The World of Tomorrow

Singaporean Federation

Conference Room, Capitol Building, Oxford, SRB

2nd Gov Khey Lim sat down. "Well, I guess I am now. Thank you for meeting with me, Prime Minister Kord. I am Governor of the 2nd District of the Singaporean Federation Khey Lim, acting representative of the Singaporean Federation to the Socialist Republic of Britain. I will also be the acting representative to the New World Alliance should the Eclipse and any other nations join us. All ceremonial services and diplomatic relations between our nations will go through me. However, we recognize the need for speed in military operations, so those will go straight to our communications center. I would like to make a small office and stay here to better promote our relations." Khey Lim exhaled.


Headquarters Signals and Command, Singapore

"Understood." The general hanged up the call. "We'll continue the operation of the satellite in the Oroguay Invasion." An operator spoke up, "3rd Gov Chang has ordered an assassination of the Oroguay Presidents. She has also begun moving our operatives across the nation." The other generals and admirals began whispering. They decided that it would be fine to let her do so. "She probably wants to also weaken Oroguay on a legislative front as well. As for the operatives, keep in contact with them."

Republic of Cascadia


CDF Nevada Listening Post

The CDF was able to detect the incoming message from the unknown source in what used to be Mexico. The Listening Post that picked the message up was given permission to respond with a formal message. "This is the Republic of Cascadia responding." But that was all, until further notice. The signal was tracked by the CDF to Baja Bay and in a cautious response, the CDGF deployed a division of 10,000 troops to southern California as a precaution in-case this country turned out to be hostile. The Cascadian Senate has held a meeting to talk about how to deal with this new country. President Jefferson has obviously went for a peaceful communication line between the two.

@Domini Regum

Portland, Cascadia

The construction of the new Navy ships has been going along smoothly, with an additional two Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carriers, using blueprints from the US Navy. Meanwhile the CDGF has ordered the construction of 11,500 new M1A2 Abrams and 3,400 PAC-3 anti-air and radar vehicles. This is all in response to a new push for defense spending and improvement with the emergence of knowledge of these new countries, many people in Cascadia believe that a strong defense is needed so that their economy and lives may continue to prosper without interfierence from the outside world. President Jefferson gave a speech in Seattle today about the importance of unity in the Cascadian people, rousing a strong patriotic response from the people. Unity and love between the people of Cascadia has always been promoted due to the country's happy-go lucky nature. Meanwhile Los Angeles and San Diego have begun their official reconstruction, with trade lines and commercial, civilian routes being restablished between the two cities, connecting them to the rest of Cascadia. The government plans to fully rebuild the majority of both cities by the end of the year. In Cascadian nature they are going to rebuild the cities the exact same as they were prior to the war, like Portland, Seattle and San Francisco. To comfort their citizens with their heritage.

Meanwhile the government has authorized the CDF to begin deploying surveillance planes and ships to the pre-war nations of Britain, Singapore/Malaysia Poland and India in search of largely populated areas, this being apart of Project: International, the Cascadian government's attempt to reestablish international relations with any possible new nations of the world. Cascadian Airlines has begun preparations for international flying for their passengers and the Department of Commerce has been authorized to begin the construction of 95 large, heavy duty freighter ships for trade purposes.

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141 @JJKab @Alteras

Seattle, Cascadia

The government begun communications with the Rockies once more, with President Jefferson officially inviting the leader of the Rockies to Portland for the first ever meeting between the two countries. The Cascadians have made their ambitions for a peaceful, friendly and beneficial relationship between the two countries perfectly clear. And have already let the Rockians know of their goals to hopefully set up trade and even tourism between the two countries in the near future if everything goes well.

@Fishman Lord

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RIPSaidCone said:

Republic of Cascadia


Meanwhile the government has authorized the CDF to begin deploying surveillance planes and ships to the pre-war Poland


As two scout planes were flying over the Baltic Sea, they noticed three ships with unknown flags. They decided to make contact

"Undentified vessals, you're approaching Polish Sea Bourder, state your intentions, nationality, and slow down. This area is full of mines, and we are not afraid to make them blow up. As soon as you'll speak up, we'll order their temporary deactivation"
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Maldives Naval Base

"I am Admiral Umberion of the Eclipse Empire, it is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Belcher." Umberion reached out and shook his hand. "You do not have to fear much from the skies, our two aircraft carriers and Jovian Sky Platforms will be enough to secure initial air dominance." He pointed to the IEN Hades and the IEN Charon that had cables attached to the sky platforms. "Not to mention you have almost half of the Implanted here. Officer Jericho show them your skills." A man stepped up from the Umberion's guard and summoned a sword from what seemed like then air. He then slashed it downwards and destroyed an empty crate behind Admiral Belcher.



Eclipsian troops pushed and surrounded Rome and capture surrounding areas, nearly meeting with British forces. A naval blockade was put around Rome and bombardment was increased. General Centauri sent a message to the people of Rome. "This is General Centauri of the Imperial Eclipsian Army, I am here to issue an ultimatum of sorts. If all people, citizen or VV personnel, lay down their arms now i will promise safe travel to the main VV lands. If you refuse my offer you will expect no mercy, civilian or not, from our forces unless you are women and children. You have until tomorrow to respond."

@Domini Regum @Agent141

Eclipsian Skies

A officer at a military base near New Delhi picked up unknown signatures over the Providence of India. He quickly responded. "This is the Eclipse Empire to unknown pilots you are trespassing over Eclipsian skies. State where you are from, what your purpose is, and land at the airstrip here in New Delhi."


Bandar Abbas Naval Yard

The manager of the facility had gotten the order, much like the other Persian Yards, to begin construction of the following ship classes: Destroyers, Corvettes, Frigates, Hospital Ships, Landing Ships, Neo-Battleships, and Aircraft Carriers. The yard then put all effort to creat these ships to further expand the navy with as much precision as possible in coordination with other naval yards of the Persian Providence (which is the construction, exotic, and tourist capitol of the empire now).

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • Rome is given an ultimatum, the siege intensifies.
  • The Eclipsian Fleet and Special Forces arrive in the Maldives
  • Unknown planes are detected over New Delhi
  • Expansion One begins to take shape

Empire of Manchuria

Imperial Residence, Harbin, Imperial Heartland Region, Imperial Manchuria

"I guess the offer is a deal, my friend. Thank you for coming to the golden Empire of Manchuria and I'm sure that our relationship will grow prosperous and powerful. You are dismissed." The Emperor dismissed General Io and after the Eclipsian general was dismissed, a squire of Emperor Cixi approached the Emperor and the squire said, "Your grace, a transmission from the Rockies, it is sent to you, your grace." and then the Emperor go to the transmission. The Emperor read the transmission and the Emperor replied
to the transmission, "I'm sorry but I do not have a daughter. You can marry with the other houses in the imperial heartland of Manchuria instead. I recommend you the House Xu or House Li." and then after that the Emperor goes back to his throne and suddenly a group of British pilots escorted by royalsguard arrived.

The Emperor sigh and he said in the Manchu language, "Another one? Great." The Emperor looked at the British pilots.

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141 @Fishman Lord


Central Kyushu, Manchu-occupied Kyushu

One of the Yamatai soldiers from Central Kyushu which is now part of the General Jong's army was guarding the border between the Manchu-occupied Kyushu and the unoccupied Yushu (which is occupied by Singapore) and suddenly, a group of unknown forces occured. The Yamatai soldiers aim at the unknown forces and reloaded their Manchu-modified AK47, the searchlights directly turn to the unknown forces and machinegunners reloaded their MG and aiming to the unknown forces.

A "Yamatai" commander looked at the unknown forces and he said in Japanese, "Stay where you are! You are entering the Manchurian border, walking further to the territory will be shoot on sight! Go back where you belong, now! If you try to shoot us, this will be consider as an act of war!"



Manchu-occupied Shanghai

As the Manchurian soldiers led by General Kim arrived, a smoke could be seen in the outskirts of Shanghai. "What the hell?" General Kim continued, "Send a recon aircraft to see what's happening." General Kim said. "Yes, sir."

And then Manchurian aircrafts flying in the skies of Shanghai outskirts, it was razed by either bandits or mercenaries. The Manchurian aircrafts reported the scene to General Kim


Shores of Los Angeles, Cascadia

Thousands of Manchurian settlers arrived in Los Angeles in attempt to gain influence in the area and attempt to "colonize" a city-state.

Singaporean Federation

Manila, Philippines, Singaporean Federation

Revival of the Philippine Islands were successful. The Philippines is close to being recognized as the 6th District of the Singaporean Federation. The major cities are being rebuilt and along the coastline, a mix of resorts, ports, and defensive structures are being erected. Patrol boats spotted ships sailing in from the Pacific. They weren't carrying the Rockies Emblem, nor were there any commercial identification. Word was sent to the Philippines Port Authority. A radio message was made on all channels. "This is the Philippines Port Authority, branch of the Singaporean Federation Armed Forces. Please identify yourself."


Border of Manchurian Occupied Kyushu, Kyushu, Former Yamatai

The scouting team stopped. They knew enough Japanese to discern "Stop," "Manchuria," and "war." They turned around and started to head back to Hitoyoshi. After about 1 km, the leader radioed back to Kagoshima. "This is Kyushu Exploration Force. Headed back to Hitoyoshi. We have encountered forces outside Kumamoto, presumably Manchurian Forces. Status is Neutral-Aggressive. Majulah Singapura."

@Emperor Ploppa

Kumamoto, Kyushu, Former Yamatai

"This is Kumamoto Base. Status acknowledged. Majulah Singapura." The operator turned the the commanding officer and told the situation. "That will be fine." They turned to watch the Bullet Train depart to Fukuoka and the rest of Yamatai. They then begin organizing a fleet to move straight into Tokyo Harbor.

@Emperor Ploppa

Maldives Naval Base, Singaporean Federation

Admiral Belcher smiled. "We are blessed to have such a strong ally. Come, follow me." They entered the main building and headed to the war room. Inside the war room, operators were communicating with agents in Oroguay and SIG HQ. They sat down before a large map of Oroguay. "This is the territory of Oroguay." The screen changed to display the advanced underground railroad system. "And this is the railroad they have built. Our operatives are currently trying to weaken their forces inside their nation. Once their done, we can begin the attack. A large portion of our forces will attack from the North, drawing their forces away from the capital. Their strongest point is their navy. So aerial attacks and infantry rushes across the landscape will disrupt them. During this time, our special forces will rush their military bases and legislative buildings from the railroad and hold them hostage. Our joint navy will then move into harbor and bombard the south, their more populated areas. By then, we should be able to force a surrender out of them." Belcher relaxed. "A sentosa class battleship will be joining us, creating a tunnel straight to the railroad. Until then, we can prepare for the invasion by invading Madagascar."

@Loyal Guardian

Capetown, Oroguay

The bubbles began to pop, the Oroguay currency plummeted in value. The Singapore Ministry of Finance closed all trading with Oroguay. 1/3 of companies was able to transfer their base of operations to Singapore before the crash. In the chaos, the calmer of the twin presidents was assassinated. The Federal Reserve of Oroguay was unable to respond quick enough to the inflation. Legislative branch resorted to privatizing many functions to companies during the President's mourning. 3rd Gov Chang met with the President again to offer the "protection of the federation." The president instantly went into a rage, blaming the Singaporeans for their tragedies. 3rd Gov Chang returned to her ship and gave a speech to the public.

"This nation is a great nation. I really can see the greatness of this nation, even in this time of turmoil, I can still see the gems shine brightly. Yet your nation, your home, your family, is dying because of your government is unable to change, because your president cannot rise above the loss of his brother, because your leader refuses to accept our aid. I am saddened that your ruler has refused the generosity of our offer. However I understand and forgive him. He has experienced tragedy, watching his nation fall, watching his brother fall, and watching himself fall. I cannot blame him for believing he can stand again. It is an honorable yet vain belief. He refuses Singapore's aid and expects to see his nation rise without change. However, if he accepts Singapore's offer for protection and reconstruction, he can see Oroguay rise higher than it ever has been. I was unable to convince him of this greatness, so I turn to you, the people of Oroguay, to listen to Singapore's promise, 'The Federation will aid those who come.'"

She finished her speech and returned to her stay. Businessmen and commoners began moving toward ships, asking for passage to Singapore. She smiled. Soon, I will have Oroguay for myself.

Republic of Cascadia


Baltic Sea

The three Cascadian recon ships that were currently travelling in the Baltic sea noticed the planes, recieving their communication and responding with a polite and formal. "We are unarmed vessels of the Republic of Cascadia on a diplomatic mission." Allowing the Polish to know that they had no ill intentions towards them or their country.


Eclipsian Skies

The Cascadian aircraft recieved the communication from the Eclipsian military base, the pilots relieved that they'd managed to find civilization before their planes ran out of supplies. They responded with. "This is an unarmed aircraft of the Republic of Cascadia currently on an exploration and diplomatic mission." They then set a course towards the New Delhi airport, using pre-war maps to guide them as they landed on the airstrip.

@Loyal Guardian

Los Angeles, Cascadia

Upon arrival of the unknown settlers the Cascadian Defense Force rolled into positions in Los Angeles, denying the citizens of an unknown country access to Cascadian territory. Seeing it as both a security threat and a threat to their soverign soil. The settlers were then forced to leave Los Angeles under threat of being shot, the normally peaceful Cascadians growing angered that another country (presumably) tried to establish territory within Cascadian borders. Seeing it as disrespectful and provocative. The settlers were forced to return to their boats and go back to the Pacific and to head home. The CDF then recieved orders to begin the construction of temporary fortifications on the Californian coast. Whilst a flight of F-15's made sure that the settler ships left Cascadian waters.

@Emperor Ploppa

Manilla, Philippines.

The two exploration vessels arriving in the Philippines responded to the Singaporean message with the formal response given by their government to use. "We are unarmed vessels of the Republic of Cascadia on an exploration and diplomatic mission. Requesting permission to dock and to begin communications with your government." The ships grinded to a halt and awaited a response, not wanting to dock before they were given permission out of courtesy.


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RIPSaidCone said:

Republic of Cascadia


Baltic Sea

The three Cascadian recon ships that were currently travelling in the Baltic sea noticed the planes, recieving their communication and responding with a polite and formal. "We are unarmed vessels of the Republic of Cascadia on a diplomatic mission." Allowing the Polish to know that they had no ill intentions towards them or their country.



"Alright... mines are off... and now head over to Danzig, we'll pick you up from there" The planes made a U turn, and directed the planes towards Polish Main WaterFort, Danzig.
Eastern Eclipse Empire

General Io had finally finished his talks with the emperor of Manchuria, who he personally distrusted but ignored that thought. He then made contact with Emperor Byron to tell him the details. "My Emperor, a deal has been reached with the Manchurian Empire. In return for the halting of our Eastward Expansion, their emperor has agreed upon a trade deal and a alliance of sorts." It did not take long for the emperor to respond. "I am glad to hear it Io. You have earned a return to the capitol. I would send you out to fight one of the wars we are fighting however i need my best general to be in top condition." The general responded with. "Understood."

Maldives Naval Base

"I see..." Umberion put a hand on his chin. "Your plan is not bad, it is very sound indeed. However the Eclipsian Air Force can deal with enemy positions, supply lines, and aerial combat for you instead of your infiltrators. In fact once one of these sky platforms are positioned above a major center of theirs you can expect a guaranteed victory so long as they don't breach the platform." He explained. "However the conquest of Madagascar is a must so i shall send the navy to begin establishment of forward operating bases on the island."


New Delhi, Indian Providence, Eclipse Empire

The governor of the providence walked up to the pilots from the nation they called Republic of Cascadia. "Welcome to the Eclipse Empire, i am the governor of this providence. I would love to chat with you all however if you are on a diplomatic mission then it would be best to head to our capitol Eclipsim." The governor looked behind the pilots and saw their planes. "However your planes are quite out of date compared to ours. I will have an two of our fighters escort you to the capitol."

Singaporean Federation

Manila, Philippines, Singaporean Federation

"Very well, please redirect your course to the Singapore. We'll hand you over to the Singapore Port Authority."

Singapore Port Authority, Port of Singapore, Singapore

"This is the Singapore Port Authority to Cascadian vessels. We'll be controlling your arrival to Singapore. The Federation Parliament will be informed of your arrival."


Maldives Naval Base, Singaporean Federation

"Hmm, if that is the case, then we have a fair amount of leeway in this operation. I'll talk to SIG HQ and request a revision of the plans regarding this fact." Outside troops prepared for the Madagascar invasion.

@Loyal Guardian

Headquarters Signals and Command System, Singapore

The officers received the information and debated it. "The whole campaign can be easier with this!" "But this will destroy large portions of existing infrastructure! Infrastructure we need to rebuild the place!" "But an extended campaign like the one we have planned will also result in infrastructural damage." "AGH, INFRASTRUCTURE THIS! INFRASTRUCTURE THAT! THAT'S ALL YOU CARE ABOUT!" "FINE THEN! WANT ANOTHER ARGUMENT?! THE ECONOMY! HOW ABOUT ANOTHER? PUBLIC FACE! AND ANOTHER! EFFECTIVENESS!" "Effectiveness? Since when has a war ever been effective?!" Just then MWE Chen walked into the room and slammed his cane to the ground. "QUIET YOU FOOLS!" He picked up his cane and said, "A shorter campaign will be better, less chance to mess up, less chance of resistance. Now devise a plan using those goddamn aircrafts!" The officers reorganized themselves and reevaluated the plans and relayed the plans to Maldives.

Maldives Naval Base, Singaporean Federation

The invasion of Madagascar began. The Sentosa-class Battleship will arrive within the month. The plans were received and Admiral Belcher met with Admiral Umberion once again. "We have received a new battle tactic that I think you'll appreciate. Our infiltrators will be operating to disrupt underground supply lines and reinforcements, lines that aerial attacks can't reach. Our airforce will attack from the south straight towards the capital. Our navy will also engage with theirs at the south. The placement of infantry will be at your discretion. Either way, our forces easily out number theirs. With this new plan, we might not need the sentosa battleship."

@Loyal Guardian

Capetown, Oroguay

Singaporean business has begun leaving the nation. A small number of the local population is also leaving the nation. Oroguay still remains in economic turmoil.

Sulawesi Island, Singaporean Federation

The university has decided that naval prowess should be Singapore's top priority. Several plans were devised, but they all required long term action. One group has devised a more short term solution. The military decided to back this plan and begin the research and development of Project Nymph.

-Project Nymph Begins at 0%
7:44 PM, Station 17/GHS.

The parade Consisting of 2 destroyers/battering rams, The russian queen, and multiple hand carts - railbikes modified with decorations, and 50 columns [Around 4,000 soldiers.] of marching soldiers has formed near the engine house [storing of the trains when not in public or factories.]. Some handcarts have sirens attached to them with speakers for music, while one of the destroyer trains has been configured for a live musical performance. At 7:45 Pm the music plays, and the soldiers begin marching ahead of the trains.

[/media] Most hand carts are filled with candy, or bullets/currency types. And once arriving to a station they would begin handing them out during the parade.

The Socialist Republic of Britain

Italian Front

British Forces pushed through VV defenses and marched on. British bombers had reached the city of Rome where they dropped pamphlets to warn the citizens to get out of the city or other wise be bombed. The pamphlet also states that any injuries or deaths caused by the bombings will be their own faults for not evacuating. They have 1 day to evacuate. Meanwhile, British forces met up with Eclipsian forces.

@Domini Regum @Loyal Guardian

Conference Room, Capitol Building Oxford, Britain

"Right then. I had already accepted the alliance with the Eclipsians and they are currently helping us in the war in Italy." Kord said. "As for the office, we had already started working on that." He pulled out a pocket watch. "Should be ready in about an hour."


Military Complex, Britain

A commander walked up to MM Torrad. "Sir, unidentified crafts have been spotted flying over Ireland." the commander said. "Send some planes out to meet them." Torrad said. "At once, sir."

Irish Airspace

The British planes hailed the unidentified crafts. "You are entering British airspace. State your allegiance and purpose here." the squad leader said over the radio to the craft.


Imperial Residence, Harbin, Manchuria

The pilots have arrived at the Imperial Residence. They saw a man who they assumed were the Emperor. "Greetings Emperor of these lands. We hail from the Socialist Republic of Britain. We were told to come here by a governor back in Korea."

@Emperor Ploppa
Maldives Naval Base

Admiral Umberion looked at the revised plans and afterwards he smiled. "Yes this is much better. Whilst we do have advanced bunker busters we have a short supply and they all are held in our capitol. I do believe this plan will work, as long as your infiltrators are well prepared, i think this will do."


Outside former Moscow limits

General Revus's army had returned from searching the sinkhole, with some even going missing, and reported that the underground metro system gave way and collapsed bringing the entire city down with it. As he read his report in his tent a captain walked in. "Sir I am here to give a report." He saluted. "If it is for the sinkhole the cause has already been identified, you may take your leave captain." Revus said as he waved off the officer. "Sir that's not why i am here. A few of our scouts have reported another Russian-like nation just beyond our border." Revus stopped what he was doing and looked up. "Put me in contact with the emperor."


General Centauri allowed an extension to the reply deadline, however no answer was heard. He went to a base, jointly operated by the British and Eclipsians, to meet with the British commander. Before he did, he sent out the order for the artillery and bombers to recommence the siege. As soon as the order was received the artillery begin to fire, with the bombers not to long after. They struck sites of interest that could have potentially held resistance members. Only the Vatican was attempted to be spared as they thought important members of the VV would be there. However a few bombers and naval shells hit the area and did damage to the structure around. After a few hours the bombing stopped and Rome was was cratered (imagine it looking like Berlin after the Battle of Berlin).

@Domini Regum @Agent141

Near Perugia

General Centauri walked in and was saluted by Eclipsian and British soldiers alike, the latter mainly because of his position. He walked into the commander's office and stretched out his hand. "Greeting sir, i am General Centauri of the Eclipse Empire. It is a pleasure to meet you."


Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The High Minister walked into the emperor's chambers and saw him reading an old world book. "My Emperor, a word?" Byron put down his book and looked up. "What is it you wish to speak about High Minister?" The High Minister bowed a little, pulled out his pad, and began to speak. "Revus's army has reported that the cause of the sinkhole was from the collapse of the underground metro system and not of an outside source." The emperor then replied. "I see........ so my worries was an over reaction. Do you have anything else?" "Yes sir I do. Revus's scouts have also reported another Russian-like nation just outside our borders. Revus himself tried to contact you but i answered instead after seeing you starting to read that book." "What of our field commanders?" The emperor asked. "Centauri's forces, with some aid of the British, have completely enveloped Rome, it is only a matter of time before it falls. Admiral Umberion reports that his forces are about to set up bases in Madagascar to launch the invasion of Oroguay." The emperor smiled a little at these reports. "Thank you for your report High Minister, you may take you leave now." The high minister then bowed. "Thank you, my Emperor." "Oh but one more thing, i want peaceful contact to be made with this new Russian nation."

Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The officer in duty got word of the emperor's orders and sen the transmission to the designated coordinates "This is a transmission from the Eclipse Empire. If you can hear this message please respond. Thank you."


Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • The "joint-colonization" of Madagascar begins. The invasion plan is set and agreed upon.
  • The Siege of Rome has recommenced. The bombardment has left Rome devastated, even though most of the structures still stand they are badly damaged.
  • A message was sent out to this new Russian nation (Autocratic Red-Line Empire)
  • Expansion One still commences, with many ships being added to the navy.

Outside former Moscow limits

General Revus's army had returned from searching the sinkhole, with some even going missing, and reported that the underground metro system gave way and collapsed bringing the entire city down with it. As he read his report in his tent a captain walked in. "Sir I am here to give a report." He saluted. "If it is for the sinkhole the cause has already been identified, you may take your leave captain." Revus said as he waved off the officer. "Sir that's not why i am here. A few of our scouts have reported another Russian-like nation just beyond our border." Revus stopped what he was doing and looked up. "Put me in contact with the emperor."


General Centauri allowed an extension to the reply deadline, however no answer was heard. He went to a base, jointly operated by the British and Eclipsians, to meet with the British commander. Before he did, he sent out the order for the artillery and bombers to recommence the siege. As soon as the order was received the artillery begin to fire, with the bombers not to long after. They struck sites of interest that could have potentially held resistance members. Only the Vatican was attempted to be spared as they thought important members of the VV would be there. However a few bombers and naval shells hit the area and did damage to the structure around. After a few hours the bombing stopped and Rome was was cratered (imagine it looking like Berlin after the Battle of Berlin).

@Domini Regum @Agent141

Near Perugia

General Centauri walked in and was saluted by Eclipsian and British soldiers alike, the latter mainly because of his position. He walked into the commander's office and stretched out his hand. "Greeting sir, i am General Centauri of the Eclipse Empire. It is a pleasure to meet you."


Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The High Minister walked into the emperor's chambers and saw him reading an old world book. "My Emperor, a word?" Byron put down his book and looked up. "What is it you wish to speak about High Minister?" The High Minister bowed a little, pulled out his pad, and began to speak. "Revus's army has reported that the cause of the sinkhole was from the collapse of the underground metro system and not of an outside source." The emperor then replied. "I see........ so my worries was an over reaction. Do you have anything else?" "Yes sir I do. Revus's scouts have also reported another Russian-like nation just outside our borders. Revus himself tried to contact you but i answered instead after seeing you starting to read that book." "What of our field commanders?" The emperor asked. "Centauri's forces, with some aid of the British, have completely enveloped Rome, it is only a matter of time before it falls. Admiral Umberion reports that his forces are about to set up bases in Madagascar to launch the invasion of Oroguay." The emperor smiled a little at these reports. "Thank you for your report High Minister, you may take you leave now." The high minister then bowed. "Thank you, my Emperor." "Oh but one more thing, i want peaceful contact to be made with this new Russian nation."

Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The officer in duty got word of the emperor's orders and sen the transmission to the designated coordinates "This is a transmission from the Eclipse Empire. If you can hear this message please respond. Thank you."


Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • The "joint-colonization" of Madagascar begins. The invasion plan is set and agreed upon.
  • The Siege of Rome has recommenced. The bombardment has left Rome devastated, even though most of the structures still stand they are badly damaged.
  • A message was sent out to this new Russian nation (Autocratic Red-Line Empire)
  • Expansion One still commences, with many ships being added to the navy.
GHS, 12:30.

Sub-general, Captain Joseph Morozov ran past people, tackled others, and jumped through multiple vendor shops like in some james bond movie. He sprinted through a nicely white-lit corridor past military personnel and busted down the door. He tries catching his breathe before speaking. "General alexander! There was a radio broadcast from the surface!" he continues his deep breathing. The general was unamused and playing with her hair and speaking nonchalantly but semi-seductively. "So? It's probably one of those old transmissions from the late 2033s. There is no trouble with that." Joseph then held up a piece of paper which had the transmission wrote down and proceeded yelling, He didn't care that he was interrupting a business trade with some military loan sharks. "NO! It is directed towards us personally. 'This is a transmission from the Eclipse Empire. If you can hear this message please respond. Thank you.'"

Alexander than quickly stood up, dumbfounded. Slamming the table with a fist. "WHAT? HOW THE HELL DID ANYONE KNOW WE WERE DOWN HERE? WE DON'T EVEN USE PUBLIC FREQUENCY AROUND HERE!" Joseph replied. "They most likely don't know we ARE down here, But it can't just be a random broadcast some idiot spewed over. If they are hostile then we must seal the metro indefinitely!" Alex just sat back down, and then opened her eyes. "Have you followed the safety protocal Mr Morozov?" Joseph nodded. "Yes ma'am. A team of three infantrymen and stalker were sent up to the surface after the transmission was received. By now they are safely away from our important lines, and should begin broadcasting eventually. However we have a weak frequency to them ourselves, so if you wish to add something to the conversation you should do it now. As the line from here will be dead any minute now. It is safe and encrypted, so we won't be discovered sir- Ma'am..."

Alex turned a knob on a advanced ham-radio device, and begun to send a message through. She then looked at joseph. "Thank you captain. Now if that is all, I have a military matter to attend to." Joseph saluted. "Yes ma'dam-Alexander." He then ran off, gathering a few soldiers to explore the lines in the event any were compromised in any way.

Glazov north, stationed on the recently dubbed: "Victraskov" sky-scrapper complex. 12:44.

A threeman man team secured the surface and had traversed through hell of all kinds, and killing hostile mutants in their path to get to the roof top. They enabled a several frequency broadband system and attached it to a large mostly rusted antenna, and the frequency prohibiter was also enabled so a exact location couldn't be pin-pointed exactly. A deep accented russian man speaking English replied after picking up the talk-through palm sized speakerphone. "This is Victraskov-7, We have heard you're broadcast. If this is a true recent transmission, Respond in the next 10 minutes." The man looked over to his comrade. "We should of kept silent, but the noble one has requested transmission." The other man, Roughly 19 in age replied. "Fuck. I hear something. I'll go with sherkov and Investigate." The man nodded while keeping a shotgun close by him. "Just don't die pavle, You're one of our best scavengers on site."

12:45, The north eastern barracks, Designated squad: Hellfire. Squad 7.

Meanwhile Joseph begins a speech of the recent event to his squad of 28.

"Today at around 12:27, We received a broadcast from a unknown location, and from a unknown possible hostility. This may cause a demise of our line, and thus the great witch has been notified. She has tasked me indirectly to ensure the safety of our line and to explore the line before the emperor returns. We are to find anyone who leaked our whereabouts, Reinforce any breaches, and quarantine any outside threat possibly leaking in the tunnels. If anyone 'strange' is located, take them to the chamber. And if anyone here leaked our line, Then they will be punished accordingly."
Kazami42 said:
GHS, 12:30.
Sub-general, Captain Joseph Morozov ran past people, tackled others, and jumped through multiple vendor shops like in some james bond movie. He sprinted through a nicely white-lit corridor past military personnel and busted down the door. He tries catching his breathe before speaking. "General alexander! There was a radio broadcast from the surface!" he continues his deep breathing. The general was unamused and playing with her hair and speaking nonchalantly but semi-seductively. "So? It's probably one of those old transmissions from the late 2033s. There is no trouble with that." Joseph then held up a piece of paper which had the transmission wrote down and proceeded yelling, He didn't care that he was interrupting a business trade with some military loan sharks. "NO! It is directed towards us personally. 'This is a transmission from the Eclipse Empire. If you can hear this message please respond. Thank you.'"

Alexander than quickly stood up, dumbfounded. Slamming the table with a fist. "WHAT? HOW THE HELL DID ANYONE KNOW WE WERE DOWN HERE? WE DON'T EVEN USE PUBLIC FREQUENCY AROUND HERE!" Joseph replied. "They most likely don't know we ARE down here, But it can't just be a random broadcast some idiot spewed over. If they are hostile then we must seal the metro indefinitely!" Alex just sat back down, and then opened her eyes. "Have you followed the safety protocal Mr Morozov?" Joseph nodded. "Yes ma'am. A team of three infantrymen and stalker were sent up to the surface after the transmission was received. By now they are safely away from our important lines, and should begin broadcasting eventually. However we have a weak frequency to them ourselves, so if you wish to add something to the conversation you should do it now. As the line from here will be dead any minute now. It is safe and encrypted, so we won't be discovered sir- Ma'am..."

Alex turned a knob on a advanced ham-radio device, and begun to send a message through. She then looked at joseph. "Thank you captain. Now if that is all, I have a military matter to attend to." Joseph saluted. "Yes ma'dam-Alexander." He then ran off, gathering a few soldiers to explore the lines in the event any were compromised in any way.

Glazov north, stationed on the recently dubbed: "Victraskov" sky-scrapper complex. 12:44.

A threeman man team secured the surface and had traversed through hell of all kinds, and killing hostile mutants in their path to get to the roof top. They enabled a several frequency broadband system and attached it to a large mostly rusted antenna, and the frequency prohibiter was also enabled so a exact location couldn't be pin-pointed exactly. A deep accented russian man speaking English replied after picking up the talk-through palm sized speakerphone. "This is Victraskov-7, We have heard you're broadcast. If this is a true recent transmission, Respond in the next 10 minutes." The man looked over to his comrade. "We should of kept silent, but the noble one has requested transmission." The other man, Roughly 19 in age replied. "Fuck. I hear something. I'll go with sherkov and Investigate." The man nodded while keeping a shotgun close by him. "Just don't die pavle, You're one of our best scavengers on site."

12:45, The north eastern barracks, Designated squad: Hellfire. Squad 7.

Meanwhile Joseph begins a speech of the recent event to his squad of 28.

"Today at around 12:27, We received a broadcast from a unknown location, and from a unknown possible hostility. This may cause a demise of our line, and thus the great witch has been notified. She has tasked me indirectly to ensure the safety of our line and to explore the line before the emperor returns. We are to find anyone who leaked our whereabouts, Reinforce any breaches, and quarantine any outside threat possibly leaking in the tunnels. If anyone 'strange' is located, take them to the chamber. And if anyone here leaked our line, Then they will be punished accordingly."
Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The officer looked at the screen and saw a transmission from the same coordinates that Revus sent. "So that old man ain't crazy after all." He thought. "This is the Eclipse Empire responding to your transmission Victraskov-7. If you do not mind me by asking, may you state you allegiance to whomever nation you belong to. If you wish not to that is fine by use." The officer turned around and saw that one of the corporals handing him a piece of paper. "Oh, i have also gotten word that we would like to send a representative to your location."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The officer looked at the screen and saw a transmission from the same coordinates that Revus sent. "So that old man ain't crazy after all." He thought. "This is the Eclipse Empire responding to your transmission Victraskov-7. If you do not mind me by asking, may you state you allegiance to whomever nation you belong to. If you wish not to that is fine by use." The officer turned around and saw that one of the corporals handing him a piece of paper. "Oh, i have also gotten word that we would like to send a representative to your location."

The man sighed and responded. "That is classified under my orders. However if you didn't already know the situation of russia so far, Let me elaborate for you: The nuclear war has fucked old glory up, There are some heavily evolved mutants which roam the wastes of russia and killing everything with a pulse they come into contact with, And the radiation is still severe enough to where unless you have protection you'll suffocate to death. There are traps placed around the entirety of cities and most towns, Which are cleverly hidden. If you want to meet with us, Then send someone to the intersection, Line 13 connecting moscow and a now obliterated city near glazov. It is sealed from the inside by blast doors, and the tunnels are habitable without any need of protection except the occasional swarm."


Pavle and sherkov can be heard firing their weapons and screaming in the background. The man replied yet again while marking it down on a map. "If you wish to meet anyone which is a friendly, You can go there. It is underground so obviously any above ground inhabitants wouldn't be capable of realizing what lies underneath them. The tunnel is covered in fungus, irradiated water, some filled with creatures i've referenced prior. If you can make it there alive even, Then you will be escorted into a abandoned system which is too hazardous to populate after being given the proper gear to survive in it. Then whatever you wish to speak about, you can do so in peace there. It is relatively easy to get to, and there are bound to be utility cars, or some still working subway systems connected to the lines somewhere capable of getting you there..." The man can be heard firing a shotgun in the background, then responding again nonchalantly. "Goddamned demons... If you wish to make contact, You will be given 2 and a half days to reach that point if you refuse to use any of the transportation you may come across. Otherwise it should be easily accessible within half - A day."
Kazami42 said:

Pavle and sherkov can be heard firing their weapons and screaming in the background. The man replied yet again while marking it down on a map. "If you wish to meet anyone which is a friendly, You can go there. It is underground so obviously any above ground inhabitants wouldn't be capable of realizing what lies underneath them. The tunnel is covered in fungus, irradiated water, some filled with creatures i've referenced prior. If you can make it there alive even, Then you will be escorted into a abandoned system which is too hazardous to populate after being given the proper gear to survive in it. Then whatever you wish to speak about, you can do so in peace there. It is relatively easy to get to, and there are bound to be utility cars, or some still working subway systems connected to the lines somewhere capable of getting you there..." The man can be heard firing a shotgun in the background, then responding again nonchalantly. "Goddamned demons... If you wish to make contact, You will be given 2 and a half days to reach that point if you refuse to use any of the transportation you may come across. Otherwise it should be easily accessible within half - A day."
Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"The situation there sounds pretty dangerous..... I am not sure i should authorize this." He tried to speak with the man again but saw the transmission was cut, he can to the conclusion that the man was busy taking care of these 'mutants'. "Send a message to General Revus and have him detach a company of soldiers along with his Implanted."

Near Glazov

A few hours later Captain Frios arrived at the designated point, along with his company and Implanted (consisting of 60 men). "Squad leader report!" He barked. "Sir, we have located the entrance. Just like the report said it is sealed in from the inside." The soldier said as he saluted. "Then let us unseal it from the outside. Prepare to breach!" A squad of soldiers came out of the column sporting their Ganymede Power Suits, something every soldier of the empire now wears, and placed charges on the doors and then retreated. "Breach!" As the order was given the doors blew backwards and a gust of air blew out from the doors. The captain moved his hand forward signalling them to march. As they marched he noticed that his On-Board Battle Sensor (OBBS) detected movement not coming from the company and as he halted they all halted. Suddenly a rush of mutants came from the tunnels in front of them, charging wildly. "Open fire!" As soon as the order was heard every soldier opened fire with their S-2 Rifles and the mutants were quickly falling. One was able to approach the captain, who summoned a sword from thin air and sliced the mutant in half. He dispersed the sword and ordered the company to march one more. They dealt with these mutant rushes constantly, but quickly defeated them in volleys of fire. After an half and hour, which felt like hours, Captain Frios's OBBS picked up more movement. The rest of the company began to lift their rifles until Frios stopped them. "Wait! This is different....." He walked closer to the source along with his company, he then called out into the dark tunnel. "Is anybody hiding there? You do not have to worry we are friendlies!"

A ungodly roaring noise could be heard from a reinforced blast door which unlike the previous, was not entirely rusted away. It opened revealing a blinding light while a mutant

Is shot dead by a shotgun shell. A man emerges from the light. Carrying a dufflebag and then dropping it to the ground.
"You'll need this to get to the safe-zone. Not just because of the radiation either. Inside lies gas masks, Meds, And a short wave radio in the event you get lost. The safe-zone is only 100KM away from here... " He walks up to the tunnel wall on his left and ripped off some wooden planks, Revealing a skeleton which collapses to the ground. The man searched the body until finding a large bullet. He then swatted away at some Cobwebs and 3 conscripts walk in only armed with mosin nagants and they disappear into the darkness. "Here, You'll probably also need this." He gave the strange looking bullet to the man. "I would explain why it isn't safe to talk here, However you already met a small part of it." He kicked the lurkers corpse. "We call them lurkers, In the English language of course. They make packs and their slender frame and sharp claws make it hell for electrical systems, and preventing them from sneaking into the lines. And if they aren't killed quickly, They might have a watcher escorting alongside them. You may refer to me as hunter. If you have any questions, Ask them now." He turned the light on his helmet on which was extremely dim, and begun to enter through the hole.
Kazami42 said:

Is shot dead by a shotgun shell. A man emerges from the light. Carrying a dufflebag and then dropping it to the ground.
"You'll need this to get to the safe-zone. Not just because of the radiation either. Inside lies gas masks, Meds, And a short wave radio in the event you get lost. The safe-zone is only 100KM away from here... " He walks up to the tunnel wall on his left and ripped off some wooden planks, Revealing a skeleton which collapses to the ground. The man searched the body until finding a large bullet. He then swatted away at some Cobwebs and 3 conscripts walk in only armed with mosin nagants and they disappear into the darkness. "Here, You'll probably also need this." He gave the strange looking bullet to the man. "I would explain why it isn't safe to talk here, However you already met a small part of it." He kicked the lurkers corpse. "We call them lurkers, In the English language of course. They make packs and their slender frame and sharp claws make it hell for electrical systems, and preventing them from sneaking into the lines. And if they aren't killed quickly, They might have a watcher escorting alongside them. You may refer to me as hunter. If you have any questions, Ask them now." He turned the light on his helmet on which was extremely dim, and begun to enter through the hole.
The Tunnels

"I thank you for your offer of gas masks and medical supplies, but our suits have filters built into them along with medical supplies for easy access. Despite our suits capabilities we can only communicate with one another due the encryption codes and signal down here, so your radio will prove of use to us." Captain Frios said picking up the duffle bag and took the strange bullet. "I do not believe any further questions are needed. I thank you for your hospitality, we'll follow your lead." He began to follow the hunter as he signaled his company to move forward.

(picture is what the suit most accurately looks like)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cab7259e7_GanymedePowerSuit.jpg.b20453f5d7f5d778f5a70c0d6c1c95cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133422" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cab7259e7_GanymedePowerSuit.jpg.b20453f5d7f5d778f5a70c0d6c1c95cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Ganymede Power Suit.jpg
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[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Tunnels

"I thank you for your offer of gas masks and medical supplies, but our suits have filters built into them along with medical supplies for easy access. Despite our suits capabilities we can only communicate with one another due the encryption codes and signal down here, so your radio will prove of use to us." Captain Frios said picking up the duffle bag and took the strange bullet. "I do not believe any further questions are needed. I thank you for your hospitality, we'll follow your lead." He began to follow the hunter as he signaled his company to move forward.

(picture is what the suit most accurately looks like)

They went further up until exiting the hole into complete pitch darkness, the dim of his headlights doing rarely anything besides helping him somewhat. He stopped before they could proceed and looked back. "That bullet you have there. If you flick the top open and press against that switch-esk mechanism, It becomes a lighter. Of course that one was taken off a corpse so the quality might be shit, but the fuel for the flame can easily be obtained by using gases, or any flammable substance. It is built so that it can ignite most things for fuel, Yet don't expect it to work when in a area with extremely low rates of oxygen for the flame to use." He continued walking into the darkness down the line, keeping to the maintenance walkways. A light becomes visible at the end of the tunnel, As a 'ghost train' drives past. A entirely see through train which speeds past. Hunter just ignored it.

They eventually made it 70KM ahead of time, before coming across a abandoned station loitered with skeletal corpses.

The soldiers continue walking past until eventually coming up to a door guarded by legitimate shadows.

"There's a reason why these tunnels are still abandoned besides the mutants. There was a war down here, A long time ago. Ever since then we abandoned these stations. All you'll find here are skeletal corpses, And mutilated bodies. If lucky, You'll lose your sanity before you lose anything else."

He then put his hands together in a praying fashion. "It'd be best to stay beside us to get through. Of course you can leave any time from this barricade. The soldiers up ahead will wait for the rest of your men to allow them through. People usually don't believe in ghosts, Spirits... It'd be far worse with the radiation. However with the low levels here, and considering everyone besides the conscripts are wearing mask protection. It obviously isn't a hallucination. This is where....... We send our dead. We bury them here. Sometimes there isn't any room and we have to place them in the walls. The mutants are afraid of them, But there are much worse which exists here. We cannot really explain them... And it gets worse if you listen closely throughout this line, as you can hear the voices of the dead. Though personally i find that part bullshit. Well, You better hurry." He begins praying as he walks through the barricade. Walking past the spirits which move out of the way, And walking past skeletal remains buried by the rubble.
Kazami42 said:
They went further up until exiting the hole into complete pitch darkness, the dim of his headlights doing rarely anything besides helping him somewhat. He stopped before they could proceed and looked back. "That bullet you have there. If you flick the top open and press against that switch-esk mechanism, It becomes a lighter. Of course that one was taken off a corpse so the quality might be shit, but the fuel for the flame can easily be obtained by using gases, or any flammable substance. It is built so that it can ignite most things for fuel, Yet don't expect it to work when in a area with extremely low rates of oxygen for the flame to use." He continued walking into the darkness down the line, keeping to the maintenance walkways. A light becomes visible at the end of the tunnel, As a 'ghost train' drives past. A entirely see through train which speeds past. Hunter just ignored it.
They eventually made it 70KM ahead of time, before coming across a abandoned station loitered with skeletal corpses.

The soldiers continue walking past until eventually coming up to a door guarded by legitimate shadows.

"There's a reason why these tunnels are still abandoned besides the mutants. There was a war down here, A long time ago. Ever since then we abandoned these stations. All you'll find here are skeletal corpses, And mutilated bodies. If lucky, You'll lose your sanity before you lose anything else."

He then put his hands together in a praying fashion. "It'd be best to stay beside us to get through. Of course you can leave any time from this barricade. The soldiers up ahead will wait for the rest of your men to allow them through. People usually don't believe in ghosts, Spirits... It'd be far worse with the radiation. However with the low levels here, and considering everyone besides the conscripts are wearing mask protection. It obviously isn't a hallucination. This is where....... We send our dead. We bury them here. Sometimes there isn't any room and we have to place them in the walls. The mutants are afraid of them, But there are much worse which exists here. We cannot really explain them... And it gets worse if you listen closely throughout this line, as you can hear the voices of the dead. Though personally i find that part bullshit. Well, You better hurry." He begins praying as he walks through the barricade. Walking past the spirits which move out of the way, And walking past skeletal remains buried by the rubble.
The Tunnels

Captain Frios signaled his men to move forward behind the hunter, the shadow men moving aside. "I see you have a deep respect for your dead, as do we. However do to our country's belief system we do not pray for them, we simply wish that they had a good life and hope that their loved ones can move on." The captain followed behind the man, who in turn was followed by the company. Some members of the company started to get a little nervous from the hunters words and they were on high alert. After trekking a further 5KM, Captain Frios asked the hunter a question. "So when we reach our destination, what can me and my men expect? A welcome by the people or still wasteland?"
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Tunnels

Captain Frios signaled his men to move forward behind the hunter, the shadow men moving aside. "I see you have a deep respect for your dead, as do we. However do to our country's belief system we do not pray for them, we simply wish that they had a good life and hope that their loved ones can move on." The captain followed behind the man, who in turn was followed by the company. Some members of the company started to get a little nervous from the hunters words and they were on high alert. After trekking a further 5KM, Captain Frios asked the hunter a question. "So when we reach our destination, what can me and my men expect? A welcome by the people or still wasteland?"

"Well, we only pray to them to get past. As even if we were friends with them or lovers before their demise, They cannot move on for reasons unknown. You see, there are some.... Beings. Created by the nuclear war and radiation. Humanities downfall allowing them life. Even if indirectly they may either have a link to the area, or indirectly preventing them from doing so. All they can do is either wander or continue manning their stations. They do a hell of a great job clearing the mutants out. The spirits and the dark ones both. We don't really understand them but from what most documentation provide is that they reveal ones true-self and intentions. Kind of like a indirect ritual or ritual of passage of some form. Which some are driven mad by it, Others feeling at harmony despite the odds they be faced against in the future. Both can be one hell of a force if angered. We sent a team of twenty here last month to properly bury the skeletal remains. The skeletons you see before you are them. Strewn about the ceiling, the walls, and brutally mutilated. Most by mutants, Most due to disrespect. Most of them are only supposed to be a week old and still have flesh on them..."

He had stopped praying once they cleared through the dense loitering of corpses, rubble, And failed barricades and weapon emplacements.

"We are now at the destination. One of the safest places in the metro. All we have to do to legitimately get past is to open a grated door, And inside lies a abandoned nuclear silo. The weapons of course being so old that they have fallen into disrepair and would require effort, But that'd piss them off. Inside lies a couple light fixtures to prevent infestation from some of the more dominant beasts such as librarians and things resembling spiders. We simply call them spiderbugs. They are essentially depending on age or such nonsense equal or larger than a man, Creates the cobwebs in the metros, And are swarmers. Even we had problems with them as their sharp teeth would pierce even our heaviest of armor. However they're afraid of the light and are extremely weak to fire. You could probably find one hiding away in the facility, but due to the lighting in key areas of the silo they won't be able to enter the center. The higher levels were sealed off as it leads to the surface, And in a area severely covered in radiation..."

Hunter proceeded to walk down narrow passageways.

"You probably heard me talk about a...... Demon? They are essentially giant winged beasts which roam the surface, They fly about and even sometimes are in groups greater than three. They patrol the skies of both moscow - to here. They are like a combination of multiple animals like lions and or sabertooths in a way but larger than a T-34, And sometimes when you hear their roar you're considered fucked. The best way to avoid them is either attempting to out run one to cover, or stay out of sight. Which is nearly impossible to do as the radiation has tampered with their biology. And no, Other than us and perhaps a few wandering spirits. There isn't anyone there. It is safe from the horrors of war, However there are some..... Beasts that sneak in. A err... Dark one equivalent. Over the years the inbreeding of mutants and more radiation pollution has created far worse. There is a dark one equivalent, Related to them in every aspect. There is also a third generation but they are more... Friendly like a dark one... Usually... The equivalent we just call: 'Rasks' for short. They are humans - Combination of multiple humans with strange powers such as telekinesis if you know what that is. They are hostile towards even dark ones, Average in heights higher than the averageman, Similar to the slenderman. And often kill their victims by dragging them off to god only knows where, Or killing them with powers such as throwing objects at them. They however are weak to both fire and heavy caliber rounds. Which despite our weapons looking small, We build large calibers to deal with things more effectively. If it is hostile, You shoot it. They do have a weakness also in their powers, As they generate a light far infront of them, several feet wide. Consider standing on one side of a short bridge, to the other side. They can effect anything somewhat out of the light, But they have better control over it if it is in the light they emit. They also invade your dreams and like dark ones can make you have flashbacks, probably even add or modify them too. We never got close to one besides a dead one. Which had 4 hearts, 7 lungs, and 5 kidneys. If one touches you, They can basically mind rape you. And they have multiple forces which can also at once speak to you telepathically, Or outloud due to their aurora. You can usually sense one by a severe feeling of fear, Depression, Nightmares, The voices, Rage, Or by seeing the light they emit. which usually is red. Even in death however they can use their 'mind rape' powers on you, throwing you into a dream realm basically. I would know because i found myself killing three of them."

He opens a door leading into the silo. And after walking into the center looked around. He smirked and said under his breath.

"Heh, Damn bastards broke through." He turned around at the strangers. "Don't worry about the loitering, By now it should be hibernating or gone. If not i have something for it. I am one of the generals of the empire." He would of continued but he had to signal his men to explore the facility and even reignite some of the lights and candles. And he heard some beeping on his watch, He then switched out his filter and reset his watch accordingly. "Sorry about that. So?"
Kazami42 said:
"Well, we only pray to them to get past. As even if we were friends with them or lovers before their demise, They cannot move on for reasons unknown. You see, there are some.... Beings. Created by the nuclear war and radiation. Humanities downfall allowing them life. Even if indirectly they may either have a link to the area, or indirectly preventing them from doing so. All they can do is either wander or continue manning their stations. They do a hell of a great job clearing the mutants out. The spirits and the dark ones both. We don't really understand them but from what most documentation provide is that they reveal ones true-self and intentions. Kind of like a indirect ritual or ritual of passage of some form. Which some are driven mad by it, Others feeling at harmony despite the odds they be faced against in the future. Both can be one hell of a force if angered. We sent a team of twenty here last month to properly bury the skeletal remains. The skeletons you see before you are them. Strewn about the ceiling, the walls, and brutally mutilated. Most by mutants, Most due to disrespect. Most of them are only supposed to be a week old and still have flesh on them..."
He had stopped praying once they cleared through the dense loitering of corpses, rubble, And failed barricades and weapon emplacements.

"We are now at the destination. One of the safest places in the metro. All we have to do to legitimately get past is to open a grated door, And inside lies a abandoned nuclear silo. The weapons of course being so old that they have fallen into disrepair and would require effort, But that'd piss them off. Inside lies a couple light fixtures to prevent infestation from some of the more dominant beasts such as librarians and things resembling spiders. We simply call them spiderbugs. They are essentially depending on age or such nonsense equal or larger than a man, Creates the cobwebs in the metros, And are swarmers. Even we had problems with them as their sharp teeth would pierce even our heaviest of armor. However they're afraid of the light and are extremely weak to fire. You could probably find one hiding away in the facility, but due to the lighting in key areas of the silo they won't be able to enter the center. The higher levels were sealed off as it leads to the surface, And in a area severely covered in radiation..."

Hunter proceeded to walk down narrow passageways.

"You probably heard me talk about a...... Demon? They are essentially giant winged beasts which roam the surface, They fly about and even sometimes are in groups greater than three. They patrol the skies of both moscow - to here. They are like a combination of multiple animals like lions and or sabertooths in a way but larger than a T-34, And sometimes when you hear their roar you're considered fucked. The best way to avoid them is either attempting to out run one to cover, or stay out of sight. Which is nearly impossible to do as the radiation has tampered with their biology. And no, Other than us and perhaps a few wandering spirits. There isn't anyone there. It is safe from the horrors of war, However there are some..... Beasts that sneak in. A err... Dark one equivalent. Over the years the inbreeding of mutants and more radiation pollution has created far worse. There is a dark one equivalent, Related to them in every aspect. There is also a third generation but they are more... Friendly like a dark one... Usually... The equivalent we just call: 'Rasks' for short. They are humans - Combination of multiple humans with strange powers such as telekinesis if you know what that is. They are hostile towards even dark ones, Average in heights higher than the averageman, Similar to the slenderman. And often kill their victims by dragging them off to god only knows where, Or killing them with powers such as throwing objects at them. They however are weak to both fire and heavy caliber rounds. Which despite our weapons looking small, We build large calibers to deal with things more effectively. If it is hostile, You shoot it. They do have a weakness also in their powers, As they generate a light far infront of them, several feet wide. Consider standing on one side of a short bridge, to the other side. They can effect anything somewhat out of the light, But they have better control over it if it is in the light they emit. They also invade your dreams and like dark ones can make you have flashbacks, probably even add or modify them too. We never got close to one besides a dead one. Which had 4 hearts, 7 lungs, and 5 kidneys. If one touches you, They can basically mind rape you. And they have multiple forces which can also at once speak to you telepathically, Or outloud due to their aurora. You can usually sense one by a severe feeling of fear, Depression, Nightmares, The voices, Rage, Or by seeing the light they emit. which usually is red. Even in death however they can use their 'mind rape' powers on you, throwing you into a dream realm basically. I would know because i found myself killing three of them."

He opens a door leading into the silo. And after walking into the center looked around. He smirked and said under his breath.

"Heh, Damn bastards broke through." He turned around at the strangers. "Don't worry about the loitering, By now it should be hibernating or gone. If not i have something for it. I am one of the generals of the empire." He would of continued but he had to signal his men to explore the facility and even reignite some of the lights and candles. And he heard some beeping on his watch, He then switched out his filter and reset his watch accordingly. "Sorry about that. So?"
The Silo

"Your situation is very...... interesting." Captain Frios said with some confusion. "You say you are a general of your empire. If that is the case then could you put us into contact with your leader, we are hear on a diplomatic mission of sorts." Frios then laughed a little and looked at his men behind him. "I say that yet we are armed to the teeth and are on high alert." He then turned back to the hunter. "Tell me Mister Hunter, what if i were to say that i know of a way to rid you of these demons, cleanse the surface, and have your citizens live safely?"
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
The Silo

"Your situation is very...... interesting." Captain Frios said with some confusion. "You say you are a general of your empire. If that is the case then could you put us into contact with your leader, we are hear on a diplomatic mission of sorts." Frios then laughed a little and looked at his men behind him. "I say that yet we are armed to the teeth and are on high alert." He then turned back to the hunter. "Tell me Mister Hunter, what if i were to say that i know of a way to rid you of these demons, cleanse the surface, and have your citizens live safely?"

He smirked In both a amused, but a interested fashion.

"Well for one the emperor is 'out.' And the empress has me as a replacement if she cannot appear. So sorry about that. However you can try but we already done campaigns for the past century. Not only did it make things worse, But they live underground as well now. They have multiple breeding sites including on the surface, and most of the mutants work together in a way. Basically every time we exterminated around 3,000 nests, A even greater number would spring up closer to our homes. It has also gotten to wear the areas around glazov to moscow there are hundreds if not thousands of demons themselves. They also add to the pollution by aiding in degradation, stealing, killing, mutilating, and somehow even getting some spore shrooms here, and other plant wildlife which seems somewhat sentient. Such as the liana. Which is essentially just a giant vine which blends in with the environment and even most rubble and other veins and weeds. However upon getting to close, they either pick you up, strangle you, try eating you, or tossing you into other plants, or waste. We tried killing some even with high caliber ammunition however after 5 minutes of retracting up into the ceiling seemingly dead, They just return stronger than ever."

Hunter was amused by a thought he came up with.

"There were also these other nutjobs, Some crazy survivors in the metros still after we left in a mass exodus. Most being traders and vendors. At the time they had the most power weapon systems, and even they couldn't handle it. Then the nazis deployed a plague which nearly destroyed the entire metro, and most of the outer lines of moscow. Most blast doors automatically sealed when the Apocalypse happened, but others closed by us or because they detected a plague rolling through or electrical malfunction. There are also these strange blue orbs which float around most lines, Similar to a rask light. Same effect too, except it automatically targets and hits everything near it with severe electrical pulses. Whatever the hell they are, They left the station alone and sightings near our lines are very rare. But they usually appear in locations that either type of dark one-variant is near."
Kazami42 said:
He smirked In both a amused, but a interested fashion.
"Well for one the emperor is 'out.' And the empress has me as a replacement if she cannot appear. So sorry about that. However you can try but we already done campaigns for the past century. Not only did it make things worse, But they live underground as well now. They have multiple breeding sites including on the surface, and most of the mutants work together in a way. Basically every time we exterminated around 3,000 nests, A even greater number would spring up closer to our homes. It has also gotten to wear the areas around glazov to moscow there are hundreds if not thousands of demons themselves. They also add to the pollution by aiding in degradation, stealing, killing, mutilating, and somehow even getting some spore shrooms here, and other plant wildlife which seems somewhat sentient. Such as the liana. Which is essentially just a giant vine which blends in with the environment and even most rubble and other veins and weeds. However upon getting to close, they either pick you up, strangle you, try eating you, or tossing you into other plants, or waste. We tried killing some even with high caliber ammunition however after 5 minutes of retracting up into the ceiling seemingly dead, They just return stronger than ever."

Hunter was amused by a thought he came up with.

"There were also these other nutjobs, Some crazy survivors in the metros still after we left in a mass exodus. Most being traders and vendors. At the time they had the most power weapon systems, and even they couldn't handle it. Then the nazis deployed a plague which nearly destroyed the entire metro, and most of the outer lines of moscow. Most blast doors automatically sealed when the Apocalypse happened, but others closed by us or because they detected a plague rolling through or electrical malfunction. There are also these strange blue orbs which float around most lines, Similar to a rask light. Same effect too, except it automatically targets and hits everything near it with severe electrical pulses. Whatever the hell they are, They left the station alone and sightings near our lines are very rare. But they usually appear in locations that either type of dark one-variant is near."
The Silo

Captain Frios smiled at the hunters words. "Your enemy is strong from the way you describe them, and they use horrible tactics to. However our military has the capability to destroy an entire city after firing a few salvos from the sky. The reason why ask then should be clear, if all goes well we can aid you in taking out these demons of yours." He stopped for a second then began to go on. "Also what do you mean your emperor is 'out'? Is he missing or something, and if the empress is temporarily in charge then she is the one i would like to speak with. I mean no offense to you, but if she is current head of government then it would make most sense if she were the one i speak with."

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