The World of Tomorrow

Radium Hot Springs

"Sir... Bad news. The moronic rogues at the false Canadian government have threatened us, and... well, basically declared war in our eyes." The king's smile, which had lasted even during the tension with Texas, dropped away. "Well then... I suppose we might have to give them a quick physics lesson. Perhaps about on what happens when a tungsten rod falls at a very fast speed towards a populated area. Or I suppose we could negotiate. Send a recording of this conversation to them and then we can see what they desire."



"Don't worry, quite understa-" The prince stopped in the middle as he recieved a message. "Dear god. Oh.. Ok. Well, it appears that we are now at war with a false Canadian government. Things escalate quickly, huh? I have been instructed to request military assistance. I know it is sudden, but we are defending and they are attempting to wipe out nation off the map. Please help us."




The Unexpected Guest

"You exceeded our expectations. We will discuss more in detail of the trading later on. For now we shall bid farewell." Artyom said while shaking the Presidents hand.

After the quick handshake
Sizova stood up from her chair to shake Jacob's hand as well.

"Your hospitality was greatly appreciated. I do hope we see each other again sometime. Come by Myrkuta when you have the chance to do so. We will have tea and snacks awaiting you." smiled Sizova.

Artyom knew Sizova loved to meet new people. It was one of those little things in life in which she appreciated where most would overlook it. Soon after they were escorted back to the private jet and sent back to the capital after a long trip to Poland.

Newly created city of Kemeski, Outskirts of the city

Roman was sitting in an abandoned building munching on some hot homemade perogies with a four man squad. A fire was built to keep the men warm. They all chatted and laughed together while waiting for the supplies and reinforcements from HQ. The building provided decent cover and overlooked a large portion of the wasteland. As the men relaxed for the while when a unfamiliar broadcast reached Roman's radio.

"If anyone is to the east and alive, respond."

The men silenced the chatting quickly. Roman looked to his men. They got themselves in position to scan the area for anyone nearby who could have relayed the message. Roman took the radio from his chest piece to answer back the mysterious message.

"This is Cpt. Roman Svyatoslavovich of the 517th battalion. To whom am I speaking to?" demanded the Captain.

At the same time one of the snipers spotted the supposed culprits on a cliff side. The sniper had his scope on the party ready to fire if they become hostile at a moments notice.

@Kazami42 (Don't worry about it, I need stuff to do too. :P )
RedLine said:
Newly created city of Kemeski, Outskirts of the city

Roman was sitting in an abandoned building munching on some hot homemade perogies with a four man squad. A fire was built to keep the men warm. They all chatted and laughed together while waiting for the supplies and reinforcements from HQ. The building provided decent cover and overlooked a large portion of the wasteland. As the men relaxed for the while when a unfamiliar broadcast reached Roman's radio.

"If anyone is to the east and alive, respond."

The men silenced the chatting quickly. Roman looked to his men. They got themselves in position to scan the area for anyone nearby who could have relayed the message. Roman took the radio from his chest piece to answer back the mysterious message.

"This is Cpt. Roman Svyatoslavovich of the 517th battalion. To whom am I speaking to?" demanded the Captain.

At the same time one of the snipers spotted the supposed culprits on a cliff side. The sniper had his scope on the party ready to fire if they become hostile at a moments notice.

@Kazami42 (Don't worry about it, I need stuff to do too. :P )
"Captain Bob, 2nd gallian regiment." Vanessa was also staring at the sniper.
"Captain Bob, 2nd gallian regiment."

Roman had no clue to who or what these people were doing. At best he could only assume that they were some sort of scouting party for a group of survivors.

"State your business, you are about to enter the Siberian Principality border. Or better yet enter the newly acquired city of Kemeski. How copy? Over."
responded Roman in a calming voice.

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RedLine said:
"Captain Bob, 2nd gallian regiment."
Roman had no clue to who or what these people were doing. At best he could only assume that they were some sort of scouting party for a group of survivors.

"State your business, you are about to enter the Siberian Principality border. Or better yet enter the newly acquired city of Kemeski. How copy? Over."
responded Roman in a calming voice.

"Guessing English isn't his first language." Kevin pressed the button again. "Exploring the east - south east."
Tokyo HQ: Presidents Room

It was 7:00 P.M in tokyo,I was currently with General Itomi who was in charge of the southern sectors of japan. A map was laid out on the wide wooden table and the general was pointing out several locations of manchurian military presence.

"Currently their hasn't been any signs of an attack yet, but reports have been given that there a bit more busy then usual and transporting supplies and such."

"......Well if thats the case we should hit them hard and move swiftly.............What about our navy general? How is it compared to the Manchurians?" As I spoke I decided to take a seat and laid my military boots on the table and positioning myself comfortable which the general found somewhat of a nuisance.

"Well currently I'm very confident that our navy can rival theirs, most of ours ships we just recently discovered and found that they were still fixable and are now on active duty. Most of the heavy ships we found out to be America US ships that I suppose were stationed here before the nuking began. Anyways the manchurian navy we don't have an accurate idea but we have indications that their navy isn't strong enough to fight with ours from the contacts we have in the occupied manchurian territory."

I took a deep sigh and looked out the window to watch the construction going outside.It was kinda relaxing watching this city slowly rebuild itself. He then turned his attention back to the map and removed his feet off the table and got serious.

"Well all we have to do is kick em out of our land and the door will close, I want the JSDF to mobilize their best divisions along the border, then have the 15th-22nd infantry division and the 9th tank division to station themselves in the north and start planning for capturing the key city ports and such.. Have Chief of Air establish routine reconnaissance by drones. We'll have our ships to start deploying within a week for preparation. Were going liberate our people and then head to korea."

The general seemed a bit confused when I had mentioned korea and asked and I replied back.

"From what I read up on our old country we did some stuff that kinda disturbed me......But we decided to repent on what we did and assisted to them even when the new generations didn't quite understand why we keep repaying them.I want to keep it that way and were going to liberate korea and unite it my friend. Oh and also I heard this nation on the documents I received from our failed government. Something about a nation called singapore federation? I wanna meet these guys."

The general nodded

"Yes sir the Singapore federation from what we looked up on are the reminisce of Indonesia, they currently run a democratic government and It would benificial if we were to establish a good relation with them."

I smiled a bit and pat the generals back and started to head to me bed.

"Yep and you can take care of that general, in the meantime Imma go get some ramen."


Two week later

79 miles away from Shanghai

Everything was a bit quiet and only the sound of the enemies chattering in the distance could be heard. But within a few minutes, the sound of artillery started and the enemy was bombarded. Tanks and infantry started to charge at the enemy positions and several attack choppers also come along. The navy is also at this very moment are blockading the ports near the shanghai area and submarines are out to search and destroy any hostile ships that approach.

20,000 JSDF troops guarding the borderline

100,000 active duty soldiers

200 type 90 tanks

200 armored carriers

100 armored cars

400 motorcycles

10 LAV armored carriers

1,000 logistical trucks

50 Rangers

one squad of JSDF Special Response team

3 Mitsubishi X-2

39 F-22

7 Lockheed F-35 Lightning II Advanced Multi-Role Strike Fighter / Fighter-Bomber

281 Grumman F-14 Tomcat Carrier-Borne Air Defence

20 Mitsubishi F-2 Multirole Fighter / Maritime Strike

2 Airbus Helicopters (Eurocopter) UH-72 Lakota Light Utility Helicopter

42 Bell UH-1 Iroquois

3 Boeing / Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche Reconnaissance

3 Sikorsky HH-60 (Pave Hawk)

15 Kawasaki OH-1 Ninja Light Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter

5 carriers

15 destroyers

17 battleships

20 light cruisers

10 heavy cruisers

3 battlecruisers

32 patrol boats

29 submarines

"Well you best hold off the exploring, beyond here is under our occupation. If you are willing to, you can come down from the cliffs and visit our soon-to-be FOB in this region. It would be better off than shooting each other for a simple conversation." Roman added.

"The only condition is to put down your weapons when you enter. Otherwise, by force we would have to shoot you on sight."

RedLine said:
"Well you best hold off the exploring, beyond here is under our occupation. If you are willing to, you can come down from the cliffs and visit our soon-to-be FOB in this region. It would be better off than shooting each other for a simple conversation." Roman added.

"The only condition is to put down your weapons when you enter. Otherwise, by force we would have to shoot you on sight."

Pavle shrugged. "We didn't bring any besides her?" Kevin looked at Vanessa and then down at himself and pulled out the 'death gun'. Pavle took it. "You can't out run bullets with a radio again, Jennifer said you dislocated a ankle but kept going last time." Kevin nodded. He got back the radio "Alright. We don't just shoot anyways."
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RedLine said:
Myrkuta, Capital palace
"I see, so the Rising Empire wants both an alliance and a trade treaty? Then I would agree to the terms on the behalf of my country. But I do want to discuss the trade treaty in more detail if it is possible. Also as an added note, would you be interested in establishing an embassy in both capitals?" replied Tosya.

"We Can Supply Your Country With Next Generation Equipments, And Yes, An Embassy Would Be Good" Said The Diplomat.


Pendragon,Communications Room

"Very Well, I Shall Go There Myself, As I Have Something Important To Tell You" Replied
Sweden - Area of Halmstad

Their comms rang with the sound of contact. The Poles were here, in Scandinavia. What happened to Europe?

The diplomat responded hastily.

"Greetings, I am a diplomat representing the Hamuis empire. We would like to enter a formal diplomatic channel. If you wish to communicate our requests of an alliance, as well as a trade treaty, you may do so."


Tunis - Capital of the Hamuis

The phone rang.

"Hmm... a trade treaty? An alliance?"

A bout of silence.

"Sure, go for it. Ask for an embassy in their capital, in exchange for one in ours."


He put the phone down, and then picked it up again.

Eclipism - Capital of the Eclipse Empire

A message was left for the emperor.

"Greetings. I am Charles, king of the Hamuis. When my diplomat came, you met him with great respect and treated him well. He has told me of your pacifist roots, and I see a great connection between our two nations. Although we have never met, I would like to update our Non-Aggression Pact into a formal alliance with your nation."

Roman stood up from his seat.

"I'm heading back into the tents, report if they do anything strange."

The squad nodded in agreement and kept their eyes on the party. Roman collected his things into a medium sized backpack and left the building. On the way to the small camp he picked up his radio again and pressed the button.

"If you want to come and meet me I will be at the tents. I'll contact a squad to meet you at the entrance. Be assured that no one is going to shoot you. I would only require a yes or no answer if you want to come. Bring anyone you wish."


Myrkuta, Capital palace

Tosya liked the sound of it. Next generation equipment was too good to be true, but he felt skeptical at the deal.

"And what do you wish in return for the equipment?" asked Tosya suspiciously.

RedLine said:
Roman stood up from his seat.
"I'm heading back into the tents, report if they do anything strange."

The squad nodded in agreement and kept their eyes on the party. Roman collected his things into a medium sized backpack and left the building. On the way to the small camp he picked up his radio again and pressed the button.

"If you want to come and meet me I will be at the tents. I'll contact a squad to meet you at the entrance. Be assured that no one is going to shoot you. I would only require a yes or no answer if you want to come. Bring anyone you wish."


Myrkuta, Capital palace

Tosya liked the sound of it. Next generation equipment was too good to be true, but he felt skeptical at the deal.

"And what do you wish in return for the equipment?" asked Tosya suspiciously.

Chesapeake Bay - New Cairo (#NottheCascadianOutlands)

She barely waited for the man to finish. "It's been only 2 years. No nation is "established" yet. Our nations are soft and malleable, like winds and water, and, if you look around, there aren't any trees to hold on to. And what is a government but it's people? All I see here are famished men and women, dying men and women, who speak of a foreign invader. We have provided them with food, with water. They are our people now, now part of our family. Your Republic has no sovereignty here. Your claims here is just as weak as ours, if not weaker. If you're going to claim this area, why not Canada as well?

And what are you going to do? Massacre a bunch of defenseless men and women, just because you could not have a speck on your map?


Contest Claims of Virginia, North Carolina, and Maryland
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"Alright, I'll meet you soon then."

Roman released his finger on the button and entered the tent. He quickly changed the frequency and pressed the button again.

"Roman to Delta 3-3."

"Send it." spoke the squad leader.

"Copy that. We will be having guests coming towards the front entrance. I want you and your squad to meet them there as soon as possible. Then afterwards guide them to the tents. Notify the rest of the company to not open fire on them. They are friendlies. I will be busy radioing when our supplies are coming in. Over."

"10-4, out."

Roman sat down on the desk chair, he unpacked his bag and finished his meal. He then changed the frequency once more to contact the incoming reinforcements. They were late on their arrival. He had to be sure that nothing was going on.

Capital of the Siberian Principality

A call rings in. It's the king of the Hamuis. He has left a message, and is waiting for a reply.

"Greetings. I do not believe that you have met me personally yet. I am Charles, King of the Hamuis, and the one who proposed our current non-aggression pact and trade treaty. We have seen great economic growth from the trade, and it has lifted our nation (and perhaps yours) further into the light of the future. The Non-Aggression Pact that we have forged with trust has told me all I need to know about your policies on peace. I believe that we have much to gain by declaring a formal alliance with one another."

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Myrkuta, Capital Palace, The Prince's office

The sunlight through the glass lit up the papers as Artyom was signing some sort of documents for project Kilo. In the middle of his signing, he received a message from the King of the Hamuis.

"Greetings. I do not believe that you have met me yet. I am King of the Hamuis, and the one who proposed our non-aggression pact and trade treaty. We have seen great economic growth from the trade, and it has lifted our nation (and perhaps yours) further into the light of the future. Our Non-Aggression Pact has told me all I need to know about your policies on peace. I believe that we have much to gain by declaring a formal alliance with one another."

The message ended. Artyom was intrigued. An alliance would be very good for both sides. It would be for the best in case any unknowing neighbors decide to attack. And besides, there were no risks to accepting it. Artyom quickly made a message of his own for the king to receive.

"Salutations. I have received your message for a formal alliance between our two nations. Our recent trading as in fact increased our productions tenfold and see it to no fault to refuse such a request. I humbly accept the invitation for the alliance. If there are any more concerns or issues you would like to discuss. You are free to do so."

Message sent back to the Kingdom of Hamuis

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Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

Byron saw the message and read it, he then smiled and replied. "I would be more than happy to accept this alliance offer, however one thing must be said. Our country is in by no means peaceful. We killed thousands, quelled many rebellions, discriminate faiths and religions, and we have just come back from fighting three different wars at the same time with each one being a dominating victory. However i am to change our imperial past and only go to war when we are attck, when our allies need our aid, or if anyone attacks an ally."

Tunis - Capital of the Hamuis

"... You are free to do so."
Charles nodded, awknowledging the call back. He did not have any problems with his newfound friend and ally, so he set the phone down to end the connection. It immediately rang again. He picked it up.


"... or if anyone attacks an ally." Charles listened carefully. It had been foolish to assume his nearby empire to be friendly, and perhaps they were not so trustworthy. At least they had outright said so. Charles respected that. He spoke into the phone.

"Of course, of course. We have all fought wars, but it is most important that we acknowledge our pasts and fix them with our actions now. It is alright. I hope this relationship will continue far into the depths of the future. I was wondering, however, if there were any nations that we have not contacted yet, that you might have? Here is a list of who we have found..."

@Loyal Guardian

Everything was going well, except his colony in the Americas. He had kept it a secret, as highly classified information among even his chief officers. It was too soon for conflict. He had sent supports, and they would arrive soon. In the meantime, scientists had reported to him with newly recovered technologies. He would build upon them.
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RedLine said:
"Alright, I'll meet you soon then."

Roman released his finger on the button and entered the tent. He quickly changed the frequency and pressed the button again.

"Roman to Delta 3-3."

"Send it." spoke the squad leader.

"Copy that. We will be having guests coming towards the front entrance. I want you and your squad to meet them there as soon as possible. Then afterwards guide them to the tents. Notify the rest of the company to not open fire on them. They are friendlies. I will be busy radioing when our supplies are coming in. Over."

"10-4, out."

Roman sat down on the desk chair, he unpacked his bag and finished his meal. He then changed the frequency once more to contact the incoming reinforcements. They were late on their arrival. He had to be sure that nothing was going on.

[sorry, watching some crazy shit.]

The ragtag team had given the guards their weapons and escorted to the tent. Kevin had the mobile radio on his back, and Vanessa just stood at the door-flap of the tent. Pavle walked in.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Yes the previous three rulers were old, conservative, and militaristic. I attempt to undo those mistakes. Whilst i am an Atheist, and i am of the opinion that all religions are false and out right wrong, i am also of the opinion that people have the right to believe whatever they want to." Byron said into the phone. "Now as for people you wish to know about there is the Polish Republic, Manchurian Empire, and Vadmr Vestan. The latter of which we only know of from their former colony of Italy, in which we aided the S.R.B in conquering, with the end result of a dominating victory." Byron held of on the Cascadians and the Redline due to his promise that he would repsect the Cascadian isolationism and that they would not speak of the Redline's existence. "The rest of which, except the Siberian Principality, we already know about."

Roman turned his chair, to see the group that he had spoken too recently. Judging by their types of clothes, they seemed to come from a long ways off.

"Ah yes come right in, warm yourself's up. If you like, you can have some tea and snacks if you wish."

Roman poured each person a cup of green tea on small table filled with a number of delicious Russian treats.

"Forgive me under these circumstances, we have been on edge due to a pack of mutants attacking us earlier while we searched the city. Let's start over. My name is Captain Roman Svyatoslavovich, leader of this 800 men battalion. May I know who you people are?"
asked the Captain.

RedLine said:
Roman turned his chair, to see the group that he had spoken too recently. Judging by their types of clothes, they seemed to come from a long ways off.
"Ah yes come right in, warm yourself's up. If you like, you can have some tea and snacks if you wish."

Roman poured each person a cup of green tea on small table filled with a number of delicious Russian treats.

"Forgive me under these circumstances, we have been on edge due to a pack of mutants attacking us earlier while we searched the city. Let's start over. My name is Captain Roman Svyatoslavovich, leader of this 800 men battalion. May I know who you people are?"
asked the Captain.

They took a few knishes.

"I am pavle, this is Bob, that other girl is called Tasha Kesvionna."

He started eating the knish. "I am the general of the Gallia militia."

Vanessa ate a knish and drank the tea and so did Kevin.

"And yes, however from the few days to get here. The entire no man's land is a endless breeding ground. Attacks would become more frequent when a zone temporarily runs out of a certain meal they like."
"How awful! You all must have been terribly exhausted. Right now you have nothing to fear. All 800 of my highly trained men have their eyes trained along the city. If any freaks show up, they won't get near within a mile of this place."

Roman grabbed his own set of tea and drank a bit. He settled it down on the table. The warm liquid had him quite relaxed.

Tell me. Where do you come from? I was not aware of any survivors in the west. And what you have just told me says to me that you have some sort of safe haven? Is that not true?" mentioned Roman.

RedLine said:
"How awful! You all must have been terribly exhausted. Right now you have nothing to fear. All 800 of my highly trained men have their eyes trained along the city. If any freaks show up, they won't get near within a mile of this place."

Roman grabbed his own set of tea and drank a bit. He settled it down on the table. The warm liquid had him quite relaxed.

Tell me. Where do you come from? I was not aware of any survivors in the west. And what you have just told me says to me that you have some sort of safe haven? Is that not true?" mentioned Roman.

"Centuries ago, during the years around 2033. We formed the redline, we were stationed and surviving in Moscow. When the nukes and bombs caused the great apocalypse, people hid. The sirens went off about 20 minutes late, and only a few thousand people survived while millions died. Some of us were born in moscow, but the plague and the Reich had forced us to abandon the stations. Others retook the city of glazov. In which we are currently rebuilding it. Around the Moscow area, we had personally named it Gallia. However two wars broke out and essentially destroyed each other. The Reich enslaved certain races, and eventually after a few centuries were freed. We had a massive war in glazov which ended in under a week due to there being so many of us. The Reich then invaded and we killed them all as well. However we do not currently know what happened to Moscow itself or the metro in it."

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