The World of Tomorrow

[QUOTE="Domini Regum]Christian nodded. "Good. While you are refueling, we should speak of how to get communications between our nations. We currently have one old Chilean satellite over Europe, and three, I think, over South America, and planning to put more up. I would think that connection between our countries would be a valiant effort."


"IF I'm not mistaken, we should have two old Chinese satellites we borrowed before this whole mess began. They're pretty untouched, but there's one thing: We don't have a launchpad for the eventual rocket. But, as I said, our diplomat will come over to discuss this matter with you"


"Dobrze, oto nowa wiadomość od naszego korespondenta z Brazyli."

{We've got a new message from our corespondent from Brasil}

After playing out the message, the whole diet decides to accept the terms, and thus the plane with few soldiers, 10 builderman, and a trained diplomate takes off from Okecie, and heads on towards the airport nearest to the place where their ambasssy would be set up.

"Alright, I've got the news that our diet accepted your proposal, so... oh, and ambassy of your country is going to be set up in Gdynia" Pilot exclaimed, smiling, as he put his walkie talkie on his belt, waiting for the man's reaction.
JJKab said:
"IF I'm not mistaken, we should have two old Chinese satellites we borrowed before this whole mess began. They're pretty untouched, but there's one thing: We don't have a launchpad for the eventual rocket. But, as I said, our diplomat will come over to discuss this matter with you"


"Dobrze, oto nowa wiadomość od naszego korespondenta z Brazyli."

{We've got a new message from our corespondent from Brasil}

After playing out the message, the whole diet decides to accept the terms, and thus the plane with few soldiers, 10 builderman, and a trained diplomate takes off from Okecie, and heads on towards the airport nearest to the place where their ambasssy would be set up.

"Alright, I've got the news that our diet accepted your proposal, so... oh, and ambassy of your country is going to be set up in Gdynia" Pilot exclaimed, smiling, as he put his walkie talkie on his belt, waiting for the man's reaction.
Christian smiled. "Thank you for your acceptance. On your way back to Poland you should stop at Rome. I have gotten word we are reclaiming it as we speak. And I will personally be over to help with the building of the new embassy. Thank you for your time" He said before bowing to the man.

Varmandr Vestan fishing vessel, off the coast of Mississippi

The old fisherman, half blind, was drifting towards the shore. His motor had died, and he was too weak to row back. He slowly drifted into the bay, raising high a Varmandr Vestan flag high. He quickly squawked into his radio

"Help an old man?"
[QUOTE="Domini Regum]Christian smiled. "Thank you for your acceptance. On your way back to Poland you should stop at Rome. I have gotten word we are reclaiming it as we speak. And I will personally be over to help with the building of the new embassy. Thank you for your time" He said before bowing to the man.


Pilot bowed back, smirking, without any word, as he made his way out of the building, and towards the planes

{Chłopie, lecimy do Rzymu}

"Boy, we're heading to the Rome" He exclaimed, quickly hopping into his plane, and starting the engine. As soon as he did, he throttled the whole way, as his companion, and soon they took off, heading towards the Rome.

Meanwhile, the Polish plane containing builders, few soldiers and a diplomate has landed on the airport. The plane began decelerating, and soon came to the stop, as few military jeeps rolled out, and few trucks, containing resources needed for establishing a building of their ambassy. In one of the jeeps there was the diplomate, as he ordered the driver to get them to the exit of the airport, him being followed by his escort.
JJKab said:
Pilot bowed back, smirking, without any word, as he made his way out of the building, and towards the planes

{Chłopie, lecimy do Rzymu}

"Boy, we're heading to the Rome" He exclaimed, quickly hopping into his plane, and starting the engine. As soon as he did, he throttled the whole way, as his companion, and soon they took off, heading towards the Rome.

Meanwhile, the Polish plane containing builders, few soldiers and a diplomate has landed on the airport. The plane began decelerating, and soon came to the stop, as few military jeeps rolled out, and few trucks, containing resources needed for establishing a building of their ambassy. In one of the jeeps there was the diplomate, as he ordered the driver to get them to the exit of the airport, him being followed by his escort.
Christian watched the planes leave, and grabbed the nation's 5 top scientists and a few supplies and left for Poland.


When the diplomat arrived, a young man by tge name of Galdur approached him, followed by men in rather advanced armour.

"Hello sir. We have an empty lot in the city for you. Follow me" he said, beckoning to a car.

In 10 minutes, they had reached a sprawling complex, modeled off the old U.N. building.

"Now...plant your claim somewhere around the main complex."

Baldur walked away and let them work, as many builders approached to help.


Rome, Italy

The radar was put up just in time to see the planes coming. The air operations manager came over the radio.

"Identify yourselves, or be shot down. You are in Varmandr Vestan airspace."
[QUOTE="Domini Regum]Christian watched the planes leave, and grabbed the nation's 5 top scientists and a few supplies and left for Poland.

When the diplomat arrived, a young man by tge name of Galdur approached him, followed by men in rather advanced armour.

"Hello sir. We have an empty lot in the city for you. Follow me" he said, beckoning to a car.

In 10 minutes, they had reached a sprawling complex, modeled off the old U.N. building.

"Now...plant your claim somewhere around the main complex."

Baldur walked away and let them work, as many builders approached to help.

The builders began to get the place ready for the building to being set, with the help of Varmandr's workers.

[QUOTE="Domini Regum]

Rome, Italy

The radar was put up just in time to see the planes coming. The air operations manager came over the radio.

"Identify yourselves, or be shot down. You are in Varmandr Vestan airspace."

"We hail from the Republic of Poland. We were told by the... Christian to come here. Do we have permission for landing?"

(Sry for short post, going to go soon)


Polish airport of Danzig is prepared for the grand landing of the President of Christian, with many military officers guarding the airport, not letting anyone inside.
The Socialist Republic of Britain

Hope Air Centre, Varmandr Vestan

The pilots listened. The man gave them a gold watch as a sign of gratitude. "Right, well gents, I guess its time to get going." the squad leader said to the pilots. They all hopped into their jets and prepared take off.

Over Yamatai

"We hail from the Socialist Republic of Britain." the squad leader said to the planes and proceeded to follow them to one of their military bases as requested.



The British army marched across the lands used to be known as Spain. The British Air Force flew by overhead. The British Navy moved into position. They noticed some unidentified crafts a few yards away. "You are interfering with official British business, state your allegiance and be on your way." the fleet captain said over the radio to the unidentified crafts.

@Domini Regum

France North Eastern Border

The remaining British forces that didn't join with the others to Spain remained on the borders of France. The forces on the North Eastern border had just gotten orders to invade nearby Luxembourg and Belgium. Meanwhile, MM Torrad went back to Oxford to discuss things told to them by South American Squad.

Capital Building Conference Room, Oxford, The S.R.B.

The Ministers gathered around the table in the middle of the room; PM (Prime Minister) Kord, DM (Diplomatic Minister) Alastair, MM (Military Minister) Torrad, and IM (Infrastructure Minister) Arran. "Gentlemen, I assume you all know why you were called here today." Kord said. "We are here to discuss the offers of a nation called the Varmandr Vestan, based in South America." "South American squad says to tune into a comm satellite." MM Torrad said. "I had already told communications center to do so." He pulled out a radio. "Pass the frequency to the conference speaker." he said. The speaker crackled and microphones popped up from the table in front of the ministers.

@Domini Regum

[Territory Gain: Eastern half of Spain, Luxembourg, and Southern Half of Belgium]
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Location-Mississippi River Fort

Standing on the newly built battlements, two Texas soldiers in the long black cloaks watch the vessel approach. Speaking quietly to each other, they grab their rifles and send notice to the lieutenant. Moving quickly, the two soldiers jog down the wall spanning the entire mouth of the river, hopping down the short stairs and head down towards the shore.

Waiting for the boat to come towards the lower end, one of the soldiers levels his rifle on the old man, while the other wades in and pulls his boat ashore. Once it touches the dirt, the soldier pulling grabs the old man and helps him out of the boat, the entire time the other soldier keeps his rifle trained on him.

"What are you doing here, fisherman?"

@Domini Regum
Mississippi River Fort

The old man smiled and looked at them, the wrinkles on his face showing, and the flag of the Varmandr Vestan flying high on the boat.

He let out some words in a raspy, wise voice.

"I'm just an old fisherman... My darn boat engine stopped and I drifted here."

He looked around at the base.

"Is this one of the new outposts of the nation? If so, uhm... Long Live Varmandr Vestan? I got a few fish to sell..."

After that, the old man started talking, but nodded off asleep. He let out his name, Raul, but nothing much else beside that.


Lisbon, Portugal.

The ship had just started to release landing craft before the British contacted them.

The Captain took the radio and spoke back, in English.

"We hail from the Varmandr Vestan, and we are about to take this city as a trading fort. What're you doin' here?"

All the while, the Soldiers took battle positions, fearing the worst.


Rome, Italy

The city had been taken, and reclamation projects were underway, while the electrical plants had been activated, lighting up the city. The remaining survivors in the city were found and alerted the situation. Most stayed, some fought. The ones that fought were imprisoned.

The planes appeared on the horizon, and the Air Operations Manager gave the nod to the Polish planes.

"You can all have permission to land. Slow over the city, we will alert the Anti-Air guns to not fire."


War Gains:

Rome and surrounding area

Making gains on the Tribal Kingdoms.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca0da96b5_Capture300000.PNG.daf0da2f09c7341ab19cd9dadda7f966.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca0da96b5_Capture300000.PNG.daf0da2f09c7341ab19cd9dadda7f966.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Capture 300000.PNG
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War Gains:

Rome and surrounding area

Making gains on the Tribal Kingdoms.

View attachment 283878

The two planes slowed down, heading towards the nearest airport, as they flew over Rome.

"Kurka, nawet nieźle się utrzymali"

{Dang, they survived pretty well}

The planes were approaching the airfield, and soon enough, made contact, coming to a stop a few hundred meters later. They got out, waiting for someone to arrive and explain to them what is going on

The building of Varmandr's ambassy in Gdynia has begun, with the troops guarding the construction site, awaiting for the President of that state to arrive, as he announced, same goes for Polish in Brasil.
Across Moscow, Lazarus Boxes are put into place by Union work crews, soldiers fresh from their victories over the Reich remnants and mutant beasts lending a hand to place the constructions at strategic parts of the city, especially Red Square and the Botanical Gardens.
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"Alright, boys, we've got mission on our hands. We've got ordered to head to the Moscov, and attempt to see IF anyone not drunk is still there. We've got to:

-try and contact it's government

-attempt to reason

-and if all else fails: only then open fire and get the heck out. Understood?"

"SIR YES SIR" 6 pilots responded to their chief, as they got into their planes on the airport located in Mogilev, and began their journey to the current Union of Hallelujah territories.


Christian had landed in the city of the embassy. His modest jet was protected by two rather clean looking jets based off F-15 fighters. He got out, smiling.

"Ello everybody."

Rome, Italy

The surrounding countryside had been secured, and fortification was underway as the first factory was starting up, and Resource Scouting crews were looking outside the city heading north and south looking for other supplies. The city glowed for miles.

As the planes landed, the operation commander had walked up to the pilots.

"Welcome to Rome province. We are currently industrializing the city, and repairing the Holy See."


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JJKab said:
"Alright, boys, we've got mission on our hands. We've got ordered to head to the Moscov, and attempt to see IF anyone not drunk is still there. We've got to:

-try and contact it's government

-attempt to reason

-and if all else fails: only then open fire and get the heck out. Understood?"

"SIR YES SIR" 6 pilots responded to their chief, as they got into their planes on the airport located in Mogilev, and began their journey to the current Union of Hallelujah territories.

Later, the planes miles away from Moscow, multiple nuclear detonations appear over the horizon, not originating from the former capitol city of Russia, but instead in the direction of the North Sea.
Pat said:
Later, the planes miles away from Moscow, multiple nuclear detonations appear over the horizon, not originating from the former capitol city of Russia, but instead in the direction of the North Sea.
"Żesz, k!@#, chłopcy, przyspieszmy to"

{F!$@ boys, speed this up}

The planes began going quicker, heading towards the Russian old Capital, hoping that the radiation didn't arrive there
JJKab said:
"Żesz, k!@#, chłopcy, przyspieszmy to"
{F!$@ boys, speed this up}

The planes began going quicker, heading towards the Russian old Capital, hoping that the radiation didn't arrive there
The city by now is missing some of it's skyline, the heavy demolition teams having efficiently done their work and then some. New constructions have even rose, steel frames of apartments, barracks and camps, even a golden statue with what appears to have a golden crown and torch standing in Red Square. What really caught the attention of the pilots, however, was the dreadful wailing of an air-raid siren, and the swiveling AA guns below, some of which were already trained and only holding back for the release of an arm in the age old silent command to fire.

Water flares shoot up over a cleared four lane intersection, flattened purposely. The colored clouds of red quickly turning into round balls of sharp ice upon detonation in the air, falling to the ground and shattering.
Pat said:
The city by now is missing some of it's skyline, the heavy demolition teams having efficiently done their work and then some. New constructions have even rose, steel frames of apartments, barracks and camps, even a golden statue with what appears to have a golden crown and torch standing in Red Square. What really caught the attention of the pilots, however, was the dreadful wailing of an air-raid siren, and the swiveling AA guns below, some of which were already trained and only holding back for the release of an arm in the age old silent command to fire.
Water flares shoot up over a cleared four lane intersection, flattened purposely. The colored clouds of red quickly turning into round balls of sharp ice upon detonation in the air, falling to the ground and shattering.
"Aight.... We're hailing from the Republic of Poland! We're not seeking any harm to you. We want to speak with your ruler, if that's possible"

The speakers mounted on planes started transmitting the squadron leader's voice, as they flew over the AA guns, noticing they were pointed right at them

"That's all we want"
New United Nations Complex

The Varmandr Vestan troops had to push back crowds, as Press were reporting for VV Times Radio and Newspaper were conducting interviews, and people were pushing to see the Polish flag rise beside the Varmandr Vestan flag.

The main diplomate looked over at the crowd, as he smiled lightly. One of the buildermans approached him

"Psze pana, możliwe, że skonczymy budowę już za dwa dni"

{Sir, it's plausible that we might end the construction in a two-day span}

The diplomat's face lightened up, as he looked at the Polish flag next to Varmandr one.

He stepped up towards the building, inspecting it for a little while, before looking over at the people once again


Two army jeeps drove over to the jets, in one of them sat Jacob Pilsudzky. He got out, and walked up to the president of Varmandr Vestan, smiling brightly

"Witamy w Polsce! Welcome to Poland" He greeted him in both languages.
JJKab said:
The main diplomate looked over at the crowd, as he smiled lightly. One of the buildermans approached him
"Psze pana, możliwe, że skonczymy budowę już za dwa dni"

{Sir, it's plausible that we might end the construction in a two-day span}

The diplomat's face lightened up, as he looked at the Polish flag next to Varmandr one.

He stepped up towards the building, inspecting it for a little while, before looking over at the people once again


Two army jeeps drove over to the jets, in one of them sat Jacob Pilsudzky. He got out, and walked up to the president of Varmandr Vestan, smiling brightly

"Witamy w Polsce! Welcome to Poland" He greeted him in both languages.
Christian smiled at the man "I am Christian Killian, head of Foreign Relations and second in command of the Varmandr Vestan. I am here to build an embassy. I have brought scientists, as well as a rather advanced Solar and Wind energy device to power the building. Where shall I begin?"
Varmandr Vestan Council

Arguing had been going on for hours, on Military terms. A few had wanted to pull forces from Italy to the homeland, to the taking over of South America. Others wanted to take forces from Baja Bay to Italy, and vice versa.

They argued for hours, and they finally settled. The Head Councilman stood up, and addressed the Council of Thousand.

"We will gain the Baja Bay, and attack North on Italy. To do thIs, we will increase incentives to reSearch and join the military.
[QUOTE="Domini Regum]Christian smiled at the man "I am Christian Killian, head of Foreign Relations and second in command of the Varmandr Vestan. I am here to build an embassy. I have brought scientists, as well as a rather advanced Solar and Wind energy device to power the building. Where shall I begin?"

"We know just the place, sir. Please, follow me" Jacob exclaimed, as he walked towards his jeep, and soon enough, comfy SUV's arrived to pick up the group, with bulletproof bodystyle.
JJKab said:
"Aight.... We're hailing from the Republic of Poland! We're not seeking any harm to you. We want to speak with your ruler, if that's possible"
The speakers mounted on planes started transmitting the squadron leader's voice, as they flew over the AA guns, noticing they were pointed right at them

"That's all we want"
A young Union corporal speaks through a megaphone, his voice mired with a heavy Russian accent, "land or no negotiations can occur, Pole!"
Pat said:
A young Union corporal speaks through a megaphone, his voice mired with a heavy Russian accent, "land or no negotiations can occur, Pole!"
The planes began slowing down, as their request for landing has been met. They landed at Moscov's airport, and got out of their planes, with their guns ready.

"We've landed. Now please, take us to your leader." The leader of the squadron said, looking around
JJKab said:
The planes began slowing down, as their request for landing has been met. They landed at Moscov's airport, and got out of their planes, with their guns ready.
"We've landed. Now please, take us to your leader." The leader of the squadron said, looking around
The Corporal laughs through the filter as the pilots begin to redden and cough from the thin, vile air, his soldiers rushing over with gas masks as the Polish pilots black out...
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After few hours, the leader of the squqdron began waking up, soon noticing that he was tied up, as well as gagged. He was located in a room with a woman, a man and few soldiers wearing Specnaz uniforms. He looked over them, with a frightened look.

Pat said:
The Corporal laughs through the filter as the pilots begin to redden and cough from the thin, vile air, his soldiers rushing over with gas masks as the Polish pilots black out...

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