The World of Tomorrow

Wickedkent said:
The Diplomat Followed The Polish Man To An Office
After a while, the man escorting the diplomat stopped, and let them into the office, staying outside

"Alright, so... Can I get a basic explanation as to what do you want?" He asked, pointing to a seat, as he sat down in front of him, waiting for his responce
JJKab said:
After a while, the man escorting the diplomat stopped, and let them into the office, staying outside
"Alright, so... Can I get a basic explanation as to what do you want?" He asked, pointing to a seat, as he sat down in front of him, waiting for his responce
I Am A Diplomat From The Rising Empire, Our Leaders Would Like To Form A Trade Agreement With You Guys And Possibly An Alliance, If Not Just A NAP(non-aggressive pact)

Wickedkent said:
I Am A Diplomat From The Rising Empire, Our Leaders Would Like To Form A Trade Agreement With You Guys And Possibly An Alliance, If Not Just A NAP(non-aggressive pact)
The minister exhaled, thinking about the offer

"Can I know where is your Rising Empire located?" He asked, looking at the diplomate
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Ah yes, Eclipsim was built from the ground up and was the empire's beginnings. Now we have a vast empire." Byron said looking out into the city. "I have been told of what you have to live with, you have my condolences. However i do hope that my forces aided you greatly."

"They have aided the empire in expanding. And for that it'd only be reasonable to have a reward..." Natasha then replied: "The empire would like a form of alliance." Natasha continued eating chips from the bag.
JJKab said:
The minister exhaled, thinking about the offer
"Can I know where is your Rising Empire located?" He asked, looking at the diplomate
"The Rising Empire Territory Is The Entire Land Of Greenland And Iceland" He Responded "We would also like to supply the polish empire with equipments every month" he added

Wickedkent said:
"The Rising Empire Territory Is The Entire Land Of Greenland And Iceland" He Responded "We would also like to supply the polish empire with equipments every month" he added
"Hmmm... Alright then.... Good, we can establish an alliance, as well as a trade reute" He stood up, and smiled a little

"I'll inform our Sejm, and they'll sure agree with me."
JJKab said:
"Hmmm... Alright then.... Good, we can establish an alliance, as well as a trade reute" He stood up, and smiled a little
"I'll inform our Sejm, and they'll sure agree with me."
"Thank You" Said The Diplomat. He Left The Building And Rode The Car Back To The Airport, He Boarded The Sabre And Returned Back To The Navy Hq.

Pendragon, Speakers Office

"Sir! We Have Found Some Old Files In The Storage Room! We Found This Design." Said The Head Scientist, Lloyd. "This Is Great! We Can Also Further Modify This, Begin The Research And Construction Of Prototypes."

Said Odysseus.

Project Knight Phase 1
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Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"I think an alliance will be just fine." Byron said turning back around. "I know its been short, but i think that this diplomatic meeting has been completed. Now would you like to tour the city?"


Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"This is the Eclipse Empire receiving unknown signal, state who you are or you will be ignored."

Siberian Airspace Communication Division

Radar starts to pick something up.

"Sir! We have an unidentified aircraft entering the airspace. What are our orders?" asked the soldier.

The officer picks up his head. Seeing it was just one aircraft would not suggest an attack, however....

"Send out two MiG-35's for interception but to not engage unless provoked. I'll establish communications." added the officer.

The soldier salutes and begins to send in calls. The officer sent a transmission to the aircraft in hopes that it would reply back.

"Unidentified aircraft, you are entering Siberian airspace. State your business or prepare to be shot down." stated the officer.


Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"This is the Eclipse Empire receiving unknown signal, state who you are or you will be ignored."

Victor looked at his watch. "Yeah we have the time." He only imagined bad things back at the empire. Natasha continued to remain at maxes side.


Pavle had returned back to golden heart station, and went back to planning his date. It has been four days, and vast improvement had occurred. The room he temporarily renovated has only one table in the middle with everyone else's table at the walls. People really liked that bar & restaurant and became relentless into trying and break in, most that did attempted stealing the liquor.

Pavle had his squad armed and some even hiding inside the bar as it is also known as, and called the exhibition station. He found Alexander and facepalmed before approaching her. "I need someone to help me guard the exhibition." Alexander looked to the side down to pavle. "And what will I get in return for it?" Pavle sighed. "Seven pounds of the empires greatest vodka reserve." Alexander chuckled. "I have a better idea if you really want me to stay." Pavle stared at her as she began to face him with a awfully evil smile. "Act one: Public humiliation." She said as she was holding a collar with a chain. Pavle's eyes twitched as she put it around his neck and dragged him off into the main vendor district.

A gun vendor was holding a bullet "Come one and all to the golden hearts finest gun shop! We only supply the heaviest grade military gear for the masses. For only fifteen bullets, you too can buy a heavy grade Kevlar vest to survive your vengeful ex-girlfriend!"


Another vendor, a young woman selling fruits and apples. Was also advertising while people were buying some stock. "Welcome to golden hearts finest supply shop! We have all your survival needs here, from arrows to apples. For 5 bullets you can take home this entire basket! We must sell it all!" While performing tricks with a katana.

And another vendor, which simply sold explosives, ammunition, gas masks and filters, and vest variants also advertised. "We have what you're looking for, if you need essentials for surface survival I am your man! For a low cost of 10 bullets, you can buy this fancy mask and five filters! But wait, there's more. If you buy today, you get a free machine gun!"


Business was going fine until Alexander metaphorically threw pavle into the center. Immediately after there as only silence and even the gangsters were trying to look at the scene.

Alexander forced him into singing strange music such as 'barbie girl' and dancing like a idiot to it. She shot at him every time he neglected to do so. Then finally she couldn't come up with anything. Pavle spoke under his breath. "Oh thank God." Alexander then shrugged, and walked up to the food vendor and picked up a basket. She then made pavle hold it as he thought she had bought it. "Now you better run boy." Pavle's eyes wide wondering why she said that, as he looked behind it and people staring at him. Alexander then raised her voice. "Oh look! Someone is stealing!"

The weapon vendor immediately put up a void sign and wrote 50% off. "Get your pitchforks and torches here, for only ten bullets!" Pavle ran off screaming as a angry mob chased after him.

Republic of Cascadia


Empire of Texas Former Territories

Upon hearing radio communications of panicked government alligned officials, the Cascadian Senate called for an emergency meeting. Cascadian military satellites in orbit, currently numbering up to 10 now saw the civilization of Texas, that had seemingly been engulfed in a form of civil war. President Jefferson and CDF officials took this opportunity to rapidly seize the region, population and resources of the Texans. Deploying 95,000 troops and 3,400 tanks to Texas. Quickly annexing it and turning it to Cascadian territory, taking all former Texan territory. In order to maintain friendly relations with the locals, the CDF begun aid missions, handing out food and bottled water. The Texan military was reformed to meet with Cascadian standards and was set as CDFCS, Cascadian Defense Force Command South, the former Texan military now being in-charge of southern Cascadia's defense. The CDF has supplied Texan troops with Cascadian weapons and equipment, and reformed their training routines. They will be utilizing the Texan technology, vehicles, navy and aircraft however.

President Jefferson made a broadcasted announcement to the people of Texas, reassuring them that their ways of the past would not be tempered with. And that as they were now Cascadian citizens, they had the right to free speech, freedom of religion, sexuality and the right to a defense in court. Most Texans were pleased with these new freedoms as the CDF were given orders to win hearts and minds via gifts and public displays of kindness to the people. The Texan research centers in Colorado were seized and Cascadian scientists have already begun working and testing on the technology they found there.

Sinagpore, Singaporean Federation

"No we knew Singapore as a city was most likely still intact. Our educational system teaches us a lot about the old world and the countries there. It lets us Cascadians know not to repeat history's mistakes. But we hadn't expected a country to grow out of it." The crew murmured in discussion about the mention of the Rockies, so the other countries were all contacting each other as well. That was good to know, it meant there were a lot more. The Cascadian men got out of the vehicle and were greeted by government officials. "Pleasure to meet you Admiral, and Mr. Prime Minister. I'm Captain Andrew Williams, with the Cascadian Defense Force on a diplomatic mission. And on behalf of the Republic of Cascadia it's our joy to finally be talking to you." They gave handshakes moments after with smiles all around. Introducing each other.


Oxford, SRB

The Cascadian aircraft landed at an airport in Oxford, the two pilots soon getting out with two Cascadian diplomats following them. From the newly established Department of Foreign Affairs, they met with whomever the SRB sent to meet them on the ground with handshakes. "We're with the Republic of Cascadia and it's a pleasure to meet you."


Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Of course." The pilots said, following the Emperor and the High Minister into the Palace.

(I saw)

@Loyal Guardian

Danzig, Poland

"A war? With another country." The Cascadian crew seemed astonished, the new world was already having conflicts and it began to make them wish that they'd just stayed isolated but the Polish did seem fine and so they shrugged it off. "Well, shall we be meeting your government?"


San Francisco, Cascadia

The Cascadian Defense Force in cooperation with the Cortex Corporation has begun development of a new infantry project, with information other than being classified. It has been named Project: Newway. Nothing else has been said on this by officials for security reasons. Meanwhile the construction of the CDF's new delivery of tanks is nearly completed, expected to be finished within months.

Territory Gains:

All former Texan territory.


11,300 M1A3 Abrams 55%

Project: Newway 5%


Take Texan population, resources, military.​
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1,500 km from the outskirts of the Siberian Principality border

Cpt. Roman and his squad continued to scan the city street. At most they found only scrap metals and fuel. The bombs seemed to evaporate everything in site. Other than that there was barely anything useful. As the captain was about to give up the radio popped in.

"Bravo 2-2 to Bravo 2-1." came the voice of a fellow soldier.

"Send it." replied the captain.

"Me and my team found an old pre-war ammunition's factory, shall we go and ground up anything that's useful? Over."

"Roger, call in other squads to help search the place faster. Over."
answered backed the captain.


Roman looked back to his squad.

"Lets keep moving, hopefully something interesting will show-"

Just as he was going to finish his sentence screams and howls were made up ahead of them. Roman had no clue what had made that sound, but it did not sound like it was nice. In the distance a few mutants could be seen from Roman's squad's position. Roman eyes widened. He clocked his rifle. The sound of the clocking was heard by the mutants. They all rushed towards them with a sort of killing intent. Roman aimed his gun along with his squads.

"TAKE POSITION! OPEN FIRE!" yelled the Captain.

After those words, bullets were raining down upon the pack. Some went down without a fight but the others soaked them like sponges. More bullets were let go. Roman unloaded his magazine and took a second to reload. But once he got back up one of the mutants were close enough to slam one of his squad mates down to the ground. Roman unloaded into the beast killing him with half of the magazine. The remaining beasts were to close for comfort. Roman thought he was done for until suddenly large amounts of .50 caliber bullets coming from the back finished off the remaining beasts. A beacon of hope from god. Roman fell back landing on his bottom. His heart was racing at a high rate. Sweat was pouring down. He then looked behind to see another squad with a vehicle awaiting him. One of the medics came rushing down to the fallen comrade to aid him. Roman got up and walked to the other squad.

"Thank you sergeant, if it was not for you we would be lying on the ground crushed to death." said Roman.

"Not a worries Captain, I already relayed the message to the entire battalion of what is out there." replied the sergeant.

Roman gave a small smile of graduate.

"I expect that there are more out there. Keep a close eye on your

surroundings I have no idea of what else is hiding within this god forsaken city."

The sergeant nodded and helped Roman's squad back on its feet. The wounded solider was taken into the vehicle to be sent back to one of the nearby bases. Both squads then walked off into separate paths while keeping an eye out for more trouble.

Exploration of ruin city = 70% done
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Satellite Operations Base, Remote Alaska

"Sir, the satellite is finally ready. Where should it be positioned?" The king thinks for a bit. "We've lost contact with Texas, so we'll be assuming nonexistence. We don't want to anger Cascadia, so we'll keep away from them. I suppose... It shall be positioned over Ottawa. I'm worried about a possible nation there."


"I believe it is time for me to leave. Thank you for being so kind and finding me a bride." The Duke and his new wife boarded the plane home. "I hope relations remain friendly between us."


Communications Post

The Rockian translator recieved the reply from Manchuria. "We shall send a plane to pick up the Manchurian royal bride."

@Emperor Ploppa

Vancouver Border Post

The King was on his way for diplomatic discussion with Cascadia. He would be arriving in Seattle soon.


(Sorry if I missed anyone, tag me if I did. Also, could someone give me a quick summary of what I missed?)

Republic of Cascadia

Cascadian-Rockian Border

The Washington Province Troopers, the Cascadian equievalant of the former State Troopers sent a convoy of 2 police vehicles and 4 police bikes to escort the Rockian King to Seattle. Many Cascadians turned to taking pictures of the convoy with their smart phones due to this being the first foreign government to arrive in Cascadia itself.

@Fishman Lord

Portland, Cascadia

The Cascadian Defense Force has ordered it's Observational Centers dotted all over the country, well hidden in forests and mountains to begin scoping out possible foreign activity in the area, in space, at sea, in air and on ground. Whilst the CDF begins training exercises with it's new Texan partners, to integrate them into the CDF.​
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Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

Natasha and Victor take a tour around Eclipsim with the High Minister, visiting the major sites. Byron heads back to meet the pilots. "I am sorry for the wait and sudden interruption, but now we can talk. So you are from the nation of Cascadia, if i am correct that is a region in North America. We sent a broadcast there not to long back. We must of sent it in a different frequency that yours, but i could have sworn we covered almost all frequencies." Byron said guiding the pilots through the palace. "Well first off i would like to establish a trade deal with your people and a Non-Aggression Treaty, as i am starting to get ambitions in the west if available."

@Kazami42 @RIPSaidCone

Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The pilots would have been waiting around talking to each other casually about their mission and this country that they'd found on their expedition to look for other countries to contact. That was until the High Minister returned. "Cascadia is in North America yes." The two didn't seem phased by what the Minister said, not knowing of their government's intentions on isolation previously. "Must've been a communications glitch between the two or something we don't really know." They followed the man through the palace, listening to what he was saying. Nodding idly. "What do you have to offer and what do you want?" They questioned. "About your ambitions in the West, our government would appreciate it if you left North America alone, at least no direct contact. As we've been made aware of multiple conflicts in this region. We Cascadians enjoy the peace and quiet we have without war or violence. That being said we are most definitely interested in a Non-Aggression Treaty."

@Loyal Guardian
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Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Despite our track record in war, we never instigate them. In fact we follow a policy where we only join war if are ally is attacked or if our ally calls upon us to aid them." Byron said as they reached the palace yard. "As for our ambitions and this trade deal, we merely want natural resources. Now we are self sufficient, but the added resources would aid us and our trade partner. However we will only offer the same in return, as some of our resources are private and not for sale." Byron leaned down and pet one of his dogs (a German Shepard). "However i will sum it up. I respect your nations isolationist policy, in turn i will not interrupt your nation. I am willing to have a Non-Aggression Treaty and Trade Deal established, and of course if you ever need it, you have my word that we will come to your aid in the even of disasters or if anyone invades your nation. Of course this is all up to you and your leaders discretion."


Victor and Natasha are on the tour.


After pavle escaped the angry mob, and a guy looking like him got caught and brutally beaten. He sneaked out and then went to exhibition to put the free basket there. He turned around only to be frightened by Alexander standing behind him. "Act two: Transportation" pavle's eyebrow raised up. "What?" Alexander threw pavle on the ground and then sat down on his back. "UGHH GOD, WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? You're heavier than you look. Gah!" He struggled to stay up as crystal crossed her legs. "Now take me to my throne, peasant." He had from this very moment, regretted saying he'd do anything to prevent his possible death sentence.


Janet was in the council room alone, thinking about how to better the economy with barter. She read a note left to her by Natasha. "Me and the prince will be away for some time. But go speak with Thomas Theimer." Her eyebrow raised. "I wonder what she wants me to do?" She stood up and walked out of the room, which she redecorated out of boredom into having a long rectanglular-esk wooden table in the center of it and better lighting. She walked down the stairs and began to walk to an elevator which was deep inside the primary armory.
Black Sea - 2nd Scout Ship

The men were excited. They set sail towards the Singaporean lands immediately, and arrived there as soon as possible. Their diplomat was still in Eclipsian lands, so the men elected their captain as the stand in diplomat. This was not conventional, to be clear, but they did not have much of a choice. When they arrived, they waited for an official escort.


Egyptian Border

There was a small craft approaching, with a flag that no one recognized. The command center sent a message. "Please, identify yourself. You are crossing into Hamuis territories."

Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Its just a concern that you and the neighoring countries seem to have a tendency when it comes to picking fights with one another. Just something we don't want to happen to the Americas for obvious reasons." They'd reached the palace yard now, stopping and continuing their talk. Nodding as they gave their response. "Our nation and people are very protective when it comes to our environment and it's resources. As such that kind of trade may be difficult, but not impossible. What resources specifically do you have to offer us?" The Cascadians seemed intent on learning more about the deal. "We thank you for respecting our isolationist attitude and a Non-Aggression Treaty would be most welcomed as soon as possible. The trade deal would have to be discussed further and we appreciate your willingness to help but for future reference we may not return the favor as our military is solely a Defense Force. Our government would be happy to further discuss trading however and a NAT would be great."

@Loyal Guardian
Singaporean Federation

Raffles Hotel, Singapore

Admiral Hummel gestured down the hall. "Please follow me." The group walked into a conference room. Inside, servants laid drinks and snacks. On the wall is a large screen with the world map on it. They were all seated. Zeph spoke up, "Sorry if I'm being rude, captain, but where exactly is your nation."


Changi Airport

Duke Albert left Singapore with Caitlyn Roscoe, the Lady Mediator.

@Fishman Lord

Port of Singapore, Singapore

MWE Chen walked up to the men. "Welcome to Singapore, gentlemen. Please follow me." They boarded a limo to the Garden by the Bay.


Sulawesi Island

Project Nymph was completed. Nymph is a series of underwater mines that move based on a computed algorithm. The minesweepers were modified to be able to store these mines. An order was sent to Bangkok, Hanoi, Guangzhou, and Singaporean Africa to begin continuous production. Estimated output is 200 a month.

Project Nymph Complete
[Can someone check if he got a pulse? Lmao.]

Jennifer keslionko was in the barracks with a strange ratio between Russian - American squad of 50 soldiers. The squad was called second squad and besides a collection of a few American sub commanders, It was otherwise led by general keslionko. Every few days in a month, she would visit second squad and live amongst them for a total of three - five days. She did this as a form of morale boost, and get to know her soldiers and their 'talents' better. Their sub commanders are: Captain Matthew, Colonel page, and major franko. She was playing poker with the soldiers during the night.


Janet entered the elevator and pressed the seventh floor button, after a few minutes the elevator scanned her eyes and then began going downwards towards the research center. However, her attitude confused the AI. Thus the elevator was stuck playing: "get down with the sickness!" Music over and over again. As the elevator got closer to the floor, a entire manufacturing station was working. Fixing the panzers and tigers brutally damaged on the surface, and one being lowered from a crane. The elevator stopped and opened the doors letting Janet out. She walked out and entered the 'depot' door into a office room which was empty. She asked the secretary for Thomas, and then gave her the note.

After she sat down on a chair in the corner and after fifteen minutes, Thomas appeared. "Hello Heather, What brings you to me today?" He smiled politely at her. Heather smiled back and then stood up. "Victorovna as-" he waved his finger at her and closed his eyes. "Now now, Heather. I already know you're her daughter. There is no need to hide it from me." Heather sighed. "Mom. Sent me down here to talk to you, but she didn't say anything for me to ask." He opened his eyes. "Yes, she probably wants to know about the batomy project. Well it is going nowhere currently because we used all of our major resources on making the Russian queen. However I have meant to ask your mother about something I can do." Heather was curious. "And what is it?" Thomas pulled out a rolled up document from a katana sheath he personally made and opened it. "I've come up with a form of tank which can survive better on the surface. Well, until we cleared the debris anyway. It'd be used mainly for recon purposes, and could go on for quite awhile without breaking down. The project is named Edelweiss."

Heather looked at the blueprints. "It seems like a fancy idea, but what's the problem?" Thomas rolled it back up and hid it away looking around. "Sorry, I know a guy down here that tries stealing blueprints. Anyway: the isn't a problem... I could begin working on a prototype now. However I would need to ask the prince or otherwise, emperor. And empress for permission on making it. And due to the size of it, they'd probably deny it. Well, I know Natasha would."

Heather thought for a second, and then looked up at Thomas. "I could fund it for you. Then I could prove it being useful." Thomas looked to his right at her. "That would be kind of you, but using funds like that is a bit illegal for large projects without permission and or a sponsor for it. Even if you could, we would produce a considerable amount of heat and waste to accurately make and bound it together. Where would we throw it out besides the surface?"

Heather smiled. "I am a general Thomas, people bow to me. There are ways to secretly get rid of the waste, one of the old bridge-tunnels would be enough. Then the temporary heat could be blamed on faulty piping. Get some funding to fix it." Thomas was wary of the idea. "What abo-" Heather 'shh'ed him. "If we get found out, I'll take the blame. Let's just see how this project goes and then proceed from there?" Thomas admired her bravery, but disapproved of her risking her career over it. "Alright. Just sign it off and then I'll get my students and co-workers started." He looked around, and then slid the document to Heather after taking it out. She opened it and signed 'natasha' next to max's signature and rolled it back up. They walked away like nothing happened, but everyone in the facility couldn't ignore the elevator music.


Pavle was crawling up the stairs with Alexander still riding on his back. She then leaned back on him to increase the weight. "Come on now pavle, we agreed on this." Pavle continued onwards. Janet walked up stairs and caught Alexander. "Hey! What the hell is this?" As pavle collapsed, Alexander stood up off of him, and then raising her leg and resting her foot down on pavle. "I'm just having fun Janet, lighten up a bit? I have some vodka to help make you a bit loose." Janet was disgusted. "Ugh, why do you always do this? Just leave the poor man alone." Alexander walked up to her. "Oh come on, just look at him... he's fine." Pavle was now sitting up against the wall, checking his body for any dislocations or broken bones. Heather facepalmed. "Just ignore him, ill find someone else you can play with." Alexander smirked. "No, he is mine and we agreed. I will help him as long as he amuses me." Janet slapped Alexander. "FUCK OFF." Alexander felt her face, and then nodded. "Very well." She looked back at pavle. "You are safe for today, boy." Alexander left into the council room, and Heather went to see if he was alright. Once concluding he was, she helped him back to the barracks after he redirected her from the drawing room. Where he laid down on a bed and rested, he dreamed of being with Janet. As Alexander stalked him by camera, and then temporarily broken down after being slapped by her own kin.


Janet entered the council room by request of her sister after she got herself together. "What is it crystal?" Alexander was sitting down in Victor's chair/throne with her hands together. "Our father asked me to get you for a task." Heather stood next to the door as Alexander was drinking some tea from a cup. "For what purpose?" Alexander smiled. "He wants use to go home to Moscow for a short time. Where we would check how Moscow is doing, and then come back."

Heather was a bit surprised but crossed her arms. "Fine, we can do this tomorrow. I'll have the guard notify the engine house for a destroyer, and I'll get five guards to come along after we wake up tomorrow."

Alexander clapped her hands once. "Then it's settled, we are going home."

After Heather had left the room, Alexander got a bottle of vodka and had her elbow resting on the table while holding her face in boredom and semi-depression...


the project would basically be simple. The construction of a single medium tank.

Length 6.64m

Width 3.43m

Height 2.65m

Weight 32t

Top speed 60km/h

Engine power 800hp (597kW) at 2800rpm

Power/Weight 25hp/t

Project Edelweiss 0%. [Am I doing this right?].
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Pendragon, Communications Room

"I Am Oddyseus, Imperial Speaker Of The Rising Empire, I Would Like To Talk With Your Leaders" He Said.

@Loyal Guardian

Siberian Airspace

"We Have A Diplomat, We Would Like To Talk With Your Leaders" Said The Pilot. "Direct Us To An Airfield Near Your Capital So We May Land" He Added


Egyptian Border

"We Have A Diplomat, We Would Like To Speak With Your Leaders”

Said The Pilot "Lead Us To The Nearest Airfield From Your Capitol" He Added


Project NextGen Phase 2-100%
Siberian Airspace Communication Division

"Understood, you can land at Myrkuta airbase in the meantime. From there on the diplomat will be escorted further. We have two MiG-35's who will lead the pathway to the base. Just follow them. Over." replied the officer.

RedLine said:
Siberian Airspace Communication Division
"Understood, you can land at Myrkuta airbase in the meantime. From there on the diplomat will be escorted further. We have two MiG-35's who will lead the pathway to the base. Just follow them. Over." replied the officer.

The Craft Landed On The Designated Airbase, The Diplomat Exited The Aircraft And Let The Officials Escort Him.


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