The World of Tomorrow


Polish troops have started to move towards the Estonia, claiming it completely after few days.

They begin to board the planes, and soon a Invasion of Swedeland is launched, therefore Poland might be soon ruling over the Baltic Sea.

Over Sakhalin, Manchuria

"Our allegiance is to the Kingdom of Rockies. We are searching for more nations around the world." Seeing the ground weapons being readied, the planes prepared their guns in turn. "We do not wish for conflict. Please set your weapons to a passive stance." The planes switched from straight flight to circling and prepared to either land or attack.

@Emperor Ploppa

Vancouver Island, British Columbia

The king watched as his head admiral explained the new project. "You can see it for yourself. Extra armor, more size, and of course the new missile launchers. This baby will make us dominant on the seas." The king was skeptical. "For what reason do we need the seas? We should focus on the rest of Canada." "Ah, but the new Count of Hawaii reports that the Pacific is full of more islands, all easy to take. If we colonize these lands and build up our navy, we shall dominate the Pacific and become a new World Power." The king was convinced. "Construct ten of these now, and have another ten set up to be produced later. We shall control the seas."


One plane from the Atlantic squad had to stop to refuel. As it landed, the pilots noticed that there were small settlements around the airstrip. "Do you live under a government?" "Yeah, we live in the nation of Texas." The pilot immediately returned to his plane and sent out a message. "Attempting contact with the government of Texas. I repeat, attempting contact with the government of Texas."


Over Indonesia

The planes from Pacific Group 3 had received a message from Group One. Apparently a nation had been found in the north, and a random contact attempt was to be made by all other Pacific groups. "Hey, I heard that there used to be a big city called Singapore around here. Let's direct the message towards there." The pilot set up the radio and began to speak. "Hello, we are from the Kingdom of the Rockies. We wish to contact any nations that have survived or arisen in this area."



Several contact attempts are made.

The islands of Polynesia and New Zealand have been officially claimed, although not colonized or invaded yet.

Several very powerful ships are being developed and built.
Singaporean Federation

Headquarters Signals and Command System, Singaporean Federation

"This is the Singaporean Federation. We have detected you on our radar. You have permission to land, please change course towards the Changi Airport." An operator responded. "Alert the Prime Minister, we have another nation. Have our Eastern Reclamation Force stand down." "Eastern Reclamation Force has found a second Battleship and is bringing it to Sulawesi Island"

@Fishman Lord


One Battleship
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Helios Communications Center ,Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"In the name of Emperor Byron, we wish to make a envoy with the Socialist Republic of Britain on peaceful terms in accordance with the Emperors wishes." The communications array then pointed towards the east and once again began to broadcast a signal. "In the name of Emperor Byron, we wish to make a envoy with the Empire of Manchuria and the Singaporean Federation on peaceful terms in accordance with the Emperors wishes."

@Agent141 @Emperor Ploppa @Alteras

Oort Research Lab, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The head scientist at the research lab had just walked through the doors of the Lab B, where they were testing PROJECT: Glade. "How's the progress?" He asked looking through the screen. "You just missed it sir. The weapon preformed excellently in testing and has been approved for manufacturing." The researcher said still looking at the results sheet. "This is great news. With these weapons our soldiers will be a force to be reckoned, not that they weren't before." The head scientist said with glee. "Indeed sir. Also regarding PROJECT: Jovian phase 1 went surprisingly well. We expect the first line of vehicles to be distributed by tomorrow." The researcher said turning towards the head scientist. "Very good! If that's the case we shall have air dominance over any potential enemy within a short time."

Near Lake Balkhash, Mobile Camp Luna

General Io, who was recently elected along with Emperor Byron, stood at the edge of camp wearing a pelt to protect himself from the nipping frost. He had been enjoying the view, the conquest, and the new territory he had claimed for his empire. Then he was taken out of trance by one of his officers. "General Io, sir!" The officer saluted in the signatory Eclipsian style. "What is your news officer?" Io asked silently. "We have an order from the Emperor himself. He says that he is sending air transport to take you to the Empire of Manchuria as an envoy." The general remained silent for a few moments, basking in the view. "Where am i going in this other empire and when am i to leave?" The officer quickly replied to his question. "To Pyongyang if i am not mistaken and that time would be now, sir." General Io sighed at this news and began to walk back to walk towards the center of camp. "Very well then. Tell Colonel Revus that he shall be in charge until i return." The general ordered without break. "Yes sir."

@Emperor Ploppa

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • PROJECT: Glade completed. S-2 Rifles become standard issue. These rifles are light weight, sturdy, only respond to registered Eclipsian soldiers.
  • PROJECT: Jovian Phase 1 completed. B-103 High Altitude Bombers are introduced.
  • Envoys sent to the Socialist Republic of Britain, Empire of Manchuria, and Singaporean Federation
  • Northern Campaign: Colonel Revus now leads the campaign. The Eclipse Empire gains more lands in the further up the Volga and Itrysh rivers, and conquers the Caspian Sea.
Location-Mississippi Radar Post

Startled by the sudden transmission, the communications officer in the radar post quickly opened the channel.

"This is The Empire of Texas radar post Beta, who is this?"

@Fishman Lord
Singaporean Federation

Headquarters Signals and Command System, Singaporean Federation

PM Zeph Jeanes walked into the communications war room. "I heard the sound of new nations and new markets! What's happening?" "A group of planes are flying in from the east. They identify as the Kingdom of the Rockies. It is assumed that this is the friendlier North American nation. We have them arriving at Changi Airport soon. We also have a signal coming from our west towards Central Asia. They identify under the Emperor Byron. They have requested permission to send an envoy on peaceful terms toward us. They also sent the same message to 'Empire of Manchuria.'" So there really is a nation up north, and quite a violent one. Manchuria, huh, not China... Zeph thought to himself. "One more thing sir, our Peace Fleet to the East China Seas has encountered a group in Taiwan. We're still trying to identify them." I doubt that's the Manchurian Empire, maybe its the Koreans or the Japanese, if they still exist... "Contact the Brits and see their thoughts on this matter. Try and open negotiations with the nation at Taiwan. Continue to Push the Fleet forward to the East China Seas. Prepare another feast for the new arrivals at the Garden by the Bay. Let the Envoy reach Bangkok, I want to keep their existence a secret from the Rockies."

@Agent141 @Fishman Lord @Loyal Guardian

Port of Singapore, Singaporean Federation

To much fanfare, the First trade fleet has departed, planning to make their first stop at Sri Lanka.

Sulawesi Island, Singaporean Federation

The Sentosa Class Battleship has completed stress tests. Tests show an optimal operation time of 15-30 minutes. The laser has shown promise in clearing vast areas. However, the Laser's optimal range is 10-15 miles. Past 15 miles, the Laser is unable to hold enough power to be of much use.

The new Battleship has been brought to port and is undergoing repairs.

Territorial Gains

The Eastern Reclamation Force has resumed operations and is taking islands between Sulawesi and New Guinea.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Emire

"My Emperor!" The high minister said as he stumbled into the Emperors chambers. "What is it minister? I am currently in a thrilling part of this book." The Emperor said with dissatisfaction. "The nation in the southeast has granted permission of an peaceful envoy my emperor." The high minister said with a bow. "Hm. Well if they are the first nation to respond to our message then i shall be on this envoy." Byron said closing his book. "Prepare the Sub-Sonic Transports and detach a squad of soldiers along with an Implanted." The Emperor said sitting up from his chair. "Yes Emperor, right away." The high minister once again bowed to the emperor. "Oh and i would also like to report that we have gained more land in the north and west after General Io's departure." "How far are is the army?" The emperor asked. "The north is at the former site of what we believe is Novgorod and the cross section between the Itrysh and Tobol Rivers. The west has reached the Black Sea." "Very well then, tell the northern army to halt their advance. Now prepare my envoy."


Black Sea, Mobile Camp Jupiter

The commander of the west army, General Deimos, stood upon the waters edge. "So this is the Black Sea, its quite beautiful." The general was interrupted by a Eclipsian soldier. "Sir the emperor has been notified of our progress." The soldier said saluting the general. "Thank you for notifying me, now we may continue to push and take more of this coastline, and then The Crimea." The general spun around and began to walk away but was soon interrupted. "Sir that will be a challenge as we have discovered a nation not to far from us." The general's face turned from his normal stoic expression to a one with anger. "Who is this nation?" He asked slowly turning his head. "The Republic of Poland sir and they control The Crimea as well." The general remained silent at first but then he spoke up. "Is this one of the nations the emperor has sent envoys to?" "Not that i am aware of sir." The solider reported. "Prepare the army for an invasion....." The general said as he began to walk away. "Shall i notify the emperor sir?" "No! I want this to be a 'surprise gift' for him. So i want the entire army mobilized and every single men ready for combat!" The general shouted. "Sir this is an act of war and i do believe that our emperor would not want that." "Are you defying my orders soldier?" The general said with anger. "No sir. I was merely saying that...." The soldier was interrupted. "Then do not say more and mobilize." "Yes sir..."


Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • PROJECT: Jovian Phase 2 nearly complete. Y-12 High Purpose Fighter's and X-1 VTOL's are in testing stage.
  • Northern Campaign: Territory now reaches the site of Novgorod and the meeting of the Irtysh and Tobol Rivers.
  • Emperor Byron is on his way to Bangkok
  • General Io approaches the Manchurian border
  • General Deimos prepares for a unsanctioned invasion of Poland
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Empire of Manchuria

'Korean DMZ', Republic of Korea

Both sides had suffered with heavy casualties, a Korean attack aircraft was shot down by a Manchurian jet, crashing down to the incoming Korean tanks which are reinforcements. Two infront Korean tanks were destroyed as the Korean aircraft was crashed infront of them. The aerial battle in the Korean DMZ remain intense as the Korean pilots struggle to fight against highly experienced Manchurian pilots.

In the surface. The large Manchurian army led by General Qwen Su-Ko which had suffered heavy casualties, moved forward to the first frontline of the ROK side and occupied it. The soldiers take cover, some of them were hiding because they are afraid to die, some of them were shot to death and some of them shot back and killed an incoming Korean soldier. A Korean tank was approaching to the Manchurian-controlled first Korean frontline, a Manchurian soldier runs to the tank while the Koreans who is aiming at the soldiers were shot to death, the soldier opened the tank's hatch and drops the grenade. He jumps down at the Korean tank and the tank exploded, as he sprint back towards the frontline, he was shot to death by a Korean sniper in the building. "We need motherfucking reinforcements here, now!" General Qwen Su-Ko yelled as a mortar hits the frontline, killing several Manchurian soldiers. "Yes, si-.." the radio operator said as he was shot in the head by the Korean sniper. "Fuck!" General Qwen as he grabs the radio by lowering his head. "THIS IS GENERAL QWEN, WE ARE IN DESPERATE NEED OF REINFORCEMENTS, I REPEAT WE NEED REINFORCEMENTS, OVER!" the General said to the HQ. "Copy that, General Qwen, reinforcements is coming in your way." the communication stopped, suddenly a Korean soldier equipped with bayonet rushed to General Qwen, the soldier tries to hit General Qwen but able to dodge it, the General kicked the soldier and stomped his head, splatting his brains all over the area surround him. "Fucking Korean." the General said as he spits the dead Korean soldier. "WE NEED TO DEFEND THE FRONTLINE AND WAIT FOR REINFORCEMENTS!" the General yelled at the Manchurian soldiers. Suddenly, the Korean soldiers were ordered to retake the frontline. "Kill them all!" the General said as he shot the incoming Korean soldier using his pistol. A Manchurian machinegunner opened fire, killing dozens of the Korean soldiers and the Korean sniper shot down the machinegunner. A Manchurian sniper hiding in the tree found the Korean sniper and pulled the trigger, the Korean sniper was shot to death.

In the underground, the Koreans retreated further to the exit of the mine. "They're retreating!" a Manchu soldier cried. The infront soldiers rushed to the exit until they encountered the already-defending Korean soldiers, the infront soldiers were shot to death. A Manchu soldier throws the grenade and killed most of the Korean soldiers. The Manchu soldiers led by General Jong Sik-So had exit the mine, only to find out that they are in the heart of the ROK side however there were no Korean soldiers on sight but wounded soldiers and medics was a hospital. The Manchurian soldiers stormed the hospital and the inhabitants of the hospital surrendered. A doctor holding a knife rushed to General Jong Sik-So and the General shot the doctor's brains. The hospital in the further Korean side of DMZ was occupied by the Manchu soldiers led by General Jong Sik-So, it is 2 km away from the Korean HQ situated in DMZ which is the HQ is infront away to the hospital. The sun is started to go down. The Battle of Korean DMZ continue to this day and there are a lot of heavy casualties between both sides; between the Empire of Manchuria and the Republic of Korea.


In the coast of Seoul, Republic of Korea

The sun is going down. The finest army of General Kim Song-su had arrived in the shores of Seoul. The transport ships were opened and the Manchurian soldiers rushed to the beach, heading towards the port quietly. The tanks and armored vehicles were rolling in the beach, heading towards the port. The employees in the port of Seoul were hearing the sounds of a tank and suddenly the Manchurian soldiers stormed the port and the employees quickly raised their hands. The employees noticed the Manchurian insignia at the Manchurian soldiers and the employees lowered their head. The imperial flag of Manchuria was raised in the port.

More reinforcements are coming in the shores of Seoul and soldiers were rushing to the beach and heading towards the port. This time, the reinforcements are the Korean Specialized Infantry consist of 3,500 men. The shores of Seoul became a Manchurian HQ situated in Seoul. The Korean police force were sent to the Seoul port because people had saw "terrorists" occupying the port. The Korean police force encountered the Manchurian soldiers and the soldiers opened fire to the police and the police force retreated back to their bases, alarming the whole Seoul that "terrorists" are invading Seoul. The tanks and armored vehicles were rolling outside the port and the soldiers were moving forward towards the inner city of Seoul and the Korean Specialized Infantry switched to archery, they used fire arrows and fired to the ruined buildings of inner Seoul. The civilians were panicking and the Korean military police had arrived and the Manchurian soldiers opened fire at the police, killing several police on sight, the police fired back, killing few Manchurian soldiers. A Manchu tank opened fire, killing most of the military police in the area. The Manchurian soldiers stormed the inner city of Seoul and the buildings were set on flames. The outer city of Seoul had already occupied by the Manchurian soldiers and the military police vowed to protect Seoul against Manchurian soldiers. The inner city of Seoul is a bigger one than the outer city. The siege of Seoul had begun.


Imperial Heartland HQ, Harbin, Imperial Heartland HQ, Imperial Manchuria

The HQ had opened their surveillance satellite and takes a quick look at DMZ. "Your grace, it seems both sides had suffered heavy casualties but our soldiers took the first territory of the ROK in DMZ." the operator said, moving towards Seoul. "And, General Kim's army had sieged the city of Seoul. The capital of the Republic of Korea, once this city is captured, the Korean government will surrender and all of the Korean Peninsula will be ours." the operator said.

"Good." the Emperor replied. The operator received a message. "What is it?" Emperor Dowan Cixi asked. "Your grace, there's a message. This message is located somewhere in Central Asia." the operator said. "Click the message." the Emperor replied. "Yes, your grace." The operator said, clicking the unknown message, once they clicked it, they heard it.

After the message, the Emperor said, "Another empire perhaps?" the operator replied, "Yes, your grace. The empire is under the name of Emperor Bryon and they request to send an envoy towards our nation and the Singaporean Federation." the Emperor replied, "Singaporean Federation?" "Yes, your grace. I don't know much about them but they are situated in Singapore." the operator said. The Emperor nods. "Continue your work, you have done well." the operator replied, "Thank you, your grace." the Emperor then approached to Commander Jee Li.


Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Island, Imperial Manchuria

The machineguns and missiles were lowered. "You are permitted to land, one of the finest generals of Manchuria is expecting you, over." the operator said.

@Fishman Lord


Southwestern border, Mukden, Imperial Manchuria

The border HQ had received a series of unidentified aircrafts coming to the southwestern border of Imperial Manchuria. The communicator contacted the unidentified aircraft, "Unidentified aircraft. You are entering the Manchurian airspace, I repeat you are entering the Manchurian airspace. Swear your allegiance and your purpose of what you are doing here, if not you will be shot down, over." the communicator said.

@Loyal Guardian



  • Battle of Korean DMZ continued up to this day and there are heavy casualties on both sides.
  • Siege of Seoul has begun.
  • The Imperial Heartland HQ had received the message from Emperor Byron.
  • Two Rockies scout planes are permitted to land in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk military airbase
  • The southwestern border of Imperial Manchuria had encountered series of unidentified aircrafts.
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Southwestern Border of Imperial Manchuria

"General we have received word from Manchurian communications, they request to know who we are and our business or be shot down sir." The communications officer said the Io. "You know the drill, tell them who we are and have our escort fighters disengage their weapons for now." General Io said to the officer. "Yes sir. Escort fighters disengage your weapons till further notice."

"We are the envoy of the Eclipse Empire sent by Emperor Byron, we request peaceful landing."

@Emperor Ploppa

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • PROJECT: Jovian Phase 2 is 90% complete. The first Z-20 Eclispian Airship is put into testing.
  • General Io makes contact with Manchuria
  • Emperor Byron nears Bangkok
  • General Deimos's forces reach the Polish border
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The force of 10,00 was rising in number as the reinforcements arrived.

Halfway through the reinforcements, the last few ships stopped in South Italy, while the Northern troops pushed down in a final struggle to capture the Italian Penensula. After a few hours of intense fighting, they did.

The force in Italy was now numbering 125 thousand, about 1/3 of the entire nation's army, and had about 500 tank units.

As for air, 50 of the new Liberator VTOL systems were sent over, along with seven hundered Advanced Fighters and three hundered stealth bombers. A 80 percent of the VV air force.

Then, they pushed towards Austria and Croatia. Little land had been captured beside small cities, but they had gained the coast of Croatia and the south half of Austria.


Upon hearing the report, the general smiled.

"We now have a stronghold in case Europe wants to get squirrelly..."

Mississippi River Fort

The three ships stayed out of range, as a landing craft filled with men approached the shore, waving the Varmandr Vestan flag, and a flag with a peace symbol on it.


Rome Communication Centre

The commander of the centre nodded, before getting off the phone with the Leader.

"Alright men! Tune into the Polish radios, and send out this:"

He cleared his throat before reading the speech from Leader Henrik.

A voice of a young, but commanding woman came over speaker.

"We, the Varmandr Vestan, are delighted to have your ears for a moment. Our council of Thousand had decided it in Best Interest to announce a defensive pact between our glorious nation! This would mean if any of us our attacked, we would help the other to retaliate.

We fear Britain's lust is to conquer the entity of Europe and spread Socialism throughout the lands without the Peoples' permission. That includes your peoples.

So join us! For the betterment of Europe! For the betterment of the world!

We will await your reply."

On the end of the transmission, the Varmandr Vestan's anthem played, and fireworks were heard in the background.

After reviewing the tape, the Centre Commander smiled.

"Sound good boys?" He said, full of pride.

To that he was replied by cheers.



375 thousand


175 million

Territory gains

South half of Austria

the Croatian coastline


Katrina Corporation starts the mass selling of Televisions and Civilian Vehicles.

Unemployment is quickly lowering

Mass immigration to the new Italy province.

Italy renamed "New Varmandr"

More government spending on military and science

Government funded education is planned to be available soon

Trading with locals in Europe stimulates a new economic sphere, causing companies to start up

New Norse Pope elected in Rome ( practicing the Norse religion)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/PicsArt_05-24-07.40.01.jpg.991b699a1c182bb624ee179cbdec8860.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128553" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/PicsArt_05-24-07.40.01.jpg.991b699a1c182bb624ee179cbdec8860.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> ((Better explanation, sorry for screenshot quality, as i only have my phone ATM))



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Azov Sea, Crimea, Southern Poland

General Deimos's army pushes through southern Poland encountering heavy resistance. At first the Polish forces nearly route Deimos's army but after a very intense air battle over the skies of the Azov Sea, Deimos was able to gain the air advantage. Even after gaining the air advantage, the Polish army was still holding their ground and Deimos's men wondered if they could defeat such an enemy. However with the aid of newly deployed mechanized forces and the few Implanted deployed in the army, the front lines were pushed further. "Sir the enemy is starting to route to Crimea!" The army then swiftly began to take Polish territory of the Azov Sea and then some using tactics similar to blitzkrieg. However one spot still remained on the Crimean peninsula and that was the recently rebuilt city of Sevastopol. "Have all artillery fire at enemy positions and tell the men to dig themselves in!" General Deimos shouted. The gunfire was hitting all around them, even hitting Eclipsian soldiers. The hell-fire of bullets came to a stop when Deimos's Air Support came in and took out some important enemy positions in Sevastopol. Soon after the soldiers and moved in to take eliminate remaining Polish soldiers, which turned into a bloody urban fight. At the break of dawn Sevastopol had been captured by Deimos's army, but not without the cost of nearly four thousand soldiers compared to the Polish three thousand lying dead.


Battle of Southern Poland:

  • Poland: 60,000 Men dead, 4,000 Tanks destroyed, 600 Aircraft destroyed.
  • Deimos's Army: 90,000 Men dead, 5,580 Tanks destroyed, 1,000 Helicopters/Fighters Destroyed
  • Deimos takes over the Crimean peninsula, Azov Sea, and some land further north than that


A large portion of southern Poland has been occupied but at a very heavy cost with nearly half of Deimos's army being killed in the intense struggle. To defend themselves of upcoming Polish resistance, the army dug a very large network of trenches throughout captured territory. Despite this costly yet massive victory for Deimos's army, he went against his emperors wishes and informally declared war against the Polish Republic. This act very well could have cost the Eclipse Empires ties to other nations before they even began. The Battle of Southern Poland began the Polish-Eclipsian War, a war the emperor did not even know had begun or even approved of.
The Socialist Republic of Britain

Communications Center, The S.R.B.

"Incoming transmission sir, from Central Asia." a Com worker said to Alastair. "What does it say?" he responded. "A group, most likely a nation, led by a Emperor Byron wishes to send a diplomatic envoy to our territories." the Com worker said. Alastair was silent for a few seconds. "Tell them they have permission to send an envoy." "At once sir." Another voice spoke up. "Incoming transmission, sir, from Singapore." the voice said. "Put them through." Alastair said. "Ello, DM Alastair speaking."

@Loyal Guardian @Alteras

Military Complex, Oxford, The S.R.B.

MM Torrad was overlooking plans for the military's next move. That was when a commander walked in. He saluted. "At ease." Torrad said. "Sir, you might want to look at this." the commander said. Torrad followed the commander out to the main courtyard. There was a tank parked there, oddly with a big lens at the end of the main cannon. "It's a tank, so what." Torrad said. The commander didn't respond to him, instead he said, "Fire!" A red beam ejected from the tank's main cannon. The beam obliterated a big portion of the wall it was aiming at. Screams could be heard in the distance. Torrad picked up a nearby announcement radio. "Citizens, do not be alarmed, this was a test of military equipment, thank you for your cooperation." he said into it. "Impressive." he said to the commander. "Yes, but the materials required to make it is hard to make." the commander responded. "How much of these can be produced." Torrad asked. "Around 200." "Excellent, have the order sent to the factories." "At once, sir." "Oh, and that wall is coming out of your paycheck." "I know, sir."

European Front

The British Army stationed in West Germany had gotten the order to invade nearby Denmark apart of the European main continent. Meanwhile, the troops stationed in Southern France and Germany had gotten the order to move into Switzerland.

British Colonies, North America

British forces had established a colony in what used to be Rhode Island. British forces had also claimed the territory that used to be known as Connecticut.

Pyongyang, Korea

The pilots took a look around. "Impressive, well we best go meet this Emperor of yours then, if you would allow." the squadron leader said as they started walking towards the planes.

@Emperor Ploppa

Territory Gain:

Rhode Island, Connecticut, Mainland Denmark, Switzerland

Diplomatic Channels:

The S.R.B. accepted the approves of a diplomatic envoy from the Eclipse Empire

The S.R.B. gets a transmission from the Singaporean Federation.


G-51 Battle Tank


Produced 200 G-51 Tanks
Rome Sattelite Centre

A special detachment of the Codershad been dispatched to hack the old Google sattelite over Europe.

Surprisingly, it was still working. It would only transmit heat signatures and black & white.

One of the coders messaged to the General of the army, Christian Killian.

"Uhh... I'm not sure what to say, but there's war on the Polish border..." he said reluctantly.

"WHAT!!" Christian screamed. "With who?!"

"Um... Unknown nation. Should we have the nuclear weapon transported to Italy?"

Christian was surprised. "What nuclear weapon? "

"Oh, don't lie. Government didn't teach me coding to do nothing, so by Odin I'm doing it."

"Tell nobody, coder, and you'll get a raise"

"Alright! I'm out. Later. "

After the coder left, Christian remarked to himself.

"I hate those guys... Can't believe I was one of them..."

Croatian front

The European general was going over some plans when he received word from homeland.

The message said:

"South Poland is in flames... Many dead on both sides... Focus on expansion, don't get involved unless Poland accepts our offer. We are going to focus on South America for now, you do your thing there... Katrina Corporation will be over to start up some factories and whatnot... Sending extra forces to Italy, set to arrive for a few days. New troop numbers will be 150 thousand men, with the HellHeat ICBM nuclear bomb. "

After a few hours, invasions were underway in both Europe and South America. The South American forces were encountering more resistance than imagined...

South America

In a few hours two forces had attacked: one from the North and one from the South. They had seized much land before the Tribal warriors fought back, rallying a last stand, and the sheer numbers of them drove back the VV troops, although with heavy losses.


territory gains

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/PicsArt_05-24-11.37.24.jpg.cac9399438ddaa8a7a067b823980cbcf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128641" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/PicsArt_05-24-11.37.24.jpg.cac9399438ddaa8a7a067b823980cbcf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Katrina Corporation opens up it's first VarmanBurger store in Italy, in Rome.

Due to the highly Norse religious peoples in the Varmandr Vestan, people are mass taking trips to Northern Europe, funded by Katrina Corporation.

In random note, Karvina Corporation is starting to research mass-available cell phones.

Public education is given more funding.

Increased soldiers are sent to the British French border @Agent141



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Empire of Manchuria

Seoul, Republic of Korea

The inner city of Seoul was burning on the ground by the Korean Specialized Infantry. The Manchurian soldiers and the Korean military police battled in the streets of Seoul and it is a bloody shootout, most of the Korean military police force can't handle the massive Manchurian waves and they retreated to the inner city of Seoul where constructed buildings were burning. The Seoul National University fell to the Manchurian soldiers and placed an artillery on the top of the university. The Korean Specialized Infantry were there, shooting the city with fire arrows and more flames occurred in the buildings. The Manchurian artillery launch a series of bombardment in the inner city of Seoul which destroyed constructed buildings and enemy positions (Korean military police) in the area. The Korean military police forces attempted to gain control on the bridge to defend the inner city of Seoul but it's too late, the Manchurian tanks rolled in the bridge and opened fire at the enemy positions, destroying the outposts and the military police force were scattered, the Manchurian tanks entered the inner city of Seoul followed by series of large Manchurian soldiers storming the inner city of Seoul. The remaining military police force surrendered as the Manchurians arrived in the already devastating inner part of Seoul. The Manchurian soldiers aimed at the military police as the military police raised their hands from fear.

General Kim Song-su approached one of the leaders of the military police. The General found the leader of the military police, the leader looked down. The General said in the Korean language, "Where is your president?" the General ask politely, the leader replied, "He..he was evacuated." it was a pause until the leader speak, "You're a Korean and you are helping this invaders, you are a traitor!" the leader spits on the General's face, the General wiped his face from the disgusting spit from the leader. The General said, "A traitor? I have never been a Southern dog like you, you fucker." the General raised his pistol and shot the leader's head. The Korean military force were terrified. The General simply replied, "Kill them all." the Manchurian soldiers opened fire at the unarmed remaining Korean military police force.

Meanwhile, in Dobong-Gu; northern part of the Inner Seoul, the Korean President and the government employees were evacuated from Seoul and they're almost leaving Seoul, suddenly, six Manchurian attack helicopters had followed them since the siege had started. The attack helicopters unleash their missile and the convoy was destroyed. The attack helicopters landed in the destroyed convoy area and they saw a young man who gets up slowly, it seems it is the Korean president. The Manchurian soldiers rushed to the Korean President and knocked him out and the President is the only one who survived the missile. The Republic of Korea collapsed as most of its government employees were dead, the remnants who are very loyal to the Republic of Korea were exiled somewhere. The cities of Gwangju, Daegu, Ulsan, and Busan accept the surrender although the cities were never loyal to the recently-formed Republic of Korea, they were just city-settlements just like Haeju.

After that, the imperial Manchurian soldiers were raised in the main government building of Seoul.


'Korean DMZ', former Republic of Korea

The sun is almost rising and there was no shootout since midnight, the Manchurian soldiers led by General Qwen Su-Ko were getting suspicious, suddenly, a Korean general who is holding a white banner approached the Manchurian frontlines. The Manchurian soldiers were looking at him, confusing. The Korean general said, "Who is your general here?" and then General Qwen Su-Ko stands up and says, "I am. Why are you holding that white banner, Korean?" the Korean general replied, "We had surrendered, the Republic of Korea collapsed and your men had occupied Seoul." and then the Korean soldiers behind of the Korean general dropped their weapons and raised their hands. General Qwen Su-Ko was shocked and then the Korean general and his army were imprisoned and made as 'Prisoners of War'.

The armies of General Jong Sik-So had arrived behind the Korean frontlines and they witnessed that the Korean soldiers were surrendered including the Korean general. General Jong Sik-So approached General Qwen Su-Ko. "What the hell happened?" General Jong ask. "Republic of Korea collapsed, that's why they surrendered." General Qwen replied. "What?! But how?" General Jong said. "Manchurian troops had captured Seoul and i think it is led by General Kim Song-Su, the one who captured Haeju." General Qwen said. "Oh..him, he really proved his loyalty towards Emperor Cixi." General Jong said. "Yeah..but now we celebrate!" General Qwen said. General Jong and General Qwen were walking back to the Manchurian frontlines


Southwestern border, Mukden, Imperial Manchuria

An operator laugh as he heard an edgy name of the nation but after that it took few moments about pause. "Oh, a peaceful envoy. Go land to Harbin, it is the imperial heartland of the Empire of Manchuria." the operator said.

@Loyal Guardian


Pyongyang, Korean Province, Imperial Manchuria

Governor Jin Kong-Li said, "Alright, go to Harbin, it is the imperial heartland of the Empire of Manchuria. The Emperor is there, comrades."




  • Republic of Korea collapsed as the armies of General Kim Song-su captured Seoul.
  • The Korean President is captured by the Manchurian soldiers and he must soon be identified.
  • The Korean armies surrendered and became POWs in DMZ making the decisive victory for the Manchurians in the Battle of Korean DMZ.
  • An Eclipse peaceful envoy is permitted to go to Harbin, the imperial heartland of Manchuria.
  • Governor of Pyongyang tells the British squadrons to go to Harbin to meet the Emperor Dowan Cixi.
  • The Manchurian-Korean War had ended with Manchurian victory.
  • Remnants of the Korean government is exiled somewhere in the world.

Territorial Gains

  • All of the Korean Peninsula.
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Harbin, Imperial Manchuria

General Io's transport aircraft saw the Harbin airstrip and began to land. After a successful landing General Io wanted to exit the plane but was told to wait for someone from this country come and get them.

@Emperor Ploppa

The Skies over Southern England

"This is Minister Sedna sent by the Eclipse Empire, we ask for permission to land in peaceful means."


Southern Poland

General Deimos sat there over the night, waiting for Polish resistance. Then out of nowhere he heard someone say from the outer fortification: "Very large Polish army heading this way!" The general gave a bright smile. "Alright men, launch the fighters and the artillery! We make our stand here!" The only words that he got back from them was a large "Hoorah!" and the guns were fired. The Battle for Crimea began. When night became morning the army that was in the east swooped around and flanked the very large Polish army, who was being bombarded with everything the Eclipsians had. Still the Polish held strong.



  • Battle for Crimea starts
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@Emperor Ploppa[/URL]

The Skies over Southern England

"This is Minister Sedna sent by the Eclipse Empire, we ask for permission to land in peaceful means."

Southern Poland

General Deimos sat there over the night, waiting for Polish resistance. Then out of nowhere he heard someone say from the outer fortification: "Very large Polish army heading this way!" The general gave a bright smile. "Alright men, launch the fighters and the artillery! We make our stand here!" The only words that he got back from them was a large "Hoorah!" and the guns were fired. The Battle for Crimea began. When night became morning the army that was in the east swooped around and flanked the very large Polish army, who was being bombarded with everything the Eclipsians had. Still the Polish held strong.


  • Battle for Crimea starts
(Eyeyey. We did not send our troops towards Crimea. You're going too far.)
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Azov Sea, Crimea, Southern Poland

General Deimos's army pushes through southern Poland encountering heavy resistance. At first the Polish forces nearly route Deimos's army but after a very intense air battle over the skies of the Azov Sea, Deimos was able to gain the air advantage. Even after gaining the air advantage, the Polish army was still holding their ground and Deimos's men wondered if they could defeat such an enemy. However with the aid of newly deployed mechanized forces and the few Implanted deployed in the army, the front lines were pushed further. "Sir the enemy is starting to route to Crimea!" The army then swiftly began to take Polish territory of the Azov Sea and then some using tactics similar to blitzkrieg. However one spot still remained on the Crimean peninsula and that was the recently rebuilt city of Sevastopol. "Have all artillery fire at enemy positions and tell the men to dig themselves in!" General Deimos shouted. The gunfire was hitting all around them, even hitting Eclipsian soldiers. The hell-fire of bullets came to a stop when Deimos's Air Support came in and took out some important enemy positions in Sevastopol. Soon after the soldiers and moved in to take eliminate remaining Polish soldiers, which turned into a bloody urban fight. At the break of dawn Sevastopol had been captured by Deimos's army, but not without the cost of nearly four thousand soldiers compared to the Polish three thousand lying dead.


Battle of Southern Poland:

  • Poland: 60,000 Men dead, 4,000 Tanks destroyed, 600 Aircraft destroyed.
  • Deimos's Army: 90,000 Men dead, 5,580 Tanks destroyed, 1,000 Helicopters/Fighters Destroyed
  • Deimos takes over the Crimean peninsula, Azov Sea, and some land further north than that


A large portion of southern Poland has been occupied but at a very heavy cost with nearly half of Deimos's army being killed in the intense struggle. To defend themselves of upcoming Polish resistance, the army dug a very large network of trenches throughout captured territory. Despite this costly yet massive victory for Deimos's army, he went against his emperors wishes and informally declared war against the Polish Republic. This act very well could have cost the Eclipse Empires ties to other nations before they even began. The Battle of Southern Poland began the Polish-Eclipsian War, a war the emperor did not even know had begun or even approved of.

(I didn:t even get tagged at this one)
JJKab said:
(I didn:t even get tagged at this one)
(Sorry for that. I was in a hurry and I just git on to fix it. Also about the Crimea thing I did that to make it more interesting so sorry about that as well.)
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian](Sorry for that. I was in a hurry and I just git on to fix it. Also about the Crimea thing I did that to make it more interesting so sorry about that as well.)

(Okay, I'll go with it. Just heck, don:t controll other people's armies. Wait a moment)
@Emperor Ploppa[/URL]

The Skies over Southern England

"This is Minister Sedna sent by the Eclipse Empire, we ask for permission to land in peaceful means."


Southern Poland

General Deimos sat there over the night, waiting for Polish resistance. Then out of nowhere he heard someone say from the outer fortification: "Very large Polish army heading this way!" The general gave a bright smile. "Alright men, launch the fighters and the artillery! We make our stand here!" The only words that he got back from them was a large "Hoorah!" and the guns were fired. The Battle for Crimea began. When night became morning the army that was in the east swooped around and flanked the very large Polish army, who was being bombarded with everything the Eclipsians had. Still the Polish held strong.



  • Battle for Crimea starts

"Sir, our section of Crimea has been claimed by enemy troops! We've got into our first wall!" The general Pilsudzky said, walking quickly towards the president

"Send half of our army stationing in East Kresy there, we have to solve this dispute!" He exclaimed.

"And send one of the diplomats towards where the attackers are coming from"

Soon, the orders were delivered, and over 250.000 army was marching towards the Crimea, as well as 500 airplanes with highly skilled pilots. Meanwhile, a lone civilian plane took off from Kiev, and went on towards the eastern border of Poland.
Singaporean Federation

Headquarters Signals and Command System, Singaporean Federation

"Hello DM Alastair, I'm PM Zeph Jeanes. we have made contact with three nations. One of them is in Taiwan, pretty friendly so far. Another is one of the North American Nations, the Kingdom of the Rockies I believe. We're currently hosting a party for them. Hopefully, we'll be able to trade with them and their resources. The third country is under the rule of Emperor Byron, somewhere in central Asia. They are currently sending an envoy towards us to discuss peace negotiations. I wanted to let you know. Also, they have confirmed for us the existence of a Chinese nation, the Empire of Manchuria. This would fit perfectly with what we've seen on our satellites. I am okay with offering this Byron empire a trade deal, however I am holding off an alliance. If they knew we exist and were able to contact us through a direct radio channel, they might also know that your nation exists. Oh, and one more thing! Our first trade fleet has just departed. We also see your escort planes headed toward our location."


"Change of plans, redirect the envoy to Singapore, we'll have them stay at our best, the Raffles Hotel. Where are the Rockies Planes?" "Nearing our Airport."

@Fishman Lord @Loyal Guardian

Sulawesi Island, Singaporean Federation

The second battleship is deemed usable and won't retrofitting a laser. It has been sent to the Port of Singapore for resupply by the Navy. The Sentosa Class Battleship is also sailing to the Port of Singapore for deployment.

Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

The Peace Fleet has been ordered to continue to the East China Seas. The men left on the ground are still signalling the planes.


Territorial Gains

Western most point of New Guinea.
Location-Northern Front

Standing quietly on the top of the advancing tank, General Mitus smiled to himself as they passed the field of broken bodies. The most recent skirmish had gone better than expected, and the minor resistance the Texas forced had meant had easily been crushed. The same was being reported across the Northern Front, Texas was growing.

Since the securing of the province of Florida, the High Lord had ordered all expansion regiments to turn their guns north, and to expand north with all speed, and crush anyone who did not surrender right away. The small village in this area had refused, and as such, Mitus had ordered them to be crushed. The evidence of that order was still apparent, as two helicpoters flew by, firing a barrage of missiles into a group of houses near the edge of the forest, and grunted as the cries of fear were quickly cut off.

Glory to Texas, in all its might.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-25_10-53-0.png.bb90ff85a262519e91a9d65d05f02369.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128720" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-25_10-53-0.png.bb90ff85a262519e91a9d65d05f02369.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

My Territorial gains weren't being displayed in the map, so I went ahead and displayed it on here. The different shade of red indicates the new extent of the territory.



  • upload_2016-5-25_10-53-0.png
    73.8 KB · Views: 44
Near Singapore, Singaporean Federation

Emperor Byron was sitting down in his transport ship reading one of his old world books. At the same time he lightly thought about why the Singaporean government had told his envoy to direct to Singapore. He decided to shelve the idea as a question he would ask one of the Singaporean advisers.


Helios Communications Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The day was going normally at the communications center until a unknown signal was picked up entering Eclipsian territory. "Unknown aircraft please state who you are are and what your business is here or you will be shot down." The communications officer said as he contacted the radio of the other craft.

Oort Research Lab

"How is progress of the project going researcher?" The head scientist asked one of the other scientist. "Phase Two of PROJECT: Jovian is complete and we have just begun Phase Three." The scientist reported. "Very good. After this is Phase Four and dominance of the air." The head scientist said in glee. "I should also report that all aircraft that we have salvaged has been repaired and outfitted with our weaponry. Not only that but they are being mass produced on a very large level." The other scientist said jotting down things on a pad. "This is also excellent news!" The head scientist said with even more glee.

Southern Poland

General Deimos's army was now outnumbered two and a half to one. Recent scout reports also show a large assembly of enemy aircraft, which out numbered his one and a half to one. Despite being outnumbered and nearly outgunned, he had the artillery and defensive advantage. Not to mention that the other half of his army swung around and flanked the enemy force. "Bomb the living hell out of them boys! If you see any enemy aircraft blow them out of the sky!" He got a simple response: "Hoorah!" With that the Battle for Crimea was a bloodbath. The AA guns were doing well to deter most of the enemy aircraft but the ones piloting those aircraft were clearly well trained and some broke through. They bombed mainly the artillery guns but after that most of the aircraft that broke through were shot down. General Deimos gave the order to launch heavy bombardment on enemy positions. When the attack was conducted it did tremendous amounts of damage to the Polish army, but burned through much of the ammo they had. After many hours, which seemed like an eternity, the Polish forces were surrounded and the remaining aircraft and soldiers were bombed by Eclispian aircraft. Not to long after the remaining Pole's surrendered. General Deimos took this as a sign of his might but many of his men, equipment, and aircraft were lost. In the large battle not one Implanted was lost and that was the only thing that kept the morale of the soldiers, who still question Deimos's decision to invade. Then without warning he gave the order to push ahead.


Battle for Crimea

  • Poland: 180,000 Men dead, 6,000 Tanks destroyed, 450 Aircraft destroyed
  • Deimos's Army: 70,000 Men dead, 4,000 Tanks destroyed, 950 Helicopters/Fighters destroyed
  • Deimos holds onto Crimea but at a very heavy cost. His army has been greatly diminished by enemy forces. Only 40,000 Men, 1,020 Tanks, and 1,050 Helicopters remain

Kiev, Poland

A Polish citizen is out on his balcony when he heard the rumbling of an army. He immediately thought that it was Polish reinforcements going to fight this surprise invader. "If the military needs to send that much more into the fight then these invaders are well equipped." However much to his dismay he saw the army was not Polish. It was in fact General Deimos's army who had come to take Kiev. With only the police and some off-duty military protecting the city, it fell in a very short time. Deimos once again ordered fortifications be put around the city and they were raised. However inside the city most of the population had begun to fought back against Deimos's troops and, while making almost no progress, were beginning to severly damage the morale of the soldiers.


Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • Emperor Byron nears Singapore
  • PROJECT: Jovian Phase 2 completed. FH-12's, V-1's, and A-20's are now being made by the military. Phase 3 begins.
  • Deimos holds Crimea and takes Kiev, but encounter civilian Polish resistance to his very weakened army.

Helios Communications Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The day was going normally at the communications center until a unknown signal was picked up entering Eclipsian territory. "Unknown aircraft please state who you are are and what your business is here or you will be shot down." The communications officer said as he contacted the radio of the other craft.

Oort Research Lab

"How is progress of the project going researcher?" The head scientist asked one of the other scientist. "Phase Two of PROJECT: Jovian is complete and we have just begun Phase Three." The scientist reported. "Very good. After this is Phase Four and dominance of the air." The head scientist said in glee. "I should also report that all aircraft that we have salvaged has been repaired and outfitted with our weaponry. Not only that but they are being mass produced on a very large level." The other scientist said jotting down things on a pad. "This is also excellent news!" The head scientist said with even more glee.

Southern Poland

General Deimos's army was now outnumbered two and a half to one. Recent scout reports also show a large assembly of enemy aircraft, which out numbered his one and a half to one. Despite being outnumbered and nearly outgunned, he had the artillery and defensive advantage. Not to mention that the other half of his army swung around and flanked the enemy force. "Bomb the living hell out of them boys! If you see any enemy aircraft blow them out of the sky!" He got a simple response: "Hoorah!" With that the Battle for Crimea was a bloodbath. The AA guns were doing well to deter most of the enemy aircraft but the ones piloting those aircraft were clearly well trained and some broke through. They bombed mainly the artillery guns but after that most of the aircraft that broke through were shot down. General Deimos gave the order to launch heavy bombardment on enemy positions. When the attack was conducted it did tremendous amounts of damage to the Polish army, but burned through much of the ammo they had. After many hours, which seemed like an eternity, the Polish forces were surrounded and the remaining aircraft and soldiers were bombed by Eclispian aircraft. Not to long after the remaining Pole's surrendered. General Deimos took this as a sign of his might but many of his men, equipment, and aircraft were lost. In the large battle not one Implanted was lost and that was the only thing that kept the morale of the soldiers, who still question Deimos's decision to invade. Then without warning he gave the order to push ahead.


Battle for Crimea

  • Poland: 180,000 Men dead, 6,000 Tanks destroyed, 450 Aircraft destroyed
  • Deimos's Army: 70,000 Men dead, 4,000 Tanks destroyed, 950 Helicopters/Fighters destroyed
  • Deimos holds onto Crimea but at a very heavy cost. His army has been greatly diminished by enemy forces. Only 40,000 Men, 1,020 Tanks, and 1,050 Helicopters remain

Kiev, Poland

A Polish citizen is out on his balcony when he heard the rumbling of an army. He immediately thought that it was Polish reinforcements going to fight this surprise invader. "If the military needs to send that much more into the fight then these invaders are well equipped." However much to his dismay he saw the army was not Polish. It was in fact General Deimos's army who had come to take Kiev. With only the police and some off-duty military protecting the city, it fell in a very short time. Deimos once again ordered fortifications be put around the city and they were raised. However inside the city most of the population had begun to fought back against Deimos's troops and, while making almost no progress, were beginning to severly damage the morale of the soldiers.


Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • Emperor Byron nears Singapore
  • PROJECT: Jovian Phase 2 completed. FH-12's, V-1's, and A-20's are now being made by the military. Phase 3 begins.
  • Deimos holds Crimea and takes Kiev, but encounter civilian Polish resistance to his very weakened army.
"Sir, we lost Crimea, and Kiev is being invaded."

"Where the hell is our diplomate"

Above Kiev, a massive 700 airplanes began attacking the enemy forces, beginning to drive them back out of the city, along with Partizants

Meanwhile, the diplomate arrived near the what he thought would be a bourder of a city. Instantly, he got requested for his identification.

"This is Roman Dmowski. I hail from the Polish Republic. I need to talk to your leader about a ceasefire. Your troops are invading Polish territory for no appareant reason"

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