The World of Tomorrow

@Pat[/URL] @JJKab


  • Most of Former Moscow is cleared
  • Eclipsian Troops only suffer approx. 300 KIA during the sweep with no Implanted killed or harmed
  • Eclipsian and Polish Troops jointly occupy the area, but is under Polish administration
"Great job, my Emperor" The President exclaimed, widely smiling

"I am glad we have such a powerfull ally. Also, as a addition to our treaty, the ports of Gdańsk and Gdynia are at your army's disposal, of course if you need it" He added.
D6 is a hive of activity, the quiet buzz of Red Plague research turning into the most well-supplied project in the facility. The little ties left to the outside have been cut off, thousands of scientists conducting tests within secure rooms to further increase effectiveness of the strain.
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Polish Scientists finished their works on first in Europe anti-missile shield, as it was being deployed in the Eastern Poland, making sure all projectiles specified as rockets and missiles were targeted and shot down

Polish forces on Scandinavian continent begin their roundabout, claiming the rest of the continent, connecting Polish Northern gains with Main Poland.

At the same time, scientists began working on new types of bombers, initiating Project "Łza" {Tear}


-Anti-Missile Shield is being deployed

Polish territories in North and East are connected now. Polish Republic's land is one big state, all land is connected

-Project "Łza" is starting to develop
Singaporean Federation

Changi Airport, Singapore

Zeph regretted stopping Emperor Byron. He wanted to introduce him to the existence of the Kingdom of the Rockies to facilitate more trade. Oh well. either way it seems one knows or will know the other in some shape or form. He walked back to his limo and told the driver to go to meet with Duke Albert.

Capitol Building, Oxford, SRB

4th Governor Khey Lim and his aides could see the capitol building. With a sudden outburst of laughter, Khey Lim said, "Ever since the war, we've been taught to think that survivors could only make small huts. And here we are before a nation's most valued building." Khey Lim recomposed himself. "Ahh, excuse me for being rude."


Raffles Hotel, Singapore

Admiral Hummel was looking at Duke Albert's request. Ummm... how do I fulfill this request? Zeph has only 2 sons. And we are a democracy anyway! Well there are still four standing British houses of old world wealth, the Samson, the Roscoe, the Jeanes and the Hummel. But Kasey Samson is with the peace fleet, and she is going to hate us for the rest of eternity if we do... I guess the Chinese houses might... No the British houses would be better. Maybe Caitlyn Roscoe? And thus the admiral decided to go meet Caitlyn Roscoe.

Sentosa Resort, Singapore

Zeph walked up to the duke. "Sorry, I intended to introduce you to someone but plans didn't pan out well. So what do you think of Singapore so far?"

@Fishman Lord
Sentosa Resort, Singapore

"The city is simply wonderful, thank you. I know you may find our request strange, but it is custom for royal marriages to be arranged. It simply helps us uphold our feudal customs and improves relations between families. But no more of that political drivel, let us enjoy the city. Is there any place to meet the locals? It is good to know the politicians, but to know the country you must know the citizens, and it has been a long time since I spoke with anyone except a Rockian with the exception of today."

Vancouver Island Shipyard

The last of the first order of ships had been complete, and had been split between guarding the Panama Canal and patrolling the Western U.S. coast. Due to an increased naval presence in the Pacific, the Kingdom now had the authority to claim Oregon and Washington, which had been done, and colonists were heading towards Seattle and Portland.


Claimed Oregon and Washington.

More talks with Singapore.

Finished first wave of new navy.
Singaporean Federation

Sentosa Resort

"No worries. We still have some old families who liken themselves to be nobles of Singapore. One of the best places to meet the citizen will be at Orchard Road, our biggest shopping district." Zeph motioned to the MRT. "A car will never be able to go through that street in a reasonable amount of time."

@Fishman Lord

Territorial Gains

Territory between Xiamen and Fuzhou.

Battleship will complete conversion by next post.
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POV Logan Frost. NRC. Inside the Bunker 15 security perimeter.

As the ship touched down and the ramp lowered, I locked my rifle to the magnetic plate on the front of my exoskeleton. Along with a contingent of ten soldiers (six regular and four heavy troopers), trod over to the lowering ramp, I at the end, the soldiers, five on each side at the end of the ramp. When the Texan men began filing down the ramp, my ten saluted, stood at perfect attention. Then a man wearing an extravagant greatcoat, medals and ribbons on his chest, a tightly-pressed officer's uniform and a captains hat that's brim was far too large to be sported by the head it was sat upon. He made his way down the ramp and stood in front of me.


Thomas Graham POV. Lieutenant-Colonel, signal hall, Nexus.

I listened intently.

Agent141 said:
"Read you loud and clear CAN. No supplies are needed as of now. Do you need any supplies and/or support?"
“Negative, UK. Will contact with further communication. CAN to UK, out.”


Empire of Manchuria

Harbin, Imperial Heartland Region, Imperial Manchuria

[imperial Residence POV]

Emperor Cixi would listen about General Io's affairs, after that the Emperor is pretty much convinced, "I'm pretty convinced about your Emperor's offer, I would accept it. An alliance between our two nations will be stronger and prosperous and also I must present your Empire's territories so that we would know your claims and your lands." the Emperor said.

@Loyal Guardian

[british Squadron POV]

The royalsguard and the British squadrons had entered the armoured car and proceed to the Imperial Residence, while going to the imperial residence, there would be hundreds and thousands of soldiers, hundreds of tanks and jet planes in the sky marching to the north of Imperial Manchuria and they would look like that they have military suit with golden figures and they are wearing Kevlar vest which is very much bulletproof, they could see a general on top of a armoured car, he had a lot of medals.


[New Unit 731, Secret Research Facility POV]

The Manchurian scientists were working on a project that was secretly ordered by Emperor Cixi. It was called "Project: Linhuo" and "Project: Shuyi". The Project Linhuo is to create a wildfire similar to the "Greek fire" back in the Byzantine times, it could destroy the whole enemy fleet by using only a torch although it need a gasoline to fuel it up which the waters will be on flames. The Project Shuyi however is a biochemical warfare project, it extracts an infected flea blood's as a weapon which it will create a bubonic plague, this kind of project will be longer than the Project Linhuo.


Lushunkou, Southwestern area of Imperial Heartland Region, Imperial Manchuria

The Singaporean Peace Fleet would have arrived in Lushunkou, a massive port and a naval base of the Grand Imperial Navy of Manchuria. As they go closer to the port, they would see hundreds and thousands of soldiers, hundreds of tanks and armoured vehicles were entering a big transport fleet and ready to set sail to the city of Shanghai. They would also see jetplanes
flying in the skies of Lushunkou, heading towards Shanghai. Apparently, a group of elite Manchurian soldiers wearing a golden bulky armor with an imperial Manchurian insignia on the Center of its armor, were waiting for the Singaporeans to embarked in the port.



Busan, Province of Southern Korea, Imperial Manchuria

General Jong and his armies were entering the transport fleet and set sail to Kyushu.


Okha, Sakhalin Province, Imperial Manchuria

General Tang and his armies were entering the transport fleet and set sail to Kamchatka Peninsula.



  • All of the generals had started their campaigns.
  • Emperor Cixi is convinced from General Io's affairs.
  • Royalsguard and British squadrons going to Imperial Residence.
  • Two projects had begun.


  • Project: Linhuo - 3%
  • Project: Shuyi - 1%

"Excellent. Let us go see and enjoy the city. I am quite excited to do more."


New testing base, Australian Outback

"All of the satellites have been safely moved here. The first working prototype has been launched and will be tested on the ruins of Sacramento. If the test is succesful, we shall begin full production and launch them." The king looked at the satellites the scientist was describing. They were big, and it would be hard to launch them. "How will we produce enough? It would use way too many resources." "Ah, but that's the good part. Once the weapon has been launched, we don't have to send a new satellite. We can simply launch up more ammunition. Still expensive, but manageable."

The Royal Chambers, Radium Hot Springs

"The Emperor of Manchuria has not responded to our Royal marriage request. We shall remind them of it." The king's messenger began the message. "Hello, this is a representative from the Kingdom of the Rockies. We wish to send our request for a Royal marriage between our nations again. If there is a Royal bride worthy of the king, please agree to a marriage and send a response."

@Emperor Ploppa

Off the coast of Quebec

The ships had arrived and were picking up signs of inhabitants. The ship's captain had been instructed to send a message to any possible nations, and was doing so. "Greetings from the Kingdom of the Rockies. We are searching for any nations that have survived in the area. If a government receives this message, please respond."



More and more communication.

Continuation of weaponized satellites.
Imperial Palace, Harbin, Imperial Manchuria

"Our current territory spans from Greece to the southern end of Lake Baikal. As for our claims we plan to expand a little bit more into European Russia and push a little more into China." General Io said. "I should also say that this has been brought up to me recently. So if you plan to expand into China then i suggest now is the best time as we might be moving soon."

@Emperor Ploppa

Oort Research Station, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The Head Scientist sat in his chair looking over the plans of PROJECT: Gemini. He noted that this project may very well put the station in bankruptcy, but that Phase One was feasible for the station at the time. He sent the order that only Phase One would be worked on while he would lobby for more support from government loans. "I can't believe we had plans like this in our archives.... Mimas Automated Unit, that should give our forces a slight edge." He thought as he exited the station towards the palace.

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • Eclipsian forces begin to deploy mobile camps and bases to occupied Moscow
  • Eclipsian forces begin to deploy heavily armored patrols throughout the zone
  • PROJECT: Gemini begins Phase 1. Head Scientist will try to get more government funding
Singaporean Federation


The fleet docked at port. The cargo ship is unloading gifts. 2nd Governor Kasey Samson stepped on to land. Several man walked up. "This is Manchurian territory right? Someone get me a digital translator," said Kasey. After a few moments, an aide brought a translator. "I am the Governor of the 2nd District of the Singaporean Federation Kasey Samson. I'll be the acting representative of the Singaporean Federation to Manchurian Empire. We bring gifts for the imperial court and its people. We request an audience with your emperor." The digital translator responded in Manchurian language to the men.

@Emperor Ploppa

Orchard Road, Singapore

The streets were crowded. People of many races could be seen. Newspapers talked of British, Eclipsian, and Rockian envoys and people. Gossip magazines were filled with rumors of a new naval fleet. Upon coming out of the MRT station, bystanders started taking pictures. PM Zeph Jeanes took selfies and met with the citizens. Duke Albert was being crowded by onlookers and autographs. It took a while for security to form a small circle around the Duke. Zeph was fine. "Haha! Our founding father set a standard for Prime Ministers, "One is a citizen before he is a ruler." We have always accepted the small requests from the people," he said before taking another selfie.

@Fishman Lord

Territorial Gains

Northern Reclamation force moves in jeeps to Shanghai. Another fleet is preparing to assist them from sea.

Battleship Conversion complete.

(Ok, I might be posting as little as twice a day now that I'm with my cousins in Singapore.)
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Looking up and down the line of soldiers, Captain Harding briefly sized up their weapons and tech, before turning to look at the figure infront of him. Nodding to him, Harding extended his hand to the man, letting a brief smile spread across his face.

"Captain Harding, pleased to meet you..."


Location-Great Lakes Province

Standing quietly in long ranks, thirty Texas soldiers stood with their rifles at the ready, with nearly twice as many kneeling figures before them. In unison, the soldiers all lifted their rifles to their shoulders, aiming them down at the kneeling figures. At a bark from the officer in charge, the soldiers opened fire, and the kneeling figures slumped over.

Texas had begun executing prisoners in their pacification actions.
The Socialist Republic of Britain

Communications Center, The S.R.B.

wulfle said:
“Negative, UK. Will contact with further communication. CAN to UK, out.”
"Alright, UK out." DM Alastair said into the communicator. The operators closed the communications panel. "Bring up the surveillance satellite feed." Alastair said. The feed appeared on the screen at the front of the room. "Wait, zoom in on the Moscow area." The operators did as told. The ruins of Moscow now appeared on the screen. "Mon Dieu." Alastair said. "Sir, the Singaporean Ambassador is here." "I'll meet him at the capitol building."

Capitol Building Conference Room, Oxford, The S.R.B.

"We seem to have an abundance of metals such as iron around here, so that would be up for trade. Help with the Invasion of Italy would be appreciated, but probably unnecessary. I would agree that an alliance would be beneficial to both our peoples, but first tell me, are you aware of the Singaporean Federation?" Kord said to the diplomat.

@Loyal Guardian

Outside the Capitol Building, Oxford, The S.R.B.

DM Alastair walked around the front of the Capitol Building. He spotted the Singaporean Ambassador along with some British soldiers. He walked up to the ambassador. "Ello, I am Alastair, the Diplomatic Minister, Prime Minister Kord is currently at a meeting with an Eclipsian Diplomat, he would meet with you later." Alastair said to the Singaporean Ambassador.



The Pilots gotten in an armored car which proceeded to take them to the Imperial Residence. Along the way, they saw hundreds of troops, tanks, and aircraft. They also saw whom they assumed to be a general on top of an armored car. He had a lot of medals. The sight was quite intimidating. The pilots stayed silent most of the trip.

@Emperor Ploppa

Empire of Manchuria

Harbin, Imperial Heartland Region, Imperial Manchuria

[Emperor Cixi's POV]

Emperor Cixi's face will turn into an anger into a calm one real quick, the quick s end was quite intimidating. "The Eclipsian campaign in the East is a threat to our Empire." the Emperor continued, "Tell your Emperor that your empire must stop expanding to China. My empire is here to reunite with the Chinese people. I don't want Chinese people to live under a foreign rule even the foreigners don't speak the Chinese language."

Emperor Cixi stands up and gets a pocket map from the table, he then sits down and open the pocket map. "It seems the eastern army of your Empire, right?" the Emperor points the southern part of Lake Baikal, "You have western Mongolia which is part of the Empire's claims and it seems there are Manchu settlers there trying to increase Manchurian influence in the area which is successful however since you conquered it, there would be chance of rebellion in the area." the Emperor said. "Whether to stop the campaign or continue the campaign to China, it is the Emperor's choice but there would be consequences."

@Loyal Guardian

[british Squadron POV]

As they go further, they had reached the inner city of Harbin, the view is so fascinating and beautiful and the city is very much traditional with few skyscrapers in the area, after that 20 minutes journey, they had arrived in the Imperial Residence. The view of the Imperial Residence is very big and it would be similar to the "Forbidden City" in Beijing which isn't part of Imperial Manchuria, it had a big imperial Manchurian banner in the center of the residence. The pilots could see two elite royalsguard guarding the entrance of the Imperial Residence which they wear golden bulky armor and the center of the armor is an imperial Manchurian insignia, they were holding a modified AK-47 with imperial Manchu insignia on its tail. "We had arrive." the driver said, the royalsguard would exit the armored car. The royalsguard and the British pilots would proceed to the inner Imperial Residence.



Lushunkou, Southwestern Province of Imperial Heartland Region, Imperial Manchuria

One of the royalsguard replied, "Get inside, it will be an few hours to get to Harbin." the royalsguard entered the armored car with the Singaporeans and the six-hour trip to Harbin begins.



During the trip to eastern China by sea

There are 100 transport fleets going to eastern China and it split into two groups (50-50) one to the Shandong coastal province and two to Shanghai. General Kim will led its armies to Shanghai while Colonel Park will led its armies to Shandong coastal province.

In the shores of Shanghai, hundreds of transport fleets had arrived and embarked in the shores, hundreds and thousands of troops are running to the inner city of Shanghai and the people of Shanghai which are harmless enough are terrified from the invading Manchu army. It revealed to be a neutral city-state. An imperial Manchu flag was raised in the government building and the leaders of the city-state are forced to cooperate with the Empire of Manchuria. This is the same situation to the Shandong coastal province. This is the first and the first amphibious invasion had done to the Manchurian military.


Fukuoka, northern Kyushu (Japan)

General Jong and his armies arrived in Fukuoka. The city is in almost ruined state after a recent anarchy takes place in Fukuoka. The anarchists looked at the invading Manchurian army and were terrified, the anarchists ran away and it seems that northern Kyushu is now part of imperial Manchuria and it is now in a state of martial law. The imperial Manchurian flag was raised in a government building.


Petrovpavolsk-Kamchatsky, Kamchatka Peninsula

General Tang and his armies arrived in Petrovpavolsk-Kamchatsky. It revealed to be a city-state run by Manchu and Chukchi people. The city-state would peacefully join the empire due to that the southern Kamchatka Peninsula is heavily influence by the Empire of Manchuria.


Eastern Mongolia

General Qwen and his armies invaded Eastern Mongolia and killed Mongol tribes on their ways. Due to technological reasons, the Mongol tribes surrendered and Eastern Mongolia fell under the Empire of Manchuria


Territorial Gains

- Northern Kyushu

- Shandong coastal province

- Shanghai

- Southern Kamchatka Peninsula

- Eastern Mongolia (it will now be bordered by the Eclipse Empire)


- Linhuo: 50%

- Shuyi: 25%
Singaporean Federation

To Harbin

4th Gov Kasey Samson and some other MPs were shocked by the number of military units outside. Note to self: do not attack

@Emperor Ploppa

Outside Shanghai

The North Reclamation Force stopped outside of the province. They could see the Manchurian Flag flying in the distance. "This is North Reclamation Force to SIG HQ. Shanghai seems to be held by unknown force. Please confirm."

Headquarters Signals and Command System, Singapore

"This is SIG HQ, please hold." An operator responded. "North Reclamation Force requesting confirmation of forces in Shanghai." Another operator sent orders to the Korean turned Singaporean Surveillance Satellite. An image showed up on the big screen. Large numbers of troops can be seen. Landing ships can be seen at the port. "This is SIG HQ to North Reclamation Force. Large force has been confirmed. You are to retreat to Guangzhou. Use scorched earth tactics in the event that the force pursues. Our navy will be unable to assist. Majulah Singapura."

Outside Shanghai

"North Reclamation Force will retreat. Majulah Singapura." The party began to head back, burning villages and towns on the way to Guangzhou.

Headquarters Signals and Command System, Singapore

"This is SIG HQ to Shanghai Reclamation Fleet, you are to join Kyushu Reclamation Fleet. The Sentosa Class Battleship will join you. Majulah Singapura." The operators stopped to look at the general. "Contact the eclipse empire, tell them that shanghai ownership is no longer feasible."

@Emperor Ploppa @Loyal Guardian

Coast of Cape Town

The first Trade fleet will pass the southernmost point of Africa.


Outside of the Capitol Building, Oxford, SRB

"I am Governor of the 4th District of the Singaporean Federation, Khey Lim. Thank you for allowing me to be here. I have brought gifts of spices and the like. I am fine with waiting, however we must discuss about the Eclipse Empire. They have offered Singapore an alliance too good to resist. While we will wait for Britains response, we wish for Britain to accept the alliance with us."


Territorial Gains

Okinawa Islands

4 corvettes were found
Previously a Colonel of the Union Army, Sveltsky Theatre, broad shouldered with a chiseled face and a small mound of fair colored hair a top his head, is approached by a meek, wire haired man from Internal Affairs, coming to deliver the report on Moscow. "Surface toxicity is rising, the Lazarus Project was the only thing keeping the place habitable." Pausing, he hands a dossier to Svelsky, filled with rough estimates of enemy counts which he assumed were entirely fabricated.

He speaks directly to the messenger. "Tell Diesel to stop wasting paper and my time, we're not leaving to confront the Invaders anytime soon."
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@Loyal Guardian[/URL]

[british Squadron POV]

As they go further, they had reached the inner city of Harbin, the view is so fascinating and beautiful and the city is very much traditional with few skyscrapers in the area, after that 20 minutes journey, they had arrived in the Imperial Residence. The view of the Imperial Residence is very big and it would be similar to the "Forbidden City" in Beijing which isn't part of Imperial Manchuria, it had a big imperial Manchurian banner in the center of the residence. The pilots could see two elite royalsguard guarding the entrance of the Imperial Residence which they wear golden bulky armor and the center of the armor is an imperial Manchurian insignia, they were holding a modified AK-47 with imperial Manchu insignia on its tail. "We had arrive." the driver said, the royalsguard would exit the armored car. The royalsguard and the British pilots would proceed to the inner Imperial Residence.



Lushunkou, Southwestern Province of Imperial Heartland Region, Imperial Manchuria

One of the royalsguard replied, "Get inside, it will be an few hours to get to Harbin." the royalsguard entered the armored car with the Singaporeans and the six-hour trip to Harbin begins.



During the trip to eastern China by sea

There are 100 transport fleets going to eastern China and it split into two groups (50-50) one to the Shandong coastal province and two to Shanghai. General Kim will led its armies to Shanghai while Colonel Park will led its armies to Shandong coastal province.

In the shores of Shanghai, hundreds of transport fleets had arrived and embarked in the shores, hundreds and thousands of troops are running to the inner city of Shanghai and the people of Shanghai which are harmless enough are terrified from the invading Manchu army. It revealed to be a neutral city-state. An imperial Manchu flag was raised in the government building and the leaders of the city-state are forced to cooperate with the Empire of Manchuria. This is the same situation to the Shandong coastal province. This is the first and the first amphibious invasion had done to the Manchurian military.


Fukuoka, northern Kyushu (Japan)

General Jong and his armies arrived in Fukuoka. The city is in almost ruined state after a recent anarchy takes place in Fukuoka. The anarchists looked at the invading Manchurian army and were terrified, the anarchists ran away and it seems that northern Kyushu is now part of imperial Manchuria and it is now in a state of martial law. The imperial Manchurian flag was raised in a government building.


Petrovpavolsk-Kamchatsky, Kamchatka Peninsula

General Tang and his armies arrived in Petrovpavolsk-Kamchatsky. It revealed to be a city-state run by Manchu and Chukchi people. The city-state would peacefully join the empire due to that the southern Kamchatka Peninsula is heavily influence by the Empire of Manchuria.


Eastern Mongolia

General Qwen and his armies invaded Eastern Mongolia and killed Mongol tribes on their ways. Due to technological reasons, the Mongol tribes surrendered and Eastern Mongolia fell under the Empire of Manchuria


Territorial Gains

- Northern Kyushu

- Shandong coastal province

- Shanghai

- Southern Kamchatka Peninsula

- Eastern Mongolia (it will now be bordered by the Eclipse Empire)


- Linhuo: 50%

- Shuyi: 25%
(Hey, are you intentionally ignoring me? I've sent the request multiple times)
Imperial Palace, Harbin, Imperial Manchuria

General Io contemplated on the emperors words. His first instinct as a general was to yell at him, saying that the Eclipse Empire military will continue. As a diplomat he would have to put aside his stances an compromise. "As much as i want to deny this, i accept your proposal."

@Emperor Ploppa

Capitol Building, Oxford, S.R.B

"Oh i am sure the Eclipse Empire wouldn't mind getting into a actual war." Sedna said. "And our emperor just finished talks with the Singaporean Federation. I believe a trade deal was establish but an alliance was held off despite our wishes."

North Italy

Within days of Katrina Corporation's work, the rebel presence had dropped significantly. Some turned themselves in, but the rest died except for a few sects that were being hunted down.

General of Italian Affairs Samuel stood at the edge of his balcony after successfully completing his orders to prepare a speech. A few hours later, president Jakob Henrik gave the speech live over the entire VV nation.

The VV anthem plays in the background, while two flags fly in the background. One is the VV flag, and the other is a modifIed Italian flag, meant to stay looking like the Italian flag but still know it's VV roots.

the president comes on-screen.

"My fellow people... the world is growing at a faster rate than imagined, and in my lifetime learning and technology has raised by thousands of percent.

But I'm not the one to thank for that...

You all, the people of this great nation, deserve the praise. All of you helped this tremendous rise to power, and now we can say we stand as one of the greatest nations on earth, and protect freedom wherever it is held back. Where any oppressed people need liberty, we will step in. When a society has a few men controlling the many, that is the true evil civilization.

That being said, the Council has declared the right to freedom in Italy, and almost complete autonomy from the homeland. We will still hold military matters in the province, but they will be free to elect their own leaders, and even have their own navy.

Also, the new round of elections will be starting tomorrow for the new President. In a few weeks, the whole Council of Thousand will be replaced. Campaigns will be started.

For liberty and freedom,

Jakob Henrik"

After the president stops speaking, the video stops and all programs come back into what they were before.

Northern fronts.

Within a few hours, the storm was brewing. After the government declared a draft, raising the military to 3.5 million troops. although only 1.5 were formally trained, the rest were in training, learning Krav Mga and combat awareness. All recruits were given a copy of "The Art of War" in training.

Many troops were sent to Italy, being positioned equally around the Penensula. True troop numbers were unknown, but it was somewhere between 300 thousand and 900 thousand. Word got out it was in case the new Italy tried to secede.

In the Baja Bay, military was swarming, and after the order was given, thousands of VV troops stormed around the other side of the Penensula, pushing East.

Territory Gains

Central America up to the Panama Canal.

the other side of the Baja Penensula.

Much of the blank space in South America



BP1: 2%

Project Endgame: 1%


Katrina Corporation the biggest company in the world, says Varmandr magazine "Fea"

Vbox is starting to be produced, based off old Xbox schematics found by Katrina Corporation.

The first rounds of the elections start.

Republic of Cascadia


Portland, Oregon Province, Cascadia

Today in the capital city of Cascadia, Portland. The Cascadian government announced their plans to begin formal contact with outside nations after many, many years of isolation from outside their own borders. President Catherine Jefferson herself made a statement saying that to ensure a continuing era of prosperity and peace for the Cascadian people, that friendly relations with the outside world would be required, the Cascadian Aerial Defense Force made an announcement involving one of their ongoing reconassiance of the other former states of the US, saying that they had indeed found major hints of another civilization in the nearby areas. Defense Force officials have said that the most likely area that a large civilization could have risen from would be Texas. However nothing has been confirmed as of now.

Meanwhile the Republic Commercial Authority have recieved a boost in funding, this boost in funding consisting of around $3 billion Cascadian dollars, or CSD for short. The RCA has used this additional funding to begin the construction of 3 major trainlines across Cascadia, one of which will go from Seattle all the way down to San Francisco, to increase both industry and tourism flowing around the country. Another of which will go from Portland to Boise in the Idaho Province, the 3rd and last one will extend from Las Vegas, Nevada Province to Portland once more. The Department of Wellbeing, the healthcare department of Cascadia has received a $2.5 billion addon in funding, in-order to fund one of President Jefferson's newest healthcare plans, to build 4 new, major hospitals in the following cities, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Coos Bay and Spokane.

Los Angeles, Southern California

A small battalion of around 500 Cascadian soldiers arrived in the remains of Los Angeles, the radiation levels of the area having lowered to an acceptable level, the still somewhat protected soldiers begun setting up a small base of operations in the ruined city. Later the authorization was given for a group of 1,200 settlers to arrive in the city, these people being volunteers who wanted to see new things and live in new places, along with having overall skills to help the soldiers in setting up a community in the city. Cascadian officials made the announcement later on in the day saying that they had occupied southern California and placed it under the control of the Republic. Whilst incorporating many small villages that had been set up by survivors into their territory, supplying them with food, water and other basic living needs.

In around the same time small CGDF battalions arrived in the former major cities of Wyoming, Utah and Arizona, claiming them as greater Cascadian territory, plans have been made to incorporate New Mexico under the flag of Cascadia. 2,300 troops of the CGDF arrived in the state, with the appropriate supplies being gathered to begin sending settlers and ambassadors to the small surviving groups already living there in-order to negoiate territory deals.

Cascadian Defense Force Base, Nevada Province

A CDF base in the south of the Nevada Province was instructed by the Cascadian government to begin transmitting messages to all nearby, and powerful radios. As the government believes that whatever other civilization or country that resides near or in Texas will have strong radio equipment in-order to recieve the distanced message. The message read as such. -- "Attention to all who may be listening, this is the Republic of Cascadia transmitting a friendly message on behalf of our people. To whom it may concern Cascadia does exist and is presumably near your own territory, do not fear. We are a peaceful people and wish to talk in a civil manner with whomever your leaders may be. If you have recieved this message, transmit back over all frequencies." This message was played over all nearby frequencies.

The Cascadian Defense Force has begun a technological drive as of current times. Due to the government's interest in interacting with nearby countries the CDF has determined that in-order to preserve the security of the Republic, that new technology is required. And so have begun development of the XM-1 railgun, a high-energy projectile designed to tear through tank armor with little to no difficulty, it will be used as a Anti-vehicle weapon and will be mounted onto both turrets operated by infantry and humvees in the near future. President Jefferson was hesitant to allow this development due to her passivist stance but Head Chief of the CDF, Commanding General Johnathan Summers, a current 5 star general was able to persuade her. The CDF has begun training exercises across all of it's branches in Oregon and Nevada.

Territorial Gains:

Arizona, Southern California, Wyoming, Utah​
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A thriving city had been found at Seattle. A government contact attempt was immedeatly made. "Hello, this is the Kingdom of the Rockies attempting contact. Any governments in the area, please respond."



"I keep hearing about some 'Eclipse Empire' when the citizens talk about the new foreigners. Is there some other nation's representative in the city right now?"


Ruins of Sacramento Observation Area

"Prepare to fire. 5 minutes to kinetic bombardment of Sacramento." The room was filled with tension. The king was watching through a video feed in case the projectile went off course and got too close to the observation area. Commands were shouted throughout the room and people typed and pushed many buttons. "Are you guys scared that it will miss?" The king asked nervously. A scientist replied, "We have much better aiming technology for this purpose than when people first came up with this idea, so the critical miss chance is only about 5%. Still, you are too important to even risk that." Finally the countdown was almost done. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Fire." Far above, a satellite dropped a tungsten rod which began plummeting down to earth. Everyone waited in tense anticipation until it happened. A great noise was heard and the city ripped itself apart. The test was a success. Now all that was left was producing more and launching them.

Imperial Palace, Radium Hot Springs

"We have the firepower to destroy the defenses and, if necessary, the people of cities. Now we need a better ground force to take them afterwards. Recruit from the cities of Australia and New Zealand. 100,000 more men should put us in a good place." The king was preparing for something, defense or attack. The Kingdom would prepare with him.


Contact attempt to Cascadia.


Succesful attempt of kinetic bombardment and preparation for full production.

Recruitment of new troops.
Sitting quietly at his desk in Austin, Connor listened to the audio play over again of the forwarded message. They had recieved the transmission high up in the Great Lakes provinces, and it had since been sent back to the capital.whoever this western nation was, they were uncomfortably close to Texas borders, especially since they knew very little about them.

Standing up from the desk, Connor grabbed his duster from a rack on the wall, pulling it on his shoulders as he made his way out the door. He could do with some traveling, and he wanted to see first hand exactly who these people were.


High Lord of Texas begins travels to Great Lakes provinces.

Military recruitment is increased on settled provinces to match demands of the expanding wars.

Republic of Cascadia


Seattle, Cascadia

The Cascadian government responded to the Rockies communication attempt with the following. "This is the Seattle city government of the Republic of Cascadia. Requesting that you state your reasons for being in Cascadian territory." At the same time the CDF tracked the radio user's location and deployed a small platoon of 24 soldiers to where the people from the Rockies were, assuming all went well due to the CDF's unaggressive approach. If the Rockies' people agreed then the CDF escorted them to downtown Seattle where they would be sent to have a meeting with the Mayor of Seattle, Derek Malcom. Meanwhile President Jefferson, the Cascadian Senate and the CDF Command were made aware of the presence of another country's citizens within their borders, a meeting was called in Portland to discuss the situation in further detail and how to proceed with relations.

@Fishman Lord

Sacramento Ruins, Cascadia


A modestly sized convoy of around 8 JLTV vehicles of the Cascadian Ground Defense Force approached the ruins of Sacramento just after the kinetic bombardment had been tested on it, Cascadian citizens of nearby towns had reported the strange occurance to their local Police departments which had then forwarded it to the San Francisco city government, which in turn requested the CGDF to investigate the old city. Which had not yet been rebuilt by the Cascadians due to higher radiation levels, however with the presence of other people there the government determined that it must have been somewhat safe to return. The CGDF convoy arrived at the city and noticed the presence of other people. And a formal request was made to the scientists of the Rockies to cease their weapons testing in Cascadian territory, a genuinely friendly suggestion was made to test their weapons in their own or unoccupied territory as Cascadia is still open to friendly relations.

@Fishman Lord

With the newly done scans of the Sacramento area, the government has deemed it safe enough to begin reconstruction. The Senate has passed a law granting special benefits to those who have had multiple children in their life, the more children the more government benefits they will recieve. This is apart of a new program designed to boost the Cascadian population via natural means rather than claiming territory. Restrictions have been put in place with this law making it so that it cannot be abused by those seeking free money, 5 or more children and the government will not grant anymore benefits. Children who all have different fathers will also not be subject to benefits as this is an easy way to exploit the system. Children who have been put into care will not allow the parents to receive government money either.

The Cascadian tech giant, Vertex has announced that they will be releasing the Apex1, a smartphone designed to make everyday life easier for the average Cascadian, the government itself has approved this product. The internet and all things technology have proven to be an everyday thing for Cascadia as the country continues to raise it's living standards, with free healthcare and education, alongside new housing projects being developed in northern California to house the newly arrived people of Southern California.

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Athens, Greek Providence, Eclipse Empire

General Centauri had massed his army in Greece waiting for the order to strike the nation that controlled Italy, Varmadr Vestan, along with the S.R.B if things worked out well. During this time he and his troops were kind to the population and offered them food and supplies. They also rebuilt Athens into a Greek-Eclipsian architecture mix. After what the did they gained the whole regions trust.

Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The officer on duty had just been given orders by the emperor, who after a long diplomatic mission returned, to launch a signal to North America to see if there were nations there. The officer had no doubt that there had to be some nations there, but thought that it would be pointless since they would be so far away from the empire. However and order by the emperor must not be ignored.

"This is the Eclipse Empire broadcasting to any nation that might exist in North America. We send this message out in hopes of seeing if the continent is prospering. To whom this may concern, please respond."

@ArisenMoon @Fishman Lord @wulfle @RIPSaidCone

Occupied Moscow

Eclipsian troops cheered at General Revus's army arrived in the jointly occupied city. The army had been sent to establish a border connection and to set up supply routes from the ground so air resources aren't wasted. In fact much of the Sky Stations had left due to the need for refueling, with only two remaining thanks to aerial refueling from tanker planes. With the newly arrived army morale was raised, some men could go home, and fresh troops to fight the random ambushes on Eclipsian patrols.

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • PROJECT: Gemini Phase 1 has reached its midway point.
  • Message sent out to North America
  • Fresh troops arrive in Moscow. A hunt begins to find the source of the Ambushes
  • The Eclipse Empire conquers all land between them and Moscow

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The Socialist Republic of Britain

Outside the Capitol Building, The S.R.B.

"I believe we have already accepted your alliance. Shall we call it the New World Alliance? Anyway, the Eclipse Empire has made us hard to turn down their alliance. We are thinking to accept their alliance." DM Alastair said.


Military Complex, The S.R.B.

MM Torrad had just received reports of troop reinforcements arriving in Italy from South America. A commander had walked into the room. "Sir, the Varmandr Vestan had-" he said before he got cut off by Torrad. "I already got the reports, initiate another draft of 10% of the population. Also, have the navy blockade the Mediterranean Sea, have all Anti-Aircraft guns shoot down any and all Varmandr Vestan planes, and have 1 million troops along with 2,200 tanks, 750 fighters, and 250 bombers invade the Italian peninsula in 2 hours." Torrad said. "Also, sir, the missile system is complete." "Excellent, have 2 missiles hit Rome, aim one to their local barracks or whatever their troops are housed in. Have the other hit their military supply depot."

Capitol Building Conference Room, The S.R.B.

"Hmm, alright then, I'll have some trade routes established between our two nations." Kord said. A soldier walked in, saluted then handed him a folder. Kord opened the folder. "Hmm, it seems the military is set to invade Italy. Your forces are welcome to help." "Oh, just be warned, our AA guns had gotten the order to shoot down any and all VV aircraft, so be sure to let your pilots know to identify to our AA guns to avoid being shot down."

@Loyal Guardian

Italian-French Border

British forces had massed at the border between France and Italy. Meanwhile, the navy blockaded the Mediterranean Sea and AA guns have gotten the order to shoot down all VV aircraft. British Aircraft soared overhead. "Patrol Sighted, HQ, awaiting orders." A pilot said. "Bomb all sighted patrols." "Rodger that." The planes assumed bombing formation and dropped a few bombs on the VV patrol. Just about everyone in that patrol was killed. Meanwhile, the army had started their march into Italy, firing upon all VV forces they came across.

@Domini Regum


The Pilots got out of the car as soon as they had arrived at the Imperial Residence. They proceeded go into the inner Imperial Residence.

@Emperor Ploppa

RnD Labs, The S.R.B.

Scientists were working hard. They had recently gotten orders to work on some projects known as Project: Eclipse and Project: Aries.


British forces start invasion of Italy, the British Navy blockades the Mediterranian sea and AA guns get the order to shoot all VV planes down, 2 cruise missiles hit Rome (One hits a troop housing structure and the other hits a military supply depot.) ; The British-Vestan war has begun.

Projects Eclipse and Aries has begun.

10% of the pop is drafted. (1.2 million)

Trade routes are established between the S.R.B. and the Eclipse Empire

Territory gain: Some of Northern Italy

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