The World of Tomorrow

JJKab said:
"Sir, we lost Crimea, and Kiev is being invaded."
"Where the hell is our diplomate"

Above Kiev, a massive 700 airplanes began attacking the enemy forces, beginning to drive them back out of the city, along with Partizants

Meanwhile, the diplomate arrived near the what he thought would be a bourder of a city. Instantly, he got requested for his identification.

"This is Roman Dmowski. I hail from the Polish Republic. I need to talk to your leader about a ceasefire. Your troops are invading Polish territory for no appareant reason"
Helios Communication Center, Eclispsim, Eclipse Empire

"You have permission to land. Sadly our leader is on a diplomatic mission right now so you will meet with the high minister. And regarding this 'cease-fire' and 'invasion' we have no idea what you are talking about as no invasion was authorized."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Helios Communication Center, Eclispsim, Eclipse Empire

"You have permission to land. Sadly our leader is on a diplomatic mission right now so you will meet with the high minister. And regarding this 'cease-fire' and 'invasion' we have no idea what you are talking about as no invasion was authorized."

The plane niftly landed on the airport of the capital, and a man quickly got out, headed towards the main entrance of the airport. He was still talking with the authorities via walkie talkie installed on his plane. He could take it out of the plane

"Our forces have suffered a loss from your forces. We lost Crimea, and currently your troops are invading Kiev."
Shortly after interrogation, the Polish Pilots that were sent to establish contact with Moscow were summarily executed; with the exception of one man that cooperated after some... Encouragement. The planes are taken in for examination and crews are trained for them.

Areas are cleared for convict colonies on the Surface, soldiers and their families joining the criminals to etch out the foundation for Reunion Day with secure military farms, housing, and district fortifications.

The Stalker Core is founded, a thousand-strong unit made up of old Surface scavengers and star struck children who have never even seen the stars, the organization's goal being the exploration, clearing, and reclamation of the Surface for the rest of the Metro System.

POV of Logan Frost.

After the two jets had been discovered, weeks ago, several scouting teams had been sent to the surface, thought a service entrance. A few had set up outposts and established communications with towns and settlements but the majority had reported that, while there were indeed humans (or at least a very close approximation) most of them were hostile, trying to rob them or outright attacking at the very sight. This would not normally be a problem. What was, was the fact that one of the largest encampments was right outside bunker fifteen. The one that was chosen to be our “Gate to the surface.” We would fight our way to freedom.

We had assembled at the entrances to our respective bunkers, ready, willing and able. Our radios blared, choked with static but still able to be distinguished.

Solders of the New Republic. For too long have we been dwelling underground. For too long have we let the ashes of our past keep us locked up tight. For too long have we let our country slip into faded memories. Today is the day that we take it back. Forward and onto sunlight.”

The rest of the congregation of twenty thousand troops screamed, in response, “TO SUNLIGHT!” The sound was nearly deafening but it filled me with hope.

Then the plan was set into motion. The Engineers would lay smoke and the Heavy Weapons, covering fire for the 1st, and the 3rd to literally explode out of the entry-way and into the raider compound. So that's what they did. Six heavies readies themselves at their weapons, aimed at the giant blast-door. Then a huge grinding noise was heard. Rust and dust fell like snow from the giant steel doors. The grinding, like a shriek of pain or pleasure, I'm not sure which, moving after sitting so long stagnant. Then a crack of light appeared. Something that not two generations have seen in their lives. However, it only served to brace the men that were waiting at the door. Shouting was heard from the other side and the men beside me readied their guns, as the clicks of safeties were thrown off. Then some more shouting as a gunshot from the outside produced a bullet that clinked against the armor of one of the heavies. All at once, the world exploded. Twenty solders beside me opened up on full-auto, out the door, their guns sounding like overlapped buzz-saws as a stream of fire belched out the end. The door was finally open and the engineers tossed out their smoke and then, they too, opened fire. The Heavies guns were so much larger that when they fired, you could feel the shock-wave in your chest. There were now thousands of rounds that were flying from the bunker door in all directions, creating a constant roar that forced the air from your lungs. Then the solders, all at once, charged the opening, intent on killing as many raiders as possible. I was the first thought and I fucking liked it that way. Out of the darkness of the tunnels and into the light. The sky was the bluest blue I'd ever seen with little whips of cloud hanging low upon the backdrop. Then I saw the ground. It was gray...

The kind of gray that you knew, just by looking that nothing could survive here. We might take back the land but for what? I didn't have time to think about that, though. Just ahead was the biggest encampment I'd ever seen, with thick walls composed of cars, trees, houses and all manner of scrap. Now, mind you that I hadn't seen any sort of encampment or civilization outside of the tunnels before but this was a lot of guys to go though. They were confirmed as hostile by the scouts so I began running, as fast as my exoskeleton would allow, toward a wall. They must have seen us because the next thing I know, stupid amounts of gunfire are hammering the ground around me and digging deep furrows into my armor. Then I collided with the car, blocking my entry into the compound. One side of the vehicle, when I made contact, made contact with the other side of the vehicle then went flying, twenty meters, into the center of the compound and lodged itself into a pile of junk. The shooters who were immediately around me were, quite literally, torn to shreds as bullets upon bullets tore into them, spraying blood across the dusty landscape. Then the 4th opened fire.

Thick streams of tracer fire literally tore buildings down from a hundred meters away while heavy cannon shells ripped holes in their defensive lines. This battle would be over in a matter of minutes, if not seconds. I simply walked into the raider compound, not a care in the world as the under-powered rounds that the raiders were shooting at us, bounced harmlessly off our thick plates of steel as we casually, taking our time, annihilated them from the face of the earth. When there were only twenty, or so, left, we set up a perimeter, guarding from the outside and herded them to the center, where I asked, more yelled.


When no one answered I began walking down the line of prisoners. When I came across a (relatively) healthy and overly spiked woman, I asked. “Are you her? Are you the leader?”

She sniffed and squinted at my face-plate. “I guess so. I mean I tell people what to raid 'n shit so yeah? What the hell are you man? Like, look, we was just makin' a home here. Like, sure we're raiders, ya'know but I didn't know that karma bit back so hard.”

I nodded then turned to the solder at my side, “Take her. I want to talk to her myself.”

She saluted smartly. “SIR! What about the others, sir?”

Gain all that you can from them then send them on their way with a message. “The Republic of Canada want's it's home back.””

He saluted again. “SIR!” Then turned and began shouting orders at other solders to begin interrogation while the woman at my feet was hauled off to a separate area.

I looked at the gray, dead ground again, now stained with blood and vomit and thought to myself. If this is how you want to play it Canada? Alright, we can play it that way... but just so you know... I play to win...

Territory gained: Eastern Canada (the medium red bit)

Approx enemy looses: 250,000 foot mobiles.

Friendly casualties: 4 foot mobiles.

A week later, some engineers repaired one of those old-world satellite dishes.

I was walking thought the wasteland, in the direction of said relay station, when a few aids of mine and I were discussing this.

What are you planning sir?” One of them asked.

To broadcast a message.” I replied curtly.

Forgive me sir but I do not believe that is wise.”

Don't ask me to forgive you for voicing an opinion on my actions. I value it.”

Yes sir. Well then, sir, this decision you are making is going to put all of us at risk. We have our land, or at least a portion of it. Why not just live with what we've gained? There's the nexus and all the tunnel-work that we have.”

Because, Johnathan, I do not want our next generation to grow up in a cave, no matter the dressing.”

We had arrive at the relay station by now, as the walk was rather short.

But there is so much risk for so little gain to be had. Is it really worth it?”

I stopped suddenly, the hissing and clicking of my exoskeleton abruptly hauling.

It turned to face him. “Is it worth it? Look around you. You went from advising a politician in a dusty office underground to here. Right here. This land, and everything you can see, for kilometers, is ours. Our ancestors fought for this land and for the right to be on it. To use it how we choose and to be able to grow as a people. I will not spit in their faces by retreating underground again. I am here and I am here to stay.”

Yes sir. I did not mean to offend. I am simply advising the best solution for the people.”

I sighed and palced a hand on his shoulder. “Of course you are. I am close to returning my people to the surface and I was blinded by emotion. Thank you, my friend.” I let the arm drop.

He nodded as we both enters the building.

It was a ruin with the roof gone, the walls crumbling and most of the equipment looted or smashed. Then I saw it. At the far end of the building, was the faint glow of a computer terminal. I approached.

The engineers there saluted me sharply as I removed my helmet.

One of them spoke in a husky feminine voice. “Mister Prime Minister. Had I know that you were coming, I would have ordered my men to clear the rubble.”

I held my hand up. “It's not a problem, I was eager to see what you had been working on.”

She nodded and began explaining to me everything about the inner-workings while her hands shook. I grabbed on of her hands, and bruised my thumb across the gloved top.

She looked at me, her hands trembling, her voice coming out in a squeak. “Sir?”

I brushed my thumb across the back of her hand again and said. “Relax. This isn't an official meeting and I'm not inspecting anything. Just think of me as another grunt and you'll do fine.” I finished by dropping her hand and giving her one of my rare smiles.

She seemed to puff up a little and then spoke with authority. Really showing what she was capable of.

After roughly half an hour of explanations and typing, the system was ready to relay a message.

It would take my voice, relay it to a satellite network then transmit it directly into a wide AM/FM band, essentially blanketing every radio station with my words. The microphone was handed to me as the engineer had taken her place at the terminal, ready to begin transmitting.

I nodded, she tapped some keys and sparks flew from a console in the wall but the transmission began.

Hello. My name is Logan Frost, Prime Minister of the New Republic Of Canada. Just recently, we have come from the underground and into the light. If there is anyone else out there, please respond at frequency one-five-zero-zero decimal two-five UHF. We have technology and supplies to trade. We have clean water and fresh food. We have shelter to give. Our fore-bearers destroyed the world. I want to help rebuild it. Transmission ends.”

She tapped another key and nodded.

Anyone who had a powered radio heard that. Now all I had to do was wait. So I plopped myself down on a slab of concrete, pulled out a can of water and waited.

Effect: Communication attempts are made. The NRC is now a force.
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JJKab said:
The plane niftly landed on the airport of the capital, and a man quickly got out, headed towards the main entrance of the airport. He was still talking with the authorities via walkie talkie installed on his plane. He could take it out of the plane
"Our forces have suffered a loss from your forces. We lost Crimea, and currently your troops are invading Kiev."
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The communications officer was startled. He knew that no invasion was authorized at all so this struck him as a crazy event. "The high minister is on his way to the airport so please wait patiently in the terminal. There he will discuss this." After ending the communication the officer turned around and shouted. "Someone send a transmission to General Deimos and ask him what the hell he is doing!" He yelled. "No wonder we haven't been receiving his signals lately....."

Kiev, Poland

General Deimos's men were getting pounded. While they were dealing large amounts of damage damage to enemy aircraft, men, and civilian fighters. Despite this the fleeting morale of the men was enough to guarantee an eventual Polish victory. General Deimos was inside his transport ship along with his Implanted soldiers wen he got a transmission from Eclipsim. "This is General Deimos speaking." He responded. "What the hell are you doing Deimos!" The officer on the other end yelled. "What do you mean?" Trying to play it off. "What do i mean? You launched an unsanctioned invasion of another country! The emperor will have your head for this!" The officer bellowed. "Okay so i did invade this country to gain control of the Azov sea and right now... we are in retreat." He said blankly. "You should have retreated long before now. Now i bet your army is in shambles and has put a dent into the empire's manpower!" The officer said raising his voice. "Even so we pushed the enemy so far back and dealt massive casualties to them! If you give me reinforcements we will can win this." He tried to convince the officer. "Just get back here with the Implanted...." With that the transmission stopped. Not to long after his ship began to take some small arms fire. After some Eclipsian soldiers boarded the plane it took off, along with the remaining army, back to Eclipsian lands.


Battle of Kiev

  • Poland: 50,000 Men and Civilian Fighters dead, 100 Tanks destroyed, 300 Aircraft destroyed
  • Deimos's Army: 35,000 Men dead, 700 Tanks destroyed, 600 Helicopters/Fighters destroyed
  • Deimos's army retreats back to Eclisian territory as Polish forces drive away his forces
  • Eclipsian-Polish War ends.
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The communications officer was startled. He knew that no invasion was authorized at all so this struck him as a crazy event. "The high minister is on his way to the airport so please wait patiently in the terminal. There he will discuss this." After ending the communication the officer turned around and shouted. "Someone send a transmission to General Deimos and ask him what the hell he is doing!" He yelled. "No wonder we haven't been receiving his signals lately....."

Kiev, Poland

General Deimos's men were getting pounded. While they were dealing large amounts of damage damage to enemy aircraft, men, and civilian fighters. Despite this the fleeting morale of the men was enough to guarantee an eventual Polish victory. General Deimos was inside his transport ship along with his Implanted soldiers wen he got a transmission from Eclipsim. "This is General Deimos speaking." He responded. "What the hell are you doing Deimos!" The officer on the other end yelled. "What do you mean?" Trying to play it off. "What do i mean? You launched an unsanctioned invasion of another country! The emperor will have your head for this!" The officer bellowed. "Okay so i did invade this country to gain control of the Azov sea and right now... we are in retreat." He said blankly. "You should have retreated long before now. Now i bet your army is in shambles and has put a dent into the empire's manpower!" The officer said raising his voice. "Even so we pushed the enemy so far back and dealt massive casualties to them! If you give me reinforcements we will can win this." He tried to convince the officer. "Just get back here with the Implanted...." With that the transmission stopped. Not to long after his ship began to take some small arms fire. After some Eclipsian soldiers boarded the plane it took off, along with the remaining army, back to Eclipsian lands.


Battle of Kiev

  • Poland: 50,000 Men and Civilian Fighters dead, 100 Tanks destroyed, 300 Aircraft destroyed
  • Deimos's Army: 35,000 Men dead, 700 Tanks destroyed, 600 Helicopters/Fighters destroyed
  • Deimos's army retreats back to Eclisian territory as Polish forces drive away his forces
  • Eclipsian-Polish War ends.

"Hold your fire. They're reatreating!" One of the officers said, looking through a binocular at the fleeing ships. He smirked under his nose

"One does not simply threat the Polska" He said, as his army started cheering, giving each other bear hugs

The diplomate waited patiently, as he got information that Poland has repelled the invaders. Invaders, because they just met them, and from the conversation, it looked like they suffered from a fait of misunderstanding of one officer.
JJKab said:
"Hold your fire. They're reatreating!" One of the officers said, looking through a binocular at the fleeing ships. He smirked under his nose
"One does not simply threat the Polska" He said, as his army started cheering, giving each other bear hugs

The diplomate waited patiently, as he got information that Poland has repelled the invaders. Invaders, because they just met them, and from the conversation, it looked like they suffered from a fait of misunderstanding of one officer.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The High Minister walked through the gates as military personnel saluted. He then walked through and saw the foreign man standing in the terminal. There he greeted the man. "Hello i am the high minister, personal aid of Emperor Byron. I hear you have intriguing news for me. Come this way to the conference room so we may discuss more."
Sakhalin, Manchuria

The planes deactivated their weapons and prepared for landing. After a few minutes of landing and getting off, the pilots greeted the Manchurians. "Hey there. I am pilot Larry Holworth. We hail from the Kingdom of the Rockies, Nation of the Mountains and heir to Old Canada. How goes this part of the world?"

@Emperor Ploppa


"We are pilots from the Rockies sent to find other nations. We were told that this area is under the control of a government called Texas. Is this correct?"



The pilots were in disbelief. The biggest city they had ever seen was the capitol of the kingdom, which at it's most had 500,000 people. Yet here, this city had great towers and possibly millions of people. Singapore was unlike anything that was left in Canada. "Tell me, how did Singapore survive the End? Was it not nuked or were there just good shelters?"



Several contact attempts are made.
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The High Minister walked through the gates as military personnel saluted. He then walked through and saw the foreign man standing in the terminal. There he greeted the man. "Hello i am the high minister, personal aid of Emperor Byron. I hear you have intriguing news for me. Come this way to the conference room so we may discuss more."

Diplomate looked over at the High Minister, and smiled slightly, approaching him, and shaking his hand

"Yes. Quite interesting indeed. So: Two days ago our southern bourder, exactly the Crimean Penisulate has been invaded by, I assume, troops led by your disobeying general. Then he invaded Kiev, but we pushed them back. Can we get explanation for this nonsense?!"
JJKab said:
Diplomate looked over at the High Minister, and smiled slightly, approaching him, and shaking his hand
"Yes. Quite interesting indeed. So: Two days ago our southern bourder, exactly the Crimean Penisulate has been invaded by, I assume, troops led by your disobeying general. Then he invaded Kiev, but we pushed them back. Can we get explanation for this nonsense?!"
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The high minister was shocked at this news, even though he was debriefed on it. "I am terribly sorry for the trouble we have caused you. I have been told that our General Deimos conduct this act and i apologize on his behalf as i know he will not do it. As for the countrymen you lost i share your grief. You have my word that the true officials of the Eclipse Empire will help in rebuilding the portion of your country that was ravaged by Deimos. In return the Eclipse Empire offers a trade agreement and aid to help rebuild your country in cases of disaster such as this."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The high minister was shocked at this news, even though he was debriefed on it. "I am terribly sorry for the trouble we have caused you. I have been told that our General Deimos conduct this act and i apologize on his behalf as i know he will not do it. As for the countrymen you lost i share your grief. You have my word that the true officials of the Eclipse Empire will help in rebuilding the portion of your country that was ravaged by Deimos. In return the Eclipse Empire offers a trade agreement and aid to help rebuild your country in cases of disaster such as this."

The diplomate thought about it. He nodded lightly.

"I think this will suffice enough. We will also release your troops that are currently held in prison. And we agree for the trade reute." He exclaimed, shaking the man's hand lightly.

The inprisoned troops of the Empire are now being escorted out of the Polish territory towards the Crimean Penizula."Also,on the behalf of our president, we can split Crimea between us. That's our proposition"
JJKab said:
The diplomate thought about it. He nodded lightly.
"I think this will suffice enough. We will also release your troops that are currently held in prison. And we agree for the trade reute." He exclaimed, shaking the man's hand lightly.

The inprisoned troops of the Empire are now being escorted out of the Polish territory towards the Crimean Penizula."Also,on the behalf of our president, we can split Crimea between us. That's our proposition"
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The high minister began to escort the Polish ambassador back to his ship. "This is not a war that the official government of the Eclipse Empire authorized. Being the emperors personal aid i can safely say that we deny this deal with the Crimean peninsula. However seeing the strategic importance of this location we would like joint fleet basing rights on the peninsula. And if you would not mind i would like both of our leaders to make a satellite meeting to discuss an alliance proposal."
"I will tell him. Thank you for your time, and I apologize for the amount of damage we've caused your army."

After he got safely delivered back to his plane, he took off from the airport, and began heading towards the main Polish airport at Okecie.

[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The high minister began to escort the Polish ambassador back to his ship. "This is not a war that the official government of the Eclipse Empire authorized. Being the emperors personal aid i can safely say that we deny this deal with the Crimean peninsula. However seeing the strategic importance of this location we would like joint fleet basing rights on the peninsula. And if you would not mind i would like both of our leaders to make a satellite meeting to discuss an alliance proposal."

JJKab said:
"I will tell him. Thank you for your time, and I apologize for the amount of damage we've caused your army."
After he got safely delivered back to his plane, he took off from the airport, and began heading towards the main Polish airport at Okecie.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

After the diplomat left the airport the high minister sent a message to Emperor Byron. "I do not mean to trouble you emperor, but General Deimos has committed mutiny and invaded a nation without your permission. The dispute has been settled thankfully and we will put Deimos on trial for his crimes. I have also negotiated some terms with this country and they expect a call soon. Until then emperor."

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • PROJECT: Jovian Phase 3 is 25% complete. The ZX-99 Tank, the only land based vehicle in the project, is about to begin testing.
  • Emperor Byron arrives in Singapore
  • Rebuilding of the forces lost in the war are now being quickly made
The Polish eastern border has been savaged by the enemy troops, so the project "Kosz z Jabłmami" has been commenced, with Polish army being replenished to around 1.000.000 men, 752 tanks, and 2.632 airplanes, including 486 bombers. Altillery is now topping out at 75 units.

The line was humming. For as far as Gram Olosky could see, so were the people walking it. Hundreds, perhaps thousands waited for entrance, a ripple in the formation of civilians producing a silvery-bearded man in the later years of his life and a clear, stern direction in both manner and look to take his flock.

Commander Rostov took command over the hushed crowd before the old man could speak. "RATIONS HAVE BEEN CUT FOR A REASON. CEASE AND DESIST ON PAIN OF DEATH! NOTHING IS PAST THIS GATE BUT A PRISON!"

The elder stands, speaking quietly but with strength. "Rumors have come to our attention of settlements on the Surface, populated with those who have done the Metro harm and we will no longer tolerate being buried alive so close to our birthright when those parasites run free above."

It was at this moment the gate opened... A squad of Plague Specialists striding out with their signature flamethrowers that saved the Metro System mere years ago from a mysterious illness that threatened to consume all. Shoved aside, Gram watches as they unleash hellfire. Weakest ones of the pack being trampled under terrorized feet.

He stares at the radio operator as he hears the order to shut the opposite door of this tunnel, and he stares at Commander Rostov as he is told to pursue the remainder, surrounded on all sides by steel, to be burned until no voice can cry out above the inferno of charred bones, singed flesh, and the broken hope of an entire Metro Station.
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Singaporean Federation

Changi Airport, Singaporean Federation

The pilots from the Rockies have landed. MWE Chen and MA Yahui Kevinson have been called to greet the pilots. On the way to the limos, Chen spoke up, "When the war broke out, we didn't think anyone would attack a trade nation. But to be safe, we signed treaties upon treaties to protect us and our neighbors. But it didn't matter, Kuala Lumpur was nuked as punishment for continuing trade with other nations." Kevinson spoke at this point, "But by this point, the world was already nuked to bits, no one was going to send an army here. Kuala Lumpur certainly forced us to assume underground positions, but the radiation from the rain wasn't serious enough to warrant a full evacuation. Besides, half of Singapore existed underground long before the war started. We maintained our infrastructure and reformed with ASEAN nations to make a complete nation." Chen concluded the quick history lesson, "And that's where we stand, holding a population over 10 million people." He motioned to enter the limo and told the driver to go to the Gardens by the Bay.

@Fishman Lord

Port of Singapore, Singaporean Federation

PM Zeph Jeanes was standing on the pier that the boat was docking into. When the men finally stepped on shore, Zeph Jeanes said, "Selamat Datang! Welcome to Singapore, the Moon among the five stars! I am Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes. Please follow me, we'll be going to the Raffles Hotel." Zeph motioned to the limo.

@Loyal Guardian

Port of Singapore, Singaporean Federation

The second battleship (from this point forward, referred to as the battleship) finished preparations and is leaving port to catch up with the First Trade Fleet.

Galle, Sri Lanka

The Fleet stopped at the Sri Lanka. Naval units are tearing down old buildings to make a permanent naval base. The next stop will be the Maldives.

Bangkok, Singaporean Federation

Several company heads have been gathered by the military. "You have been contracted by the Singaporean Government to rebuild factories in Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh, and Hanoi. You have also been contracted to begin production of naval Warships and Military supplies."

Territorial Gains

Galle, Sri Lanka.
Singapore, Singaporean Federation

The Emperor shook the Prime Minister's hand as he entered the limo. "Thank you for meeting me on such a surprise visit. I would like to say more but i shall save that until we get to the hotel." In the mean time Byron messaged the high minister about the situation the empire was facing. "I see, thank you for the report. Since our man power is now depleted launch PROJECT: Orion to replenish it. I also request a border with this country so launch the 3rd Army to begin an eastward expansion."
Alteras said:
Singaporean Federation

Limo to Raffles Hotel

The limo drives down Orchid Road. Zeph was quite happy when he saw the limo from the Changi Airport pass by. "Do not worry, this week has been full of surprises here in Singapore. I do have to say though, we weren't expecting a foreign nation to contact us directly through communication channels. We've only been able to figure out the existence of other nations through clues, small radar bleeps, a volley of radio signals, a surveillance satellite even gave us front row seats to a war on the Korean Peninsula. Nonetheless, we have prepared a feast. If the people of Singapore cares about something, its good money and great food, and no place shows the two like the Raffles Hotel."

@Loyal Guardian
Singapore, Singaporean Federation

The emperor smiled at the prime minister. "I am glad to see that your people are in good spirits. As for your discovery of nation progress the Eclipse Empire is more than welcome to aid you. We have also sent envoys to the Empire of Manchuria and the Socialist Republic of Britain to discuss peaceful diplomatic relations. And speaking of wars but i actually recently found out one of my generals invaded a nation without my knowledge or approval. Thankfully its been resolved and peaceful ties with that nation have commenced."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Singapore, Singaporean Federation

The emperor smiled at the prime minister. "I am glad to see that your people are in good spirits. As for your discovery of nation progress the Eclipse Empire is more than welcome to aid you. We have also sent envoys to the Empire of Manchuria and the Socialist Republic of Britain to discuss peaceful diplomatic relations. And speaking of wars but i actually recently found out one of my generals invaded a nation without my knowledge or approval. Thankfully its been resolved and peaceful ties with that nation have commenced."

Raffles Hotel, Singapore, Singaporean Federation

They arrived at the hotel. Doormen opened the limo. They walk into the Hotel. A line of servants greets them, "Welcome to the Raffles Hotel." The Hotel manager walks up, "I am Admiral Riley Jacobus Hummel, the owner of this residency. Prime Minister Jeanes, I thank you for choosing this place to conduct your talks. Emperor Byron, welcome to the Raffles Hotel, established in 1887. We have seen many guests throughout the centuries, but never had we the honor of hosting an Emperor. Will you be staying with us for the remainder of your stay?"

(OOC I'll be headed off for the day, I'll be back later)
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Alteras said:
Raffles Hotel, Singapore, Singaporean Federation
They arrived at the hotel. Doormen opened the limo. They walk into the Hotel. A line of servants greets them, "Welcome to the Raffles Hotel." The Hotel manager walks up, "I am Admiral Riley Jacobus Hummel, the owner of this residency. Prime Minister Jeanes, I thank you for choosing this place to conduct your talks. Emperor Byron, welcome to the Raffles Hotel, established in 1887. We have seen many guests throughout the centuries, but never had we the honor of hosting an Emperor. Will you be staying with us for the remainder of your stay?"

(OOC I'll be headed off for the day, I'll be back later)
Raffles Hotel, Singapore, Singaporean Federation

The emperor shook his head. "Yes i shall. Prime Minister i would like to push the talks tomorrow. It has been a long travel and i wish to retire." The Prime Minister nodded in agreement. "Mr. Hummel, may you please escort me to my room?" The Admiral walked Byron to his room where he laid down on the bed and took in on how furbished it was. Soon after two Eclipsian soldiers entered the hotel, gave their ID's, and went over to the emperor's room to guard it for the night.

Oort Research Station, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Sir we have gotten orders from the emperor to initiate PROJECT: Orion." A imperial messenger said to the head scientist. "Ah very well. If the emperor wants these suits to be done then so be it. It will increase the combat prowess of future soldiers." The scientist shrugged. "This will decrease progress on PROJECT: Jovian but they should finish at the same time."

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • PROJECT: Jovian Phase 3 is 40% complete. ZX-99 Tank testing is nearly complete along with the first test of the Titan-AA System.
  • PROJECT: Orion begins. This project not only allows the active duty and reserves to be increased to 950,000 each, but also confirms the construction of the Ganymede Power Suit.
  • Emperor Byron arrives at Raffles Hotel. Talks are postponed till tomorrow.
  • General Deimos's trial begins. His actions are already inscribed in Eclipsian history as "Deimos's Mutiny".

Empire of Manchuria

Imperial Heartland HQ, Harbin, Imperial Heartland Region, Imperial Manchuria

Emperor Cixi and the employees were watching the siege in Seoul via the old world surveillance satellite, after the imperial Manchurian banner was raised. The employees were cheering and Emperor Cixi jumped with joy, this is the first time that the employees saw the Emperor happy. "With the Republic of Korea destroyed, we will have a celebration!" and the employees yelled, "Yeah!" and then Emperor Cixi said, "Get back to work because tonight we will celebrate!" and then the employees jumped with joy.

Apparently, one of the royalsguard of Emperor Cixi entered the HQ, "Your grace." the royalsguard bowed. "What is it?" the Emperor asked. "An envoy from the Eclipse Empire has arrived in Harbin. I would like to escort you back to the Imperial Residence." the royalsguard replied. Emperor Cixi was about to laugh but he avoided it. The royalsguard smiled. "Alright, let's go." and then the royalsguard escorted Emperor Cixi back to his home.


Harbin Airstrip, Harbin, Imperial Manchuria

The royalsguard of Emperor Cixi had arrived at the airport. As they see an envoy landed on the airstrip, the royalsguard waited the representative to exit the airplane.

@Loyal Guardian


Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Island, Imperial Manchuria

A tall Manchurian general looked as one of the Rocky pilots exit their planes. One of them introduced. The tall Manchurian general said, "I am Tang Xu, one of the finest generals in Imperial Manchuria and a heir of House Xu located in Shenyang."

@Fishman Lord


Seoul, Korean Province, Imperial Manchuria

One day after the siege, it was a brand new day to the Koreans, the Manchurian soldiers were patrolling in the streets of Seoul, I guess it was just a peaceful day. The Manchurian engineers and Korean engineers from the northern part of the Korean Peninsula arrived in Seoul to rebuild the city from the ashes. Seoul is actually now part of the Manchurian Rebuilding Project, so as all of the southern Korean Peninsula.



  • The end of Manchurian-Korean War marked as a celebration by the Emperor.
  • The royalsguard of Emperor Cixi is waiting for General Io to exit the plane.
  • General Tang Xu greeted the Rocky pilots, one of them was an old heir of Canada.
  • Seoul and the cities that was once under the Republic was part of the Manchurian Rebuilding Project.
Harbin, Imperial Manchuria

General Io was reading an old world book, based on war tactics, to pass the time. He then looked over and saw a unit of men outside the airstrip. He knew this was a diplomatic mission but still found it to be a little suspicious. "You five keep your guard up but present yourselves appropriately." General Io said as he turned around to his five guards, three of them elite Implanted, and began to exit the plane. As he exited he walked down the steps, followed by his guard, towards the unit of Manchurians.
The Socialist Republic of Britain

Military Complex, Oxford, The S.R.B.

MM Torrad was looking over some plans when a commander walked in. "Sir, it seems that the Varmandr Vestan has placed some reinforcements in Italy, along our border. Also, nearby planes patrolling the skies spotted a shipment arriving from what we assume to be their homeland." the commander said. Torrad was silent at this. Then he finally said, "Send a quarter of our available military to the French-Italian border, along with 20 G-51 tanks. And ready the announcement systems." he said. "Yes sir, and which ones?" "All of them."

A Few Minutes Later...

MM Torrad sat in front of a desk along with a mic in front of him in what looked like a news studio.

"My fellow citizens, it is I, your Minister of Military Torrad. It is not often I use this method of announcement to address you. It has come to my attention that the South American nation known as the Varmandr Vestan has started reinforcing their half of our shared border. Now, onlookers watching on a television set or similar methods, turn your attention to the screen. *Screens across the nation show a map of South America.* Shown here on your screen is the current territory of the Varmandr Vestan, according to our scouts. As you can see, they control a big portion of the land in South America. *Screens switches to a map of Europe.* Now here, we have a map of Europe, our home continent. Now take a look at Italy. It is currently under Varmandr Vestan rule. *Screens start to show various pictures of dead natives/soldiers.* This is what our military saw when they first arrived at the Italian border. Hundreds of thousands of natives dead by their hands. Now I know you may be thinking this is terrible thing that has occurred and wondering who can stop this from happening to our nation. *Torrad chuckles a little.* Well, my fellow citizens, the answer is you, you are the only ones who can stop this. Together, we can put an end to Varmandr Vestan imperialism. *Screens change to an image of a waving Union Jack and the British Anthem is playing.*"

This was broadcasted to all televisions and speakers across the nation. Meanwhile, MM Torrad contacted the rest of the Ministers regarding the mysterious shipment.

Communications Center, The S.R.B.

A communications operator responded to the Eclipse Empire's message. "You are cleared for landing, proceed to Oxford airport." the operator had said. Meanwhile, DM Alastair was responding to the Singaporeans. "We have also been contacted by this Central Asian nation. We-" Alastair was cut off by the announcement system. The voice of MM Torrad echoed from the speakers (See above). After the message, Alastair got a call from Torrad. "Ello." Alastair said. "Ello, Torrad here, I'm sure you heard the announcements, but there was another thing, a strange shipment has been spotted arriving in Italy, presumably from South America. I'm sure there be a meeting later to discuss this." Torrad said and hung up. Alastair resumed to talk to the Singaporeans. "I was not expecting that. Apparently a strange shipment has arrived in Italy from South America. Anyways, we have directed the Central Asian diplomatic envoy to Oxford Airport. We are still unsure of an alliance but trading is an option."

@Alteras @Loyal Guardian


The S.R.B. has responded to the Singaporeans.

The Eclipse Empire's diplomat is directed to Oxford Airport.

25% of the Military is sent to Britain's side of the Italian border (184,750 Men and 750 Tanks) Along with 20 G-51 model tanks (Laser/Elite Tank Units)

MM Torrad had broadcasted a message regarding the Varmandr Vestan.

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