for heavy support in-case these foreigners posed a threat. However 5 diplomats from the government were sent along with them to discuss things peacefully as is the Cascadian way.

Upon arrival the small CDF greeting force set up their defensive positions as a precaution and one of the Black Hawks landed, the diplomats hopping out and with the escort of a squad of soldiers went to greet the unknown landers from a distance. "Welcome, foriegners. I'm assuming that you don't know this but Virginia is currently under the rule of another nation. If you are in-fact part of another nation that is. My name is Samuel Simmons and I'm a diplomat for the Republic of Cascadia." He gave a smiled and waved over to the group. "We would like to inquire as to why you are here?"


Raffles Hotel, Singapore

The Cascadian crew followed their escorts to the conference room. Taking their own respective seats next to each other as they patted down their uniforms. "We're located in North America, unfortunately due to our government's somewhat isolationist and cautious policy we can't give you an exact location just yet. Relationship building first is our way of doing things, our government's interested in becoming friends first before getting into that kind of talk." He said with a nod. "Speaking of which, we would be interested in offering economic cooperation and a Non-Aggression Treaty with your nation."

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Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Very well then, send a appropriate representative to our capitol. Coordinates will be sent."


Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Like i said, we will offer your oil, natural gases, steel, and other basic infrastructure needs. We ask for the same in return." Byron said as the started towards the palace exit. "As for the N.A.T i will be more than happy to sign it with your leaders, as such i will respect your isolationist policy. But i will give a fair warning. If history has shown us anything, being an isolationist never works out well."


"So how are you two enjoying Eclipsim. With all of her large towers, five star restaurants, parks, and other luxuries she is a great city right?" The High Minister said to the two 'tourists'. Then as they turned the corner they saw people lined up cheering all across the sides of the road. When the three looked they saw Eclipsian soldier marching across the street with a few T-99's placed between a few columns.

Singaporean Federation

Raffles Hotel, Singapore

"I understand the cautiousness. We are happy to open trade and agree to a non-aggression treaty with your nation. With that being said, it should be noted that your ships will have to respect our presence in the area. Our navy is about to initiate a program that will affect the South China seas forever. This is done to avoid unintended damage." said PM Zeph Jeanes.


Garden by the Bay, Singapore

MWE Chen brought them to one of the OCBC Supertrees and entered the restaurant. Waiters brought out drinks and food. Outside the window, they could see the massive conservatories. They could also see Marina Bay Sands Hotel, a symbol of modern Singapore luxury. "While I'm sure you are anxious to carry out your diplomatic duty, I must invite you to first dine and rest. Our prime minister will be with us shortly," said MWE Chen. It's the eclipse-rockies fiasco all over again. Zeph better make it here faster than before.


Headquarters Signals and Command System, Singapore

The operators lined up the channels and sent a message to all known nations. "This is the Singaporean Federation. Please note that effective today, any passage through the South China Sea, Banda Sea, Java Sea, Singapore Strait, Celebes Sea, Sulu Sea, Andaman Sea, Timor Sea, Arafura Sea, and Bismarck Sea must be notified to the Grand Singapore Port Authority. The Grand Singapore Port Authority and sister systems will guide all ships to their requested ports and destinations. This is done to improve efficiency and avoid harm. I repeat, this is the Singaporean Federation. Please..." The message was repeated once more, then all channels ended.

@Agent141 @Loyal Guardian @JJKab @Fishman Lord @Charlie12520

Sulawesi Island, Singaporean Federation

The first of the Nymph Mines had arrived. Many ships have been commandeered to produce this undertaking. This first set of mines will be placed in the Java Sea.

Nymph Mines being deployed in Java Sea.

Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Like i said, we will offer your oil, natural gases, steel, and other basic infrastructure needs. We ask for the same in return." Byron said as the started towards the palace exit. "As for the N.A.T i will be more than happy to sign it with your leaders, as such i will respect your isolationist policy. But i will give a fair warning. If history has shown us anything, being an isolationist never works out well."


"So how are you two enjoying Eclipsim. With all of her large towers, five star restaurants, parks, and other luxuries she is a great city right?" The High Minister said to the two 'tourists'. Then as they turned the corner they saw people lined up cheering all across the sides of the road. When the three looked they saw Eclipsian soldier marching across the street with a few T-99's placed between a few columns.

Victor had a bag of chips and ate them as well.

"We are enjoying ourselves." Natasha then stopped eating for a second. "Oh, a parade. We had a parade too, what are you celebrating?" She continued eating the chips.


The train reached a blast door, and it opened after a soldier got out and turned the valve. After reboarding the train started moving again. "How do you feel crystalina?" Alexander sat up on the seat. "I'm fine. We should be moving through the red line now, I'll do fine." The train was speeding past the abandoned stations. But had came to a stop. Janet walked back to the engine compartment and spoke to the radio operator. "Why have we stopped?" The operator looked up. "The tunnel collapsed for whatever reason, we will have to switch the tracks. Just go back and relax, everything will be fine here." The operator got out and walked up to a lever on the station, upon pulling it back it broke off. He shrugged it off and reentered the train. "Alright we're clear. Let's get moving." The train continued on.

The train continued further to Moscow until stopping at a blast door which was sealed. "Janet, please come to the engine compartment." Janet got up and walked there, she slid open the engine compartment door and walked inside. "What is it now?" The operator points behind him. "There is a blast door here which isn't supposed to be sealed." Janet sighed and walked out closing the door. "Ok crystalina, we're here so let's go." Alexander stood up and motioned the guardsmen out. They exited the train and looked at the blast door with a Geiger counter. "Whatever sealed it has a considerable amount of radiation, put on the masks." She took two gas masks from under her hat and gave one to Janet, they put them on and then walked into a side room with a valve. Alexander turned it as nobody else could, and opened it.

She saw some of the soldiers stunned as Alexander and Janet were walking out. "Oh come on, what's the problem now? Is there another do-" she stopped walking as they looked out to what should of been a metro station leading to the surface, only to see a really big ass hole for miles. Janet just started to uncontrollably cry as Alexander helped Janet stand up by hugging her, despite her uniform being stained with tears now. "Our home is de-de+destroyed! Who'd -.. who c-could do this?!?" Alexander pat Janet on the head and made her face away from it. "Don't look Janet, just don't." She looked to the side back into the small side room and shot the valve loose with her revolver, as a demon tried flying in.

Alexander had to pick up Janet, and they reentered the train to leave. She remained silent. Janet just lied down crying on her side taking some seats, tightly hugging Alexanders arm. The train started reversing back to golden heart. Alexander jut pulled her cap down covering her face, she was pissed off.
Kazami42 said:
Victor had a bag of chips and ate them as well.
"We are enjoying ourselves." Natasha then stopped eating for a second. "Oh, a parade. We had a parade too, what are you celebrating?" She continued eating the chips.


The train reached a blast door, and it opened after a soldier got out and turned the valve. After reboarding the train started moving again. "How do you feel crystalina?" Alexander sat up on the seat. "I'm fine. We should be moving through the red line now, I'll do fine." The train was speeding past the abandoned stations. But had came to a stop. Janet walked back to the engine compartment and spoke to the radio operator. "Why have we stopped?" The operator looked up. "The tunnel collapsed for whatever reason, we will have to switch the tracks. Just go back and relax, everything will be fine here." The operator got out and walked up to a lever on the station, upon pulling it back it broke off. He shrugged it off and reentered the train. "Alright we're clear. Let's get moving." The train continued on.

The train continued further to Moscow until stopping at a blast door which was sealed. "Janet, please come to the engine compartment." Janet got up and walked there, she slid open the engine compartment door and walked inside. "What is it now?" The operator points behind him. "There is a blast door here which isn't supposed to be sealed." Janet sighed and walked out closing the door. "Ok crystalina, we're here so let's go." Alexander stood up and motioned the guardsmen out. They exited the train and looked at the blast door with a Geiger counter. "Whatever sealed it has a considerable amount of radiation, put on the masks." She took two gas masks from under her hat and gave one to Janet, they put them on and then walked into a side room with a valve. Alexander turned it as nobody else could, and opened it.

She saw some of the soldiers stunned as Alexander and Janet were walking out. "Oh come on, what's the problem now? Is there another do-" she stopped walking as they looked out to what should of been a metro station leading to the surface, only to see a really big ass hole for miles. Janet just started to uncontrollably cry as Alexander helped Janet stand up by hugging her, despite her uniform being stained with tears now. "Our home is de-de+destroyed! Who'd -.. who c-could do this?!?" Alexander pat Janet on the head and made her face away from it. "Don't look Janet, just don't." She looked to the side back into the small side room and shot the valve loose with her revolver, as a demon tried flying in.

Alexander had to pick up Janet, and they reentered the train to leave. She remained silent. Janet just lied down crying on her side taking some seats, tightly hugging Alexanders arm. The train started reversing back to golden heart. Alexander jut pulled her cap down covering her face, she was pissed off.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Call us militaristic, but after a successful war/campaign the army holds a public parade to boost the morale of the military and the citizens alike. This parade is also broadcast across the empire." The High Minister turned around to face them. "From the looks of things they are elements from the units we sent to your country, Italy, and Southern Africa."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Call us militaristic, but after a successful war/campaign the army holds a public parade to boost the morale of the military and the citizens alike. This parade is also broadcast across the empire." The High Minister turned around to face them. "From the looks of things they are elements from the units we sent to your country, Italy, and Southern Africa."

"It isn't militaristic, it is simply artistic." Natasha and victor finished the bags of chips by now. "We also broadcasted ours, I loved that day."
Kazami42 said:
"It isn't militaristic, it is simply artistic." Natasha and victor finished the bags of chips by now. "We also broadcasted ours, I loved that day."
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Yes but you only fought in one war against mutants. We fought three wars at the same time and produced the same results, dominating victory."
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Oil and steel would be most appreciated in trading. In return we can offer some of the same building materials. The pilots got up and followed Bryon to the exit. "We'll be happy to inform our government of that. But isolationism has worked wonders for our people and so it's safe to say that we may stay that way for the foreseeable future and beyond."

@Loyal Guardian

Raffles Hotel, Singapore

"Our navy is a Naval Defense Force and so you need not worry about our military being in your surrounding seas. And our commerical ships will be happy to respect your laws whilst in your waters. We shall inform our government of your agreement to our NAT and we can begin talks about open trade. A trade route should be planned and established before anything is agreed however."

[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Yes but you only fought in one war against mutants. We fought three wars at the same time and produced the same results, dominating victory."

Natasha smirked. "Well, one war that anyone knows about anyway." Natasha only being somewhat jealous, but telling the truth.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Very well. The trade deal shall be established and so will the N.A.T, when i meet your leaders to sign off on such treaties. After such i will not bother you again unless i want to add to our trade deal."


"The people know of the Vestan and Oroguay War's, however the one we fought with you is not so public. All they know is that we went up there."

Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire.

"Very good, we're glad that you have been so cooperative with us. We shall send a small diplomatic envoy to your capital soon to sign off on the treaties. If you wish to add to the trade deal you must obviously contact us first, as we will do the same with you."

@Loyal Guardian

"The people know of the Vestan and Oroguay War's, however the one we fought with you is not so public. All they know is that we went up there."

Victor looked at his watch. "Well thanks for the tour, but we should get back now." Natasha agreed with him. "However if your emperor is willing to give away water, then we will take it. I believe 'individuals' have had enough with a certain problem." Natasha upon hearing this blushed-angrily, but didn't say anything.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Very well then. It has been a pleasure talking with you two." Byron said as he guided them to a car to take them to the airport. "I hope that you return home safely."


"As you wish, i will guide you back to the airport. Inside there a shall grab you some water." The High Minister then walked the two towards the airport (i just realized that this guy needs a name lol, cause he is actually sort of important).

Myrkuta, Capital palace

"I see, so the Rising Empire wants both an alliance and a trade treaty? Then I would agree to the terms on the behalf of my country. But I do want to discuss the trade treaty in more detail if it is possible. Also as an added note, would you be interested in establishing an embassy in both capitals?" replied Tosya.

Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The two pilots nodded. "Like wise. We're glad that we could get something worked out in such a short period of time. We wish you the best." The two then got into the vehicle that took them back to the airport.

@Loyal Guardian
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