The World of Tomorrow

Kazami42 said:
"Oh, That one was simply a child. Nowhere close to being powerful though. Who are you?"
She crossed her arms while hunter dragged the wounded away.
The Silo

"Hehehe if i was more prepared to fight them i could give them a challenge, but most likely not." He then stuck out his hand. "I am Captain Frios of the Eclipse Empire, it is a pleasure to meet you miss."
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[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

"Hehehe if i was more prepared to fight them i could give them a challenge, but most likely not." He then stuck out his hand. "I am Captain Frios of the Eclipse Empire, it is a pleasure to met you miss."

"I am the empress of the autocratic Red line."

She shook his hand while staring at him.
Kazami42 said:
"I am the empress of the autocratic Red line."
She shook his hand while staring at him.
The Silo

Even though his eyes were covered behind his helmet, he could feel her stare in his eyes. "Thank you for meeting me miss, especially given the circumstances." He let go of her hand and began to speak. "I am so sorry to trouble you, but i am an envoy of my country and as such i would like to speak with you on diplomatic measures."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

Even though his eyes were covered behind his helmet, he could feel her stare in his eyes. "Thank you for meeting me miss, especially given the circumstances." He let go of her hand and began to speak. "I am so sorry to trouble you, but i am an envoy of my country and as such i would like to speak with you on diplomatic measures."

She remained silent and looking at him.
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

He began to get confused. "Is there something troubling you? Or is there something on my suit?"

"If you have something to ask, Then ask it. However I am busy and will have to take my leave."
Kazami42 said:
"If you have something to ask, Then ask it. However I am busy and will have to take my leave."
The Silo

"Oh i apologize miss, I will get right to it then. Now i may be an officer, but i am still the representative of my country. So i would like to discuss a possible deal where, oh i don't know, i can offer the aid of the Eclipsian military to rid you of these demons, cleanse the surface of pollutants, and make it a safe place for your people. After all if we can build a city like this is today's world, imagine what we could do to these demons." He pulled out his pad and showed her a picture of the Eclipsim skyline.

[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

"Oh i apologize miss, I will get right to it then. Now i may be an officer, but i am still the representative of my country. So i would like to discuss a possible deal where, oh i don't know, i can offer the aid of the Eclipsian military to rid you of these demons, cleanse the surface of pollutants, and make it a safe place for your people. After all if we can build a city like this is today's world, imagine what we could do to these demons." He pulled out his pad and showed her a picture of the Eclipsim skyline.


"Well personally i don't want all of them killed off. Victor probably would like a few to be his pets. However this is a sensitive subject to certain people... However i would like to know more of this, empire. If that is fine with you."
Kazami42 said:
"Well personally i don't want all of them killed off. Victor probably would like a few to be his pets. However this is a sensitive subject to certain people... However i would like to know more of this, empire. If that is fine with you."
The Silo

"Well the picture i just showed you is our capitol, Eclipsim. Our territory ranges from the Balkans to the Chinese interior, and from Central Asia to to India. In short we are a very vast empire. As you two may have seen, some of us can summon melee weapons out of thin air, but this is nothing supernatural. We have implants in our brains that allow these abilities and gives us durability, agility, and superhuman strength. As for these suits you see us wearing, all Eclipsian troops have these. I could say more, but i feel as i have already said to much. If you really want to find out more then your more than welcome to come to Eclipsim, however i won't force you. Now as for your demon troubles i can assure you that our military will be as swift as possible, we do have the capability to destroy an entire city after firing a few salvos from our sky platforms and weaponized satellites."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

"Well the picture i just showed you is our capitol, Eclipsim. Our territory ranges from the Balkans to the Chinese interior, and from Central Asia to to India. In short we are a very vast empire. As you two may have seen, some of us can summon melee weapons out of thin air, but this is nothing supernatural. We have implants in our brains that allow these abilities and gives us durability, agility, and superhuman strength. As for these suits you see us wearing, all Eclipsian troops have these. I could say more, but i feel as i have already said to much. If you really want to find out more then your more than welcome to come to Eclipsim, however i won't force you. Now as for your demon troubles i can assure you that our military will be as swift as possible, we do have the capability to destroy an entire city after firing a few salvos from our sky platforms and weaponized satellites."

"Probably will visit soon enough, If you were a citizen of the empire you would be probably worshiped as some form of god due to some people starting a religion over these things. You probably already have a radio, Despite it working when you leave we can still broadcast to it if we so wanted to. But i must go now, My people need me. And Please don't continue blowing random metro doors? We need those shut. Or else you get what just happened here but with more of them."

She went to leave and stopped.

"Oh and one more thing, Yes i am troubled. How did you know we even existed?"
Kazami42 said:
"Probably will visit soon enough, If you were a citizen of the empire you would be probably worshiped as some form of god due to some people starting a religion over these things. You probably already have a radio, Despite it working when you leave we can still broadcast to it if we so wanted to. But i must go now, My people need me. And Please don't continue blowing random metro doors? We need those shut. Or else you get what just happened here but with more of them."
She went to leave and stopped.

"Oh and one more thing, Yes i am troubled. How did you know we even existed?"
The Silo

"We discovered an unknown frequency near or base, located next to Moscow. We sent a few scouts into the area and we the source was stronger, so we thought it was another nation. That's when we sent the broadcast."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

"We discovered an unknown frequency near or base, located next to Moscow. We sent a few scouts into the area and we the source was stronger, so we thought it was another nation. That's when we sent the broadcast."

"Well just don't tell anyone else yes? There is a reason why we live here."

She then walked away.
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Kazami42 said:
"Well just don't tell anyone else yes? There is a reason why we live here."
She then walked away.
The Silo

"Considering the emperor gave a order not to tell any other nation of you existence, i can assure that we won't tell." He then equipped his rifle and turned to the attention of the hunter. "Alright Mister Hunter i believe me and my men are ready to go." As he was about to turn around he stopped and faced the empress once again. "As for my promise on cleansing the surface and metro systems, i can assure you we will win. Our forces are more than capable of fighting these things."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

"Considering the emperor gave a order not to tell any other nation of you existence, i can assure that we won't tell." He then equipped his rifle and turned to the attention of the hunter. "Alright Mister Hunter i believe me and my men are ready to go." As he was about to turn around he stopped and faced the empress once again. "As for my promise on cleansing the surface and metro systems, i can assure you we will win. Our forces are more than capable of fighting these things."

She looked back. "If you keep your promise you might get a reward for it. I mean they'll eventually return but at least they can be dealt with."

She continued to go back down the hallway and dragged the rask's body with her and its head as a trophy.

Hunter was standing by another door they had used to walk in safely. "Alright. Lets go." He carried the body of the previously wounded soldier. "Don't worry about that poor bastard over there, The defenders will take care of him and we will send someone to bury him." He walked outside.
Kazami42 said:
She looked back. "If you keep your promise you might get a reward for it. I mean they'll eventually return but at least they can be dealt with."
She continued to go back down the hallway and dragged the rask's body with her and its head as a trophy.

Hunter was standing by another door they had used to walk in safely. "Alright. Lets go." He carried the body of the previously wounded soldier. "Don't worry about that poor bastard over there, The defenders will take care of him and we will send someone to bury him." He walked outside.
The Tunnels

Captain Frios followed behind Hunter, and so did his men. They once again traversed the tunnels, this time being on a higher alert than ever.
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Tunnels

Captain Frios followed behind Hunter, and so did his men. They once again traversed the tunnels, this time being on a higher alert than ever.

Gunfire could be heard from the original tunnel but he kept moving ignoring it. They eventually made it back to the hole in the wall they first entered in. Hunter signaled them to wait, as a group of around 70 mutants ran past of differing varieties and ran down the tunnel. Once they passed the resumed walking out where another soldier, Pavle/Morozov. Was waiting... He let the empress leave on her own accord. "And here we are, safe and sound besides the christoff. You can go back home now unless you for some reason would rather wait around this hell hole. Since Pavle waited here with the bike, He'll help you get through the tunnel where there's bound to be more mutants somewhere." He walked through a opened blast door after it opened.

"If you have any other questions you can wait for someone to arrive to you, or ask him." Hunter got inside of a turret car and him and 8 redline soldiers drove away. Morozov got inside the bike with a machinegun mounted on front used for recon.
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Kazami42 said:
Gunfire could be heard from the original tunnel but he kept moving ignoring it. They eventually made it back to the hole in the wall they first entered in. Hunter signaled them to wait, as a group of around 70 mutants ran past of differing varieties and ran down the tunnel. Once they passed the resumed walking out where another soldier, Pavle/Morozov. Was waiting... He let the empress leave on her own accord. "And here we are, safe and sound besides the christoff. You can go back home now unless you for some reason would rather wait around this hell hole. Since Pavle waited here with the bike, He'll help you get through the tunnel where there's bound to be more mutants somewhere." He walked through a opened blast door after it opened.
"If you have any other questions you can wait for someone to arrive to you, or ask him." Hunter got inside of a turret car and him and 8 redline soldiers drove away. Morozov got inside the bike with a machinegun mounted on front used for recon.
The Tunnels

"Alright men, we head back to Polish territory, then our own." Captain Frios said as he signaled his company to move forward and they followed Morozov to the end of the tunnel (remember there are 60 of them so they kinda of have to go on foot). On the way Frios noticed large movement on his OBBS, he signaled his men to halt and prepare all arms. "Damn it, i can see the end of the tunnel to and now there are more of them coming?" He thought as he crouched down. "Pay attention to your OBBS boys, have all of your corners checked."
The Rising Empire

The New Emperor Will Arive Soon From The Pentragon, And The Parade Will Commence In The City Of Crystalia. It Is A Parade For The Newly Crowned Emperor, Schneizel.The Emperor Finally Arrived As The Helicopter Descended In The Helipad, While A Convoy Was Waiting For Him. As They Rode Past Through The Streets, Citizens Were Filled With Happiness When They Saw Their Emperor, The Emperor Also Waved His Hands With Happiness. A Squadron Of Fighter Jets Pasts Through, Followed By Helicopters. As Soon As The Parade Was Over The Emperor Returned To Pendragon.
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[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Tunnels

"Alright men, we head back to Polish territory, then our own." Captain Frios said as he signaled his company to move forward and they followed Morozov to the end of the tunnel (remember there are 60 of them so they kinda of have to go on foot). On the way Frios noticed large movement on his OBBS, he signaled his men to halt and prepare all arms. "Damn it, i can see the end of the tunnel to and now there are more of them coming?" He thought as he crouched down. "Pay attention to your OBBS boys, have all of your corners checked."

[Just there to clear the tunnel as per usual don't worry lol.]

Morozov can hear the mutants roaring in the background and begins to mount the machinegun to the bike fully.

"Don't worry, I'm a trained professional!" he smiled as he looks back into the darkness and lowered some eye protecting goggles from his forehead. As a forced precautionary tactic, He then started shooting into the darkness once seeing something move.
Kazami42 said:
[Just there to clear the tunnel as per usual don't worry lol.]
Morozov can hear the mutants roaring in the background and begins to mount the machinegun to the bike fully.

"Don't worry, I'm a trained professional!" he smiled as he looks back into the darkness and lowered some eye protecting goggles from his forehead. As a forced precautionary tactic, He then started shooting into the darkness once seeing something move.
The Tunnels

"Alright men, you know what to do. Fire!" Every men loaded in AP/HE rounds and fired in the direction of the mutants, however after seeing the shots missing he knew what he had to do. "Everyone turn on NV/TH Vision!" His visor flickered as the NV/TH mode was turned on. This time he and his men could clearly see the mutants, and their were a lot of them. Every men fired at a mutant, some taking more damage than others. However even for Frios's company there was to many of them. His magazine emptied and as he began to grab another one, he saw that he ran out. He put his rifle on his back and pulled out his officer's revolver and began firing. "This is how i go out huh? By some mutants in a foreign land?" As he thought this an explosion was heard from the direction of the mutants. The mutants then turned around and ran the other way, but Frios could see that some of them were falling. Just then another explosion, and another, and another. Mutants then came towards them again, in fewer numbers, and the men opened fire and killed them in a volley of bullets. "Everybody push up, now!" Frios's men and Morozov pushed forward slowly and saw the light at the end of the tunnel. To Frios's shock and delight, he saw two T-99 Hover Tanks outside of the tunnel next to many dead mutant corpses. "You did well Captain, i will make sure you get a promotion." Frios turned around and saw General Revus standing next to one of the T-99's. "T-Thank you sir!" He said as he and all of his men saluted.
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Tunnels

"Alright men, you know what to do. Fire!" Every men loaded in AP/HE rounds and fired in the direction of the mutants, however after seeing the shots missing he knew what he had to do. "Everyone turn on NV/TH Vision!" His visor flickered as the NV/TH mode was turned on. This time he and his men could clearly see the mutants, and their were a lot of them. Every men fired at a mutant, some taking more damage than others. However even for Frios's company there was to many of them. His magazine emptied and as he began to grab another one, he saw that he ran out. He put his rifle on his back and pulled out his officer's revolver and began firing. "This is how i go out huh? By some mutants in a foreign land?" As he thought this an explosion was heard from the direction of the mutants. The mutants then turned around and ran the other way, but Frios could see that some of them were falling. Just then another explosion, and another, and another. Mutants then came towards them again, in fewer numbers, and the men opened fire and killed them in a volley of bullets. "Everybody push up, now!" Frios's men and Morozov pushed forward slowly and saw the light at the end of the tunnel. To Frios's shock and delight, he saw two T-99 Hover Tanks outside of the tunnel next to many dead mutant corpses. "You did well Captain, i will make sure you get a promotion." Frios turned around and saw General Revus standing next to one of the T-99's. "T-Thank you sir!" He said as he and all of his men saluted.

"Good luck with your endeavors comrade. I have a date to prepare and go to!" He pulled on a lever which retracted the bikes wheels and put into a turning fashion. He turned around, expanded the wheels again, and drove back to GHS."
Kazami42 said:
"Good luck with your endeavors comrade. I have a date to prepare and go to!" He pulled on a lever which retracted the bikes wheels and put into a turning fashion. He turned around, expanded the wheels again, and drove back to GHS."
Near Glazov

"You to sir, thank you." Frios said as he climbed onto a tank. After Revus got on the tank and after his men boarded APC's, he spoke one last command. "Alright everyone, lets head back to Eclipsian lands!" With that the tanks and APC's took off, and with that semi-relations with the Autocratic Red-Line Empire had begun.
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The Rising Empire, Pendragon

Operations Room

As The Emperor Entered The Operations Room The Army Chief Of Staff Lelouch Walked Towards Schneizel. "What Is Your First Course Of Action? Brother" Asked Lelouch. "Claim More Territories And Find If There Are Any Other Active Countries" Said Schneizel "I Read That This Land We Are In Is Named Greenland, It Is Not Very Green Now After The War". "I See, So We Must Capture The Whole Greenland Then, There Is Also This Island To The East Named Iceland, I Suggest We Capture It, It Would Make A Great Staging Point For Our Navy." . " Very Well Then, Do What You Must" Said Schneizel "I Also Want The Communication Room Of The Pendragon To Send Some Broadcast To The Whole World, If There Are Any Countries Left They Would Recieve It." . "As You Wish" Said Lelouch. Expeditionary Forces Were Send To South Of The Rising Empire And West To Iceland.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The next day, Emperor Byron was reading his book when a knock on his chamber door came. "You may enter." With that the High Minister, General Revus, and Captain Frios entered the room, Frios wearing his formal attire. "Welcome gentlemen, care for some wine?" He asked as he began to walk over to his wine cabinet. "I would like some, thank you Emperor." "I'm sorry my Emperor, but i don't drink." Revus and Frios said respectively. Byron handed a wine glass to Revus and signaled them to sit down. "So i hear you two have a interesting report for me, especially you Frios." Frios gulped as he knew that was his signal. He gave his report, a summarized version of the events he went through but enough to keep in all major details. "So this women is their leader, correct?" Byron asked. "Yes sir, well temporarily. I do say, even though she did not fight, she had that aurora around her that gave off the feeling of intensity." Frios said laughing a little bit. "I see..... Is there a way i could meet her, i would like to formalize this 'Mutant Cleansing Plan' of yours Captain." Byron said leaning back in his chair. "Well to even get to her was hell, but i do have this radio that she can reply to." Frios handed him the radio he received the day prior to Byron. He fiddled around with it until he found the button used to transmit. "This is Emperor Byron of the Eclipse Empire, can hear this miss?"

Singaporean Federation


Admiral Belcher nodded and turned to face a similar console. "Armed forces of the Singaporean Federation, head to designated stations and prepare for our orders. It's time for war. Majulah Singapura!" Singaporean soldiers responded by shouting "Majulah Singapura!" All the soldiers began moving to their stations. The two admirals headed down to a war room. Large screens were moved forward from the Maldives base and operators have setup temporary stations. 3rd Governor Chang was already in the room. "Don't mind me, I'm just an observer." Singaporean and Eclipsian Operators walked into the room, saluted, then sat at their stations. "Status on naval and aerial units!" An operator responded, "Combined navy is one nautical mile away from Capetown. Aerial Units are at the same place!" Another operator responded "Enemy ships have formed a blockade around the Capetown."

@Loyal Guardian

-Project Nymph 35%

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