The World of Tomorrow

The Great Realm of Yamatai

National Research Centre, Osaka, Yamatai.

A Large helicopter can be seen lowering itself towards a damaged helipad on a rooftop. A few soldiers are lining up to greet those who are just arriving the National Research Centre. Prime Minister Take walks out from the helicopter while holding a few files on his hand, with his secretary follow him from behind. "We are happy to have you here, Mr.President." A man wearing a white lab coat greet Take with a firm handshake. "Ah, Professor Uta. I assumed that you had a breakthrough regarding what you're researching now?" Take walks side by side with Uta while talking.

Take, Uta and a few other people follow them behind and enter a big square room. Scientists in the room are busy writing and doing experiment tests to not notice that their PM just walked into the room. In the middle of the room, lies a big table with different kind of green plants.

"What am I looking at, professor?"

"We will able to grow foods from the ground outside, increasing the harvest rate by 40 to 50 percents."

"Is this the final progress?"

"We reached 60 percents progress, soon the food shortage of ours will be dealt with if nothing goes wrong."

"Keep it a secret until its completed."

Osaka Military Airbase, Osaka, Yamatai.

"Yes, I know. I know what to do."
Major Kato put down the phone and makes his way toward the airstrip again. Two scout squadron from another nation was trespassing earlier and was told to land at the Osaka Military Airbase. "Please come out from your aircraft with both of your hand on top." Major Kato speaks with a loudspeaker, hoping that the pilots will do as he told. "We will let you contact your homeland if you cooperate with us."


Keelung City, Taipei, Taiwan.

The soldiers and pioneers that landed on the island of Taiwan established a temporary base at the heart of the once called Keelung City. It will take a few months to turned this temporary base into a fully functional military base. Scouts are going out in different directions to do missions. Team Alpha is going to check the mountain area and heading to a place called Yilan. Team Bravo is going straight to the most South to see how big the island is. They are to report back if they see anything out of usual.
Singaporean Federation

Airport, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

The planes have landed. Two tanks and several armored vehicles have taken positions around the Airport and Harbor. Infantry units are building temporary garrisons. Engineering crew is assessing the port. The four fighter jets are refueling. Radar detected movement in the north, but HQ thought it was merely small survivors. The fleet will reach the city in two hours.


Parliament House, Singaporean Federation

Zeph finally decided on a route. Trade will occur on two fronts. Immediate trade would go by sea around Africa. The Federation will build naval bases on Islands along the route. A more long term solution would be through a train system across Asia. Small forts and villages will be built along the rail to protect and supplement trade. The University could just design armored trains to defend cargo. He sat up and smiled to himself. He called for an aide. "Send these plans to the University and MWE Chen for corrections."

A messenger walks in and reads a letter, "From the Minister of Agriculture: Congratulations Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes on a successful expansion into our neighboring lands. Also well done on the contact with the British. Trade and agriculture have a lot in common. With these new lands, we can produce more than was originally predicted, yielding enough surplus one million more above our current population. My father's fathers, and their father's father use to say that Britain imported many spices and exotic food from Singapore. With this increase in land, we'll be able to accomplish both of our agendas. Sincerely, Minister of Agriculture, Yahui Kevinson

Balikpapan, Kalimantan Island, Singaporean Federation

Preliminary tests on the Laser cannon proved successful. However the ship's circuitry and power source must to redesigned to allow for an effective laser. For the time being, the battleship is to be sailed back to the Port of Singapore.

Territorial Gains

Railroad complete. All that blank land between Ho Chi Minh, Bangkok, and Hanoi.
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The Socialist Republic of Britain

Oxford Conference Room, Oxford, The S.R.B

The Ministers waited for a response. DM Alastair spoke up. "Well, while we're waiting, I think we should contact Singapore about that alliance." he said. "Good idea." responded PM Kord. "Well lads, I guess you have to do this without me, have some where to be." MM Torrad said as he left the room. DM Alastair used the satellite to contact the Singaporean Federation. "Ello, Britain here, do you read me Singapore?" Alastair said into the mic.



The fleet commander had gotten the message from the crafts. "We are here to safeguard the expansion of the Socialist Republic of Britain, official business." the commander had responded. He put down the communicator. He picked up the radio to communicate with the rest of the fleet. "Keep those cannons ready lads, only fire if they fire first." the commander said. "What if they attempt to land, sir." said a captain of the ships. "Let them go, I'm sure the army and air-force would take care of them quickly." the commander responded. Meanwhile on land, the army and air-force marched on, claiming lands for the Republic.

@Domini Regum

Osaka Military Airbase, Osaka, Yamatai

The pilots had just landed. They were ordered to get out of their planes with their hands on their heads. They got out and did so without question. They await further instruction.


Research Bunker, The S.R.B

MM Torrad's helicopter landed outside the bunker. They had converted this pre-war shelter into a building for research. Torrad walked inside. "Ah, Military Minister, here to check on the research project?" a scientist said. "I am. Would you take me to the project." Torrad said. "Yes sir, right this way." he said while leading him towards the room. Torrad opened the door. "Ah, there you are." the head scientist said. "Hows the project going?" Torrad asked. "It's going just fine sir, just need to work out a few kinks, here I'll show you what we have so far." the head scientist said. He went over to a table and picked up an object shaped like an rifle. He aimed it at a one inch thick sheet of metal and pulled a trigger. A red laser shot from the object. It left a black mark on the sheet along with a hole burned through it that was about halfway deep into the metal. "Impressive." Torrad said. "Yes, but it has the tendency to overheat often." the scientist said. "And the clip?" "The clip is like a battery, the D-15 Laser Rifle uses the energy in the clip to concentrate said energy into a laser." the scientist said as he picked up a cylinder shaped object. "I would go into detail, but that would take a while."

[Territory Gain: The Rest of Spain and the Northern Half of Portugal.]
Singaporean Federation

Headquarters Signals and Command System, Singaporean Federation

"Singapore hears you loud and clear. Unfortunately Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes is currently unavailable. I, Minister of War and Expansion Jimmy Chen, will speak on his behalf. We outlined two possible trade routes that we can take. We'll send the plans for Britain's approval. Now, I believe you called concerning the alliance we offered? or is there something else of the matter?"


Port of Singapore, Singaporean Federation

The battleship has reached port and engineers and scientists from the University and local companies have been gathered to redesign the ship. They have proposed a configuration supporting the laser's original purpose, long term drilling. The laser will be able to fire a single powerful beam over an extended period of time. There must be a 15 minute buildup and a subsequent 2 hour cooldown after firing before it can be used again. This does mean that the ship must have a dedicated capacitor and a large enough power source to operate both the ship and laser. An independent power source will most likely be the case.

Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Garrisons have been setup. The fleet will reach the city in one hour.


Territorial Gains


Empire of Manchuria

Pyongyang Airstrip, Pyongyang, Korean Province, Empire of Manchuria

"They're from Britain." an operator said. "Britain? In Western Europe?" the instructor asked. "Yes, sir. This is the first time we contacted a foreign people." operator replied. "Tell Governor Jin Kong-Li to come to the airstrip because we had foreign people coming to our lands." the instructor replied. "You got it, sir." the operator replied.

The operator contacted the governor of Pyongyang, after that the operator said to the British airplanes, "You are permitted to land, the governor of Pyongyang is expecting you, over."

And then the Governor Jin Kong-Li arrived in the Pyongyang airstrip, he watch as the British squadrons preparing to land on the airstrip. He stood there, watching.



Osaka Military Airbase, Osaka, Yamatai

"We're going to land, over." the pilot said.

"Look at those soldiers and armed vehicles. I think they have stronger men and equipment." Another pilot said. "No. We are stronger and had an advanced equipment than them, we do know that we seceded from the Chinese People's Provisional Government of Manchuria one millennia ago which our descendants rebelled in the underground, plus, we had conquered many territories and this Japs have no experienced in conquering other lands which they aren't stronger enough." the pilot replied. "But rumor has it that their forces had arrived in Taiwan according to our satellite." Another pilot replied. "That's their first time then." the pilot said.



Haeju, Republic of Korea

General Kim Song-su and his large invading army arrived in Haeju, with the imperial Manchurian banners were raising in the skies. Apparently, they had just saw hundreds of protesters stormed a Korean government building..with a South Korean flag fell down to the streets of Haeju. The population in Haeju were mad against the so-called 'Republic of Korea' because Haeju wasn't directly under control of Korea and hadn't been helped by Korea and they feel like they were forgotten by their brothers. Government employees in Haeju were kicked out and tripped by angry protesters. The angry protesters installed their own government and a new governor was placed. General Kim Song-us and his large invading army marched to Haeju.

As they marched, everything went quiet, the angry protesters looked at the soldiers they have never seen before, not even the flag. They were scared as the soldier's equipment were quite advanced (due to that the Empire of Manchuria had retained most of the Chinese equipments after the nuclear war). The Manchurian soldiers led by General Kim Song-us were feared battalion and experienced in the conquest of Outer Manchuria when they fought against raiders and mercenaries and the Battle of Pyongyang.

The new governor of Haeju recently calling themselves as the "City-State of Haeju" approached the General. General Kim Song-su looked at him. The new governor said, "Welcome to the City-State of Haeju, we had seceded from the Republic of Korea." the General glared as he heard 'ROK', "Republic of Korea?!" the new governor replied, "Yes, we had seceded because we are forgotten and we hate this new Republic of Korea, by the way, where are you all from? I have never seen you and your armies before, your banners are quite unfamiliar." General Kim Song-su replied, "We are from the Empire of Manchuria. We are here to conquer, unless you are friendly enough, we wouldn't hurt you." the new governor replied, "We had heard rumors about your nation, about the attack in Pyongyang between your army and the Korean army. Truly, your nation exists, we are gladly to be part of you." the General replied, "Korean army? So the one we fought in Pyongyang are the Korean army?" the new governor said, "Yes, they retreated back to Seoul and Seoul is heavily defended due to the recent events from your conquest." the General said, "Thank you for your conquest. You will retain your position as the governor of Haeju which is now part of the Korean province under the Imperial Manchurian rule." after that the Manchurian flag was raised in the governor building. Basically, the government employees that swear allegiance for the Republic of Korea were executed.



  • Haeju was annexed by the Empire of Manchuria.
  • Manchurian scout planes had landed in Osaka airstrip in Yamatai.
  • British squadrons are expected to land in Pyongyang airstrip.

Territorial Gain

  • Northwestern territory of the "Republic of Korea".


  • Approximately one thousand years ago, the Empire of Manchuria seceded from the Chinese People's Provisional Government of Manchuria before the Empire of Manchuria were truly proclaimed 800 years ago.
  • The Empire of Manchuria's technology is similar to China IRL which is quite advance. (due to that the people in Manchuria left the bunkers 800 years ago and had retained most of the weapons and pre-war projects in the surface)
  • Food shortage or water shortage is no problem to Imperial Manchuria, instead, their problem is extreme weather. Sandstorm from Mongolia hits the northwestern portion of Inner Manchuria and Smog from the ruined city of Beijing hits southernmost portion of Inner Manchuria.
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Location-Orlando Florida (Disney World)

Standing on top of the ancient structure, Connor had a clear view across the land for miles. From old signs they had found during their advance, they had found the name of the place they were in. Something called Disney World. Whatever it was, it barely still stood. Structures lay crumbled everywhere, all except, oddly, for a castle in the middle of the main complex. Connor could only assume some old king or lord ruled from there. Standing on one of the highest decks, Connor could see helicopters in the distance. As they flew across a seemingly endless forest, Connor winced as he watched a volley of missiles shoot from them, and collide with the forest below before they flew on.

Despite meeting little resistance all the way to Florida, Texas forces now were facing a guerrilla war they weren't expecting. These savages they were fighting seemed to be materialize from thin air and strike the Texas forces, and before we could respond, vanish just as quickly into the forests. After two weeks of failed attempts to track them, and suffering heavy losses, Connor had resorted to a destruction campaign instead of mere subjugation. Whenever a unit of Texas troops was engaged by the rebels, helicopters would imminently deploy and carpet the area around the Texas troops with heavy machine gun and missile fire. While highly destructive of the local area, it was proving successful.

Watching the helicopters come around for a second assault, Connor turned away to look back across the forest in another direction, and smiled as he saw convoys of locals coming in. Connor had sent word that any who wished to join as full citizens of Texas in this area would have to come to Disney World for processing. With this ancient castle as the provinces capital, Connor planned to use this area as a forward base for any future operations across the ocean. If those planes had told them anything, it was that they weren't alone across the ocean, and they needed to be ready.

Location-Mississippi River Fort

The two soldiers nod to each other, and the other puts his weapon away, and they each grab one of the mans arms, draping them over their shoulders, and help him up the incline of the hill. Passing the checkpoints, they carry the man to the medica deeper inside the fort, where they leave the man to be treated while they go to get their superiors. As they walk out, one of the soldiers pulls out the flag he had taken from the ship. Inspecting it, he grunted. Whoever this man served, they had to be close...

@Domini Regum

Territorial Gain

All the territory between Mississippi and Florida.

All of Florida.
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Ruins of Anchorage, Alaska

Timothy looked over the twisted metal and old brick that once was the Capitol of this area. Beside him stood his brother, Prince Albert. "It ain't much to look at, but it comes with all of the great lands of Alaska. It's yours now." Prince Albert was surprised. "Me? Why not one of my older siblings?" "Because I can trust you." Timothy replied. "Now kneel. I hereby grant you the Duchy of Alaska and all of it's incomes and lands. Kneeled as a man, rose as a lord." The new Duke Albert rose. "Now we have other business. We must search for other nations now that we know Great Britain survives. We shall send out the planes."


Gained Alaska.

Sent planes to search for more nations.
The Socialist Republic of Britain

Communications Center, The S.R.B

"Right, Diplomatic Minister Alastair here. Yes, this is about that alliance offer; we are pleased to announce that we accept your offer. Now, this isn't the only reason we called. You see, the squadron that you contacted was one of our 5 squads sent out into the world. So far, 4 of the 5 squads had made contact. North American Squad had made contact with 2 nations, one of which might not be so friendly. South American Squad had made contact with a nation that call themselves the Varmandr Vestan, who rule a big portion of South America from our intel. They have also started setting up 'Trade Forts' as they call it in Europe. Just earlier, our fleet had spotted a vessel belonging to the Varmandr Vestan. Due to the amount of troops on that craft, we have reason to believe that they might have other things planned. Asian Squad has already made contact, as you know, but recently, some of our planes had disappeared from our radar. Could be many things, bad weather, worn technology, or just they simply landed somewhere; we really have no clue. European Squadron had met a nation that is called the 4th Republic of Poland. They are also our trade partner. Also, you might want to stay clear of the Moscow area, we've been told that Moscow's inhabitants might not be friendly. African Squadron has yet to make contact, but they have detected some movement South of the Zaire and Zambezi Rivers."


Korean Airspace

The pilots had gotten a message from the land below. "Affirmative, landing at requested strip now." the squad leader said. The squad assumed landing position and speed. They touched down a few minutes later. They got out of their planes and were meeted by a man who they assumed to be of high authority.

@Emperor Ploppa


The army marched across the lands of Portugal. They had claimed all of Portugal and Spain in around 2 hours. Meanwhile, the navy was still waiting for a response from the vessel.

Research Bunker, The S.R.B

MM Torrad had been in the bunker for a few hours now. He was approached by the head researcher. "Alright, I think I fixed the problem. The D-15 no longer overheats, but it doesn't do as much damage now." he said. "It might not penetrate objects as bullets do, but it burns away a decent amount of skin and armor, non-metal of course." "Excellent work, we'll have these mass produced and hand them out to the army." Torrad said.

Territory Gain:

The Rest of Portugal

Technology Researched/Developed:

D-15 Laser Rifles
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JJKab said:
After few hours, the leader of the squqdron began waking up, soon noticing that he was tied up, as well as gagged. He was located in a room with a woman, a man and few soldiers wearing Specnaz uniforms. He looked over them, with a frightened look.
The Man is reedy, unnaturally thin and cruel, was sheathed like the weapon he was in a leather scabbard, previously a simple biker's jacket but now regalified for his purposes. The squadron leader fearfully realizes all too well that this man has done this many times before.

The Woman was also tall, but more gentle in appearance, a simple white buttoned uniform with brown gloves, boots, and belt, but what really caught his attention was how her face looked as if it were covered in a paint of gold and a part of the spiked golden crown on her head. Her eyes? Unnaturally white, almost as if her pupils were simply snatched out of her eyes as she watched the proceedings. Mute yet rapt with attention.

"Let him speak," the Man spoke, waving his hand.

A soldier takes off the gag as the Man leaned in, cupping his face with his bony fingers. "My name is Dieztio. Answer my questions or you will grow to know it all too well in the worst of ways. Understood?"
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Singaporean Federation

Headquarters Signals and Command Systems, Singaporean Federation

"Hmm, the South American nation concerns me." Chen said, "Those 'trade forts' can do more harm to Europe than good. Singapore won't be of much help from where we are. The most we can probably do to support you right now is trade goods and Intel. We're currently attempting to take over an operational surveillance satellite from Korea. Quite a while ago your planes were seen flying over the Korean Peninsula before they split into two groups, one headed toward Japan and another toward what is formerly Northern China. We have reason to believe that three sovereign nations exist in that area, Korea, Japan, and China or Manchuria. It was unclear what exactly they are but we received a volley of radio signals before two armies clashed in Pyongyang. We saw no signs of a plane crash, so it is believed your men landed. We are currently sending a fleet toward the region, so we'll be able to tell you the truth behind their disappearance. We have gifts and an ambassador ready to depart to Britain. If possible we would like to also be able to meet Poland. As for the African movement, our first trade fleet should be able to make contact with them when we round the continent.


Kaohsiung, Taiwan

The fleet has arrived and begun resupply, it won't leave for another hour.


Port of Singapore, Singaporean Federation

The battleship was complete and has begun test fires. The Laser will be fired over the course of half an hour.
Location-Colorado Advance Research Facility

Deep in the mountain range of Colorado, dozens of helicopters flew in tight formation through the turning valleys and passages, carrying large crates under them connected by heavy chains. Rounding a final bend, the helicopters advanced towards a cave in one of the mountains, before slowing down and entering. Flying into a massive metal chamber still under construction, the helicopters detached the chains, dropping the crates and supplies, before lowering themselves to the ground, opening side hatches, discharging Texas soldiers and workers.

The new research base, recently built by order of the High Lord, was fully operational as it was, and research had already begun on a new military project. Initial tests had proven successful, and the new unit was preparing for new deployment orders. If all went well, the new unit would allow for much more rapid expansion.

Research Development

Fire-Hawk Class Assault/Transport Unit


Empire of Manchuria

Imperial Heartland HQ, Harbin, Imperial Heartland Region, Imperial Manchuria

"Your grace. I had received contact from General Kim Song-su." the operator said. "What did he say?" the Emperor replied. "Your grace. Haeju and its region was peacefully annexed to our Empire." the operator continued, "Your grace. The formal government of the Republic of Korea does exist. The new governor of Haeju said that the nation was established recently, had a direct control of Seoul, the former DMZ, and towns nearby Seoul. The settlements like Haeju and Busan are part of the Korea's claim, having no direct control and no loyalty towards this new government." the Emperor was surprised that the Republic of Korea truly exists and had fought the Korean army for the first time in Pyongyang which the Korean army was defeated in the battle and retreated to Seoul.

"How about the other two invading armies that led by General Jong Sik-So and General Qwen Su-Ko?" the Emperor asked. "General Jong Sik-So's army is heading towards the city of Kaesong which is defended by the Korean army while General Qwen Su-Ko's army is heading to the settlement of Pyonggang which is very similar to what happen in Haeju. Pyonggang is undefended." the operator replied. "Tell General Jong Sik-So and General Qwen Su-Ko that after they capture those important battleground to the further south of the Korean Peninsula, tell them to combined their forces together and capture the Korean DMZ from the Korean forces. There, if the battle for Korean DMZ will start somewhere in the future, the heavy Korean army station in Seoul will go to the Korean DMZ to help their comrades while General Kim Song-Su's large invading army will sail to Seoul and will capture Seoul undefended, tomorrow. Contact them, now." the operator said, "Yes, your grace."


Haeju, Korean Province, Imperial Manchuria

General Kim Song-su and the governor of Haeju were having a pleasant conversation until a soldier interrupted their conversation. "Sir, contact from the Imperial Heartland HQ." the soldier said. General Kim Song-su says goodbye to the governor and left the city hall. The General receive the message. "This is why the Emperor is wise." General Kim thought, proving his loyalty towards Emperor Dowan Cixi.

The General tells his army to be prepared because tomorrow..they'll set sail to Seoul to defeat the Republic of Korea.


Kaesong, Republic of Korea

General Jong Sik-So and his army were marching to Kaesong until a mortar from the Korean side hits his dozens of soldiers, killing them instantly. The Korean army attacked the Manchurian army by surprise. General Jong Sik-So was unprepared. General Jong Sik-So to suppressed the enemy fire coming from the Korean army.

The Battle of Kaesong had started.

The Manchurian army had battled the Korean army in the outer city of Kaesong. Korean bombardments were all over the place, hitting Manchurian positions on sight. The Manchurian morale is started to get decreased. General Jong Sik-So said to the radio operator, "Contact the Pyongyang HQ, now!" the radio operator nodded and contacted the HQ, "Hello, this is General Jong Sik-So's regiment, we are under heavy fire from the Koreans, we need air support, ov-.." and then the radio operator was killed by a Korean sniper. "Copy that.." the radio said. "Fucking hell." General Jong Sik-So takes cover from that Korean sniper and he is going to the battlefield while crouching, holding his pistol out in case something happens.

In the skies of Kaesong, with no Korean Air Force helping their Korean brethren in Kaesong. 8 Manchurian jetplanes dominated the skies of Kaesong and bombarded the outer city of Kaesong, killing most of the Korean soldiers on sight and the Korean bombardment stopped. General Jong Sik-So ordered his army to storm the inner city of Kaesong. As the army stormed the inner city of Kaesong. The Korean army surrendered, proving that the Manchurian armed forces are stronger and forced to be reckoned with. However, the Korean army were conscripted in the Manchurian ranks as "fire archers" and the Korean commanders were killed, those who don't obey will be killed. Kaesong is now part of Imperial Manchuria and Kaesong is now part of the Manchurian Rebuilding Project.

There are heavy casualties on the Korean side and a low casualty on the Manchurian side.


Pyonggang, Republic of Korea

General Qwen Su-Ko and his men arrived in Pyonggang, only to be greeted by the inhabitants of the settlement. They were cheering, seeing them as "liberators" against the Republic of Korea seeing that Pyonggang was historically part of the former North Korea and hated the South. Imperial banners of Manchuria were raised.

The governor of Pyonggang approached the General and he said, "Welcome to the city of Pyonggang." the General replied, "Thank you for a kind welcome." the governor smiled and after that Pyonggang was annexed peacefully, the same situation happened in Haeju.


Pyongyang, Korean Province, Imperial Manchuria

Governor Jin Kong-Li greeted the Brits, "Welcome to the city of Pyongyang and I am the governor of Pyongyang, very loyal towards the Imperial Manchurian government and this city is under Manchurian rule and this city recently became capital of the Korean Province. The city is still in ruins but the city is rebuilding as it is part of the Manchurian Rebuilding Project. So, comrades, what brings you here?" the Governor asked the Brits.




  • The imperial Manchurian government had recognized Republic of Korea's sovereignty however the Korean campaign will be continued.
  • Kaesong was successfully conquered. Pyonggang was peacefully annexed.
  • The armies in Haeju is preparing to set sail to Seoul (they are not sailing yet.)
  • The governor of Pyongyang greeted the British squadrons.

Territorial Gains

  • All of Korea's northern territories up to the former DMZ were now part of the Empire of Manchuria.

Military Development

  • A new infantry in the Grand Imperial Army of Manchuria was created calling themselves the "Korean Specialized Infantry". They are very good towards sieging as they use archers using fire arrows in order to burn a city in hell and they are good at fighting.


  • The Manchurian Rebuilding Project is still ongoing; mostly in the Manchurian-controlled Korean Peninsula and Sakhalin Island.
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Over Sakhalin, Manchuria

Two Rockian planes flew over this island, recently rediscovered after the pacific expedition found land across the sea. "Man, what a dump. Just pines and dirt forever." Suddenly, a faint radio transmission in some foreign language came on. "Hey, can you guys hear that?" The pilot turned on his radio to send a response. "Hello, this is Rocky Aircorps group 7. Can you hear us? I repeat, can you hear us?"

The ruins of Honolulu, Hawaii

Pacific group two had landed to explore this newly found island. A transmission to King Timothy had been sent a few hours ago, and a reply was finally coming in. "So you say that there is a large island chain far to the south?" The king asked. "Yes, my liege. The few locals left call it Hawaii." The king thought for a second. "How much technology do the inhabitants have?" "Practically nothing. It's like the Stone Age out here." Timothy smiled, although the pilots couldn't see it. "Make a show of your great planes and guns. If they don't surrender, attack a few and force them two. The leader of Pacific group two is now the official Count of Hawaii, and his squad the vassal Barons of the area. Good job." The transmission switched off and the men began to follow the orders.


An attempt to contact Manchuria is made.

Gained Hawaii for the king.

The Head Commander gritted his teeth, and gave the order.

"Pull back. We will go and assist in the Rome effort, and explore more areas."

The Head Commander gave out a radio to the British ships. "When your forces meet Germany, expect us again. This is not a threat, this is an alert."

The two Varmandr Vestan ships pulled away, sailing through the Strait of
Gibraltar and into Rome. Plans to attack Constantinople were already being made.



The Varmandr Vestan forces had started the attack soon after finding suitable farmland to the North.

Soon after the first three waves, and all of Italy north of Rome had been taken, morale was high. Soldiers were cheering, and celebrations were underway.

That is when they heard the rumbling...

some of the Natives had had more guns than thought. They rolled through towns unexpectedly, rising against foreign occupation.

Varmandr Vestan troops were quick to react, but with heavy losses. All rebels were put down, and a state of Martial Law was in effect for all cities. Troop numbers were low, as only 10,000 troops were left in the peninsula.

Varmandr Vestan Baja Bay Base

Within 24 hours, tha Baja peninsula was taken. The natives were low in number, and projects were underway for mining operations.

Cor Dio Research Base

In the late afternoon, the head researcher announced the creation of three things.

1: the Gateway Main Battle tank, equipped with a high-powered cannon, multiple MG's, and thick rolled homogeneous armour. Plans were made to mass produce them.

2: The Liberator VTOL. It was equipped with two 50 calibre cannons, two rocket pods, two long-range cannons, and an intelli-skin, made to cool the outside and "cloak" it from most modern missile tracking systems.

3: plans for the mining of natural resources in Italy and the Mainland.

They released this, and started mass producing the weapons. More factories were built, and more jobs were created.

Territory gains

Italy north of Rome

the Baja Penensula.


Gateway Battle tank.

Liberators VTOL

Standing once more in the capital city, Connor took a deep breath, enjoying the air of the homeland. Nodding to himself, Connor turned and watched as the pilots climbed into the ancient vessel. They had found the ship over in New Mexico. When they had looked into its use, they had found it was called an "airship" or something along those lines. Whatever the case was, Connor liked the concept of having flying fortresses or similar things in the sky, and word had already been sent to Colorado to begin immediate research into the development of the technology.

The captain of the airship nodded down to Connor from the bridge, and Connor waved his hand in farewell as the airship lifted off. Rising into the air, the airship came about and began to head north. He had received word of another nation to their north, and he had hopes negotiations could begin quickly.

@Fishman Lord

Territorial Gain

The Empire expands north, capturing territories above their currently held territory, slow expansion.

Technological Developments

Research into advanced airborne technology has begun.
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Mississippi River Fort

As the old man rumbled on about random things, three heavily armed ships (a Warship, a Corvette, and a small Aircraft Carrier, carrying two of the new Liberator VTOL systems and 15 fighters) and a submarine bleeped on the radar, pointing the guns towards the fort, and plane engines starting up.

They sent a transmission to the fort.

"Unmarked fort, We are the Varmandr Vestan... We have GPS coordinates near your position, saying you have the Fishing vessel of the Leader's Uncle. Give him up immediately, please."

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Italy-SRB border

The soldiers were confused at the rather modern weaponry of the Natives, but nonetheless uncaring.

They were about to unleash mortar fire and napalm until the Head
Lieutenant showed up.

"Hold fire! Hold fire! That's Britain you idiots!" He screamed from the ramparts of an old deck. "We don't want to start a war!"

After a few minutes of silence, the Head Lieutenant walked to the British line hands up

"I am a Head Lieutenant of the Varmandr Vestan. Do not shoot, or my people will."

Location-Mississippi River Fort

Standing on top of the battlements, colonel Travis of the 3rd Defense Battalion looked warily at the fleet of ships suddenly outside their walls. Even now, the hastily placed weapons within the fort were being readied to defend this location, while the old man was being brought up. Travis didn't plan on beginning any wars, but he would not roll over if these unknowns assaulted them.

Speaking of the devil, Travis nods to the soldiers escorting the old man towards his command post. As they pull up a chair for him, Travis turns and grabs the communication terminal next to his post, activating it and sending it back on the frequency they had received.

"Unknown ships, this is Colonel Travis of the Empire of Texas. You are trespassing in Texas national waters, and are requested to withdraw outside of weapons range. You may send a envoy ashore, and on my word, they will not be harmed. They can meet with this uncle themselves, and real talks can begin, face to face."

Cutting off the channel, Travis turned his head as the weapons officer gave him a nod. The defenses were ready. Lets see if they would need them. Word had also been sent to the nearest airbase, which was now scrambling air units to support them, and the Texan fleet was being recalled from patrol. This could either be the start of a new friendhsip, or the beginning of a bloody war.

@Domini Regum
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The Socialist Republic of Britain

European Front

British armies marched across the territories of the Netherlands and Germany. Along the way, they noticed a few objects similar to those described by South American Squadron. Added with the fact that the Varmandr Vestan vessels had sailed into the Mediterranean Sea a few hours ago, the troops concluded that the Varmandr Vestan had gained control of Northern Italy. They also spotted a few corpses belonging to some of the natives and some of the Varmandr Vestan Troops. Before the day was out, British armies managed to conquer the Netherlands and West Germany. Most of the native inhabitants the army had met were bombed by the time the army reached the location. Others had fought the Brits head on. The natives fought bravely but were killed, the Brits had suffered few casualties. Meanwhile, the navy had been called back to port.

Italian-France Border

The British army that hadn't gone with the rest to conquer Germany among other countries stayed patroling the French border. A British general held some binoculars to his eyes. He had spotted some troops a few yards away. The troops readied their rifles from their shoulders to aiming position. They were ready to fire until the general spotted one of them walking towards them with both hands up. "Hold Fire!" the general said. The man introduced himself as a Head Lieutenant of the Varmandr Vestan. "10-4; alright troops back to your regular duties!" the general said in response.

@Domini Regum

Pyongyang, Korea

The pilots were greeted by the man. It turns out that North Korea had fallen under the control of a nation called Manchuria. The city was in ruins and the Manchurians had already started rebuilding. The man asked the pilots what they were doing there. "We were sent out into the world to find out if any nations have arisen in the ruins of the world." the squad leader had responded.

@Emperor Ploppa

Communications Center, The S.R.B.

"Hmm, it seems ours suspicions were correct." DM Alastair said while holding some report papers. "The Varmandr Vestan appear to have expanded out of Rome and into Northern Italy. It seems they had been met with resistance as our troops spotted quite a few corpses along the way. We had gotten a confirmation that some of our planes had landed in the Korean Peninsula. Our other planes are still missing from radar. There is also that border incident with the Varmandr Vestan, where each side were just about to fire on each other but didn't because of their superiors. We'll be sure to keep a close eye on that border. We could send a squadron of planes to escort that ambassador to Britain if you wish."


Military Complex, Oxford, The S.R.B.

MM Torrad had just left the Research Bunker for the military complex in Oxford. There he planned military movements, invasions, etc. He had called for a meeting between him and the top commanders of the army who weren't abroad. "Gentlemen, it has come to my attention that other nations are expanding at an alarming rate. It is because of this, I call for an establishment of a few colonies in North America. The continent of Europe may not be enough, and other nations may wish to expand too. We can easily say the same for all other continents, but it appears North America has fewer nations than the rest and not significantly powerful nations to our info. Understood?" he said. "Yes sir!" they all shouted in unison. Some of the commanders rounded up some troops and set sail to North America.

Territory Gain:

The Netherlands and West Germany (Cold War Era)

Colony of Rhode Island established

Eclipse Empire

Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Your Greatness a word?" The high minister said. "Do not use such ridiculous titles on me, an Emperor is what i am and all i am." Byron said reading an old world book. "Yes Emperor." The minister bowed in respect. "Thank you, now what is the news?" Byron asked whilst putting his book down. "Our scouts have received active signals from Europe, Southern and Eastern Asia." The minister said with some worry. "Then we have found either possible allies or enemies, either way we'll be prepared. Our forces are not weak." Byron once again began to read his book. "Oh and minister before i forget, how is the Northern Campaign going?" The minister responded, "General Io says that the campaign is going swimmingly. We have swiftly conquered lands of the north and have captured Lake Balkhash. He also wishes to push to capture the Caspian." Byron did not respond for a few seconds, then he spoke, "This is good news.... yes now Eclipsim should be relatively secured, oh and grant Io with his request. I would also like to initiate PROJECT: Jovian." "But Emperor! Most of our mechanized, air, and naval forces are still being repaired and to initial such a project right now!" The minister said with shock. "Then have the reserve engineers and minor active engineers be pulled in to rush the repair and begin the project. I am merely following the Eclipse Doctrine that every emperor who preceded me followed." Byron answered calmly. "As you wish Emperor. I should also note that PROJECT: Glade is also nearly completion. Would you also like to make contact with any of the outside nations?" The minister asked while bowing. "I would like to send a peaceful envoy to Western Europe and Eastern Asia." Byron said once again with his eyes engrossed in his book.

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • PROJECT: Glade (Special Weaponry Project) is nearly complete
  • PROJECT: Jovian (Undisclosed Project; Involves Air Domination) has been activated
  • Salvage and Repair: All mechanized, air, and naval forces are given special priority
  • Northern Campaign: Lake Balkhash and areas up to the southern Volga and southern Irtysh
  • Goals: Establish relations with Manchuria and Britain
Singaporean Federation

Headquarters Signals and Commands System, Singaporean Federation

"That would be very much appreciated. We'll have our own men continue to work on that satellite and search for your men. While the invasion of Varmandr Vestan is certainly concerning, especially since they now have a base of operations, I don't think that they'll be able to advance far. If Poland is friendly, the two nations, hopefully with our vision from the satellite, should be able to repel them if needed. We'll keep in contact," MWE Chen said before he ended the call. "Status on the Korean Satellite?" "We have gained imaging control. We're still working on movement." With a satisfied look, Chen walked out to go to PM Jeanes's office.


Port of Singapore

The first trade fleet is preparing for leave. Companies and businesses have readied over 100 vessels for departure. The navy is also preparing 10 warships and 2 submarines to escort the fleet. Cargo ships are being commandeered to establish bases along the route. Local Banks are giving out loans for the prospect of an European market.

Bangkok, Singaporean Federation

Trains of people are pouring in. Workers are rebuilding and renovating old skyscrapers. The military has contracted a company to create a large wall surrounding the city. Turrets and AA Guns are being moved forward from Singapore to fortify the three new cities.

Sulawesi Island, Singaporean Federation

The Federation designated Sulawesi Island as a dedicated testing site for the University and the Military. The battleship laser is undergoing a series of stress tests. Admirals and Generals have come together to give the Laser a definitive purpose. Most of the Admirals want to use it for targeting enemy fleets. The Generals want to use it as a geomorphing tool, carving large plains of land in an instant. The battleship has been categorized as a Sentosa Class Battleship, a laser based weaponry. The Eastern Reclamation Force resumes their search, looking for other military equipment to be augmented. No movements toward the Philippines yet.

Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

The fleet has begun departure. Most of the base has been dismantled and is headed back to Singapore. Lion Squad fighter jets will escort the fleet toward Korea. The Fleet will round past northern Taiwan in an hour.


The Great Realm of Yamatai

Osaka Military Airbase, Osaka, Yamatai.

Both parties of "guests" are being escorted into a separate room by the soldiers. The Great Realm of Yamatai wants to treat them as nicely as possible since the nation is not yet ready for war. "Tell both parties that we only want peace, and maybe we can even establish trade routes." Major Kato said to a soldier before he goes into one of the room. "...And don't let each side know." @Emperor Ploppa @Agent141

North of Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Team Bravo from the Taiwan Expedition Force has reached a place that was formerly Kaohsiung. But the radar on the aircraft was beeping fast. They thought that they were not alone. They spotted a fleet preparing to leave the harbor. "There's more human out here?" The pilot shocked when he saw that there were people on the ground. "Try to signal them for a landing request." @Alteras

beakershell said:

The Great Realm of Yamatai

Osaka Military Airbase, Osaka, Yamatai.

Both parties of "guests" are being escorted into a separate room by the soldiers. The Great Realm of Yamatai wants to treat them as nicely as possible since the nation is not yet ready for war. "Tell both parties that we only want peace, and maybe we can even establish trade routes." Major Kato said to a soldier before he goes into one of the room. "...And don't let each side know." @Emperor Ploppa @Agent141

North of Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Team Bravo from the Taiwan Expedition Force has reached a place that was formerly Kaohsiung. But the radar on the aircraft was beeping fast. They thought that they were not alone. They spotted a fleet preparing to leave the harbor. "There's more human out here?" The pilot shocked when he saw that there were people on the ground. "Try to signal them for a landing request." @Alteras

Singaporean Federation

Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Planes were spotted in the air. The fleet departure was halted. The remaining men in the city are scrambling to address the pilots. Operators send out radio signals confirming the landing request. Men clear the landing strip. "This is the Singaporean Federation Peace Fleet. You have permission to land. Please state your identification and your purpose."

The Socialist Republic of Britain

Communications Center, The S.R.B.

MWE Chen of the Singaporean Federation ended the call. DM Alastair radioed to the military complex. MM Torrad picked up on the other end. "Ello." Torrad said. "DM Alastair here, send some planes over to Singapore to escort a Singaporean ambassador back to Britain." Alastair said. "10-4, right away." Torrad said as he hung up.

Oxford Airport, The S.R.B.

4 pilots got their things ready for departure. They got into their planes after a few minutes. They were part of the Elite British Airforce. They were piloting the experimental B-12 Fighter Jet for this mission. They are equipped with the newly developed laser weaponry, a bit thicker armor, and prewar bombs. They set off a few minutes later, course set for the Singaporean Federation.


Osaka Military Base, Osaka, Yamatai

The pilots were escorted into a room by some soldiers. They said they wanted peace and maybe some trade routes. "We had no intentions of attacking you, we were just scouting to see if anyone else survived. As for the trade routes, that is for he ministers to decide." the squad leader said.



B-12 Fighter Jet (Experimental)
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Empire of Manchuria

Haeju, Korean Province, Imperial Manchuria

The sun rises. In the shores of Haeju, hundreds of transport fleets were embarked on the shores. The army of General Kim Song-su were sprinting towards the transport fleets. General Kim Song-su were walking to the transport fleets along with his colonels. "When do we arrive in Seoul?" the General asked. "About two hours." the colonel said. "Now the days of the Republic of Korea is started to end." the General said, entering the transport fleets along colonels.

About 250,000 battle-hardened Manchurian troops, 80 tanks, and hundreds of armored vehicles
led by General Kim Song-su set sail to Seoul. It will take two hours. The waning days of the Republic of Korea is about to begin.


"Korean DMZ", Republic of Korea

General Jong Sik-So and General Qwen Su-Ko arrived in the Northern side of DMZ. And 100,000 & 200,000 troops were combined into one single force which it has 300,000 troops deployed in the former Korean DMZ.

Both of the generals do their handshaked and talk about their successful tasks about conquering what they previously done. The generals and the troops were looking at the DMZ and it seems it is very quiet, something isn't right, they had a bad feeling about this. "Where are the enemy troops?" General Qwen asked. "I don't know, general, we should move our army slowly." General Jong replied. "The fence is electrified. I think the enemies are hiding, waiting for us now." General Qwen said. General Jong nods. A soldier approach the two generals and he said, "Sirs, we have found the mines. It is unoccupied by anybody and it was a 'hideout' that it is inhabited by the North Korean army one thousand years ago. We should move there and occupy." the two Generals nod but must split into two groups. General Jong Sik-So's army will occupy the mines while General Qwen Su-Ko will occupy the surface in the northern side of the DMZ. The armies moved to the mines and the other army cut down the fence moving to the ROK side of DMZ.

As the soldiers of General Qwen Su-Ko were sprinting to the ROK side of the DMZ. They met a Korean machinegunner, the machinegunner opened fire..killing several Manchurian soldiers. "Koreans! Attack!" cried General Qwen Su-Ko. The soldiers of General Qwen Su-Ko moved forward to storm the Korean frontlines and it was a success, the Koreans switched to bayonets and killed some of the first wave of the Manchurian troops. The Manchurians switched to bayonets, killing the Koreans soldiers also.

Meanwhile in the mines, the shootout had also started when a Manchurian soldier stepped on a mine and blow up to pieces and the Korean soldiers opened fire at the running Manchurian soldiers, killing several of them. The Manchurian soldiers take cover and opened fire at the Korean positions in the mines.

At the surface, Manchurian tanks had entered the battlefield, destroying most of the first Korean frontlines. Korean reinforcements from Seoul are coming to help their Korean brethren in DMZ. Manchurian fighting jets and Korean attack aircrafts were fighting in the skies of the former Korean DMZ. The battle of Korean DMZ had finally started and it's going to be a bloody battle in the first time in Manchuria's perspective.


Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Island, Imperial Manchuria

The city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk was still rebuilding by the Manchurian engineers as the city was destroyed in the nuclear war one thousand years ago. In the airport, the operator saw two unknown planes going towards the Sakhalin Island. It seems this people were using the English language and made a contact to the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Airport. The operator received this two unknown planes, maybe it's another scout group in another nation just like what happened in Pyongyang recently.

"We heard you over and you are entering the Manchurian airspace, state your allegiance and your purpose of what you are doing here in our lands, over." the operator replied to the Rocky Aircorps Group 7. Machineguns and missiles were raised in the skies, targeting to the two unknown planes.

@Fishman Lord


Pyongyang, Korean Province, Imperial Manchuria

Governor Jin Kong-Li paused. "Oh." the governor continued, "Apparently, we have risen 800 years ago and look where we are now. We are strong and battle-hardened. You should meet the Emperor in Harbin, he'll treat you 'nicely'. Our nations could established trade goods and strengthen our relationship and after that we will recognize your sovereignty, mainly your lands." the governor said to the squad leader.



Osaka Military Airbase, Osaka, Yamatai

The Manchurian pilots were having a conversation about this nation they are in and the recent events in the Korean Peninsula. They were speaking the Manchu language. "I think this nation is established recently like the Republic of Korea. I assumed they are not ready for war with anybody." the pilot said. "I supposed so. Yamatai could be vulnerable if our Empperor launched an invasion against this nation we are in." the pilot leader said.

"I've heard that all of the northern territories of the Republic of Korea were conquered by the troops." the pilot said. "Republic of Korea is crumbling. Soon, the Korean Peninsula will be part under the Empire." the pilot leader replied. The conversation stopped when the man steps in. The four Manchurian pilots were looking at the man, waiting for him to respond.




  • The battle-hardened armies of Haeju set sail to Seoul.
  • Battle of Korean DMZ had started and it's going to be bloody.
  • Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk military airbase had intercepted the unknown two planes (Rockies).
  • Four Manchurian pilots looking at the man, waiting for him to respond.

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